Exemplo n.º 1
void ConvertGtp::readColumnEffects(vector<TabTrack>::iterator &trk, int x)
	char fx_bitmask1 = 0, fx_bitmask2 = 0, num;

	fx_bitmask1 = readChar();
	if (versionMajor >= 4) {
		fx_bitmask2 = readChar();
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "column-wide fx: " << (int) fx_bitmask1 << "/" << (int) fx_bitmask2 << "\n";
	} else {
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "column-wide fx: " << (int) fx_bitmask1 << "\n";

	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x20) {      // GREYFIX: string torture
		num = readChar();
		switch (num) {
		case 0:                    // GREYFIX: tremolo bar
			if (versionMajor < 4)  readDelphiInteger();
		case 1:                    // GREYFIX: tapping
			if (versionMajor < 4)  readDelphiInteger(); // ?
		case 2:                    // GREYFIX: slapping
			if (versionMajor < 4)  readDelphiInteger(); // ?
		case 3:                    // GREYFIX: popping
			if (versionMajor < 4)  readDelphiInteger(); // ?
			throw string("Unknown string torture effect: %1");
	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x04) {      // GP3 column-wide natural harmonic
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "GP3 column-wide natural harmonic\n";
		for (int y = 0; y < trk->strings; y++)
			trk->c[x].e[y] |= EFFECT_HARMONIC;
	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x08) {      // GP3 column-wide artificial harmonic
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "GP3 column-wide artificial harmonic\n";
		for (int y = 0; y < trk->strings; y++)
			trk->c[x].e[y] |= EFFECT_ARTHARM;
	if (fx_bitmask2 & 0x04)
		readChromaticGraph(trk->c[x]);  // GREYFIX: tremolo graph
	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x40) {
		num = readChar();      // GREYFIX: down stroke length
		num = readChar();      // GREYFIX: up stroke length
	if (fx_bitmask2 & 0x02) {
		num = readChar();      // GREYFIX: stroke pick direction
	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x01) {      // GREYFIX: GP3 column-wide vibrato
	if (fx_bitmask1 & 0x02) {      // GREYFIX: GP3 column-wide wide vibrato (="tremolo" in GP3)
Exemplo n.º 2
void ConvertGtp::readChromaticGraph()
	Q_UINT8 num;
	int n;

	// GREYFIX: currently just skips over chromatic graph
	(*stream) >> num;                        // icon
	readDelphiInteger();                     // shown amplitude
	n = readDelphiInteger();                 // number of points
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		readDelphiInteger();                 // time
		readDelphiInteger();                 // pitch
		(*stream) >> num;                    // vibrato
Exemplo n.º 3
void ConvertGtp::readSongAttributes()
	QString s;

	Q_UINT8 num;

	currentStage = QString("readSongAttributes: song->info");

	song->info["TITLE"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["SUBTITLE"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["ARTIST"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["ALBUM"] = readDelphiString();
	if (versionMajor >= 5)
		song->info["LYRICIST"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["COMPOSER"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["COPYRIGHT"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["TRANSCRIBER"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["INSTRUCTIONS"] = readDelphiString();

	// Notice lines
	currentStage = QString("readSongAttributes: notice lines");
	song->info["COMMENTS"] = "";
	int n = readDelphiInteger();
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		song->info["COMMENTS"] += readDelphiString() + "\n";

	if (versionMajor <= 4) {
		currentStage = QString("readSongAttributes: shuffle rhythm feel");
		(*stream) >> num;                // GREYFIX: Shuffle rhythm feel
Exemplo n.º 4
QString ConvertGtp::readDelphiString()
	QString str;
	Q_UINT8 l;
	char *c;

	int maxl = readDelphiInteger();
	if (stream->device()->atEnd())  throw QString("readDelphiString: EOF");
	(*stream) >> l;

	if (maxl != l + 1)  throw QString("readDelphiString: first word doesn't match second byte");

	c = (char *) malloc(l + 5);

	if (stream->device()->size() - stream->device()->pos() < l) {
		throw QString("readDelphiString: not enough bytes to read %1 byte string").arg(l);

	if (c) {
		stream->readRawBytes(c, l);
		c[l] = 0;
		str = QString::fromLocal8Bit(c);

	return str;
Exemplo n.º 5
void ConvertGtp::readTrackDefaults()
	char t[1];
	char num, volume, pan, chorus, reverb, phase, tremolo;
	currentStage = string("readTrackDefaults");

	for (int i = 0; i < TRACK_MAX_NUMBER * 2; i++) {
		trackPatch[i] = readDelphiInteger(); // MIDI Patch
		volume = readChar();
		pan = readChar();                    // GREYFIX: pan
		chorus = readChar();                 // GREYFIX: chorus
		reverb = readChar();                 // GREYFIX: reverb
		phase = readChar();                 // GREYFIX: phase
		tremolo = readChar();                // GREYFIX: tremolo
		/*osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "=== TrackDefaults: " << i <<
			" (patch=" << trackPatch[i] <<
			" vol=" << (int) volume <<
			" p=" << (int) pan <<
			" c=" << (int) chorus <<
			" ph=" << (int) phase <<
			" tr=" << (int) tremolo << "\n";
		num = readChar();                    // 2 byte padding: must be 00 00
		if (num != 0)  ;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "1 of 2 byte padding: there is %1, must be 0\n" << num;
		num = readChar();
		if (num != 0)  ;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "2 of 2 byte padding: there is %1, must be 0\n" << num;
Exemplo n.º 6
string ConvertGtp::readDelphiString()
	string str;
	char l;
	char *c;

	int maxl = readDelphiInteger();
	if (stream.eof())  
		throw string("readDelphiString: EOF");

	l = readChar();

	if (maxl != l + 1)  
		throw string("readDelphiString: first word doesn't match second byte");

	c = (char *) malloc(l + 5);

	//if (stream.device()->size() - stream.tellg() < l) {
	//	throw string("readDelphiString: not enough bytes to read %1 byte string").arg(l);

	if (c) {
		stream.read(c, l);
		c[l] = 0;
		str = string(c);

	return str;
Exemplo n.º 7
void ConvertGtp::readChromaticGraph(TabColumn &col)
	char num;
	int n;

	int t, p;

	// GREYFIX: currently just skips over chromatic graph
	num = readChar();                        // icon
	readDelphiInteger();                     // shown amplitude
	n = readDelphiInteger();                 // number of points
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		t = readDelphiInteger();                 // time
		p = readDelphiInteger();                 // pitch
		if(p % 50 == 0)
		num = readChar();                    // vibrato
Exemplo n.º 8
void ConvertGtp::readChord(vector<TabTrack>::iterator &trk, int x)
	int x1, x2, x3, x4;
	char num;
	string text;
	char garbage[50];
	// GREYFIX: currently just skips over chord diagram

	// GREYFIX: chord diagram
	x1 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x1 != 257)
		;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord INT1=" << x1 << ", not 257\n";
	x2 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x2 != 0)
		;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord INT2=" << x2 << ", not 0\n";
	x3 = readDelphiInteger();
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord INT3: " << x3 << "\n"; // FF FF FF FF if there is diagram
	x4 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x4 != 0)
		;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord INT4=" << x4 << ", not 0\n";
	num = readChar();
	if (num != 0)
		;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord BYTE5=" << (int) num << ", not 0\n";
	text = readPascalString(25);
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Chord diagram: " << text << "\n";
	// Chord diagram parameters - for every string
	for (int i = 0; i < STRING_MAX_NUMBER; i++) {
		x1 = readDelphiInteger();
		trk->c[x].a[i] = x1;
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << x1 << "\n";
	// Unknown bytes
	stream.read(garbage, 36);

	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "after chord, position: " << stream.tellg() << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 9
void ConvertGtp::readChord()
	int x1, x2, x3, x4;
	Q_UINT8 num;
	QString text;
	char garbage[50];
	// GREYFIX: currently just skips over chord diagram

	// GREYFIX: chord diagram
	x1 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x1 != 257)
		kdWarning() << "Chord INT1=" << x1 << ", not 257\n";
	x2 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x2 != 0)
		kdWarning() << "Chord INT2=" << x2 << ", not 0\n";
	x3 = readDelphiInteger();
	kdDebug() << "Chord INT3: " << x3 << "\n"; // FF FF FF FF if there is diagram
	x4 = readDelphiInteger();
	if (x4 != 0)
		kdWarning() << "Chord INT4=" << x4 << ", not 0\n";
	(*stream) >> num;
	if (num != 0)
		kdWarning() << "Chord BYTE5=" << (int) num << ", not 0\n";
	text = readPascalString(25);
	kdDebug() << "Chord diagram: " << text << "\n";

	// Chord diagram parameters - for every string
	for (int i = 0; i < STRING_MAX_NUMBER; i++) {
		x1 = readDelphiInteger();
		kdDebug() << x1 << "\n";

	// Unknown bytes
	stream->readRawBytes(garbage, 36);

	kdDebug() << "after chord, position: " << stream->device()->pos() << "\n";
Exemplo n.º 10
QString ConvertGtp::readWordPascalString()
	QString str;
	char *c;

	int l = readDelphiInteger();

	c = (char *) malloc(l + 5);

	if (c) {
		stream->readRawBytes(c, l);
		c[l] = 0;
		str = QString::fromLocal8Bit(c);

	return str;
Exemplo n.º 11
string ConvertGtp::readWordPascalString()
	string str;
	char *c;

	int l = readDelphiInteger();

	c = (char *) malloc(l + 5);

	if (c) {
		stream.read(c, l);
		c[l] = 0;
		str = string(c);

	return str;
Exemplo n.º 12
void ConvertGtp::readSongAttributes()
	string s;

	char num;

	currentStage = string("readSongAttributes: song->info");

	song->info["TITLE"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["SUBTITLE"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["ARTIST"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["ALBUM"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["COMPOSER"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["COPYRIGHT"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["TRANSCRIBER"] = readDelphiString();
	song->info["INSTRUCTIONS"] = readDelphiString();

	// Notice lines
	currentStage = string("readSongAttributes: notice lines");
	song->info["COMMENTS"] = "";
	int n = readDelphiInteger();
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		song->info["COMMENTS"] += readDelphiString() + "\n";

	currentStage = string("readSongAttributes: shuffle rhythm feel");
	num = readChar();                        // GREYFIX: Shuffle rhythm feel

	if (versionMajor >= 4) {
		currentStage = string("readSongAttributes: lyrics");
		// Lyrics
		num = readDelphiInteger();                     // GREYFIX: Lyric track number start
		for (int i = 0; i < LYRIC_LINES_MAX_NUMBER; i++) {
			num = readDelphiInteger();                 // GREYFIX: Start from bar
			readWordPascalString();              // GREYFIX: Lyric line

	currentStage = string("readSongAttributes: tempo");
	song->tempo = readDelphiInteger();       // Tempo
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "tempo: " << song->tempo << "\n";

	int oct = -1;
	if (versionMajor >= 4) {
		num = readChar();                // GREYFIX: key
		oct = readDelphiInteger();             // GREYFIX: octave
	} else {
		readDelphiInteger();             // GREYFIX: key
Exemplo n.º 13
TabSong* ConvertGtp::load(string fileName)
	stream.open(fileName.c_str() , ios::binary);
		return NULL;

	int size = stream.tellg();

	try {
		song = new TabSong();


		//char st[50];
		//stream.read(st, 50);

	 	numBars = readDelphiInteger();           // Number of bars
		if (numBars <= 0 || (strongChecks && numBars > 16384))  
			throw string("Insane number of bars: %1");
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Bars: " << numBars << "\n";

	 	numTracks = readDelphiInteger();         // Number of tracks
		if (numTracks <= 0 || (strongChecks && numTracks > 32))  
			throw string("Insane number of tracks: %1");
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Tracks: " << numTracks << "\n";


		currentStage = string("Exit code");
		if (stream.eof()) {
			int ex = readDelphiInteger();            // Exit code: 00 00 00 00
			if (ex != 0)
				;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "File not ended with 00 00 00 00\n";
			if (!stream.eof())
				;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "File not ended - there's more data!\n";
	catch (string msg) 
		//osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Error loading Tab: " << msg;
		return NULL;
	catch ( exception e )
		//osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Error loading Tab: " << e.what();
		return NULL;


	return song;
Exemplo n.º 14
void ConvertGtp::readTabs()
	char beat_bitmask, strings, num;
	char length, volume, pan, chorus, reverb, phase, tremolo;
	int x;

	currentStage = string("readTabs");

	vector<TabTrack>::iterator trk = song->t.begin();
	for (int tr = 0; tr < numTracks; tr++) {

	for (int j = 0; j < numBars; j++) {
		for (trk = song->t.begin(); trk != song->t.end(); trk++) {
			int numBeats = readDelphiInteger();
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "TRACK " << tr << ", BAR " << j << ", numBeats " << numBeats << " (position: " << stream.tellg() << ")\n";

			if (numBeats < 0 || (strongChecks && numBeats > 128))  
				throw string("Track %1, bar %2, insane number of beats: %3");

			x = trk->c.size();
			trk->c.resize(trk->c.size() + numBeats);
			trk->b[j].time1 = bars[j].time1;
			trk->b[j].time2 = bars[j].time2;
			trk->b[j].keysig = bars[j].keysig;
			trk->b[j].start = x;
			trk->b[j].notes = numBeats;
			trk->b[j].tempo = -1;
			trk->b[j].begin = bars[j].begin;
			trk->b[j].end = bars[j].end;

			for (int k = 0; k < numBeats; k++) {
				trk->c[x].flags = 0;

				beat_bitmask = readChar();   // beat bitmask
				if (beat_bitmask & 0x01)     // dotted column
					trk->c[x].flags |= FLAG_DOT;

				if (beat_bitmask & 0x40) {
					num = readChar();        // GREYFIX: pause_kind

				// Guitar Pro 4 beat lengths are as following:
				// -2 = 1    => 480     3-l = 5  2^(3-l)*15
				// -1 = 1/2  => 240           4
				//  0 = 1/4  => 120           3
				//  1 = 1/8  => 60            2
				//  2 = 1/16 => 30 ... etc    1
				//  3 = 1/32 => 15            0

				length = readChar();            // length
				//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "beat_bitmask: " << (int) beat_bitmask << "; length: " << length << "\n";

				float len = 1.0f / (1 << (2 + length));
				trk->c[x].l = len;

				if (beat_bitmask & 0x20) {
					int tuple = readDelphiInteger();
					//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Tuple: " << tuple << "\n"; // GREYFIX: t for tuples
					if (!(tuple == 3 || (tuple >= 5 && tuple <= 7) || (tuple >= 9 && tuple <= 13)))  
						throw string("Insane tuple t: %1");
				if (beat_bitmask & 0x02)     // Chord diagram
					readChord(trk, x);

				if (beat_bitmask & 0x04) {

				// GREYFIX: column-wide effects
				if (beat_bitmask & 0x08)
					readColumnEffects(trk, x);

				if (beat_bitmask & 0x10) {     // mixer variations
					num = readChar();          // GREYFIX: new MIDI patch
					volume = readChar();       // GREYFIX: new
					pan = readChar();          // GREYFIX: new
					chorus = readChar();       // GREYFIX: new
					reverb = readChar();       // GREYFIX: new
					phase = readChar();        // GREYFIX: new
					tremolo = readChar();      // GREYFIX: new
					int tempo = readDelphiInteger(); // GREYFIX: new tempo

					trk->b[j].tempo = tempo;

					// GREYFIX: transitions
					if (volume != -1)   num = readChar();
					if (pan != -1)      num = readChar();
					if (chorus != -1)   num = readChar();
					if (reverb != -1)   num = readChar();
					if (tremolo != -1)  num = readChar();
					if (tempo != -1)    num = readChar();

					if (versionMajor >= 4) {
						num = readChar();          // bitmask: what should be applied to all tracks

				strings = readChar();          // used strings mask
				for (int y = STRING_MAX_NUMBER - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
					trk->c[x].e[y] = 0;
					trk->c[x].a[y] = NULL_NOTE;
					if (strings & (1 << (y + STRING_MAX_NUMBER - trk->strings)))
						readNote(trk, x, y);
				// Dump column
				string tmp = "";
				for (int y = 0; y <= trk->strings; y++) {
					if (trk->c[x].a[y] == NULL_NOTE) {
						tmp += ".";
					} else {
						tmp += '0' + trk->c[x].a[y];
				//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "[" << tmp << "]\n";
Exemplo n.º 15
void ConvertGtp::readTrackProperties()
	char num = readChar();
	int i;
	int strings, midiChannel2, capo, color;

	while(stream.peek() == 0)

	char tmp[256];
	//stream.read(tmp, 256);

	currentStage = string("readTrackProperties");
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "readTrackProperties(): start\n";

	for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) 
			num = readChar();                    // GREYFIX: simulations bitmask
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Simulations: " << num << "\n";

		TabTrack *trk = new TabTrack(TabTrack::FretTab, "", 0, 0, 0, 6, 24);

		trk->name = readPascalString(40);    // Track name
		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "Track: " << trk->name << "\n";

		// Tuning information

		//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "pos: " << stream.tellg() << "\n";

		strings = readDelphiInteger();
		if (strings <= 0 || strings > STRING_MAX_NUMBER)  
			throw string("Track %1: insane # of strings (%2)\n");
		trk->strings = strings;

		// Parse [0..string-1] with real string tune data in reverse order
		for (int j = trk->strings - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
			trk->tune[j] = readDelphiInteger();
			if (trk->tune[j] > 127)  
				throw string("Track %1: insane tuning on string %2 = %3\n");

		// Throw out the other useless garbage in [string..MAX-1] range
		for (int j = trk->strings; j < STRING_MAX_NUMBER; j++)

		// GREYFIX: auto flag here?

		readDelphiInteger();                 // GREYFIX: MIDI port
		trk->channel = readDelphiInteger();  // MIDI channel 1
		midiChannel2 = readDelphiInteger();  // GREYFIX: MIDI channel 2
		trk->frets = readDelphiInteger();    // Frets
		capo = readDelphiInteger();          // GREYFIX: Capo
		color = readDelphiInteger();         // GREYFIX: Color

		/*osg::notify(osg::INFO) <<
			"MIDI #" << trk->channel << "/" << (int) midiChannel2 << ", " <<
			(int) trk->strings << " strings, " <<
			(int) trk->frets << " frets, capo " <<
			capo << "\n";
		if (trk->frets <= 0 || (strongChecks && trk->frets > 100))  
			throw string("Track %1: insane number of frets (%2)\n");
		if (trk->channel > 16)  
			throw string("Track %1: insane MIDI channel 1 (%2)\n");
		if (midiChannel2 < 0 || midiChannel2 > 16) 
			throw string("Track %1: insane MIDI channel 2 (%2)\n");

		// Fill remembered values from defaults
		trk->patch = trackPatch[i];

	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "readTrackProperties(): end\n";
Exemplo n.º 16
void ConvertGtp::readBarProperties()
	char bar_bitmask, num;

	int time1 = 4;
	int time2 = 4;
	int keysig = 0;
	string text = "";


	currentStage = string("readBarProperties");
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "readBarProperties(): start\n";

	for (int i = 0; i < numBars; i++) 
		bool begin = false;
		int end = 0;

		bar_bitmask = readChar();                   // bar property bitmask
		if (bar_bitmask != 0)
			;//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "BAR #" << i << " - flags " << (int) bar_bitmask << "\n";
		// GREYFIX: new_time_numerator
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x01) {
			num = readChar();
			time1 = num;
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "new time1 signature: " << time1 << ":" << time2 << "\n";
		// GREYFIX: new_time_denominator
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x02) {
			num = readChar();
			time2 = num;
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "new time2 signature: " << time1 << ":" << time2 << "\n";
		// GREYFIX: begin repeat
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x04) {
			begin = true;
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "begin repeat\n";
		// GREYFIX: number_of_repeats
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x08) {
			num = readChar();
			end = num;
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "end repeat " << (int) num << "x\n";
		// GREYFIX: alternative_ending_to
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x10) {
			num = readChar();
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "alternative ending to " << (int) num << "\n";
		// GREYFIX: new section
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x20) {
			text = readDelphiString();
			readDelphiInteger(); // color?
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "new section: " << text << "\n";
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x40) {
			num = readChar();                // GREYFIX: alterations_number
			keysig = num;
			num = readChar();                // GREYFIX: minor
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "new key signature (" << keysig << ", " << num << ")\n";
		// GREYFIX: double bar
		if (bar_bitmask & 0x80) {
			//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "double bar\n";

		bars[i].start = 0;
		bars[i].time1 = time1;
		bars[i].time2 = time1;
		bars[i].keysig = keysig;
		bars[i].section = text;
		bars[i].begin = begin;
		bars[i].end = end;
	//osg::notify(osg::INFO) << "readBarProperties(): end\n";