Exemplo n.º 1
void VolumeURLListProperty::addVolume_(VolumeBase* handle, bool owner /*= false*/, bool selected /*= false*/) {
    tgtAssert(handle, "null pointer passed");

    std::string url = handle->getOrigin().getURL();
    if (!containsURL(url))
        addURL(url, selected, false);
        removeVolume(handle, false);

    handleMap_[url] = handle;
    ownerMap_[url] = owner;
Exemplo n.º 2
void TransFuncListProperty::removeURL(const std::string& url) {
    if (!containsURL(url)) {
        LWARNING("removeURL(): passed URL not contained by this property: " << url);

    // free corresponding volume, if owned by the property
    VolumeBase* handle = getVolume(url);
    if (handle)

    // remove url from url list
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = std::find(value_.begin(), value_.end(), url);
    tgtAssert(it != value_.end(), "url not found");

    // remove url from maps

Exemplo n.º 3
void MainWindow::setUpApp( const QString& volume )
	this->setLocalizationLanguage() ;
	m_ui = new Ui::MainWindow ;
	m_ui->setupUi( this ) ;

	this->setFixedSize( this->size() ) ;

	m_ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth( 0,220 ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth( 1,320 ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth( 2,145 ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth( 4,87 ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->setColumnWidth( 5,87 ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->hideColumn( 3 ) ;

	m_ui->tableWidget->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->verticalHeader()->setSectionResizeMode( QHeaderView::ResizeToContents ) ;
	m_ui->tableWidget->verticalHeader()->setMinimumSectionSize( 30 ) ;

	this->setAcceptDrops( true ) ;
	this->setWindowIcon( QIcon( ":/zuluMount.png" ) ) ;

	m_ui->tableWidget->setMouseTracking( true ) ;

	connect( m_ui->tableWidget,SIGNAL( itemEntered( QTableWidgetItem * ) ),this,SLOT( itemEntered( QTableWidgetItem * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->tableWidget,SIGNAL( currentItemChanged( QTableWidgetItem *,QTableWidgetItem * ) ),
		 this,SLOT( slotCurrentItemChanged( QTableWidgetItem *,QTableWidgetItem * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbmount,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbMount() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbupdate,SIGNAL( clicked()),this,SLOT( pbUpdate() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbclose,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( pbClose() ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->tableWidget,SIGNAL( itemClicked( QTableWidgetItem * ) ),this,SLOT( itemClicked( QTableWidgetItem * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_ui->pbunlockencfs,SIGNAL( clicked() ),this,SLOT( unlockencfs() ) ) ;

	connect( this,SIGNAL( unlistVolume( QString ) ),this,SLOT( removeVolume( QString ) ) ) ;

	this->setUpShortCuts() ;

	this->setUpFont() ;

	m_trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon( this ) ;
	m_trayIcon->setIcon( QIcon( ":/zuluMount.png" ) ) ;

	auto trayMenu = new QMenu( this ) ;

	m_autoMountAction = new QAction( this ) ;
	m_autoMount = this->autoMount() ;
	m_autoMountAction->setCheckable( true ) ;
	m_autoMountAction->setChecked( m_autoMount ) ;

	m_autoMountAction->setText( tr( "Automount Volumes" ) ) ;

	connect( m_autoMountAction,SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),this,SLOT( autoMountToggled( bool ) ) ) ;

	trayMenu->addAction( m_autoMountAction ) ;

	auto autoOpenFolderOnMount = new QAction( this ) ;
	autoOpenFolderOnMount->setCheckable( true ) ;
	m_autoOpenFolderOnMount = this->autoOpenFolderOnMount() ;
	autoOpenFolderOnMount->setChecked( m_autoOpenFolderOnMount ) ;
	autoOpenFolderOnMount->setText( tr( "Auto Open Mount Point" ) ) ;
	connect( autoOpenFolderOnMount,SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),this,SLOT( autoOpenFolderOnMount( bool ) ) ) ;

	trayMenu->addAction( autoOpenFolderOnMount ) ;

	auto ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	ac->setText( tr( "Show The Interface" ) ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( raiseWindow() ) ) ;

	trayMenu->addAction( ac ) ;

	ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	ac->setText( tr( "Unmount All" ) ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( unMountAll() ) ) ;

	trayMenu->addAction( ac ) ;

	m_favorite_menu = trayMenu->addMenu( tr( "Favorites" ) ) ;
	connect( m_favorite_menu,SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),this,SLOT( favoriteClicked( QAction * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_favorite_menu,SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),this,SLOT( showFavorites() ) ) ;

	m_not_hidden_volume_menu = trayMenu->addMenu( tr( "Hide Volume From View" ) ) ;
	connect( m_not_hidden_volume_menu,SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),this,SLOT( removeVolumeFromVisibleVolumeList( QAction * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_not_hidden_volume_menu,SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),this,SLOT( showVisibleVolumeList() ) ) ;

	m_hidden_volume_menu = trayMenu->addMenu( tr( "Unhide Volume From View" ) ) ;
	connect( m_hidden_volume_menu,SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),this,SLOT( removeVolumeFromHiddenVolumeList( QAction * ) ) ) ;
	connect( m_hidden_volume_menu,SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),this,SLOT( showHiddenVolumeList() ) ) ;

	ac = new QAction( this ) ;
	ac->setText( tr( "About" ) ) ;
	connect( ac,SIGNAL( triggered() ),this,SLOT( licenseInfo() ) ) ;
	trayMenu->addAction( ac ) ;

	trayMenu->addAction( tr( "Quit" ),this,SLOT( pbClose() ) ) ;
	m_trayIcon->setContextMenu( trayMenu ) ;

	connect( m_trayIcon,SIGNAL( activated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ),
		 this,SLOT( slotTrayClicked( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ) ) ;

	m_trayIcon->show() ;

	QString dirPath = utility::homePath() + "/.zuluCrypt/" ;
	QDir dir( dirPath ) ;

	if( !dir.exists() ){
		dir.mkdir( dirPath ) ;

	this->disableAll() ;

	this->startAutoMonitor() ;

	this->updateVolumeList( zuluMountTask::updateVolumeList().await() ) ;

	if( volume.isEmpty() ) {
		this->enableAll() ;
		this->showMoungDialog( volume ) ;