Exemplo n.º 1
QObject *Scripting::Project::createResourceGroup( QObject *group )
    const ResourceGroup *gr = qobject_cast<ResourceGroup*>( group );
    if ( gr == 0 ) {
        kDebug()<<"No group specified";
        return 0;
    KPlato::ResourceGroup *copyfrom = gr->kplatoResourceGroup();
    if ( copyfrom == 0 ) {
        kDebug()<<"Nothing to copy from";
        return 0;
    KPlato::ResourceGroup *g = project()->findResourceGroup( copyfrom->id() );
    if ( g ) {
        kDebug()<<"Resource group already exists";
        return 0; // ???
    g = new KPlato::ResourceGroup( copyfrom );
    project()->addResourceGroup( g );
    QObject *ng = resourceGroup( g );
    //kDebug()<<"New group created:"<<ng<<g;
    return ng;
Exemplo n.º 2
QObject *Scripting::Project::resourceGroupAt( int index )
    return resourceGroup( project()->resourceGroupAt( index ) );
Exemplo n.º 3
QObject *Scripting::Project::findResourceGroup( const QString &id )
    KPlato::ResourceGroup *g = project()->findResourceGroup( id );
    return g == 0 ? 0 : resourceGroup( g );
Exemplo n.º 4
SAX2 Handler methods
void Font_xmlHandler::elementStart(const String& element, const XMLAttributes& attributes)
    // handle a Mapping element
    if (element == MappingElement)
        if (!d_font->d_freetype)
            String	image_name(attributes.getValueAsString(MappingImageAttribute));
            utf32 codepoint = (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(MappingCodepointAttribute);
            int horzAdvance = attributes.getValueAsInteger(MappingHorzAdvanceAttribute, -1);

            Font::glyphDat	mapDat;
            mapDat.d_image = &d_font->d_glyph_images->getImage(image_name);

            // calculate advance width if it was not specified
            if (horzAdvance == AutoGenerateHorzAdvance)
                horzAdvance = (int)(mapDat.d_image->getWidth() + mapDat.d_image->getOffsetX());

            mapDat.d_horz_advance_unscaled = horzAdvance;
            mapDat.d_horz_advance = (uint)(((float)horzAdvance) * (d_font->d_autoScale ? d_font->d_horzScaling : 1.0f));
            d_font->d_cp_map[codepoint] = mapDat;
            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Mapping element encountered.  This element is invalid for dynamic fonts.", Informative);
    // handle root Font element
    else if (element == FontElement)
        // get name of font we are creating
        String font_name(attributes.getValueAsString(FontNameAttribute));

        // get filename for the font
        String filename(attributes.getValueAsString(FontFilenameAttribute));
        // get resource group for font file.
        String resourceGroup(attributes.getValueAsString(FontResourceGroupAttribute));

        Logger::getSingleton().logEvent("Started creation of Font '" + font_name + "' via XML file.", Informative);

        // load auto-scaling configuration
        float hres, vres;
        bool auto_scale;

        // get native horizontal resolution
        hres = (float)attributes.getValueAsInteger(FontNativeHorzResAttribute, 640);

        // get native vertical resolution
        vres = (float)attributes.getValueAsInteger(FontNativeVertResAttribute, 480);

        // get auto-scaling setting
        auto_scale = attributes.getValueAsBool(FontAutoScaledAttribute, false);

        // get type of font
        String	font_type(attributes.getValueAsString(FontTypeAttribute));

        // dynamic (ttf) font
        if (font_type == FontTypeDynamic)
            // get size of font
            uint size = (uint)attributes.getValueAsInteger(FontSizeAttribute, 12);

            // extract codepoint range
            utf32 first_codepoint = (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(FontFirstCodepointAttribute, 32);
            utf32 last_codepoint = (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(FontLastCodepointAttribute, 127);

            // build string containing the required code-points.
            for (; first_codepoint <= last_codepoint; ++first_codepoint)
                d_glyphSet += first_codepoint;

            uint flags = attributes.getValueAsBool(FontAntiAliasedAttribute, true) ? 0 : NoAntiAlias;

            // perform pre-initialisation
            d_font->setNativeResolution(Size(hres, vres));

            // Finalise construction of font without glyphs.
            // Glyphs will defined after we know which ones we need.
            d_font->constructor_impl(font_name, filename, resourceGroup, size, flags, String(""));
        // static (Imageset based) font
        else if (font_type == FontTypeStatic)
            d_font->d_name = font_name;
            d_font->d_freetype = false;

            // load the Imageset
            d_font->d_glyph_images = ImagesetManager::getSingleton().createImageset(filename, resourceGroup);

            d_font->setNativeResolution(Size(hres, vres));
        // error (should never happen)
            throw FileIOException("Font::xmlHandler::startElement - The unknown Font:Type attribute value '" + font_type + "' was encountered while processing the Font file.");

        d_font->d_sourceFilename = filename;
    // Glyph element
    else if (element == GlyphElement)
        if (d_font->d_freetype)
            utf32 codepoint = (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(GlyphCodepointAttribute);

            if (d_glyphSet.find(codepoint) == String::npos)
                d_glyphSet.append(1, codepoint);
            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"Glyph element encountered.  This element is invalid for static fonts.", Informative);
    // GlyphRange element
    else if (element == GlyphRangeElement)
        if (d_font->d_freetype)
            utf32 start = (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(GlyphRangeStartCodepointAttribute);
            utf32 end	= (utf32)attributes.getValueAsInteger(GlyphRangeEndCodepointAttribute);

            for (utf32 codepoint = start; codepoint <= end; ++codepoint)
                if (d_glyphSet.find(codepoint) == String::npos)
                    d_glyphSet.append(1, codepoint);

            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"GlyphRange element encountered.  This element is invalid for static fonts.", Informative);
    // GlyphSet element
    else if (element == GlyphSetElement)
        if (d_font->d_freetype)
            String glyphs(attributes.getValueAsString(GlyphSetGlyphsAttribute));

            for (String::size_type i = 0; i < glyphs.length(); ++i)
                utf32 codepoint = glyphs[i];

                if (d_glyphSet.find(codepoint) == String::npos)
                    d_glyphSet.append(1, codepoint);


            Logger::getSingleton().logEvent((utf8*)"GlyphSet element encountered.  This element is invalid for static fonts.", Informative);
    // anything else is an error which *should* have already been caught by XML validation
        throw FileIOException("Font::xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the Font file: '" + element + "' is unknown.");
