Exemplo n.º 1
void init_screen()
	void *host_addr = memalign(1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024);
	assert(host_addr != NULL);

	context = realityInit(0x10000, 1024 * 1024, host_addr);
	assert(context != NULL);

	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0);
	assert(state.state == 0);

	assert(videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &res) == 0);

	memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(VideoConfiguration));
	vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
	vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
	vconfig.pitch = res.width * 4;

	assert(videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) == 0);
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0);

	s32 buffer_size = 4 * res.width * res.height;

	makeBuffer(0, buffer_size);
	makeBuffer(1, buffer_size);

Exemplo n.º 2
// Initilize everything. You can probally skip over this function.
void init_screen() {
	// Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX.
	void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, 1024*1024);
	assert(host_addr != NULL);

	// Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory
	context = realityInit(0x10000, 1024*1024, host_addr); 
	assert(context != NULL);

	VideoState state;
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); // Get the state of the display
	assert(state.state == 0); // Make sure display is enabled

	// Get the current resolution
	assert(videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &res) == 0);
	// Configure the buffer format to xRGB
	VideoConfiguration vconfig;
	memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(VideoConfiguration));
	vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
	vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
	vconfig.pitch = res.width * 4;

	assert(videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) == 0);
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); 

	s32 buffer_size = 4 * res.width * res.height; // each pixel is 4 bytes
	printf("buffers will be 0x%x bytes\n", buffer_size);
	gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); // Wait for VSYNC to flip

	// Allocate two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering)
	buffer[0] = rsxMemAlign(16, buffer_size);
	buffer[1] = rsxMemAlign(16, buffer_size);
	assert(buffer[0] != NULL && buffer[1] != NULL);

	u32 offset[2];
	assert(realityAddressToOffset(buffer[0], &offset[0]) == 0);
	assert(realityAddressToOffset(buffer[1], &offset[1]) == 0);
	// Setup the display buffers
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(0, offset[0], res.width * 4, res.width, res.height) == 0);
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(1, offset[1], res.width * 4, res.width, res.height) == 0);

Exemplo n.º 3
// Initilize and rsx
void init_screen(int command_buffer, int z_method) {
	// Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX.
	void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, command_buffer);
	assert(host_addr != NULL);
    if(z_method) zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z24S8; else zformat = REALITY_TARGET_FORMAT_ZETA_Z16;

	// Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory
	context = realityInit(0x10000, command_buffer, host_addr); 
	assert(context != NULL);

	VideoState state;
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); // Get the state of the display
	assert(state.state == 0); // Make sure display is enabled

	// Get the current resolution
	assert(videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &Video_Resolution) == 0);
	Video_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width + 15)/16) * 16; // each pixel is 4 bytes
    // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
	    depth_pitch = 2 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+31)/32)*32) : 1920); 
    // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
        depth_pitch = 4 * ((Video_Resolution.width > 1920) ? (((Video_Resolution.width+15)/16)*16) : 1920);

	// Configure the buffer format to xRGB
	VideoConfiguration vconfig;
	memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(VideoConfiguration));
	vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
	vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
	vconfig.pitch = Video_pitch;

	assert(videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0) == 0);
	assert(videoGetState(0, 0, &state) == 0); 

	s32 buffer_size = Video_pitch * Video_Resolution.height; 
	s32 depth_buffer_size;
    // 16 bit float. Note it uses 1088 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen 
        depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+31)/32)*32) : 1088);
    // 32 bit float. Note it uses 1920 as minimun because i thinking to use buffer Z with setupRenderTarget2() with one surface > screen
        depth_buffer_size = depth_pitch * ((Video_Resolution.height > 1088) ? (((Video_Resolution.height+15)/16)*16) : 1088);
	printf("buffers will be 0x%x bytes\n", buffer_size);
	gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); // Wait for VSYNC to flip

	// Allocate two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering)
	Video_buffer[0] = rsxMemAlign(64, buffer_size);
	Video_buffer[1] = rsxMemAlign(64, buffer_size);
	assert(Video_buffer[0] != NULL && Video_buffer[1] != NULL);

	depth_buffer = rsxMemAlign(64, depth_buffer_size);

	assert(realityAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[0], &offset[0]) == 0);
	assert(realityAddressToOffset(Video_buffer[1], &offset[1]) == 0);
	// Setup the display buffers
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(0, offset[0], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0);
	assert(gcmSetDisplayBuffer(1, offset[1], Video_pitch, Video_Resolution.width, Video_Resolution.height) == 0);

	assert(realityAddressToOffset(depth_buffer, &depth_offset) == 0);

Exemplo n.º 4
static void
init_screen(glw_ps3_t *gp)

  // Allocate a 1Mb buffer, alligned to a 1Mb boundary to be our shared IO memory with the RSX.
  void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, 1024*1024);
  assert(host_addr != NULL);

  // Initilise Reality, which sets up the command buffer and shared IO memory
  gp->gr.gr_be.be_ctx = realityInit(0x10000, 1024*1024, host_addr); 
  assert(gp->gr.gr_be.be_ctx != NULL);
  gcmConfiguration config;

  TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "RSX", "memory @ 0x%x size = %d\n",
	config.localAddress, config.localSize);

  gp->gr.gr_be.be_mempool = extent_create(0, config.localSize >> 4);
  gp->gr.gr_be.be_rsx_address = (void *)(uint64_t)config.localAddress;

  VideoState state;
  videoGetState(0, 0, &state);
  // Get the current resolution
  videoGetResolution(state.displayMode.resolution, &gp->res);
  int num = gp->res.width;
  int den = gp->res.height;
  switch(state.displayMode.aspect) {
  case VIDEO_ASPECT_4_3:
    num = 4; den = 3;
  case VIDEO_ASPECT_16_9:
    num = 16; den = 9;

  gp->scale = (float)(num * gp->res.height) / (float)(den * gp->res.width);

	"Video resolution %d x %d  aspect=%d, pixel wscale=%f",
	gp->res.width, gp->res.height, state.displayMode.aspect, gp->scale);

  gp->framebuffer_pitch = 4 * gp->res.width; // each pixel is 4 bytes
  gp->depthbuffer_pitch = 4 * gp->res.width; // And each value in the depth buffer is a 16 bit float
  // Configure the buffer format to xRGB
  VideoConfiguration vconfig;
  memset(&vconfig, 0, sizeof(VideoConfiguration));
  vconfig.resolution = state.displayMode.resolution;
  vconfig.format = VIDEO_BUFFER_FORMAT_XRGB;
  vconfig.pitch = gp->framebuffer_pitch;

  videoConfigure(0, &vconfig, NULL, 0);
  videoGetState(0, 0, &state);
  const s32 buffer_size = gp->framebuffer_pitch * gp->res.height; 
  const s32 depth_buffer_size = gp->depthbuffer_pitch * gp->res.height;
  TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "RSX", "Buffer will be %d bytes", buffer_size);
  gcmSetFlipMode(GCM_FLIP_VSYNC); // Wait for VSYNC to flip
  // Allocate two buffers for the RSX to draw to the screen (double buffering)
  gp->framebuffer[0] = rsx_alloc(&gp->gr, buffer_size, 16);
  gp->framebuffer[1] = rsx_alloc(&gp->gr, buffer_size, 16);

  TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "RSX", "Buffers at 0x%x 0x%x\n",
	gp->framebuffer[0], gp->framebuffer[1]);

  gp->depthbuffer = rsx_alloc(&gp->gr, depth_buffer_size * 4, 16);
  // Setup the display buffers
  gcmSetDisplayBuffer(0, gp->framebuffer[0],
		      gp->framebuffer_pitch, gp->res.width, gp->res.height);
  gcmSetDisplayBuffer(1, gp->framebuffer[1],
		      gp->framebuffer_pitch, gp->res.width, gp->res.height);

  flip(gp, 1);