bool MutableStylePropertySet::setProperty(CSSPropertyID unresolvedProperty, const String& value, bool important, StyleSheetContents* contextStyleSheet)
    // Setting the value to an empty string just removes the property in both IE and Gecko.
    // Setting it to null seems to produce less consistent results, but we treat it just the same.
    if (value.isEmpty())
        return removeProperty(resolveCSSPropertyID(unresolvedProperty));

    // When replacing an existing property value, this moves the property to the end of the list.
    // Firefox preserves the position, and MSIE moves the property to the beginning.
    return CSSParser::parseValue(this, unresolvedProperty, value, important, contextStyleSheet);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool CSSParser::parseValue(MutableStylePropertySet* declaration, CSSPropertyID unresolvedProperty, const String& string, bool important, CSSParserMode parserMode, StyleSheetContents* styleSheet)
    if (string.isEmpty())
        return false;
    CSSPropertyID resolvedProperty = resolveCSSPropertyID(unresolvedProperty);
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<CSSValue> value = CSSParserFastPaths::maybeParseValue(resolvedProperty, string, parserMode);
    if (value)
        return declaration->setProperty(CSSProperty(resolvedProperty, value.release(), important));
    CSSParserContext context(parserMode, 0);
    if (styleSheet) {
        context = styleSheet->parserContext();
    return parseValue(declaration, unresolvedProperty, string, important, context);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CSSAnimations::calculateTransitionUpdate(CSSAnimationUpdate& update, const Element* animatingElement, const ComputedStyle& style)
    if (!animatingElement)

    if (animatingElement->document().printing() || animatingElement->document().wasPrinting())

    ElementAnimations* elementAnimations = animatingElement->elementAnimations();
    const TransitionMap* activeTransitions = elementAnimations ? &elementAnimations->cssAnimations().m_transitions : nullptr;
    const CSSTransitionData* transitionData = style.transitions();

    // In debug builds we verify that it would have been safe to avoid populating and testing listedProperties if the style recalc is due to animation.
    const bool animationStyleRecalc = false;
    // In release builds we avoid the cost of checking for new and interrupted transitions if the style recalc is due to animation.
    const bool animationStyleRecalc = elementAnimations && elementAnimations->isAnimationStyleChange();

    BitArray<numCSSProperties> listedProperties;
    bool anyTransitionHadTransitionAll = false;
    const LayoutObject* layoutObject = animatingElement->layoutObject();
    if (!animationStyleRecalc && style.display() != NONE && layoutObject && layoutObject->style() && transitionData) {
        const ComputedStyle& oldStyle = *layoutObject->style();

        for (size_t i = 0; i < transitionData->propertyList().size(); ++i) {
            const CSSTransitionData::TransitionProperty& transitionProperty = transitionData->propertyList()[i];
            if (transitionProperty.propertyType != CSSTransitionData::TransitionKnownProperty)

            CSSPropertyID property = resolveCSSPropertyID(transitionProperty.unresolvedProperty);
            bool animateAll = property == CSSPropertyAll;
            if (animateAll)
                anyTransitionHadTransitionAll = true;
            const StylePropertyShorthand& propertyList = animateAll ? CSSAnimations::propertiesForTransitionAll() : shorthandForProperty(property);
            // If not a shorthand we only execute one iteration of this loop, and refer to the property directly.
            for (unsigned j = 0; !j || j < propertyList.length(); ++j) {
                CSSPropertyID id = propertyList.length() ?[j] : property;
                ASSERT(id >= firstCSSProperty);

                if (!animateAll) {
                    if (CSSPropertyMetadata::isInterpolableProperty(id))
                        listedProperties.set(id - firstCSSProperty);

                // FIXME: We should transition if an !important property changes even when an animation is running,
                // but this is a bit hard to do with the current applyMatchedProperties system.
                PropertyHandle property = PropertyHandle(id);
                if (!update.activeInterpolationsForAnimations().contains(property)
                    && (!elementAnimations || !elementAnimations->cssAnimations().m_previousActiveInterpolationsForAnimations.contains(property))) {
                    calculateTransitionUpdateForProperty(id, *transitionData, i, oldStyle, style, activeTransitions, update, animatingElement);

    if (activeTransitions) {
        for (const auto& entry : *activeTransitions) {
            CSSPropertyID id = entry.key;
            if (!anyTransitionHadTransitionAll && !animationStyleRecalc && !listedProperties.get(id - firstCSSProperty)) {
                // TODO: Figure out why this fails on Chrome OS login page.
                // ASSERT(animation.playStateInternal() == Animation::Finished || !(elementAnimations && elementAnimations->isAnimationStyleChange()));
            } else if (entry.value.animation->finishedInternal()) {