Mat fuseImg(Mat &_leftImg, Mat &_rightImg, double _ratio)
	if (_leftImg.size() != _rightImg.size())
		return Mat();

	if (_ratio == 1.0)
		return _leftImg.clone();
	else if (_ratio == 0.0)
		return _rightImg.clone();
		size_t imgWidth = _leftImg.size().width;

		size_t cropPoint = imgWidth * _ratio;
		Range leftRange = Range(0, cropPoint);
		Range rightRange = Range(cropPoint, imgWidth - 1);

		Mat retImg(_leftImg.size(), _leftImg.type());
		_leftImg(Range::all(), leftRange).copyTo(retImg(Range::all(), leftRange));
		_rightImg(Range::all(), rightRange).copyTo(retImg(Range::all(), rightRange));

		return retImg;
Exemplo n.º 2
Mat ImageHandler::convertImageToOneDim(Mat img)
    Mat img1;

        throw std::invalid_argument( "The image is empty!" );
    else if(img.channels()>1)
        cvtColor(img, img1, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
    else img1 = img;

    std::vector<uchar> oneDimData1;
    oneDimData1.assign(img1.datastart, img1.dataend);

    Mat retImg(oneDimData1);
    return retImg;
Exemplo n.º 3
Image<T> rotate(const Image<T>& srcImg, const int x, const int y,
                const float ang)

  // make sure the source image is valid

  // create and clear the return image
  int w = srcImg.getWidth(), h = srcImg.getHeight();
  Image<T> retImg(w, h, ZEROS);

  // create temporary working image, put srcImg in the middle
  // put some padding (values are 0) around the image
  // so we won't need to check out of bounds when rotating
  int pad = int(ceil(sqrt(w * w + h * h)));
  int wR  = 2 * pad + w;
  int hR  = 2 * pad + h;
  Image<T> tempImg(wR, hR, ZEROS);
  inplacePaste(tempImg, srcImg, Point2D<int>(pad,pad));

  typename Image<T>::iterator rBPtr = retImg.beginw();
  float cAng = cos(ang), sAng = sin(ang);

  // fill in the return image with the appropriate values
  float xR = 0.0; float yR = 0.0;
  int dx = pad + x, dy = pad + y;
  for(int j = -y; j < h-y; j++)
    for(int i = -x; i < w-x; i++)
        xR = dx + i*cAng + j*sAng;
        yR = dy - i*sAng + j*cAng;
        *rBPtr++ = T(tempImg.getValInterp(xR,yR));

  return retImg;
/*********************w is variable********************************/
Mat corrector::latitudeCorrection4(Mat imgOrg, Point2i center, int radius, double w_longtitude, double w_latitude, distMapMode distMap, double theta_left, double phi_up, double camerFieldAngle, camMode camProjMode)
	if (!(camerFieldAngle > 0 && camerFieldAngle <= PI))
		cout << "The parameter \"camerFieldAngle\" must be in the interval (0,PI]." << endl;
		return Mat();
	double rateOfWindow = 0.9;

	//int width = imgOrg.size().width*rateOfWindow;
	//int height = width;

	//int width = max(imgOrg.cols, imgOrg.rows);
	int width = 512;
	int height = width;
	//int height = imgOrg.rows;

	Size imgSize(width, height);
	int center_x = imgSize.width / 2;
	int center_y = imgSize.height / 2;

	Mat retImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));

	double dx = camerFieldAngle / imgSize.width;
	double dy = camerFieldAngle / imgSize.height;

	//coordinate for latitude map
	double latitude;
	double longitude;

	//unity sphere coordinate 
	double x, y, z, r;

	//parameter cooradinate of sphere coordinate
	double Theta_sphere;
	double Phi_sphere;

	//polar cooradinate for fish-eye Image
	double p;
	double theta;

	//cartesian coordinate 
	double x_cart, y_cart;

	//Image cooradinate of imgOrg
	double u, v;
	Point pt, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;

	//Image cooradinate of imgRet
	int u_latitude, v_latitude;
	Rect imgArea(0, 0, imgOrg.cols, imgOrg.rows);

	//offset of imgRet Origin
	double longitude_offset, latitude_offset;
	longitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;
	latitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;

	double foval = 0.0;//焦距

	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _retImg = retImg;
	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _imgOrg = imgOrg;

	//according to the camera type to do the calibration
	double  limi_latitude = 2 * auxFunc(w_latitude, 0);
	double  limi_longtitude = 2 * auxFunc(w_longtitude, 0);
	for (int j = 0; j < imgSize.height; j++)

		for (int i = 0; i < imgSize.width; i++)
			Point3f tmpPt(i - center_x, center_y - j, 600);//最后一个参数用来修改成像面的焦距
			double normPt = norm(tmpPt);

			switch (distMap)

				tmpPt.x /= normPt;
				tmpPt.y /= normPt;
				tmpPt.z /= normPt;

				x = tmpPt.x;
				y = tmpPt.y;
				z = tmpPt.z;


				//latitude = latitude_offset + j*dy;

				latitude = getPhi1((double)j*limi_latitude / imgSize.height, w_latitude);
				//longitude = getPhi1((double)i * limi_longtitude / imgSize.width,w_longtitude);

				//latitude = latitude_offset + j*dy;
				longitude = longitude_offset + i*dx;
				//Convert from latitude cooradinate to the sphere cooradinate
				x = -sin(latitude)*cos(longitude);
				y = cos(latitude);
				z = sin(latitude)*sin(longitude);


			if (distMap == PERSPECTIVE)
				//double theta = PI/4;
				//double phi = -PI/2;
				cv::Mat curPt(cv::Point3f(x, y, z));
				std::vector<cv::Point3f> pts;

				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(cos(theta), 0, -sin(theta)));
				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(0, 1, 0));
				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(sin(theta), 0, cos(theta)));

				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(1, 0, 0));
				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(0, cos(phi), sin(phi)));
				//pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(0, -sin(phi), cos(phi)));

				pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(cos(theta_left), 0, sin(theta_left)));
				pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(sin(phi_up)*sin(theta_left), cos(phi_up), -sin(phi_up)*cos(theta_left)));
				pts.push_back(cv::Point3f(-cos(phi_up)*sin(theta_left), sin(phi_up), cos(phi_up)*cos(theta_left)));

				cv::Mat revert = cv::Mat(pts).reshape(1).t();

				cv::Mat changed(revert*curPt);

				cv::Mat_<double> changed_double;
				changed.convertTo(changed_double, CV_64F);

				x =<double>(0, 0);
				y =<double>(1, 0);
				z =<double>(2, 0);

				//std::cout << curPt << std::endl
				//	<<revert<<std::endl;

			//Convert from unit sphere cooradinate to the parameter sphere cooradinate
			Theta_sphere = acos(z);
			Phi_sphere = cvFastArctan(y, x);//return value in Angle
			Phi_sphere = Phi_sphere*PI / 180;//Convert from Angle to Radian

			switch (camProjMode)
				foval = radius / (2 * tan(camerFieldAngle / 4));
				p = 2 * foval*tan(Theta_sphere / 2);
				foval = radius / (camerFieldAngle / 2);
				p = foval*Theta_sphere;
			case EQUISOLID:
				foval = radius / (2 * sin(camerFieldAngle / 4));
				p = 2 * foval*sin(Theta_sphere / 2);
				foval = radius / sin(camerFieldAngle / 2);
				p = foval*sin(Theta_sphere);
				cout << "The camera mode hasn't been choose!" << endl;
			//Convert from parameter sphere cooradinate to fish-eye polar cooradinate
			//p = sin(Theta_sphere);
			theta = Phi_sphere;

			//Convert from fish-eye polar cooradinate to cartesian cooradinate
			x_cart = p*cos(theta);
			y_cart = p*sin(theta);

			//double R = radius / sin(camerFieldAngle / 2);

			//Convert from cartesian cooradinate to image cooradinate
			u = x_cart + center.x;
			v = -y_cart + center.y;

			pt = Point(u, v);

			if (!pt.inside(imgArea))
			{<Vec3b>(j, i) =<Vec3b>(pt);


	//imshow("org", _imgOrg);
	//imshow("ret", _retImg);
#ifdef _DEBUG_
	cv::namedWindow("Corrected Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	imshow("Corrected Image", retImg);
	imwrite("ret.jpg", retImg);
	return retImg;
Mat corrector::heavenAndEarthCorrect(Mat imgOrg, Point center, int radius, double startRadian, CorrectType type)
	int heightOfPanorama = radius * 2;

	int widthOfPanorama = 2 * PI*radius;

	double dx = 2 * PI / widthOfPanorama;
	double dy = radius / (double)heightOfPanorama;

	double p;
	double theta;

	double x, y;

	int u, v;

	Mat retImg(heightOfPanorama, widthOfPanorama, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _retImg = retImg;
	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _imgOrg = imgOrg.clone();

	switch (type)
	case Reverse:	//使用反向映射来填充展开图
		for (int j = 0; j < heightOfPanorama; j++)
			for (int i = 0; i < widthOfPanorama; i++)
				p = j*dy;
				theta = i*dx + startRadian;

				x = p*cos(theta);
				y = p*sin(theta);

				u = x + center.x;
				v = y + center.y;

				_retImg(j, i)[0] = _imgOrg(v, u)[0];
				_retImg(j, i)[1] = _imgOrg(v, u)[1];
				_retImg(j, i)[2] = _imgOrg(v, u)[2];


	case Forward:
		int left, top;
		left = center.x - radius;
		top = center.y - radius;
		for (int j = top; j < top + 2 * radius; j++)
			for (int i = left; i < left + 2 * radius; i++)
				if (pow(i - center.x, 2) + pow(j - center.y, 2) > pow(radius, 2))

				u = i;
				v = j;

				x = (u - center.x);
				y = -(v - center.y);

				//convert to polar axes
				theta = cvFastArctan(y, x)*PI / 180;
				p = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));

				theta -= startRadian;
				theta = theta < 0 ? theta + 2 * PI : theta;

				int u_ret = theta / dx;
				int v_ret = p / dy;

				if (u_ret < 0 || u_ret >= widthOfPanorama || v_ret < 0 || v_ret >= heightOfPanorama)

				//perform the map from the origin image to the latitude map image
				_retImg(v_ret, u_ret)[0] = _imgOrg(j, i)[0];
				_retImg(v_ret, u_ret)[1] = _imgOrg(j, i)[1];
				_retImg(v_ret, u_ret)[2] = _imgOrg(j, i)[2];


#ifdef _DEBUG_
	cv::namedWindow("expand fish-eye image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	imshow("expand fish-eye image", retImg);
	return	retImg;
//longitude-latitude reverse or forward map correction method
Mat corrector::latitudeCorrection(Mat imgOrg, Point2i center, int radius, double camerFieldAngle, CorrectType type)
	if (!(camerFieldAngle > 0 && camerFieldAngle <= PI))
		cout << "The parameter \"camerFieldAngle\" must be in the interval (0,PI]." << endl;
		return Mat();
	double rateOfWindow = 0.9;
	int width = imgOrg.size().width*rateOfWindow;
	int height = width;
	Size imgSize(width, height);

	Mat retImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));

	double dx = camerFieldAngle / imgSize.width;
	double dy = dx;

	//coordinate for latitude map
	double latitude;
	double longitude;

	//unity sphere coordinate 
	double x, y, z, r;

	//parameter cooradinate of sphere coordinate
	double Theta_sphere;
	double Phi_sphere;

	//polar cooradinate for fish-eye Image
	double p;
	double theta;

	//cartesian coordinate 
	double x_cart, y_cart;

	//Image cooradinate of imgOrg
	int u, v;

	//Image cooradinate of imgRet
	int u_latitude, v_latitude;

	//offset of imgRet Origin
	double longitude_offset, latitude_offset;
	longitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;
	latitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;

	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _retImg = retImg;
	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _imgOrg = imgOrg;

	//according to the correct type to do the calibration
	switch (type)
	case Forward:
		int left, top;
		left = center.x - radius;
		top = center.y - radius;
		for (int j = top; j < top + 2 * radius; j++)
			for (int i = left; i < left + 2 * radius; i++)
				if (pow(i - center.x, 2) + pow(j - center.y, 2) > pow(radius, 2))
				//Origin image cooradinate in pixel
				u = i;
				v = j;

				double R = radius / sin(camerFieldAngle / 2);

				//Convert to cartiesian cooradinate in unity circle
				x_cart = (u - center.x) / R;
				y_cart = -(v - center.y) / R;

				//convert to polar axes
				theta = cvFastArctan(y_cart, x_cart)*PI / 180;
				p = sqrt(pow(x_cart, 2) + pow(y_cart, 2));

				//convert to sphere surface parameter cooradinate
				Theta_sphere = asin(p);
				Phi_sphere = theta;

				//convert to sphere surface 3D cooradinate
				x = sin(Theta_sphere)*cos(Phi_sphere);
				y = sin(Theta_sphere)*sin(Phi_sphere);
				z = cos(Theta_sphere);

				//convert to latitiude  cooradinate
				latitude = acos(y);
				longitude = cvFastArctan(z, -x)*PI / 180;

				//transform the latitude to pixel cooradinate

				u_latitude = ((longitude - longitude_offset) / dx);
				v_latitude = ((latitude - latitude_offset) / dy);

				if (u_latitude < 0 || u_latitude >= imgSize.height || v_latitude < 0 || v_latitude >= imgSize.width)

				//perform the map from the origin image to the latitude map image
				_retImg(v_latitude, u_latitude)[0] = _imgOrg(j, i)[0];
				_retImg(v_latitude, u_latitude)[1] = _imgOrg(j, i)[1];
				_retImg(v_latitude, u_latitude)[2] = _imgOrg(j, i)[2];


	case Reverse:

		for (int j = 0; j < imgSize.height; j++)

			latitude = latitude_offset + j*dy;
			for (int i = 0; i < imgSize.width; i++)

				longitude = longitude_offset + i*dx;
				//Convert from latitude cooradinate to the sphere cooradinate
				x = -sin(latitude)*cos(longitude);
				y = cos(latitude);
				z = sin(latitude)*sin(longitude);

				//Convert from sphere cooradinate to the parameter sphere cooradinate
				Theta_sphere = acos(z);
				Phi_sphere = cvFastArctan(y, x);//return value in Angle
				Phi_sphere = Phi_sphere*PI / 180;//Convert from Angle to Radian

				//Convert from parameter sphere cooradinate to fish-eye polar cooradinate
				p = sin(Theta_sphere);
				theta = Phi_sphere;

				//Convert from fish-eye polar cooradinate to cartesian cooradinate
				x_cart = p*cos(theta);
				y_cart = p*sin(theta);

				//double R = radius / sin(camerFieldAngle / 2);
				double R = radius;
				//Convert from cartesian cooradinate to image cooradinate
				u = x_cart*R + center.x;
				v = -y_cart*R + center.y;

				//if (pow(u - center.x, 2) + pow(v - center.y, 2) > pow(radius, 2))
				//	_imgOrg(v, u)[0] = 255;
				//	_imgOrg(v, u)[1] = 255;
				//	_imgOrg(v, u)[2] = 255;
				//	continue;
				//}<Vec3b>(j, i) =<Vec3b>(v, u);

		cout << "The CorrectType is Wrong! It should be \"Forward\" or \"Reverse\"." << endl;
		return Mat();

	//imwrite("C:\\Users\\Joker\\Desktop\\ret4.jpg", retImg);
	//imshow("org", _imgOrg);
	//imshow("ret", _retImg);
#ifdef _DEBUG_
	cv::namedWindow("Corrected Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	imshow("Corrected Image", retImg);
	return retImg;
/************************w is variable, and Forward map*/
Mat corrector::latitudeCorrection5(Mat imgOrg, Point2i center, int radius, double w_longtitude, double w_latitude, distMapMode distMap, double theta_left, double phi_up, double camerFieldAngle, camMode camProjMode)
	if (!(camerFieldAngle > 0 && camerFieldAngle <= PI))
		cout << "The parameter \"camerFieldAngle\" must be in the interval (0,PI]." << endl;
		return Mat();
	double rateOfWindow = 0.9;

	//int width = imgOrg.size().width*rateOfWindow;
	//int height = width;

	//int width = max(imgOrg.cols, imgOrg.rows);
	int width = 512;
	int height = width;
	//int height = imgOrg.rows;

	Size imgSize(width, height);
	int center_x = imgSize.width / 2;
	int center_y = imgSize.height / 2;

	Mat retImg(imgSize, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0));

	double dx = camerFieldAngle / imgSize.width;
	double dy = camerFieldAngle / imgSize.height;

	//coordinate for latitude map
	double latitude;
	double longitude;

	//unity sphere coordinate 
	double x, y, z, r;

	//parameter cooradinate of sphere coordinate
	double Theta_sphere;
	double Phi_sphere;

	//polar cooradinate for fish-eye Image
	double p;
	double theta;

	//cartesian coordinate 
	double x_cart, y_cart;

	//Image cooradinate of imgOrg
	double u, v;
	Point pt, pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4;

	//Image cooradinate of imgRet
	int u_longtitude, v_latitude;
	Rect imgArea(0, 0, imgOrg.cols, imgOrg.rows);

	//offset of imgRet Origin
	double longitude_offset, latitude_offset;
	longitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;
	latitude_offset = (PI - camerFieldAngle) / 2;

	double foval = 0.0;//焦距

	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _retImg = retImg;
	cv::Mat_<Vec3b> _imgOrg = imgOrg;

	int left, top;
	left = center.x - radius;
	top = center.y - radius;
	for (int j = top; j < top + 2 * radius; j++)
		for (int i = left; i < left + 2 * radius; i++)
			if (pow(i - center.x, 2) + pow(j - center.y, 2) > pow(radius, 2))
			//Origin image cooradinate in pixel
			u = i;
			v = j;

			//Convert to cartiesian cooradinate in unity circle
			x_cart = (u - center.x);
			y_cart = -(v - center.y);

			//convert to polar axes
			theta = cvFastArctan(y_cart, x_cart)*PI / 180;
			p = sqrt(pow(x_cart, 2) + pow(y_cart, 2));

			//convert to sphere surface parameter cooradinate

			Theta_sphere = p*(camerFieldAngle / 2) / radius;
			Phi_sphere = theta;

			//convert to sphere surface 3D cooradinate
			x = sin(Theta_sphere)*cos(Phi_sphere);
			y = sin(Theta_sphere)*sin(Phi_sphere);
			z = cos(Theta_sphere);

			//convert to latitiude  cooradinate
			latitude = acos(y);
			longitude = cvFastArctan(z, -x)*PI / 180;

			//transform the latitude to pixel cooradinate
			double  limi_latitude = auxFunc(w_latitude, 0);
			double l = 0;
			if (latitude >= 0 && latitude < PI / 2)
				l = limi_latitude - sin(w_latitude)*sqrt(cos(latitude)*cos(latitude) + (1 - sin(latitude))*(1 - sin(latitude))) / sin(PI - w_latitude - atan((1 - sin(latitude)) / abs(cos(latitude))));
				l = limi_latitude + sin(w_latitude)*sqrt(cos(latitude)*cos(latitude) + (1 - sin(latitude))*(1 - sin(latitude))) / sin(PI - w_latitude - atan((1 - sin(latitude)) / abs(cos(latitude))));
			u_longtitude = ((longitude - longitude_offset) / dx);
			// = (latitude - latitude_offset) / dy;
			v_latitude = l*imgSize.height / (2 * limi_latitude);

			if (u_longtitude < 0 || u_longtitude >= imgSize.height || v_latitude < 0 || v_latitude >= imgSize.width)

			//perform the map from the origin image to the latitude map image<cv::Vec3b>(v_latitude, u_longtitude) =<cv::Vec3b>(j, i);

	//imshow("org", _imgOrg);
	//imshow("ret", _retImg);
#ifdef _DEBUG_
	cv::namedWindow("Corrected Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	imshow("Corrected Image", retImg);
	imwrite("ret.jpg", retImg);
	return retImg;