Exemplo n.º 1
void Script::o_sub() {
	uint16 varnum1 = readScript8or16bits();
	uint16 varnum2 = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "SUB var[0x%04X] -= var[0x%04X]", varnum1, varnum2);

	setVariable(varnum1, _variables[varnum1] - _variables[varnum2]);
Exemplo n.º 2
void Script::o_add() {
	uint16 varnum1 = readScript8or16bits();
	uint16 varnum2 = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "ADD var[0x%04X] += var[0x%04X]", varnum1, varnum2);

	setVariable(varnum1, _variables[varnum1] + _variables[varnum2]);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Script::o_mov() {
	uint16 varnum1 = readScript8or16bits();
	uint16 varnum2 = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "MOV var[0x%04X] = var[0x%04X]", varnum1, varnum2);

	setVariable(varnum1, _variables[varnum2]);
Exemplo n.º 4
void Script::o_hotspot_slot() {
	uint16 slot = readScript8bits();
	uint16 left = readScript16bits();
	uint16 top = readScript16bits();
	uint16 right = readScript16bits();
	uint16 bottom = readScript16bits();
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();
	uint16 cursor = readScript8bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "HOTSPOT-SLOT %d (%d,%d,%d,%d) @0x%04X cursor=%d (TODO)", slot, left, top, right, bottom, address, cursor);

	Common::Rect rect(left, top, right, bottom);
	if (hotspot(rect, address, cursor)) {
		if (_hotspotSlot == slot) {

		Common::Rect topbar(640, 80);
		Graphics::Surface *gamescreen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();

		// Clear the top bar
		gamescreen->fillRect(topbar, 0);

		printString(gamescreen, _saveNames[slot].c_str());


		// Save the currently highlighted slot
		_hotspotSlot = slot;
	} else {
		if (_hotspotSlot == slot) {
			Common::Rect topbar(640, 80);

			Graphics::Surface *gamescreen;
			gamescreen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();

			gamescreen->fillRect(topbar, 0);


			// Removing the slot highlight
			_hotspotSlot = (uint16)-1;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Script::o_hotspotbottom_4() {	//0x30
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "HOTSPOT-BOTTOM @0x%04X", address);

	// Mark the 80 pixels under the game area
	Common::Rect rect(0, 400, 640, 480);
	hotspot(rect, address, 4);
Exemplo n.º 6
void Script::o_playsong() {			// 0x02
	uint16 fileref = readScript16bits();
	debugScript(1, true, "PlaySong(0x%04X): Play xmidi file", fileref);
	if (fileref == 0x4C17) {
		warning("this song is special somehow");
		// don't save the reference?
Exemplo n.º 7
void Script::o_hotspot_left() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "HOTSPOT-LEFT @0x%04X", address);

	// Mark the leftmost 100 pixels of the game area
	Common::Rect rect(0, 80, 100, 400);
	hotspot(rect, address, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
void Script::o_hotspot_right() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "HOTSPOT-RIGHT @0x%04X", address);

	// Mark the rightmost 100 pixels of the game area
	Common::Rect rect(540, 80, 640, 400);
	hotspot(rect, address, 2);
Exemplo n.º 9
void Script::o_hotspot_center() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "HOTSPOT-CENTER @0x%04X", address);

	// Mark the centremost 240 pixels of the game area
	Common::Rect rect(200, 80, 440, 400);
	hotspot(rect, address, 0);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Script::o_sethotspotbottom() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();
	uint8 cursor = readScript8bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "SETHOTSPOTBOTTOM @0x%04X cursor=%d", address, cursor);

	_hotspotBottomAction = address;
	_hotspotBottomCursor = cursor;
Exemplo n.º 11
void Script::o_hotspot_outrect() {
	uint16 left = readScript16bits();
	uint16 top = readScript16bits();
	uint16 right = readScript16bits();
	uint16 bottom = readScript16bits();
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "HOTSPOT-OUTRECT(%d,%d,%d,%d) @0x%04X (TODO)", left, top, right, bottom, address);

	// Test if the current mouse position is outside the specified rectangle
	Common::Rect rect(left, top, right, bottom);
	Common::Point mousepos = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();
	bool contained = rect.contains(mousepos);

	if (!contained) {
		error("hotspot-outrect unimplemented");
		// TODO: what to do with address?
Exemplo n.º 12
void Script::o_hotspot_current() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "HOTSPOT-CURRENT @0x%04X", address);

	// The original interpreter doesn't check the position, so accept the
	// whole screen
	Common::Rect rect(0, 0, 640, 480);
	hotspot(rect, address, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
void Script::o_swap() {
	uint16 varnum1 = readScript8or16bits();
	uint16 varnum2 = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "SWAP var[0x%04X] <-> var[0x%04X]", varnum1, varnum2);

	uint8 tmp = _variables[varnum1];
	setVariable(varnum1, _variables[varnum2]);
	setVariable(varnum2, tmp);
Exemplo n.º 14
void Script::o_copyrecttobg() {	// 0x37
	uint16 left = readScript16bits();
	uint16 top = readScript16bits();
	uint16 right = readScript16bits();
	uint16 bottom = readScript16bits();
	uint16 i, width = right - left, height = bottom - top;
	uint32 offset = 0;
	byte *fg, *bg;

	debugScript(1, true, "COPYRECT((%d,%d)->(%d,%d))", left, top, right, bottom);

	fg = (byte *)_vm->_graphicsMan->_foreground.getBasePtr(left, top - 80);
	bg = (byte *)_vm->_graphicsMan->_background.getBasePtr(left, top - 80);
	for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
		memcpy(bg + offset, fg + offset, width);
		offset += 640;
	_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen((byte *)_vm->_graphicsMan->_background.getBasePtr(left, top - 80), 640, left, top, width, height);
Exemplo n.º 15
void Script::o_call() {
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "CALL @0x%04X", address);

	// Save return address in the call stack
	_stack[_stacktop] = _currentInstruction;

	// Change the current instruction
	_currentInstruction = address;
Exemplo n.º 16
void Script::o_strcmpnejmp_var() {			// 0x21
	uint16 data = readScriptVar();

	if (data > 9) {
		data -= 7;
	data = _variables[data + 0x19];
	bool stringsmatch = 1;
	do {
		if (_variables[data++] != readScriptChar(true, true, true)) {
			stringsmatch = 0;
	} while (!(getCodeByte(_currentInstruction - 1) & 0x80));

	uint16 offset = readScript16bits();
	if (!stringsmatch) {
		_currentInstruction = offset;
Exemplo n.º 17
void Script::o_keyboardaction() {
	uint8 val = readScript8bits();
	uint16 address = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(5, true, "Test key == 0x%02X @0x%04X", val, address);

	// If there's an already planned action, do nothing
	if (_inputAction != -1) {

	// Check the typed key
	if (_kbdChar == val) {
		// Exit the input loop
		_inputLoopAddress = 0;

		// Save the action address
		_inputAction = address;
Exemplo n.º 18
void Script::o_videofromref() {			// 0x09
	uint16 fileref = readScript16bits();

	// Show the debug information just when starting the playback
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, false, "VIDEOFROMREF(0x%04X) (Not fully imp): Play video file from ref", fileref);
		debugC(5, kGroovieDebugVideo | kGroovieDebugAll, "Playing video 0x%04X via 0x09", fileref);
	switch (fileref) {
	case 0x1C03:	// Trilobyte logo
	case 0x1C04:	// Virgin logo
	case 0x1C05:	// Credits
		if (fileref != _videoRef) {
			debugScript(1, true, "Use external file if available");

	case 0x400D:	// floating objects in music room
	case 0x5060:	// a sound from gamwav?
	case 0x5098:	// a sound from gamwav?
	case 0x2402:	// House becomes book in intro?
	case 0x1426:	// Turn to face front in hall: played after intro
	case 0x206D:	// Cards on table puzzle (bedroom)
	case 0x2001:	// Coins on table puzzle (bedroom)
		if (fileref != _videoRef) {
			debugScript(1, false, " (This video is special somehow!)");
			warning("(This video (0x%04X) is special somehow!)", fileref);
	if (fileref != _videoRef) {
		debugScript(1, false, "\n");
	// Play the video
	if (!playvideofromref(fileref)) {
		// Move _currentInstruction back
		_currentInstruction -= 3;
Exemplo n.º 19
void Script::o_charlessjmp() {
	uint16 varnum = readScript8or16bits();
	uint8 result = 0;

	debugScript(1, false, "CHARLESS-JMP: var[0x%04X..],", varnum);
	do {
		uint8 val = readScriptChar(true, true, true);

		if (val > _variables[varnum]) {
			result = 1;
		debugScript(1, false, " 0x%02X", val);
	} while (!(getCodeByte(_currentInstruction - 1) & 0x80));

	uint16 address = readScript16bits();
	if (result) {
		debugScript(1, true, " jumping to @0x%04X", address);
		_currentInstruction = address;
	} else {
		debugScript(1, true, " not jumping");
Exemplo n.º 20
void Script::o_strcmpeqjmp() {			// 0x23
	uint16 varnum = readScript8or16bits();
	uint8 result = 1;

	debugScript(1, false, "STRCMP-EQJMP: var[0x%04X..],", varnum);
	do {
		uint8 val = readScriptChar(true, true, true);

		if (_variables[varnum] != val) {
			result = 0;
		debugScript(1, false, " 0x%02X", val);
	} while (!(getCodeByte(_currentInstruction - 1) & 0x80));

	uint16 address = readScript16bits();
	if (result) {
		debugScript(1, true, " jumping to @0x%04X", address);
		_currentInstruction = address;
	} else {
		debugScript(1, true, " not jumping");
Exemplo n.º 21
void Script::o2_copyscreentobg() {
	uint16 val = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "CopyScreenToBG3: 0x%04X", val);
	error("Unimplemented Opcode 0x4F");
Exemplo n.º 22
void Script::o2_copybgtoscreen() {
	uint16 val = readScript16bits();

	debugScript(1, true, "CopyBG3ToScreen: 0x%04X", val);
	error("Unimplemented Opcode 0x50");
Exemplo n.º 23
void Script::o_setbackgroundsong() {			// 0x08
	uint16 fileref = readScript16bits();
	debugScript(1, true, "SetBackgroundSong(0x%04X)", fileref);
Exemplo n.º 24
void Script::o2_setvideoskip() {
	_videoSkipAddress = readScript16bits();
	debugScript(1, true, "SetVideoSkip (0x%04X)", _videoSkipAddress);
Exemplo n.º 25
void Script::o_nop16() {
	uint16 tmp = readScript16bits();
	debugScript(1, true, "NOP16: 0x%04X", tmp);
Exemplo n.º 26
uint32 Script::readScript32bits() {
	uint16 lower = readScript16bits();
	uint16 upper = readScript16bits();
	return lower | (upper << 16);
Exemplo n.º 27
void Script::o2_setscriptend() {
	uint16 arg = readScript16bits();
	debugScript(1, true, "SetScriptEnd (0x%04X)", arg);