SL::Remote_Access_Library::UI::MainWindow::MainWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char * l, std::function<void()> onToggleConnection) : Fl_Double_Window(x, y, w, h, l), _OnToggleConnection(onToggleConnection) { resizable(this); scroller = new Fl_Scroll(0, 0, w, h); overb = new Fl_Button(5, 5, 100, 25, "Connect"); img_box = new Fl_Box(5, 5, w - 5, h - 5); overb->callback(button_cb, this); resizable(img_box); resizable(scroller); end(); Fl::visual(FL_RGB); }
solverButton::solverButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, int num, Fl_Color col) : Fl_Group(x,y,w,h) { int popw = FL_NORMAL_SIZE + 2; _butt[0] = new Fl_Button(x, y, w - popw, h); _butt[0]->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); _butt[0]->color(col); _butt[0]->selection_color(col); _butt[0]->callback(solver_cb, (void *)num); _butt[0]->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_CLIP); std::string name = opt_solver_name(num, GMSH_GET, ""); _butt[0]->copy_label(name.c_str()); std::string exe = opt_solver_executable(num, GMSH_GET, ""); strcpy(_tooltip, exe.c_str()); _butt[0]->tooltip(_tooltip); _butt[1] = new Fl_Button(x + w - popw, y, popw, h, "@>"); _butt[1]->align(FL_ALIGN_RIGHT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_CLIP); _butt[1]->tooltip("Show solver option menu"); _butt[1]->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); _butt[1]->color(col); _butt[1]->selection_color(col); _popup = new Fl_Menu_Button(x + w - popw, y, popw, h); _popup->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP123); _popup->add("Remove", 0, (Fl_Callback *)solver_remove_cb, (void *)num, 0); end(); // close the group resizable(_butt[0]); }
/** Adds window-related hints with default values. */ WindowHints::WindowHints() { // set default values resizable(true); visible(true); decorated(true); }
gTiming::gTiming(int x, int y) : Fl_Group(x, y, 170, 15) { begin(); quantizer = new gChoice(x, y, 40, 15, "", false); bpm = new gClick (quantizer->x()+quantizer->w()+4, y, 40, 15); meter = new gClick (bpm->x()+bpm->w()+8, y, 40, 15, "4/1"); multiplier = new gClick (meter->x()+meter->w()+4, y, 15, 15, "", beatsMultiplyOff_xpm, beatsMultiplyOn_xpm); divider = new gClick (multiplier->x()+multiplier->w()+4, y, 15, 15, "÷", beatsDivideOff_xpm, beatsDivideOn_xpm); end(); resizable(NULL); // don't resize any widget char buf[6]; snprintf(buf, 6, "%f", G_Mixer.bpm); bpm->copy_label(buf); bpm->callback(cb_bpm, (void*)this); meter->callback(cb_meter, (void*)this); multiplier->callback(cb_multiplier, (void*)this); divider->callback(cb_divider, (void*)this); quantizer->add("off", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("1b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("2b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("3b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("4b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("6b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->add("8b", 0, cb_quantizer, (void*)this); quantizer->value(0); // "off" by default }
void Fl_Help_Dialog::make_group(int w, int h) { menubar_ = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, 595, 20); menubar_->begin(); { Fl_Item_Group *g = new Fl_Item_Group("&File"); Fl_Item *i; i= new Fl_Item("Open"); i->shortcut(FL_CTRL+'o'); i->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_open, this); i = new Fl_Item("Close"); i->shortcut(FL_CTRL+'c'); i->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_close, this); g->end(); } menubar_->end(); { Fl_Group *g = new Fl_Group(0, 20, w, 30); g->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); Fl_Button *b; b = back = new Fl_Highlight_Button(35, 2, 30, 25, "@<-"); b->box(FL_HIGHLIGHT_UP_BOX); b->label_type(FL_SYMBOL_LABEL); b->label_color(FL_DARK3); b->highlight_label_color(FL_GRAY); b->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_back, this); b->tooltip("Back"); b->deactivate(); b = next = new Fl_Highlight_Button(65, 2, 30, 25, "@->"); b->box(FL_HIGHLIGHT_UP_BOX); b->label_type(FL_SYMBOL_LABEL); b->label_color(FL_DARK3); b->highlight_label_color(FL_GRAY); b->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_next, this); b->tooltip("Next"); b->deactivate(); b = new Fl_Highlight_Button(5, 2, 30, 25); b->image(Fl_Image::read(0, (uchar*)datas_open)); b->box(FL_HIGHLIGHT_UP_BOX); b->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_open, this); b->tooltip("Open"); b->take_focus(); g->end(); } htmlWidget = new Fl_Simple_Html(0, 50, w, h-50); htmlWidget->callback(cb_html_link, this); htmlWidget->end(); resizable(htmlWidget); }
// ctor EDE_Browser::EDE_Browser(int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char *L) : Fl_Icon_Browser(X,Y,W,H), totalwidth_(0), column_header_(0), sort_column(0), sort_type(NO_SORT), sort_direction(false) { thegroup = new Fl_Group(X,Y,W,H); thegroup->begin(); heading = new Heading(0,0,W,buttonheight); heading->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); // draw heading background heading->align(FL_ALIGN_CLIP); heading->end(); heading->hide(); heading->parent(this); // for callback hscrollbar = new Fl_Scrollbar(1, H-Fl::scrollbar_size(), W-Fl::scrollbar_size()-3, Fl::scrollbar_size()); // take account for edges hscrollbar->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); hscrollbar->hide(); hscrollbar->parent(this); // for callback hscrollbar->callback(scroll_cb); thegroup->end(); thegroup->add(this); has_scrollbar(VERTICAL); resizable(0); thegroup->resizable(this); thegroup->align(FL_ALIGN_CLIP); // EDE_Browser is always a multiple-selection browser type(FL_MULTI_BROWSER); column_sort_types_ = new SortType[256]; // 256 columns should be enough for anyone (tm) for (int i=0; i<256; i++) column_sort_types_[i]=NO_SORT; }
void select_monitor_widget_t::populate(console_window_t *console_window) { label("Select a running coLinux"); console = console_window; browser = new Fl_Hold_Browser(0, 0, 400, 200); Fl_Button *button; button = new Fl_Button(0, 200, 200, 20); button->label("Select"); button->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE); button->callback((Fl_Callback *)console_select_monitor, this); select_button = button; button = new Fl_Button(200, 200, 200, 20); button->label("Cancel"); button->when(FL_WHEN_RELEASE); button->callback((Fl_Callback *)console_select_monitor, this); cancel_button = button; resizable(browser); end(); show(); load_monitors_list(); }
ced::ced (int w, int h) : fltk::Window(fltk::USEDEFAULT, fltk::USEDEFAULT, w, h) { char buffer[30]; callback (window_cb); begin (); // draw the window // Here starts the menu menubar = new fltk::MenuBar (0, 0, w, 30); menubar->begin (); menubar->add ("File/Open", 0, open_cb, (void*)this); menubar->add ("File/Exit", 0, exitthis_cb, (void*)this); menubar->end (); // here ends the menu ed = new fltk::TextEditor (0, 30, w, h); // the editor window end (); // end draw the window resizable (ed); ed->linenumber_width (60); ed->wrap_mode (true, 0); textbuf = new fltk::TextBuffer(0); ed->buffer (textbuf); ed->textfont(fltk::COURIER); sprintf (buffer, "%d", this); textbuf->text (buffer); }
BattleInfo::BattleInfo(int x, int y, int w, int h, Model & model, Cache & cache): Fl_Group(x,y,w,h), model_(model), cache_(cache), battleId_(-1) { // heigth should be 128 assert(h == 128); // TODO remove ? box(FL_FLAT_BOX); mapImageBox_ = new Fl_Box(x,y, h, h); mapImageBox_->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); x += 128; headerText_ = new Fl_Multiline_Output(x, y, w-h, h); headerText_->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); headerText_->wrap(1); resizable(headerText_); end(); // model signal handlers model_.connectBattleChanged( boost::bind(&BattleInfo::battleChanged, this, _1) ); model_.connectBattleClosed( boost::bind(&BattleInfo::battleClosed, this, _1) ); model_.connectUserJoinedBattle( boost::bind(&BattleInfo::userJoinedBattle, this, _1, _2) ); model_.connectUserLeftBattle( boost::bind(&BattleInfo::userLeftBattle, this, _1, _2) ); model_.connectUserChanged( boost::bind(&BattleInfo::userChanged, this, _1) ); reset(); }
IconChooser::IconChooser() : Fl_Double_Window(355, 305, _("Choose icon...")), ret("") { begin(); path = new Fl_Input(10, 10, 240, 25); bbrowse = new Fl_Button(255, 10, 90, 25, _("&Browse...")); bbrowse->callback(browse_cb, this); /* invisible resizable box */ Fl_Box* ibox = new Fl_Box(15, 160, 115, 95); resizable(ibox); icongrp = new ExpandableGroup(10, 40, 335, 220); icongrp->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); icongrp->color(FL_WHITE); icongrp->end(); progress = new Fl_Progress(10, 270, 125, 25); progress->minimum(0); progress->hide(); bok = new Fl_Button(160, 270, 90, 25, _("&OK")); bok->callback(ok_cb, this); bcancel = new Fl_Button(255, 270, 90, 25, _("&Cancel")); bcancel->callback(cancel_cb, this); end(); }
YabSplitView::YabSplitView(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* id, int vert, int style) :Fl_Tile(x, y, w, h), YabWidget(id) { min1 = 0; min2 = 0; movement = true; vertical = vert; int x1, x2, y1, y2, w1, w2, h1, h2; if (vertical) { x1 = x; y1 = y; w1 = w/2; h1 = h; x2 = x+(w/2); y2 = y; w2 = w/2; h2 = h; } else { x1 = x; y1 = y; w1 = w; h1 = h/2; x2 = x; y2 = y+(h/2); w2 = w; h2 = h/2; } group1 = new Fl_Group(x1, y1, w1, h1); group2 = new Fl_Group(x2, y2, w2, h2); add(group1); add(group2); end(); resizebox = new Fl_Box(x, y, w, h); resizable(resizebox); }
Parameter::Parameter(int id, Plugin *p, int X, int Y, int W) : Fl_Group(X,Y,W-24,20), id(id), pPlugin(p) { begin(); label = new gBox(x(), y(), 60, 20); char name[kVstMaxParamStrLen]; pPlugin->getParamName(id, name); label->copy_label(name); label->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); slider = new gSlider(label->x()+label->w()+8, y(), W-200, 20); slider->value(pPlugin->getParam(id)); slider->callback(cb_setValue, (void *)this); value = new gBox(slider->x()+slider->w()+8, y(), 100, 20); char disp[kVstMaxParamStrLen]; char labl[kVstMaxParamStrLen]; char str [256]; pPlugin->getParamDisplay(id, disp); pPlugin->getParamLabel(id, labl); sprintf(str, "%s %s", disp, labl); value->copy_label(str); value->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); value->box(G_BOX); resizable(slider); end(); }
gdPluginWindow::gdPluginWindow(Plugin *pPlugin) : gWindow(400, 156), pPlugin(pPlugin) // 350 { set_non_modal(); gLiquidScroll *list = new gLiquidScroll(8, 8, w()-16, h()-16); list->type(Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL_ALWAYS); list->begin(); int numParams = pPlugin->getNumParams(); for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) new Parameter(i, pPlugin, list->x(), list->y()+(i*24), list->w()); list->end(); end(); char name[256]; pPlugin->getProduct(name); if (strcmp(name, " ")==0) pPlugin->getName(name); label(name); size_range(400, (24*1)+12); resizable(list); gu_setFavicon(this); show(); }
void GcWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (!resizable() || e->button() == Qt::NoButton || isHidden()) { setDragState(None); return; } DragState h = spotHotSpot(e); // is it on the close icon? if (h == Close) { setDragState(None); //hide(); //emit exit(); return; } else if (h == Flip) { setDragState(None); //flip(); } // get current window state oWidth = width(); oHeight = height(); oWidthFactor = widthFactor(); oHeightFactor = heightFactor(); oX = pos().x(); oY = pos().y(); mX = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()).x(); mY = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()).y(); setDragState(h); // set drag state then! repaint(); }
DisassemblyWindow::DisassemblyWindow() : Fl_Double_Window(480, 560) { { //Setup the menu pMainMenu = new Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, w(), 28); pMainMenu->copy(MenuItems, this); //Setup the disassembly display pTextDisplay = new ReadOnlyEditorX(0, 28, w(), h()-28*2, StyleTable, sizeof(StyleTable)/sizeof(StyleTable[0])); pTextDisplay->pTextBuffer->add_modify_callback(UpdateStyleCB, this); //Setup the status bar pStatus = new Fl_Output(0, h()-28, w(), 28); pStatus->box(FL_PLASTIC_UP_BOX); //Setup the pop-up menu pPopupMenu = new Fl_Menu_Button(0, 28, 0, 0); pPopupMenu->copy(PopupItems, this); pPopupMenu->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); } end(); resizable(pTextDisplay); callback(CloseCB, this); show(); SetTitle(); Init(); }
gController::gController(int x, int y) : Fl_Group(x, y, 131, 25) { begin(); rewind = new gClick(x, y, 25, 25, "", rewindOff_xpm, rewindOn_xpm); play = new gClick(rewind->x()+rewind->w()+4, y, 25, 25, "", play_xpm, pause_xpm); recAction = new gClick(play->x()+play->w()+4, y, 25, 25, "", recOff_xpm, recOn_xpm); recInput = new gClick(recAction->x()+recAction->w()+4, y, 25, 25, "", inputRecOff_xpm, inputRecOn_xpm); metronome = new gClick(recInput->x()+recInput->w()+4, y+10, 15, 15, "", metronomeOff_xpm, metronomeOn_xpm); end(); resizable(NULL); // don't resize any widget rewind->callback(cb_rewind, (void*)this); play->callback(cb_play); play->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); recAction->callback(cb_recAction, (void*)this); recAction->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); recInput->callback(cb_recInput, (void*)this); recInput->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); metronome->callback(cb_metronome); metronome->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); }
// ctor initializer - used in both ctors void Fl_Color_Chooser::ctor_init(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { style(Fl_Color_Chooser::default_style); nrgroup.end(); choice.begin(); new Fl_Item("rgb"); new Fl_Item("byte"); new Fl_Item("hex"); new Fl_Item("hsv"); choice.end(); end(); resizable(huebox); store_sizes(); resize(X,Y,W,H); r_ = g_ = b_ = 0; hue_ = 0.0; saturation_ = 0.0; value_ = 0.0; set_valuators(); rvalue.callback((Fl_Callback*)rgb_cb, this); gvalue.callback((Fl_Callback*)rgb_cb, this); bvalue.callback((Fl_Callback*)rgb_cb, this); choice.callback((Fl_Callback*)mode_cb, this); rvalue.step(0.01); gvalue.step(0.01); bvalue.step(0.01); }
YabColorControl::YabColorControl(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char* id) :Fl_Group(x, y, w, h), YabWidget(id) { min=0; max=255; bc[0] = fl_rgb_color(254, 100, 100); bc[1] = fl_rgb_color(100, 254, 100); bc[2] = fl_rgb_color(100, 100, 254); int tw = 30; int sh=h/3; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { data[i] = i; slider[i] = new Fl_Slider(x, y+(i*sh), w-tw, sh); slider[i]->type(FL_HORIZONTAL); slider[i]->slider_size(0.05); slider[i]->minimum(min); slider[i]->maximum(max); slider[i]->step(1); slider[i]->value(0); slider[i]->color(bc[i]); slider[i]->callback(cb_common, (void *)data[i]); txt[i] = new Fl_Input(x+w-tw, y+(i*sh), tw, sh); txt[i]->type(FL_INT_INPUT); txt[i]->value("0"); txt[i]->textsize(12); txt[i]->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY); txt[i]->callback(cb_common, (void *)data[i]); } end(); resizable(NULL); redraw(); }
void DiagramWindow::Construct(int w, int h, const std::vector<int>& structures) { m_offscreenImage[0] = fl_create_offscreen(2048, 2048); m_imageData[0] = new uchar[2048 * 2048 * 3]; memset(m_imageData[0], 0, 2048 * 2048 * 3); m_offscreenImage[1] = fl_create_offscreen(1024, 1024); m_imageData[1] = new uchar[1024 * 1024 * 3]; memset(m_imageData[1], 0, 1024 * 1024 * 3); m_glWindow = new GLWindow(0, 120, w, h - 120); m_glWindow->SetTextureData(m_imageData[0], 2048); m_glWindow->SetTextureData(m_imageData[1], 1024); m_menus[0] = m_menus[1] = m_menus[2] = 0; m_menuItems = 0; m_menuItemsSize = 0; color(FL_BLACK); size_range(600, 720); box(FL_NO_BOX); Fl_Box* resizeBox = new Fl_Box(0, 120, w, h - 120); resizable(resizeBox); SetStructures(structures); }
TestWin(int w, int h, const char* title) : Fl_Double_Window(w, h, title), m_menuBar(0, 0, w, 25), m_pane(0), m_scroll(0), m_fullScreenImage(false) {;; m_pane = new Pane(0, m_menuBar.h(), w, h - m_menuBar.h(), 0.2); // Fl_Pack* pack = new Fl_Pack(0, 0, 1, 1); // pack->type(FL_VERTICAL); Fl_Browser* browser = new Fl_Select_Browser(0, 0, 1, 100); browser->add("blah.tif"); browser->add("blah1.tif"); browser->add("blah2.tif"); browser->add("blah3.tif"); browser->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX); m_pane->add1(browser); // pack->resizable(browser); // pack->end(); // m_pane->add1(pack); m_scroll = new CenterScroll(0, m_menuBar.h(), w, h - m_menuBar.h()); m_pane->add2(m_scroll); resizable(m_pane); end(); }
Fl_DeviceGUI::Fl_DeviceGUI(const DeviceGUIInfo& Info, SpiralGUIType *PW, Fl_Pixmap *Icon, bool Terminal) : Fl_Group (Info.XPos, Info.YPos, Info.Width+(PortGroupWidth*2), Info.Height+TitleBarHeight, ""), m_PluginWindow (NULL), m_Icon (NULL), m_Name (Info.Name), m_ID (-1), m_DelMe (false), m_IsTerminal (Terminal), m_Minimised (true) { for (int n=0; n<512; n++) Numbers[n]=n; type(1); box((Fl_Boxtype)SpiralInfo::GUIDEVICE_Box); labeltype(FL_ENGRAVED_LABEL); align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); color(SpiralInfo::GUICOL_Device); m_Icon=Icon; m_MiniWidth=w(); m_MiniHeight=h(); m_DragBar = new Fl_DragBar(Info.XPos, Info.YPos, Info.Width+PortGroupWidth*2, TitleBarHeight, m_Name.c_str()); m_DragBar->labelsize(10); m_DragBar->type(Fl_DragBar::FLDRAG); m_DragBar->color(SpiralInfo::GUICOL_Device); m_Menu = new Fl_Menu_Button(x(),y(),w(),h(),""); m_Menu->type(Fl_Menu_Button::POPUP3); m_Menu->textsize(8); m_Menu->add("rename", 0, (Fl_Callback*)cb_Rename,this); m_Menu->add("delete", 0, (Fl_Callback*)cb_Delete,this); int Centx=x()+w()/2; int Centy=y()+h()/2; if (m_Icon) { m_IconButton = new Fl_Button(Centx-m_Icon->w()/2,Centy-m_Icon->h()/2,m_Icon->w(),m_Icon->h()); m_IconButton->box(FL_NO_BOX); m_IconButton->image(m_Icon); } else { m_IconButton = NULL; } m_PluginWindow = PW; if (m_PluginWindow) { m_PluginWindow->hide(); add (m_PluginWindow); m_PluginWindow->SetResizeCallback (&cb_Resize, this); } resizable(NULL); //Add the input/output ports Setup(Info, true); }
void resize(int width,int height) { if(!resizable()) { limeThrow(errc::resize_error, "can't resize the window: %s",_name.c_str()); } onresize(width, height); }
/** * Class constructor. */ console_log_window::console_log_window( int w, int h, const char* label ) : super_( w,h, label ) { wText_ = new Fl_Text_Display( 0,0, w,h ); wText_->buffer( new Fl_Text_Buffer() ); wText_->insert_position( 0 ); resizable( wText_ ); end(); }
void renderspuSetVBoxConfiguration( RenderSPU *render_spu ) { CRConnection *conn; int a; for (a=0; a<256; a++) { render_spu->lut8[0][a] = render_spu->lut8[1][a] = render_spu->lut8[2][a] = a; } render_spu->use_lut8 = 0; set_title(render_spu, "Chromium Render SPU"); set_window_geometry(render_spu, "[0, 0, 0, 0]"); set_fullscreen(render_spu, "0"); resizable(render_spu, "0"); set_on_top(render_spu, "1"); set_borderless(render_spu, "1"); set_default_visual(render_spu, "rgb, double, depth"); #if defined(GLX) set_try_direct(render_spu, "1"); set_force_direct(render_spu, "0"); #endif render_to_app_window(render_spu, "0"); render_to_crut_window(render_spu, "0"); set_cursor(render_spu, "0"); set_system_gl_path(render_spu, ""); set_display_string(render_spu, "DEFAULT"); gather_url(render_spu, ""); gather_userbuf(render_spu, "0"); set_lut8(render_spu, ""); set_master_url(render_spu, ""); set_is_master(render_spu, "0"); set_num_clients(render_spu, "1"); set_use_osmesa(render_spu, "0"); set_nv_swap_group(render_spu, "0"); set_ignore_papi(render_spu, "0"); set_ignore_window_moves(render_spu, "0"); set_pbuffer_size(render_spu, "[0, 0]"); set_use_glxchoosevisual(render_spu, "1"); set_draw_bbox(render_spu, "0"); render_spu->swap_mtu = 1024 * 500; /* Some initialization that doesn't really have anything to do * with configuration but which was done here before: */ render_spu->use_L2 = 0; render_spu->cursorX = 0; render_spu->cursorY = 0; #if defined(GLX) render_spu->sync = 0; #endif }
ElevatorSimWindow::ElevatorSimWindow() : Fl_Window(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, WINDOW_TITLE) { renderWindow = new ElevatorSimRenderWindow( ElevatorSimRenderWindow::LEFT_MARGIN, ElevatorSimRenderWindow::TOP_MARGIN, WINDOW_WIDTH - (ElevatorSimRenderWindow::LEFT_MARGIN + ElevatorSimRenderWindow::RIGHT_MARGIN), WINDOW_HEIGHT - (ElevatorSimRenderWindow::TOP_MARGIN + ElevatorSimRenderWindow::BOTTOM_MARGIN)); resizable(*renderWindow); buildMenu(); buildButtons(); /* add more widgets to main window here */ end(); buildDialogs(); welcomeWin = new ElevatorSimWelcomeWindow(); startWin = new ElevatorSimStartWindow(); resultsWin = new ElevatorSimResultsWindow(); /* some hackery to set the application icon in windows */ #ifdef _ES_WINNT HANDLE iconImage = LoadImage( GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ELEVATOR_SIM_ICON), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if(iconImage == NULL) { std::cout << "warning: failed to load application icon!" << std::endl; } else { if(isDebugBuild()) { std::stringstream dbgSS; dbgSS << "loaded app icon OK @ " << (void*)iconImage << std::endl; LOG_INFO( Logger::SUB_FLTK, sstreamToBuffer(dbgSS) ); } icon( (const void*) iconImage ); } #endif callback((Fl_Callback*)windowCloseCB, this); /* add more callbacks to main window here */ /* initialize any other main window member variables here */ }
gSampleChannel::gSampleChannel(int X, int Y, int W, int H, class SampleChannel *ch) : gChannel(X, Y, W, H, CHANNEL_SAMPLE), ch(ch) { begin(); #if defined(WITH_VST) int delta = 168; #else int delta = 144; #endif button = new gButton(x(), y(), 20, 20, "", channelStop_xpm, channelPlay_xpm); status = new gStatus(button->x()+button->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, ch); mainButton = new gSampleChannelButton(status->x()+status->w()+4, y(), w() - delta, 20, "-- no sample --"); modeBox = new gModeBox(mainButton->x()+mainButton->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, ch); mute = new gClick(modeBox->x()+modeBox->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, "", muteOff_xpm, muteOn_xpm); solo = new gClick(mute->x()+mute->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, "", soloOff_xpm, soloOn_xpm); readActions = NULL; #if defined(WITH_VST) fx = new gFxButton(solo->x()+solo->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, fxOff_xpm, fxOn_xpm); vol = new gDial(fx->x()+fx->w()+4, y(), 20, 20); #else vol = new gDial(solo->x()+solo->w()+4, y(), 20, 20); #endif end(); resizable(mainButton); update(); button->callback(cb_button, (void*)this); button->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); #ifdef WITH_VST fx->callback(cb_openFxWindow, (void*)this); #endif mute->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); mute->callback(cb_mute, (void*)this); solo->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); solo->callback(cb_solo, (void*)this); mainButton->callback(cb_openMenu, (void*)this); vol->callback(cb_changeVol, (void*)this); ch->guiChannel = this; }
geMidiChannel::geMidiChannel(int X, int Y, int W, int H, MidiChannel *ch) : geChannel(X, Y, W, H, CHANNEL_MIDI, ch) { begin(); #if defined(WITH_VST) int delta = 144; // (6 widgets * 20) + (6 paddings * 4) #else int delta = 120; // (5 widgets * 20) + (5 paddings * 4) #endif button = new gButton(x(), y(), 20, 20, "", channelStop_xpm, channelPlay_xpm); arm = new gClick(button->x()+button->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, "", armOff_xpm, armOn_xpm); mainButton = new geMidiChannelButton(arm->x()+arm->w()+4, y(), w() - delta, 20, "-- MIDI --"); mute = new gClick(mainButton->x()+mainButton->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, "", muteOff_xpm, muteOn_xpm); solo = new gClick(mute->x()+mute->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, "", soloOff_xpm, soloOn_xpm); #if defined(WITH_VST) fx = new gFxButton(solo->x()+solo->w()+4, y(), 20, 20, fxOff_xpm, fxOn_xpm); vol = new gDial(fx->x()+fx->w()+4, y(), 20, 20); #else vol = new gDial(solo->x()+solo->w()+4, y(), 20, 20); #endif end(); resizable(mainButton); update(); button->callback(cb_button, (void*)this); button->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); // do callback on keypress && on keyrelease arm->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); arm->callback(cb_arm, (void*)this); #ifdef WITH_VST fx->callback(cb_openFxWindow, (void*)this); #endif mute->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); mute->callback(cb_mute, (void*)this); solo->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); solo->callback(cb_solo, (void*)this); mainButton->callback(cb_openMenu, (void*)this); vol->callback(cb_changeVol, (void*)this); ch->guiChannel = this; }
text_editor::text_editor() : Fl_Double_Window(360, 480, "Whitelist") { buffer = new Fl_Text_Buffer(); editor = new Fl_Text_Editor(5, 5, 350, 440); editor->textfont(FL_COURIER); editor->buffer(buffer); resizable(editor); button_save = new Fl_Button(5, 445, 350, 30, "Save changes"); button_save->callback(cb_save, this); icon((char *)LoadIcon(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON))); end(); }
void Controller_Module::maybe_create_panner ( void ) { if ( _type != SPATIALIZATION ) { clear(); Panner *o = new Panner( 0,0, 92,92 ); o->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); o->color(FL_GRAY0); o->selection_color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR); o->labeltype(FL_NORMAL_LABEL); o->labelfont(0); o->labelcolor(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED); label( "Spatialization" ); o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP); o->labelsize( 10 ); // o->callback( cb_panner_value_handle, new callback_data( this, azimuth_port_number, elevation_port_number ) ); o->callback( cb_spatializer_handle, this ); control = (Fl_Valuator*)o; if ( _pad ) { Fl_Labelpad_Group *flg = new Fl_Labelpad_Group( o ); flg->position( x(), y() ); flg->set_visible_focus(); size( flg->w(), flg->h() ); add( flg ); } else { // o->clear_visible_focus(); o->resize( x(), y(), w(), h() ); add( o ); resizable( o ); init_sizes(); } _type = SPATIALIZATION; } }
gdMainWindow::gdMainWindow(int W, int H, const char *title, int argc, char **argv) : gWindow(W, H, title) { Fl::visible_focus(0); Fl::background(25, 25, 25); Fl::set_boxtype(G_BOX, gDrawBox, 1, 1, 2, 2); // custom box G_BOX size_range(GUI_WIDTH, GUI_HEIGHT); menu = new gMenu(8, -1); inOut = new gInOut(408, 8); controller = new gController(8, 39); timing = new gTiming(632, 39); beatMeter = new gBeatMeter(100, 83, 609, 20); keyboard = new gKeyboard(8, 122, w()-16, 380); /* zone 1 - menus, and I/O tools */ Fl_Group *zone1 = new Fl_Group(8, 8, W-16, 20); zone1->add(menu); zone1->resizable(new Fl_Box(300, 8, 80, 20)); zone1->add(inOut); /* zone 2 - controller and timing tools */ Fl_Group *zone2 = new Fl_Group(8, controller->y(), W-16, controller->h()); zone2->add(controller); zone2->resizable(new Fl_Box(controller->x()+controller->w()+4, zone2->y(), 80, 20)); zone2->add(timing); /* zone 3 - beat meter */ Fl_Group *zone3 = new Fl_Group(8, beatMeter->y(), W-16, beatMeter->h()); zone3->add(beatMeter); /* zone 4 - the keyboard (Fl_Group is unnecessary here, keyboard is * a group by itself) */ resizable(keyboard); add(zone1); add(zone2); add(zone3); add(keyboard); callback(cb_endprogram); gu_setFavicon(this); show(argc, argv); }