void CFulEditCtrl::CheckUrls(const tstring &line, const int &lineIndex) { PME regexp(_T("\\s(https?://\\S+|ftps?://\\S+|mms://\\S+|www\\.\\S+|dchub://\\S+)"), _T("gims")); while( regexp.match(line) > 0 ){ if( regexp.NumBackRefs() == 1){ CHARRANGE cr; cr.cpMin = lineIndex + regexp.GetStartPos(0); cr.cpMax = cr.cpMin + regexp.GetLength(0); urlRanges.push_back(cr); } else { for(int j = 1; j < regexp.NumBackRefs(); ++j) { CHARRANGE cr; cr.cpMin = lineIndex + regexp.GetStartPos(j); cr.cpMax = cr.cpMin + regexp.GetLength(j); urlRanges.push_back(cr); } } } }
int CalculatorWidget::calculate(const QString& expression) { int result = 0; char operation = '+'; QRegExp regexp("(\\d+)"); int pos = 0; while ((pos = regexp.indexIn(expression, pos)) != -1) { int value = regexp.cap(1).toInt(); switch (operation) { case '+': result += value; break; case '-': result -= value; break; } pos += regexp.matchedLength(); if (pos < expression.length()) { operation = expression.at(pos).toLatin1(); } } return result; }
void TextFindReplacePanel::find (bool backwards) { // Non incremental search! if (!mEditor) return; QRegExp expr = regexp(); if (expr.isEmpty()) return; QTextDocument::FindFlags opt = flags(); if (backwards) opt |= QTextDocument::FindBackward; mEditor->find(expr, opt); // This was not incremental search, so reset search position mSearchPosition = -1; }
bool FilterDialog::validateRegexInput() { if(!regexGroupBox->isChecked()) return true; QString exp(regexLineEdit->text()); if(exp.isEmpty()) { fireErrorMessageBox(tr("Regular Expression Cannot be Empty!")); return false; } QRegExp regexp(exp); if(!regexp.isValid()) { fireErrorMessageBox(tr("WRONG Expression! NOTE: Use Perl standard regex syntax")); return false; } return true; }
static void stuff() { int c, left = '{', paren = 0; while (peek() == ' ') { get(FALSE); } for (;;) { while (peek() == '*') { get(FALSE); if (peek() == '/') { get(FALSE); if (paren > 0) { error("Unbalanced stuff"); } return; } emit('*'); } c = get(TRUE); if (c == EOF) { error("Unterminated stuff."); } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"' || c == '`') { string(c, TRUE); } else if (c == '(' || c == '{' || c == '[') { paren += 1; } else if (c == ')' || c == '}' || c == ']') { paren -= 1; if (paren < 0) { error("Unbalanced stuff"); } } else if (c == '/') { if (peek() == '/' || peek() == '*') { error("unexpected comment."); } if (pre_regexp(left)) { regexp(TRUE); } } if (c > ' ') { left = c; } } }
// ================================================================== action_result_t TActionRegExp::exec(Tractor *tractor) const // ================================================================== { T_ASSERT(tractor); T_ASSERT(m_data.size()); T_ASSERT(m_regexp.size()); QString text(tractor->substituteValues(m_data)); QStringList assign(m_assignto.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts)); QStringList::const_iterator iter(assign.constBegin()); QRegExp regexp(m_regexp); if (m_case_sensitive) { regexp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitive); } else { regexp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); } if (m_minimal) { regexp.setMinimal(true); } int pos(text.indexOf(regexp)); if (m_strict && pos < 0) { TERROR(("strict RegExp did not match")); return failure(tractor); } while (pos >= 0 && iter != assign.constEnd()) { tractor->setValue(*iter, regexp.cap(1), m_global); pos += regexp.matchedLength(); pos = text.indexOf(regexp, pos); ++iter; } return action_result_normal; }
void GameSpyServer::receiveData() { while(m_pUdpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize(m_pUdpSocket->pendingDatagramSize()); QHostAddress sender; quint16 senderPort; m_pUdpSocket->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort); QMap<QString, QString> infos; QRegExp regexp("\\\\([^\\\\]+)\\\\"); int pos = 0; while((pos = regexp.indexIn(datagram, pos)) != -1) { QString key = regexp.cap(1); pos += regexp.matchedLength() - 1; if( (key != "basic" && key != "info") && ((pos = regexp.indexIn(datagram, pos)) != -1) ) { infos[key] = regexp.cap(1); pos += regexp.matchedLength() - 1; } } bool ok, changed = false; unsigned int old_players = m_iNumPlayers; changed = confirm_assign(&m_iNumPlayers, (unsigned)infos["numplayers"].toInt(&ok, 10)) || changed; if(infos["numplayers"] != "0") changed = confirm_assign(&m_iMaxPlayers, (unsigned)infos["maxplayers"].toInt(&ok, 10)) || changed; if(!infos["mapname"].isEmpty()) changed = confirm_assign(&m_sMap, infos["mapname"]) || changed; if(!infos["gametype"].isEmpty()) changed = confirm_assign(&m_sMode, infos["gametype"]) || changed; if(changed) emit infosChanged(m_iNumPlayers, m_iMaxPlayers, m_sMap, m_sMode, old_players == 0 && m_iNumPlayers > 0); } }
void AddCourseDialog::loadUi() { saleGroupBox->hide(); addButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/TransactionRecord/Resources/add.png") ); delButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/TransactionRecord/Resources/remove.png") ); upButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/TransactionRecord/Resources/up.png") ); downButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/TransactionRecord/Resources/down.png") ); QRegExp regexp("[0-9]{1,100}.[0-9]{0,4}"); cbLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp, this)); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addSale() ) ); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableButtons() ) ); connect( delButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeSale() ) ); connect( delButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( enableButtons() ) ); connect( upButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectItem() ) ); connect( downButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( selectItem() ) ); connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( okClicked() ) ); }
bool test_26() { OS::get_singleton()->print("\n\nTest 26: RegEx\n"); RegEx regexp("(.*):(.*)"); List<String> captures; bool match = regexp.match("name:password", &captures); printf("\tmatch: %s\n", match?"true":"false"); printf("\t%i captures:\n", captures.size()); List<String>::Element *I = captures.front(); while (I) { printf("%ls\n", I->get().c_str()); I = I->next(); }; return captures.size(); };
void RxCompile::simple() { if (match(".")) emit(&any); else if (match("\\d")) emit(new CharClass(digit)); else if (match("\\D")) emit(new CharClass(notDigit)); else if (match("\\w")) emit(new CharClass(word)); else if (match("\\W")) emit(new CharClass(notWord)); else if (match("\\s")) emit(new CharClass(space)); else if (match("\\S")) emit(new CharClass(notSpace)); else if (matchBackref()) { int i = src[si - 1] - '0'; emit(new Backref(i, ignoringCase)); } else if (match("[")) { charClass(); mustMatch(']'); } else if (match("(")) { int i = ++leftCount; emit(new Left(i)); regexp(); // recurse emit(new Right(i)); mustMatch(')'); } else { if (si + 1 < sn) match("\\"); emitChars(src + si, 1); ++si; } }
void LoginDialog::OnMainPageFinished() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply *>(QObject::sender()); QString html(reply->readAll()); QRegExp regexp("/account/view-profile/(.*)\""); regexp.setMinimal(true); int pos = regexp.indexIn(html); if (pos == -1) { DisplayError("Failed to find account name."); return; } QString account = regexp.cap(1); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Logged in as:" << account; std::string league(ui->leagueComboBox->currentText().toStdString()); app_->InitLogin(std::move(login_manager_), league, account.toStdString()); mw = new MainWindow(std::move(app_)); mw->setWindowTitle(QString("Acquisition - %1").arg(league.c_str())); mw->show(); close(); }
QString UsefulGUIFunctions::generateUniqueDefaultName( const QString& basename,const QStringList& namelist) { int max = INT_MIN; QString regexp(basename + "_(\\d)+"); QStringList items = namelist.filter(QRegExp(regexp)); for(int ii = 0;ii < items.size();++ii) { QRegExp reg("(\\d)+"); items[ii].indexOf(reg); int index = reg.cap().toInt(); if (index > max) max = index; } QString tmpname = basename + "_"; if (items.size() == 0) tmpname += QString::number(namelist.size()); else tmpname += QString::number(max + 1); return tmpname; }
void WizUpgradeChecker::_check(const QString& strUrl) { QNetworkReply* reply = m_net->get(QNetworkRequest(strUrl)); WizAutoTimeOutEventLoop loop(reply); loop.exec(); QUrl possibleRedirectedUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); m_redirectedUrl = redirectUrl(possibleRedirectedUrl, m_redirectedUrl); if (!m_redirectedUrl.isEmpty()) { // redirect to download server. QString strVersion; QRegExp regexp("(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})"); if (regexp.indexIn(m_redirectedUrl.toString()) == -1) { Q_EMIT checkFinished(false); return; } strVersion = regexp.cap(0); int y = strVersion.split("-").at(0).toInt(); int m = strVersion.split("-").at(1).toInt(); int d = strVersion.split("-").at(2).toInt(); QDate dateUpgrade(y, m, d); QFileInfo fi(::WizGetAppFileName()); QDate dateLocal = fi.created().date(); if (dateUpgrade > dateLocal) { TOLOG(QObject::tr("INFO: Upgrade is avaliable, version time: %1").arg(dateUpgrade.toString())); Q_EMIT checkFinished(true); } else { TOLOG(QObject::tr("INFO: Local version is up to date")); Q_EMIT checkFinished(false); } } else { TOLOG(QObject::tr("ERROR: Check upgrade failed")); Q_EMIT checkFinished(false); } }
void MainWindow::on_webView_urlChanged(const QUrl &arg1) { if ("/blank.html" == arg1.path()) { QRegExp regexp("access_token=([^,]+)&expires_in=([^,]+)&user_id=([^,]+)"); QString str=arg1.fragment(); if( -1 != regexp.indexIn(str) ) { m_access_token = regexp.cap(1); m_expires_in = regexp.cap(2); m_user_id = regexp.cap(3); ui->statusBar->clearMessage(); ui->statusBar->showMessage("Авторизирован. Можно начинать рассылку",10000); can_do_message=true; } } else if("/api/login_failure.html" == arg1.path()){ msg.setText("Errrror. Не получил token"); msg.exec(); can_do_message=false; } }
bool Search::findNextScript() { int sav; bool found = false; FieldArchive::Sorting sort = sorting(); if(typeScriptChoice->currentIndex() == 0) { found = fieldArchive->searchScriptText(regexp(), fieldID, groupID, methodID, opcodeID, sort); } else if(typeScriptChoice->currentIndex() == 1) { found = fieldArchive->searchScript(1, searchOpcode->currentIndex() | (searchOpcodeValue->value() << 16), fieldID, groupID, methodID, opcodeID, sort); } else if(typeScriptChoice->currentIndex() == 2) { found = fieldArchive->searchScript(2, (popScriptVar->isChecked() << 31) | (selectScriptVar->currentIndex() & 0x7FFFFFFF), fieldID, groupID, methodID, opcodeID, sort); } else if(typeScriptChoice->currentIndex() == 3) { Field *field = fieldArchive->getField(fieldID); if(field != NULL && field->hasJsmFile()) { found = field->getJsmFile()->search(3, (selectScriptGroup->value() & 0xFFFF) | ((selectScriptLabel->value() & 0xFFFF) << 16), groupID, methodID, opcodeID); } if(!found) { groupID = methodID = opcodeID = 0; return false; } } if(found) { sav = opcodeID; emit foundOpcode(fieldID, groupID, methodID, opcodeID); // "found" signal may change 'opcodeID' value opcodeID = sav + 1; return true; } groupID = methodID = opcodeID = 0; fieldID = -1; return false; }
int E2TaskManager::getMemoryPercentUsed() const { QFile file( "/proc/meminfo" ); if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream t( &file ); QString all = t.readAll(); int total=0, memfree=0, buffers=0, cached = 0; int pos = 0; QRegExp regexp("(MemTotal:|MemFree:|Buffers:|\\bCached:)\\s*(\\d+) kB"); while ( (pos = regexp.indexIn( all, pos )) != -1 ) { if ( regexp.cap(1) == "MemTotal:" ) total = regexp.cap(2).toInt(); else if ( regexp.cap(1) == "MemFree:" ) memfree = regexp.cap(2).toInt(); else if ( regexp.cap(1) == "Buffers:" ) buffers = regexp.cap(2).toInt(); else if ( regexp.cap(1) == "Cached:" ) cached = regexp.cap(2).toInt(); pos += regexp.matchedLength(); } int realUsed = total - ( buffers + cached + memfree ); realUsed += buffers; memfree += cached; /* QString unit = tr("kB"); if (total > 10240) { realUsed = realUsed / 1024; memfree = memfree / 1024; total = total / 1024; unit = tr("MB"); } //data->addItem( tr("Used (%1 %2)", "%1 = number, %2 = unit").arg(realUsed).arg(unit), realUsed ); //data->addItem( tr("Free (%1 %2)", "%1 = number, %2 = unit").arg(memfree).arg(unit), memfree ); //totalMem->setText( tr( "Total Memory: %1 %2", "%1 = 512 %2 = MB/kB" ).arg( total ).arg( unit )); */ return realUsed * 100 / total; } return 0; }
void MythUIText::SetTextFromMap(QHash<QString, QString> &map) { if (!IsVisible()) return; if (map.contains(objectName())) { QString newText = GetTemplateText(); if (newText.isEmpty()) newText = GetDefaultText(); QRegExp regexp("%(([^\\|%]+)?\\||\\|(.))?(\\w+)(\\|(.+))?%"); regexp.setMinimal(true); if (!newText.isEmpty() && newText.contains(regexp)) { int pos = 0; QString tempString = newText; while ((pos = regexp.indexIn(newText, pos)) != -1) { QString key = regexp.cap(4).toLower().trimmed(); QString replacement; if (!map.value(key).isEmpty()) { replacement = QString("%1%2%3%4") .arg(regexp.cap(2)) .arg(regexp.cap(3)) .arg(map.value(key)) .arg(regexp.cap(6)); } tempString.replace(regexp.cap(0), replacement); pos += regexp.matchedLength(); } newText = tempString; } else newText = map.value(objectName()); SetText(newText); } }
bool Search::findPrevText() { int index, size; FieldArchive::Sorting sort = sorting(); --from; if(fieldArchive->searchTextReverse(regexp(), fieldID, textID, from, index, size, sort)) { // qDebug() << "from=" << from << "(Search::findPrevText::from=index)"; emit foundText(fieldID, textID, index, size); return true; } fieldID = textID = 2147483647; from = 0; // qDebug() << "FieldID=" << fieldID << "(Search::findPrevText::0)"; // qDebug() << "textID=" << textID << "(Search::findPrevText::0)"; // qDebug() << "from=" << from << "(Search::findPrevText::0)"; return false; }
void BuildServer::readFromUdpClient() { QHostAddress aQHost ; quint16 port ; QByteArray datagram ; do { datagram.resize( udpServer->pendingDatagramSize() ) ; udpServer->readDatagram( datagram.data() , datagram.size() , &aQHost , &port ) ; }while( udpServer->hasPendingDatagrams() ) ; if( datagram[ 0 ] == '1' && datagram[ 1 ] == '2' && datagram[ 2 ] == 's' && datagram[ 3 ] == 's' && datagram[ 4 ] == 'Y' && datagram[ 5 ] == 'Y' && datagram[ 6 ] == 'h' && datagram[ 7 ] == 'h' ) //验证客户端的udp申请 { QString hostNameStr ; QRegExp regexp( "12ssYYhh(.*)" ) ; QString( datagram ).indexOf( regexp ) ; hostNameStr = regexp.cap( 1 ) ; int rowCnt = tableWidget->rowCount() ; tableWidget->insertRow( rowCnt ) ; tableWidget->setItem( rowCnt , 0 , new QTableWidgetItem( QString::fromUtf8( hostNameStr.toAscii() ) ) ) ; tableWidget->setItem( rowCnt , 1 , new QTableWidgetItem( aQHost.toString() ) ) ; datagram = ( "12ssYYhh" + QHostInfo::localHostName() ).toUtf8() ; udpServer->writeDatagram( datagram.data() , datagram.size() , aQHost , 7758 ) ; } else if( datagram == "TcpConnectSucess" ) { label->setText( QString::fromUtf8( "已经建立连接" ) ) ; QMessageBox::StandardButton reply ; reply = QMessageBox::question( this , "" , QString::fromUtf8( "已经建立连接" ) ) ; if ( reply == QMessageBox::Ok ) { udpServer->close() ; this->close() ; } } }
void EList::setLayerName(QString newName){ newName = newName.simplified(); if(!selectedItems().isEmpty() && !newName.isEmpty()){ //name has to be unique for(int i = 0; rowCount() > i; ++i) if(item(i, 0)->text() == newName) return; QRegularExpression regexp("[^0-9a-zA-Z]"); if(!regexp.match(newName).hasMatch()){ //if second column use first column if(1 == selectedItems().first()->column()) item(selectedItems().first()->row(), 0)->setText(newName); else selectedItems().first()->setText(newName); } } }
BOOL CFulEditCtrl::HandleUrl(POINT& pt) { tstring tmp; tstring::size_type ch = TextUnderCursor(pt, tmp); if(ch == tstring::npos) { return FALSE; } int start = tmp.find_last_of(_T(" \t\r"), ch) +1; int end = tmp.find_first_of(_T(" \t\r"), start+1); if(end == tstring::npos) end = tmp.length(); tstring url = tmp.substr(start, end-start); PME regexp(_T("^(https?://|ftps?://|mms://|www\\.|dchub://)"), _T("ims")); if(regexp.match(url) > 0) { WinUtil::openLink(url); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
QString WebView::promptForFilename(const QNetworkRequest& request, QNetworkReply* pReply = NULL) { QString defaultFileName = QFileInfo(request.url().path()).fileName(); // Content-Disposition's filename parameter should be used as the // default, if present. if (pReply && pReply->hasRawHeader("content-disposition")) { QString headerValue = QString::fromAscii(pReply->rawHeader("content-disposition")); QRegExp regexp(QString::fromAscii("filename=(.+)"), Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (regexp.indexIn(headerValue) >= 0) { defaultFileName = regexp.cap(1); } } QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Download File"), defaultFileName); return fileName; }
grep_string(string lines,string exp, string file) { string *lines_array; string *matched_arr; int i, z; lines_array=explode(lines,"\n"); matched_arr=regexp(lines_array,exp); z = 0; if (!matched_arr) return; if(moreflag == 0) { for (i=0;i<sizeof(matched_arr);i++) printf("%s:%s\n", file, matched_arr[i]); } else { for (i=0;i<sizeof(matched_arr);i++) { output += ({sprintf("%s:%s\n", file, matched_arr[i])}); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); qmlRegisterType<MemoryInitFile>("MemoryInitialization",1,0,"MemoryInitFile"); qmlRegisterType<MemoryChunk>("MemoryInitialization", 1, 0, "MemoryChunk"); qmlRegisterType<ChunkData>("MemoryInitialization", 1, 0, "ChunkData"); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; MemoryInitFile active_file(&app); QRegExp regexp("[0-9abcdef]*"); QRegExp regexp2("[0-9]*"); AddressValidator valid(&active_file,&app); ValueValidator valid2(&active_file, &app); valid.setRegExpression(regexp); valid2.setRegExpression(regexp2); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("MemoryFileEngine",&active_file); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("AddressValidator",&valid); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("ValueValidator",&valid2); engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); return app.exec(); }
static QColor stringToColor(const QString& s) { QRegExp regexp(QLatin1String("(rgb|rgba)\\s*\\((.+)\\)\\s*")); if (regexp.exactMatch(s)) { QStringList colors = regexp.cap(1).split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (colors.size() >= 3) { QColor c(colors.at(0).toInt(), colors.at(1).toInt(), colors.at(2).toInt()); if (regexp.cap(0) == QLatin1String("rgba") && colors.size() == 4) { c.setAlpha(colors.at(4).toInt()); } return c; } } return QColor(); }
QWidget * ExtArgBool::createEditor(QWidget * parent) { bool state = defaultBool(); boolBox = new QCheckBox(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->display), parent); if ( _argument->tooltip != NULL ) boolBox->setToolTip(QString().fromUtf8(_argument->tooltip)); if ( _argument->storeval ) { QRegExp regexp(EXTCAP_BOOLEAN_REGEX); bool savedstate = ( regexp.indexIn(QString(_argument->storeval[0]), 0) != -1 ); if ( savedstate != state ) state = savedstate; } boolBox->setCheckState(state ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked ); connect (boolBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(onIntChanged(int))); return boolBox; }
bool Search::findNextText() { int size; FieldArchive::Sorting sort = sorting(); ++from; if(fieldArchive->searchText(regexp(), fieldID, textID, from, size, sort)) { // qDebug() << "from=" << from << "(MsdFile::findNextText::from=index)"; emit foundText(fieldID, textID, from, size); // "found" signal may change 'from' value // qDebug() << "from=" << from << "(MsdFile::findNextText::from++)"; return true; } textID = from = fieldID = -1; // qDebug() << "FieldID=" << fieldID << "(Search::findNextText::0)"; // qDebug() << "textID=" << textID << "(Search::findNextText::0)"; // qDebug() << "from=" << from << "(MsdFile::findNextText::0)"; return false; }
void MythUIText::ResetMap(const InfoMap &map) { QString newText = GetTemplateText(); if (newText.isEmpty()) newText = GetDefaultText(); QRegExp regexp("%(([^\\|%]+)?\\||\\|(.))?([\\w#]+)(\\|(.+))?%"); regexp.setMinimal(true); bool replaced = map.contains(objectName()); if (!replaced && !newText.isEmpty() && newText.contains(regexp)) { int pos = 0; QString translatedTemplate = qApp->translate("ThemeUI", newText.toUtf8()); while ((pos = regexp.indexIn(translatedTemplate, pos)) != -1) { QString key = regexp.cap(4).toLower().trimmed(); if (map.contains(key)) { replaced = true; break; } pos += regexp.matchedLength(); } } if (replaced) { Reset(); } }
CString CCommands::XApplicationEvents::GetRegexpData( IN CString Data, IN LPCTSTR lpRegexp, IN DWORD dwRegexpType, LPCTSTR sNamedGroup /*= NULL*/ ) { CRegexpT <TCHAR> regexp(lpRegexp, dwRegexpType); CString strRetData; MatchResult result = regexp.Match(Data); if (result.IsMatched()) { int iStart, iEnd; if (sNamedGroup == NULL) { iStart = result.GetGroupStart(1); //得到 捕获组\1 iEnd = result.GetGroupEnd(1); if (iStart < 0 || iEnd < 0) { return ""; } strRetData = Data.Mid(iStart, iEnd - iStart); } else { int iIndex; iIndex = regexp.GetNamedGroupNumber(sNamedGroup); if (iIndex < 0) { return ""; } iStart = result.GetGroupStart(iIndex); iEnd = result.GetGroupEnd(iIndex); strRetData = Data.Mid(iStart, iEnd - iStart); } } return strRetData; }
AddCurrencyDialog::AddCurrencyDialog(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QDialog(parent, flags) { setupUi(this); progressBar->hide(); QIcon okIcon(style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_DialogApplyButton)); errorIcon = style()->standardPixmap(QStyle::SP_MessageBoxCritical); warningLabel->setPixmap( okIcon.pixmap( QSize(22,22) ) ); QRegExp regexp("^0{0,1}[0-9]{1,2}$"); debetLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp, this)); creditLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp, this)); unknownLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp, this)); transitLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp, this)); QRegExp regexp1("^1{1,1}0{1,1}[0-9]{3,3}$"); numberLineEdit->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regexp1, this)); connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); connect( checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( enableNumberLineEdit() ) ); connect( checkBox, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( enableOkButton() ) ); QList<QLineEdit*> list = this->findChildren<QLineEdit *>(); for(int i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) connect( list[i], SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString &) ), this, SLOT( enableOkButton() ) ); connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( okClicked() ) ); socket.setConnection( host, port, "check_if_major_currency_exists(@result)"); progressBar->show(); connect( &socket, SIGNAL( canGetData() ), this, SLOT( checkData() ) ); connect( &socket, SIGNAL( errorRaised() ), this, SLOT( loadError() ) ); connect( &qSocket, SIGNAL( canGetData() ), this, SLOT( checkAnswer() ) ); connect( &qSocket, SIGNAL( errorRaised() ), this, SLOT( loadError() ) ); }