Exemplo n.º 1
void WindowManager::applyScale()
    const int scale = config.getIntValue("scale");
    if (mainGraphics->getScale() == scale)
Exemplo n.º 2
void WindowManager::doResizeVideo(const int actualWidth,
                                  const int actualHeight,
                                  const bool always)
    if (!always
        && mainGraphics->mActualWidth == actualWidth
        && mainGraphics->mActualHeight == actualHeight)

#ifdef __native_client__
        strprintf("%d,%d", actualWidth, actualHeight));
#else  // __native_client__

    resizeVideo(actualWidth, actualHeight, always);
#endif  // __native_client__
void VLCVideoTextureObjChunk::changed(ConstFieldMaskArg whichField,
                                      UInt32            origin,
                                      BitVector         details)

    Inherited::changed(whichField, origin, details);

    if (0x0000 != (whichField & UrlFieldMask)) {
        // init VLC internal structures
        if (getUrl().length() > 0) 
        if ((0x0000 != (whichField & WidthFieldMask)) ||
            (0x0000 != (whichField & HeightFieldMask)))
            // reinit VLC internal structures
            if (getUrl().length() > 1)

    if (0x0000 != (whichField & StatusFieldMask)) {
        // update VLC        

    if (0x0000 != (whichField & TimestampFieldMask)) {
        // update VLC
        if (getUrl().length() > 1)
            if (!this->getIsMaster())
Exemplo n.º 4
void WidgetRenderer::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
Exemplo n.º 5
void rphLabelEx::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event )
    emit resizeVideo(event->size().width(),event->size().height());
Exemplo n.º 6
// update() has only to deal with the faders in all videos, and (re)set positions and sizes of video windows.
void StelVideoMgr::update(double deltaTime)
	for (auto voIter = videoObjects.constBegin(); voIter != videoObjects.constEnd(); ++voIter)
		QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus mediaStatus = (*voIter)->player->mediaStatus();
		QString id=voIter.key();
		// Maybe we have verbose as int with levels of verbosity, and output the next line with verbose>=2?
		if (verbose)
			qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update() for" << id << ": PlayerState:" << (*voIter)->player->state() << "MediaStatus: " << mediaStatus;

		// fader must be updated here, else the video may not be visible when not yet fully loaded?

		// It seems we need a more thorough analysis of MediaStatus!
		// In all not-ready status we immediately leave further handling, usually in the hope that loading is successful really soon.
		switch (mediaStatus)
			case QMediaPlayer::UnknownMediaStatus:
			case QMediaPlayer::NoMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::InvalidMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::LoadingMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::StalledMedia:
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): " << id  << mediaStatus << "\t==> no further update action";
			case QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::BufferingMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia:
			case QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia:

//		if (verbose)
//			qDebug() << "update() Still alive";

		// First fix targetFrameSize if needed and possible.
		if ((*voIter)->needResize && ((*voIter)->resolution.isValid()))
			// we have buffered our final size (which may be relative to screen size) in targetFrameSize. So, simply
			resizeVideo(voIter.key(), (*voIter)->targetFrameSize.width(), (*voIter)->targetFrameSize.height());

		// if keepVisible, pause video if already close to end.
		if ((*voIter)->simplePlay)
			if ( ((*voIter)->keepVisible) &&  ((*voIter)->duration > 0) &&  ((*voIter)->player->position() >= ((*voIter)->duration - 250))   )
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "update(): pausing" << id << "at end";


		if ((*voIter)->player->state()==QMediaPlayer::StoppedState)

		// the rest of the loop is only needed if we are in popup playing mode.

		QSizeF currentFrameSize= (*voIter)->fader.getInterstate() * (*voIter)->targetFrameSize;
		QPointF frameCenter=  (*voIter)->popupOrigin +  ( (*voIter)->popupTargetCenter - (*voIter)->popupOrigin ) *  (*voIter)->fader.getInterstate();
		QPointF frameXY=frameCenter - 0.5*QPointF(currentFrameSize.width(), currentFrameSize.height());
		if (verbose)
			qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): Video" << id << "at" << (*voIter)->player->position()
				 << ", player state=" << (*voIter)->player->state() << ", media status=" << (*voIter)->player->mediaStatus();
		int newPos=(*voIter)->player->position();
//		if ((newPos==(*voIter)->lastPos) && ((*voIter)->player->state()==QMediaPlayer::PlayingState))
//		{
//			// I (GZ) have no idea how this can happen, but it does, every couple of runs.
//			// I see this happen only in the grow-while-play phase, but I see no logical error.
//			// It seemed to indicate not-fully-loaded, but this would have been caught in the intro test.
//			// But this even can happen if MediaStatus==BufferedMedia, i.e. fully loaded. Really a shame!
//			// TODO: check with every version of Qt whether this can still happen.
//			// SILLY! Of course if Stellarium framerate > video framerate...
//			if (verbose)
//			{
//				qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): player state" << (*voIter)->player->state() << "with MediaStatus" << mediaStatus;
//				qDebug() << "This should not be: video should play but position" << newPos << "does not increase? Bumping video.";
//			}
//			//(*voIter)->player->stop(); // GZ Dec2: Do we really need to stop?
//			(*voIter)->player->setPosition(newPos+1); // GZ Dec2 flipped 2 lines.
//			(*voIter)->player->play();
//			qDebug() << "We had an issue with a stuck mediaplayer, should play again!";
//		}

		if (verbose)
			qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): fader at " << (*voIter)->fader.getInterstate()  << "; update frame size " << currentFrameSize << "to XY" << frameXY;

		// if we want still videos during transition, we must grow/shrink paused, and run only when reached full size.
		// We must detect a frame close to end, pause there, and trigger the fader back to 0.
		if ((*voIter)->keepVisible)
			if ((*voIter)->fader.getInterstate()==0.0f)
			{ // interstate is >0 on startup, so 0 is reached only at end of loop. we can send stop here.
				(*voIter)->player->stop(); // this immediately hides the video window.
				(*voIter)->simplePlay=true; // to reset
			else if ((*voIter)->fader.getInterstate()<1.0f)
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): not fully grown: pausing video at start or end!";
			else if (((*voIter)->duration > 0) && ((*voIter)->player->position() >= ((*voIter)->duration - 250))) // allow stop 250ms before end. 100ms was too short!
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): position " << (*voIter)->player->position() << "close to end of duration " << (*voIter)->duration << "--> pause and shutdown with fader ";
				// TBD: If we set some very last frame position here, it takes a very long while to seek (may disturb/flicker!)
				// (*voIter)->player->setPosition((*voIter)->duration-10);
				(*voIter)->fader=false; // trigger shutdown (sending again does not disturb)
			else if (((*voIter)->player->state() != QMediaPlayer::PlayingState))
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): fully grown: play!";
		// If the videos come with their own fade-in/-out, this can be played during transitions. (keepVisible configured to false)
		// In this case we must trigger shrinking *before* end of video!
			if ((*voIter)->fader.getInterstate()>0.0f)
				if (((*voIter)->player->state() != QMediaPlayer::PlayingState))
				if (( ((*voIter)->duration > 0) &&  ((*voIter)->player->position() >= ((*voIter)->duration - (*voIter)->fader.getDuration() - 200))))
					if (verbose)
						qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): position " << (*voIter)->player->position() << "close to end of duration " << (*voIter)->duration <<
							    "minus fader duration " << (*voIter)->fader.getDuration() << "--> shutdown with fader ";
					(*voIter)->fader=false; // trigger shutdown (sending again does not disturb)
			else // interstate==0: end of everything.
				if (verbose)
					qDebug() << "StelVideoMgr::update(): Stopping at Interstate " << (*voIter)->fader.getInterstate();
				(*voIter)->player->stop();  // immediately hides video window.
				(*voIter)->simplePlay=true; // reset
int main( void ) {

	// func type
	int funcType = 1;
	int processId = 0;

	// paramater
	int layerLimit = 3;
	int widthDeletedDefault = 70;
	int colorDiffThred = 5;
	int elePerTagThred = 300;
	int bandWidthDefault = 50;
	int keyFrameNumLimit = 30;
	int badCutLimit = (int)(0.08 * widthDeletedDefault);
	vector<int> shotArr;

	switch ( funcType ) {

		case 0:{

			bool state;
			state = video2Frames( processId );
			if ( !state ) return -2;

			// shot Cut
			cout << " Shot Cut --ING" << endl;
			segShotCut( shotArr );

			cout << " Convert Process Finished !! " << endl;
		case 1:{

			int globalTime = clock();

			getShotCut( shotArr );

			// resize shot
			for ( int shotId = 1; shotId < (int)shotArr.size(); shotId++ ) {

				int frameStId = shotArr[shotId - 1];
				int frameEdId = shotArr[shotId];

				cout << " Process Shot From " << frameStId << " To " << frameEdId << " --ING" << endl << endl;

				// read frames
				vector<Mat> frames;
				bool state;
				state = readFrameStream( frameStId, frameEdId, frames );
				if ( !state ) return -2;

				// calculate Energy
				vector<Mat> pixelEnergy;
				vector<int> pixelTag;
				int tagNum;
				calcPixelTag( frames, pixelTag, tagNum, colorDiffThred, elePerTagThred, frameStId );
				calcPixelEnergy( frames, pixelTag, tagNum, pixelEnergy, frameStId );

				// temporal compress
				vector<int> keyFrame;
				timeCompress( pixelEnergy, keyFrame, keyFrameNumLimit );
				preserveKeyData( keyFrame, frames, pixelEnergy );

				// resize Video
				int widthDeleted = widthDeletedDefault;
				vector<Mat> edgeProtect;
				for ( int c = 0; c < 2; c++ ) {

					if ( widthDeleted > 0 ) {
						calcEdgeProtect( frames, edgeProtect );
						resizeVideo( keyFrame, frames, pixelEnergy, edgeProtect, layerLimit, widthDeleted, bandWidthDefault, badCutLimit, frameStId, frameEdId, c );
						scaleVideo( keyFrame, frames, pixelEnergy, widthDeleted, frameStId, frameEdId, c );
						rotateVideo( keyFrame, frames, pixelEnergy, frameStId, frameEdId, c );
					} else {
						copyFrame( frameStId, frameEdId );

				cout << endl;

			// finished
			cout << " Shot Finished !! Well done !!" << endl;
			globalTime = clock() - globalTime;
			globalTime = (globalTime + 500) / 1000;
			printf( " Global Time Used : %d min %d sec\n", globalTime / 60, globalTime % 60 );

		case 2:{

			   // write frame stream
		case 3:{
			// write video
			bool state = writeVideo( processId );
			if ( !state ) return -2;

	system( "pause" );

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
void VideoRenderer::resizeVideo(const QSize &size)
    resizeVideo(size.width(), size.height());