Exemplo n.º 1
void pwm_stop(void)
// Stop all PWM signals to the motor.
    // Disable interrupts.

    // Are we moving in the A or B direction?
    if (pwm_a || pwm_b)
        // Disable OC1A and OC1B outputs.
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1A0));
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1B1) | (1<<COM1B0));

        // Clear PB1 and PB2.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));


        // Reset the A and B direction flags.
        pwm_a = 0;
        pwm_b = 0;

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Restore interrupts.

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 2
void motion_registers_reset(void)
// Reset the motion registers to zero values.
    // Set the default position, velocity and delta data.
    registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_POSITION_HI, REG_CURVE_POSITION_LO, 0);
    registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_HI, REG_CURVE_IN_VELOCITY_LO, 0);
    registers_write_word(REG_CURVE_DELTA_HI, REG_CURVE_DELTA_LO, 0);

    // Update the buffer status.
    registers_write_byte(REG_CURVE_RESERVED, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_CURVE_BUFFER, motion_buffer_left());
Exemplo n.º 3
void pwm_stop(void)
// Stop all PWM signals to the motor.
    // Disable interrupts.

    // Are we moving in the A or B direction?
    if (pwm_a || pwm_b)
        // Make sure that SMPLn_B (PD4) and SMPLn_A (PD7) are held high.
        PORTD |= ((1<<PD4) | (1<<PD7));

        // Disable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) output.
        TCCR1A = 0;

        // Make sure that PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) are held low.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

        // Do we want to enable braking?
        if (1)
           // Before enabling braking (which turns on the "two lower MOSFETS"), introduce
           // sufficient delay to give the H-bridge time to respond to the change of state 
           // that has just been made.

            // Hold EN_A (PD2) and EN_B (PD3) high.
            PORTD |= ((1<<PD2) | (1<<PD3));
            // Hold EN_A (PD2) and EN_B (PD3) low.
            PORTD &= ~((1<<PD2) | (1<<PD3));

        // Reset the A and B direction flags.
        pwm_a = 0;
        pwm_b = 0;

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Restore interrupts.

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void pwm_dir_a(uint8_t pwm_duty)
// Send PWM signal for rotation with the indicated pwm ratio (0 - 255).
// This function is meant to be called only by pwm_update.
    // Determine the duty cycle value for the timer.
    uint16_t duty_cycle = PWM_OCRN_VALUE(pwm_div, pwm_duty);

    // Disable interrupts.

    // Do we need to reconfigure PWM output?
    if (!pwm_a || pwm_b)

        // Disable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) output.
        // NOTE: Actually PWM_A should already be disabled...
        TCCR1A &= ~((1<<COM1A1) | (1<<COM1B1));

        OCR1A = duty_cycle;

        // Yes. Make sure PB1 and PB2 are zero.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

        // Give the H-bridge time to respond to the above changes

        // Enable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A)  output.
        TCCR1A |= (1<<COM1A1);

        // Reset the B direction flag.
        pwm_b = 0;

    // Set the A direction flag.
    pwm_a = pwm_duty;

    // Update the PWM duty cycle.
    OCR1A = duty_cycle;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Restore interrupts.

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 5
void pwm_init(void)
// Initialize the PWM module for controlling a DC motor.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

    // Set EN_A (PD2) and EN_B (PD3) to low.
    PORTD &= ~((1<<PD2) | (1<<PD3));

    // Set SMPLn_B (PD4) and SMPLn_A (PD7) to high.
    PORTD |= ((1<<PD4) | (1<<PD7));

    // Enable PD2, PD3, PD4 and PD7 as outputs.
    DDRD |= ((1<<DDD2) | (1<<DDD3) | (1<<DDD4) | (1<<DDD7));

    // Set PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) are low.
    PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

    // Enable PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B as outputs.
    DDRB |= ((1<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB2));

    // Reset the timer1 configuration.
    TCNT1 = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 1,2,...X
    TCCR1A = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
    TCCR1B = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
    TCCR1C = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
    TIMSK1 = 0;			// Timer/Counter1 Interrupt Mask

    // Set timer top value.
    ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);  //Input Capture Register1

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;  //Output Compare Register1 A
    OCR1B = 0;  //Output Compare Register1 B

    // Configure timer 1 for PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct operation, but leave outputs disabled.
    TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A1) | (0<<COM1A0) |                    // Disable OC1A output.
             (0<<COM1B1) | (0<<COM1B0) |                    // Disable OC1B output.
             (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);                       // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
    TCCR1B = (0<<ICNC1) | (0<<ICES1) |                      // Input on ICP1 disabled.
             (1<<WGM13) | (0<<WGM12) |                      // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
             (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10);             // No prescaling.

    // Update the pwm values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
void general_call_disable(void)
    TWAR &= ~(1<<TWGCE);                      // disable general call

    uint8_t flags_lo = registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO);

    registers_write_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO, flags_lo  & ~(1<<FLAGS_LO_GENERALCALL_ENABLED));
Exemplo n.º 7
static void pwm_dir_a(uint16_t pwm_duty)
// Send PWM signal for rotation with the indicated pwm ratio (0 - 255).
// This function is meant to be called only by pwm_update.
    // Determine the duty cycle value for the timer.
    uint16_t duty_cycle = pwm_duty;

    // Disable interrupts.

    // Do we need to reconfigure PWM output?
    if (!pwm_a || pwm_b)

        // Disable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) output.
        // NOTE: Actually PWM_A should already be disabled...
        pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //PA8
        pinMode(7, OUTPUT); //PA9
        // Yes. Make sure PB1 and PB2 are zero.
        digitalWrite(6, LOW);
        digitalWrite(7, LOW);
        // Give the H-bridge time to respond to the above changes

        // Reset the B direction flag.
        pwm_b = 0;

    // Set the A direction flag.
    pwm_a = pwm_duty;
    // Update the PWM duty cycle.
    pinMode(6, PWM); //PA8
    pwmWrite(6, pwm_a);
    // Restore interrupts.
   // nvic_globalirq_enable();

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 8
// general call functions
void general_call_enable(void)
    TWAR |=  (1<<TWGCE);       // Enable general call at address 0x00

    uint8_t flags_lo = registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO);

    // Enable PWM to the servo motor.
    registers_write_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO, flags_lo | (1<<FLAGS_LO_GENERALCALL_ENABLED));
Exemplo n.º 9
void pwm_stop(void)
// Stop all PWM signals to the motor.
    // Disable interrupts.

    pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //PA8
    pinMode(7, OUTPUT); //PA9
    pwmWrite(6, 0); // set low
    pwmWrite(7, 0); // set low

    // Restore interrupts.

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 10
void pwm_init(void)
// Initialize the PWM module for controlling a DC motor.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    pwm_div = registers_read_word(REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_HI, REG_PWM_FREQ_DIVIDER_LO);

    TCCR1A = 0;

    // Set PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B to low.
    PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

    // Enable PB1/OC1A and PB2/OC1B as outputs.
    DDRB |= ((1<<DDB1) | (1<<DDB2));

    // Reset the timer1 configuration.
    TCNT1 = 0;
    TCCR1A = 0;
    TCCR1B = 0;
    TCCR1C = 0;
    TIMSK1 = 0;

    // Set timer top value.
    ICR1 = PWM_TOP_VALUE(pwm_div);

    // Set the PWM duty cycle to zero.
    OCR1A = 0;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Configure timer 1 for PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct operation, but leave outputs disabled.
    TCCR1A = (0<<COM1A1) | (0<<COM1A0) |                    // Disable OC1A output.
             (0<<COM1B1) | (0<<COM1B0) |                    // Disable OC1B output.
             (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);                       // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
    TCCR1B = (0<<ICNC1) | (0<<ICES1) |                      // Input on ICP1 disabled.
             (1<<WGM13) | (0<<WGM12) |                      // PWM, Phase and Frequency Correct, TOP = ICR1
             (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10);             // No prescaling.

    // Update the pwm values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, 0);
Exemplo n.º 11
void regulator_registers_defaults(void)
// Initialize the motion related register values.  This is done here to
// keep the motion related code in a single file.  
    // Default control parameters.
    registers_write_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO, 510);      // k1
    registers_write_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO, 23287);    // k2   

    // Default position limits.
    registers_write_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO, 0x0060);
    registers_write_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO, 0x03A0);

    // Default reverse seek setting.
    registers_write_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK, 0x00);
Exemplo n.º 12
void pwm_init(void)
// Initialize the PWM module for controlling a DC motor.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    // Initialize the pwm frequency divider value.
    pwm_max = banks_read_byte(CONFIG_BANK,  REG_PWM_MAX);


    pinMode(6, PWM); //PA8
    pinMode(7, PWM); //PA9
    pwmWrite(6, 0);
    pwmWrite(7, 0);

    // Update the pwm values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, 0);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, 0);
Exemplo n.º 13
void ipd_registers_defaults(void)
// Initialize the PID algorithm related register values.  This is done 
// here to keep the PID related code in a single file.  
    // Default gain values.
    registers_write_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO, 0x0400);
    registers_write_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO, 0x0300);
    registers_write_word(REG_PID_IGAIN_HI, REG_PID_IGAIN_LO, 0x4000);

    // Default position limits.
    registers_write_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO, 0x0060);
    registers_write_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO, 0x03A0);

    // Default reverse seek setting.
    registers_write_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK, 0x00);
Exemplo n.º 14
void motion_next(uint16_t delta)
// Increment the buffer counter by the indicated delta and return the position
// and velocity from the buffered curves.  If the delta is zero the current
// position and velocity is returned.
    float fposition;
    float fvelocity;

    // Determine if curve motion is disabled in the registers.
    if (!(registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO) & (1<<FLAGS_LO_MOTION_ENABLED))) return;

    // Are we processing an empty curve?
    if (motion_tail == motion_head)
        // Yes. Keep the counter and duration at zero.
        motion_counter = 0;
        motion_duration = 0;
        // Increment the counter.
        motion_counter += delta;

        // Have we exceeded the duration of the currently buffered curve?
        while (motion_counter > curve_get_duration())
            // Reduce the buffer counter by the currently buffered curve duration.
            motion_counter -= curve_get_duration();

            // Reduce the buffer duration by the currently buffered curve duration.
            motion_duration -= curve_get_duration();

            // Increment the tail to process the next buffered curve.
            motion_tail = (motion_tail + 1) & MOTION_BUFFER_MASK;

            // Has the tail caught up with the head?
            if (motion_tail == motion_head)
                // Initialize an empty hermite curve with a zero duration.  This is a degenerate case for
                // the hermite cuve that will always return the position of the curve without velocity.
                curve_init(0, 0, keys[motion_head].position, keys[motion_head].position, 0.0, 0.0);

                // Reset the buffer counter and duration to zero.
                motion_counter = 0;
                motion_duration = 0;
                uint8_t curr_point;
                uint8_t next_point;

                // Get the current point and next point for the curve.
                curr_point = motion_tail;
                next_point = (curr_point + 1) & MOTION_BUFFER_MASK;

                // Initialize the hermite curve from the current and next point.
                curve_init(0, keys[next_point].delta,
                           keys[curr_point].position, keys[next_point].position,
                           keys[curr_point].out_velocity, keys[next_point].in_velocity);

            // Update the space available in the buffer.
            registers_write_byte(REG_CURVE_BUFFER, motion_buffer_left());

    // Get the position and velocity from the hermite curve.
    curve_solve(motion_counter, &fposition, &fvelocity);

    // The velocity is in position units a millisecond, but we really need the
    // velocity to be measured in position units every 10 milliseconds to match
    // the sample period of the ADC.
    fvelocity *= 10.0;

    // Update the seek position register.
    registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO, float_to_int(fposition));

    // Update the seek velocity register.
    registers_write_word(REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_HI, REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_LO, float_to_int(fvelocity));
Exemplo n.º 15
static void twi_registers_write(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
// Write non-write protected registers.  This function handles the
// writing of special registers such as unused registers, redirect and 
// redirected registers.
    // Mask the most significant bit of the address.
    address &= 0x7F;

    // Are we writing a read only register?
    if (address <= MAX_READ_ONLY_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Are we writing a read/write register?
    if (address <= MAX_READ_WRITE_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Complete the write.
        registers_write_byte(address, data);


    // Is writing to the upper registers disabled?
    if (registers_is_write_disabled())
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Are we writing a write protected register?
    if (address <= MAX_WRITE_PROTECT_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Complete the write if writes are enabled.
        registers_write_byte(address, data);


    // Are we writing an unused register.
    if (address <= MAX_UNUSED_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Are we writing a redirect register.
    if (address <= MAX_REDIRECT_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Complete the write.
        registers_write_byte(address - (MIN_REDIRECT_REGISTER - MIN_UNUSED_REGISTER), data);


    // Are we writing a redirected register?
    if (address <= MAX_REDIRECTED_REGISTER)
        // Adjust address to reference appropriate redirect register.

        // Get the address from the redirect register.
        address = registers_read_byte(address - (MIN_REDIRECTED_REGISTER - MIN_UNUSED_REGISTER));

        // Prevent infinite recursion.
        if (address <= MAX_REDIRECT_REGISTER)
            // Recursively write redirected address.
            twi_registers_write(address, data);


    // All other writes are blocked.
Exemplo n.º 16
void general_call_start_wait_reset(void)
    uint8_t flags_lo = registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO);

    registers_write_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO, flags_lo  & ~(1<<FLAGS_LO_GENERALCALL_WAIT));
Exemplo n.º 17
void general_call_start_move(void)
    uint8_t flags_lo = registers_read_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO);

    registers_write_byte(REG_FLAGS_LO, flags_lo | (1<<FLAGS_LO_GENERALCALL_START));
Exemplo n.º 18
static void pwm_dir_a(uint8_t pwm_duty)
// Send PWM signal for rotation with the indicated pwm ratio (0 - 255).
// This function is meant to be called only by pwm_update.
    // Determine the duty cycle value for the timer.
    uint16_t duty_cycle = PWM_OCRN_VALUE(pwm_div, pwm_duty);

    // Disable interrupts.

    // Do we need to reconfigure PWM output for direction A?
    if (!pwm_a)
    { // Yes...

        // Set SMPLn_B (PD4) and SMPLn_A (PD7) to high.
        PORTD |= ((1<<PD4) | (1<<PD7));

        // Set EN_B (PD3) to low.
        PORTD &= ~(1<<PD3);

        // Disable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) output.
        // NOTE: Actually PWM_A should already be disabled...
        TCCR1A = 0;

        // Make sure PWM_A (PB1/OC1A) and PWM_B (PB2/OC1B) are low.
        PORTB &= ~((1<<PB1) | (1<<PB2));

        // Give the H-bridge time to respond to the above, failure to do so or to wait long
        // enough will result in brownouts as the power is "crowbarred" to varying extents.
        // The delay required is also dependant on factors which may affect the speed with
        // which the MOSFETs can respond, such as the impedance of the motor, the supply
        // voltage, etc.
        // Experiments (with an "MG995") have shown that 5microseconds should be sufficient
        // for most purposes.

        // Enable PWM_A (PB1/OC1A)  output.
        TCCR1A |= (1<<COM1A1);

        // Set EN_A (PD2) to high.
        PORTD |= (1<<PD2);

        // NOTE: The PWM driven state of the H-bridge should not be switched to b-mode or braking
        //       without a suffient delay.

        // Reset the B direction flag.
        pwm_b = 0;

    // Update the A direction flag.  A non-zero value keeps us from
    // recofiguring the PWM output A when it is already configured.
    pwm_a = pwm_duty;

    // Update the PWM duty cycle.
    OCR1A = duty_cycle;
    OCR1B = 0;

    // Restore interrupts.

    // Save the pwm A and B duty values.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRA, pwm_a);
    registers_write_byte(REG_PWM_DIRB, pwm_b);
Exemplo n.º 19
static void twi_registers_write(uint8_t address, uint8_t data)
// Write non-write protected registers.  This function handles the
// writing of special registers such as unused registers, redirect and 
// redirected registers.
    // Mask the most significant bit of the address.
    address &= 0x7F;

    // Are we writing a read only register?
    if (address <= MAX_READ_ONLY_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Are we writing a read/write register?
    if (address <= MAX_READ_WRITE_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Complete the write.
        registers_write_byte(address, data);


    // Is writing to the upper registers disabled?
    if (registers_is_write_disabled())
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Are we writing a write protected register?
    if (address <= MAX_WRITE_PROTECT_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Complete the write if writes are enabled.
        registers_write_byte(address, data);


    // Are we writing an unused register.
    if (address <= MAX_UNUSED_REGISTER)
        // Yes. Block the write.

    // Check that the bank selection is in range
    if (address == REG_BANK_SELECT)
        if (data >= MAX_BANKS)
            // Set the bank number to the maximum
            data = MAX_BANKS-1;
        registers_write_byte(address, data);

    // Are we writing a bank register? 
    if (address <= MAX_BANK_REGISTER)
            case BANK_0:
            case BANK_1:
            case BANK_2:

                // Are we writing a redirect register.
                if (address <= MIN_BANK_REGISTER + MAX_REDIRECT_REGISTER)
                    // Yes. Complete the write.
                    banks_write_byte(REDIRECTED_BANK, address - MIN_BANK_REGISTER, data);


                // Are we writing a redirected register?
                if (address <= MIN_BANK_REGISTER + MAX_REDIRECTED_REGISTER)
                    // Adjust address to reference appropriate redirect register.
                    address = address - (MIN_BANK_REGISTER + MIN_REDIRECTED_REGISTER);

                    // Get the address from the redirect register.
                    address = banks_read_byte(REDIRECTED_BANK, address);

                    // Prevent infinite recursion.
                    if (address <= MIN_BANK_REGISTER + MAX_REDIRECT_REGISTER)
                        // Recursively write redirected address.
                        twi_registers_write(address, data);

        return banks_write_byte(banks_selected_bank(), address-MIN_BANK_REGISTER, data);
    // All other writes are blocked.