void regRF(double *x, double *y, int *xdim, int *sampsize, int *nthsize, int *nrnodes, int *nTree, int *mtry, int *imp, int *cat, int *maxcat, int *jprint, int *doProx, int *oobprox, int *biasCorr, double *yptr, double *errimp, double *impmat, double *impSD, double *prox, int *treeSize, int *nodestatus, int *lDaughter, int *rDaughter, double *avnode, int *mbest, double *upper, double *mse, int *keepf, int *replace, int *testdat, double *xts, int *nts, double *yts, int *labelts, double *yTestPred, double *proxts, double *msets, double *coef, int *nout, int *inbag) { /************************************************************************* Input: mdim=number of variables in data set nsample=number of cases nthsize=number of cases in a node below which the tree will not split, setting nthsize=5 generally gives good results. nTree=number of trees in run. 200-500 gives pretty good results mtry=number of variables to pick to split on at each node. mdim/3 seems to give genrally good performance, but it can be altered up or down imp=1 turns on variable importance. This is computed for the mth variable as the percent rise in the test set mean sum-of- squared errors when the mth variable is randomly permuted. *************************************************************************/ double errts = 0.0, averrb, meanY, meanYts, varY, varYts, r, xrand, errb = 0.0, resid=0.0, ooberr, ooberrperm, delta, *resOOB; double *yb, *xtmp, *xb, *ytr, *ytree, *tgini, *coeffs; int k, m, mr, n, nOOB, j, jout, idx, ntest, last, ktmp, nPerm, nsample, mdim, keepF, keepInbag; int *oobpair, varImp, localImp, *varUsed; int *in, *nind, *nodex, *nodexts, *probs; nsample = xdim[0]; mdim = xdim[1]; ntest = *nts; varImp = imp[0]; localImp = imp[1]; nPerm = imp[2]; keepF = keepf[0]; keepInbag = keepf[1]; if (*jprint == 0) *jprint = *nTree + 1; yb = (double *) S_alloc(*sampsize, sizeof(double)); xb = (double *) S_alloc(mdim * *sampsize, sizeof(double)); ytr = (double *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); xtmp = (double *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); resOOB = (double *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); coeffs = (double *) S_alloc(*sampsize, sizeof(double)); probs = (int *) S_alloc(*sampsize, sizeof(int)); in = (int *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); nodex = (int *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); varUsed = (int *) S_alloc(mdim, sizeof(int)); nind = *replace ? NULL : (int *) S_alloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); if (*testdat) { ytree = (double *) S_alloc(ntest, sizeof(double)); nodexts = (int *) S_alloc(ntest, sizeof(int)); } oobpair = (*doProx && *oobprox) ? (int *) S_alloc(nsample * nsample, sizeof(int)) : NULL; /* If variable importance is requested, tgini points to the second "column" of errimp, otherwise it's just the same as errimp. */ tgini = varImp ? errimp + mdim : errimp; averrb = 0.0; meanY = 0.0; varY = 0.0; zeroDouble(yptr, nsample); zeroInt(nout, nsample); for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { varY += n * (y[n] - meanY)*(y[n] - meanY) / (n + 1); meanY = (n * meanY + y[n]) / (n + 1); } varY /= nsample; varYts = 0.0; meanYts = 0.0; if (*testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { varYts += n * (yts[n] - meanYts)*(yts[n] - meanYts) / (n + 1); meanYts = (n * meanYts + yts[n]) / (n + 1); } varYts /= ntest; } if (*doProx) { zeroDouble(prox, nsample * nsample); if (*testdat) zeroDouble(proxts, ntest * (nsample + ntest)); } if (varImp) { zeroDouble(errimp, mdim * 2); if (localImp) zeroDouble(impmat, nsample * mdim); } else { zeroDouble(errimp, mdim); } if (*labelts) zeroDouble(yTestPred, ntest); /* print header for running output */ if (*jprint <= *nTree) { Rprintf(" | Out-of-bag "); if (*testdat) Rprintf("| Test set "); Rprintf("|\n"); Rprintf("Tree | MSE %%Var(y) "); if (*testdat) Rprintf("| MSE %%Var(y) "); Rprintf("|\n"); } GetRNGstate(); /************************************* * Start the loop over trees. *************************************/ for (j = 0; j < *nTree; ++j) { /* multinomial */ /*unsigned int coeffs[*sampsize];*/ /* for loop implementation */ /*double probs[*sampsize];*/ for (k = 0; k < *sampsize; ++k) { probs[k] = 1/(*sampsize); } ran_multinomial(*sampsize,100,probs,coeffs); idx = keepF ? j * *nrnodes : 0; zeroInt(in, nsample); zeroInt(varUsed, mdim); /* Draw a random sample for growing a tree. */ if (*replace) { /* sampling with replacement */ for (n = 0; n < *sampsize; ++n) { xrand = unif_rand(); k = xrand * nsample; in[k] = 1; yb[n] = y[k]; for(m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { xb[m + n * mdim] = x[m + k * mdim]; } } } else { /* sampling w/o replacement */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) nind[n] = n; last = nsample - 1; for (n = 0; n < *sampsize; ++n) { ktmp = (int) (unif_rand() * (last+1)); k = nind[ktmp]; swapInt(nind[ktmp], nind[last]); last--; in[k] = 1; yb[n] = y[k]; for(m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { xb[m + n * mdim] = x[m + k * mdim]; } } } if (keepInbag) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) inbag[n + j * nsample] = in[n]; } /* grow the regression tree */ regTree(xb, yb, mdim, *sampsize, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, upper + idx, avnode + idx, nodestatus + idx, *nrnodes, treeSize + j, *nthsize, *mtry, mbest + idx, cat, tgini, varUsed, coeffs); /* predict the OOB data with the current tree */ /* ytr is the prediction on OOB data by the current tree */ predictRegTree(x, nsample, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytr, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, *maxcat, nodex); /* yptr is the aggregated prediction by all trees grown so far */ errb = 0.0; ooberr = 0.0; jout = 0; /* jout is the number of cases that has been OOB so far */ nOOB = 0; /* nOOB is the number of OOB samples for this tree */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (in[n] == 0) { nout[n]++; nOOB++; yptr[n] = ((nout[n]-1) * yptr[n] + ytr[n]) / nout[n]; resOOB[n] = ytr[n] - y[n]; ooberr += resOOB[n] * resOOB[n]; } if (nout[n]) { jout++; errb += (y[n] - yptr[n]) * (y[n] - yptr[n]); } } errb /= jout; /* Do simple linear regression of y on yhat for bias correction. */ if (*biasCorr) simpleLinReg(nsample, yptr, y, coef, &errb, nout); /* predict testset data with the current tree */ if (*testdat) { predictRegTree(xts, ntest, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytree, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, *maxcat, nodexts); /* ytree is the prediction for test data by the current tree */ /* yTestPred is the average prediction by all trees grown so far */ errts = 0.0; for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { yTestPred[n] = (j * yTestPred[n] + ytree[n]) / (j + 1); } /* compute testset MSE */ if (*labelts) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { resid = *biasCorr ? yts[n] - (coef[0] + coef[1]*yTestPred[n]) : yts[n] - yTestPred[n]; errts += resid * resid; } errts /= ntest; } } /* Print running output. */ if ((j + 1) % *jprint == 0) { Rprintf("%4d |", j + 1); Rprintf(" %8.4g %8.2f ", errb, 100 * errb / varY); if(*labelts == 1) Rprintf("| %8.4g %8.2f ", errts, 100.0 * errts / varYts); Rprintf("|\n"); } mse[j] = errb; if (*labelts) msets[j] = errts; /* DO PROXIMITIES */ if (*doProx) { computeProximity(prox, *oobprox, nodex, in, oobpair, nsample); /* proximity for test data */ if (*testdat) { /* In the next call, in and oobpair are not used. */ computeProximity(proxts, 0, nodexts, in, oobpair, ntest); for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { for (k = 0; k < nsample; ++k) { if (nodexts[n] == nodex[k]) { proxts[n + ntest * (k+ntest)] += 1.0; } } } } } /* Variable importance */ if (varImp) { for (mr = 0; mr < mdim; ++mr) { if (varUsed[mr]) { /* Go ahead if the variable is used */ /* make a copy of the m-th variable into xtmp */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) xtmp[n] = x[mr + n * mdim]; ooberrperm = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < nPerm; ++k) { permuteOOB(mr, x, in, nsample, mdim); predictRegTree(x, nsample, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytr, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, *maxcat, nodex); for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (in[n] == 0) { r = ytr[n] - y[n]; ooberrperm += r * r; if (localImp) { impmat[mr + n * mdim] += (r*r - resOOB[n]*resOOB[n]) / nPerm; } } } } delta = (ooberrperm / nPerm - ooberr) / nOOB; errimp[mr] += delta; impSD[mr] += delta * delta; /* copy original data back */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) x[mr + n * mdim] = xtmp[n]; } } } } PutRNGstate(); /* end of tree iterations=======================================*/ if (*biasCorr) { /* bias correction for predicted values */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (nout[n]) yptr[n] = coef[0] + coef[1] * yptr[n]; } if (*testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { yTestPred[n] = coef[0] + coef[1] * yTestPred[n]; } } } if (*doProx) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { for (k = n + 1; k < nsample; ++k) { prox[nsample*k + n] /= *oobprox ? (oobpair[nsample*k + n] > 0 ? oobpair[nsample*k + n] : 1) : *nTree; prox[nsample * n + k] = prox[nsample * k + n]; } prox[nsample * n + n] = 1.0; } if (*testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) for (k = 0; k < ntest + nsample; ++k) proxts[ntest*k + n] /= *nTree; } } if (varImp) { for (m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { errimp[m] = errimp[m] / *nTree; impSD[m] = sqrt( ((impSD[m] / *nTree) - (errimp[m] * errimp[m])) / *nTree ); if (localImp) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { impmat[m + n * mdim] /= nout[n]; } } } } for (m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) tgini[m] /= *nTree; }
void regRF(double *x, double *y, int *xdim, int *sampsize, int *nthsize, int *nrnodes, int *nTree, int *mtry, int *imp, int *cat, int maxcat, int *jprint, int doProx, int oobprox, int biasCorr, double *yptr, double *errimp, double *impmat, double *impSD, double *prox, int *treeSize, SMALL_INT *nodestatus, int *lDaughter, int *rDaughter, double *avnode, int *mbest, double *upper, double *mse, const int *keepf, int *replace, int testdat, double *xts, int *nts, double *yts, int labelts, double *yTestPred, double *proxts, double *msets, double *coef, int *nout, int *inbag) { /************************************************************************* * Input: * mdim=number of variables in data set * nsample=number of cases * * nthsize=number of cases in a node below which the tree will not split, * setting nthsize=5 generally gives good results. * * nTree=number of trees in run. 200-500 gives pretty good results * * mtry=number of variables to pick to split on at each node. mdim/3 * seems to give genrally good performance, but it can be * altered up or down * * imp=1 turns on variable importance. This is computed for the * mth variable as the percent rise in the test set mean sum-of- * squared errors when the mth variable is randomly permuted. * *************************************************************************/ //PRINTF( "*jprint: %d\n", *jprint ); //mexEvalString( "pause(0.0001)" ); double errts = 0.0, averrb, meanY, meanYts, varY, varYts, r, xrand, errb = 0.0, resid=0.0, ooberr, ooberrperm, delta, *resOOB; double *yb, *xtmp, *xb, *ytr, *ytree = NULL, *tgini; int k, m, mr, n, nOOB, j, jout, idx, ntest, last, ktmp, nPerm, nsample, mdim, keepF, keepInbag; int *oobpair, varImp, localImp, *varUsed; int *in, *nind, *nodex, *nodexts = NULL; //Abhi:temp variable double tmp_d = 0; int tmp_i; SMALL_INT tmp_c; //Do initialization for COKUS's Random generator seedMT(2*rand()+1); //works well with odd number so why don't use that nsample = xdim[0]; mdim = xdim[1]; ntest = *nts; varImp = imp[0]; localImp = imp[1]; nPerm = imp[2]; //PRINTF("nPerm %d\n",nPerm); keepF = keepf[0]; keepInbag = keepf[1]; if (*jprint == 0) *jprint = *nTree + 1; yb = (double *) calloc(*sampsize, sizeof(double)); xb = (double *) calloc(mdim * *sampsize, sizeof(double)); ytr = (double *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); xtmp = (double *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); resOOB = (double *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(double)); in = (int *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); nodex = (int *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); varUsed = (int *) calloc(mdim, sizeof(int)); nind = *replace ? NULL : (int *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(int)); if (testdat) { ytree = (double *) calloc(ntest, sizeof(double)); nodexts = (int *) calloc(ntest, sizeof(int)); } oobpair = (doProx && oobprox) ? (int *) calloc(nsample * nsample, sizeof(int)) : NULL; /* If variable importance is requested, tgini points to the second "column" of errimp, otherwise it's just the same as errimp. */ tgini = varImp ? errimp + mdim : errimp; averrb = 0.0; meanY = 0.0; varY = 0.0; zeroDouble(yptr, nsample); zeroInt(nout, nsample); for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { varY += n * (y[n] - meanY)*(y[n] - meanY) / (n + 1); meanY = (n * meanY + y[n]) / (n + 1); } varY /= nsample; varYts = 0.0; meanYts = 0.0; if (testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { varYts += n * (yts[n] - meanYts)*(yts[n] - meanYts) / (n + 1); meanYts = (n * meanYts + yts[n]) / (n + 1); } varYts /= ntest; } if (doProx) { zeroDouble(prox, nsample * nsample); if (testdat) zeroDouble(proxts, ntest * (nsample + ntest)); } if (varImp) { zeroDouble(errimp, mdim * 2); if (localImp) zeroDouble(impmat, nsample * mdim); } else { zeroDouble(errimp, mdim); } if (labelts) zeroDouble(yTestPred, ntest); /* print header for running output */ if (*jprint <= *nTree) { PRINTF(" | Out-of-bag "); if (testdat) PRINTF("| Test set "); PRINTF("|\n"); PRINTF("Tree | MSE %%Var(y) "); if (testdat) PRINTF("| MSE %%Var(y) "); PRINTF("|\n"); // mexEvalString( "pause(0.001)" ); } GetRNGstate(); /************************************* * Start the loop over trees. *************************************/ for (j = 0; j < *nTree; ++j) { //PRINTF("tree num %d\n",j);fflush(stdout); //PRINTF("1. maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d\n", *maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr); idx = keepF ? j * *nrnodes : 0; zeroInt(in, nsample); zeroInt(varUsed, mdim); /* Draw a random sample for growing a tree. */ // PRINTF("1.8. maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); if (*replace) { /* sampling with replacement */ for (n = 0; n < *sampsize; ++n) { xrand = unif_rand(); k = (int)(xrand * nsample); in[k] = 1; yb[n] = y[k]; for(m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { xb[m + n * mdim] = x[m + k * mdim]; } } } else { /* sampling w/o replacement */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) nind[n] = n; last = nsample - 1; for (n = 0; n < *sampsize; ++n) { ktmp = (int) (unif_rand() * (last+1)); k = nind[ktmp]; swapInt(nind[ktmp], nind[last]); last--; in[k] = 1; yb[n] = y[k]; for(m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { xb[m + n * mdim] = x[m + k * mdim]; } } } if (keepInbag) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) inbag[n + j * nsample] = in[n]; } // PRINTF("1.9. maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); /* grow the regression tree */ regTree(xb, yb, mdim, *sampsize, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, upper + idx, avnode + idx, nodestatus + idx, *nrnodes, treeSize + j, *nthsize, *mtry, mbest + idx, cat, tgini, varUsed); /* predict the OOB data with the current tree */ /* ytr is the prediction on OOB data by the current tree */ // PRINTF("2. maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); predictRegTree(x, nsample, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytr, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, maxcat, nodex); /* yptr is the aggregated prediction by all trees grown so far */ errb = 0.0; ooberr = 0.0; jout = 0; /* jout is the number of cases that has been OOB so far */ nOOB = 0; /* nOOB is the number of OOB samples for this tree */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (in[n] == 0) { nout[n]++; nOOB++; yptr[n] = ((nout[n]-1) * yptr[n] + ytr[n]) / nout[n]; resOOB[n] = ytr[n] - y[n]; ooberr += resOOB[n] * resOOB[n]; } if (nout[n]) { jout++; errb += (y[n] - yptr[n]) * (y[n] - yptr[n]); } } errb /= jout; /* Do simple linear regression of y on yhat for bias correction. */ if (biasCorr) simpleLinReg(nsample, yptr, y, coef, &errb, nout); //PRINTF("2.5.maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr); /* predict testset data with the current tree */ if (testdat) { predictRegTree(xts, ntest, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytree, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, maxcat, nodexts); /* ytree is the prediction for test data by the current tree */ /* yTestPred is the average prediction by all trees grown so far */ errts = 0.0; for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { yTestPred[n] = (j * yTestPred[n] + ytree[n]) / (j + 1); } /* compute testset MSE */ if (labelts) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { resid = biasCorr ? yts[n] - (coef[0] + coef[1]*yTestPred[n]) : yts[n] - yTestPred[n]; errts += resid * resid; } errts /= ntest; } } //PRINTF("2.6.maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d, testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); /* Print running output. */ if ((j + 1) % *jprint == 0) { PRINTF("%4d |", j + 1); PRINTF(" %8.4g %8.2f ", errb, 100 * errb / varY); if(labelts == 1) PRINTF("| %8.4g %8.2f ", errts, 100.0 * errts / varYts); PRINTF("|\n"); fflush(stdout); // mexEvalString("pause(.001);"); // to dump string. } //PRINTF("2.7.maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d, testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); mse[j] = errb; if (labelts) msets[j] = errts; //PRINTF("2.701 j %d, nTree %d, errts %f errb %f \n", j, *nTree, errts,errb); //PRINTF("2.71.maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d, testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); /* DO PROXIMITIES */ if (doProx) { computeProximity(prox, oobprox, nodex, in, oobpair, nsample); /* proximity for test data */ if (testdat) { /* In the next call, in and oobpair are not used. */ computeProximity(proxts, 0, nodexts, in, oobpair, ntest); for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { for (k = 0; k < nsample; ++k) { if (nodexts[n] == nodex[k]) { proxts[n + ntest * (k+ntest)] += 1.0; } } } } } //PRINTF("2.8.maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d, testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); /* Variable importance */ if (varImp) { for (mr = 0; mr < mdim; ++mr) { if (varUsed[mr]) { /* Go ahead if the variable is used */ /* make a copy of the m-th variable into xtmp */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) xtmp[n] = x[mr + n * mdim]; ooberrperm = 0.0; for (k = 0; k < nPerm; ++k) { permuteOOB(mr, x, in, nsample, mdim); predictRegTree(x, nsample, mdim, lDaughter + idx, rDaughter + idx, nodestatus + idx, ytr, upper + idx, avnode + idx, mbest + idx, treeSize[j], cat, maxcat, nodex); for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (in[n] == 0) { r = ytr[n] - y[n]; ooberrperm += r * r; if (localImp) { impmat[mr + n * mdim] += (r*r - resOOB[n]*resOOB[n]) / nPerm; } } } } delta = (ooberrperm / nPerm - ooberr) / nOOB; errimp[mr] += delta; impSD[mr] += delta * delta; /* copy original data back */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) x[mr + n * mdim] = xtmp[n]; } } } // PRINTF("3. maxcat %d, jprint %d, doProx %d, oobProx %d, biasCorr %d testdat %d\n", maxcat, *jprint, doProx, oobprox, biasCorr,testdat); } PutRNGstate(); /* end of tree iterations=======================================*/ if (biasCorr) { /* bias correction for predicted values */ for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { if (nout[n]) yptr[n] = coef[0] + coef[1] * yptr[n]; } if (testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) { yTestPred[n] = coef[0] + coef[1] * yTestPred[n]; } } } if (doProx) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { for (k = n + 1; k < nsample; ++k) { prox[nsample*k + n] /= oobprox ? (oobpair[nsample*k + n] > 0 ? oobpair[nsample*k + n] : 1) : *nTree; prox[nsample * n + k] = prox[nsample * k + n]; } prox[nsample * n + n] = 1.0; } if (testdat) { for (n = 0; n < ntest; ++n) for (k = 0; k < ntest + nsample; ++k) proxts[ntest*k + n] /= *nTree; } } if (varImp) { for (m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) { errimp[m] = errimp[m] / *nTree; impSD[m] = sqrt( ((impSD[m] / *nTree) - (errimp[m] * errimp[m])) / *nTree ); if (localImp) { for (n = 0; n < nsample; ++n) { impmat[m + n * mdim] /= nout[n]; } } } } for (m = 0; m < mdim; ++m) tgini[m] /= *nTree; //addition by abhi //in order to release the space stored by the variable in findBestSplit // call by setting in_findBestSplit=-99; findBestSplit(&tmp_d, &tmp_i, &tmp_d, tmp_i, tmp_i, tmp_i, tmp_i, &tmp_i, &tmp_d, &tmp_d, &tmp_i, &tmp_i, tmp_i, tmp_d, tmp_i, &tmp_i); //do the same freeing of space by calling with -99 in_regTree=-99; regTree(&tmp_d, &tmp_d, tmp_i, tmp_i, &tmp_i, &tmp_i, &tmp_d, &tmp_d, &tmp_c, tmp_i, &tmp_i, tmp_i, tmp_i, &tmp_i, &tmp_i, &tmp_d, &tmp_i); free(yb); free(xb); free(ytr); free(xtmp); free(resOOB); free(in); free(nodex); free(varUsed); if (!(*replace) ) free(nind); if (testdat) { free(ytree); free(nodexts); } if (doProx && oobprox) free(oobpair) ; }