bool sc_rotate(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument, girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int t) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; g_return_val_if_fail(zathura->document != NULL, false); const unsigned int page_number = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document); int angle = 90; if (argument != NULL && argument->n == ROTATE_CCW) { angle = 270; } /* update rotate value */ t = (t == 0) ? 1 : t; unsigned int rotation = zathura_document_get_rotation(zathura->document); zathura_document_set_rotation(zathura->document, (rotation + angle * t) % 360); /* update scale */ girara_argument_t new_argument = { zathura_document_get_adjust_mode(zathura->document), NULL }; sc_adjust_window(zathura->ui.session, &new_argument, NULL, 0); /* render all pages again */ render_all(zathura); page_set(zathura, page_number); return false; }
static void cb_color_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* name, girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), void* value, void* UNUSED(data)) { g_return_if_fail(value != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL); g_return_if_fail(name != NULL); zathura_t* zathura = session->; const char* string_value = (const char*) value; if (g_strcmp0(name, "highlight-color") == 0) { gdk_rgba_parse(&(zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color), string_value); } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "highlight-active-color") == 0) { gdk_rgba_parse(&(zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_active), string_value); } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "recolor-darkcolor") == 0) { if (zathura->sync.render_thread != NULL) { zathura_renderer_set_recolor_colors_str(zathura->sync.render_thread, NULL, string_value); } } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "recolor-lightcolor") == 0) { if (zathura->sync.render_thread != NULL) { zathura_renderer_set_recolor_colors_str(zathura->sync.render_thread, string_value, NULL); } } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "render-loading-bg") == 0) { gdk_rgba_parse(&(zathura->ui.colors.render_loading_bg), string_value); } else if (g_strcmp0(name, "render-loading-fg") == 0) { gdk_rgba_parse(&(zathura->ui.colors.render_loading_fg), string_value); } render_all(zathura); }
bool sc_zoom(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument, girara_event_t* event, unsigned int t) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; g_return_val_if_fail(argument != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(zathura->document != NULL, false); zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_NONE); /* retrieve zoom step value */ int value = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "zoom-step", &value); const int nt = (t == 0) ? 1 : t; const double zoom_step = 1.0 + value / 100.0 * nt; const double old_zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); /* specify new zoom value */ if (argument->n == ZOOM_IN) { girara_debug("Increasing zoom by %f.", zoom_step - 1.0); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, old_zoom * zoom_step); } else if (argument->n == ZOOM_OUT) { girara_debug("Decreasing zoom by %f.", zoom_step - 1.0); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, old_zoom / zoom_step); } else if (argument->n == ZOOM_SPECIFIC) { if (t == 0) { girara_debug("Setting zoom to 1."); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, 1.0); } else { girara_debug("Setting zoom to %f.", t / 100.0); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, t / 100.0); } } else if (argument->n == ZOOM_SMOOTH) { const double dy = (event != NULL) ? event->y : 1.0; girara_debug("Increasing zoom by %f.", zoom_step * dy - 1.0); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, old_zoom + zoom_step * dy); } else { girara_debug("Setting zoom to 1."); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, 1.0); } /* zoom limitations */ const double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, zathura_correct_scale_value(session, scale)); const double new_zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); if (fabs(new_zoom - old_zoom) <= DBL_EPSILON) { girara_debug("New and old zoom level are too close: %f vs. %f, diff = %f", new_zoom, old_zoom, fabs(new_zoom - old_zoom)); return false; } girara_debug("Re-rendering with new zoom level %f.", new_zoom); render_all(zathura); refresh_view(zathura); return false; }
bool sc_toggle_page_mode(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument), girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t)) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; if (zathura->document == NULL) { girara_notify(session, GIRARA_WARNING, _("No document opened.")); return false; } unsigned int page_id = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document); int pages_per_row = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); int value = 1; if (pages_per_row == 1) { value = zathura->shortcut.toggle_page_mode.pages; } else { zathura->shortcut.toggle_page_mode.pages = pages_per_row; } girara_setting_set(zathura->ui.session, "pages-per-row", &value); adjust_view(zathura); page_set(zathura, page_id); render_all(zathura); refresh_view(zathura); return true; }
void menu::init() { using lifetime = support::action::lifetime; namespace a = support::action::menu; namespace mse = support::action::mouse; auto assetM = engine->get<asset>().lock(); auto act = engine->get<action>().lock(); auto tw = engine->get<tweener<float>>().lock(); assetM->request<polar::asset::audio>("menu1"); font = assetM->get<polar::asset::font>("nasalization-rg"); keep(act->bind<a::down >(lifetime::on, [this] { navigate( 1); })); keep(act->bind<a::up >(lifetime::on, [this] { navigate(-1); })); keep(act->bind<a::right >(lifetime::on, [this] { navigate(0, 1); })); keep(act->bind<a::left >(lifetime::on, [this] { navigate(0, -1); })); keep(act->bind<a::forward>(lifetime::on, [this] { activate(); })); keep(act->bind<a::back >(lifetime::on, [this] { navigate(0, -1, true); })); keep(act->bind<mse::position_y>([this](Decimal y) { if(int(y) != 0) { on_cursor(int(y)); } })); keep(tw->tween(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.25, true, [this](auto, const float &x) { selectionAlpha = x; })); render_all(); }
void draw_loop(GLFWwindow *window) { while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { // Timing needs to be maintained if using single buffered context. /*timespec curr_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &curr_time); auto get_time_us = [] (const timespec &curr_time) { return 1000000 * curr_time.tv_sec + curr_time.tv_nsec / 1000; }; long elapsed = get_time_us(curr_time) - get_time_us(last_time); float fps = 1000000. / elapsed; last_time = curr_time;*/ shm_getg(kalman, kalman_g); update_transformations(); handle_input(window); render_all(cam); glfwSwapBuffers(window); glfwPollEvents(); /*clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &curr_time); elapsed = get_time_us(curr_time) - get_time_us(last_time); float sleep_time_ms = (1000 / TARGET_FPS) - elapsed / 1000.; printf("%f FPS, time taken is %lu us\n", fps, elapsed); if (sleep_time_ms < 0) { sleep_time_ms = 0; }*/ } }
/** * @brief Split main loop from main() for secondary loop hack in toolkit.c. */ void main_loop (void) { int tk; /* Check to see if toolkit is open. */ tk = toolkit_isOpen(); /* Clear buffer. */ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); fps_control(); /* everyone loves fps control */ sound_update( real_dt ); /* Update sounds. */ if (tk) toolkit_update(); /* to simulate key repetition */ if (!menu_isOpen(MENU_MAIN)) { if (!paused) update_all(); /* update game */ render_all(); } /* Toolkit is rendered on top. */ if (tk) toolkit_render(); gl_checkErr(); /* check error every loop */ /* Draw buffer. */ SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); }
void prompt_show(ObPrompt *self, ObClient *parent, gboolean modal) { gint i; if (self->mapped) { /* activate the prompt */ OBT_PROP_MSG(ob_screen, self->super.window, NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW, 1, /* from an application.. */ event_time(), 0, 0, 0); return; } /* set the focused button (if not found then the first button is used) */ self->focus = &self->button[0]; for (i = 0; i < self->n_buttons; ++i) if (self->button[i].result == self->default_result) { self->focus = &self->button[i]; break; } if (parent) { Atom states[1]; gint nstates; Window p; XWMHints h; if (parent->group) { /* make it transient for the window's group */ h.flags = WindowGroupHint; h.window_group = parent->group->leader; p = obt_root(ob_screen); } else { /* make it transient for the window directly */ h.flags = 0; p = parent->window; } XSetWMHints(obt_display, self->super.window, &h); OBT_PROP_SET32(self->super.window, WM_TRANSIENT_FOR, WINDOW, p); states[0] = OBT_PROP_ATOM(NET_WM_STATE_MODAL); nstates = (modal ? 1 : 0); OBT_PROP_SETA32(self->super.window, NET_WM_STATE, ATOM, states, nstates); } else OBT_PROP_ERASE(self->super.window, WM_TRANSIENT_FOR); /* set up the dialog and render it */ prompt_layout(self); render_all(self); client_manage(self->super.window, self); self->mapped = TRUE; }
bool sc_zoom(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument, girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int t) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; g_return_val_if_fail(argument != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(zathura->document != NULL, false); zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_NONE); /* retreive zoom step value */ int value = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "zoom-step", &value); int nt = (t == 0) ? 1 : t; float zoom_step = value / 100.0f * nt; float old_zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); /* specify new zoom value */ if (argument->n == ZOOM_IN) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, old_zoom + zoom_step); } else if (argument->n == ZOOM_OUT) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, old_zoom - zoom_step); } else if (argument->n == ZOOM_SPECIFIC) { if (t == 0) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, 1.0f); } else { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, t / 100.0f); } } else { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, 1.0f); } /* zoom limitations */ int zoom_min_int = 10; int zoom_max_int = 1000; girara_setting_get(session, "zoom-min", &zoom_min_int); girara_setting_get(session, "zoom-max", &zoom_max_int); float zoom_min = zoom_min_int * 0.01f; float zoom_max = zoom_max_int * 0.01f; float scale = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); if (scale < zoom_min) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, zoom_min); } else if (scale > zoom_max) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, zoom_max); } /* keep position */ readjust_view_after_zooming(zathura, old_zoom, true); render_all(zathura); return false; }
static void cb_nohlsearch_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name), girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), void* value, void* UNUSED(data)) { g_return_if_fail(value != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL); zathura_t* zathura = session->; document_draw_search_results(zathura, !(*(bool*) value)); render_all(zathura); }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { char * pwd = "."; /* TODO: Fetch the actual path */ file_t * file = create_file(pwd, NEW_FILE); while(!file->term_status->quit_fl) { key_handle(file); render_all(file); } close_file(file); return 0; }
bool cmd_nohlsearch(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list)) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; document_draw_search_results(zathura, false); render_all(zathura); return true; }
void menu::navigate(int down, int right, bool force) { auto &item = current_at(current); bool playBeep = false; bool newForce = force; if(!force && right && item.control && item.control->navigate(right)) { item.fn(item.control->get()); render(current, true); playBeep = true; } else { newForce = force; } if(newForce) { while(right > 0) { auto &i = current_at(current); if(!i.children.empty()) { stack.emplace_back(current); current = 0; --right; playBeep = true; } else { activate(); } } while(right < 0) { if(stack.empty()) { if(force) { engine->transition = "back"; return; } } else { current = (int)stack.back(); stack.pop_back(); ++right; playBeep = true; } } render_all(); } if(down != 0) { navigate_to(current + down); } if(playBeep) { beep(); } }
void cb_setting_recolor_keep_hue_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* name, girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), void* value, void* UNUSED(data)) { g_return_if_fail(value != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL); g_return_if_fail(name != NULL); zathura_t* zathura = session->; bool bool_value = *((bool*) value); if (zathura->global.recolor_keep_hue != bool_value) { zathura->global.recolor_keep_hue = bool_value; render_all(zathura); } }
void cb_setting_recolor_keep_reverse_video_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* name, girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), void* value, void* UNUSED(data)) { g_return_if_fail(value != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session != NULL); g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL); g_return_if_fail(name != NULL); zathura_t* zathura = session->; const bool bool_value = *((bool*) value); if (zathura->sync.render_thread != NULL && zathura_renderer_recolor_reverse_video_enabled(zathura->sync.render_thread) != bool_value) { zathura_renderer_enable_recolor_reverse_video(zathura->sync.render_thread, bool_value); render_all(zathura); } }
void prompt_startup(gboolean reconfig) { /* note: this is not a copy, don't free it */ prompt_a_bg = ob_rr_theme->osd_bg; prompt_a_button = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_unpressed_button); prompt_a_focus = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_focused_button); prompt_a_press = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_pressed_button); prompt_a_msg = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label); prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.flow = TRUE; if (reconfig) { GList *it; for (it = prompt_list; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { ObPrompt *p = it->data; prompt_layout(p); render_all(p); } } }
void mark_evaluate(zathura_t* zathura, int key) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->global.marks == NULL) { return; } /* search for existing mark */ GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(zathura->global.marks, zathura_mark_t*, iter, mark) if (mark != NULL && mark->key == key) { zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, mark->scale); render_all(zathura); position_set_delayed(zathura, mark->position_x, mark->position_y); cb_view_vadjustment_value_changed(NULL, zathura); zathura->global.update_page_number = true; return; } GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(zathura->global.marks, zathura_mark_t*, iter, mark); }
void cb_scale_factor(GObject* object, GParamSpec* UNUSED(pspec), gpointer data) { zathura_t* zathura = data; if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL) { return; } int new_factor = gtk_widget_get_scale_factor(GTK_WIDGET(object)); if (new_factor == 0) { girara_debug("Ignoring new device scale factor = 0"); return; } zathura_device_factors_t current = zathura_document_get_device_factors(zathura->document); if (fabs(new_factor - current.x) >= DBL_EPSILON || fabs(new_factor - current.y) >= DBL_EPSILON) { zathura_document_set_device_factors(zathura->document, new_factor, new_factor); girara_debug("New device scale factor: %d", new_factor); zathura_update_view_ppi(zathura); render_all(zathura); } }
void prompt_startup(gboolean reconfig) { RrColor *c_button, *c_focus, *c_press, *c_pfocus; /* note: this is not a copy, don't free it */ prompt_a_bg = ob_rr_theme->osd_bg; prompt_a_button = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_focused_unpressed_close); prompt_a_focus = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_hover_focused_close); prompt_a_press = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_focused_pressed_close); prompt_a_pfocus = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->a_focused_pressed_close); c_button = prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.mask.color; c_focus = prompt_a_focus->texture[0].data.mask.color; c_press = prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.mask.color; c_pfocus = prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.mask.color; RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_button); RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_focus); RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_press); RrAppearanceRemoveTextures(prompt_a_pfocus); /* texture[0] is the text and texture[1-4] (for prompt_a_focus and prompt_a_pfocus) is lineart to show where keyboard focus is */ RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_button, 1); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_focus, 5); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_press, 1); RrAppearanceAddTextures(prompt_a_pfocus, 5); /* totally cheating here.. */ prompt_a_button->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_focus->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_press->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[0] = ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label->texture[0]; prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.text.justify = RR_JUSTIFY_CENTER; prompt_a_focus->texture[0].data.text.justify = RR_JUSTIFY_CENTER; prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.text.justify = RR_JUSTIFY_CENTER; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[0].data.text.justify = RR_JUSTIFY_CENTER; prompt_a_button->texture[0].data.text.color = c_button; prompt_a_focus->texture[0].data.text.color = c_focus; prompt_a_press->texture[0].data.text.color = c_press; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[0].data.text.color = c_pfocus; prompt_a_focus->texture[1].data.lineart.color = c_focus; prompt_a_focus->texture[2].data.lineart.color = c_focus; prompt_a_focus->texture[3].data.lineart.color = c_focus; prompt_a_focus->texture[4].data.lineart.color = c_focus; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[1].data.lineart.color = c_press; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[2].data.lineart.color = c_press; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[3].data.lineart.color = c_press; prompt_a_pfocus->texture[4].data.lineart.color = c_press; prompt_a_msg = RrAppearanceCopy(ob_rr_theme->osd_hilite_label); prompt_a_msg->texture[0].data.text.flow = TRUE; if (reconfig) { GList *it; for (it = prompt_list; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { ObPrompt *p = it->data; prompt_layout(p); render_all(p); } } }
bool sc_toggle_presentation(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument), girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t)) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; if (zathura->document == NULL) { girara_notify(session, GIRARA_WARNING, _("No document opened.")); return false; } const girara_mode_t old_mode = girara_mode_get(session); if (old_mode == zathura->modes.presentation) { /* reset pages per row */ girara_setting_set(session, "pages-per-row", &zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.pages); /* reset first page column */ if (zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.first_page_column_list != NULL) { girara_setting_set(session, "first-page-column", zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.first_page_column_list); } /* show status bar */ gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.statusbar)); /* set full screen */ gtk_window_unfullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(session->gtk.window)); /* reset scale */ zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.zoom); render_all(zathura); refresh_view(zathura); /* set mode */ girara_mode_set(session, zathura->modes.normal); } else if (old_mode == zathura->modes.normal) { /* backup pages per row */ girara_setting_get(session, "pages-per-row", &zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.pages); /* backup first page column */ g_free(zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.first_page_column_list); zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.first_page_column_list = NULL; /* this will leak. we need to move the values somewhere else */ girara_setting_get(session, "first-page-column", &zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.first_page_column_list); /* set single view */ int int_value = 1; girara_setting_set(session, "pages-per-row", &int_value); /* back up zoom */ zathura->shortcut.toggle_presentation_mode.zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); /* adjust window */ girara_argument_t argument = { ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT, NULL }; sc_adjust_window(session, &argument, NULL, 0); /* hide status and inputbar */ gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.inputbar)); gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.statusbar)); /* set full screen */ gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(session->gtk.window)); refresh_view(zathura); /* set mode */ girara_mode_set(session, zathura->modes.presentation); } return false; }
//run 1 NES frame with FF/REW control void play() { static int framecount=0; static int fcount = 0; int forward = 0; int backward = 0; do_cheat(); global_playcount++; if(global_playcount > 6) global_playcount = 0; if(nifi_stat) __emuflags &= ~(FASTFORWARD | REWIND); //when nifi enabled, disable the fastforward & rewind. forward = __emuflags & FASTFORWARD; backward = __emuflags & REWIND; if(backward) { // for rolling back... a nice function? swiWaitForVBlank(); framecount++; if(framecount>2) { framecount-=3; if(firstsave!=lastsave) { lastsave--; if(lastsave<0) lastsave=maxsaves-1; loadstate(freemem_start+SAVESTATESIZE*lastsave); EMU_Run(); } } } else { if(__emuflags & SOFTRENDER) { if(!(forward) && (fcount >= debuginfo[6] && fcount - debuginfo[6] < 10) ) // disable VBlank to speed up emulation. swiWaitForVBlank(); } else { if(!(forward)) { if(__emuflags & PALSYNC) { if(__emuflags & (SOFTRENDER | PALTIMING)) __emuflags ^= PALSYNC; if(REG_VCOUNT < 190) { swiWaitForVBlank(); } } else { if((!(__emuflags & ALLPIXEL)) || (all_pix_start != 0)) swiWaitForVBlank(); } } } if(!(__emuflags & PALTIMING && global_playcount == 6)) { EMU_Run(); //run a frame framecount++; if(framecount>8) { //save state every 9th frame framecount-=9; savestate(freemem_start+SAVESTATESIZE*lastsave); lastsave++; if(lastsave>=maxsaves) lastsave=0; if(lastsave==firstsave) { firstsave++; if(firstsave>=maxsaves) firstsave=0; } } } else { if((__emuflags & PALTIMING) && (__emuflags & ALLPIXEL) && !(__emuflags & SOFTRENDER)) swiWaitForVBlank(); } } if(__emuflags & SOFTRENDER) { __emuflags &= ~AUTOSRAM; __rendercount++; if(SOFT_FRAMESKIP <= 1 ||__rendercount == 1) { if(__emuflags & ALLPIXEL) render_sub(); render_all(); } if(!(forward) && __rendercount >= SOFT_FRAMESKIP) __rendercount = 0; if((forward) && __rendercount > 16) __rendercount = 0; } else if(__emuflags & ALLPIXEL) { render_sub(); } fcount++; if(fcount > 59) fcount = 0; __emuflags &= ~(FASTFORWARD | REWIND); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf("Can't initialize video \n"); return 1; } if (TTF_Init() < 0) { printf("Can't initialize ttf \n"); return 1; } lil_yuv_spec spec = lil_yuv420(3840, 2160); const size_t frame_size = lil_yuv_size(spec); const int frame_count = 500; int frame = 250; //yuv_video *video = yuv_video_alloc(argv[1], frame_size, frame_count); //yuv_video_read_frame(video, 0); //printf("Page size: %ld\n", ); file_reader *reader = file_reader_alloc(argv[1]); if (!reader) { printf("Can't reader reader\n"); return 1; } file_reader_map(reader, 0, frame_size); //TTF_Font *font = TTF_OpenFont("courier-new.ttf", 15); //This loads courier, but any font will do. //TTF_Font* font = loadfont("C:/windows/fonts/cour.ttf", 10); SDL_SetEventFilter(event_filter, NULL); atexit(SDL_Quit); int update_flag = 1; SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow( "An SDL2 window", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 2 * spec.width, spec.height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); const Uint32 windowID = SDL_GetWindowID(window); SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); SDL_RendererInfo info; SDL_GetRendererInfo(renderer, &info); printf("Renderer: %s\n",; //SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, width, height); SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_IYUV, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, spec.width, spec.height); SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, NULL, file_reader_get(reader), spec.width); SDL_Color color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Color color2 = { 0, 0, 0, 128 }; while (1) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { // PrintEvent(&event); switch (event.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: { if (event.window.windowID == windowID) { switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED: { const int width = event.window.data1; const int height = event.window.data2; update_flag = 1; break; } case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: { event.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&event); break; } } } break; } case SDL_KEYDOWN: { switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_1: printf("1\n"); SDL_SetWindowSize(window, 2 * spec.width, spec.height); break; case SDLK_2: printf("2\n"); SDL_SetWindowSize(window, 2 * 2 * spec.width, 2 * spec.height); break; case SDLK_LEFT: if (frame > 0) { --frame; update_flag = 1; } break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if (frame < frame_count - 1) { ++frame; update_flag = 1; } break; } break; } case SDL_QUIT: { return 0; } } // after switch if (update_flag) { //yuv_video_read_frame(video, frame); if (!file_reader_map(reader, frame_size * frame, frame_size)) { perror("Can't map file\n"); } SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, NULL, file_reader_get(reader), spec.width); char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "352 x 288\n%d/90\npsnr=43.4", frame); SDL_Texture *text = render_text(renderer, buf, "courier-new.ttf", color, 25); SDL_Texture *text2 = render_text(renderer, buf, "courier-new.ttf", color2, 25); SDL_Point size = {spec.width, spec.height}; render_all(renderer, &size, texture, texture, text, text2); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); SDL_DestroyTexture(text); SDL_DestroyTexture(text2); --update_flag; } } SDL_Delay(1); } SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL_Quit(); //yuv_video_free(video); file_reader_free(reader); return 0; }
bool sc_adjust_window(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument, girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t)) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; g_return_val_if_fail(argument != NULL, false); unsigned int pages_per_row = 1; girara_setting_get(session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); unsigned int first_page_column = 1; girara_setting_get(session, "first-page-column", &first_page_column); int padding = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "page-padding", &padding); if (zathura->ui.page_widget == NULL || zathura->document == NULL) { goto error_ret; } float old_zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, argument->n); if (argument->n == ZATHURA_ADJUST_NONE) { /* there is nothing todo */ goto error_ret; } /* get window size */ GtkAllocation allocation; gtk_widget_get_allocation(session->gtk.view, &allocation); unsigned int width = allocation.width; unsigned int height = allocation.height; /* scrollbar spacing */ gint spacing; gtk_widget_style_get(session->gtk.view, "scrollbar_spacing", &spacing, NULL); width -= spacing; /* correct view size */ if (gtk_widget_get_visible(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.inputbar)) == true) { gtk_widget_get_allocation(session->gtk.inputbar, &allocation); height += allocation.height; } double scale = 1.0; unsigned int cell_height = 0, cell_width = 0; unsigned int document_height = 0, document_width = 0; zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, scale); zathura_document_get_cell_size(zathura->document, &cell_height, &cell_width); zathura_get_document_size(zathura, cell_height, cell_width, &document_height, &document_width); double page_ratio = (double)cell_height / (double)document_width; double window_ratio = (double)height / (double)width; if (argument->n == ZATHURA_ADJUST_WIDTH || (argument->n == ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT && page_ratio < window_ratio)) { scale = (double)(width - (pages_per_row - 1) * padding) / (double)(pages_per_row * cell_width); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, scale); bool show_scrollbars = false; girara_setting_get(session, "show-scrollbars", &show_scrollbars); if (show_scrollbars) { /* If the document is taller than the view, there's a vertical * scrollbar; we need to substract its width from the view's width. */ zathura_get_document_size(zathura, cell_height, cell_width, &document_height, &document_width); if (height < document_height) { GtkWidget* vscrollbar = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vscrollbar( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(session->gtk.view)); if (vscrollbar != NULL) { GtkRequisition requisition; gtk_widget_get_requisition(vscrollbar, &requisition); if (0 < requisition.width && (unsigned)requisition.width < width) { width -= requisition.width; scale = (double)(width - (pages_per_row - 1) * padding) / (double)(pages_per_row * cell_width); zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, scale); } } } } } else if (argument->n == ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT) { scale = (double)height / (double)cell_height; zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, scale); } else { goto error_ret; } /* keep position */ readjust_view_after_zooming(zathura, old_zoom, false); /* re-render all pages */ render_all(zathura); error_ret: return false; }
bool sc_toggle_fullscreen(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument), girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t)) { g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false); g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false); zathura_t* zathura = session->; if (zathura->document == NULL) { girara_notify(session, GIRARA_WARNING, _("No document opened.")); return false; } static bool fullscreen = false; static int pages_per_row = 1; static int first_page_column = 1; static double zoom = 1.0; if (fullscreen == true) { /* reset pages per row */ girara_setting_set(session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); /* reset first page column */ girara_setting_set(session, "first-page-column", &first_page_column); /* show status bar */ gtk_widget_show(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.statusbar)); /* set full screen */ gtk_window_unfullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(session->gtk.window)); /* reset scale */ zathura_document_set_scale(zathura->document, zoom); render_all(zathura); page_set_delayed(zathura, zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document)); /* setm ode */ girara_mode_set(session, zathura->modes.normal); } else { /* backup pages per row */ girara_setting_get(session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); /* backup first page column */ girara_setting_get(session, "first-page-column", &first_page_column); /* set single view */ int int_value = 1; girara_setting_set(session, "pages-per-row", &int_value); /* back up zoom */ zoom = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); /* adjust window */ girara_argument_t argument = { ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT, NULL }; sc_adjust_window(session, &argument, NULL, 0); /* hide status and inputbar */ gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.inputbar)); gtk_widget_hide(GTK_WIDGET(session->gtk.statusbar)); /* set full screen */ gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(session->gtk.window)); page_set_delayed(zathura, zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document)); /* setm ode */ girara_mode_set(session, zathura->modes.fullscreen); } fullscreen = fullscreen ? false : true; return false; }
int main() { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // SDL Initialization SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow("Roguelike", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0);//SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, 0, SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); SDL_Texture *screen = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // Set up our console PT_Console *console = PT_ConsoleInit(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, GRID_ROW_COUNT, GRID_COL_COUNT); PT_ConsoleSetBitmapFont(console, "./terminal16x16.png", 0, 16, 16); game_init(); // Main game loop u32 delayTime = 1000 / FPS_LIMIT; u32 frameStart, frameTime = 0; i32 spareTime = 0; bool done = false; while (!done) { frameStart = SDL_GetTicks(); // Handle all events in the queue SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) { if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) { done = true; break; } if (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { SDL_Keycode key = event.key.keysym.sym; switch (key) { case SDLK_UP: object_move(player, 0, -1); break; case SDLK_DOWN: object_move(player, 0, 1); break; case SDLK_LEFT: object_move(player, -1, 0); break; case SDLK_RIGHT: object_move(player, 1, 0); break; default: break; } } } // Render the current frame render_all(renderer, screen, console); // Avoid pegging the CPU at 100% by sleeping for a bit frameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart; spareTime = delayTime - frameTime; if (spareTime > 0) { SDL_Delay(spareTime); } } // Clean up SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }