MythFontProperties* MythYUVAPainter::GetConvertedFont(const MythFontProperties &font) { QString original = font.GetHash(); if (m_convertedFonts.contains(original)) { m_expireList.remove(original); m_expireList.push_back(original); } else { QColor yuv_color; MythFontProperties *new_font = new MythFontProperties(); yuv_color = rgb_to_yuv(font.color()); new_font->SetFace(font.face()); new_font->SetColor(yuv_color); if (font.hasShadow()) { QPoint offset; QColor color; int alpha; font.GetShadow(offset, color, alpha); yuv_color = rgb_to_yuv(color); new_font->SetShadow(true, offset, yuv_color, alpha); } if (font.hasOutline()) { QColor color; int size, alpha; font.GetOutline(color, size, alpha); yuv_color = rgb_to_yuv(color); new_font->SetOutline(true, yuv_color, size, alpha); } m_convertedFonts.insert(original, new_font); m_expireList.push_back(original); if (m_convertedFonts.size() > MAX_FONT_CACHE) { QString expire = m_expireList.front(); m_expireList.pop_front(); if (m_convertedFonts.contains(expire)) { delete m_convertedFonts.value(expire); m_convertedFonts.remove(expire); } } } return m_convertedFonts.value(original); }
void ConvertRGBToYUVOperation::executePixel(float output[4], float x, float y, PixelSampler sampler) { float inputColor[4]; this->m_inputOperation->read(inputColor, x, y, sampler); rgb_to_yuv(inputColor[0], inputColor[1], inputColor[2], &output[0], &output[1], &output[2]); output[3] = inputColor[3]; }
static void vectorscope_put_cross(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, char * tgt, int w, int h, int size) { float rgb[3], yuv[3]; char * p; int x = 0; int y = 0; rgb[0]= (float)r/255.0f; rgb[1]= (float)g/255.0f; rgb[2]= (float)b/255.0f; rgb_to_yuv(rgb, yuv); p = tgt + 4 * (w * (int) ((yuv[2] * (h - 3) + 1)) + (int) ((yuv[1] * (w - 3) + 1))); if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0) { r = 255; } for (y = -size; y <= size; y++) { for (x = -size; x <= size; x++) { char * q = p + 4 * (y * w + x); q[0] = r; q[1] = g; q[2] = b; q[3] = 255; } } }
DO_INLINE void save_sample_line(Scopes *scopes, const int idx, const float fx, const float rgb[3], const float ycc[3]) { float yuv[3]; /* vectorscope*/ rgb_to_yuv(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], &yuv[0], &yuv[1], &yuv[2]); scopes->vecscope[idx + 0] = yuv[1]; scopes->vecscope[idx + 1] = yuv[2]; /* waveform */ switch (scopes->wavefrm_mode) { case SCOPES_WAVEFRM_RGB: scopes->waveform_1[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_1[idx + 1] = rgb[0]; scopes->waveform_2[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_2[idx + 1] = rgb[1]; scopes->waveform_3[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_3[idx + 1] = rgb[2]; break; case SCOPES_WAVEFRM_LUMA: scopes->waveform_1[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_1[idx + 1] = ycc[0]; break; case SCOPES_WAVEFRM_YCC_JPEG: case SCOPES_WAVEFRM_YCC_709: case SCOPES_WAVEFRM_YCC_601: scopes->waveform_1[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_1[idx + 1] = ycc[0]; scopes->waveform_2[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_2[idx + 1] = ycc[1]; scopes->waveform_3[idx + 0] = fx; scopes->waveform_3[idx + 1] = ycc[2]; break; } }
void JE_setPalette( Uint8 col, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b ) { palette[col].r = r; palette[col].g = g; palette[col].b = b; rgb_palette[col] = SDL_MapRGB(display_surface->format, palette[col].r, palette[col].g, palette[col].b); yuv_palette[col] = rgb_to_yuv(palette[col]); }
void JE_updateColorsFast( const Palette colorBuffer ) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { palette[i] = colorBuffer[i]; rgb_palette[i] = SDL_MapRGB(display_surface->format, palette[i].r, palette[i].g, palette[i].b); yuv_palette[i] = rgb_to_yuv(palette[i]); } }
static void fill_bins(bNode *node, CompBuf* in, int* bins) { float value[4]; int ivalue=0; int x, y; /*fill bins */ for (y=0; y<in->y; y++) { for (x=0; x<in->x; x++) { /* get the pixel */ qd_getPixel(in, x, y, value); if (value[3] > 0.0f) { /* don't count transparent pixels */ switch (node->custom1) { case 1: { /* all colors */ value[0] = rgb_to_bw(value); value[0]=value[0]*255; /* scale to 0-255 range */ ivalue=(int)value[0]; break; } case 2: { /* red channel */ value[0]=value[0]*255; /* scale to 0-255 range */ ivalue=(int)value[0]; break; } case 3: { /* green channel */ value[1]=value[1]*255; /* scale to 0-255 range */ ivalue=(int)value[1]; break; } case 4: /*blue channel */ { value[2]=value[2]*255; /* scale to 0-255 range */ ivalue=(int)value[2]; break; } case 5: /* luminence */ { rgb_to_yuv(value[0], value[1], value[2], &value[0], &value[1], &value[2]); value[0]=value[0]*255; /* scale to 0-255 range */ ivalue=(int)value[0]; break; } } /*end switch */ /*clip*/ if (ivalue<0) ivalue=0; if (ivalue>255) ivalue=255; /*put in the correct bin*/ bins[ivalue]+=1; } /*end if alpha */ } } }
void MythYUVAPainter::DrawRect(const QRect &area, const QBrush &fillBrush, const QPen &linePen, int alpha) { QBrush brush(fillBrush); switch ( { case Qt::LinearGradientPattern: case Qt::RadialGradientPattern: case Qt::ConicalGradientPattern: { QGradient gradient = *fillBrush.gradient(); QGradientStops stops = gradient.stops(); for (QGradientStops::iterator it = stops.begin(); it != stops.end(); ++it) { it->second = rgb_to_yuv(it->second); it->second.setAlpha(alpha); } gradient.setStops(stops); brush = gradient; } break; default: brush.setColor(rgb_to_yuv(brush.color())); break; } QPen pen(linePen); pen.setColor(rgb_to_yuv(pen.color())); // We pull an image here, in the hopes that when DrawRect // pulls an image this will still be in the cache and have // the right properties. MythImage *im = GetImageFromRect(area, 0, 0, brush, pen); if (im) { im->SetToYUV(); im->DecrRef(); im = NULL; } MythQImagePainter::DrawRect(area, brush, pen, alpha); }
static float brightness_standard_deviation(bNode* node, CompBuf* in, float mean) { float sum=0.0; int numPixels=0.0; int x,y; float value[4]; for(x=0; x< in->x; x++) { for(y=0; y < in->y; y++) { /* get the pixel */ qd_getPixel(in, x, y, value); if(value[3] > 0.0) { /* don't count transparent pixels */ numPixels++; switch(node->custom1) { case 1: { rgb_tobw(value[0],value[1],value[2], &value[0]); sum+=(value[0]-mean)*(value[0]-mean); break; } case 2: { sum+=value[0]; sum+=(value[0]-mean)*(value[0]-mean); break; } case 3: { sum+=value[1]; sum+=(value[1]-mean)*(value[1]-mean); break; } case 4: { sum+=value[2]; sum+=(value[2]-mean)*(value[2]-mean); break; } case 5: { rgb_to_yuv(value[0],value[1],value[2], &value[0], &value[1], &value[2]); sum+=(value[0]-mean)*(value[0]-mean); break; } } } } } return sqrt(sum/(float)(numPixels-1)); }
void RGBtoYUYV(const planar_rgb_image_t* image_in, picture_t* p_pic_out) { for(int y = 0; y < p_pic_out->p[0].i_visible_lines; y++) { uint8_t* position = &(p_pic_out->p[0].p_pixels[y * p_pic_out->p[0].i_pitch]); uint8_t* position_end = position + p_pic_out->p[0].i_visible_pitch; const uint8_t* r_position = &(image_in->r_plane[y * image_in->pitch]); const uint8_t* g_position = &(image_in->g_plane[y * image_in->pitch]); const uint8_t* b_position = &(image_in->b_plane[y * image_in->pitch]); while (position < position_end) { uint8_t y1,u1,v1, y2,v2,u2; const int r1 = *r_position; const int r2 = *(++r_position); const int g1 = *g_position; const int g2 = *(++g_position); const int b1 = *b_position; const int b2 = *(++b_position); rgb_to_yuv(&y1, &u1, &v1, r1, g1, b1); rgb_to_yuv(&y2, &u2, &v2, r2, g2, b2); int sum_u = u1 + u2; int sum_v = v1 + v2; *(position) = y1; *(++position) = sum_u / 2; *(++position) = y2; *(++position) = sum_v / 2; ++position; ++r_position; ++g_position; ++b_position; } } }
static void do_sepyuva(bNode *UNUSED(node), float *out, float *in) { float y, u, v; rgb_to_yuv(in[0], in[1], in[2], &y, &u, &v); out[0]= y; out[1]= u; out[2]= v; out[3]= in[3]; }
void MythYUVAPainter::DrawEllipse(const QRect &area, const QBrush &fillBrush, const QPen &linePen, int alpha) { QBrush brush(fillBrush); brush.setColor(rgb_to_yuv(brush.color())); QPen pen(linePen); pen.setColor(rgb_to_yuv(pen.color())); // We pull an image here, in the hopes that when DrawRect // pulls an image this will still be in the cache and have // the right properties. MythImage *im = GetImageFromRect(area, 0, 1, brush, pen); if (im) { im->SetToYUV(); im->DecrRef(); im = NULL; } MythQImagePainter::DrawEllipse(area, brush, pen, alpha); }
static void vectorscope_draw_target(float centerx, float centery, float diam, const float colf[3]) { float y, u, v; float tangle = 0.f, tampli; float dangle, dampli, dangle2, dampli2; rgb_to_yuv(colf[0], colf[1], colf[2], &y, &u, &v); if (u > 0 && v >= 0) tangle = atanf(v / u); else if (u > 0 && v < 0) tangle = atanf(v / u) + 2.0f * (float)M_PI; else if (u < 0) tangle = atanf(v / u) + (float)M_PI; else if (u == 0 && v > 0.0f) tangle = (float)M_PI / 2.0f; else if (u == 0 && v < 0.0f) tangle = -(float)M_PI / 2.0f; tampli = sqrtf(u * u + v * v); /* small target vary by 2.5 degree and 2.5 IRE unit */ glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0, 0.12f); dangle = DEG2RADF(2.5f); dampli = 2.5f / 200.0f; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle)); glEnd(); /* big target vary by 10 degree and 20% amplitude */ glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0, 0.12f); dangle = DEG2RADF(10.0f); dampli = 0.2f * tampli; dangle2 = DEG2RADF(5.0f); dampli2 = 0.5f * dampli; glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli - dampli2, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli - dampli2, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle - dangle2), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle + dangle - dangle2)); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli + dampli2, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli + dampli2, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle - dangle2), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle + dangle - dangle2)); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli + dampli2, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli + dampli2, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle + dangle2), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli - dampli, tangle - dangle + dangle2)); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli - dampli2, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli - dampli2, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle)); glVertex2f(polar_to_x(centerx, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle + dangle2), polar_to_y(centery, diam, tampli + dampli, tangle - dangle + dangle2)); glEnd(); }
static float brightness_mean(bNode *node, CompBuf* in) { float sum=0.0; int numPixels=0.0; int x, y; float value[4]; for (x=0; x< in->x; x++) { for (y=0; y < in->y; y++) { /* get the pixel */ qd_getPixel(in, x, y, value); if (value[3] > 0.0f) { /* don't count transparent pixels */ numPixels++; switch (node->custom1) { case 1: { value[0] = rgb_to_bw(value); sum+=value[0]; break; } case 2: { sum+=value[0]; break; } case 3: { sum+=value[1]; break; } case 4: { sum+=value[2]; break; } case 5: { rgb_to_yuv(value[0], value[1], value[2], &value[0], &value[1], &value[2]); sum+=value[0]; break; } } } } } return sum/numPixels; }
static struct ImBuf *make_vectorscope_view_from_ibuf_float(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { struct ImBuf * rval = IMB_allocImBuf(515, 515, 32, IB_rect); int x,y; float* src = ibuf->rect_float; char* tgt = (char*) rval->rect; float rgb[3], yuv[3]; int w = 515; int h = 515; float scope_gamma = 0.2; unsigned char wtable[256]; for (x = 0; x < 256; x++) { wtable[x] = (unsigned char) (pow(((float) x + 1)/256, scope_gamma)*255); } for (x = 0; x <= 255; x++) { vectorscope_put_cross(255 , 0,255 - x, tgt, w, h, 1); vectorscope_put_cross(255 , x, 0, tgt, w, h, 1); vectorscope_put_cross(255- x, 255, 0, tgt, w, h, 1); vectorscope_put_cross(0, 255, x, tgt, w, h, 1); vectorscope_put_cross(0, 255 - x, 255, tgt, w, h, 1); vectorscope_put_cross(x, 0, 255, tgt, w, h, 1); } for (y = 0; y < ibuf->y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < ibuf->x; x++) { float * src1 = src + 4 * (ibuf->x * y + x); char * p; memcpy(rgb, src1, 3 * sizeof(float)); CLAMP(rgb[0], 0.0f, 1.0f); CLAMP(rgb[1], 0.0f, 1.0f); CLAMP(rgb[2], 0.0f, 1.0f); rgb_to_yuv(rgb, yuv); p = tgt + 4 * (w * (int) ((yuv[2] * (h - 3) + 1)) + (int) ((yuv[1] * (w - 3) + 1))); scope_put_pixel(wtable, (unsigned char*)p); } } vectorscope_put_cross(0, 0, 0, tgt, w, h, 3); return rval; }
inline value_type convert(const value_type& v, ColorSpaceType input, ColorSpaceType output) { if (input == ColorSpaceRGB) { if (output == ColorSpaceRGB) return v; if (output == ColorSpaceYUV) return rgb_to_yuv(v); if (output == ColorSpaceLAB) return rgb_to_lab(v); } if (input == ColorSpaceYUV) { if (output == ColorSpaceRGB) return yuv_to_rgb(v); if (output == ColorSpaceYUV) return v; if (output == ColorSpaceLAB) return yuv_to_lab(v); } if (input == ColorSpaceLAB) { if (output == ColorSpaceRGB) return lab_to_rgb(v); if (output == ColorSpaceYUV) return lab_to_yuv(v); if (output == ColorSpaceLAB) return v; } return value_type::Zero(); }
static void node_composit_exec_sepyuva(void *UNUSED(data), bNode *node, bNodeStack **in, bNodeStack **out) { /* stack order out: bw channels */ /* stack order in: col */ /* input no image? then only color operation */ if(in[0]->data==NULL) { float y, u, v; rgb_to_yuv(in[0]->vec[0], in[0]->vec[1], in[0]->vec[2], &y, &u, &v); out[0]->vec[0] = y; out[1]->vec[0] = u; out[2]->vec[0] = v; out[3]->vec[0] = in[0]->vec[3]; } else if ((out[0]->hasoutput) || (out[1]->hasoutput) || (out[2]->hasoutput) || (out[3]->hasoutput)) { /* make copy of buffer so input image doesn't get corrupted */ CompBuf *cbuf= dupalloc_compbuf(in[0]->data); CompBuf *cbuf2=typecheck_compbuf(cbuf, CB_RGBA); /* convert the RGB stackbuf to an YUV representation */ composit1_pixel_processor(node, cbuf2, cbuf2, in[0]->vec, do_sepyuva, CB_RGBA); /* separate each of those channels */ if(out[0]->hasoutput) out[0]->data= valbuf_from_rgbabuf(cbuf2, CHAN_R); if(out[1]->hasoutput) out[1]->data= valbuf_from_rgbabuf(cbuf2, CHAN_G); if(out[2]->hasoutput) out[2]->data= valbuf_from_rgbabuf(cbuf2, CHAN_B); if(out[3]->hasoutput) out[3]->data= valbuf_from_rgbabuf(cbuf2, CHAN_A); /*not used anymore */ if(cbuf2!=cbuf) free_compbuf(cbuf2); free_compbuf(cbuf); } }
void JE_fadeColors( Palette fromColors, Palette toColors, unsigned int startColor, unsigned int numColors, int numSteps ) { for (int s = 0; s <= numSteps; ++s) { setdelay(1); for (unsigned int i = startColor; i <= startColor + numColors; ++i) { //long difference = toColors[i].r - fromColors[i].r; //long each_step = difference / static_cast<long>(numSteps); //double steps_so_far = each_step * s; //palette[i].r = static_cast<Uint8>(steps_so_far) + fromColors[i].r; //palette[i].r = (toColors[i].r - fromColors[i].r) / numSteps * s + fromColors[i].r; palette[i].r = fromColors[i].r + (toColors[i].r - fromColors[i].r) * s / numSteps; palette[i].g = fromColors[i].g + (toColors[i].g - fromColors[i].g) * s / numSteps; palette[i].b = fromColors[i].b + (toColors[i].b - fromColors[i].b) * s / numSteps; rgb_palette[i] = SDL_MapRGB(display_surface->format, palette[i].r, palette[i].g, palette[i].b); yuv_palette[i] = rgb_to_yuv(palette[i]); } JE_showVGA(); wait_delay(); } }
/* used by node view too */ void ED_image_draw_info(Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, int color_manage, int use_default_view, int channels, int x, int y, const unsigned char cp[4], const float fp[4], int *zp, float *zpf) { char str[256]; float dx = 6; /* text colors */ /* XXX colored text not allowed in Blender UI */ #if 0 unsigned char red[3] = {255, 50, 50}; unsigned char green[3] = {0, 255, 0}; unsigned char blue[3] = {100, 100, 255}; #else unsigned char red[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char green[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char blue[3] = {255, 255, 255}; #endif float hue = 0, sat = 0, val = 0, lum = 0, u = 0, v = 0; float col[4], finalcol[4]; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* noisy, high contrast make impossible to read if lower alpha is used. */ glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 190); glRecti(0.0, 0.0, BLI_rcti_size_x(&ar->winrct) + 1, 20); glDisable(GL_BLEND); BLF_size(blf_mono_font, 11, 72); glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "X:%-4d Y:%-4d |", x, y); // UI_DrawString(6, 6, str); // works ok but fixed width is nicer. BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); if (zp) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Z:%-.4f |", 0.5f + 0.5f * (((float)*zp) / (float)0x7fffffff)); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } if (zpf) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Z:%-.3f |", *zpf); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } if (channels >= 3) { glColor3ubv(red); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:%-.5f", fp[0]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:%-3d", cp[0]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); glColor3ubv(green); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:%-.5f", fp[1]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:%-3d", cp[1]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); glColor3ubv(blue); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:%-.5f", fp[2]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:%-3d", cp[2]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); if (channels == 4) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " A:%-.4f", fp[3]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " A:%-3d", cp[3]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "- "); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } if (color_manage && channels == 4) { float pixel[4]; if (use_default_view) IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(pixel, fp, NULL, &scene->display_settings); else IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(pixel, fp, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " | CM R:%-.4f G:%-.4f B:%-.4f", pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } } /* color rectangle */ if (channels == 1) { if (fp) { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = fp[0]; } else if (cp) { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = (float)cp[0] / 255.0f; } else { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = 0.0f; } col[3] = 1.0f; } else if (channels == 3) { if (fp) { copy_v3_v3(col, fp); } else if (cp) { rgb_uchar_to_float(col, cp); } else { zero_v3(col); } col[3] = 1.0f; } else if (channels == 4) { if (fp) copy_v4_v4(col, fp); else if (cp) { rgba_uchar_to_float(col, cp); } else { zero_v4(col); } } else { BLI_assert(0); zero_v4(col); } if (color_manage) { if (use_default_view) IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(finalcol, col, NULL, &scene->display_settings); else IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(finalcol, col, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings); } else { copy_v4_v4(finalcol, col); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColor3fv(finalcol); dx += 5; glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(dx, 3); glVertex2f(dx, 17); glVertex2f(dx + 30, 17); glVertex2f(dx + 30, 3); glEnd(); /* draw outline */ glColor3ub(128, 128, 128); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(dx, 3); glVertex2f(dx, 17); glVertex2f(dx + 30, 17); glVertex2f(dx + 30, 3); glEnd(); dx += 35; glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if (channels == 1) { if (fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &lum, &u, &v); } else if (cp) { rgb_to_hsv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, &lum, &u, &v); } BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } else if (channels >= 3) { if (fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &lum, &u, &v); } else if (cp) { rgb_to_hsv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[1] / 255.0f, (float)cp[2] / 255.0f, &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[1] / 255.0f, (float)cp[2] / 255.0f, &lum, &u, &v); } BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "H:%-.4f", hue); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " S:%-.4f", sat); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } (void)dx; }
static void combine_side_by_side_yuv420(picture_t *p_inpic, picture_t *p_outpic, int left, int right) { uint8_t *y1inl = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; uint8_t *y2inl; uint8_t *uinl = p_inpic->p[U_PLANE].p_pixels; uint8_t *vinl = p_inpic->p[V_PLANE].p_pixels; uint8_t *y1out = p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; uint8_t *y2out; uint8_t *uout = p_outpic->p[U_PLANE].p_pixels; uint8_t *vout = p_outpic->p[V_PLANE].p_pixels; const int in_pitch = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; const int out_pitch = p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; const int visible_pitch = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_pitch; const int visible_lines = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_visible_lines; const int uv_visible_pitch = p_inpic->p[U_PLANE].i_visible_pitch; const uint8_t *yend = y1inl + visible_lines * in_pitch; while (y1inl < yend) { uint8_t *y1inr = y1inl + visible_pitch/2; uint8_t *y2inr; uint8_t *uinr = uinl + uv_visible_pitch/2; uint8_t *vinr = vinl + uv_visible_pitch/2; const uint8_t *y1end = y1inr; y2inl = y1inl + in_pitch; y2inr = y1inr + in_pitch; y2out = y1out + out_pitch; while (y1inl < y1end) { int rl, gl, bl, rr, gr, br, r, g, b; int rshift = !!((0xff0000&left) && (0xff0000&right)); int gshift = !!((0x00ff00&left) && (0x00ff00&right)); int bshift = !!((0x0000ff&left) && (0x0000ff&right)); yuv_to_rgb(&rl, &gl, &bl, *y1inl, *uinl, *vinl); yuv_to_rgb(&rr, &gr, &br, *y1inr, *uinr, *vinr); r = ((!!(0xff0000&left))*rl + (!!(0xff0000&right))*rr)>>rshift; g = ((!!(0x00ff00&left))*gl + (!!(0x00ff00&right))*gr)>>gshift; b = ((!!(0x0000ff&left))*bl + (!!(0x0000ff&right))*br)>>bshift; rgb_to_yuv(y1out, uout++, vout++, r, g, b); y1out[1] = *y1out; y1out+=2; y1inl++; y1inr++; yuv_to_rgb(&rl, &gl, &bl, *y1inl, *uinl, *vinl); yuv_to_rgb(&rr, &gr, &br, *y1inr, *uinr, *vinr); r = ((!!(0xff0000&left))*rl + (!!(0xff0000&right))*rr)>>rshift; g = ((!!(0x00ff00&left))*gl + (!!(0x00ff00&right))*gr)>>gshift; b = ((!!(0x0000ff&left))*bl + (!!(0x0000ff&right))*br)>>bshift; rgb_to_yuv(y1out, uout++, vout++, r, g, b); y1out[1] = *y1out; y1out+=2; y1inl++; y1inr++; yuv_to_rgb(&rl, &gl, &bl, *y2inl, *uinl, *vinl); yuv_to_rgb(&rr, &gr, &br, *y2inr, *uinr, *vinr); r = ((!!(0xff0000&left))*rl + (!!(0xff0000&right))*rr)>>rshift; g = ((!!(0x00ff00&left))*gl + (!!(0x00ff00&right))*gr)>>gshift; b = ((!!(0x0000ff&left))*bl + (!!(0x0000ff&right))*br)>>bshift; rgb_to_yuv(y2out, uout/*will be overwritten later, as will vout*/, vout, r, g, b); y2out[1] = *y2out; y2out+=2; y2inl++; y2inr++; yuv_to_rgb(&rl, &gl, &bl, *y2inl, *uinl, *vinl); yuv_to_rgb(&rr, &gr, &br, *y2inr, *uinr, *vinr); r = ((!!(0xff0000&left))*rl + (!!(0xff0000&right))*rr)>>rshift; g = ((!!(0x00ff00&left))*gl + (!!(0x00ff00&right))*gr)>>gshift; b = ((!!(0x0000ff&left))*bl + (!!(0x0000ff&right))*br)>>bshift; rgb_to_yuv(y2out, uout/*will be overwritten later, as will vout*/, vout, r, g, b); y2out[1] = *y2out; y2out+=2; y2inl++; y2inr++; uinl++; vinl++; uinr++; vinr++; } y1inl = y1inr + 2*in_pitch - visible_pitch; y1out += 2*out_pitch - visible_pitch; uinl = uinr + p_inpic->p[U_PLANE].i_pitch - uv_visible_pitch; vinl = vinr + p_inpic->p[V_PLANE].i_pitch - uv_visible_pitch; uout += p_outpic->p[U_PLANE].i_pitch - uv_visible_pitch; vout += p_outpic->p[V_PLANE].i_pitch - uv_visible_pitch; } }
inline value_type lab_to_yuv(const value_type& v) { return rgb_to_yuv(lab_to_rgb(v)); }
void draw_image_info(ARegion *ar, int color_manage, int channels, int x, int y, char *cp, float *fp, int *zp, float *zpf) { char str[256]; float dx= 6; /* text colors */ /* XXX colored text not allowed in Blender UI */ #if 0 unsigned char red[3] = {255, 50, 50}; unsigned char green[3] = {0, 255, 0}; unsigned char blue[3] = {100, 100, 255}; #else unsigned char red[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char green[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char blue[3] = {255, 255, 255}; #endif float hue=0, sat=0, val=0, lum=0, u=0, v=0; float col[4], finalcol[4]; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* noisy, high contrast make impossible to read if lower alpha is used. */ glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 190); glRecti(0.0, 0.0, ar->winrct.xmax - ar->winrct.xmin + 1, 20); glDisable(GL_BLEND); BLF_size(blf_mono_font, 11, 72); glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); sprintf(str, "X:%-4d Y:%-4d |", x, y); // UI_DrawString(6, 6, str); // works ok but fixed width is nicer. BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); if(zp) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); sprintf(str, " Z:%-.4f |", 0.5f+0.5f*(((float)*zp)/(float)0x7fffffff)); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } if(zpf) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); sprintf(str, " Z:%-.3f |", *zpf); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } if(channels >= 3) { glColor3ubv(red); if (fp) sprintf(str, " R:%-.4f", fp[0]); else if (cp) sprintf(str, " R:%-3d", cp[0]); else sprintf(str, " R:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); glColor3ubv(green); if (fp) sprintf(str, " G:%-.4f", fp[1]); else if (cp) sprintf(str, " G:%-3d", cp[1]); else sprintf(str, " G:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); glColor3ubv(blue); if (fp) sprintf(str, " B:%-.4f", fp[2]); else if (cp) sprintf(str, " B:%-3d", cp[2]); else sprintf(str, " B:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); if(channels == 4) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if (fp) sprintf(str, " A:%-.4f", fp[3]); else if (cp) sprintf(str, " A:%-3d", cp[3]); else sprintf(str, "- "); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } } /* color rectangle */ if (channels==1) { if (fp) col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = fp[0]; else if (cp) col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = (float)cp[0]/255.0f; else col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = 0.0f; } else if (channels==3) { if (fp) copy_v3_v3(col, fp); else if (cp) { col[0] = (float)cp[0]/255.0f; col[1] = (float)cp[1]/255.0f; col[2] = (float)cp[2]/255.0f; } else zero_v3(col); } else if (channels==4) { if (fp) copy_v4_v4(col, fp); else if (cp) { col[0] = (float)cp[0]/255.0f; col[1] = (float)cp[1]/255.0f; col[2] = (float)cp[2]/255.0f; col[3] = (float)cp[3]/255.0f; } else zero_v4(col); } if (color_manage) { linearrgb_to_srgb_v3_v3(finalcol, col); finalcol[3] = col[3]; } else { copy_v4_v4(finalcol, col); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColor3fv(finalcol); dx += 5; glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(dx, 3); glVertex2f(dx, 17); glVertex2f(dx+30, 17); glVertex2f(dx+30, 3); glEnd(); dx += 35; glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if(channels == 1) { if (fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &lum, &u, &v); } else if (cp) { rgb_to_hsv((float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[0]/255.0f, &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv((float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[0]/255.0f, &lum, &u, &v); } sprintf(str, "V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); sprintf(str, " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } else if(channels >= 3) { if (fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &lum, &u, &v); } else if (cp) { rgb_to_hsv((float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[1]/255.0f, (float)cp[2]/255.0f, &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv((float)cp[0]/255.0f, (float)cp[1]/255.0f, (float)cp[2]/255.0f, &lum, &u, &v); } sprintf(str, "H:%-.4f", hue); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); sprintf(str, " S:%-.4f", sat); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); sprintf(str, " V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); sprintf(str, " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, 6, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str); } (void)dx; }
static bool process_server_message ( filter_t *p_filter, rfbServerToClientMsg *msg ) { filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; switch (msg->type) { case rfbFramebufferUpdate: { msg->fu.nRects = htons(msg->fu.nRects); rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader hdr; for (int i_rect = 0; i_rect < msg->fu.nRects; i_rect++) { if (!read_exact(p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, &hdr, sz_rfbFramebufferUpdateRectHeader ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read FrameBufferUpdate header" ); return false; } hdr.r.x = htons(hdr.r.x); hdr.r.y = htons(hdr.r.y); hdr.r.w = htons(hdr.r.w); hdr.r.h = htons(hdr.r.h); hdr.encoding = htonl(hdr.encoding); switch (hdr.encoding) { case rfbEncodingRaw: { int i_line; for (i_line = 0; i_line < hdr.r.h; i_line++) { if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, p_sys->read_buffer, hdr.r.w ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read FrameBufferUpdate line data" ); return false; } vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock ); if ( !raw_line( p_sys, hdr.r.x, hdr.r.y + i_line, hdr.r.w ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "raw_line failed." ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); return false; } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); } } break; case rfbEncodingCopyRect: { rfbCopyRect rect; if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, &rect, sz_rfbCopyRect ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read rfbCopyRect" ); return false; } rect.srcX = htons( rect.srcX ); rect.srcY = htons( rect.srcY ); vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock ); if ( !copy_rect( p_sys, hdr.r.x, hdr.r.y, hdr.r.w, hdr.r.h, rect.srcX, rect.srcY ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "copy_rect failed." ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); return false; } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); } break; case rfbEncodingRRE: { rfbRREHeader rrehdr; if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, &rrehdr, sz_rfbRREHeader ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read rfbRREHeader" ); return false; } uint8_t i_pixcolor; if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, &i_pixcolor, 1 ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read RRE pixcolor" ); return false; } vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock ); if ( !fill_rect( p_sys, hdr.r.x, hdr.r.y, hdr.r.w, hdr.r.h, i_pixcolor) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "main fill_rect failed." ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); return false; } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); rrehdr.nSubrects = htonl(rrehdr.nSubrects); int i_datasize = rrehdr.nSubrects * ( sizeof(i_pixcolor) + sz_rfbRectangle ) ; if ( i_datasize > READ_BUFFER_SIZE ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Buffer too small, " "need %u bytes", i_datasize ); return false; } if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, p_sys->read_buffer, i_datasize ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read RRE subrect data" ); return false; } uint32_t i_subrect; rfbRectangle* p_subrect; int i_offset = 0; vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock ); for ( i_subrect = 0; i_subrect < rrehdr.nSubrects; i_subrect++) { i_pixcolor = p_sys->read_buffer[i_offset]; i_offset += sizeof(i_pixcolor); p_subrect = (rfbRectangle*)(p_sys->read_buffer + i_offset); i_offset += sz_rfbRectangle; if (!fill_rect( p_sys, htons(p_subrect->x) + hdr.r.x, htons(p_subrect->y) + hdr.r.y, htons(p_subrect->w), htons(p_subrect->h), i_pixcolor) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "subrect %u fill_rect failed.", i_subrect ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); return false; } } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); } break; } } vlc_mutex_lock( &p_sys->lock ); p_sys->b_need_update = true; vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_sys->lock ); } return true; case rfbSetColourMapEntries: { msg->scme.nColours = htons(msg->scme.nColours); msg->scme.firstColour = htons(msg->scme.firstColour); int i_datasize; if ( p_sys->b_alpha_from_vnc ) { i_datasize = 2 * msg->scme.nColours * 4; } else { i_datasize = 2 * msg->scme.nColours * 3; } if ( i_datasize > READ_BUFFER_SIZE ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Buffer too small, need %u bytes", i_datasize ); return false; } if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, p_sys->read_buffer, i_datasize ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read color map data" ); return false; } uint8_t i_red, i_green, i_blue, i_alpha, i_color_index; uint16_t i_offset = 0; i_alpha = 255; for (int i = 0; i < msg->scme.nColours; i++) { i_color_index = i+msg->scme.firstColour; if ( p_sys->b_alpha_from_vnc ) { i_alpha = p_sys->read_buffer[i_offset]; i_offset += 2; } i_red = p_sys->read_buffer[i_offset]; i_offset += 2; i_green = p_sys->read_buffer[i_offset]; i_offset += 2; i_blue = p_sys->read_buffer[i_offset]; i_offset += 2; rgb_to_yuv( &p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i_color_index][0], &p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i_color_index][1], &p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i_color_index][2], i_red, i_green, i_blue ); p_sys->ar_color_table_yuv[i][3] = i_alpha; } } return true; case rfbBell: msg_Err( p_filter, "rfbBell received" ); return true; case rfbServerCutText: msg->sct.length = htons(msg->sct.length); if ( msg->sct.length > READ_BUFFER_SIZE ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Buffer too small, need %u bytes", msg->sct.length ); return false; } if ( !read_exact( p_filter, p_sys->i_socket, p_sys->read_buffer, msg->sct.length ) ) { msg_Err( p_filter, "Could not read Reading rfbServerCutText data" ); return false; } return true; case rfbReSizeFrameBuffer: msg_Err( p_filter, "Reading rfbReSizeFrameBuffer not implemented" ); return false; default: msg_Err( p_filter, "Invalid message %u received", msg->type ); return false; } return false; }
/* used by node view too */ void ED_image_draw_info(Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, bool color_manage, bool use_default_view, int channels, int x, int y, const unsigned char cp[4], const float fp[4], const float linearcol[4], int *zp, float *zpf) { rcti color_rect; char str[256]; int dx = 6; const int dy = 0.3f * UI_UNIT_Y; /* text colors */ /* XXX colored text not allowed in Blender UI */ #if 0 unsigned char red[3] = {255, 50, 50}; unsigned char green[3] = {0, 255, 0}; unsigned char blue[3] = {100, 100, 255}; #else unsigned char red[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char green[3] = {255, 255, 255}; unsigned char blue[3] = {255, 255, 255}; #endif float hue = 0, sat = 0, val = 0, lum = 0, u = 0, v = 0; float col[4], finalcol[4]; glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); /* noisy, high contrast make impossible to read if lower alpha is used. */ glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 190); glRecti(0.0, 0.0, BLI_rcti_size_x(&ar->winrct) + 1, UI_UNIT_Y); glDisable(GL_BLEND); BLF_size(blf_mono_font, 11 * U.pixelsize, U.dpi); glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "X:%-4d Y:%-4d |", x, y); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); if (zp) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Z:%-.4f |", 0.5f + 0.5f * (((float)*zp) / (float)0x7fffffff)); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } if (zpf) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Z:%-.3f |", *zpf); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } if (channels >= 3) { glColor3ubv(red); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:%-.5f", fp[0]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:%-3d", cp[0]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " R:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); glColor3ubv(green); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:%-.5f", fp[1]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:%-3d", cp[1]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " G:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); glColor3ubv(blue); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:%-.5f", fp[2]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:%-3d", cp[2]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " B:-"); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); if (channels == 4) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if (fp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " A:%-.4f", fp[3]); else if (cp) BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " A:%-3d", cp[3]); else BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "- "); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } if (color_manage) { float rgba[4]; copy_v3_v3(rgba, linearcol); if (channels == 3) rgba[3] = 1.0f; else rgba[3] = linearcol[3]; if (use_default_view) IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(rgba, rgba, NULL, &scene->display_settings); else IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(rgba, rgba, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " | CM R:%-.4f G:%-.4f B:%-.4f", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } } /* color rectangle */ if (channels == 1) { if (fp) { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = fp[0]; } else if (cp) { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = (float)cp[0] / 255.0f; } else { col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = 0.0f; } col[3] = 1.0f; } else if (channels == 3) { copy_v3_v3(col, linearcol); col[3] = 1.0f; } else if (channels == 4) { copy_v4_v4(col, linearcol); } else { BLI_assert(0); zero_v4(col); } if (color_manage) { if (use_default_view) IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(finalcol, col, NULL, &scene->display_settings); else IMB_colormanagement_pixel_to_display_space_v4(finalcol, col, &scene->view_settings, &scene->display_settings); } else { copy_v4_v4(finalcol, col); } glDisable(GL_BLEND); dx += 0.25f * UI_UNIT_X; BLI_rcti_init(&color_rect, dx, dx + (1.5f * UI_UNIT_X), 0.15f * UI_UNIT_Y, 0.85f * UI_UNIT_Y); if (channels == 4) { rcti color_rect_half; int color_quater_x, color_quater_y; color_rect_half = color_rect; color_rect_half.xmax = BLI_rcti_cent_x(&color_rect); glRecti(color_rect.xmin, color_rect.ymin, color_rect.xmax, color_rect.ymax); color_rect_half = color_rect; color_rect_half.xmin = BLI_rcti_cent_x(&color_rect); color_quater_x = BLI_rcti_cent_x(&color_rect_half); color_quater_y = BLI_rcti_cent_y(&color_rect_half); glColor4ub(UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_DARK, UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_DARK, UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_DARK, 255); glRecti(color_rect_half.xmin, color_rect_half.ymin, color_rect_half.xmax, color_rect_half.ymax); glColor4ub(UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_LIGHT, UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_LIGHT, UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_LIGHT, 255); glRecti(color_quater_x, color_quater_y, color_rect_half.xmax, color_rect_half.ymax); glRecti(color_rect_half.xmin, color_rect_half.ymin, color_quater_x, color_quater_y); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColor4f(UNPACK3(finalcol), fp ? fp[3] : (cp[3] / 255.0f)); glRecti(color_rect.xmin, color_rect.ymin, color_rect.xmax, color_rect.ymax); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } else { glColor3fv(finalcol); glRecti(color_rect.xmin, color_rect.ymin, color_rect.xmax, color_rect.ymax); } /* draw outline */ glColor3ub(128, 128, 128); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glRecti(color_rect.xmin, color_rect.ymin, color_rect.xmax, color_rect.ymax); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); dx += 1.75f * UI_UNIT_X; glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); if (channels == 1) { if (fp) { rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(fp[0], fp[0], fp[0], &lum, &u, &v); } else if (cp) { rgb_to_hsv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv((float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, (float)cp[0] / 255.0f, &lum, &u, &v); } BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } else if (channels >= 3) { rgb_to_hsv(finalcol[0], finalcol[1], finalcol[2], &hue, &sat, &val); rgb_to_yuv(finalcol[0], finalcol[1], finalcol[2], &lum, &u, &v); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "H:%-.4f", hue); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " S:%-.4f", sat); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " V:%-.4f", val); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " L:%-.4f", lum); BLF_position(blf_mono_font, dx, dy, 0); BLF_draw_ascii(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); dx += BLF_width(blf_mono_font, str, sizeof(str)); } (void)dx; }
int ColorModel::alloc_color(color& c) { #ifdef MAC_OSX_TK abort(); #else int r = c.r; int g = c.g; int b = c.b; if (gamma_ != 1.) { r = int(256. * pow(r / 256., gamma_)); g = int(256. * pow(g / 256., gamma_)); b = int(256. * pow(b / 256., gamma_)); } #ifndef WIN32 if (r == g && r == b && (r & 7) == 0 && r > 0) { /* * This color is one level away from the gray ramp * used in nv, ghostscript, and the LBL-modified * tk library. Change it so we'll end up sharing * the colormap entry. The error won't be perceptible. */ r -= 1; g -= 1; b -= 1; } #endif XColor xc; = r << 8; = g << 8; = b << 8; if (XAllocColor(dpy_, colormap_, &xc) == 0) { free_colors(); return (-1); } #ifdef WIN32 /* * The current WinTk returns RGB values in the pixel. X returns * a colormap index. So get the palette index and use that. */ TkWinColormap *cmap = (TkWinColormap *) colormap_; UINT index = GetNearestPaletteIndex(cmap->palette, PALETTERGB(r, g, b)); int pixel = index; pixel_[index] = xc.pixel; color& p = colors_[ncolor_]; if (++ncolor_ >= 256) { fprintf(stderr, "vic: colormap overflow (internal error)\n"); exit(1); } #if defined(WIN32) && (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION == 0) if (!win32Colors) win32Colors = pixel_; win32NColors = ncolor_; #endif #else int pixel = xc.pixel; pixel_[ncolor_] = pixel; if (++ncolor_ >= 256) { fprintf(stderr, "vic: colormap overflow (internal error)\n"); exit(1); } color& p = colors_[pixel]; #endif p.r = >> 8; p.g = >> 8; p.b = >> 8; /* XXX ed ditherer needs this */ rgb_to_yuv(p); return (pixel); #endif // MAC_OSX_TK }
/* TODO: Write single step conversions where they may actually be useful */ int v4l2_process_image (PyCameraObject* self, const void *image, unsigned int buffer_size, SDL_Surface* surf) { if (!surf) return 0; SDL_LockSurface (surf); switch (self->pixelformat) { case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24: if (buffer_size >= self->size * 3) { switch (self->color_out) { case RGB_OUT: rgb24_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->size, surf->format); break; case HSV_OUT: rgb_to_hsv(image, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24, surf->format); break; case YUV_OUT: rgb_to_yuv(image, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24, surf->format); break; } } else { SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 0; } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB444: if (buffer_size >= self->size * 2) { switch (self->color_out) { case RGB_OUT: rgb444_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->size, surf->format); break; case HSV_OUT: rgb_to_hsv(image, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB444, surf->format); break; case YUV_OUT: rgb_to_yuv(image, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB444, surf->format); break; } } else { SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 0; } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV: if (buffer_size >= self->size * 2) { switch (self->color_out) { case YUV_OUT: yuyv_to_yuv(image, surf->pixels, self->size, surf->format); break; case RGB_OUT: yuyv_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->size, surf->format); break; case HSV_OUT: yuyv_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->size, surf->format); rgb_to_hsv(surf->pixels, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV, surf->format); break; } } else { SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 0; } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8: if (buffer_size >= self->size) { switch (self->color_out) { case RGB_OUT: sbggr8_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); break; case HSV_OUT: sbggr8_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); rgb_to_hsv(surf->pixels, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8, surf->format); break; case YUV_OUT: sbggr8_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); rgb_to_yuv(surf->pixels, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8, surf->format); break; } } else { SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 0; } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420: if (buffer_size >= (self->size * 3) / 2) { switch (self->color_out) { case YUV_OUT: yuv420_to_yuv(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); break; case RGB_OUT: yuv420_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); break; case HSV_OUT: yuv420_to_rgb(image, surf->pixels, self->width, self->height, surf->format); rgb_to_hsv(surf->pixels, surf->pixels, self->size, V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420, surf->format); break; } } else { SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 0; } break; } SDL_UnlockSurface (surf); return 1; }
void hq2x_32_rb(WORD *screen, void *pix, uint32_t *palette) { BYTE k; SWORD prev_line, next_line; WORD w[10]; WORD spL = SCR_ROWS; WORD srb = spL * sizeof(WORD); WORD dpL = hqnx.dst_rows * 2; WORD drb = dpL * sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t *dp = (uint32_t *) pix; uint8_t *s_row_p = (uint8_t *) screen; uint8_t *d_row_p = (uint8_t *) dp; uint32_t yuv1, yuv2; uint32_t wrgb[10]; screen += hqnx.startx; // +----+----+----+ // | | | | // | w1 | w2 | w3 | // +----+----+----+ // | | | | // | w4 | w5 | w6 | // +----+----+----+ // | | | | // | w7 | w8 | w9 | // +----+----+----+ for (; < hqnx.lines; { if ( > 0) { prev_line = -spL; } else { prev_line = 0; } if ( < (hqnx.lines - 1)) { next_line = spL; } else { next_line = 0; } for ( = hqnx.startx; < hqnx.rows; { int pattern, flag; w[2] = (*(screen + prev_line)); wrgb[2] = palette[w[2]]; w[5] = (*screen); wrgb[5] = palette[w[5]]; w[8] = (*(screen + next_line)); wrgb[8] = palette[w[8]]; if ( > 0) { w[1] = (*(screen + prev_line - 1)); wrgb[1] = palette[w[1]]; w[4] = (*(screen - 1)); wrgb[4] = palette[w[4]]; w[7] = (*(screen + next_line - 1)); wrgb[7] = palette[w[7]]; } else { w[1] = w[2]; wrgb[1] = wrgb[2]; w[4] = w[5]; wrgb[4] = wrgb[5]; w[7] = w[8]; wrgb[7] = wrgb[8]; } if ( < (hqnx.rows - 1)) { w[3] = (*(screen + prev_line + 1)); wrgb[3] = palette[w[3]]; w[6] = (*(screen + 1)); wrgb[6] = palette[w[6]]; w[9] = (*(screen + next_line + 1)); wrgb[9] = palette[w[9]]; } else { w[3] = w[2]; wrgb[3] = wrgb[2]; w[6] = w[5]; wrgb[6] = wrgb[5]; w[9] = w[8]; wrgb[9] = wrgb[8]; } pattern = 0; flag = 1; yuv1 = rgb_to_yuv(w[5]); for (k = 1; k <= 9; k++) { if (k == 5) { continue; } if (w[k] != w[5]) { yuv2 = rgb_to_yuv(w[k]); if (yuv_diff(yuv1, yuv2)) { pattern |= flag; } } flag <<= 1; } switch (pattern) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 32: case 128: case 5: case 132: case 160: case 33: case 129: case 36: case 133: case 164: case 161: case 37: case 165: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 2: case 34: case 130: case 162: { PIXEL00_22 PIXEL01_21 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 16: case 17: case 48: case 49: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_22 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_21 break; } case 64: case 65: case 68: case 69: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_21 PIXEL11_22 break; } case 8: case 12: case 136: case 140: { PIXEL00_21 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_22 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 3: case 35: case 131: case 163: { PIXEL00_11 PIXEL01_21 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 6: case 38: case 134: case 166: { PIXEL00_22 PIXEL01_12 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 20: case 21: case 52: case 53: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_11 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_21 break; } case 144: case 145: case 176: case 177: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_22 PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_12 break; } case 192: case 193: case 196: case 197: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_21 PIXEL11_11 break; } case 96: case 97: case 100: case 101: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_12 PIXEL11_22 break; } case 40: case 44: case 168: case 172: { PIXEL00_21 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_11 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 9: case 13: case 137: case 141: { PIXEL00_12 PIXEL01_20 PIXEL10_22 PIXEL11_20 break; } case 18: case 50: { PIXEL00_22 if (Diff(w[2], w[6])) { PIXEL01_10 } else { PIXEL01_20 } PIXEL10_20 PIXEL11_21 break; } case 80: case 81: { PIXEL00_20 PIXEL01_22 PIXEL10_21 if (Diff(w[6], w[8])) { PIXEL11_10 } else { PIXEL11_20 } break; } case 72: case 76: { PIXEL00_21 PIXEL01_20 if (Diff(w[8], w[4])) { PIXEL10_10 } else { PIXEL10_20 } PIXEL11_22 break; } case 10: case 138: { if (Diff(w[4], w[2])) { PIXEL00_10 } else { PIXEL00_20 } PIXEL01_21 PIXEL10_22 PIXEL11_20 break; }