Exemplo n.º 1
void init(void) { 
	int i;
		spheres[i][0] = (rand()%600)-300;//XPOS
		spheres[i][1] = (rand()%600)-300;//YPOS
		spheres[i][2] = rand()%400;//ZPOS
		spheres[i][3] = rand()%20;//SIZE
		spheres[i][4] = (rand()%20);//SPEED
	MAXROT = 1.0/6.0*PI;
	glClearColor (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	pmodel = glmReadOBJ("city.obj");
	if (!pmodel) fprintf(stderr,"Cannot parse vase.obj");
	//glmUnitize(pmodel); // make model to fit in a unit cube
	glmFacetNormals(pmodel); // generate normals - is this needed?
	glmVertexNormals(pmodel, 90.0); // average joining normals - allow for hard edges.
	tmodel = glmReadOBJ("tower.obj");
	glmFacetNormals(tmodel); // generate normals - is this needed?
	glmVertexNormals(tmodel, 90.0); // average joining normals - allow for hard edges.
	glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
	glGenTextures(1, &front);
	glGenTextures(1, &top);
	glGenTextures(1, &left);
	glGenTextures(1, &right);
	glGenTextures(1, &back);
	glGenTextures(1, &fire);
	qsphere = gluNewQuadric();
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    unsigned numBlock;
    float begin, end;
    std::string ifile, ofile, tfile;
    float time_prec = .01;
    TopInfo info;
    double refh;

    po::options_description desc ("Allow options");
    ("help,h", "print this message")
    ("begin,b", po::value<float > (&begin)->default_value(0.f), "start time")
    ("end,e",   po::value<float > (&end  )->default_value(0.f), "end   time")
    ("block,n", po::value<unsigned > (&numBlock)->default_value(20), "number of block for averaging")
    ("refh,r", po::value<double > (&refh)->default_value(.1), "size of bin")
    ("top-file,t",po::value<std::string > (&tfile)->default_value ("mytop"), "topolgy of the system")
    ("output,o",  po::value<std::string > (&ofile)->default_value ("momentum.wave.dat"), "the output of count of h-bond")
    ("input,f",   po::value<std::string > (&ifile)->default_value ("traj.trr"), "the input .xtc file");

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
    po::notify (vm);
    if (vm.count("help")) {
        std::cout << desc<< "\n";
        return 0;
    if (vm.count("top-file")) {
        readTop (tfile, info);

    std::cout << "###################################################" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "# begin->end: " << begin << " " << end << std::endl;
    std::cout << "# block: " << numBlock << std::endl;
    std::cout << "# top file: " << tfile << std::endl;
    std::cout << "###################################################" << std::endl;

    TrajLoader_trr tjl (ifile.c_str(), info);

    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > ch4xx;
    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > ch4vv;
    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > ch4ff;
    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > h2o;
    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > h2ovv;
    std::vector<std::vector<ValueType > > h2off;

    std::vector<std::vector<double > > com;
    std::vector<double > mass (3);
    std::vector<double > moment_r;
    mass[info.OIndexH2o] = 16;
    mass[info.H1IndexH2o] = 1;
    mass[info.H2IndexH2o] = 1;
    double totalmass = mass[info.OIndexH2o] + mass[info.H1IndexH2o] + mass[info.H2IndexH2o];
    double boxSize[3];
    boxSize[0] = tjl.getBox().x;
    boxSize[1] = tjl.getBox().y;
    boxSize[2] = tjl.getBox().z;

    int countread = 0;

    MomentumWave dw;
    dw.reinit (refh, tjl.getBox());
    dw.initFile (ofile.c_str());

    while (true == tjl.load()) {
        float time = tjl.getTime();
        if (end != 0.f) {
            if (time < begin - time_prec) {
            else if (time > end + time_prec) {
        else {
            if (time < begin - time_prec) continue;
        if (countread++ % 1 == 0) {
            // printf ("# load frame at time: %.1f ps\r", time);
            fflush (stdout);

        tjl.formCoords (ch4xx, ch4vv, ch4ff, h2o, h2ovv, h2off);

        // cal coms
            com.resize (h2o.size() / info.numAtomOnH2o);
            moment_r.resize (h2o.size() / info.numAtomOnH2o);
            for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < h2o.size() / info.numAtomOnH2o; ++ii) {
                std::vector<double > composi(3, 0.);
                std::vector<double > comvelo(3, 0.);
                for (unsigned jj = 1; jj < 3; ++jj) {
                    for (unsigned dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
                        double diff = h2o[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+jj][dd] - h2o[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+0][dd];
                        if (diff > boxSize[dd] * 0.5) {
                            h2o[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+jj][dd] -= boxSize[dd];
                        else if (diff < -boxSize[dd] * 0.5) {
                            h2o[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+jj][dd] += boxSize[dd];
                for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < 3; ++jj) {
                    for (unsigned dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
                        composi[dd] += mass[jj] * h2o[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+jj][dd];
                        comvelo[dd] += mass[jj] * h2ovv[info.numAtomOnH2o*ii+jj][dd];
                for (unsigned dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
                    composi[dd] /= totalmass;
                std::vector<double > rr (composi);
                for (unsigned dd = 0; dd < 3; ++dd) {
                    rr[dd] -= boxSize[dd] * 0.5;
                double dr = rr[0] * rr[0] + rr[1] * rr[1] + rr[2] * rr[2];
                dr = sqrt(dr);
                rr[0] /= dr;
                rr[1] /= dr;
                rr[2] /= dr;
                com[ii] = composi;
                moment_r[ii] = comvelo[0] * rr[0] + comvelo[1] * rr[1] + comvelo[2] * rr[2];

        dw.calculate (time, com, moment_r);
        dw.clear ();

    return 0;