Exemplo n.º 1
void SearchQueryView::playSound()
    QString textName;
    int lineNumber;
    QList<Focus> foci;
    getDetails( currentIndex(), textName , lineNumber, foci );
    emit requestPlaySound( textName, lineNumber );
Exemplo n.º 2
//Move ball by the vel of its axis - and bounce or goal
void moveBall(GameVars* gameVars)
    //Move ball X
    gameVars->ball.xPos = gameVars->ball.xPos + gameVars->ball.xVel;

    if (gameVars->ball.xPos > ballRightMax) //Right wall
        //Bounce wall sound
        requestPlaySound(GSoundWallBounce, gameVars);
        gameVars->ball.xPos = ballRightMax - 1;
        gameVars->ball.xVel = -(gameVars->ball.xVel); //bounce
    else if(gameVars->ball.xPos < ballLeftMax) //Left wall
        //Bounce wall sound
        requestPlaySound(GSoundWallBounce, gameVars);
        gameVars->ball.xPos = ballLeftMax + 1;
        gameVars->ball.xVel = -(gameVars->ball.xVel); //bounce
    //Move ball Y
    gameVars->ball.yPos = gameVars->ball.yPos + gameVars->ball.yVel;
    //Speed-up movement
    if (gameVars->ball.yPos < ballBottomMax) //Bottom wall
        playerScored(0, gameVars);
    else if(gameVars->ball.yPos > ballTopMax) //Top wall
        playerScored(1, gameVars);
    //HIT PLAYER 1 TOP SURFACE (up to 4 pixels deep)
    else if(gameVars->ball.yPos >= (player1YPos - paddleHeight) && gameVars->ball.yPos <= (player1YPos - paddleHeight + 4)
            && gameVars->ball.xPos <= (gameVars->player1.xPos + paddleWidth) && gameVars->ball.xPos >= (gameVars->player1.xPos - paddleWidth))
        //Bounce paddle sound
        requestPlaySound(GSoundPaddleBounce, gameVars);
        //Bounce off player 1
        gameVars->ball.yPos = player1YPos - paddleHeight;
        gameVars->ball.yVel = -(gameVars->ball.yVel); //bounce
        //Angle change?
        checkIfBallEdged(&gameVars->player1, &gameVars->ball);
        //Speed up on Y velocity
    //HIT PLAYER 2 TOP SURFACE (up to 4 pixels deep)
    else if(gameVars->ball.yPos <= (player2YPos + paddleHeight) && gameVars->ball.yPos >= (player2YPos + paddleHeight - 4)
            && gameVars->ball.xPos <= (gameVars->player2.xPos + paddleWidth) && gameVars->ball.xPos >= (gameVars->player2.xPos - paddleWidth))
        //Bounce paddle sound
        requestPlaySound(GSoundPaddleBounce, gameVars);
        //Bounce off player 2
        gameVars->ball.yPos = player2YPos + paddleHeight + 1;
        gameVars->ball.yVel = -(gameVars->ball.yVel); //bounce
        //Angle change?
        checkIfBallEdged(&gameVars->player2, &gameVars->ball);
        //Speed up on Y velocity