Exemplo n.º 1
void Wturnoff_buttons()
   PFI tempFunc;

   TPRINT0("Wturnoff_buttons: beginning\n");
#ifndef VNMRJ
   linelength = 80;

   /* Mark that Wturnoff_buttons have been called.  After the
       main routine that called Wturnoff_buttons finished, the
       buttons should be cleared if Wactivate_buttons has not been
       called.  The main routine can either be initiated with a 
       button click or by entering a command in the command window.
   Wturnoff_buttonsCalled = ON;

/******            Do not erase existing buttons here anymore          ********/
 *#ifdef SUN
 *  if (Wissun())
 *  {  for (i=0; i<8 ;i++)
 *     {   panel_set(but[i], PANEL_SHOW_ITEM, FALSE,0);
 *     }
 *  }
 *  else
 *  {  Wclearpos(1,1,1,80);
 *     header[0] = NULL;
 *  }
 *  end of commented out section
   buttons_active = 0;
   help_name[0] = '\0';
   if (returnFunc) /* if it exists */
   {  tempFunc = returnFunc;
      TPRINT1("Wturnoff_buttons:calling return function 0x%x\n",tempFunc);
      returnFunc = NULL;  /* Null out return function */
#ifndef VNMRJ
   resetButtonPushed(); /* clear button pushed, so not reinversed video */
   TPRINT0("\nWturnoff_buttons: ending\n");
Exemplo n.º 2
ParameterGroupWidget::ParameterGroupWidget( ParameterWindow* pWindow, BRDFBase* brdfIn )
    : QFrame(), paramWindow(pWindow), brdf(brdfIn), visibleCheckBox(NULL), dirty(true)
    // start by setting the draw color of the BRDF
    brdfDrawColor[0] = drawColors[colorIndex][0];
    brdfDrawColor[1] = drawColors[colorIndex][1];
    brdfDrawColor[2] = drawColors[colorIndex][2];

    colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % NUM_DRAW_COLORS;

    // now let's get to the layout
    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout->setMargin( 0 );
    layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    // the parameter window needs to know to emit changes whenever this BRDF is reloaded
    connect( this, SIGNAL(brdfChanged(ParameterGroupWidget*)), paramWindow, SLOT(emitBRDFListChanged()) );

    // add and connect the show/hide button
    titleButton = new QPushButton( QString("  ") + QString(extractFilename(brdf->getName()).c_str()) );
    titleButton->setFixedHeight( 22 ); 
    connect( titleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(titleButtonPushed()) );

    // set the button color to the BRDF's draw color
    changeTitleButtonColor( false );

    // make the command QFrame - contains the visible checkbox and reload/close buttons
    QFrame* cmdFrame = new QFrame;

    QHBoxLayout* cmdLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
    cmdLayout->setMargin( 0 );
    cmdLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    cmdLayout->setSpacing( 11 );
    cmdFrame->setLayout( cmdLayout );

    visibleCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Visible" );
    visibleCheckBox->setChecked( true );
    cmdLayout->addWidget( visibleCheckBox );
    connect( visibleCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(paramChanged()) );

    // add the solo button
    soloButton = new QPushButton();
    QPixmap* soloPixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "soloSmall.png").c_str());
    soloButton->setIconSize( QSize(soloPixmap->width(), soloPixmap->height()) );
    soloButton->setIcon( QIcon(*soloPixmap) );
    soloButton->setFixedWidth( 24 );
    soloButton->setFixedHeight( 20 );
    soloButton->setCheckable( true );
    soloButton->setChecked( false );
    soloButton->setToolTip( "Solo this BRDF" );
    connect( soloButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(soloButtonPushed()) );
    cmdLayout->addWidget( soloButton );

    // add the solo colors button
    soloColorsButton = new QPushButton();
    QPixmap* soloColorsPixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "soloColorsSmall.png").c_str());
    soloColorsButton->setIconSize( QSize(soloColorsPixmap->width(), soloColorsPixmap->height()) );
    soloColorsButton->setIcon( QIcon(*soloColorsPixmap) );
    soloColorsButton->setFixedWidth( 24 );
    soloColorsButton->setFixedHeight( 20 );
    soloColorsButton->setCheckable( true );
    soloColorsButton->setChecked( false );
    soloColorsButton->setToolTip( "Solo this BRDF's color channels" );
    connect( soloColorsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(soloColorsButtonPushed()) );
    cmdLayout->addWidget( soloColorsButton );
    QMenu* optionsMenu = new QMenu;
    QAction* reloadAction = optionsMenu->addAction( "Reload BRDF" );
    QPixmap* reloadPixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "reloadSmall.png").c_str());
    reloadAction->setIcon( QIcon(*reloadPixmap) );    
    connect( reloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(reloadButtonPushed()) );
    QAction* resetAction = optionsMenu->addAction( "Reload BRDF and reset to default" );
    QPixmap* resetPixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "resetSmall.png").c_str());
    resetAction->setIcon( QIcon(*resetPixmap) );
    connect( resetAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetButtonPushed()) );
    QAction* saveAction = optionsMenu->addAction( "Save Parameters File..." );
    QPixmap* folderPixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "folderSmall.png").c_str());
    saveAction->setIcon( QIcon(*folderPixmap) );
    connect( saveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveParamsFileButtonPushed()) );
    QAction* closeAction = optionsMenu->addAction( "Close BRDF" );
    QPixmap* closePixmap = new QPixmap((getImagesPath() + "closeSmall.png").c_str());
    closeAction->setIcon( QIcon(*closePixmap) );
    connect( closeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeButtonPushed()) );

    // add the button with the menu dropdown
    QPushButton* menuButton = new QPushButton();
    menuButton->setFixedWidth( 24 );
    menuButton->setFixedHeight( 20 );
    menuButton->setMenu( optionsMenu );    
    cmdLayout->addWidget( menuButton );

    // make the container frame and its layout
    containerFrame = new QFrame;
    containerLayout = new QVBoxLayout( 0 );
    containerLayout->setMargin( 0 );
    containerLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    containerLayout->addWidget( cmdFrame );
    containerLayout->setSpacing( 2 );
    containerFrame->setLayout( containerLayout );


    // add the widgets to the layout
    layout->addWidget( titleButton );
    layout->addWidget( containerFrame );
