int Lua_Monster_Position(lua_State *L)
	if (!lua_isnumber(L, 2) || !lua_isnumber(L, 3) || !lua_isnumber(L, 4))
		return luaL_error(L, "position: incorrect argument type");

	short polygon_index = 0;
	if (lua_isnumber(L, 5))
		polygon_index = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 5));
		if (!Lua_Polygon::Valid(polygon_index))
			return luaL_error(L, "position: invalid polygon index");
	else if (Lua_Polygon::Is(L, 5))
		polygon_index = Lua_Polygon::Index(L, 5);
		return luaL_error(L, "position: incorrect argument type");

	monster_data *monster = get_monster_data(Lua_Monster::Index(L, 1));
	object_data *object = get_object_data(monster->object_index);
	object->location.x = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 2) * WORLD_ONE);
	object->location.y = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 3) * WORLD_ONE);
	object->location.z = static_cast<int>(lua_tonumber(L, 4) * WORLD_ONE);
	if (polygon_index != object->polygon)
		add_object_to_polygon_object_list(monster->object_index, polygon_index);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
// ZZZ: if in predictive mode, restore the saved partial game-state (it'd better take us back
// to _exactly_ the same full game-state we saved earlier, else problems.)
static void
	if(sPredictedTicks > 0)
		for(short i = 0; i < dynamic_world->player_count; i++)
			player_data* player = get_player_data(i);
			assert(player->monster_index == sSavedPlayerData[i].monster_index);

				// We *don't* restore this tiny part of the game-state back because
				// otherwise the player can't use [] to scroll the inventory panel.
				// [] scrolling happens outside the normal input/update system, so that's
				// enough to persuade me that not restoring this won't OOS any more often
				// than []-scrolling did before prediction.  :)
				int16 saved_interface_flags = player->interface_flags;
				int16 saved_interface_decay = player->interface_decay;
				*player = sSavedPlayerData[i];

				player->interface_flags = saved_interface_flags;
				player->interface_decay = saved_interface_decay;

			if(sSavedPlayerData[i].monster_index != NONE)
				assert(get_monster_data(sSavedPlayerData[i].monster_index)->object_index == sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i].object_index);

				*get_monster_data(sSavedPlayerData[i].monster_index) = sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i];
				if(sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i].object_index != NONE)
					assert(get_object_data(sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i].object_index)->parasitic_object == sSavedPlayerObjectData[i].parasitic_object);

					*get_object_data(sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i].object_index) = sSavedPlayerObjectData[i];

					// We have to defer this insertion since the object lists could still have other players
					// in their predictive locations etc. - we need to reconstruct everything exactly as it
					// was when we entered predictive mode.
					deferred_add_object_to_polygon_object_list(sSavedPlayerMonsterData[i].object_index, sSavedPlayerObjectNextObject[i]);
					if(sSavedPlayerObjectData[i].parasitic_object != NONE)
						*get_object_data(sSavedPlayerObjectData[i].parasitic_object) = sSavedPlayerParasiticObjectData[i];

		sPredictedTicks = 0;

		// Sanity checking
		if(sSavedTickCount != dynamic_world->tick_count)
			logWarning2("saved tick count %d != dynamic_world->tick_count %d", sSavedTickCount, dynamic_world->tick_count);

		if(sSavedRandomSeed != get_random_seed())
			logWarning2("saved random seed %d != get_random_seed() %d", sSavedRandomSeed, get_random_seed());