Exemplo n.º 1
MatrixLT<dataType>::MatrixLT(const int& nrow)
  int i;
  if (nrow < 0) throw returnR("MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow) error", 1);
  _nrow = nrow;
  _length = (_nrow * (_nrow+1))/2;

  if (_length){
    _diagI = (int*) calloc(_nrow, sizeof(int));
    if (!_diagI) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _nrow; i++){
      _diagI[i] = (i * (2*_nrow - i + 1))/2;

    _a = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    _atemp = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    if (!_a || !_atemp) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _length; i++){
      _a[i] = 0;
    _a = NULL;
    _atemp = NULL;
    _diagI = NULL;

}  /** end of the parametric constructor 2 **/
Exemplo n.º 2
//  * use mean and mean +- 3*sd of the distribution [a[ia] | a[-ia], lambda]
//    as starting abscissae
//  * do not check whether they lie on both sides of the mode,
//    this will be done always before sampling is done
  if (_dim != 1){
    throw returnR("Error in Gspline2_updateWeights.cpp: Gspline2::find_start_abscis1. Implemented only for UNIVARIATE G-splines", 1);

  if (mcmc_Gspline2::_nabscis != 3){
    throw returnR("Dear Arnost, please update Gspline2::find_start_abscis1() function after changing _nabscis ;-)", 1);

  double mean, invvar, three_sd;
  int K            = _K.aconst()[0];  
  const double *aa = _a->aconst();
  double *Abscis   = _abscis->a();
  for (int ia=-K; ia <= K; ia++){
    this->full_a_pars1(&mean, &invvar, &ia, aa);
    three_sd = 3/sqrt(invvar);
    Abscis[0] = mean - three_sd;
    Abscis[1] = mean;
    Abscis[2] = mean + three_sd;
    Abscis += mcmc_Gspline2::_nabscis;

Exemplo n.º 3
MatrixLT<dataType>::MatrixLT(const MatrixLT<dataType>& A)
  int i;

  _nrow = A.nrow();
  _length = A.length();

  if (_length){
    _diagI = (int*) calloc(_nrow, sizeof(int));
    if (!_diagI) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(A)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _nrow; i++){
      _diagI[i] = A.diagI(i);

    _a = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    _atemp = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    if (!_a || !_atemp) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(A)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _length; i++){
      _a[i] = A.a(i);
      _atemp[i] = A._atemp[i];
    _a = NULL;
    _atemp = NULL;
    _diagI = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
// Compute -0.5*sum (Delta a)^2 in the case of univariate CAR in each dimension
// penalty ....... either one-component or two-component array
//                 * if _equal_lambda then penalty[0] gives the sum of row- and column-penalties
Gspline::penalty_uniCAR() const
  int ia, col, row;
  double* Da;

  switch (_dim){

    /*** dimension = 1 ***/
  case 1:
    Da = new double[_length[0]];
    if (Da == NULL) throw returnR("C++ Error: Could not allocate working memory", 1);
    for (ia = 0; ia < _length[0]; ia++) Da[ia] = _a[ia];
    diff(_order, _length[0], Da);
    _penalty[0] = 0.0;
    for (ia = 0; ia < _length[0] - _order; ia++) _penalty[0] += (Da[ia] * Da[ia]);
    _penalty[0] *= (-0.5);

  /*** dimension = 2 ***/
  case 2:
    Da = new double[(_length[0] > _length[1] ? _length[0] : _length[1])];
    if (Da == NULL) throw returnR("C++ Error: Could not allocate working memory", 1);

    /* penalty over rows with fixed columns */
    _penalty[0] = 0.0;
    for (col = 0; col < _length[1]; col++){
      for (row = 0; row < _length[0]; row++) Da[row] = _a[col*_length[0] + row];
      diff(_order, _length[0], Da);
      for (row = 0; row < _length[0] - _order; row++) _penalty[0] += (Da[row] * Da[row]);
    _penalty[0] *= (-0.5);

    /* penalty over cols with fixed rows */
    _penalty[1] = 0.0;
    for (row = 0; row < _length[0]; row++){
      for (col = 0; col < _length[1]; col++) Da[col] = _a[col*_length[0] + row];
      diff(_order, _length[1], Da);
      for (col = 0; col < _length[1] - _order; col++) _penalty[1] += (Da[col] * Da[col]);
    _penalty[1] *= (-0.5);

    if (_equal_lambda)  _penalty[0] += _penalty[1];

    throw returnR("C++ Error: Strange _dim in Gspline::penalty_uniCAR", 1);
  }  /** end of switch (_dim)  **/

  delete [] Da;
Exemplo n.º 5
/*** =========================================================================== ***/
updateAfterChangeD(RandomEff32::RE *data)
  static const double *cdP;
  static double *dP;
  static int i;
  static int info[1];

  /*** Covariance matrix -> inverse covariance matrix and its determinant ***/
  cdP = data->_D;
  dP  = data->_Di; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_lD; i++){
    *dP = *cdP;
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_Di, &data->_nRandom, info);
  if (*info){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: updateAfterChangeD. Covariance matrix is not positive definite.", 1);
  data->_detD = data->_Di[0] * data->_Di[0] * data->_Di[2] * data->_Di[2];
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptri(data->_Di, &data->_nRandom, info);

Exemplo n.º 6
MatrixLT<dataType>::mat2array(dataType* a, const int& type) const
  int i, j;
  const dataType* _aP = _a;

  switch (type){
  case 0:
    for (i = 0; i < _length; i++){
      a[i] = _a[i];
  case 1:
    for (j = 0; j < _nrow; j++){
      a[j*_nrow + j] = *_aP;
      for (i = j+1; i < _nrow; i++){
        a[j*_nrow + i] = *_aP;
        a[i*_nrow + j] = *_aP;
    throw returnR("MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::mat2array(a, type) error. Unknown type argument", 1);   

Exemplo n.º 7
/***** Copy constructor *****/
RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(const RandomPoiss &P)
  int i;

  _p = P._p;
  _nTheta = P._nTheta;
  _N = P._N;
  _ni = P._ni;
  _max_ni = P._max_ni;
  _n = P._n;

  _REdist = P._REdist;
  _prior_for_REMean = P._prior_for_REMean;
  _prior_for_REInvVar = P._prior_for_REInvVar;

  _Theta = P._Theta;
  _ThetaBar = P._ThetaBar;
  _Theta_REMean = P._Theta_REMean;
  _PropTheta = P._PropTheta;

  _REMean = P._REMean;
  _REInvVar = P._REInvVar;
  _REInvVarL = P._REInvVarL;
  _REVar = P._REVar;
  _REStdDev = P._REStdDev;
  _REWMean = P._REWMean;

  _PropMean = P._PropMean;
  _U = P._U;
  _I = P._I;

  _REMeanPriorMean = P._REMeanPriorMean;
  _REMeanPriorInvVar = P._REMeanPriorInvVar;
  _REMeanPriorWMean = P._REMeanPriorWMean;

  _REInvVarPriorDF = P._REInvVarPriorDF;
  _REInvVarPriorInvScale = P._REInvVarPriorInvScale;

  _eta = P._eta;
  _Propeta = P._Propeta;

  _x = P._x;

  _work = P._work;
  _work_rwishart = P._work_rwishart;
  _work_invVarSlice = P._work_invVarSlice;

  if (_nTheta && _n){
    _xx = new MatrixLT<double>[_n];
    if (!_xx) throw returnR("Out of memory in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(P)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _n; i++){
      _xx[i] = P._xx[i];
    _xx = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 8
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_ispy_main_OpenCV_getR(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz)


    return R;
Exemplo n.º 9
MatrixLT<dataType>::MatrixLT(const int& nrow, const dataType* a, const int& type)
  int i, j;
  dataType *_aP; 

  if (nrow < 0) throw returnR("MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, a, type) error", 1);
  _nrow = nrow;
  _length = (_nrow * (_nrow+1))/2;

  if (_length){
    _diagI = (int*) calloc(_nrow, sizeof(int));
    if (!_diagI) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, a, type)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _nrow; i++){
      _diagI[i] = (i * (2*_nrow - i + 1))/2;

    _a = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    _atemp = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    if (!_a || !_atemp) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, a, type)", 99);
    switch (type){
    case 0:
      for (i = 0; i < _length; i++){
        _a[i] = a[i];
    case 1:
      _aP = _a;
      for (j = 0; j < _nrow; j++){
        for (i = j; i < _nrow; i++){
          *_aP = a[j*_nrow+i];
      throw returnR("MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, a, type) error. Unknown type argument", 1);   
    _a = NULL;
    _atemp = NULL;
    _diagI = NULL;
}  /** end of the parametric constructor 1 **/
Exemplo n.º 10
// Penalty for the eight neighbors system
//  computed via sum of weighted squared pairwise differences
// penalty ..... one-component pointer
Gspline::penalty_eight_neighbors() const
  int i, j;
  if (_dim != 2) throw returnR("C++ Error: Strange _dim appeares in Gspline::penalty_eight_neighbors", 1);
  int nr = _length[0];     /* this should be always at least 5 */
  int nc = _length[1];     /* this should be always at least 5 */
  _penalty[0] = 0.0;

  // Neighbors of sites (i, 0)
  // ===========================
  /* neighbors of site (0, 0) */
  _penalty[0] += (_a[0]-_a[1])*(_a[0]-_a[1]) + (_a[0]-_a[nr])*(_a[0]-_a[nr]) - (_a[0]-_a[nr+1])*(_a[0]-_a[nr+1]);

  /* neighbors (not yet included) of sites (i, 0), i=1,...,nr-2 */
  for (i = 1; i <= nr-2; i++){
    _penalty[0] += 2*(_a[i]-_a[nr+i])*(_a[i]-_a[nr+i]) + (_a[i]-_a[i+1])*(_a[i]-_a[i+1]) 
                - (_a[i]-_a[nr+i-1])*(_a[i]-_a[nr+i-1]) - (_a[i]-_a[nr+i+1])*(_a[i]-_a[nr+i+1]);

  /* neighbors (not yet included) of site (nr-1, 0) */
  _penalty[0] += (_a[nr-1]-_a[nr+nr-1])*(_a[nr-1]-_a[nr+nr-1]) - (_a[nr-1]-_a[nr+nr-2])*(_a[nr-1]-_a[nr+nr-2]);

  // Neighbors (not yet included) of sites (i, j), j=1,...,nc-2
  // ==========================================================
  for (j = 1; j <= nc-2; j++){
    /* neighbors (not yet included) of site (0, j) */
    _penalty[0] += 2*(_a[j*nr]-_a[j*nr+1])*(_a[j*nr]-_a[j*nr+1]) + (_a[j*nr]-_a[(j+1)*nr])*(_a[j*nr]-_a[(j+1)*nr])
                - (_a[j*nr]-_a[(j+1)*nr+1])*(_a[j*nr]-_a[(j+1)*nr+1]);

    /* neighbors (not yet included) of sites (i, j), i=1,...,nr-2 */
    for (i = 1; i <= nr-2; i++){
      _penalty[0] += 2*((_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i])*(_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i]) + (_a[j*nr+i]-_a[j*nr+i+1])*(_a[j*nr+i]-_a[j*nr+i+1]))
        	  - (_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i-1])*(_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i-1]) - (_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i+1])*(_a[j*nr+i]-_a[(j+1)*nr+i+1]);

    /* neighbors (not yet included) of site (nr-1, j) */
    _penalty[0] += (_a[j*nr+nr-1]-_a[(j+1)*nr+nr-1])*(_a[j*nr+nr-1]-_a[(j+1)*nr+nr-1]) - (_a[j*nr+nr-1]-_a[(j+1)*nr+nr-2])*(_a[j*nr+nr-1]-_a[(j+1)*nr+nr-2]);

  // Neighbors (not yet included) of sites (i, nc-1)
  // ===============================================
  /* neighbors (not yet included) of sites (i, nc-1), i=0,...,nr-2 */
  for (i = 0; i <= nr-2; i++){
    _penalty[0] += (_a[(nc-1)*nr+i]-_a[(nc-1)*nr+i+1])*(_a[(nc-1)*nr+i]-_a[(nc-1)*nr+i+1]);

  _penalty[0] *= (-0.5);
Exemplo n.º 11
MatrixLT<dataType>::MatrixLT(const int& nrow, const dataType* b)
  int i, j;
  const dataType *b1, *b2;
  dataType *aP;

  if (nrow < 0) throw returnR("MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, b) error", 1);
  _nrow = nrow;
  _length = (_nrow * (_nrow+1))/2;

  if (_length){
    _diagI = (int*) calloc(_nrow, sizeof(int));
    if (!_diagI) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, b)", 99);
    for (i = 0; i < _nrow; i++){
      _diagI[i] = (i * (2*_nrow - i + 1))/2;

    _a = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    _atemp = (dataType*) calloc(_length, sizeof(dataType));
    if (!_a || !_atemp) throw returnR("Out of memory in MatrixLT.cpp: MatrixLT::MatrixLT(nrow, b)", 99);
    b2 = b;
    aP = _a;
    for (j = 0; j < _nrow; j++){
      b1 = b + j;
      for (i = j; i < _nrow; i++){
        *aP = (*b1) * (*b2);
    _a = NULL;
    _atemp = NULL;
    _diagI = NULL;

}  /** end of the parametric constructor 3 **/
Exemplo n.º 12
// Compute ordered differences (diff_in_R is a version which can be called directly from R)
// order ..... order of the differences (at least 1)
// na ........ length of the whole vector 'a'
// Da ........  INPUT: vector for which differences should be computed
//              OUTPUT: computed differences (at places 0, ..., la-1-order)
diff(const int& order, const int& na, double* Da)
  int i;
  if (order < 0 || order > na-1) throw returnR("C++ Error: order must be >= 0 & <= length(a) in diff", 1);

  if (order == 0) return;
    for (i = 1; i < na; i++) Da[i-1] = Da[i] - Da[i-1];
    diff(order-1, na-1, Da);
Exemplo n.º 13
// ======================================================================================
// ******* evalKendallTau
// ======================================================================================
evalKendallTau(double* value,  const int* dim,  const int* k_effect,  const double* w,  int** ind_mu,  double**** PhiPhi)
  static int pp, qq;
  static int* ip;
  static int* jp;
  static int* kp; 
  static int* lp;
  static const double* wp;
  static const double* wq;
  static double w_w;

  if (*dim != 2) throw returnR("Function 'evalKendallTau' implemented only for dim = 2", 1);

  *value = 0.0;
  ip = ind_mu[0];
  jp = ind_mu[1]; 
  wp = w;
  for (pp = 0; pp < *k_effect; pp++){
    w_w = (*wp) * (*wp);
    *value += w_w * PhiPhi[*ip][*jp][*ip][*jp];
    kp = ip + 1;
    lp = jp + 1;
    wq = wp + 1;
    for (qq = pp+1; qq < *k_effect; qq++){
      w_w = (*wp) * (*wq);
      *value += w_w * PhiPhi[*ip][*jp][*kp][*lp];
      *value += w_w * PhiPhi[*kp][*lp][*ip][*jp];
  *value *= 4;
  *value -= 1;

Exemplo n.º 14
/*** =========================================================================== ***/
predict_db(RandomEff32::RE *data)
  static const double *cdP;
  static double *dP, *bP;
  static int i, cl;
  static int info[1];

  /*** Covariance matrix -> Cholesky decomposition ***/
  cdP = data->_D;
  dP  = data->_propVar; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_lD; i++){
    *dP = *cdP;
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_propVar, &data->_nRandom, info);
  if (*info){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: predict_db. Covariance matrix is not positive definite.", 1);

  /*** Mean ***/
  data->_propMean[0] = 0;
  data->_propMean[1] = 0;

  /*** Sample ***/
  dP = data->_d;
  bP = data->_b;
  for (cl = 0; cl < data->_nCluster; cl++){
    Mvtdist3::rmvnorm2006(data->_propValue, data->_propMean, data->_propVar, &data->_nRandom);
    *dP = data->_propValue[0];
    *bP = data->_propValue[1];

Exemplo n.º 15
//  data:         Initialized structure
//  dVal:         Initial values of the onset random intercept
//                See  'priorb1D' argument of bayessurvreg2 function  
//  bVal:         Initial values of the time-to-event random intercept
//                See  'priorb2D' argument of bayessurvreg2 function
//  parD[4]:      parD[0,1,2] = initial value of var(d,b) = D (lower triangle)
//                parD[3]     = prior degrees of freedom of the Wishart prior
//                parD[4,5,6] = prior scale matrix of the Wishart prior (lower triangle)
//  pardI:        Integer parameters for the onset random intercept
//                See  'priorb1I' argument of bayessurvreg2 function
//               parI[0]     = type of prior (0 = Normal, 1 = Gspline), it MUST BE 0
//               parI[1]     = number of random effects, it MUST BE 1
//               parI[2]     = number of clusters
//     parI[3,...2+nCluster] = numbers of observations within each cluster
//  parbI:        Integer parameters for the time-to-event random intercept
//                Structure the same as for pardI
init(RandomEff32::RE *data,  double *dVal,   double *bVal,  double *parD,  const int *pardI,  const int *parbI)
  int i, info;
  const int *nCld, *nClb;
  const double *cdP;
  double *dP;

  /*** Type of the distribution of random effects ***/
  if (pardI[0] != 0 || parbI[0] != 0){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Type of prior of random effects must me 0 (normal).", 1);

  /*** Dimension of the random effects ***/
  if (pardI[1] != 1 || parbI[1] != 1){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. There must be exactly 1 random effect in each part of the model.", 1);
  data->_nRandom = pardI[1] + parbI[1];
  data->_lD      = (data->_nRandom * (data->_nRandom + 1))/2;

  /*** Number of clusters ***/
  if (pardI[2] <= 0 || parbI[2] <= 0 || pardI[2] != parbI[2]){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Number of clusters must be positive and the same in both parts of the model.", 1);
  data->_nCluster = pardI[2];  

  /*** Numbers of observations within each cluster ***/
  nCld = pardI + 3; 
  nClb = parbI + 3; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_nCluster; i++){
    if (*nCld <= 0 || *nClb <= 0 || *nCld != *nClb){
      throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Numbers of observations within each clusters must be positive and the same in both part sof the model.", 1);
  data->_nwithinCl = pardI + 3;

  /*** Values of random effects ***/
  data->_d = dVal;
  data->_b = bVal;

  /*** Value of the covariance matrix of random effects ***/
  data->_D = parD;

  /*** Covariance matrix -> its determinant and inverse ***/
  cdP = data->_D;
  dP  = data->_Di; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_lD; i++){
    *dP = *cdP;
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_Di, &data->_nRandom, &info);
  if (info){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Initial covariance matrix is not positive definite.", 1);
  data->_detD = data->_Di[0] * data->_Di[0] * data->_Di[2] * data->_Di[2];
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptri(data->_Di, &data->_nRandom, &info);

  /*** Parameters of the prior of the covariance matrix of random effects ***/
  /** Degrees of freedom **/
  if (parD[3] <= data->_nRandom - 1){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Prior Wishart degrees of freedom must be higher than 1.", 1);
  data->_priorDF = parD[3];

  /** Scale matrix -> inverse scale matrix **/
  cdP = parD + 4;
  dP  = data->_priorSi; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_lD; i++){
    *dP = *cdP;
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_priorSi, &data->_nRandom, &info);
  if (info){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: init. Prior Wishart scale matrix is not positive definite.", 1);
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptri(data->_priorSi, &data->_nRandom, &info);

  /** Degrees of freedom of the full conditional of the covariance matrix of random effects **/
  data->_propDF = data->_priorDF + data->_nCluster;

Exemplo n.º 16
// ****** update_Data_GS_regres ***********************
// Version with possible regression
// ================================
// YsM[nP x gg->dim()] ........... on INPUT:  current vector of (imputed) log(event times)
//                                 on OUTPUT: updated vector of (augmented) log(event times)
// regresResM[nP x gg->dim()] .... on INPUT:  current vector of regression residuals (y - x'beta - z'b))
//                                 on OUTPUT: updated vector of regression residuals
// rM[nP] ........................ component labels taking values 0, 1, ..., gg->total_length()-1
update_Data_GS_regres(double* YsM,           
                      double* regresResM,
                      const double*  y_left,  
                      const double*  y_right,   
                      const int*     status,
                      const int*     rM,         
                      const Gspline* gg,       
                      const int* nP)
  int obs, j;
  double mu_jk = 0;
  double PhiL = 0;
  double PhiU = 0;  
  double u = 0;
  double PhiInv = 0;
  double stres = 0;

  double invsigma[_max_dim];
  double invscale[_max_dim];
  for (j = 0; j < gg->dim(); j++){
    invsigma[j] = 1/gg->sigma(j);
    invscale[j] = 1/gg->scale(j);

  //Rprintf("\nG-spline dim: %d\n", gg->dim());
  //Rprintf("mu[0, 0]  = %g\n", gg->mu_component(0, 0));
  //Rprintf("sigma[0]  = %g\n", gg->sigma(0));
  //Rprintf("intcpt[0] = %g\n", gg->intcpt(0));
  //Rprintf("scale[0]  = %g\n", gg->scale(0));      

  double* y_obs = YsM;
  double* regRes = regresResM;
  const double* y1 = y_left;
  const double* y2 = y_right;
  const int* stat = status;
  const int* rp = rM;
  for (obs = 0; obs < *nP; obs++){
    for (j = 0; j < gg->dim(); j++){

      switch (*stat){
      case 1:   /* exactly observed */

      case 0:   /* right censored */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);
        *regRes -= *y_obs;
        stres = (*y1 + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
        PhiL = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
        if (PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){        // censored time irrealistic large (out of the prob. scale)
          *y_obs = *y1;
          if (PhiL <= NORM_ZERO){         // censoring time equal to "zero", generate an exact time from N(mean, variance), 
                                          //   i.e. from the full  not-truncated distribution
            u = runif(0, 1);
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
            u = runif(0, 1) * (1 - PhiL) + PhiL;
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            if (PhiInv == R_PosInf){    // u was equal to 1, additional check added 16/12/2004
              *y_obs = *y1;
              *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv;
        *regRes += (*y_obs);

      case 2:   /* left censored */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);
        *regRes -= *y_obs;
        stres = (*y1 + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
        PhiU = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
        if (PhiU <= NORM_ZERO){           // left censoring time irrealistic low (equal to "zero")
          *y_obs = *y1;
          if (PhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){    // left censoring time equal to "infty", generate an exact time from N(mean, variance), 
                                           //   i.e. from the full  not-truncated distribution
            u = runif(0, 1);
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
            u = runif(0, 1) * PhiU;
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            if (PhiInv == R_NegInf){  // u was equal to 0,  additional check added 16/12/2004
              *y_obs = *y1;
              *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
        *regRes += *y_obs;

      case 3:   /* interval censored */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);
        *regRes -= *y_obs;
        stres = (*y1 + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
        PhiL = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
        stres = (*y2 + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
        PhiU = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
        PhiInv = PhiU - PhiL;
        if (PhiInv <= NORM_ZERO){       // too narrow interval, or the interval out of the probability scale
                                        //   (both limits in "zero" probability region)
                                        //   generate something inbetween
          u = runif(0, 1);
          *y_obs = *y1 + u*((*y2) - (*y1)); 
          if (PhiInv >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){ // too large interval, practically (-infty, +infty), generate an exact time from N(mean, variance)
            u = runif(0, 1);
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
            u = runif(0, 1) * PhiInv + PhiL;
            PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            if (!R_finite(PhiInv)){    // u was either zero or one,  additional check added 16/12/2004
              u = runif(0, 1);
              *y_obs = *y1 + u*((*y2) - (*y1)); 
              *y_obs = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
        *regRes += *y_obs;
      }  /** end of switch (status) **/

      /*** This section just performs additional checks to prevent simulations with NaN's ***/
      if (!R_finite(*y_obs) || !R_finite(*regRes)){
        int condit;
        REprintf("\nY[%d,%d]=%e,  regRes[%d,%d]=%e,  r[%d,%d]=%d,  status[%d,%d]=%d,  stres=%e", 
		 obs, j, *y_obs, obs, j, *regRes, obs, j, *rp, obs, j, *stat, stres);
        REprintf(";  mean=%e", mu_jk); 
        REprintf(";  invvar=%e", gg->invsigma2(j)); 
        REprintf("\nu=%3.20e,  PhiL=%3.20e,  PhiU=%3.20e,  PhiInv=%3.20e", u, PhiL, PhiU, PhiInv);
        REprintf("NORM_ZERO=%3.20e,  1-NORM_ZERO=%3.20e", NORM_ZERO, 1-NORM_ZERO);
        switch (*stat){
        case 0:
          condit = 1*(PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiL <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiL <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        case 2:
          condit = 1*(PhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiU <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        case 3:
          condit = 1*(PhiU-PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU-PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiU-PhiL <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU-PhiL <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        throw returnR("Trap in update_Data_GS_regres: NaN generated.", 1);

}    /*** end of function update_Data_GS_regres ***/
Exemplo n.º 17
// ****** update_Data_GS_doubly ***********************
// *** Update of the event-time in the case of doubly censored data
// Yevent[nP x gg->dim()] ........ on INPUT:  current vector of (imputed) log(event times)
//                                 on OUTPUT: updated vector of (augmented) log(event times)
//                                 i.e. augmented log(T2 - T1), where T1 = onset time, T2 = event time (on a study scale)
// regresResM[nP x gg->dim()] .... on INPUT:  current vector of regression residuals (y - x'beta - z'b))
//                                 on OUTPUT: updated vector of regression residuals
// Yonset[nP x gg->dim()] .... log-onset times 
//                             i.e. log(T1)
// t_left[nP x gg->dim()] .... 
// t_right[nP x gg->dim()].... observed event times (on a study scale)
// status[nP x gg->dim()] .... censoring status for event
// rM[nP] .................... component labels taking values 0, 1, ..., gg->total_length()-1
// gg ........................ G-spline defining the distribution of the log-time-to-event (log(T2 - T1))
// nP ........................ number of observational vectors
// n_censored ................ number of censored event times
update_Data_GS_doubly(double* Yevent,        
                      double* regresResM,
                      const double*  Yonset, 
  	              const double*  t_left,  
                      const double*  t_right,    
                      const int*     status,
                      const int*     rM,         
                      const Gspline* gg,       
                      const int*     nP)
  int obs, j;
  double t_onset, yL, yU, help;
  double mu_jk = 0; 
  double PhiL = 0;
  double PhiU = 0;  
  double u = 0;
  double PhiInv = 0;
  double stres = 0;

  double invsigma[_max_dim];
  double invscale[_max_dim];
  for (j = 0; j < gg->dim(); j++){
    invsigma[j] = 1/gg->sigma(j);
    invscale[j] = 1/gg->scale(j);

  double* y_event = Yevent;
  double* regRes = regresResM;
  const double* y_onset = Yonset;
  const double* t1 = t_left;
  const double* t2 = t_right;
  const int* stat = status;
  const int* rp = rM;
  for (obs = 0; obs < *nP; obs++){
    for (j = 0; j < gg->dim(); j++){

      t_onset = (*y_onset > -_emax ? exp(*y_onset) : 0.0);
      if (!R_finite(t_onset)) throw returnR("Trap: t_onset equal to NaN in 'update_Data_GS_doubly'", 1);      

      *regRes -= *y_event;     
      switch (*stat){
      case 1:   /* exactly observed, but the onset time might not be observed exactly */
        help = (*t1) - t_onset;
        if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_) *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;
        else                     *y_event = log(help);

      case 0:   /* right censored */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);
        help = (*t1) - t_onset;
        if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_){      // time-to-event right censored at 0, generate an exact time from N(mean, variance)
          u = runif(0, 1);
          PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
          *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
          yL = log(help);
          stres = (yL + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
          PhiL = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
          if (PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){        // censored time irrealistic large (out of the prob. scale)
            *y_event = yL;
            if (PhiL <= NORM_ZERO){         // censoring time equal to "zero", generate an exact time from N(mean, variance), 
                                            //   i.e. from the full  not-truncated distribution
              u = runif(0, 1);
              PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
              *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
              u = runif(0, 1) * (1 - PhiL) + PhiL;
              PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
              if (PhiInv == R_PosInf){    // u was equal to 1, additional check added 16/12/2004
                *y_event = yL;
                *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv;

      case 2:   /* left censored event => onset had to be left censored as well at the same time */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);
        help = (*t1) - t_onset;
        if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_) *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;        // time-to-event left censored at 0 => time-to-event = 0
          yL = log(help);
          stres = (yL + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
          PhiU = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
          if (PhiU <= NORM_ZERO){           // left censoring time irrealistic low (equal to "zero")
            *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;
            if (PhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){      // left censoring time equal to "infty", generate an exact time from N(mean, variance), 
                                             //   i.e. from the full  not-truncated distribution
              u = runif(0, 1);
              PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
              *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
              u = runif(0, 1) * PhiU;
              PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
              if (PhiInv == R_NegInf){  // u was equal to 0,  additional check added 16/12/2004
                *y_event = yL;
                *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 

      case 3:   /* interval censored */
        mu_jk = gg->mu_component(j, *rp);

        help = (*t1) - t_onset;
        if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_){        // time-to-event will be left censored
          help = (*t2) - t_onset;
          if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_){      // too narrow interval located close to zero
            *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;
          else{                          // code for left censored observations
            yL = log(help);
            stres = (yL + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
            PhiU = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            if (PhiU <= NORM_ZERO){           // left censoring time irrealistic low (equal to "zero")
              *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;
              if (PhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){      // left censoring time equal to "infty", generate an exact time from N(mean, variance), 
                                               //   i.e. from the full  not-truncated distribution
                u = runif(0, 1);
                PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
                *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
                u = runif(0, 1) * PhiU;
                PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
                if (PhiInv == R_NegInf){  // u was equal to 0,  additional check added 16/12/2004
                  *y_event = yL;
                  *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
          yL = log(help);

          help = (*t2) - t_onset;
          if (help <= _ZERO_TIME_){      // too narrow interval located close to zero
            *y_event = _LOG_ZERO_TIME_;
            yU = log(help);

            stres = (yL + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
            PhiL = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            stres = (yU + (*regRes) - gg->intcpt(j) - gg->scale(j)*mu_jk) * invsigma[j]*invscale[j];
            PhiU = pnorm(stres, 0, 1, 1, 0);
            PhiInv = PhiU - PhiL;
            if (PhiInv <= NORM_ZERO){       // too narrow interval, or the interval out of the probability scale
                                            //   (both limits in "zero" probability region)
                                            //   generate something inbetween
              u = runif(0, 1);
              *y_event = yL + u*(yU - yL); 
              if (PhiInv >= 1 - NORM_ZERO){ // too large interval, practically (-infty, +infty), generate an exact time from N(mean, variance)
                u = runif(0, 1);
                PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
                *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
                u = runif(0, 1) * PhiInv + PhiL;
                PhiInv = qnorm(u, 0, 1, 1, 0);
                if (!R_finite(PhiInv)){    // u was either zero or one,  additional check added 16/12/2004
                  u = runif(0, 1);
                  *y_event = yL + u*(yU - yL); 
                  *y_event = -(*regRes) + gg->intcpt(j) + gg->scale(j)*mu_jk + gg->sigma(j)*gg->scale(j)*PhiInv; 
      }  /** end of switch (status) **/
      *regRes += (*y_event);

      /*** This section just performs additional checks to prevent simulations with NaN's ***/
      if (!R_finite(*y_event) || !R_finite(*regRes)){
        int condit;
        REprintf("\nY[%d,%d]=%e,  regRes[%d,%d]=%e,  r[%d,%d]=%d,  status[%d,%d]=%d,  stres=%e", 
		 obs, j, *y_event, obs, j, *regRes, obs, j, *rp, obs, j, *stat, stres);
        REprintf(";  mean=%e", mu_jk); 
        REprintf(";  invvar=%e", gg->invsigma2(j)); 
        REprintf("\nu=%3.20e,  PhiL=%3.20e,  PhiU=%3.20e,  PhiInv=%3.20e", u, PhiL, PhiU, PhiInv);
        REprintf("NORM_ZERO=%3.20e,  1-NORM_ZERO=%3.20e", NORM_ZERO, 1-NORM_ZERO);
        switch (*stat){
        case 0:
          condit = 1*(PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiL <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiL <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        case 2:
          condit = 1*(PhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiU <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        case 3:
          condit = 1*(PhiU-PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU-PhiL >= 1 - NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
          condit = 1*(PhiU-PhiL <= NORM_ZERO);
          REprintf("\nPhiU-PhiL <= NORM_ZERO: %d", condit);
        throw returnR("Trap in update_Data_GS_doubly: NaN generated.", 1);

}    /*** end of function update_Data_GS_doubly ***/
Exemplo n.º 18
// alloc[this->_N]:       vector of single index (0,...,Gspl->total_length-1) allocations
RandomPoiss::updateRE2Bi(int *accept,             double *ll, 
                         double *mu,              double *Propmu,
                         const BiGspline2 *Gspl,
                         const double *offset,    const int *y,    const double *log_y_factor,
                         const MatrixRect<int> *alloc)
  static int i, length0, i0, i1;
  static double llCl;
  const int *yP, *niP, *allocP;
  const double *log_y_factorP, *xP, *offsetP, *REMeanP, *inv_sigma2_d2P, *d_knotsP0, *d_knotsP1;
  const MatrixLT<double> *xxP;
  int *acceptP;
  double *muP, *thetaP, *etaP, *meanP, *REWMeanP;

  if (_nTheta != BiGspline2A::_dim){
    REprintf("_nTheta=%d,  BiGspline2A::_dim=%d\n", _nTheta, BiGspline2A::_dim);
    throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: updateRE2Bi(). Not implemented for this dimension.", 1);

  *ll           = 0;
  acceptP       = accept;
  yP            = y;
  log_y_factorP = log_y_factor;
  muP           = mu;
  thetaP        = _Theta.a();
  etaP          = _eta.a();
  offsetP       = offset;
  xP            = _x.aconst();
  xxP           = _xx;
  niP           = _ni.aconst(); 
  allocP        = alloc->aconst();

  REMeanP  = _REMean.aconst();                 /*** constant over cycles of the loop over observations ***/
  meanP    = _ThetaBar.a();                    /*** working space at each cycle of the loop            ***/
  REWMeanP = _REWMean.a();                     /*** working space at each cycle of the loop            ***/

  length0        = Gspl->lengthconst()[0];
  d_knotsP0      = Gspl->d_knotsconst()[0].aconst();
  d_knotsP1      = Gspl->d_knotsconst()[1].aconst();
  inv_sigma2_d2P = Gspl->inv_sigma2_d2const();

  for (i = 0; i < _N; i++){

    /*** Mean of the random effect given allocation, store it in _ThetaBar. ***/
    i0 = *allocP % length0;
    i1 = *allocP / length0;
    meanP[0] = REMeanP[0] + d_knotsP0[i0];
    meanP[1] = REMeanP[1] + d_knotsP1[i1];

    /*** Update _REWMean = (d*sigma)^{-2}*(intcpt + d*knot[alloc]).  ***/
    REWMeanP[0] = inv_sigma2_d2P[0] * meanP[0];
    REWMeanP[1] = inv_sigma2_d2P[1] * meanP[1];

    /*** Sample new value of the random effect ***/
    mcmc_common::update_reg_gamermanPoiss(acceptP, &llCl, _U.a(), _I.a(), 
                                          etaP, _Propeta.a(), muP, Propmu, _work.a(),
       	                                  offsetP, thetaP, _PropTheta.a(), yP, log_y_factorP, xP, xxP,
   	                                  *niP, _p, meanP, REWMeanP, inv_sigma2_d2P, NULL, true, _PropMean.a(),
    *ll += llCl; 
    /*** Increase pointers ***/
    yP            += (*niP);
    log_y_factorP += (*niP);
    muP           += (*niP);
    thetaP        += _nTheta;
    etaP          += (*niP);
    offsetP       += (*niP);
    xP            += _p * (*niP);
    xxP           += (*niP);

Exemplo n.º 19
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
RandomPoiss::updateRE2(int *accept,           double *ll, 
                       double *mu,            double *Propmu,
                       const Gspline2 *Gspl,
                       const double *offset,  const int *y,    const double *log_y_factor,
                       const MatrixRect<int> *alloc)
  static int i;
  static double llCl;
  const int *yP, *niP, *allocP, *KP;
  const double *log_y_factorP, *xP, *offsetP, *REMeanP, *inv_sigma2_d2P, *d_knotsP;
  const MatrixLT<double> *xxP;
  const MatrixRect<double> *d_knotsM;
  int *acceptP;
  double *muP, *thetaP, *etaP, *meanP, *REWMeanP;

  *ll           = 0;
  acceptP       = accept;
  yP            = y;
  log_y_factorP = log_y_factor;
  muP           = mu;
  thetaP        = _Theta.a();
  etaP          = _eta.a();
  offsetP       = offset;
  xP            = _x.aconst();
  xxP           = _xx;
  niP           = _ni.aconst(); 
  allocP        = alloc->aconst();

  REMeanP  = _REMean.aconst();                 /*** constant over cycles of the loop over observations ***/
  meanP    = _ThetaBar.a();                    /*** working space at each cycle of the loop            ***/
  REWMeanP = _REWMean.a();                     /*** working space at each cycle of the loop            ***/

  case 0:

  /*** UNIVARIATE random effects ***/
  /*** ========================= ***/
  case 1:
    KP             = Gspl->KAconst();
    d_knotsM       = Gspl->d_knotsconst();
    d_knotsP       = d_knotsM->aconst();
    inv_sigma2_d2P = Gspl->inv_sigma2_d2Aconst();

    //Rprintf("d_knotsP: "); d_knotsM->print(0);
    //Rprintf("REMeanP: %g\n\n", *REMeanP);
    for (i = 0; i < _N; i++){

      /*** Mean of the random effect given allocation, store it in _ThetaBar. ***/
      *meanP = *REMeanP + d_knotsP[*allocP + (*KP)];

      /*** Update _REWMean = (d*sigma)^{-2}*(intcpt + d*knot[alloc]).  ***/
      *REWMeanP = *inv_sigma2_d2P * (*meanP);

      /*** Sample new value of the random effect ***/
      mcmc_common::update_reg_gamermanPoiss(acceptP, &llCl, _U.a(), _I.a(), 
                                            etaP, _Propeta.a(), muP, Propmu, _work.a(),
		                            offsetP, thetaP, _PropTheta.a(), yP, log_y_factorP, xP, xxP,
     	                                    *niP, _p, meanP, REWMeanP, inv_sigma2_d2P, NULL, true, _PropMean.a(),
      *ll += llCl; 
      /*** Increase pointers ***/
      yP            += (*niP);
      log_y_factorP += (*niP);
      muP           += (*niP);
      thetaP        += _nTheta;
      etaP          += (*niP);
      offsetP       += (*niP);
      xP            += _p * (*niP);
      xxP           += (*niP);
      allocP        += _nTheta;


  /*** BIVARIATE random effects (copula???) ***/
  /*** ==================================== ***/
  case 2:
    throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::updateRE2. Not implemented for _nTheta = 2", 1);

  /*** MULTI(>2)VARIATE random effects ***/
  /*** =============================== ***/
    throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::updateRE2. Not implemented for _nTheta > 2", 1);
Exemplo n.º 20
writeTwoToFile(const dd1* array1,        const int& nR1,                 const int& nC1,      const int& col1,
               const dd2* array2,        const int& nR2,                 const int& nC2,
               const std::string& dir,   const std::string& filename,    const char &flag,
               const int& prec,          const int& width)
    if (nR1 != nR2) throw returnR("C++ programming error: contact the author", 99);
    std::string path = dir + filename;
    std::ofstream out;
    openFile(out, path, flag); 

    std::ostringstream s;
    unsigned int mlen = width;

    /* Passes up to 5 rows of the second array to get things to line up nicely */
    for (int i = 0; i < nR2 && i < 5; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < nC2; j++) {
        if (array2[i*nC2 + j] >= FLT_MAX){
	  s << std::setw(width)
	    << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
	    << "1e50" << "   ";
          if (array2[i*nC2 + j] < 1 && array2[i*nC2 + j] > -1) 
            s << std::scientific << std::setw(width) << std::setprecision(prec) << array2[i*nC2 + j] << "   ";
            s << std::fixed << std::setw(width) << std::setprecision(prec) << array2[i*nC2 + j] << "   ";
	if (s.str().length() > mlen) mlen = s.str().length();

    /* Write to files */
//    s.str("");
    for (int i = 0; i < nR1; i++) {
      if (array1[i*nC1 + col1] >= FLT_MAX){                                                 
        out << std::setw(mlen) << "1e50";
        out << "   ";
        if (array1[i*nC1 + col1] < 1 && array1[i*nC1 + col1] > -1){
          out << std::scientific << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array1[i*nC1 + col1];
          out << "   ";
          out << std::fixed << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array1[i*nC1 + col1];
          out << "   ";
      for (int j = 0; j < nC2; j++){
        if (array2[i*nC2 + j] >= FLT_MAX){                                                 
          out << std::setw(mlen) << "1e50";
          out << "   ";
          if (array2[i*nC2 + j] < 1 && array2[i*nC2 + j] > -1){
            out << std::scientific << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array2[i*nC2 + j];
            out << "   ";
            out << std::fixed << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array2[i*nC2 + j];
            out << "   ";
      out << std::endl;
//    out << s.str();
  }  // end of try
}   // end of function writeTwoToFile
Exemplo n.º 21
RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(const int &p,           const int &N,             const int *ni,
                         const double *theta,    const double *mean_ivar,
                         const int &REdist,      const int *mean_ivarPrior,  const double *meanPrior,  const double *ivarPrior, 
                         const double *x)
  int i, j;
  const double *xP, *cdP;
  double *dP;

  int LTp;

  /*** _p, _N, _ni, _max_ni, _n ***/
  /*** ======================== ***/
  _p = p;
  _N = N;

  if (_N){
    _ni = MatrixRect<int>(1, _N, ni);
    if (_ni.anyNonNeg()) throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...), N > 0 & any ni <= 0", 1);
    _max_ni = _ni.max();
    _n = _ni.sum();    
    _max_ni = 0;
    _n = 0;

  /*** _nTheta, _work ***/
  /*** ================== ***/
  _nTheta = _p;
  LTp = (_p*(1+_p))/2;
  if (LTp) _work = MatrixRect<double>(1, LTp);
  else     _work = MatrixRect<double>(1, 1);

  /*** _REdist ***/
  /*** ======= ***/
  switch (REdist){
  case mcmc_Random::_None:
  case mcmc_Random::_Normal:
  case mcmc_Random::_Gspline:
    _REdist = REdist;
    throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...), incorrect REdist argument", 1);

  if (_nTheta){
    /*** _ThetaBar, _PropTheta, _PropMean ***/
    /*** ================================ ***/
    _ThetaBar = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    _PropTheta = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    _PropMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);

    /*** _REMean, _REInvVar, _REInvVarL, _REVar, _REWMean, _U, _I ***/
    /*** ======================================================== ***/
    _REMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta, mean_ivar);
    _REInvVar = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta, mean_ivar+_nTheta, 0);
    if (mean_ivarPrior[1] == mcmc_Random::_SDUnif || mean_ivarPrior[1] == mcmc_Random::_GammaIndep){   /*** _REInvVar should be diagonal ***/
      dP = _REInvVar.a();
      for (j = 0; j < _nTheta; j++){
        for (i = j+1; i < _nTheta; i++){
          *dP = 0.0;
    _REInvVarL = _REInvVar;
    i = _REInvVarL.cholesky(0);
    if (i < _nTheta){
      Rprintf("WARNING: RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...), supplied _REInvVar is not of full rank\n");
    _REVar = _REInvVarL;
    _REStdDev = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    _REWMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    Ab2(_REWMean.a(), &_REInvVar, _REMean.aconst());

    _U = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    _I = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta);  

    /*** _prior_for_REMean, _REMeanPriorMean, _REMeanPriorInvVar, _REMeanPriorWMean ***/
    /*** ========================================================================== ***/
    switch (mean_ivarPrior[0]){
    case mcmc_Random::_Fixed_:
      _prior_for_REMean = mcmc_Random::_Fixed_;
      _REMeanPriorMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
      _REMeanPriorInvVar = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
      _REMeanPriorWMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta);
    case mcmc_Random::_Normal_:
      _prior_for_REMean = mcmc_Random::_Normal_;
      _REMeanPriorMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta, meanPrior);
      _REMeanPriorInvVar = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta, meanPrior+_nTheta);
      _REMeanPriorWMean = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta, meanPrior+_nTheta, meanPrior, 1);
      throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...), incorrect mean_ivarPrior argument", 1);

    /*** _prior_for_REInvVar, _REInvVarPriorDF, _REInvVarPriorInvScale, _work_rwishart, _work_invVarSlice ***/
    /*** ================================================================================================ ***/
    switch (mean_ivarPrior[1]){
    case mcmc_Random::_Fixed:
      _prior_for_REInvVar = mcmc_Random::_Fixed;
      _REInvVarPriorDF = MatrixRect<double>(1, 1);
      _REInvVarPriorInvScale = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta);
    case mcmc_Random::_Wishart:
      _prior_for_REInvVar = mcmc_Random::_Wishart;
      _REInvVarPriorDF = MatrixRect<double>(1, 1, ivarPrior);
      _REInvVarPriorInvScale = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta, ivarPrior+1, 0);
    case  mcmc_Random::_SDUnif:
      _prior_for_REInvVar = mcmc_Random::_SDUnif;
      _REInvVarPriorDF = MatrixRect<double>(1, 1);
      _REInvVarPriorInvScale = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta);
      cdP = ivarPrior;
      dP = _REInvVarPriorInvScale.a();
      for (i = 0; i < _nTheta; i++){
        *dP = 1/((*cdP)*(*cdP));
    case mcmc_Random::_GammaIndep:
      _prior_for_REInvVar = mcmc_Random::_GammaIndep;
      _REInvVarPriorDF = MatrixRect<double>(1, _nTheta, ivarPrior);
      _REInvVarPriorInvScale = MatrixLT<double>(_nTheta);
      cdP = ivarPrior + _nTheta;
      dP = _REInvVarPriorInvScale.a();
      for (i = 0; i < _nTheta; i++){
        *dP = *cdP;
      throw returnR("Error in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...), incorrect mean_ivarPrior argument", 1);
     _work_rwishart = MatrixRect<double>(1, 2*_nTheta*_nTheta); 
     //_work_rwishart = MatrixRect<double>(1, 2*_I.length() + _nTheta*_nTheta);    /* changed on 12/01/2007 */
    _work_invVarSlice = MatrixRect<double>(1, 4*_nTheta);

    if (_N){
      /*** _Theta, _Theta_REMean ***/
      /*** ===================== ***/
      _Theta = MatrixRect<double>(_nTheta, _N, theta);
      _Theta.mean(_ThetaBar.a(), 1);
      _Theta_REMean = MatrixRect<double>(_nTheta, _N, theta);
      NSampleVar(&_I, _Theta_REMean.a(), _Theta.aconst(), _REMean.aconst(), _N);

      /*** _x,_eta, _Propeta ***/  
      /*** ================= ***/
      _x = MatrixRect<double>(_p, _n, x);

      _eta     = MatrixRect<double>(1, _n);
      _Propeta = MatrixRect<double>(1, _max_ni);
      if (_p){
	_eta.BAcolProd(&_Theta, &_ni, &_x, 0);

      /*** _xx ***/
      /*** ====***/
      _xx = new MatrixLT<double>[_n];
      if (!_xx) throw returnR("Out of memory in RandomPoiss.cpp: RandomPoiss::RandomPoiss(...)", 99);

      xP = x;
      for (i = 0; i < _n; i++){
        _xx[i] = MatrixLT<double>(_p, xP);

        xP += _p;
  else{    /*** else from if (_nTheta) ***/
    if (_N) _eta = MatrixRect<double>(1, _n);

  if (!_nTheta || !_n){
    _xx = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 22
/***** Assignment operator *****/
BetaGammaExtend::operator=(const BetaGammaExtend& bg)
  int i;

  if (!_nbeta && _randomIntcpt){
  if (_nbeta){
    free(_beta);     free(_priorMean);   free(_priorSD);   free(_priorInvVar);
    if (_nFixed){
      free(_meanFixed);   free(_meanFixedTemp);   free(_covFixed);   free(_ichicovFixed);   free(_diagIFixed);    
    if (_ngamma){
      free(_meangamma);   free(_meangammaTemp);   free(_covgamma);   free(_ichicovgamma);   free(_diagIgamma);
      free(_sumbM);       free(_indRandomUpdate);
      if (_nRandom > _ngamma){
        free(_sumgammab);  free(_indRandomKeep);
    if (_nRandom){

  if (bg.nbeta() == 0){
    _nbeta =_nFixed = _ngamma = 0;  
    _indbA = _indFixed = NULL;
    _beta = _priorMean = _priorSD = _priorInvVar = NULL; 
    _lcovFixed = 0;  _meanFixed = _meanFixedTemp = _covFixed = _ichicovFixed = NULL;  _diagIFixed = NULL;
    _lcovgamma = 0;  _meangamma = _meangammaTemp = _covgamma = _ichicovgamma = NULL;  _diagIgamma = NULL;
    _sumbM = _sumgammab = NULL;
    _indRandomUpdate = _indRandomKeep = NULL;

    _randomIntcpt = bg.randomIntcpt();
    _nRandom      = bg.nRandom();
    if (_randomIntcpt){
      _indbinXA = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
      if (!_indbinXA) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_indbinXA)", 1);
      *_indbinXA = -1;
      _indbinXA = NULL;
    _nbeta        = bg.nbeta();
    _nFixed       = bg.nFixed();
    _ngamma       = bg.ngamma();
    _randomIntcpt = bg.randomIntcpt();
    _nRandom      = bg.nRandom();

    _indbA = (int*) calloc(_nbeta, sizeof(int));
    if (!_indbA) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_indbA)", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < _nbeta; i++){
      _indbA[i] = bg._indbA[i];
    if (_nFixed > 0){
      _indFixed = (int*) calloc(_nFixed, sizeof(int));    
      if (!_indFixed) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_indFixed)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _nFixed; i++) _indFixed[i] = bg._indFixed[i];
    if (_ngamma){
      _indgamma = (int*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(int));
      if (!_indgamma) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_indgamma)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _ngamma; i++) _indgamma[i] = bg._indgamma[i];
    if (_nRandom > 0){
      _indbinXA = (int*) calloc(_nRandom, sizeof(int));    
      if (!_indbinXA) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma copy constructor (_indbinXA)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _nRandom; i++) _indbinXA[i] = bg._indbinXA[i];

    _beta        = (double*) calloc(_nbeta, sizeof(double));
    _priorMean   = (double*) calloc(_nbeta, sizeof(double));
    _priorSD     = (double*) calloc(_nbeta, sizeof(double));
    _priorInvVar = (double*) calloc(_nbeta, sizeof(double));
    if (!_beta) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_beta)", 1);
    if (!_priorMean || !_priorSD || !_priorInvVar) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assign. oper. (_prior*)", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < _nbeta; i++){
      _beta[i]        = bg.beta(i);
      _priorMean[i]   = bg.priorMean(i); 
      _priorSD[i]     = bg.priorSD(i);
      _priorInvVar[i] = bg.priorInvVar(i);

    _lcovFixed = bg.lcovFixed();
    if (_nFixed){
      _meanFixed     = (double*) calloc(_nFixed, sizeof(double));
      _meanFixedTemp = (double*) calloc(_nFixed, sizeof(double));
      if (!_meanFixed || !_meanFixedTemp) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_meanFixed*)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _nFixed; i++){
        _meanFixed[i] = bg._meanFixed[i];
        _meanFixedTemp[i] = bg._meanFixedTemp[i];

      _covFixed     = (double*) calloc(_lcovFixed, sizeof(double));
      _ichicovFixed = (double*) calloc(_lcovFixed, sizeof(double));
      if (!_covFixed || !_ichicovFixed) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_*covFixed)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _lcovFixed; i++){
        _covFixed[i] = bg._covFixed[i];
        _ichicovFixed[i] = bg._ichicovFixed[i];

      _diagIFixed = (int*) calloc(_nFixed, sizeof(int));
      if (!_diagIFixed) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_diagIFixed)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _nFixed; i++) _diagIFixed[i] = bg._diagIFixed[i];
      _meanFixed = _meanFixedTemp = _covFixed = _ichicovFixed = NULL;
      _diagIFixed = NULL;

    _lcovgamma = bg.lcovgamma();
    if (_ngamma){
      _meangamma     = (double*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(double));
      _meangammaTemp = (double*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(double));
      if (!_meangamma || !_meangammaTemp) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_meangamma*)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _ngamma; i++){
        _meangamma[i] = bg._meangamma[i];
        _meangammaTemp[i] = bg._meangammaTemp[i];

      _covgamma     = (double*) calloc(_lcovgamma, sizeof(double));
      _ichicovgamma = (double*) calloc(_lcovgamma, sizeof(double));
      if (!_covgamma || !_ichicovgamma) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_*covgamma)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _lcovgamma; i++){
        _covgamma[i] = bg._covgamma[i];
        _ichicovgamma[i] = bg._ichicovgamma[i];

      _diagIgamma = (int*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(int));
      if (!_diagIgamma) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma assignment operator (_diagIgamma)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _ngamma; i++) _diagIgamma[i] = bg._diagIgamma[i];

      _sumbM           = (double*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(double));
      _indRandomUpdate = (int*) calloc(_ngamma, sizeof(int));
      if (!_sumbM || !_indRandomUpdate) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in BetaGamma copy const. (_sumbM/_indRandomUpdate)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < _ngamma; i++){
        _sumbM[i] = bg._sumbM[i];
        _indRandomUpdate[i] = bg._indRandomUpdate[i];
      if (_nRandom > _ngamma){
        _sumgammab = (double*) calloc(_nRandom - _ngamma, sizeof(double));
        _indRandomKeep = (int*) calloc(_nRandom - _ngamma, sizeof(int));
        if (!_sumgammab || !_indRandomKeep) throw returnR("Not enough memory avail. in BetaGamma copy con. (_sumgammab/_indRandomKeep)", 1);
        _sumgammab[0]     = bg._sumgammab[0];        // _nRandom - _ngamma must be equal to 1
        _indRandomKeep[0] = bg._indRandomKeep[0];    // this must be an index of the random intercept
        _sumgammab = NULL;
        _indRandomKeep = NULL;
      _meangamma = _meangammaTemp = _covgamma = _ichicovgamma = NULL;
      _diagIgamma = NULL;
      _sumbM = _sumgammab = NULL;
      _indRandomUpdate = _indRandomKeep = NULL;
  return *this;  
}    /** end of the assignment operator **/
Exemplo n.º 23
// mean:       Computed mean of the full conditional distribution
// invvar:     Computed inverse variance of the full conditional distribution
// ia:         Index of the a that is updated (on the scale -K,...,K)
// aa:         Pointer to _a that is updated
Gspline2::full_a_pars1(double* mean, double* invvar,  const int *ia, const double *aa) const
  int K = _K.aconst()[0];
  if (*ia < -K || *ia > K){
    REprintf("K=%d, ia=%d\n", K, *ia);
    throw returnR("Error in Gspline2_updateWeights: Gspline2::full_a_pars1(). Argument ia out of the range", 1);

  switch (_order.aconst()[0]){
  case 1:
    if (*ia > -K && *ia < K){
      *mean = (aa[-1] + aa[1])/2;
      *invvar = 2*_lambda.aconst()[0];
    else{     // ia = -K or K
      if (*ia == -K) *mean = aa[1];
      else           *mean = aa[-1];
      *invvar = _lambda.aconst()[0];

  case 2:
    if (*ia >= -K+2 && *ia <= K-2){
      *mean = (-aa[-2] + 4*aa[-1] + 4*aa[1] - aa[2])/6;
      *invvar = 6*_lambda.aconst()[0];
      if (*ia == -K+1 || *ia == K-1){
        if (*ia == -K+1) *mean = (2*aa[-1] + 4*aa[1] - aa[2])/5;
        else             *mean = (-aa[-2] + 4*aa[-1] + 2*aa[1])/5;
        *invvar = 5*_lambda.aconst()[0];
      else{     // ia = -K or K
        if (*ia == -K) *mean = 2*aa[1] - aa[2];
        else           *mean = -aa[-2] + 2*aa[-1];
        *invvar = _lambda.aconst()[0];

  case 3:
    if (*ia >= -K+3 && *ia <= K-3){
      *mean = (aa[-3] - 6*aa[-2] + 15*aa[-1] + 15*aa[1] - 6*aa[2] + aa[3])/20;
      *invvar = 20*_lambda.aconst()[0];
      if (*ia == -K+2 || *ia == K-2){
        if (*ia == -K+2) *mean = (-3*aa[-2] + 12*aa[-1] + 15*aa[1] - 6*aa[2] + aa[3])/19;
        else             *mean = (aa[-3] - 6*aa[-2] + 15*aa[-1] + 12*aa[1] - 3*aa[2])/19;
        *invvar = 19*_lambda.aconst()[0];
        if (*ia == -K+1 || *ia == K-1){
          if (*ia == -K+1) *mean = (3*aa[-1] + 12*aa[1] - 6*aa[2] + aa[3])/10; 
          else             *mean = (aa[-3] - 6*aa[-2] + 12*aa[-1] + 3*aa[1])/10;
          *invvar = 10*_lambda.aconst()[0];
        else{     // ia = -K or K
          if (*ia == -K) *mean = 3*aa[1] - 3*aa[2] + aa[3];
          else           *mean = aa[-3] - 3*aa[-2] + 3*aa[-1];
          *invvar = _lambda.aconst()[0];

    REprintf("_order=%d\n", _order.aconst()[0]);
    throw returnR("Error in Gspline2_updateWeights: Gspline2::full_a_pars1(). Unimplemented _order.", 1);
Exemplo n.º 24
// ***** GIBBSmeanRandom *****
// Update all means of random effects using a Gibbs move
BetaGammaExtend::GIBBSmeanRandom(const RandomEff* b_obj,  const CovMatrix* Dcm)
  if (!_ngamma) return;

  static int i, j, ii, jj, cl, rank;

    /** Inverse variance of full conditional distribution (Psi^{-1} + N*D^{-1}) (store it in _covgamma) AND           **/
    /** mean of the full conditional distribution, part 1 (Psi^{-1}*nu)                                               **/
  for (j = 0; j < _ngamma; j++){

      /* Diagonal */
    jj = _indbA[_indgamma[j]];
    if (jj < 0 || jj >= b_obj->nRandom()) throw returnR("BetaGammaExtend::GIBBSmeanRandom: Programming error, contact the author", 99);
    _covgamma[_diagIgamma[j]] = _priorInvVar[_indgamma[j]] + b_obj->nCluster() * (Dcm->icovm(Dcm->diagI(jj)));

      /* Off-diagonal in the jth column*/
    for (i = j + 1; i < _ngamma; i++){
      ii = _indbA[_indgamma[i]];
      if (ii > jj) _covgamma[_diagIgamma[j] + i - j] = b_obj->nCluster() * (Dcm->icovm(Dcm->diagI(jj) + ii - jj));
      else         _covgamma[_diagIgamma[j] + i - j] = b_obj->nCluster() * (Dcm->icovm(Dcm->diagI(ii) + jj - ii));

      /* Part 1 of the mean */
    _meangammaTemp[j] = _priorInvVar[_indgamma[j]] * _priorMean[_indgamma[j]];

    /** Cholesky decomposition of the inverse variance of full conditional distrib. **/
  cholesky(_covgamma, &rank, &_ngamma, _diagIgamma, &_toler_chol_BetaGamma);
    /** Variance of the full conditional distribution                               **/
    /**  and the inverse of the Cholesky decomposition of the inverse variance      **/
  chinv2(_covgamma, _ichicovgamma, &_ngamma, _diagIgamma);

    /** Mean of the full conditional distribution, part 2 (+ V_M*\sum b_M - W*\sum(gamma_{-M} - b_{-M}))   **/
  const double* bb;

    /*  a) \sum b_M (store it in _sumbM)                                                                     */
  for (j = 0; j < _ngamma; j++) _sumbM[j] = 0.0;
  bb = b_obj->bMP();
  for (cl = 0; cl < b_obj->nCluster(); cl++){
    for (j = 0; j < _ngamma; j++) _sumbM[j] += bb[_indbA[_indgamma[j]]];
    bb += b_obj->nRandom();
    /*  b) += V_M * \sum b_M (store it first in _meangamma)                                                 */
  Mxa2(_meangamma, _sumbM, Dcm->icovmP(), _indRandomUpdate, &_ngamma, &_nRandom, Dcm->diagIP());    
  for (j = 0; j < _ngamma; j++) _meangammaTemp[j] += _meangamma[j];

    /*  c) \sum (gamma_{-M} - b_{-M}) (store it in _sumgammab)                                              */
    /*  d) -= W * \sum(gamma_{-M} - b_{-M}) (store it first in _meangamma)                                  */
  jj = _nRandom - _ngamma;
  if (jj > 0){
    if (jj != 1) throw returnR("Programming error in BetaGammaExtend::GIBBSmeanRandom, contact the author", 1);
    _sumgammab[0] = 0.0;
    bb = b_obj->bMP();
    for (cl = 0; cl < b_obj->nCluster(); cl++){
      _sumgammab[0] += (_Eb0_ - bb[0]);
      bb += b_obj->nRandom();    
    Wxa(_meangamma, _sumgammab, Dcm->icovmP(), _indRandomUpdate, _indRandomKeep, &jj, &_nRandom, &_ngamma, Dcm->diagIP());
    for (j = 0; j < _ngamma; j++) _meangammaTemp[j] -= _meangamma[j];    

    /** Mean of full conditional distribution, part 3 (* var(gamma(M)|...))    **/
  Mxa(_meangamma, _meangammaTemp, _covgamma, &ZERO_INT, &_ngamma, &_ngamma, _diagIgamma);

    /** Sample  **/
  rmvtnorm2(_beta, _meangamma, _ichicovgamma, &ZERO_INT, _indgamma, &_nbeta, &_ngamma, &_ngamma, &ONE_INT, _diagIgamma, &ZERO_INT);

}    /*** end of the function BetaGammaExtend::GIBBSmeanRandom  ***/
Exemplo n.º 25
writeRaggedToFile(const dd* array,         const int& nR,                const int& maxnC,  
                  const int* nC,           const int& multnC,
                  const std::string& dir,  const std::string& filename,  const char &flag,
                  const int& prec,         const int& width)
    int i, j;
    std::string path = dir + filename;
    std::ofstream out;
    openFile(out, path, flag);

    /*** Write to the file ***/
    std::ostringstream s;
    unsigned int mlen = width;
    /* Passes up to 5 rows to get things to line up nicely */
    for (i = 0; i < nR && i < 5; i++) {
      if (multnC * nC[i] > maxnC) throw returnR("C++ Error: multnC * nC must be <= maxnC in writeRaggedToFile", 1);
      for (j = 0; j < multnC * nC[i]; j++) {
        if (array[i*maxnC + j] >= FLT_MAX){
	  s << std::setw(width)
	    << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed)
	    << "1e50" << "   ";
          if (array[i*maxnC + j] < 1 && array[i*maxnC + j] > -1) 
            s << std::scientific << std::setw(width) << std::setprecision(prec) << array[i*maxnC + j] << "   ";
            s << std::fixed << std::setw(width) << std::setprecision(prec) << array[i*maxnC + j] << "   ";
	if (s.str().length() > mlen) mlen = s.str().length();

    /* Write */
//    s.str("");
    for (i = 0; i < nR; i++) {
      if (multnC * nC[i] > maxnC) throw returnR("C++ Error: multnC * nC must be <= maxnC in writeRaggedToFile", 1);
      for (j = 0; j < multnC * nC[i]; j++){
        if (array[i*maxnC + j] >= FLT_MAX){
          out << std::setw(mlen) << "1e50";
          out << "   ";
          if (array[i*maxnC + j] < 1 && array[i*maxnC + j] > -1){
            out << std::scientific << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array[i*maxnC + j];
            out << "   ";
            out << std::fixed << std::setw(mlen) << std::setprecision(prec) << array[i*maxnC + j];
            out << "   ";
      out << std::endl;
//    out << s.str();
}  /** end of function writeRaggedToFile **/
Exemplo n.º 26
// Tau[M_now] ................... computed values of Tau at each iteration
// M_now ........................ current sample size used here (after taking into account 'skip' and 'by')
// dirP ......................... directory where the sample is stored
// extensP ...................... additional extension by file names (usually "_2" for doubly censored data)
// KK[2] ........................ numbers of knots on each side of the reference knot
// Phi0[(2*KK[0]+1)^2] .......... values of Phi((mu[0,i] - mu[0,j])/(sqrt(2)*sigma0)) (in COLUMN major order)
// Phi1[(2*KK[1]+1)^2] .......... values of Phi((mu[1,i] - mu[1,j])/(sqrt(2)*sigma0)) (in COLUMN major order)
// M ............................ McMC sample size (total, 'skip' and 'by' iterations included)
//                                * M should be <= number of rows in *.sim files
//                                * here: it is an index of the last iteration used to compute the average
// skip ......................... how many rows are to be skipped at the beginning of the sample
// by ........................... only every 'by' G-spline will be taken into account
// nwrite ....................... frequency of informing the user about the progress
// errP ......................... error flag
sampledKendallTau(double* Tau,           int* M_now,
                  char** dirP,           char** extensP,
                  const int* KK,
                  const double* Phi0,    const double* Phi1,   
                  const int* M,          const int* skip,     const int* by,         const int* nwrite,
                  int* errP)
    double* pTau = Tau;
    const int dim = 2;
    const int length0 = 2*KK[0] + 1;
    const int length1 = 2*KK[1] + 1;
    const int total_length = length0 * length1;
    //    bool test = false;
    int i, j, k, l, pp;

    *errP = 0;
    string dir        = *dirP;
    string extens     = *extensP;

    /* Open files with simulated G-splines and skip rows at the beginning of each file that are to be skipped */
    int k_effect;
    double* w                 = (double*)  calloc(total_length, sizeof(double));
    int** ind_mu              = (int**)    calloc(dim, sizeof(int*));
    if (!w || !ind_mu) 
      throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (w/ind_mu)", 1);
    for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){
      ind_mu[j] = (int*)    calloc(total_length, sizeof(int));
      if (!ind_mu[j]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (ind_mu[j])", 1);
    std::string kpath = dir + "/mixmoment" + extens + ".sim";    
    std::string wpath = dir + "/mweight" + extens + ".sim";
    std::string mupath = dir + "/mmean" + extens + ".sim";
    std::ifstream kfile, wfile, mufile;
    openGsplineFiles_forTau(kfile, wfile, mufile, kpath, wpath, mupath, *skip + 1);   /* skip also header */

    /* Rearange Phis to have them as matrices   */
    double** mPhi0 = (double**) calloc(length0, sizeof(double*));
    double** mPhi1 = (double**) calloc(length1, sizeof(double*));
    if (!mPhi0 || !mPhi1) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (mPhi0/mPhi1)", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < length0; i++){
      mPhi0[i] = (double*) calloc(length0, sizeof(double));
      if (!mPhi0[i]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (mPhi0[i])", 1);
    for (j = 0; j < length1; j++){
      mPhi1[j] = (double*) calloc(length1, sizeof(double));
      if (!mPhi1[j]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (mPhi1[j])", 1);
    pp = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < length0; k++){
      for (i = 0; i < length0; i++){
        mPhi0[i][k] = Phi0[pp];
    pp = 0;
    for (l = 0; l < length1; l++){
      for (j = 0; j < length1; j++){
        mPhi1[j][l] = Phi1[pp];

    /* Compute Phi((mu[0,i] - mu[0,k])/(sqrt(2)*sigma0)) * Phi((mu[1,j] - mu[1,l])/(sqrt(2)*sigma1))   */
    double**** PhiPhi = (double****) calloc(length0, sizeof(double***));
    if (!PhiPhi) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (PhiPhi)", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < length0; i++){
      PhiPhi[i] = (double***) calloc(length1, sizeof(double**));
      if (!PhiPhi[i]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (PhiPhi[i])", 1);
      for (j = 0; j < length1; j++){
        PhiPhi[i][j] = (double**) calloc(length0, sizeof(double*));
        if (!PhiPhi[i][j]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (PhiPhi[i][j])", 1);
        for (k = 0; k < length0; k++){
          PhiPhi[i][j][k] = (double*) calloc(length1, sizeof(double));
          if (!PhiPhi[i][j][k]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in sampledKendallTau (PhiPhi[i][j][k])", 1);
          for (l = 0; l < length1; l++){
	    PhiPhi[i][j][k][l] = mPhi0[i][k] * mPhi1[j][l];

    /* Loop over McMC iterations */
    if (*skip >= *M) throw returnR("More McMC iterations should be skipped than available", 1);
    readGsplineFromFiles_forTau(&k_effect, w, ind_mu, 0, *skip, dim, KK, total_length, kfile, wfile, mufile, kpath, wpath, mupath);
    evalKendallTau(pTau, &dim, &k_effect, w, ind_mu, PhiPhi);

    *M_now = 1;
    int by_1 = *by - 1;
    int backs = 0;
    Rprintf("Iteration ");
    for (int iter = *skip + 1 + (*by); iter <= *M; iter += (*by)){
      readGsplineFromFiles_forTau(&k_effect, w, ind_mu, by_1, iter, dim, KK, total_length, kfile, wfile, mufile, kpath, wpath, mupath);
      evalKendallTau(pTau, &dim, &k_effect, w, ind_mu, PhiPhi);

      if (!(iter % (*nwrite)) || iter == *M){
        for (i = 0; i < backs; i++) Rprintf("\b");
        Rprintf("%d", iter);
        backs = int(log10(double(iter))) + 1;
    }    /** end of the while over iterations **/

    /* Close files with simulated G-splines */

    /* Cleaning */
    for (i = 0; i < length0; i++){
      for (j = 0; j < length1; j++){
        for (k = 0; k < length0; k++){

    for (j = 0; j < dim; j++){

  catch(returnR rr){
    *errP = rr.errflag();
}  /** end of function 'sampledKendallTau'  **/
Exemplo n.º 27
readFromFile(dd* array,               int* nread,       
             const int& nR,           const int& nC,               const int& header,
             const int& skip,         const int& by,
             const std::string& dir,  const std::string& filename,  
             const int& skipOnRow)
    int i, j, ii;
    int size = nR * nC;
    if (size <= 0) throw returnR("C++ Error: File of null size is to be read.", 99);
    if (skip < 0) throw returnR("C++ Error: 'skip' parameter must be >= 0 in 'readFromFile'", 1);
    if (by <= 0) throw returnR("C++ Error: 'by' parameter must be > 0 in 'readFromFile'", 1);
    if (skip >= nR) throw returnR("C++ Error: too many rows are to be skipped by 'readFromFile'", 1);

    std::string path = dir + filename;

    std::string errmes, mess;
    char cmess[200];
    std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ios::in);    

    dd temp;
    if (!file){
      errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Could not open ") + path;
      throw returnR(errmes, 99);
      mess = std::string("Reading ") + path + "\n";
      strcpy(cmess, mess.c_str());

      /*** Skip what is to be skipped (header included) ***/
      char ch;
      for (i = 0; i < skip + header; i++){
        while (ch != '\n') file.get(ch);

      /*** Read the first row to be read ***/
      *nread = 1;
      double* veld = array;
      if (file.eof()){
        errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Reached end of file ") + path + std::string(" before ") 
                 + char(*nread) + std::string(" rows were read.");
        throw returnR(errmes, 99);
      for (j = 0; j < skipOnRow; j++){
        if (file.eof()){
          errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Reached end of file ") + path + std::string(" before ") 
                   + char(*nread) + std::string(" rows were read.");
          throw returnR(errmes, 99);
        file >> temp;
      for (j = skipOnRow; j < nC + skipOnRow; j++){
        if (file.eof()){
          errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Reached end of file ") + path + " before "
                   + char(*nread) + std::string(" rows were read.");
          throw returnR(errmes, 99);
        file >> (*veld);

      /*** Read remaining rows to be read ***/
      for (i = skip + 1 + by; i <= nR; i += by){

        /** Skip by-1 rows **/
        for (ii = 0; ii < by - 1; ii++){
          while (ch != '\n') file.get(ch);

        /** Read the values **/
        for (j = 0; j < skipOnRow; j++){
          if (file.eof()){
            errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Reached end of file ") + path + std::string(" before ") 
                     + char(*nread) + std::string(" rows were read.");
            throw returnR(errmes, 99);
          file >> temp;
        for (j = skipOnRow; j < nC + skipOnRow; j++){
          if (file.eof()){
            errmes = std::string("C++ Error: Reached end of file ") + path + " before "
                     + char(*nread) + std::string(" rows were read.");
            throw returnR(errmes, 99);
          file >> (*veld);
        while (ch != '\n') file.get(ch);
  }  // end of try
}    // end of the function readFromFile
Exemplo n.º 28
// regResOnset[nP]:     regression residuals for onset
// regResTime[nP]:      regression residuals for time-to-event
// nP[1]:               total number of observations (over all clusters)
// gg_zeta:                                      G-spline giving the distribution of the error in the onset part
// mu_zeta[gg_zeta->dim(), gg_zeta->length(j)]:  already computed knots of the onset error G-spline
// rM_zeta[nP]:                                  allocation labels for the onset error
//                                               \in {0, ..., gg_zeta->total_length() - 1}
// gg_eps:                                    G-spline giving the distribution of the error in the time-to-event part
// mu_eps[gg_eps->dim(), gg_eps->length(j)]:  already computed knots of the time-to-event error G-spline
// rM_eps[nP]:                                allocation labels for the time-to-event error
//                                            \in {0, ..., gg_eps->total_length() - 1}
update(RandomEff32::RE *data,  
       double *regResOnset,     double *regResTime,
       const int *nP,
       const Gspline *gg_zeta,  double** const mu_zeta,    const int *rM_zeta,
       const Gspline *gg_eps,   double** const mu_eps,     const int *rM_eps)
  static int info[1];

  static int cl, i;
  static double invsigscale2_zeta, invsigscale2_eps;
  static double *sumd2, *sumb2, *sumdb;
  static double *tempP, *temp2P;
  static double *regResOnsetP, *regResTimeP;
  static double *propMean_d, *propMean_b;
  static double *dP, *bP;
  static const double *cdP;
  static const int *rzetaP, *repsP, *nwithinClP;  

  /***** ======================== *****/

  /*** Compute invsigscale2's ***/
  invsigscale2_zeta = gg_zeta->invscale2(0) * gg_zeta->invsigma2(0);
  invsigscale2_eps  = gg_eps->invscale2(0)  * gg_eps->invsigma2(0);

  /*** Loop over clusters                                                                         ***/
  /*** Within the loop compute also sumd2, sumb2, sumbd needed for the update of D afterwards     ***/
  regResOnsetP = regResOnset;
  regResTimeP  = regResTime;
  dP           = data->_d;
  bP           = data->_b;  
  rzetaP       = rM_zeta;
  repsP        = rM_eps;  
  nwithinClP   = data->_nwithinCl;

  sumd2 = data->_propSi;
  sumdb = sumd2 + 1;
  sumb2 = sumdb + 1;
  *sumd2 = 0;
  *sumdb = 0;
  *sumb2 = 0;

  propMean_d = data->_propMean;
  propMean_b = propMean_d + 1;

  for (cl = 0; cl < data->_nCluster; cl++){

    /*** Compute the inverse variance of the full conditional distribution, see page 57 of red notes ***/
    tempP  = data->_propVar;
    temp2P = data->_Di;
    *tempP = *temp2P + (*nwithinClP) * invsigscale2_zeta;              /* _propVar[0,0]  */
    *tempP = *temp2P;                                                  /* _propVar[1,0]  */
    *tempP = *temp2P + (*nwithinClP) * invsigscale2_eps;               /* _propVar[1,1]  */

    /*** Compute canonical mean of the full conditional distribution, see p. 57 of the red notes ***/
    /*** Part comming from the likelihood                                                        ***/    
    *propMean_d = 0.0;
    *propMean_b = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < *nwithinClP; i++){             /** loop over the observations in a given cluster **/
      /* Add old value of the random intercept to regRes                       */
      /* Compute sum(y - alpha - x'beta - scale*mu), store it in _propMean     */
      *regResOnsetP += (*dP);
      *propMean_d   += (*regResOnsetP) - (gg_zeta->intcpt(0) + gg_zeta->scale(0)*mu_zeta[0][*rzetaP]);

      *regResTimeP += (*bP);
      *propMean_b  += (*regResTimeP) - (gg_eps->intcpt(0) + gg_eps->scale(0)*mu_eps[0][*repsP]);
    }                                              /** end of the loop over observations in a given cluster **/
    *propMean_d *= invsigscale2_zeta;
    *propMean_b *= invsigscale2_eps;

    /** Sample new value of the random intercepts (d, b) in given cluster **/
    AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_propVar, &data->_nRandom, info);
    if (*info) throw returnR("Trap in structRandomEff32.cpp: update. Singular covariance matrix of the full conditional distribution of the random effects", 1);
    Mvtdist3::rmvnormC2006(data->_propValue, data->_propMean, data->_propVar, &data->_nRandom);
    *dP = data->_propValue[0];
    *bP = data->_propValue[1];

    /** Update sumd2, sumb2, sumdb **/
    *sumd2 += (*dP)*(*dP);
    *sumb2 += (*bP)*(*bP);
    *sumdb += (*dP)*(*bP);

    /** Update regResOnset and regResTime **/
    regResOnsetP -= *nwithinClP;
    for (i = 0; i < *nwithinClP; i++){
      *regResOnsetP -= (*dP);

    regResTimeP -= *nwithinClP;
    for (i = 0; i < *nwithinClP; i++){
      *regResTimeP -= (*bP);


  /***** ================================================= *****/

  /*** Inverse scale matrix of the Wishart full conditional ***/
  tempP  = data->_propSi;
  temp2P = data->_priorSi;
  *tempP = *temp2P + (*sumd2);                                          /* _propSi[0,0]  */
  *tempP = *temp2P + (*sumdb);                                          /* _propSi[1,0]  */
  *tempP = *temp2P + (*sumb2);                                          /* _propSi[1,1]  */

  /*** Sample from the Wishart distribution ***/
  Mvtdist3::rwishart3(data->_Di, data->_workWishart, &data->_propDF, data->_propSi, &data->_nRandom, 1);

  /*** Inverse covariance matrix -> covariance matrix and its determinant ***/
  cdP = data->_Di;
  dP  = data->_D; 
  for (i = 0; i < data->_lD; i++){
    *dP = *cdP;
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptrf(data->_D, &data->_nRandom, info);
  if (*info){
    throw returnR("Error in structRandomEff32.cpp: update. Sampled covariance matrix is not positive definite.", 1);
  data->_detD = 1/(data->_D[0] * data->_D[0] * data->_D[2] * data->_D[2]);
  AK_BLAS_LAPACK::chol_dpptri(data->_D, &data->_nRandom, info);

Exemplo n.º 29
// gridA[sum(ngrid)] ............ grids to compute predictive quantities for each observation
// loggridA[sum(ngrid)] ......... logarithm of the grid
// ngrid[nobs] .................. lengths of grids for each observation
// onlyAver ..................... 0/1: compute only predictive quantities or return values as well?
// predictP[4] .................. 0/1 indicating which predictive quantities are to be computed
//   predictP[0] ... densities?
//   predictP[1] ... survivor functions?
//   predictP[2] ... hazards?
//   predictP[3] ... cumulative hazards?
// M ............................ McMC sample size (total, 'skip' and 'by' iterations included)
//                                * M should be <= number of rows in *.sim files
//                                * here: it is an index of the last iteration used to compute the average
// skip ......................... how many rows are to be skipped at the beginning of the sample
// by ........................... only every 'by' G-spline will be taken into account
// nwrite ....................... frequency of informing the user about the progress
// version ...................... arbitrary or 32
//                                if = 32, then model for doubly-interval censored data is assumed with G-spline errors
//                                and bivariate normal random intercepts in the onset and time-to-event parts of the model
// Onset ........................ only used by version = 32
//                                equal to 1 if we are predicting the onset 
//                                equak to 0 if we are predicting the event
// errP ......................... error flag (0 on output if everything OK)
predictive_GS(double *averDens,         double *averS,           double *averHaz,      double *averCumHaz,
              double *valDens,          double *valS,            double *valHaz,       double *valCumHaz,
              double *quantDens,        double *quantS,          double *quantHaz,     double *quantCumHaz,
              const int *dimsP,         const double *X,         const int *obsdims,
              int *M_now,               char **dirP,             char **extensP,       char **extens_adjP,
              const int *GsplI,
              const int *objBetaI,      const double *objBetaD,
              const int *objbI,         const double *objbD,
              const int *b_GsplI,
              const double *gridA,      const double *loggridA,  const int *ngrid,
              double *probsA,           const int *nquant,       int *onlyAver,        const int *predictP,
              const int *M,             const int *skip,         const int *by,        const int *nwrite,
              const int *version,       const int *Onset,        int *errP)
    double dtemp;
    int itemp;

    int i, j, ix;
    double tmpd;

    *errP = 0;
    string dir = *dirP;
    string extens = *extensP;
    string extens_adj = *extens_adjP;

    /*** Dimensionality parameters ***/
    const int *nobs     = dimsP;
    const int *ncluster = dimsP + 1;
    const int *nwithin  = dimsP + 2;
    const int M_now_max = *M_now;

    /*** What to predict? ***/
    const int *predDens   = predictP + 0;
    const int *predS      = predictP + 1;
    const int *predHaz    = predictP + 2;
    const int *predCumHaz = predictP + 3;

    /*** Quantiles ***/
    if (*nquant <= 0) *onlyAver = 1;

    /*** Needed G-spline parameters      ***/
    const int *dim          = GsplI + 0;
    const int *total_length = GsplI + 1;
    const int *GsplK        = GsplI + 2;          /* K1 (and K2) */
    int *Glength            = (int*) calloc(*dim, sizeof(int));
    if (!Glength) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (Glength)", 1);
    for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++) Glength[j] = 2*GsplK[j] + 1;

    /*** Check obsdims ***/
    for (i = 0; i < *nobs; i++){
      if (obsdims[i] < 0 || obsdims[i] >= *dim) throw returnR("Error: Inconsistent 'obsdims' parameter supplied to predictive_GS", 1);

    /*** Check grid  and log-grid ***/
    int sum_ngrid = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < *nobs; i++) sum_ngrid += ngrid[i];

    /*** Object for regression parameters ***/
    BetaGamma* beta = new BetaGamma;
    if (!beta) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (beta)", 1);
    *beta = BetaGamma(objBetaI, objBetaD);

    /*** Object for random effects      ***/
    RandomEff *bb        = new RandomEff;
    RandomEff32::RE *db  = new RandomEff32::RE;
    bool reff_NORMAL = true;                      /** BUT NOT version = 32 !**/

    /*** Objects for bivariate normal random effects in version = 32 ***/
    double *dval, *bval, *dbval;
    double D32[7] = {1, 0, 1,  2,  1, 0, 1};                /** parD argument for RandomEff32::RE initializer  (filled arbitrary) **/
    if (*version == 32){
      reff_NORMAL = false;
      dval = (double*) calloc(objbI[2], sizeof(double));        // objbI[2] = nCluster
      bval = (double*) calloc(objbI[2], sizeof(double));        // objbI[2] = nCluster
      RandomEff32::init(db, dval, bval, D32, objbI, objbI);
      if (*Onset) dbval = dval;
      else        dbval = bval;
      dval = NULL;
      bval = NULL;
      dbval = NULL;
      if (beta->nRandom()){
        *bb = RandomEff(objbI, objbD);
        if (bb->type_prior() == Gspline_) reff_NORMAL = false;

    /*** Object for covariance matrix of random effects                              ***/
    /*** or arrays for G-spline parameters definig distribution of random effects    ***/
    CovMatrix *DD = new CovMatrix;
    const int nD = (beta->nRandom() * (beta->nRandom() + 1)) / 2;

    const int *dim_b          = b_GsplI + 0;
    const int *total_length_b = b_GsplI + 1;
    int k_effect_b;
    int *rM_b = &itemp;
    double *cum_w_b = &dtemp;
    double *sig_scale_b = &dtemp;
    double *prop_mu_b = &dtemp;

    if (*version != 32){
      if (beta->nRandom()){
        if (reff_NORMAL){
          int DDparmI[2];
          DDparmI[0] = beta->nRandom();
          DDparmI[1] = InvWishart;                                       /** it does not matter what is filled here **/
          double *DDparmD = (double*) calloc(2*nD + 1, sizeof(double));
          if (!DDparmD) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (DDparmD)", 1);
          for (j = 0; j < beta->nRandom(); j++){                         /** initial cov matrix and scale matrix equal to identity  **/
            ix = (j * (2*beta->nRandom() - j + 1))/2;                    /** again, it does not matter what is filled here          **/
            DDparmD[ix] = DDparmD[nD + 1 + ix] = 1.0;                    /** initial matrix must only be positive definite          **/
            for (i = j+1; i < beta->nRandom(); i++){                     /** to pass the CovMatrix constructor                      **/
              DDparmD[ix + i - j] = DDparmD[nD + 1 + ix + i - j] = 0.0;
          DDparmD[nD] = beta->nRandom() + 2;                              /** 'prior degrees of freedom', it does not matter what   **/
          *DD = CovMatrix(DDparmI, DDparmD);
        else{                          /** G-spline random effects **/
          cum_w_b     = (double*) calloc(*total_length_b, sizeof(double));
          prop_mu_b   = (double*) calloc(*total_length_b, sizeof(double));
          sig_scale_b = (double*)  calloc(*dim_b, sizeof(double));
          rM_b        = (int*) calloc(*ncluster, sizeof(int));
          if (!cum_w_b || !prop_mu_b || !sig_scale_b) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (cum_w_b/sig_scale_b)", 1);
          if (!rM_b) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (rM_b)", 1);
    }  /** end of if (*version != 32) **/

    /*** Space for linear predictors    ***/
    double *linPred = (double*) calloc(*nobs, sizeof(double));
    if (!linPred) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (linPred)", 1);
    for (i = 0; i < *nobs; i++) linPred[i] = 0.0;

    /*** Allocate memory for needed quantities from simulated G-splines ***/
    int k_effect;
    double *sigma         = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *gamma         = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *delta         = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *intcpt        = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *scale         = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *delta_sig     = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    double *inv_sig_scale = (double*)  calloc(*dim, sizeof(double));
    if (!sigma || !gamma || !delta || !inv_sig_scale || !intcpt || !scale || !delta_sig) 
      throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (sigma/gamma/delta/intcpt/scale/delta_sig/inv_sig_scale)", 1);

    double **w_marg           = (double**) calloc(*dim, sizeof(double*));
    double **mu_sig_marg      = (double**) calloc(*dim, sizeof(double*));
    if (!w_marg || !mu_sig_marg)
      throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (w_marg/sc_mu_marg)", 1);
    for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++){
      w_marg[j]      = (double*) calloc(Glength[j], sizeof(double));
      mu_sig_marg[j] = (double*) calloc(Glength[j], sizeof(double));
      if (!w_marg[j] || !mu_sig_marg[j]) throw returnR("Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (w_marg[j]/mu_sig_marg[j])", 1);

    /*** Open files with simulated G-splines ***/
    std::string kpath     = dir + "/mixmoment" + extens + ".sim";    
    std::string wpath     = dir + "/mweight" + extens + ".sim";
    std::string mupath    = dir + "/mmean" + extens + ".sim";       
    std::string sigmapath = dir + "/gspline" + extens + ".sim";
    std::ifstream kfile, wfile, mufile, sigmafile;
    openGsplineFiles(kfile, wfile, mufile, sigmafile, kpath, wpath, mupath, sigmapath, *skip + 1);   /* skip also header */

    /*** Open files with simulated remaining quantities ***/
    std::string betapath = dir + "/beta" + extens + ".sim";
    std::ifstream betafile;

    std::string Dpath    = dir + "/D" + extens + ".sim";
    std::ifstream Dfile;

    std::string D32path  = dir + "/D" + ".sim";
    std::ifstream D32file;

    std::string kpath_b     = dir + "/mixmoment" + extens_adj + ".sim";    
    std::string wpath_b     = dir + "/mweight" + extens_adj + ".sim";
    std::string mupath_b    = dir + "/mmean" + extens_adj + ".sim";       
    std::string sigmapath_b = dir + "/gspline" + extens_adj + ".sim";
    std::ifstream kfile_b, wfile_b, mufile_b, sigmafile_b;

    openRegresFiles(betafile, Dfile, betapath, Dpath, *skip + 1, beta->nbeta(), beta->nRandom(), reff_NORMAL);    /* skip also header */
    if (*version == 32){     
      openD32File(D32file, D32path, *skip + 1);     /* skip also header */
      if (beta->nRandom() && !reff_NORMAL){
        openGsplineFiles(kfile_b, wfile_b, mufile_b, sigmafile_b, kpath_b, wpath_b, mupath_b, sigmapath_b, *skip + 1);

    /*** Reset averages ***/
    resetAverage(averDens, nobs, ngrid, predDens);
    resetAverage(averS, nobs, ngrid, predS);
    resetAverage(averHaz, nobs, ngrid, predHaz);
    resetAverage(averCumHaz, nobs, ngrid, predCumHaz);

    /*** Loop over McMC iterations ***/
    double *vvDens   = valDens;
    double *vvS      = valS;
    double *vvHaz    = valHaz;
    double *vvCumHaz = valCumHaz;
    const int *shift_pointer_inEval = (*onlyAver ? &ONE_INT : &M_now_max);
    if (*skip >= *M) throw returnR("More McMC iterations should be skipped than available", 1);    
    readGsplineFromFiles2(&k_effect, w_marg, mu_sig_marg, gamma, sigma, delta, intcpt, scale, delta_sig, 0, *skip, 
                          *dim, *total_length, GsplK,
                          kfile, wfile, mufile, sigmafile, kpath, wpath, mupath, sigmapath);
    readRegresFromFiles(beta, DD, 0, *skip, betafile, Dfile, betapath, Dpath, reff_NORMAL);
    if (*version == 32){
      readDfromFile(db, 0, *skip, D32file, D32path);
      linPred_GS(linPred, beta, dbval, X, nwithin, nobs, ncluster);
      if (beta->nRandom()){
        if (reff_NORMAL){
          bb->predictNormalRE(beta, DD);
          readGsplineFromFiles3(&k_effect_b, cum_w_b, prop_mu_b, sig_scale_b, 0, *skip, *dim_b, *total_length_b,
                                kfile_b, wfile_b, mufile_b, sigmafile_b, kpath_b, wpath_b, mupath_b, sigmapath_b);
          bb->predictGspl_intcpt(&k_effect_b, cum_w_b, prop_mu_b, sig_scale_b, rM_b);
      linPred_GS(linPred, beta, bb->bMP(), X, nwithin, nobs, ncluster);
    evalPredFuns(averDens, averS, averHaz, averCumHaz, vvDens, vvS, vvHaz, vvCumHaz, obsdims, nobs, ngrid, gridA, loggridA,
                 linPred, dim, Glength, w_marg, mu_sig_marg, intcpt, sigma, scale, inv_sig_scale, predictP, &_zero_weight,

    *M_now = 1;

    int by_1 = *by - 1;
    int jump_value = (*onlyAver ? 0 : 1);
    int backs = 0;
    Rprintf("Iteration ");
    for (int iter = *skip + 1 + (*by); iter <= *M; iter += (*by)){
      if (*M_now >= M_now_max) throw returnR("Error: Higher sample size would be used than indicated", 1);
      if (*predDens)   vvDens += jump_value;
      if (*predS)      vvS += jump_value;
      if (*predHaz)    vvHaz += jump_value;
      if (*predCumHaz) vvCumHaz += jump_value;
      readGsplineFromFiles2(&k_effect, w_marg, mu_sig_marg, gamma, sigma, delta, intcpt, scale, delta_sig, by_1, iter, 
                            *dim, *total_length, GsplK,
                            kfile, wfile, mufile, sigmafile, kpath, wpath, mupath, sigmapath);
      readRegresFromFiles(beta, DD, by_1, iter, betafile, Dfile, betapath, Dpath, reff_NORMAL);
      if (*version == 32){
        readDfromFile(db, by_1, iter, D32file, D32path);
        linPred_GS(linPred, beta, dbval, X, nwithin, nobs, ncluster);
        if (beta->nRandom()){
          if (reff_NORMAL){
            bb->predictNormalRE(beta, DD);
            readGsplineFromFiles3(&k_effect_b, cum_w_b, prop_mu_b, sig_scale_b, by_1, iter, *dim_b, *total_length_b,
                                  kfile_b, wfile_b, mufile_b, sigmafile_b, kpath_b, wpath_b, mupath_b, sigmapath_b);
            bb->predictGspl_intcpt(&k_effect_b, cum_w_b, prop_mu_b, sig_scale_b, rM_b);
        linPred_GS(linPred, beta, bb->bMP(), X, nwithin, nobs, ncluster);
      evalPredFuns(averDens, averS, averHaz, averCumHaz, 
                   vvDens, vvS, vvHaz, vvCumHaz, 
                   obsdims, nobs, ngrid, gridA, loggridA,
                   linPred, dim, Glength, w_marg, mu_sig_marg, intcpt, sigma, scale, inv_sig_scale, predictP, &_zero_weight,

      if (!(iter % (*nwrite)) || iter == *M){
        for (i = 0; i < backs; i++) Rprintf("\b");
        Rprintf("%d", iter);
        backs = int(log10(double(iter))) + 1;
    }    /** end of the while over iterations **/
    /*** Close files with simulated G-splines and regression quantities ***/
    closeGsplineFiles(kfile, wfile, mufile, sigmafile);
    closeRegresFiles(betafile, Dfile, beta->nbeta(), beta->nRandom(), reff_NORMAL);
    if (*version == 32){
      if (beta->nRandom() && !reff_NORMAL) closeGsplineFiles(kfile_b, wfile_b, mufile_b, sigmafile_b);

    /*** McMC averages ***/
    cumsum2average(averDens, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predDens);
    cumsum2average(averS, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predS);
    cumsum2average(averHaz, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predHaz);
    cumsum2average(averCumHaz, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predCumHaz);

    /*** Indeces of quantile values in sampled chain (indexing starting from 0)   ***/
    // indquant1, indquant2 ..... quantile = q*sample[indquant1] + (1-q)sample[indquant2]
    int *indquant1 = &itemp;
    int *indquant2 = &itemp;
    if (!(*onlyAver)){
      indquant1  = (int*) calloc(*nquant, sizeof(int));
      indquant2  = (int*) calloc(*nquant, sizeof(int));
      if (!indquant1 || !indquant2) throw returnR("Error Not enough memory available in predictive_GS (indquant1/indquant2)", 1);
      for (i = 0; i < *nquant; i++){
        if (probsA[i] < 0 || probsA[i] > 1) throw returnR("Error: Incorrect probs values supplied.", 1);
        if (probsA[i] <= 0) indquant1[i] = indquant2[i] = 0;
          if (probsA[i] >= 1) indquant1[i] = indquant2[i] = *M_now - 1;
            tmpd = probsA[i] * double(*M_now);
            if (fabs(tmpd - floor(tmpd + 1e-8)) < 1e-8){
              indquant1[i] = int(floor(tmpd)) - 1;
              indquant2[i] = int(floor(tmpd));
              indquant1[i] = indquant2[i] = int(floor(tmpd));
      Rprintf("\nComputing quantiles.");
      value2quantile(valDens, quantDens, probsA, indquant1, indquant2, nquant, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predDens, shift_pointer_inEval);
      value2quantile(valS, quantS, probsA, indquant1, indquant2, nquant, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predS, shift_pointer_inEval);
      value2quantile(valHaz, quantHaz, probsA, indquant1, indquant2, nquant, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predHaz, shift_pointer_inEval);
      value2quantile(valCumHaz, quantCumHaz, probsA, indquant1, indquant2, nquant, M_now, nobs, ngrid, predCumHaz, shift_pointer_inEval);


    /*** Cleaning ***/
    if (!(*onlyAver)){

    for (j = 0; j < *dim; j++){


    delete DD;
    if (*version == 32){
      if (beta->nRandom()){
        if (reff_NORMAL){
	  //        delete DD;
    delete db;
    delete bb;
    delete beta;

  catch(returnR rr){
    *errP = rr.errflag();
Exemplo n.º 30
// aa:                           Pointer to _a that is updated
// expaa:                        Pointer to _expa corresponding to _a that is updated
// Abscis[mcmc_Gspline2::_nabscis]:  Starting abscisae for ARS or working space for the slice sampler
// ia:                           Index of the a that is updated (on the scale -K,...,K)
// a_ipars[2]:                   a_ipars[0] = number of all observations
//                               a_ipars[1] = number of observations currently belonging to the component of the a
// overrelax:                    1/0 indicating whether overrelaxation is to be used (used only when the slice sampler is used,
//                               ignored otherwise)
Gspline2::update_a1(double *aa,     double *expaa,       double *Abscis,
                    const int *ia,  const int *a_ipars,  const int *overrelax)
  static double a_pars[4];
  static double newa;
  static double *sumexpa, *hx, *hpx, *abscis;
  static int i;
  static int _ONE_INT = 1;

  sumexpa = _sumexpa.a();

  this->full_a_pars1(a_pars + 0, a_pars + 1, ia, aa);          /* compute mean and inv. variance of [a[ia] | a[-ia], lambda] */
  a_pars[2] = *expaa;
  a_pars[3] = *sumexpa;

  /*** Find the mode of the full conditional (if necessary)                                              ***/
  /*** Store this mode in _abscis[ia][1]                                                                 ***/
  /*** Compute either starting abscissae for ARS or initial guesses for interval defining the slice      ***/
  switch (_type_update_a){
  case mcmc_Gspline2::Slice:
  case mcmc_Gspline2::ARS_mode:
    mcmc_Gspline2::find_eval_abscis(Abscis, _hx.a(), _hpx.a(), ia, &_ONE_INT, aa, a_pars, a_ipars);

  case mcmc_Gspline2::ARS_quantile:    /** Starting abscissae are taken as quantiles of an upper hull from the previous iteration **/
                                       /** Evaluate the function to sample from in starting abscissae                             **/
    abscis = Abscis;
    hx     = _hx.a();
    hpx    = _hpx.a();
    for (i = 0; i < mcmc_Gspline2::_nabscis; i++){
      mcmc_Gspline2::full_a_logdens(abscis, hx, hpx, a_pars, a_ipars);            
    throw returnR("Error in Gspline2_updateWeights.cpp: Gspline2::update_a1. Unimplemented _type_update_a", 1);

  /** Check whether starting abscissae/initial guesses for the interval defining the slice lie on correct size of the mode   **/
  mcmc_Gspline2::check_abscis(Abscis, _hx.a(), _hpx.a(), a_pars, a_ipars);

  /** Sample new a **/
  switch (_type_update_a){  
  case mcmc_Gspline2::Slice:
    mcmc_Gspline2::sample_a_by_slice(&newa, Abscis, _hx.a(), _hpx.a(), ia, &_ONE_INT, aa, a_pars, a_ipars, overrelax);

  case mcmc_Gspline2::ARS_quantile:
  case mcmc_Gspline2::ARS_mode:
    mcmc_Gspline2::sample_a_by_ARS(&newa, Abscis, _hx.a(), _hpx.a(), _rwv.a(), _iwv.a(), ia, &_ONE_INT, aa, a_pars, a_ipars, &_type_update_a);

    throw returnR("Error in Gspline2_updateWeights.cpp: Gspline2::update_a1. Unimplemented _type_update_a", 1);

  /** Update exp(a) and sum(exp(a)) **/
  *aa       = newa;
  *sumexpa -= *expaa;
  if (*aa >= mcmc_Gspline2::_log_inf){
    *aa      = mcmc_Gspline2::_log_inf;
    *expaa   = mcmc_Gspline2::_exp_emax;
    *sumexpa = mcmc_Gspline2::_exp_emax;
    *expaa    = exp(*aa);
    *sumexpa += *expaa;