Exemplo n.º 1
AudioInjector* AudioInjector::playSound(const QString& soundUrl, const float volume, const float stretchFactor, const glm::vec3 position) {
    if (soundUrl.isEmpty()) {
        return NULL;
    auto soundCache = DependencyManager::get<SoundCache>();
    if (soundCache.isNull()) {
        return NULL;
    SharedSoundPointer sound = soundCache->getSound(QUrl(soundUrl));
    if (sound.isNull() || !sound->isReady()) {
        return NULL;

    AudioInjectorOptions options;
    options.stereo = sound->isStereo();
    options.position = position;
    options.volume = volume;

    QByteArray samples = sound->getByteArray();
    if (stretchFactor == 1.0f) {
        return playSound(samples, options, NULL);

    soxr_io_spec_t spec = soxr_io_spec(SOXR_INT16_I, SOXR_INT16_I);
    soxr_quality_spec_t qualitySpec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_MQ, 0);
    const int channelCount = sound->isStereo() ? 2 : 1;
    const int standardRate = AudioConstants::SAMPLE_RATE;
    const int resampledRate = standardRate * stretchFactor;
    const int nInputSamples = samples.size() / sizeof(int16_t);
    const int nOutputSamples = nInputSamples * stretchFactor;
    QByteArray resampled(nOutputSamples * sizeof(int16_t), '\0');
    const int16_t* receivedSamples = reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(samples.data());
    soxr_error_t soxError = soxr_oneshot(standardRate, resampledRate, channelCount,
                                         receivedSamples, nInputSamples, NULL,
                                         reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(resampled.data()), nOutputSamples, NULL,
                                         &spec, &qualitySpec, 0);
    if (soxError) {
        qCDebug(audio) << "Unable to resample" << soundUrl << "from" << nInputSamples << "@" << standardRate << "to" << nOutputSamples << "@" << resampledRate;
        resampled = samples;
    return playSound(resampled, options, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
AudioInjector* AudioInjector::playSound(const QString& soundUrl, const float volume, const float stretchFactor, const glm::vec3 position) {
    if (soundUrl.isEmpty()) {
        return NULL;
    auto soundCache = DependencyManager::get<SoundCache>();
    if (soundCache.isNull()) {
        return NULL;
    SharedSoundPointer sound = soundCache->getSound(QUrl(soundUrl));
    if (sound.isNull() || !sound->isReady()) {
        return NULL;

    AudioInjectorOptions options;
    options.stereo = sound->isStereo();
    options.position = position;
    options.volume = volume;

    QByteArray samples = sound->getByteArray();
    if (stretchFactor == 1.0f) {
        return playSoundAndDelete(samples, options, NULL);

    const int standardRate = AudioConstants::SAMPLE_RATE;
    const int resampledRate = standardRate * stretchFactor;
    const int channelCount = sound->isStereo() ? 2 : 1;

    AudioSRC resampler(standardRate, resampledRate, channelCount);

    const int nInputFrames = samples.size() / (channelCount * sizeof(int16_t));
    const int maxOutputFrames = resampler.getMaxOutput(nInputFrames);
    QByteArray resampled(maxOutputFrames * channelCount * sizeof(int16_t), '\0');

    int nOutputFrames = resampler.render(reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(samples.data()),

    return playSoundAndDelete(resampled, options, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 3
  void Gesture::resample(int n) {

    float I = length()/(n - 1);
    float D = 0;


    for(int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) {

      Vec2 curr = points[i];
      Vec2 prev = points[i-1];
      Vec2 dir = prev - curr;
      float d = dir.length();

      if( (D + d) >= I) {
        float qx = prev.x + ((I-D)/d) * (curr.x - prev.x);
        float qy = prev.y + ((I-D)/d) * (curr.y - prev.y);
        Vec2 resampled(qx, qy);
        points.insert(points.begin() + i, resampled); 
        D = 0.0;
      else {
        D += d;

    while(resampled_points.size() <= (n - 1)) {

    if(resampled_points.size() > n) {
      resampled_points.erase(resampled_points.begin(), resampled_points.begin()+n);
  void ConsensusMapNormalizerAlgorithmQuantile::normalizeMaps(ConsensusMap& map)
    //extract feature intensities
    vector<vector<double> > feature_ints;
    extractIntensityVectors(map, feature_ints);
    Size number_of_maps = feature_ints.size();

    //determine largest number of features in any map
    Size largest_number_of_features = 0;
    for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_maps; ++i)
      if (feature_ints[i].size() > largest_number_of_features)
        largest_number_of_features = feature_ints[i].size();

    //resample n data points from each sorted intensity distribution (from the different maps), n = maximum number of features in any map
    vector<vector<double> > resampled_sorted_data;
    for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_maps; ++i)
      vector<double> sorted = feature_ints[i];
      std::sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
      vector<double> resampled(largest_number_of_features);
      resample(sorted, resampled, static_cast<UInt>(largest_number_of_features));

    //compute reference distribution from all resampled distributions
    vector<double> reference_distribution(largest_number_of_features);
    for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_maps; ++i)
      for (Size j = 0; j < largest_number_of_features; ++j)
        reference_distribution[j] += (resampled_sorted_data[i][j] / (double)number_of_maps);

    //for each map: resample from the reference distribution down to the respective original size again
    vector<vector<double> > normalized_sorted_ints(number_of_maps);
    for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_maps; ++i)
      vector<double> ints;
      resample(reference_distribution, ints, static_cast<UInt>(feature_ints[i].size()));
      normalized_sorted_ints[i] = ints;

    //set the intensities of feature_ints to the normalized intensities
    for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_maps; ++i)
      // We do not want to change the order in feature_ints[i] but normalized_sorted_ints
      // comes sorted, so we transfer the values in feature_ints[i] into pairs that store
      // the value and the index in feature_ints[i]. Then we sort the vector of pair and as
      // a result store the indexes of feature_ints[i] in a sorted order in sort_indices.
      std::vector<std::pair<double, UInt> > sort_pairs;
      for (Size j = 0; j < feature_ints[i].size(); ++j)
        sort_pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(feature_ints[i][j], j));
      std::sort(sort_pairs.begin(), sort_pairs.end());
      vector<Size> sort_indices;
      for (Size j = 0; j < sort_pairs.size(); ++j)
      Size k = 0;
      for (Size j = 0; j < sort_indices.size(); ++j)
        Size idx = sort_indices[j];
        feature_ints[i][idx] = normalized_sorted_ints[i][k++];

    //write new feature intensities to the consensus map
    setNormalizedIntensityValues(feature_ints, map);