Exemplo n.º 1
int read_config_int_tab(char * name, char * table, char * tag, int * value)
    char 	buffer[500];


    erret(read_config_string(name, tag, buffer, sizeof(buffer)));

    erret(read_config_int(table, buffer, value));

Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int 				policy;
	struct 	sched_param param;
	pthread_attr_t 		attr;
	char				buffer[1024];
	int 				err;

	if(argc != 2) {
		printf("Useage: %s INSTANCE\n", AR_MODULE_NAME);

	memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
	erret(init_config(AR_MODULE_NAME, atoi(argv[1]), &config.base));
	erret(read_config_int(config.base.name, 	"PRIORITY", &config.priority));
	erret(read_config_int(config.base.name, 	"PRIORITY_DGPS_CORR_DATA", &config.priority_dgps_corr_data));
	erret(read_config_string(config.base.name,	"DEVICE", config.ser_device, sizeof(config.ser_device)));
	err = read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_IN_GPS_CORR", &config.queue_corr_data);
	if(err != 0) {
		erret(read_config_string(config.base.name,	"DEVICE_CORR_DATA_READ", config.ser_device_corr_data_read, sizeof(config.ser_device_corr_data_read)));
//		fprintf(stderr, "DGPS correction data from ser. device <%s>\n", config.ser_device_corr_data_read);
	} else {
//		fprintf(stderr, "DGPS correction data from queue <%d>\n", config.queue_corr_data);
	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	config.corr_mode = -1;
	erret(read_config_string(config.base.name,	"CORRECTION_MODE", buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
	if(strnicmp(buffer, "RTCA", strlen("RTCA")) == 0) {
		config.corr_mode = OEM4_RTCA_MODE;
	} else if(strnicmp(buffer, "RTCM", strlen("RTCM")) == 0) {
		config.corr_mode = OEM4_RTCM_MODE;
	} else {
		perrs(AR_ERR_BAD_INIT_PARAM, "Correction data mode not specified (RTCA | RTCM).");
	//	return(AR_ERR_BAD_INIT_PARAM);
	erret(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "SHM_INDEX", "SHM_OUT_GPS_POS",	&config.ishm_pos_out));
	erret(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "SHM_INDEX", "SHM_OUT_GPS_VEL",	&config.ishm_vel_out));
	if(read_config_int(config.base.name, "UTC_OFFSET", &config.utc_offset)) {
		config.utc_offset = 15;

	erret(SHM_InitSlot(config.ishm_pos_out, sizeof(gps_pos_novatel_t)));
	erret(SHM_InitSlot(config.ishm_vel_out, sizeof(gps_vel_novatel_t)));

	if(config.queue_corr_data != 0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 1));
	} else if (strlen(config.ser_device_corr_data_read)>0){
		erret(open_comport(&fd_corr_data_read, config.ser_device_corr_data_read, O_RDWR, 115200));

	erret(open_comport(&fd, config.ser_device, O_RDWR, 57600));
		struct termios 	termios_p;
		if(tcgetattr(fd, &termios_p)==0) {
			termios_p.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; // 2*0.1s = 0.2s
			termios_p.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
			tcsetattr(fd, TCSADRAIN, &termios_p);
		} else fprintf(stderr, "failed to set read timeout\n");

	//create thread for reading and writing of the correction data:
	ifret(pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	param.sched_priority = config.priority_dgps_corr_data;
	pthread_attr_init( &attr );
	ifret(pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	ifret(pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	ifret(pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	if(config.corr_mode == OEM4_RTCA_MODE) {
		ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_ROVER_RTCA, strlen(OEM4_INIT_ROVER_RTCA))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
		ifret(pthread_create(&pthreads[0], &attr, &corr_data_thread_func, NULL), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	} else if(config.corr_mode == OEM4_RTCM_MODE) {
		ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_ROVER_RTCM, strlen(OEM4_INIT_ROVER_RTCM))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
		ifret(pthread_create(&pthreads[0], &attr, &corr_data_thread_func, NULL), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	} else
		ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_ROVER_COM1, strlen(OEM4_INIT_ROVER_COM1))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
		printf("running without differential data\n");

	ifret(pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	param.sched_priority = config.priority;
	ifret(pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	while(1) {
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
// This callback is called for initialising the Simulink model by the RTW code
// It should contain all definitions of callbacks and configurations
// Its arguments argc and argv are passed on by the calling RTW main function
// The argc argument contains the number of strings contained in the argv pointer array
// The argv argument contains an array of pointers to strings
// The pointer argv[0] contains the program's name
// The pointers argv[1...] contain the arguments with which the process was started
int AR_MatlabRTW_Init_CB(int argc, const char *argv[])

  	// Define call back functions for the main loop
  	// The functions on the right are the generated by RTW
	// The handles on the left are used by the model's loop
	// See ar_matlab_rtw_int.c for more info
  	ar_model_initialize_cb	= airdata_sfl_initialize;
  	ar_model_step_cb 		= (void (*)(int_T))airdata_sfl_step;
  	ar_model_terminate_cb	= airdata_sfl_terminate;

  	// Define call back functions for updating of input/output signals
  	// The function on the right will be defined in this module
	// The handles on the left are used by the model's loop
	// See ar_matlab_rtw_int.c for more info
  	AR_UpdateInputs_CB 		= Airdata_SFL_UpdateInputs;
  	AR_UpdateOutputs_CB		= Airdata_SFL_UpdateOutputs;

  	// Define time constants
  	// The makros on the right are defined in the process' header file
  	// The variables on the left are used by the model's loop
	// See ar_matlab_rtw_int.c for more info
  	AR_CtrlPeriod 			= AR_AIRDATA_SFL_PERIOD;

  	// Check for number of arguments to the function:
  	// argv[0] should be program name
  	// argv[1] should be instance number
  	// There should be no more arguments...
	if(argc != 2)
		// perr sends a message to the system logger and outputs an error to the screen
		printf("Useage: %s INSTANCE\n", argv[0]);

	// init_config checks, that the config file is readable
	// and sets the name of the process to filename_instance
	// and sets the instance number of the process
	// It accepts a pointer to the filename char, an instance integer and a pointer to the base configuration
	erret(init_config((char*)"ar_airdata_sfl", atoi(argv[1]), &cfg.base));

	// Read the process' priority into the base configuration structure
	// read_config_int accepts:
	//  - the section name [some_process_INSTANCE]
	//  - the tag name     SOME_TAG_NAME = 12345
	//  - a pointer to the variable the data will be stored in
	erret(read_config_int(		cfg.base.name, 	"PRIORITY_DRIVER", 							(int*)&cfg.base.priority							));

	// Read the RTW priorities and ports into the appropriate global variables
	// The external mode port port must be unique within the system
	// See ar_matlab_rtw for more info
	erret(read_config_int(		cfg.base.name, 	"PRIORITY_RTW_CALC", 						&AR_CalcThreadPriority								));
	erret(read_config_int(		cfg.base.name, 	"PRIORITY_RTW_COMM", 						&AR_CommThreadPriority								));
	erret(read_config_int(		cfg.base.name, 	"EXT_MODE_PORT", 							&AR_ExtModePort										));

	// Read the device name of the airdata connection
	// read_config_string accepts the maximum length of the destination variable as an additional argument
	erret(read_config_string(	cfg.base.name, 	"DEVICE", 									cfg.ser_device, 			sizeof(cfg.ser_device)	));

	// Read the shared memory slots into the configuration structure
	// read_config_int_tab also accepts the section name for a table lookup.
	// The string value found for the actual tag will then be replaced with its value from the table section
	erret(read_config_int_tab(	cfg.base.name, 	"SHM_INDEX", 			"SHM_OUT_AIRDATA",	&cfg.shm_out_airdata									));
	erret(read_config_int_tab(	cfg.base.name, 	"SHM_INDEX", 			"SHM_OUT_TAS_ALPHA_BETA",	&cfg.shm_out_tas_alpha_beta	));
	erret(read_config_int_tab(cfg.base.name, "SHM_INDEX", "SHM_IN_CMD_NAV_FLAGS",&cfg.shm_in_cmd_nav_flags));

	// Initialize the shared memory module
	// SHM_Init initializes the internal slot table to null pointers

	// Initialize the modules shared memory slots
	// SHM_InitSlot initializes a shared memory slot and allocates the pointer in the slots table
	// Inputs: Slot number, data size
	erret(SHM_InitSlot(cfg.shm_out_airdata, sizeof(airdata_t)));
	erret(SHM_InitSlot(cfg.shm_out_tas_alpha_beta, sizeof(v3_t)));
	erret(SHM_InitSlot(cfg.shm_in_cmd_nav_flags, sizeof(ar_cmd_nav_flags_t)));

	// The private slots are used for inter-thread communication in this single process
	erret(SHM_Priv_InitSlot(AR_SHM_PRIV_SLOT_AIRDATA_SFL, sizeof(airdata_sfl_data_raw_t)));

	// This section starts the driver thread to be independent of the RTW thread
   		static pthread_attr_t 	attr;				// All attributes of a thread. Including scheduling policy and parameters
		static pthread_t		driver_thread;		// ID of the driver thread
		int 					policy;				// Scheduling policy identifier (when to use how much resources for which thread)
		struct sched_param 		param; 				// Scheduling parameters of a thread (to feed policy)

		// Read current thread's scheduling parameters as a starter config and set custom priority of the new thread
		ifret(pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
   		param.sched_priority = cfg.base.priority;

   		// Initialize an attributes structure and order the custom scheduling
   		pthread_attr_init( &attr );
   		ifret(	pthread_attr_setschedparam(		&attr, &param)						,AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES); // Set scheduling parameters
   		ifret(	pthread_attr_setinheritsched(	&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED)		,AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES); // Force custom scheduling

   		// As we will never want to wait for the new thread to finish, we start it in a detached state
   		ifret(	pthread_attr_setdetachstate(	&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)		,AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);

   		// Start the driver thread:
   		// Receive driver_thread as the new thread's ID
   		// Use attr as thread attributes
   		// Use start_driver as the starting function for the thread
   		// Use null arguments, as the start_driver function does not require any
		ifret(	pthread_create(&driver_thread, &attr, &start_driver, NULL)			,AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int 				policy;
	struct 	sched_param param;
	char				buffer[1024];


	if(argc != 2)
		printf("Useage: %s INSTANCE\n", AR_MODULE_NAME);

	erret(init_config(AR_MODULE_NAME, atoi(argv[1]), &config.base));
	erret(read_config_int(config.base.name, "PRIORITY", &config.priority));
	erret(read_config_string(config.base.name, "DEVICE", config.ser_device, sizeof(config.ser_device)));

	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	erret(read_config_string(config.base.name, "CORRECTION_MODE", buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
	if(strnicmp(buffer, "RTCA", strlen("RTCA")) == 0)
		config.corr_mode = OEMX_RTCA_MODE;
	else if(strnicmp(buffer, "RTCM", strlen("RTCM")) == 0)
		config.corr_mode = OEMX_RTCM_MODE;
	else {
		perrs(AR_ERR_BAD_INIT_PARAM, "Correction data mode not specified (RTCA | RTCM).");

	erret(open_comport(&fd, config.ser_device, O_RDWR, 115200));
	memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	erret(read_config_string(config.base.name, "GPS_MODE", buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
	if(strnicmp(buffer, "OEM4", strlen("OEM4")) == 0)
		config.gps_mode = OEM4_GPS;
	else if(strnicmp(buffer, "OEM5", strlen("OEM5")) == 0)
		config.gps_mode = OEM4_GPS;
	else {
		perrs(AR_ERR_BAD_INIT_PARAM, "GPS_MODE must be OEM4 or OEM5.");

	//ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_ROVER_COM1, strlen(OEM4_INIT_ROVER_COM1))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
	if(config.gps_mode == OEM4_GPS && config.corr_mode == OEMX_RTCA_MODE) {
		ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_RTCA, strlen(OEM4_INIT_RTCA))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
		printf("INIT RTCA\n");
	} else if(config.gps_mode == OEM4_GPS && config.corr_mode == OEMX_RTCM_MODE) {
		struct termios 	termios_p;
		int rlen=0;
		if(tcgetattr(fd, &termios_p)==0) {
			termios_p.c_cc[VTIME] = 10; // 2*0.1s = 0.2s
			termios_p.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
			tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &termios_p);
		sprintf(buffer, "unlogall com2\n\r");
		write(fd,buffer, strlen(buffer));
		ifret(write(fd, OEM4_INIT_RTCM, strlen(OEM4_INIT_RTCM))==-1, AR_ERR_IO_ERROR);
		write(fd,buffer, strlen(buffer));

		printf("INIT RTCM\n");
	} else {
		perrs(AR_ERR_BAD_INIT_PARAM, "can not initialized mode for corr. data\n");

	config.queue_corr_data_1 = 0;
	config.queue_corr_data_2 = 0;
	config.queue_corr_data_3 = 0;
	config.queue_corr_data_4 = 0;
	config.queue_corr_data_5 = 0;
	config.queue_corr_data_6 = 0;
	erret(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_1", &config.queue_corr_data_1));
	erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_1, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	if(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_2", &config.queue_corr_data_2)==0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_2, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	if(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_3", &config.queue_corr_data_3)==0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_3, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	if(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_4", &config.queue_corr_data_4)==0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_4, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	if(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_5", &config.queue_corr_data_5)==0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_5, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	if(read_config_int_tab(config.base.name, "QUEUE_INDEX", "QUEUE_OUT_GPS_CORRCTION_6", &config.queue_corr_data_6)==0) {
		erret(Q_InitSlot(config.queue_corr_data_6, sizeof(gps_corr_t), MAX_GPS_CORRECTION_Q_ITEMS_NUMBER, 0));
	//both queues are initialized in non-blocking mode; if one of communicators is blocked,
	//the second one continues to transmit the data

	ifret(pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);
	param.sched_priority = config.priority;
	ifret(pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, &param), AR_ERR_SYS_RESOURCES);


Exemplo n.º 5
// Alsa can convert about any format/channels/rate to any other rate
// However, since we added some code in the daemon to convert, why not do it ourselves!!!
// Moreover some player like aplay won't play a wav file if the device that do not natively support the requested format
// If you want alsa to do the conversion, just remove the value you want to see converted
static int a2dp_constraint(snd_pcm_a2dp_t * a2dp)
	snd_pcm_ioplug_t *io = &a2dp->io;
	#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
	snd_pcm_access_t access_list[] = { SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED };
	unsigned int formats[] = { SND_PCM_FORMAT_U8, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S8, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE };
	unsigned int channels[] = { 1, 2 };
	unsigned int rates[] = { 8000, 11025, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000 };
	int formats_nb = ARRAY_SIZE(formats);
	int channels_nb = ARRAY_SIZE(channels);
	int rates_nb = ARRAY_SIZE(rates);
	int rate_daemon = 0;
	int rate_prefered = 0;
	char srcfilename[512];
	int err;

	get_config_filename(srcfilename, sizeof(srcfilename));
	// Default is same as the daemon
	rate_daemon = read_config_int(srcfilename, "a2dpd", "rate", A2DPD_FRAME_RATE);
	// If a value is specified, use it
	rate_prefered = read_config_int(srcfilename, "a2dpd", "plugin-rate", rate_daemon);
	// If this value is not 0, alsa will convert to plugin-rate
	if(rate_prefered != 0) {
		// use defaults settings the rate specified + 16 bits stereo
		rates[0] = rate_prefered;
		rates_nb = 1;
		formats[0] = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
		formats_nb = 1;
		channels[0] = 2;
		channels_nb = 1;
	} else {
		// If this value is 0, the daemon will do most conversions

	syslog(LOG_INFO, "[build %s %s] a2dp %p", __DATE__, __TIME__, a2dp);

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_list(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_ACCESS, ARRAY_SIZE(access_list), access_list);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_list(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_FORMAT, formats_nb, formats);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_list(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_CHANNELS, channels_nb, channels);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_list(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_RATE, rates_nb, rates);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_minmax(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_PERIOD_BYTES, 8192, 8192);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	err = snd_pcm_ioplug_set_param_minmax(io, SND_PCM_IOPLUG_HW_PERIODS, 2, 2);
	if (err < 0)
		return err;

	return 0;