Exemplo n.º 1
int rdgd_connect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv, int fd)
	static char msg[]= "Connected";
	uchar buf[10];
	if ( recv_nonb(fd, buf, 10,0)==0 ) {
		static char msg[]= "Server not connected";
		srv->statmsg = msg;
		return -1;
	debugf(" radegast: connect to server (%s:%d)\n", srv->host->name, srv->port);
	srv->statmsg = msg;
	srv->connected = GetTickCount();
	srv->keepalivetime = GetTickCount();
	srv->keepalivesent = 0;
	srv->busy = 0;
	srv->lastecmoktime = 0;
	srv->lastecmtime = 0;
	srv->lastdcwtime = 0;
	srv->chkrecvtime = 0;
	srv->handle = fd;
	pipe_wakeup( srvsocks[1] );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void *freecc_connect_cli(struct struct_clicon *param)
	uint8 buf[CC_MAXMSGSIZE];
	uint8 data[16];
	int i;
	struct cc_crypt_block sendblock;	// crypto state block
	struct cc_crypt_block recvblock;	// crypto state block
	char usr[64];
	char pwd[255];

	int sock = param->sock;
	uint32 ip = param->ip;

	memset(usr, 0, sizeof(usr));
	memset(pwd, 0, sizeof(pwd));
	// create & send random seed
	for(i=0; i<12; i++ ) data[i]=fast_rnd();
	// Create Multics ID
	data[3] = (data[0]^'M') + data[1] + data[2];
	data[7] = data[4] + (data[5]^'C') + data[6];
	data[11] = data[8] + data[9] + (data[10]^'S');
	//Create checksum for "O" cccam:
	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		data[12 + i] = (data[i] + data[4 + i] + data[8 + i]) & 0xff;
	send_nonb(sock, data, 16, 100);
	//XOR init bytes with 'CCcam'
	SHA_CTX ctx;
	SHA1_Update(&ctx, data, 16);
	SHA1_Final(buf, &ctx);
	//initialisate crypto states
	cc_crypt_init(&sendblock, buf, 20);
	cc_decrypt(&sendblock, data, 16);
	cc_crypt_init(&recvblock, data, 16);
	cc_decrypt(&recvblock, buf, 20);
	//debugdump(buf, 20, "SHA1 hash:");
	if ((i=recv_nonb(sock, buf, 20,3000)) == 20) {
		cc_decrypt(&recvblock, buf, 20);
		//debugdump(buf, 20, "Recv SHA1 hash:");
		if ( memcmp(buf,usr,20)!=0 ) {
			//debugf(" cc_connect_cli(): wrong sha1 hash from client! (%s)\n",ip2string(ip));
			return NULL;
	} else {
		//debugf(" cc_connect_cli(): recv sha1 timeout\n");
		return NULL;

  // receive username
	if ((i=recv_nonb(sock, buf, 20,3000)) == 20) {
		cc_decrypt(&recvblock, buf, i);
		//debugf(" cc_connect_cli(): username '%s'\n", usr);
	else {
		//debugf(" cc_connect_cli(): recv user timeout\n");
		return NULL;

  // Check for username
	int found = 0;
	struct cc_client_data *cli = cfg.freecccam.client;
	while (cli) {
		if (!strcmp(cfg.freecccam.user,usr)) {
			if (cli->handle<=0) {
				found = 1;
			else {
				if (cli->ip == ip) { // dont connect
					found = 1;
		cli = cli->next;
	if (!found)
	while (cli) {
		if (!strcmp(cfg.freecccam.user,usr)) {
			if (cli->handle>0) {
				// Check if we can disconnect idle state clients
				if  (GetTickCount()-cli->lastecmtime > 100000) cc_disconnect_cli(cli);
			if (cli->handle<=0) {
				found = 1;
		cli = cli->next;

	if (!found) {
		debugf(" FreeCCcam: Failed to connect new client(%s)\n",ip2string(ip));
		return NULL;

  // receive passwd / 'CCcam'
	strcpy( pwd, cfg.freecccam.pass);
	cc_decrypt(&recvblock, (uint8*)pwd, strlen(pwd));
	if ((i=recv_nonb(sock, buf, 6,3000)) == 6) {
		cc_decrypt(&recvblock, buf, 6);
		if (memcmp( buf+1, "Ccam\0",5)) {
			debugf(" FreeCCcam: login failed from client(%s)\n",ip2string(ip));
			return NULL;
	else {
		return NULL;

  // send passwd ack
	memset(buf, 0, 20);
	memcpy(buf, "CCcam\0", 6);
	//debugf("Server: send ack '%s'\n",buf);
	cc_encrypt(&sendblock, buf, 20);
	send_nonb(sock, buf, 20, 100);

	sprintf(cli->user,"%s", ip2string(ip));
	debugf(" FreeCCcam: client(%s) connected\n",ip2string(ip));

  // recv cli data
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	i = cc_msg_recv( sock, &cli->recvblock, buf, 3000);
	if (i!=97) {
		debug("error recv cli data\n");
		return NULL;

  // Setup Client Data
//	pthread_mutex_lock(&prg.lockfreecccli);
	memcpy( cli->nodeid, buf+24, 8);
	memcpy( cli->version, buf+33, 32);
	memcpy( cli->build, buf+65, 32 );
	debugf(" FreeCCcam: client(%s) running version %s build %s\n",ip2string(ip), cli->version, cli->build);  // cli->nodeid,8,
	cli->cardsent = 0;
	cli->connected = GetTickCount();
	cli->lastecmtime = GetTickCount();
	cli->handle = sock;
	cli->ip = ip;
	cli->chkrecvtime = 0;
//	pthread_mutex_unlock(&prg.lockfreecccli);

  // send cli data ack
	cc_msg_send( sock, &cli->sendblock, CC_MSG_CLI_INFO, 0, NULL);
	//cc_msg_send( sock, &cli->sendblock, CC_MSG_BAD_ECM, 0, NULL);
	int sendversion = ( (cli->version[28]=='W')&&(cli->version[29]='H')&&(cli->version[30]='O') );
	cc_sendinfo_cli(cli, sendversion);
	//cc_msg_send( sock, &cli->sendblock, CC_MSG_BAD_ECM, 0, NULL);
	cli->cardsent = 1;
	pipe_wakeup( srvsocks[1] );
	return cli;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Connect to a server.
// Return
// 0: no error
int cc_connect_srv(struct cs_server_data *srv, int fd)
	int n;
	uint8 data[20];
	uint8 hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
	uint8 buf[CC_MAXMSGSIZE];
	char pwd[64];
	if (fd < 0) return -1;
	// INIT
	srv->progname = NULL;
	memset( srv->version, 0, sizeof(srv->version) );
	// get init seed(random) from server
	if((n = recv_nonb(fd, data, 16,3000)) != 16) {
		static char msg[]= "Server does not return init sequence";
		srv->statmsg = msg;
		//debugf("Client: Server (%s:%d) does not return 16 bytes\n", srv->host->name,srv->port);
		return -2;

	if (flag_debugnet) {
		debugf(" CCcam: receive server init seed (%d)\n",n);

	// Check newbox
	int isnewbox = 0;
	uchar a = (data[0]^'M') + data[1] + data[2];
	uchar b = data[4] + (data[5]^'C') + data[6];
	uchar c = data[8] + data[9] + (data[10]^'S');
	if ( (a==data[3])&&(b==data[7])&&(c==data[11]) ) isnewbox = 1;

	cc_crypt_xor(data);  // XOR init bytes with 'CCcam'

	SHA_CTX ctx;
	SHA1_Update(&ctx, data, 16);
	SHA1_Final(hash, &ctx);

	//debugdump(hash, sizeof(hash), "CCcam: sha1 hash:");

	//initialisate crypto states
	cc_crypt_init(&srv->recvblock, hash, 20);
	cc_decrypt(&srv->recvblock, data, 16); 
	cc_crypt_init(&srv->sendblock, data, 16);
	cc_decrypt(&srv->sendblock, hash, 20);

	cc_msg_send( fd, &srv->sendblock, CC_MSG_NO_HEADER, 20,hash);   // send crypted hash to server
	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	memcpy(buf, srv->user, 20);
	//debugf(" CCcam: username '%s'\n",srv->username);
	cc_msg_send( fd, &srv->sendblock, CC_MSG_NO_HEADER, 20, buf);    // send usr '0' padded -> 20 bytes

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	memset(pwd, 0, sizeof(pwd));

	//debugf("CCcam: 'CCcam' xor\n");
	memcpy(buf, "CCcam", 5);
	strncpy(pwd, srv->pass, 63);
	cc_encrypt(&srv->sendblock, (uint8 *)pwd, strlen(pwd));
	cc_msg_send( fd, &srv->sendblock, CC_MSG_NO_HEADER, 6, buf); // send 'CCcam' xor w/ pwd
	if ((n = recv_nonb(fd, data, 20,3000)) != 20) {
		static char msg[]= "Password ACK not received";
		srv->statmsg = msg;
		debugf(" CCcam: login failed to Server (%s:%d), pwd ack not received (n = %d)\n",srv->host->name,srv->port, n);
		return -2;
	cc_decrypt(&srv->recvblock, data, 20);
	//hexdump(data, 20, "CCcam: pwd ack received:");

	if (memcmp(data, buf, 5)) {  // check server response
		static char msg[]= "Invalid user/pass";
		srv->statmsg = msg;
		debugf(" CCcam: login failed to Server (%s:%d), usr/pwd invalid\n",srv->host->name,srv->port);
		return -2;
	}// else debugf(" CCcam: login succeeded to Server (%s:%d)\n",srv->host->name,srv->port);

	srv->handle = fd;
	if (!cc_sendinfo_srv(srv,isnewbox)) {
		srv->handle = -1;
		static char msg[]= "Error sending client data";
		srv->statmsg = msg;
		debugf(" CCcam: login failed to Server (%s:%d), could not send client data\n",srv->host->name,srv->port);
		return -3;

	static char msg[]= "Connected";
	srv->statmsg = msg;

	srv->keepalivesent = 0;
	srv->keepalivetime = GetTickCount();
	srv->connected = GetTickCount();

	srv->busy = 0;
	srv->lastecmoktime = 0;
	srv->lastecmtime = 0;
	srv->lastdcwtime = 0;
	srv->chkrecvtime = 0;

	pipe_wakeup( srvsocks[1] );
	return 0;