Exemplo n.º 1
int readCommonSparseComplexMatrix(int _iDatasetId, int _iComplex, int _iRows, int _iCols, int _iNbItem, int *_piNbItemRow, int *_piColPos, double *_pdblReal, double *_pdblImg)
    hid_t obj = 0;
    hobj_ref_t pRef[3] = {0};
    herr_t status;

     * Read the data.
    status = H5Dread(_iDatasetId, H5T_STD_REF_OBJ, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, pRef);
    if (status < 0)
        return -1;

    //read Row data
    obj = H5Rdereference(_iDatasetId, H5R_OBJECT, &pRef[0]);
    status = readInteger32Matrix(obj, _piNbItemRow);
    if (status < 0)
        return -1;

    //read cols data
    obj = H5Rdereference(_iDatasetId, H5R_OBJECT, &pRef[1]);
    status = readInteger32Matrix(obj, _piColPos);
    if (status < 0)
        return -1;

    //read sparse data
    obj = H5Rdereference(_iDatasetId, H5R_OBJECT, &pRef[2]);

    if (_iComplex)
        status = readDoubleComplexMatrix(obj, _pdblReal, _pdblImg);
        status = readDoubleMatrix(obj, _pdblReal);

    if (status < 0)
        return -1;

    status = H5Dclose(_iDatasetId);
    if (status < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int readComplexPoly(int _iDatasetId, int *_piNbCoef, double **_pdblReal, double **_pdblImg)
    int iComplex = 0;
    int iSize = 0;
    int iDims = 0;
    //Get the datatype and its size.

    iSize = getDatasetInfo(_iDatasetId, &iComplex, &iDims, _piNbCoef);

    //Allocate space for string data.
    *_pdblReal = (double *)MALLOC(*_piNbCoef * sizeof(double));
    *_pdblImg = (double *)MALLOC(*_piNbCoef * sizeof(double));

    //Read the data and return result.
    return readDoubleComplexMatrix(_iDatasetId, *_pdblReal, *_pdblImg);
Exemplo n.º 3
static types::InternalType* import_double(int dataset)
    int complex = 0;
    int dims = 0;
    int ret = getDatasetInfo(dataset, &complex, &dims, NULL);
    if (ret < 0)
        return nullptr;

    std::vector<int> d(dims);
    int size = getDatasetInfo(dataset, &complex, &dims, d.data());

    if (dims == 0 || size <= 0)
        return types::Double::Empty();

    types::Double* dbl = new types::Double(dims, d.data(), complex == 1);

    double* real = dbl->get();
    double* img = dbl->getImg();

    if (complex)
        readDoubleComplexMatrix(dataset, real, img);
        readDoubleMatrix(dataset, real);
    return dbl;
Exemplo n.º 4
static bool import_double(int* pvCtx, int _iDatasetId, int _iItemPos, int *_piAddress, char *_pstVarname)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int iRet = 0;
    double *pdblReal = NULL;
    double *pdblImg = NULL;
    int iDims = 0;
    int* piDims = NULL;
    int iComplex = 0;
    int iSize = 0;

    iRet = getDatasetInfo(_iDatasetId, &iComplex, &iDims, NULL);
    if (iRet < 0)
        return false;

    if (iDims)
        if (iDims > 2)
            return false;

        piDims = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * iDims);
        iSize = getDatasetInfo(_iDatasetId, &iComplex, &iDims, piDims);

        if (iSize > 0)
            pdblReal = (double *)MALLOC(iSize * sizeof(double));

            if (iComplex)
                pdblImg = (double *)MALLOC(iSize * sizeof(double));
                iRet = readDoubleComplexMatrix(_iDatasetId, pdblReal, pdblImg);
                iRet = readDoubleMatrix(_iDatasetId, pdblReal);

            //to be sure ti have 2 dims
            if (iDims == 1)
                piDims = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * 2);
                piDims[0] = 1;
                piDims[1] = iSize;

    if (iDims == 0 || iSize == 0) //empty matrix
        if (piDims)

        /*bug 7224 : to close dataset */
        iRet = readEmptyMatrix(_iDatasetId);
        if (iRet)
            return false;

        // Hack to sure that piDims will not be null at line 372.
        iDims = 2;
        piDims = (int*)MALLOC(sizeof(int) * iDims);
        memset(piDims, 0, sizeof(int) * iDims);
        pdblReal = (double*)MALLOC(sizeof(double) * 1);
        pdblReal[0] = 0;
        iComplex = 0;

    if (_piAddress == NULL)
        if (iComplex)
            sciErr = createNamedComplexMatrixOfDouble(pvCtx, _pstVarname, piDims[0], piDims[1], pdblReal, pdblImg);
            sciErr = createNamedMatrixOfDouble(pvCtx, _pstVarname, piDims[0], piDims[1], pdblReal);
    else //if not null this variable is in a list
        if (iComplex)
            sciErr = createComplexMatrixOfDoubleInNamedList(pvCtx, _pstVarname, _piAddress, _iItemPos, piDims[0], piDims[1], pdblReal, pdblImg);
            sciErr = createMatrixOfDoubleInNamedList(pvCtx, _pstVarname, _piAddress, _iItemPos, piDims[0], piDims[1], pdblReal);

    if (iComplex)

    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
static types::InternalType* import_sparse(int dataset)
    types::Sparse* sp = nullptr;
    //get sparse dimensions
    int complex = 0;
    std::vector<int> pdims;
    int size = getDimsNode(dataset, &complex, pdims);

    //get non zeros count
    int nnz = 0;
    int datannz = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__nnz__");
    readInteger32Matrix(datannz, &nnz);

    if (nnz == 0)
        return new types::Sparse(pdims[0], pdims[1]);

    //get inner vector
    int datain = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__inner__");
    int dimin = 0;
    int sizein = getDatasetInfo(datain, &complex, &dimin, NULL);
    std::vector<int> dimsin(dimin);
    sizein = getDatasetInfo(datain, &complex, &dimin, dimsin.data());
    if (sizein < 0)
        return nullptr;

    std::vector<int> in(sizein);
    int ret = readInteger32Matrix(datain, in.data());
    if (ret < 0)
        return nullptr;

    //get outer vector
    int dataout = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__outer__");
    int dimout = 0;
    int sizeout = getDatasetInfo(dataout, &complex, &dimout, NULL);
    std::vector<int> dimsout(dimout);
    sizeout = getDatasetInfo(dataout, &complex, &dimout, dimsout.data());
    if (sizeout < 0)
        return nullptr;

    std::vector<int> out(sizeout);
    ret = readInteger32Matrix(dataout, out.data());
    if (ret < 0)
        return nullptr;

    //get data
    int ddata = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__data__");
    int dimdata = 0;
    int sizedata = getDatasetInfo(ddata, &complex, &dimdata, NULL);
    std::vector<int> dimsdata(dimdata);
    sizedata = getDatasetInfo(ddata, &complex, &dimdata, dimsdata.data());
    if (sizedata < 0)
        return nullptr;

    std::vector<double> real(sizedata);

    if (complex)
        std::vector<double> img(sizedata);
        ret = readDoubleComplexMatrix(ddata, real.data(), img.data());
        if (ret < 0)
            return nullptr;

        sp = new types::Sparse(pdims[0], pdims[1], nnz, in.data(), out.data(), real.data(), img.data());
        ret = readDoubleMatrix(ddata, real.data());
        if (ret < 0)
            return nullptr;

        sp = new types::Sparse(pdims[0], pdims[1], nnz, in.data(), out.data(), real.data(), nullptr);

    return sp;
Exemplo n.º 6
static types::InternalType* import_poly(int dataset)
    //get poly dims node
    int complex = 0;
    std::vector<int> pdims;
    int size = getDimsNode(dataset, &complex, pdims);

    //get variable name
    char* var = NULL;
    int varname = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__varname__");
    readStringMatrix(varname, &var);
    wchar_t* wvar = to_wide_string(var);
    std::wstring wvarname(wvar);
    freeStringMatrix(varname, &var);

    types::Polynom* p = new types::Polynom(wvarname, static_cast<int>(pdims.size()), pdims.data());
    types::SinglePoly** pss = p->get();

    //open __refs__ node
    int refs = getDataSetIdFromName(dataset, "__refs__");
    size = p->getSize();

    //loop on children
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        //forge name
        std::string polyname(std::to_string(i));
        int poly = getDataSetIdFromName(refs, polyname.data());

        //get dims
        complex = 0;
        int dims = 0;
        int ret = getDatasetInfo(poly, &complex, &dims, NULL);
        if (ret < 0)
            return nullptr;

        std::vector<int> d(dims);
        int datasize = getDatasetInfo(poly, &complex, &dims, d.data());

        types::SinglePoly* ss = NULL;

        //get coef
        if (dims == 0 || datasize <= 0)
            ss = new types::SinglePoly();
        else if (complex)
            double* real = NULL;
            double* img = NULL;
            //create singlepoly
            ss = new types::SinglePoly(&real, &img, datasize - 1);
            readDoubleComplexMatrix(poly, real, img);
            double* real = NULL;
            ss = new types::SinglePoly(&real, datasize - 1);
            readDoubleMatrix(poly, real);

        pss[i] = ss;

    return p;