static void DoExportCB(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) { SelectPlotCB(w, client_data, call_data); PlotWindowInfo *plot = (PlotWindowInfo *)client_data; string target = get_file(w, client_data, call_data); if (target.empty()) return; const StringArray& titles = plot->plotter->data_titles(); const StringArray& sources = plot->plotter->data_files(); string source = ""; string title = ""; for (int i = 0; source.empty() && i < sources.size(); i++) { if (!sources[i].empty()) { source = sources[i]; title = titles[i]; } } if (source.empty()) return; // This should not happen if (access(target.chars(), W_OK) == 0 && is_regular_file(target)) { // File exists - request confirmation static Widget confirm_overwrite_dialog = 0; if (confirm_overwrite_dialog != 0) DestroyWhenIdle(confirm_overwrite_dialog); Arg args[10]; Cardinal arg = 0; XtSetArg(args[arg], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); arg++; confirm_overwrite_dialog = verify(XmCreateQuestionDialog(plot->shell, XMST("confirm_overwrite_dialog"), args, arg)); Delay::register_shell(confirm_overwrite_dialog); bool yes = false; bool no = false; XtAddCallback(confirm_overwrite_dialog, XmNokCallback, SetCB, XtPointer(&yes)); XtAddCallback(confirm_overwrite_dialog, XmNcancelCallback, SetCB, XtPointer(&no)); XtAddCallback(confirm_overwrite_dialog, XmNhelpCallback, ImmediateHelpCB, 0); MString question = rm("Overwrite existing file " + quote(target) + "?"); XtVaSetValues (confirm_overwrite_dialog, XmNmessageString, question.xmstring(), XtPointer(0)); manage_and_raise(confirm_overwrite_dialog); XtAppContext app_context = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(plot->shell); while (!yes && !no) XtAppProcessEvent(app_context, XtIMAll); if (no) return; } StatusDelay delay("Saving " + title + " data to " + quote(target)); // Copy SOURCE to TARGET std::ifstream is(source.chars()); std::ofstream os(target.chars()); if (os.bad()) { FILE *fp = fopen(target.chars(), "w"); post_error(string("Cannot open ") + quote(target) + ": " + strerror(errno), "export_failed_error", plot->shell); if (fp) fclose(fp); delay.outcome = strerror(errno); return; } int c; while ((c = is.get()) != EOF) os.put((unsigned char) c); XtUnmanageChild(plot->export_dialog); }
globle void ReturnDefrule( void *vWaste) { #if (MAC_MPW || MAC_MCW) && (RUN_TIME || BLOAD_ONLY) #pragma unused(vWaste) #endif #if (! RUN_TIME) && (! BLOAD_ONLY) struct defrule *waste = (struct defrule *) vWaste; int first = TRUE; struct defrule *nextPtr; if (waste == NULL) return; /*======================================*/ /* If a rule is redefined, then we want */ /* to save its breakpoint status. */ /*======================================*/ #if DEBUGGING_FUNCTIONS DeletedRuleDebugFlags = 0; if (waste->afterBreakpoint) BitwiseSet(DeletedRuleDebugFlags,0); if (waste->watchActivation) BitwiseSet(DeletedRuleDebugFlags,1); if (waste->watchFiring) BitwiseSet(DeletedRuleDebugFlags,2); #endif /*================================*/ /* Clear the agenda of all the */ /* activations added by the rule. */ /*================================*/ ClearRuleFromAgenda(waste); /*======================*/ /* Get rid of the rule. */ /*======================*/ while (waste != NULL) { /*================================================*/ /* Remove the rule's joins from the join network. */ /*================================================*/ DetachJoins(waste); /*=============================================*/ /* If this is the first disjunct, get rid of */ /* the dynamic salience and pretty print form. */ /*=============================================*/ if (first) { #if DYNAMIC_SALIENCE if (waste->dynamicSalience != NULL) { ExpressionDeinstall(waste->dynamicSalience); ReturnPackedExpression(waste->dynamicSalience); waste->dynamicSalience = NULL; } #endif #if CERTAINTY_FACTORS /* changed 03-12-96 */ if (waste->dynamicCF != NULL) { ExpressionDeinstall(waste->dynamicCF); ReturnPackedExpression(waste->dynamicCF); waste->dynamicCF = NULL; } #endif if (waste->header.ppForm != NULL) { rm(waste->header.ppForm,(int) strlen(waste->header.ppForm) + 1); waste->header.ppForm = NULL; } first = FALSE; } /*===========================*/ /* Get rid of any user data. */ /*===========================*/ if (waste->header.usrData != NULL) { ClearUserDataList(waste->header.usrData); } /*===========================================*/ /* Decrement the count for the defrule name. */ /*===========================================*/ DecrementSymbolCount(waste->; /*========================================*/ /* Get rid of the the rule's RHS actions. */ /*========================================*/ if (waste->actions != NULL) { ExpressionDeinstall(waste->actions); ReturnPackedExpression(waste->actions); } /*===============================*/ /* Move on to the next disjunct. */ /*===============================*/ nextPtr = waste->disjunct; #if FUZZY_DEFTEMPLATES if (waste != ExecutingRule) { if (waste->numberOfFuzzySlots > 0) rm(waste->pattern_fv_arrayPtr, sizeof(struct fzSlotLocator) * waste->numberOfFuzzySlots); } #endif rtn_struct(defrule,waste); waste = nextPtr; } /*==========================*/ /* Free up partial matches. */ /*==========================*/ if (ExecutingRule == NULL) FlushGarbagePartialMatches(); #endif }
jvmtiError VM_RedefineClasses::load_new_class_versions(TRAPS) { // For consistency allocate memory using os::malloc wrapper. _k_h_new = (instanceKlassHandle *) os::malloc(sizeof(instanceKlassHandle) * _class_count); ResourceMark rm(THREAD); JvmtiThreadState *state = JavaThread::current()->jvmti_thread_state(); assert(state != NULL, "JvmtiThreadState not initialized"); for (int i = 0; i < _class_count; i++) { oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(_class_defs[i].klass); klassOop k_oop = java_lang_Class::as_klassOop(mirror); instanceKlassHandle k_h = instanceKlassHandle(THREAD, k_oop); symbolHandle k_name = symbolHandle(THREAD, k_h->name()); ClassFileStream st((u1*) _class_defs[i].class_bytes, _class_defs[i].class_byte_count, (char *)"__VM_RedefineClasses__"); // Parse the stream. Handle k_loader_h(THREAD, k_h->class_loader()); Handle protection_domain; // Set redefined class handle in JvmtiThreadState class. // This redefined class is sent to agent event handler for class file // load hook event. state->set_class_being_redefined(&k_h); klassOop k = SystemDictionary::parse_stream(k_name, k_loader_h, protection_domain, &st, THREAD); // Clear class_being_redefined just to be sure. state->set_class_being_redefined(NULL); instanceKlassHandle k_h_new (THREAD, k); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { symbolOop ex_name = PENDING_EXCEPTION->klass()->klass_part()->name(); CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; if (ex_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_UnsupportedClassVersionError()) { return JVMTI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; } else if (ex_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassFormatError()) { return JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT; } else if (ex_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_ClassCircularityError()) { return JVMTI_ERROR_CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION; } else if (ex_name == vmSymbols::java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError()) { // The message will be "XXX (wrong name: YYY)" return JVMTI_ERROR_NAMES_DONT_MATCH; } else { // Just in case more exceptions can be thrown.. return JVMTI_ERROR_FAILS_VERIFICATION; } } // All its super classes should be linked to // initialize the vtable. instanceKlassHandle super(THREAD, k_h_new->super()); if (super.not_null() && !super->is_linked()) { super->link_class(THREAD); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL; } } // See instanceKlass::link_klass_impl() { ObjectLocker ol(k_h_new, THREAD); Verifier::verify_byte_codes(k_h_new, THREAD); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return JVMTI_ERROR_FAILS_VERIFICATION; } Rewriter::rewrite(k_h_new, THREAD); if (HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) { CLEAR_PENDING_EXCEPTION; return JVMTI_ERROR_INTERNAL; } } jvmtiError res = compare_class_versions(k_h, k_h_new); if (res != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) return res; _k_h_new[i] = k_h_new; } return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE; }
int isCommand( struct directory* cluster, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int FDS, unsigned int SPC, unsigned int RSC, unsigned int BPS, char* input, char* args ) { /* Make a copy of args; iterate through it with strtok; count arguments */ int argumentCount = 0; char * tempArgs = malloc( 1 + strlen ( args )); strcpy( tempArgs, args ); for( tempArgs = strtok( tempArgs, " " ); tempArgs; tempArgs = strtok( NULL, " " )) { argumentCount++; } // printf( "Number of args: %d\n", argumentCount ); int dir_result = isDir( cluster, args ); int file_result = isFile( cluster, args ); int r,w; /* OPEN */ if( strcmp( input, "open" ) == 0 ){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, OPEN_ARG_NUM )) return 1; char * mode = calloc( sizeof( char ), 2 ); char * ptr = calloc( sizeof( char ), 64 ); ptr = strtok( args, " " ); mode = strtok( NULL, " " ); open( args, mode ); return 1; } /* CLOSE */ else if(strcmp(input,"close") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, CLOSE_ARG_NUM )) return 1; close(args); return 1; } /* CREATE */ else if(strcmp(input,"create") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, CREATE_ARG_NUM )) return 1; if(fileExists(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS) == 1){ printf("error: File already exists\n"); return 1; } r = checkIfClusterIsFull(buffer,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r == 1){ //cluster is full, allocate new space //get space for new link in cluster chain r = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //extend the cluster chain using the new link extendClusterChain(buffer,r,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //get space for the new file being created r = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //create new file r = create(buffer,args,r,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r > 0){ FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: File already exists\n"); }else if(r < 0){ printf("error: out of useable space!\n"); } }else{ //cluster has room, put new file in that space r = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); r = create(buffer,args,r,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r > 0){ FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: File already exists\n"); }else if(r < 0){ printf("error: out of useable space!\n"); } } return 1; } /* RMDIR */ else if(strcmp(input,"rmdir") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, RMDIR_ARG_NUM )) return 1; r = rmdir(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r == 1){ FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: does not exist\n"); }else if(r == -1){ printf("error: not a directory\n"); }else{ printf("error: directory not empty\n"); } return 1; } /* RM */ else if(strcmp(input,"rm") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, RM_ARG_NUM )) return 1; r = rm(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r == 1){ close_without_check(args); FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: does not exist\n"); }else{ printf("error: not a file\n"); } return 1; } /* SIZE */ else if(strcmp(input,"size") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, SIZE_ARG_NUM )) return 1; size(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); return 1; } /* CD */ else if(strcmp(input,"cd") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, CD_ARG_NUM )) return 1; if(dir_result == -1){ //current dir //dont change currentClusterNumber }else if(dir_result == -2){ currentClusterNumber(SET, cd_back(buffer, currentClusterNumber(GET,0), FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS) ); return 3; }else{ r = cd(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r > 0){ currentClusterNumber(SET,r); return 2; }else{ printf("%s: Invalid directory\n",args); } } return 1; } /* LS */ else if(strcmp(input,"ls") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, LS_ARG_NUM )) return 1; if(dir_result > 0){ ls(buffer,args,dir_result,FDS,SPC, RSC, BPS); } else if(dir_result < 0){ ls(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); } else printf("%s: Invalid directory\n",args); return 1; } /* MKDIR */ else if(strcmp(input,"mkdir") == 0){ int datacnum, dotcnum; // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, MKDIR_ARG_NUM )) return 1; if(fileExists(buffer,args,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS) == 1){ printf("error: directory already exists\n"); return 1; } r = checkIfClusterIsFull(buffer,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r == 1){ //cluster is full, allocate new space //get space for new link in cluster chain dotcnum = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //extend the cluster chain using the new link extendClusterChain(buffer,dotcnum,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //get space for the new dir being created datacnum = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //create new directory r = mkdir(buffer,args,r,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r > 0){ makeDotDirectories(buffer,(datacnum-2)*SPC+FDS,dotcnum,currentClusterNumber(GET,0)); FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: directory already exists\n"); }else if(r < 0){ printf("error: out of useable space!\n"); } }else{ //cluster has room, put new file in that space datacnum = findEmptyCluster(buffer,FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); r = mkdir(buffer,args,datacnum,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); if(r > 0){ makeDotDirectories(buffer,(datacnum-2)*SPC+FDS,datacnum,currentClusterNumber(GET,0)); FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,67108864,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); }else if(r == 0){ printf("error: directory already exists\n"); }else if(r < 0){ printf("error: out of useable space!\n"); } } return 1; } /* READ */ else if(strcmp(input,"read") == 0){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, READ_ARG_NUM )) return 1; char* file = calloc(sizeof(char),64); long int start, num_bytes; char *pEnd; char *temp1 = calloc(sizeof(char),8); char *temp2 = calloc(sizeof(char),8); file = strtok(args," "); r = fileModeIsReadable(file); if(r == 1){ temp1 = strtok(NULL," "); start = strtol(temp1,&pEnd,10); temp2 = strtok(NULL," "); num_bytes = strtol(temp2,&pEnd,10); if(start >= SIZE_OF_SECTOR){ printf( "Error: attempt to read beyond EoF\n" ); }else{ read( buffer, file, start, num_bytes, currentClusterNumber( GET, 0 ), FDS, SPC, RSC, BPS ); } }else{ printf( "Error: file is not open for writing!\n" ); } return 1; } /* WRITE */ else if( strcmp( input, "write" ) == 0 ){ // check number of args: if( checkArgumentCount( argumentCount, WRITE_ARG_NUM )) return 1; char* file = calloc(sizeof(char),64); long int start, num_bytes; char *pEnd; char *temp1 = calloc(sizeof(char),8); char *temp2 = calloc(sizeof(char),8); char *temp3 = calloc(sizeof(char),8); file = strtok(args," "); w = fileModeIsWriteable(file); if(w == 1){ temp1 = strtok(NULL," "); start = strtol(temp1,&pEnd,10); temp2 = strtok(NULL," "); num_bytes = strtol(temp2,&pEnd,10); temp3 = strtok(NULL,"\n"); if(strlen(temp3) != num_bytes){ printf("Error: Bytes requested does not match string size!\n"); return 1; } if(start >= SIZE_OF_SECTOR){ printf("Error: attempt to read beyond EoF\n"); }else{ FILE *fileptr; long filelen; write(buffer,file,start,num_bytes,temp3,currentClusterNumber(GET,0),FDS,SPC,RSC,BPS); //find the file length fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "rb"); fseek(fileptr, 0, SEEK_END); filelen = ftell(fileptr); fclose(fileptr); //write to file fileptr = fopen("fat32.img", "wb"); fwrite(buffer,1,filelen,fileptr); fclose(fileptr); } }else{ printf("Error: file is not open for writing!\n"); } return 1; } /* EXIT */ else if( strcmp( input,"exit" ) == 0 ){ printf( "Goodbye!\n" ); exit( 1 ); }else return 0; }
jvmtiError JvmtiEnvBase::get_stack_trace(JavaThread *java_thread, jint start_depth, jint max_count, jvmtiFrameInfo* frame_buffer, jint* count_ptr) { #ifdef ASSERT uint32_t debug_bits = 0; #endif assert((SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || is_thread_fully_suspended(java_thread, false, &debug_bits)), "at safepoint or target thread is suspended"); int count = 0; if (java_thread->has_last_Java_frame()) { RegisterMap reg_map(java_thread); Thread* current_thread = Thread::current(); ResourceMark rm(current_thread); javaVFrame *jvf = java_thread->last_java_vframe(®_map); HandleMark hm(current_thread); if (start_depth != 0) { if (start_depth > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < start_depth && jvf != NULL; j++) { jvf = jvf->java_sender(); } if (jvf == NULL) { // start_depth is deeper than the stack depth return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } } else { // start_depth < 0 // we are referencing the starting depth based on the oldest // part of the stack. // optimize to limit the number of times that java_sender() is called javaVFrame *jvf_cursor = jvf; javaVFrame *jvf_prev = NULL; javaVFrame *jvf_prev_prev; int j = 0; while (jvf_cursor != NULL) { jvf_prev_prev = jvf_prev; jvf_prev = jvf_cursor; for (j = 0; j > start_depth && jvf_cursor != NULL; j--) { jvf_cursor = jvf_cursor->java_sender(); } } if (j == start_depth) { // previous pointer is exactly where we want to start jvf = jvf_prev; } else { // we need to back up further to get to the right place if (jvf_prev_prev == NULL) { // the -start_depth is greater than the stack depth return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } // j now is the number of frames on the stack starting with // jvf_prev, we start from jvf_prev_prev and move older on // the stack that many, the result is -start_depth frames // remaining. jvf = jvf_prev_prev; for (; j < 0; j++) { jvf = jvf->java_sender(); } } } } for (; count < max_count && jvf != NULL; count++) { frame_buffer[count].method = jvf->method()->jmethod_id(); frame_buffer[count].location = (jvf->method()->is_native() ? -1 : jvf->bci()); jvf = jvf->java_sender(); } } else { if (start_depth != 0) { // no frames and there is a starting depth return JVMTI_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT; } } *count_ptr = count; return JVMTI_ERROR_NONE; }
globle void *ImplodeMultifield( void *theEnv, DATA_OBJECT *value) { size_t strsize = 0; long i, j; const char *tmp_str; char *ret_str; void *rv; struct multifield *theMultifield; DATA_OBJECT tempDO; /*===================================================*/ /* Determine the size of the string to be allocated. */ /*===================================================*/ theMultifield = (struct multifield *) GetpValue(value); for (i = GetpDOBegin(value) ; i <= GetpDOEnd(value) ; i++) { if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == FLOAT) { tmp_str = FloatToString(theEnv,ValueToDouble(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))); strsize += strlen(tmp_str) + 1; } else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INTEGER) { tmp_str = LongIntegerToString(theEnv,ValueToLong(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))); strsize += strlen(tmp_str) + 1; } else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == STRING) { strsize += strlen(ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))) + 3; tmp_str = ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); while(*tmp_str) { if (*tmp_str == '"') { strsize++; } else if (*tmp_str == '\\') /* GDR 111599 #835 */ { strsize++; } /* GDR 111599 #835 */ tmp_str++; } } #if OBJECT_SYSTEM else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INSTANCE_NAME) { strsize += strlen(ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))) + 3; } else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INSTANCE_ADDRESS) { strsize += strlen(ValueToString(((INSTANCE_TYPE *) GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))->name)) + 3; } #endif else { SetType(tempDO,GetMFType(theMultifield,i)); SetValue(tempDO,GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); strsize += strlen(DataObjectToString(theEnv,&tempDO)) + 1; } } /*=============================================*/ /* Allocate the string and copy all components */ /* of the MULTIFIELD variable to it. */ /*=============================================*/ if (strsize == 0) return(EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,"")); ret_str = (char *) gm2(theEnv,strsize); for(j=0, i=GetpDOBegin(value); i <= GetpDOEnd(value) ; i++) { /*============================*/ /* Convert numbers to strings */ /*============================*/ if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == FLOAT) { tmp_str = FloatToString(theEnv,ValueToDouble(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))); while(*tmp_str) { *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } } else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INTEGER) { tmp_str = LongIntegerToString(theEnv,ValueToLong(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))); while(*tmp_str) { *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } } /*=======================================*/ /* Enclose strings in quotes and preceed */ /* imbedded quotes with a backslash */ /*=======================================*/ else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == STRING) { tmp_str = ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); *(ret_str+j) = '"'; j++; while(*tmp_str) { if (*tmp_str == '"') { *(ret_str+j) = '\\'; j++; } else if (*tmp_str == '\\') /* GDR 111599 #835 */ { /* GDR 111599 #835 */ *(ret_str+j) = '\\'; /* GDR 111599 #835 */ j++; /* GDR 111599 #835 */ } /* GDR 111599 #835 */ *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } *(ret_str+j) = '"'; j++; } #if OBJECT_SYSTEM else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INSTANCE_NAME) { tmp_str = ValueToString(GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); *(ret_str + j++) = '['; while(*tmp_str) { *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } *(ret_str + j++) = ']'; } else if (GetMFType(theMultifield,i) == INSTANCE_ADDRESS) { tmp_str = ValueToString(((INSTANCE_TYPE *) GetMFValue(theMultifield,i))->name); *(ret_str + j++) = '['; while(*tmp_str) { *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } *(ret_str + j++) = ']'; } #endif else { SetType(tempDO,GetMFType(theMultifield,i)); SetValue(tempDO,GetMFValue(theMultifield,i)); tmp_str = DataObjectToString(theEnv,&tempDO); while(*tmp_str) { *(ret_str+j) = *tmp_str; j++, tmp_str++; } } *(ret_str+j) = ' '; j++; } *(ret_str+j-1) = '\0'; /*====================*/ /* Return the string. */ /*====================*/ rv = EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,ret_str); rm(theEnv,ret_str,strsize); return(rv); }
static void DeallocateDefmoduleData( void *theEnv) { struct moduleStackItem *tmpMSPtr, *nextMSPtr; struct moduleItem *tmpMIPtr, *nextMIPtr; #if (! RUN_TIME) && (! BLOAD_ONLY) struct defmodule *tmpDMPtr, *nextDMPtr; struct portConstructItem *tmpPCPtr, *nextPCPtr; #endif #if (BLOAD || BLOAD_ONLY || BLOAD_AND_BSAVE) && (! RUN_TIME) int i; size_t space; #endif #if (BLOAD || BLOAD_ONLY || BLOAD_AND_BSAVE) && (! RUN_TIME) for (i = 0; i < DefmoduleData(theEnv)->BNumberOfDefmodules; i++) { if (DefmoduleData(theEnv)->DefmoduleArray[i].itemsArray != NULL) { rm(theEnv,DefmoduleData(theEnv)->DefmoduleArray[i].itemsArray, sizeof(void *) * GetNumberOfModuleItems(theEnv)); } } space = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->BNumberOfDefmodules * sizeof(struct defmodule); if (space != 0) { genfree(theEnv,(void *) DefmoduleData(theEnv)->DefmoduleArray,space); DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ListOfDefmodules = NULL; } space = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->NumberOfPortItems * sizeof(struct portItem); if (space != 0) genfree(theEnv,(void *) DefmoduleData(theEnv)->PortItemArray,space); #endif #if (! RUN_TIME) && (! BLOAD_ONLY) tmpDMPtr = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ListOfDefmodules; while (tmpDMPtr != NULL) { nextDMPtr = tmpDMPtr->next; ReturnDefmodule(theEnv,tmpDMPtr,TRUE); tmpDMPtr = nextDMPtr; } tmpPCPtr = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ListOfPortConstructItems; while (tmpPCPtr != NULL) { nextPCPtr = tmpPCPtr->next; rtn_struct(theEnv,portConstructItem,tmpPCPtr); tmpPCPtr = nextPCPtr; } #endif tmpMSPtr = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ModuleStack; while (tmpMSPtr != NULL) { nextMSPtr = tmpMSPtr->next; rtn_struct(theEnv,moduleStackItem,tmpMSPtr); tmpMSPtr = nextMSPtr; } tmpMIPtr = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ListOfModuleItems; while (tmpMIPtr != NULL) { nextMIPtr = tmpMIPtr->next; rtn_struct(theEnv,moduleItem,tmpMIPtr); tmpMIPtr = nextMIPtr; } #if (! RUN_TIME) && (! BLOAD_ONLY) DeallocateCallList(theEnv,DefmoduleData(theEnv)->AfterModuleDefinedFunctions); #endif DeallocateCallList(theEnv,DefmoduleData(theEnv)->AfterModuleChangeFunctions); }
void do_modrm(char t) { int m = mod(modrm()); int r = rm(modrm()); int extend = (addrsize == 32) ? 4 : 2; if (m == 3) { reg_name(r, t); return; } switch(bytes(t)) { case 1 : ua_str("byte ptr "); break; case 2 : ua_str("word ptr "); break; case 4 : ua_str("dword ptr "); break; default : ua_str("?word ptr "); break; } if ((m == 0) && (r == 5) && (addrsize == 32)) { ua_str("%p:["); ohex('d', extend, 0, addrsize); uprintf("%c",']'); return; } if ((m == 0) && (r == 6) && (addrsize == 16)) { ua_str("%p:["); ohex('w', extend, 0, addrsize); uprintf("%c",']'); return; } if ((addrsize != 32) || (r != 4)) ua_str("%p:["); if (addrsize == 16) { switch (r) { case 0: uprintf("bx+si"); break; case 1: uprintf("bx+di"); break; case 2: uprintf("bp+si"); break; case 3: uprintf("bp+di"); break; case 4: uprintf("si"); break; case 5: uprintf("di"); break; case 6: uprintf("bp"); break; case 7: uprintf("bx"); break; } } else { switch (r) { case 0: uprintf("eax"); break; case 1: uprintf("ecx"); break; case 2: uprintf("edx"); break; case 3: uprintf("ebx"); break; case 4: do_sib(m); break; case 5: uprintf("ebp"); break; case 6: uprintf("esi"); break; case 7: uprintf("edi"); break; } } switch (m) { case 1: ohex('b', extend, 1, addrsize); break; case 2: uprintf("+"); ohex('v', extend, 1, addrsize); break; } uprintf("%c",']'); }
static void percent(char c, char t) { word32 vofs; long l; int extend = (addrsize == 32) ? 4 : 2; switch (c) { case 'A': ohex(t, extend, 0, addrsize); break; case 'C': uprintf("C%d", reg(modrm())); break; case 'D': uprintf("D%d", reg(modrm())); break; case 'E': do_modrm(t); break; case 'G': if (t == 'F') reg_name(rm(modrm()), t); else reg_name(reg(modrm()), t); break; case 'I': ohex(t, 0, 0, opsize); break; case 'J': switch (bytes(t)) { case 1: vofs = (int8)getbyte(); break; case 2: vofs = getbyte(); vofs += getbyte()<<8; vofs = (int16)vofs; break; case 4: vofs = (word32)getbyte(); vofs |= (word32)getbyte() << 8; vofs |= (word32)getbyte() << 16; vofs |= (word32)getbyte() << 24; break; } l=vofs+codeoff; if(l<0x10000L) uprintf("%s%04lx%s %c", hex1, l, hex2, (vofs & 0x80000000L) ? 0x18 : 0x19); else uprintf("%s%08lX%s %c", hex1, l, hex2, (vofs & 0x80000000L) ? 0x18 : 0x19); break; case 'M': do_modrm(t); break; case 'O': ua_str("%p:["); ohex(t, extend, 0, addrsize); uprintf("%c",']'); break; case 'R': reg_name(reg(modrm()), t); //do_modrm(t); break; case 'S': uprintf("%c","ecsdfg"[reg(modrm())]); uprintf("%c",'s'); break; case 'T': uprintf("tr%d", reg(modrm())); break; case 'X': uprintf("ds:["); if (addrsize == 32) uprintf("%c",'e'); uprintf("si]"); break; case 'Y': uprintf("es:["); if (addrsize == 32) uprintf("%c",'e'); uprintf("di]"); break; case '2': ua_str(second[getbyte()]); break; case 'e': if (opsize == 32) { if (t == 'w') uprintf("%c",'d'); else { uprintf("%c",'e'); uprintf("%c",t); } } else uprintf("%c",t); break; case 'f': floating_point(t-'0'); break; case 'g': ua_str(groups[t-'0'][reg(modrm())]); break; case 'p': switch (t) { case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 's': prefix = t; ua_str(opmap1[getbyte()]); break; case ':': if (prefix) uprintf("%cs:", prefix); break; case ' ': ua_str(opmap1[getbyte()]); break; } break; case 's': switch (t) { case 'a': addrsize = 48 - addrsize; ua_str(opmap1[getbyte()]); break; case 'o': opsize = 48 - opsize; ua_str(opmap1[getbyte()]); break; } break; } }
/* * Set up editing on the given file name. * If the first character of name is %, we are considered to be * editing the file, otherwise we are reading our mail which has * signficance for mbox and so forth. * * If the -e option is being passed to mail, this function has a * tri-state return code: -1 on error, 0 on no mail, 1 if there is * mail. */ int setfile(char *name) { FILE *ibuf; int checkmode, i, fd; struct stat stb; char isedit = *name != '%' || getuserid(myname) != getuid(); char *who = name[1] ? name + 1 : myname; char tempname[PATHSIZE]; static int shudclob; checkmode = value("checkmode") != NULL; if ((name = expand(name)) == NULL) return (-1); if ((ibuf = Fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { if (!isedit && errno == ENOENT) goto nomail; warn("%s", name); return (-1); } if (fstat(fileno(ibuf), &stb) < 0) { warn("fstat"); (void)Fclose(ibuf); return (-1); } if (S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode) || !S_ISREG(stb.st_mode)) { (void)Fclose(ibuf); errno = S_ISDIR(stb.st_mode) ? EISDIR : EINVAL; warn("%s", name); return (-1); } /* * Looks like all will be well. We must now relinquish our * hold on the current set of stuff. Must hold signals * while we are reading the new file, else we will ruin * the message[] data structure. */ holdsigs(); if (shudclob) quit(); /* * Copy the messages into /tmp * and set pointers. */ readonly = 0; if ((i = open(name, 1)) < 0) readonly++; else (void)close(i); if (shudclob) { (void)fclose(itf); (void)fclose(otf); } shudclob = 1; edit = isedit; strlcpy(prevfile, mailname, sizeof(prevfile)); if (name != mailname) strlcpy(mailname, name, sizeof(mailname)); mailsize = fsize(ibuf); (void)snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname), "%s/mail.RxXXXXXXXXXX", tmpdir); if ((fd = mkstemp(tempname)) == -1 || (otf = fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) err(1, "%s", tempname); (void)fcntl(fileno(otf), F_SETFD, 1); if ((itf = fopen(tempname, "r")) == NULL) err(1, "%s", tempname); (void)fcntl(fileno(itf), F_SETFD, 1); (void)rm(tempname); setptr(ibuf, 0); setmsize(msgCount); /* * New mail may have arrived while we were reading * the mail file, so reset mailsize to be where * we really are in the file... */ mailsize = ftello(ibuf); (void)Fclose(ibuf); relsesigs(); sawcom = 0; if ((checkmode || !edit) && msgCount == 0) { nomail: if (!checkmode) { fprintf(stderr, "No mail for %s\n", who); return (-1); } else return (0); } return (checkmode ? 1 : 0); }
int main() { Filesystem filesystem; char line[LINE_MAX]= "", command[WORD_MAX]= "", temp[WORD_MAX], arg1[WORD_MAX]= "", arg2[WORD_MAX]= "", prompt[WORD_MAX]= "%"; int verbose= 0, length= 0, num_matched= 0, argument_error, done= 0; setup_memory_checking(); printf("%s ", prompt); /* continue reading lines until the end of the input */ while (!done && fgets(line, sizeof(line) - sizeof(*line), stdin) != NULL) { temp[0]= '\0'; sscanf(line, "%[ \t\n]%n", temp, &length); if (strcmp(temp, "") != 0 && length == strlen(temp)) printf("%s ", prompt); /* ignore empty input lines */ else { /* num_matched is the number of format specifiers that were matched */ num_matched= sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s", command, arg1, arg2, temp); if (verbose == 1) printf("%s", line); /* argument_error will be 1 if the wrong number of arguments are given for any command */ argument_error= 0; switch(command_idx(command)) { case LOGOUT: case EXIT: if (num_matched == 1) done= 1; /* also quit if the command entered is logout or exit */ else argument_error= 1; break; /* call mkfs() if the line began with "mkfs" with no following arguments */ case MKFS: if (num_matched == 1) mkfs(&filesystem); else argument_error= 1; break; /* call touch() if the line began with "touch" and had one following argument; if touch() returns -1 print an appropriate error message */ case TOUCH: if (num_matched != 2) argument_error= 1; else if (touch(&filesystem, arg1) == -1) printf("Missing or invalid operand.\n"); break; /* call mkdir() if the line began with "mkdir" and had one following argument; if mkdir() returns -1 or -2 print an appropriate error message */ case MKDIR: if (num_matched != 2) argument_error= 1; else switch (mkdir(&filesystem, arg1)) { case -1: printf("Missing or invalid operand.\n"); break; case -2: printf("Cannot create directory %s: File exists.\n", arg1); break; default: break; /* no-op; 0 return is expected */ } break; /* call cd() if the line began with "cd" and had one following argument; if cd() returns -1 or -2 print an appropriate error message */ case CD: if (num_matched != 1 && num_matched != 2) argument_error= 1; else switch (cd(&filesystem, arg1)) { case -1: printf("%s: No such file or directory.\n", arg1); break; case -2: printf("%s: Not a directory.\n", arg1); break; default: break; /* no-op; 0 return is expected */ } break; /* call ls() if the line began with "ls" and had one following argument; if ls() returns -1 print an appropriate error message */ case LS: if (num_matched != 1 && num_matched != 2) argument_error= 1; else if (ls(filesystem, arg1) == -1) printf("%s: No such file or directory.\n", arg1); break; /* call pwd() if the line began with "pwd" with no following arguments */ case PWD: if (num_matched == 1) pwd(filesystem); else argument_error= 1; break; /* call rm() if the line began with "rm" and had one following argument; if rm() returns -1, -2, or -3 print an appropriate error message */ case RM: if (num_matched != 2) argument_error= 1; else switch (rm(&filesystem, arg1)) { case -1: printf("%s: No such file or directory.\n", arg1); break; case -2: printf("Cannot remove directory '%s'.\n", arg1); break; case -3: printf("Missing or invalid operand.\n"); break; default: break; /* no-op; 0 return is expected */ } break; /* call re_name() if the line began with "rename" with two following arguments; if it returns an error code (-1 through -4) print an appopriate error message */ case RENAME: if (num_matched != 3) argument_error= 1; else switch (re_name(&filesystem, arg1, arg2)) { case -1: printf("%s: No such file or directory.\n", arg1); break; case -2: printf("Missing or invalid operand.\n"); break; case -3: printf("File or directory %s already exists.\n", arg1); break; case -4: printf("%s and %s are the same file.\n", arg1, arg2); break; default: break; /* no-op; 0 return is expected */ } break; /* call rmfs() if the line began with "rmfs" with no following arguments */ case RMFS: if (num_matched == 1) rmfs(&filesystem); else argument_error= 1; break; /* the variable verbose is set to 1 if the "set verbose" command is entered. */ case SET: if (num_matched == 2 && strcmp(arg1, "verbose") == 0) verbose= 1; else argument_error= 1; break; /* the variable verbose is set to 0 if "unset verbose" is entered. */ case UNSET: if (num_matched == 2 && strcmp(arg1, "verbose") == 0) verbose= 0; else argument_error= 1; break; /* error message for a command not matching one of the function names */ default: printf("%s: Command not found.\n", command); break; } /* error message for a command with the wrong number of arguments */ if (argument_error) printf("Invalid arguments.\n"); if (verbose == 1) printf("\n"); printf("%s ", prompt); /* sscanf() will fail if the line read is empty, in which case the prior command will be executed again unless it's first cleared out */ arg1[0]= arg2[0]= command[0]= '\0'; } } check_memory_leak(); return 0; }
void TmpList::rmP(void *p) { rm(((Vertex *)p)->ordinal); }
/** * If a deoptimization happens, this function returns the point of next bytecode to continue execution. */ address AbstractInterpreter::deopt_continue_after_entry(Method* method, address bcp, int callee_parameters, bool is_top_frame) { assert(method->contains(bcp), "just checkin'"); // Get the original and rewritten bytecode. Bytecodes::Code code = Bytecodes::java_code_at(method, bcp); assert(!Interpreter::bytecode_should_reexecute(code), "should not reexecute"); const int bci = method->bci_from(bcp); // compute continuation length const int length = Bytecodes::length_at(method, bcp); // compute result type BasicType type = T_ILLEGAL; switch (code) { case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual : case Bytecodes::_invokespecial : case Bytecodes::_invokestatic : case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface: { Thread *thread = Thread::current(); ResourceMark rm(thread); methodHandle mh(thread, method); type = Bytecode_invoke(mh, bci).result_type(); // since the cache entry might not be initialized: // (NOT needed for the old calling convension) if (!is_top_frame) { int index = Bytes::get_native_u2(bcp+1); method->constants()->cache()->entry_at(index)->set_parameter_size(callee_parameters); } break; } case Bytecodes::_invokedynamic: { Thread *thread = Thread::current(); ResourceMark rm(thread); methodHandle mh(thread, method); type = Bytecode_invoke(mh, bci).result_type(); // since the cache entry might not be initialized: // (NOT needed for the old calling convension) if (!is_top_frame) { int index = Bytes::get_native_u4(bcp+1); method->constants()->invokedynamic_cp_cache_entry_at(index)->set_parameter_size(callee_parameters); } break; } case Bytecodes::_ldc : case Bytecodes::_ldc_w : // fall through case Bytecodes::_ldc2_w: { Thread *thread = Thread::current(); ResourceMark rm(thread); methodHandle mh(thread, method); type = Bytecode_loadconstant(mh, bci).result_type(); break; } default: type = Bytecodes::result_type(code); break; } // return entry point for computed continuation state & bytecode length return is_top_frame ? Interpreter::deopt_entry (as_TosState(type), length) : Interpreter::return_entry(as_TosState(type), length, code); }
// Create a new plot window PlotAgent *new_plotter(const string& name, DispValue *source) { static int tics = 1; string cmd = app_data.plot_command; cmd.gsub("@FONT@", make_font(app_data, FixedWidthDDDFont)); string window_name = ddd_NAME "plot" + itostring(tics++); if (cmd.contains("@NAME@")) cmd.gsub("@NAME@", window_name); else cmd += " -name " + window_name; // Create shell PlotWindowInfo *plot = new_decoration(name); if (plot == 0) return 0; plot->source = source; plot->window_name = window_name; XtVaSetValues(plot->shell, XmNuserData, XtPointer(True), XtPointer(0)); // Pop up a working dialog static Widget dialog = 0; if (dialog == 0) { Arg args[10]; Cardinal arg = 0; dialog = verify(XmCreateWorkingDialog(find_shell(), XMST("launch_plot_dialog"), args, arg)); XtUnmanageChild(XmMessageBoxGetChild(dialog, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON)); XtUnmanageChild(XmMessageBoxGetChild(dialog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON)); } XtRemoveAllCallbacks(dialog, XmNcancelCallback); XtAddCallback(dialog, XmNcancelCallback, CancelPlotCB, XtPointer(plot)); plot->working_dialog = dialog; string base = cmd; if (base.contains(' ')) base = cmd.before(' '); MString msg = rm("Starting ") + tt(base) + rm("..."); XtVaSetValues(dialog, XmNmessageString, msg.xmstring(), XtPointer(0)); manage_and_raise(dialog); wait_until_mapped(dialog); // Invoke plot process PlotAgent *plotter = new PlotAgent(XtWidgetToApplicationContext(plot->shell), cmd); XtAddCallback(plot->shell, XtNpopdownCallback, CancelPlotCB, XtPointer(plot)); if (plot->area != 0) { XtAddCallback(plot->area->widget(), XmNexposeCallback, ExposePlotAreaCB, XtPointer(plot)); XtAddCallback(plot->area->widget(), XmNresizeCallback, ResizePlotAreaCB, XtPointer(plot)); } string init = app_data.plot_init_commands; init.prepend("set term " + string(app_data.plot_term_type) + "\n"); if (!init.empty() && !init.contains('\n', -1)) init += '\n'; // Add trace handlers plotter->addHandler(Input, TraceInputHP); // Gnuplot => DDD plotter->addHandler(Output, TraceOutputHP); // DDD => Gnuplot plotter->addHandler(Error, TraceErrorHP); // Gnuplot Errors => DDD // Show Gnuplot Errors in status line plotter->addHandler(Error, SetStatusHP, (void *)plot); // Handle death plotter->addHandler(Died, PlotterNotFoundHP, (void *)plot); plotter->addHandler(Died, DeletePlotterHP, (void *)plot); if (plot->area != 0) plotter->addHandler(Plot, GetPlotHP, (void *)plot); plotter->start_with(init); plot->plotter = plotter; return plotter; }
int main() { int ch; struct student *head=NULL; printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t学生信息管理系统\t\t\n\n\n\t\t\t15080120 郭都豪\t\t\n\n\t\t\t2015.12.24\t\t\n\t\t\tVersion 1.0\t\t\n\n\n\n\n"); system("pause"); while (1) { system("cls"); printf("链表头的地址:%p\n\n\n\n\t\t\t(1)Create a student list; \n\t\t\t(2)Sort according to the StudentID;\n\t\t\t(3)Insert a student;\n\t\t\t(4)Delete a student;\n\t\t\t(5)Update a student Info;\n\t\t\t(6)Search a student ;\n\t\t\t(7)Display all students;\n\t\t\t(8)Save to the file;\n\t\t\t(9)Open the file;\n\t\t\t(10)exit\n",head); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: system("cls"); head = create(head);//创建一个学生列表 break; case 2: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; head = sort(head);//排序 printf("排序完成\n"); system("pause"); break; case 3: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; head = insert(head);//插入 break; case 4: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; head = rm(head);//移除 break; case 5: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; update(head);//更新。 break; case 6: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; search(head); break; case 7: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; display(head); system("pause"); break; case 8: system("cls"); if (nullchk(head)) break; out(head); break; case 9: system("cls"); head = in(head); break; case 10: release(head);//释放整个链表 return 0; } } }
void instanceKlassKlass::oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) { klassKlass::oop_verify_on(obj, st); if (!obj->partially_loaded()) { Thread *thread = Thread::current(); instanceKlass* ik = instanceKlass::cast(klassOop(obj)); // Avoid redundant verifies if (ik->_verify_count == Universe::verify_count()) return; ik->_verify_count = Universe::verify_count(); // Verify that klass is present in SystemDictionary if (ik->is_loaded()) { symbolHandle h_name (thread, ik->name()); Handle h_loader (thread, ik->class_loader()); SystemDictionary::verify_obj_klass_present(obj, h_name, h_loader); } // Verify static fields VerifyFieldClosure blk; ik->iterate_static_fields(&blk); // Verify vtables if (ik->is_linked()) { ResourceMark rm(thread); // $$$ This used to be done only for m/s collections. Doing it // always seemed a valid generalization. (DLD -- 6/00) ik->vtable()->verify(st); } // Verify oop map cache if (ik->oop_map_cache() != NULL) { ik->oop_map_cache()->verify(); } // Verify first subklass if (ik->subklass_oop() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->subklass_oop()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->subklass_oop()->is_klass(), "should be klass"); } // Verify siblings klassOop super = ik->super(); Klass* sib = ik->next_sibling(); int sib_count = 0; while (sib != NULL) { if (sib == ik) { fatal1("subclass cycle of length %d", sib_count); } if (sib_count >= 100000) { fatal1("suspiciously long subclass list %d", sib_count); } guarantee(sib->as_klassOop()->is_klass(), "should be klass"); guarantee(sib->as_klassOop()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(sib->super() == super, "siblings should have same superklass"); sib = sib->next_sibling(); } // Verify implementor field if (ik->implementor() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->is_interface(), "only interfaces should have implementor set"); guarantee(ik->nof_implementors() == 1, "should only have one implementor"); klassOop im = ik->implementor(); guarantee(im->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(im->is_klass(), "should be klass"); guarantee(!Klass::cast(klassOop(im))->is_interface(), "implementors cannot be interfaces"); } // Verify local interfaces objArrayOop local_interfaces = ik->local_interfaces(); guarantee(local_interfaces->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(local_interfaces->is_objArray(), "should be obj array"); int j; for (j = 0; j < local_interfaces->length(); j++) { oop e = local_interfaces->obj_at(j); guarantee(e->is_klass() && Klass::cast(klassOop(e))->is_interface(), "invalid local interface"); } // Verify transitive interfaces objArrayOop transitive_interfaces = ik->transitive_interfaces(); guarantee(transitive_interfaces->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(transitive_interfaces->is_objArray(), "should be obj array"); for (j = 0; j < transitive_interfaces->length(); j++) { oop e = transitive_interfaces->obj_at(j); guarantee(e->is_klass() && Klass::cast(klassOop(e))->is_interface(), "invalid transitive interface"); } // Verify methods objArrayOop methods = ik->methods(); guarantee(methods->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(methods->is_objArray(), "should be obj array"); for (j = 0; j < methods->length(); j++) { guarantee(methods->obj_at(j)->is_method(), "non-method in methods array"); } for (j = 0; j < methods->length() - 1; j++) { methodOop m1 = methodOop(methods->obj_at(j)); methodOop m2 = methodOop(methods->obj_at(j + 1)); guarantee(m1->name()->fast_compare(m2->name()) <= 0, "methods not sorted correctly"); } // Verify method ordering typeArrayOop method_ordering = ik->method_ordering(); guarantee(method_ordering->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(method_ordering->is_typeArray(), "should be type array"); int length = method_ordering->length(); if (jvmdi::enabled()) { guarantee(length == methods->length(), "invalid method ordering length"); jlong sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { int original_index = method_ordering->int_at(j); guarantee(original_index >= 0 && original_index < length, "invalid method ordering index"); sum += original_index; } // Verify sum of indices 0,1,...,length-1 guarantee(sum == ((jlong)length*(length-1))/2, "invalid method ordering sum"); } else { guarantee(length == 0, "invalid method ordering length"); } // Verify JNI static field/method identifiers if (ik->jni_ids() != NULL) { ik->jni_ids()->verify(ik->as_klassOop()); } // Verify other fields if (ik->array_klasses() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->array_klasses()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->array_klasses()->is_klass(), "should be klass"); } guarantee(ik->fields()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->fields()->is_typeArray(), "should be type array"); guarantee(ik->constants()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->constants()->is_constantPool(), "should be constant pool"); guarantee(ik->inner_classes()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->inner_classes()->is_typeArray(), "should be type array"); if (ik->source_file_name() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->source_file_name()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->source_file_name()->is_symbol(), "should be symbol"); } if (ik->source_debug_extension() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->source_debug_extension()->is_perm(), "should be in permspace"); guarantee(ik->source_debug_extension()->is_symbol(), "should be symbol"); } if (ik->protection_domain() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->protection_domain()->is_oop(), "should be oop"); } if (ik->signers() != NULL) { guarantee(ik->signers()->is_objArray(), "should be obj array"); } } }
void process_command(char* cmd){ char* CMD[10]; memset(CMD,0,10); int i,pid,total,status; total=0; split_by_space(CMD,cmd,&total); if (total==0) return; if (strcmp(CMD[0],"clear")==0){ clear_screen(); } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"run")==0){ if (total<2 || (pid=run(CMD[1]))==-1){ display_string("this program is not exists or already running!\n"); } else{ display_string("run successful "); display_string("pid = "); display_int(pid); display_string(" name = "); display_string(CMD[1]); display_string("\n"); } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"sleep")==0){ if (total<2 || sleep(CMD[1])==-1){ } else{ display_string("Process "); display_string(CMD[1]); display_string(" is sleeping now!\n"); } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"kill")==0){ if (total<2 || !is_number(CMD[1])){ display_string("Usage: kill <pid>\n"); } else if (kill(CMD[1])==-1){ display_string("No such process\n"); } else{ display_string("The process with pid="); display_string(CMD[1]); display_string(" was stopped\n"); } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"killall")==0){ if (total<2){ display_string("Usage: killall <name>"); } else{ if (killall(CMD[1])==-1){ display_string("No such process\n"); } else{ display_string("the process with name="); display_string(CMD[1]); display_string(" was stopped\n"); } } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"setp")==0){ if (total<3 || !is_number(CMD[2])){ display_string("Usage: setp <name> <num>\n"); } else if (setp(CMD[1],atoi(CMD[2]))==-1){ display_string("i can't set the priority of "); display_string(CMD[1]); display_string("\n"); } else { display_string("set priority successful\n"); } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"ps")==0){ if (show_tasks(CMD[1])==-1){ display_string("I can't recognize the parameter\n"); } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"ls")==0){ ls(); } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"rm")==0){ if (total<2){ display_string("Usage: rm <filename>\n"); } else{ if (rm(CMD[1])==-1){ display_string(CMD[1]); display_string(" no exist!\n"); } } } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"help")==0){ show_help(); } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"edit")==0){ if (total==1){ display_string("Usage: edit <filename>\n"); } else start_editor(CMD[1]); } else if (strcmp(CMD[0],"dump")==0){ if (dump_mem(CMD[1],CMD[2])==-1){ display_string("I can't recognize the parameter\n"); } } else{ display_string(cmd); display_string(": "); display_string("no such command\n"); } }
/******************************************************************************* NAME : CreateGetAndPutHandlers DESCRIPTION : Creates two message-handlers with the following syntax for the slot: (defmessage-handler <class> get-<slot-name> primary () ?self:<slot-name>) For single-field slots: (defmessage-handler <class> put-<slot-name> primary (?value) (bind ?self:<slot-name> ?value)) For multifield slots: (defmessage-handler <class> put-<slot-name> primary ($?value) (bind ?self:<slot-name> ?value)) INPUTS : The class slot descriptor RETURNS : Nothing useful SIDE EFFECTS : Message-handlers created NOTES : A put handler is not created for read-only slots *******************************************************************************/ globle void CreateGetAndPutHandlers( void *theEnv, SLOT_DESC *sd) { char *className,*slotName; unsigned bufsz; char *buf,*handlerRouter = "*** Default Public Handlers ***"; int oldPWL,oldCM; char *oldRouter; char *oldString; long oldIndex; if ((sd->createReadAccessor == 0) && (sd->createWriteAccessor == 0)) return; className = ValueToString(sd->cls->; slotName = ValueToString(sd->slotName->name); bufsz = (sizeof(char) * (strlen(className) + (strlen(slotName) * 2) + 80)); buf = (char *) gm2(theEnv,bufsz); oldPWL = GetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv); SetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv,FALSE); oldCM = EnvSetConserveMemory(theEnv,TRUE); if (sd->createReadAccessor) { sprintf(buf,"%s get-%s () ?self:%s)",className,slotName,slotName); oldRouter = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter; oldString = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString; oldIndex = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = handlerRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = 0; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = buf; ParseDefmessageHandler(theEnv,handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(theEnv); /* if (OpenStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter,buf,0)) { ParseDefmessageHandler(handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(); CloseStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter); } */ RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = oldRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = oldIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = oldString; } if (sd->createWriteAccessor) { sprintf(buf,"%s put-%s ($?value) (bind ?self:%s ?value))", className,slotName,slotName); oldRouter = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter; oldString = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString; oldIndex = RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = handlerRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = 0; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = buf; ParseDefmessageHandler(theEnv,handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(theEnv); /* if (OpenStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter,buf,0)) { ParseDefmessageHandler(handlerRouter); DestroyPPBuffer(); CloseStringSource(theEnv,handlerRouter); } */ RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetRouter = oldRouter; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetIndex = oldIndex; RouterData(theEnv)->FastCharGetString = oldString; } SetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv,oldPWL); EnvSetConserveMemory(theEnv,oldCM); rm(theEnv,(void *) buf,bufsz); }
static void ReturnDefmodule( void *theEnv, struct defmodule *theDefmodule, intBool environmentClear) { int i; struct moduleItem *theItem; struct portItem *theSpec, *nextSpec; /*=====================================================*/ /* Set the current module to the module being deleted. */ /*=====================================================*/ if (theDefmodule == NULL) return; if (! environmentClear) { EnvSetCurrentModule(theEnv,(void *) theDefmodule); } /*============================================*/ /* Call the free functions for the constructs */ /* belonging to this module. */ /*============================================*/ if (theDefmodule->itemsArray != NULL) { if (! environmentClear) { for (i = 0, theItem = DefmoduleData(theEnv)->ListOfModuleItems; (i < DefmoduleData(theEnv)->NumberOfModuleItems) && (theItem != NULL); i++, theItem = theItem->next) { if (theItem->freeFunction != NULL) { (*theItem->freeFunction)(theEnv,theDefmodule->itemsArray[i]); } } } rm(theEnv,theDefmodule->itemsArray,sizeof(void *) * DefmoduleData(theEnv)->NumberOfModuleItems); } /*======================================================*/ /* Decrement the symbol count for the defmodule's name. */ /*======================================================*/ if (! environmentClear) { DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theDefmodule->name); } /*====================================*/ /* Free the items in the import list. */ /*====================================*/ theSpec = theDefmodule->importList; while (theSpec != NULL) { nextSpec = theSpec->next; if (! environmentClear) { if (theSpec->moduleName != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->moduleName); if (theSpec->constructType != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->constructType); if (theSpec->constructName != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->constructName); } rtn_struct(theEnv,portItem,theSpec); theSpec = nextSpec; } /*====================================*/ /* Free the items in the export list. */ /*====================================*/ theSpec = theDefmodule->exportList; while (theSpec != NULL) { nextSpec = theSpec->next; if (! environmentClear) { if (theSpec->moduleName != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->moduleName); if (theSpec->constructType != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->constructType); if (theSpec->constructName != NULL) DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,theSpec->constructName); } rtn_struct(theEnv,portItem,theSpec); theSpec = nextSpec; } /*=========================================*/ /* Free the defmodule pretty print string. */ /*=========================================*/ if (theDefmodule->ppForm != NULL) { rm(theEnv,theDefmodule->ppForm, (int) sizeof(char) * (strlen(theDefmodule->ppForm) + 1)); } /*=======================*/ /* Return the user data. */ /*=======================*/ ClearUserDataList(theEnv,theDefmodule->usrData); /*======================================*/ /* Return the defmodule data structure. */ /*======================================*/ rtn_struct(theEnv,defmodule,theDefmodule); }
/*********************************************************************** NAME : ParseDefmessageHandler DESCRIPTION : Parses a message-handler for a class of objects INPUTS : The logical name of the input source RETURNS : FALSE if successful parse, TRUE otherwise SIDE EFFECTS : Handler allocated and inserted into class NOTES : H/L Syntax: (defmessage-handler <class> <name> [<type>] [<comment>] (<params>) <action>*) <params> ::= <var>* | <var>* $?<name> ***********************************************************************/ globle int ParseDefmessageHandler( void *theEnv, char *readSource) { DEFCLASS *cls; SYMBOL_HN *cname,*mname,*wildcard; unsigned mtype = MPRIMARY; int min,max,error,lvars; EXPRESSION *hndParams,*actions; HANDLER *hnd; SetPPBufferStatus(theEnv,ON); FlushPPBuffer(theEnv); SetIndentDepth(theEnv,3); SavePPBuffer(theEnv,"(defmessage-handler "); #if BLOAD || BLOAD_AND_BSAVE if ((Bloaded(theEnv)) && (! ConstructData(theEnv)->CheckSyntaxMode)) { CannotLoadWithBloadMessage(theEnv,"defmessage-handler"); return(TRUE); } #endif cname = GetConstructNameAndComment(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken,"defmessage-handler", NULL,NULL,"~",TRUE,FALSE,DEFMODULE_CONSTRUCT); if (cname == NULL) return(TRUE); cls = LookupDefclassByMdlOrScope(theEnv,ValueToString(cname)); if (cls == NULL) { PrintErrorID(theEnv,"MSGPSR",1,FALSE); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"A class must be defined before its message-handlers.\n"); return(TRUE); } if ((cls == DefclassData(theEnv)->PrimitiveClassMap[INSTANCE_NAME]) || (cls == DefclassData(theEnv)->PrimitiveClassMap[INSTANCE_ADDRESS]) || (cls == DefclassData(theEnv)->PrimitiveClassMap[INSTANCE_NAME]->directSuperclasses.classArray[0])) { PrintErrorID(theEnv,"MSGPSR",8,FALSE); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"Message-handlers cannot be attached to the class "); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,EnvGetDefclassName(theEnv,(void *) cls)); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,".\n"); return(TRUE); } if (HandlersExecuting(cls)) { PrintErrorID(theEnv,"MSGPSR",2,FALSE); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"Cannot (re)define message-handlers during execution of \n"); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR," other message-handlers for the same class.\n"); return(TRUE); } if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) != SYMBOL) { SyntaxErrorMessage(theEnv,"defmessage-handler"); return(TRUE); } PPBackup(theEnv); PPBackup(theEnv); SavePPBuffer(theEnv," "); SavePPBuffer(theEnv,DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken.printForm); SavePPBuffer(theEnv," "); mname = (SYMBOL_HN *) GetValue(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken); GetToken(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken); if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) != LPAREN) { SavePPBuffer(theEnv," "); if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) != STRING) { if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) != SYMBOL) { SyntaxErrorMessage(theEnv,"defmessage-handler"); return(TRUE); } mtype = HandlerType(theEnv,"defmessage-handler",DOToString(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken)); if (mtype == MERROR) return(TRUE); #if ! IMPERATIVE_MESSAGE_HANDLERS if (mtype == MAROUND) return(TRUE); #endif GetToken(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken); if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) == STRING) { SavePPBuffer(theEnv," "); GetToken(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken); } } else { SavePPBuffer(theEnv," "); GetToken(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken); } } PPBackup(theEnv); PPBackup(theEnv); PPCRAndIndent(theEnv); SavePPBuffer(theEnv,DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken.printForm); hnd = FindHandlerByAddress(cls,mname,mtype); if (GetPrintWhileLoading(theEnv) && GetCompilationsWatch(theEnv)) { EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG," Handler "); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG,ValueToString(mname)); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG," "); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG,MessageHandlerData(theEnv)->hndquals[mtype]); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WDIALOG,(char *) ((hnd == NULL) ? " defined.\n" : " redefined.\n")); } if ((hnd != NULL) ? hnd->system : FALSE) { PrintErrorID(theEnv,"MSGPSR",3,FALSE); EnvPrintRouter(theEnv,WERROR,"System message-handlers may not be modified.\n"); return(TRUE); } hndParams = GenConstant(theEnv,SYMBOL,(void *) MessageHandlerData(theEnv)->SELF_SYMBOL); hndParams = ParseProcParameters(theEnv,readSource,&DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken,hndParams, &wildcard,&min,&max,&error,IsParameterSlotReference); if (error) return(TRUE); PPCRAndIndent(theEnv); ExpressionData(theEnv)->ReturnContext = TRUE; actions = ParseProcActions(theEnv,"message-handler",readSource, &DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken,hndParams,wildcard, SlotReferenceVar,BindSlotReference,&lvars, (void *) cls); if (actions == NULL) { ReturnExpression(theEnv,hndParams); return(TRUE); } if (GetType(DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken) != RPAREN) { SyntaxErrorMessage(theEnv,"defmessage-handler"); ReturnExpression(theEnv,hndParams); ReturnPackedExpression(theEnv,actions); return(TRUE); } PPBackup(theEnv); PPBackup(theEnv); SavePPBuffer(theEnv,DefclassData(theEnv)->ObjectParseToken.printForm); SavePPBuffer(theEnv,"\n"); /* =================================================== If we're only checking syntax, don't add the successfully parsed defmessage-handler to the KB. =================================================== */ if (ConstructData(theEnv)->CheckSyntaxMode) { ReturnExpression(theEnv,hndParams); ReturnPackedExpression(theEnv,actions); return(FALSE); } if (hnd != NULL) { ExpressionDeinstall(theEnv,hnd->actions); ReturnPackedExpression(theEnv,hnd->actions); if (hnd->ppForm != NULL) rm(theEnv,(void *) hnd->ppForm, (sizeof(char) * (strlen(hnd->ppForm)+1))); } else { hnd = InsertHandlerHeader(theEnv,cls,mname,(int) mtype); IncrementSymbolCount(hnd->name); } ReturnExpression(theEnv,hndParams); hnd->minParams = min; hnd->maxParams = max; hnd->localVarCount = lvars; hnd->actions = actions; ExpressionInstall(theEnv,hnd->actions); #if DEBUGGING_FUNCTIONS /* =================================================== Old handler trace status is automatically preserved =================================================== */ if (EnvGetConserveMemory(theEnv) == FALSE) hnd->ppForm = CopyPPBuffer(theEnv); else #endif hnd->ppForm = NULL; return(FALSE); }
/*! * \brief Move joints synchronous * * Adjusting velocity of all joints to reach the final angules at the same time */ bool PowerCubeCtrl::MoveJointSpaceSync(const std::vector<double>& target) { PCTRL_CHECK_INITIALIZED(); unsigned int DOF = m_params->GetDOF(); std::vector<std::string> errorMessages; PC_CTRL_STATUS status; getStatus(status, errorMessages); if ((status != PC_CTRL_OK)) { m_ErrorMessage.assign(""); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { m_ErrorMessage.append(errorMessages[i]); } return false; } std::vector<double> vel(DOF); std::vector<double> acc(DOF); double TG = 0; try { /// calculate which joint takes the longest time to reach goal std::vector<double> times(DOF); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { RampCommand rm(m_positions[i], m_velocities[i], target[i], m_params->GetMaxAcc()[i], m_params->GetMaxVel()[i]); times[i] = rm.getTotalTime(); } /// determine the joint index that has the greatest value for time int furthest = 0; double max = times[0]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < DOF; i++) { if (times[i] > max) { max = times[i]; furthest = i; } } RampCommand rm_furthest(m_positions[furthest], m_velocities[furthest], target[furthest], m_params->GetMaxAcc()[furthest], m_params->GetMaxVel()[furthest]); double T1 = rm_furthest.T1(); double T2 = rm_furthest.T2(); double T3 = rm_furthest.T3(); /// total time: TG = T1 + T2 + T3; /// calculate velocity and acceleration for all joints: acc[furthest] = m_params->GetMaxAcc()[furthest]; vel[furthest] = m_params->GetMaxVel()[furthest]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { if (int(i) != furthest) { double a; double v; RampCommand::calculateAV(m_positions[i], m_velocities[i], target[i], TG, T3, m_params->GetMaxAcc()[i], m_params->GetMaxVel()[i], a, v); acc[i] = a; vel[i] = v; } } } catch (...) { return false; } /// Send motion commands to hardware for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); PCube_moveRamp(m_DeviceHandle, m_params->GetModuleIDs()[i], target[i], fabs(vel[i]), fabs(acc[i])); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); } pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex); PCube_startMotionAll(m_DeviceHandle); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); return true; }
void ServerNetworkHandler::inMessage(std::string pMessage, int pSocket){ pMessage = Tokenizer::cleanEntry(pMessage); std::string command = Tokenizer::getCommandSpace(pMessage, 1); if (_sessionID == -1 && command != "connect" && command != "adduser"){ outMessage("?Error: No se ha inciado sesión\n", pSocket); } else { std::string param = Tokenizer::getParameters(pMessage); std::cout<<param<<std::endl; if (command == "get"){ get(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "cd"){ cd(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "rm"){ rm(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "touch"){ touch(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "connect"){ connect(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "mkdir"){ mkdir(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "adduser"){ adduser(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "openfile"){ openfile(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "appendReg"){ appendReg(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "delReg"){ if (param == ""){ delActualReg(pSocket); } else { delReg(param, pSocket); } } else if (command == "write"){ write(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "seek"){ seek(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "addReg"){ addReg(param, pSocket); } else if (command == "read"){ if (param == ""){ readActual(pSocket); } else { readRegister(param, pSocket); } } else if (command == "close"){ close(pSocket); } else if (command == "consoleMode"){ consoleMode(param, pSocket); } else { outMessage("?Error: No se ha encontrado la instrucción " + command + '\n', pSocket); } consoleUI(pSocket); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; char mode[1]; char name[13]; char operation[6]; working_directory=(char*)malloc(200*sizeof(char)); parent_directory=(char*)malloc(200*sizeof(char)); number_opened_file=0; number_read_file= 0; number_write_file= 0; for (i=0; i<100; i++){ opened_file[i]=0; opened_read_file[i] = 0; opened_write_file[i] = 0; } if (argc == 2) { if (f = fopen(argv[1], "rb+")) { fread(&BS_BPB, sizeof(struct BS_BPB), 1, f); image_name=argv[1]; working_directory[0]='/'; working_directory[1]='\0'; current_cluster=BS_BPB.RootClus; parent_directory[0]='\0'; parent_cluster=-1; while(1) { printf("%s:%s>", image_name, working_directory); scanf("%s",operation); if (strcmp(operation, "info")==0) info(); else if (strcmp(operation, "ls")==0) ls(); else if (strcmp(operation, "cd")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); cd(name); } else if (strcmp(operation, "touch")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); touch(name); } /*else if (strcmp(operation, "size")==0) size();*/ else if (strcmp(operation, "fopen")==0) { scanf("%s", name); scanf("%s", mode); getchar(); openfile(name, mode); } else if (strcmp(operation, "fclose")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); closefile(name); } /*else if (strcmp(operation, "fread")==0) readfile(); else if (strcmp(operation, "fwrite")==0) writefile();*/ else if (strcmp(operation, "rm")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); rm(name); } else if (strcmp(operation, "mkdir")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); mkdir(name); } else if (strcmp(operation, "rmdir")==0) { scanf("%s", name); getchar(); rmdir(name); } else if (strcmp(operation, "exit")==0) { fclose(f); break; } else printf("Argument not correct\n"); } return 0; } else { printf("Image not found!\n"); return -1; } } else { printf("Arguments not correct!\n"); return -1; } }
bool test_cont_values_of_edge_fns(Mesh *mesh, Facet::Key fid, int pos0, int pos1, Shapeset *shapeset) { _F_ Facet *facet = mesh->facets[fid]; Quad3D *quad = get_quadrature(MODE); Element *h[2] = { mesh->elements[facet->left], mesh->elements[facet->right] }; // local number of edges on the face const int *face_edges[] = { h[0]->get_face_edges(facet->left_face_num), h[1]->get_face_edges(facet->right_face_num) }; // orientations of edges on the face int edge_ori[2][4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { edge_ori[0][i] = h[0]->get_edge_orientation(face_edges[0][i]); edge_ori[1][i] = h[1]->get_edge_orientation(face_edges[1][i]); } RefMap rm(mesh); Pts epts[2]; // get coordinates of the point in the middle of an edge on the face // it is used to find matching edges int enp = Quad::NUM_EDGES; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { QuadPt3D *pt = new QuadPt3D[Quad::NUM_EDGES]; for (int j = 0; j < enp; j++) { const int *edge_vtx = RefHex::get_edge_vertices(face_edges[i][j]); QuadPt3D *rd_vtx_pt = quad->get_vertex_points(); pt[j].x = (rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[0]].x + rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[1]].x) / 2.0; pt[j].y = (rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[0]].y + rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[1]].y) / 2.0; pt[j].z = (rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[0]].z + rd_vtx_pt[edge_vtx[1]].z) / 2.0; } rm.set_active_element(h[i]); epts[i].ref_pt = pt; epts[i].phys_x = rm.get_phys_x(enp, pt); epts[i].phys_y = rm.get_phys_y(enp, pt); epts[i].phys_z = rm.get_phys_z(enp, pt); // sort points by physical coordinates epts[i].sort = new int [enp]; for (int j = 0; j < enp; j++) epts[i].sort[j] = j; sort_pts = epts + i; qsort(epts[i].sort, enp, sizeof(int), compare); } // we know which edge correspond to each other, since we sorted them by their phys. coordinates // we use it for comparing matching edge functions // obtain coordinates where edge functions are going to be evaluated Pts fpts[2]; Ord2 face_ord = quad->get_face_max_order(facet->left_face_num); int np = quad->get_face_num_points(facet->left_face_num, face_ord); QuadPt3D *pt[2] = { quad->get_face_points(facet->left_face_num, face_ord), quad->get_face_points(facet->right_face_num, face_ord) }; // transform the coorinates so we can compare them for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rm.set_active_element(h[i]); fpts[i].ref_pt = pt[i]; fpts[i].phys_x = rm.get_phys_x(np, pt[i]); fpts[i].phys_y = rm.get_phys_y(np, pt[i]); fpts[i].phys_z = rm.get_phys_z(np, pt[i]); // sort points by physical coordinates fpts[i].sort = new int [np]; for (int j = 0; j < np; j++) fpts[i].sort[j] = j; sort_pts = fpts + i; qsort(fpts[i].sort, np, sizeof(int), compare); } // loop through edges for (int k = 0; k < Quad::NUM_EDGES; k++) { int i1 = epts[0].sort[k]; int i2 = epts[1].sort[k]; // loop through edge functions // get all face functions on the face Ord1 order(H3D_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER); int *edge_fn[] = { shapeset->get_edge_indices(face_edges[0][i1], edge_ori[0][i1], order), shapeset->get_edge_indices(face_edges[1][i2], edge_ori[1][i2], order) }; // loop through face functions int n_edge_fns = shapeset->get_num_edge_fns(order); for (int ifn = 0; ifn < n_edge_fns; ifn++) { // get values of edge functions double *uval0 = new double[np]; double *uval1 = new double[np]; double *uval2 = new double[np]; shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 0, uval0); shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 1, uval1); shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 2, uval2); double *vval0 = new double[np]; double *vval1 = new double[np]; double *vval2 = new double[np]; shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 0, vval0); shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 1, vval1); shapeset->get_fn_values(edge_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 2, vval2); // compare their values for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { int j1 = fpts[0].sort[i]; int j2 = fpts[1].sort[i]; if ((fabs(uval0[j1] - vval0[j2]) > EPS) && (fabs(uval1[j1] - vval1[j2]) > EPS) && (fabs(uval2[j1] - vval2[j2]) > EPS)) { printf("failed\n"); warning("Edge fn not continuous @(% lf, % lf, % lf), diff = (% e, % e, % e)", fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].x, fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].y, fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].z, fabs(uval0[j1] - vval0[j2]), fabs(uval1[j1] - vval1[j2]), fabs(uval2[j1] - vval2[j2])); return false; } } } } // free memory for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { delete [] epts[i].ref_pt; delete [] epts[i].phys_x; delete [] epts[i].phys_y; delete [] epts[i].phys_z; delete [] epts[i].sort; delete [] fpts[i].phys_x; delete [] fpts[i].phys_y; delete [] fpts[i].phys_z; delete [] fpts[i].sort; } return true; }
/*************************************************** NAME : DeallocateMarkedHandlers DESCRIPTION : Removes any handlers from a class that have been previously marked for deletion. INPUTS : The class RETURNS : Nothing useful SIDE EFFECTS : Marked handlers are deleted NOTES : Assumes none of the handlers are currently executing or have a busy count != 0 for any reason ***************************************************/ globle void DeallocateMarkedHandlers( void *theEnv, EXEC_STATUS, DEFCLASS *cls) { short count; HANDLER *hnd,*nhnd; unsigned *arr,*narr; long i,j; for (i = 0 , count = 0 ; i < cls->handlerCount ; i++) { hnd = &cls->handlers[i]; if (hnd->mark == 1) { count++; DecrementSymbolCount(theEnv,execStatus,hnd->name); ExpressionDeinstall(theEnv,execStatus,hnd->actions); ReturnPackedExpression(theEnv,execStatus,hnd->actions); ClearUserDataList(theEnv,execStatus,hnd->usrData); if (hnd->ppForm != NULL) rm(theEnv,execStatus,(void *) hnd->ppForm, (sizeof(char) * (strlen(hnd->ppForm)+1))); } else /* ============================================ Use the busy field to count how many message-handlers are removed before this one ============================================ */ hnd->busy = count; } if (count == 0) return; if (count == cls->handlerCount) { rm(theEnv,execStatus,(void *) cls->handlers,(sizeof(HANDLER) * cls->handlerCount)); rm(theEnv,execStatus,(void *) cls->handlerOrderMap,(sizeof(unsigned) * cls->handlerCount)); cls->handlers = NULL; cls->handlerOrderMap = NULL; cls->handlerCount = 0; } else { count = (short) (cls->handlerCount - count); hnd = cls->handlers; arr = cls->handlerOrderMap; nhnd = (HANDLER *) gm2(theEnv,execStatus,(sizeof(HANDLER) * count)); narr = (unsigned *) gm2(theEnv,execStatus,(sizeof(unsigned) * count)); for (i = 0 , j = 0 ; j < count ; i++) { if (hnd[arr[i]].mark == 0) { /* ============================================================== The offsets in the map need to be decremented by the number of preceding nodes which were deleted. Use the value of the busy field set in the first loop. ============================================================== */ narr[j] = arr[i] - hnd[arr[i]].busy; j++; } } for (i = 0 , j = 0 ; j < count ; i++) { if (hnd[i].mark == 0) { hnd[i].busy = 0; GenCopyMemory(HANDLER,1,&nhnd[j],&hnd[i]); j++; } } rm(theEnv,execStatus,(void *) hnd,(sizeof(HANDLER) * cls->handlerCount)); rm(theEnv,execStatus,(void *) arr,(sizeof(unsigned) * cls->handlerCount)); cls->handlers = nhnd; cls->handlerOrderMap = narr; cls->handlerCount = count; } }
bool test_cont_values_of_face_fns(Mesh *mesh, Facet::Key fid, int pos0, int pos1, Shapeset *shapeset) { _F_ Quad3D *quad = get_quadrature(MODE); Facet *facet = mesh->facets[fid]; Element *h[2] = { mesh->elements[facet->left], mesh->elements[facet->right] }; int face_ori[2] = { h[0]->get_face_orientation(facet->left_face_num), h[1]->get_face_orientation(facet->right_face_num) }; RefMap rm(mesh); // get points where the functions are going to be evaluated Pts fpts[2]; Ord2 face_ord = quad->get_face_max_order(facet->left_face_num); int np = quad->get_face_num_points(facet->left_face_num, face_ord); QuadPt3D *pt[2] = { quad->get_face_points(facet->left_face_num, face_ord), quad->get_face_points(facet->right_face_num, face_ord) }; // transform points and sort them for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rm.set_active_element(h[i]); fpts[i].ref_pt = pt[i]; fpts[i].phys_x = rm.get_phys_x(np, pt[i]); fpts[i].phys_y = rm.get_phys_y(np, pt[i]); fpts[i].phys_z = rm.get_phys_z(np, pt[i]); // sort points by physical coordinates fpts[i].sort = new int [np]; for (int j = 0; j < np; j++) fpts[i].sort[j] = j; sort_pts = fpts + i; qsort(fpts[i].sort, np, sizeof(int), compare); } // get all face functions on the face Ord2 order(H3D_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER, H3D_MAX_ELEMENT_ORDER); int *face_fn[] = { shapeset->get_face_indices(facet->left_face_num, face_ori[0], order), shapeset->get_face_indices(facet->right_face_num, face_ori[1], order) }; // loop through face functions int n_face_fns = shapeset->get_num_face_fns(order); for (int ifn = 0; ifn < n_face_fns; ifn++) { // evaluate functions double *uval0 = new double[np]; double *uval1 = new double[np]; double *uval2 = new double[np]; shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 0, uval0); shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 1, uval1); shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[0][ifn], np, pt[0], 2, uval2); double *vval0 = new double[np]; double *vval1 = new double[np]; double *vval2 = new double[np]; shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 0, vval0); shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 1, vval1); shapeset->get_fn_values(face_fn[1][ifn], np, pt[1], 2, vval2); // compare for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { int j1 = fpts[0].sort[i]; int j2 = fpts[1].sort[i]; if ((fabs(uval0[j1] - vval0[j2]) > EPS) && (fabs(uval1[j1] - vval1[j2]) > EPS) && (fabs(uval2[j1] - vval2[j2]) > EPS)) { printf("failed\n"); warning("Face fn not continuous @(% lf, % lf, % lf), diff = (% e, % e, % e)", fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].x, fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].y, fpts[0].ref_pt[j1].z, fabs(uval0[j1] - vval0[j2]), fabs(uval1[j1] - vval1[j2]), fabs(uval2[j1] - vval2[j2])); return false; } } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { delete [] fpts[i].phys_x; delete [] fpts[i].phys_y; delete [] fpts[i].phys_z; delete [] fpts[i].sort; } return true; }
/* * Set up the input pointers while copying the mail file into /tmp. */ void setptr(FILE *ibuf, off_t offset) { int c, count; char *cp, *cp2; struct message this; FILE *mestmp; int maybe, inhead; char linebuf[LINESIZE], pathbuf[PATHSIZE]; int omsgCount; /* Get temporary file. */ (void)snprintf(pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf), "%s/mail.XXXXXXXXXX", tmpdir); if ((c = mkstemp(pathbuf)) == -1 || (mestmp = Fdopen(c, "r+")) == NULL) err(1, "can't open %s", pathbuf); (void)rm(pathbuf); if (offset == 0) { msgCount = 0; } else { /* Seek into the file to get to the new messages */ (void)fseeko(ibuf, offset, SEEK_SET); /* * We need to make "offset" a pointer to the end of * the temp file that has the copy of the mail file. * If any messages have been edited, this will be * different from the offset into the mail file. */ (void)fseeko(otf, (off_t)0, SEEK_END); offset = ftello(otf); } omsgCount = msgCount; maybe = 1; inhead = 0; this.m_flag = MUSED|MNEW; this.m_size = 0; this.m_lines = 0; this.m_block = 0; this.m_offset = 0; for (;;) { if (fgets(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), ibuf) == NULL) { if (append(&this, mestmp)) errx(1, "temporary file"); makemessage(mestmp, omsgCount); return; } count = strlen(linebuf); /* * Transforms lines ending in <CR><LF> to just <LF>. * This allows mail to be able to read Eudora mailboxes. */ if (count >= 2 && linebuf[count - 1] == '\n' && linebuf[count - 2] == '\r') { count--; linebuf[count - 1] = '\n'; } (void)fwrite(linebuf, sizeof(*linebuf), count, otf); if (ferror(otf)) errx(1, "/tmp"); if (count) linebuf[count - 1] = '\0'; if (maybe && linebuf[0] == 'F' && ishead(linebuf)) { msgCount++; if (append(&this, mestmp)) errx(1, "temporary file"); this.m_flag = MUSED|MNEW; this.m_size = 0; this.m_lines = 0; this.m_block = blockof(offset); this.m_offset = boffsetof(offset); inhead = 1; } else if (linebuf[0] == 0) { inhead = 0; } else if (inhead) { for (cp = linebuf, cp2 = "status";; cp++) { if ((c = *cp2++) == '\0') { while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp++)) ; if (cp[-1] != ':') break; while ((c = *cp++) != '\0') if (c == 'R') this.m_flag |= MREAD; else if (c == 'O') this.m_flag &= ~MNEW; inhead = 0; break; } if (*cp != c && *cp != toupper((unsigned char)c)) break; } } offset += count; this.m_size += count; this.m_lines++; maybe = linebuf[0] == 0; } }
globle SYMBOL_HN *ExtractConstructName( void *theEnv, EXEC_STATUS, unsigned thePosition, char *theString) { size_t theLength; char *newString; SYMBOL_HN *returnValue; /*======================================*/ /* Just return the string if it doesn't */ /* contain the :: symbol. */ /*======================================*/ if (thePosition == 0) return((SYMBOL_HN *) EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,execStatus,theString)); /*=====================================*/ /* Determine the length of the string. */ /*=====================================*/ theLength = strlen(theString); /*=================================================*/ /* Return NULL if the :: is at the very end of the */ /* string (and thus there is no construct name). */ /*=================================================*/ if (theLength <= (thePosition + 1)) return(NULL); /*====================================*/ /* Allocate a temporary string large */ /* enough to hold the construct name. */ /*====================================*/ newString = (char *) gm2(theEnv,execStatus,theLength - thePosition); /*================================================*/ /* Copy the construct name portion of the */ /* module/construct name to the temporary string. */ /*================================================*/ genstrncpy(newString,&theString[thePosition+1], (STD_SIZE) theLength - thePosition); /*=============================================*/ /* Add the construct name to the symbol table. */ /*=============================================*/ returnValue = (SYMBOL_HN *) EnvAddSymbol(theEnv,execStatus,newString); /*=============================================*/ /* Return the storage of the temporary string. */ /*=============================================*/ rm(theEnv,execStatus,newString,theLength - thePosition); /*================================================*/ /* Return a pointer to the construct name symbol. */ /*================================================*/ return(returnValue); }
// Install the redefinition of a class -- // The original instanceKlass object (k_h) always represents the latest // version of the respective class. However, during class redefinition we swap // or replace much of its content with that of the instanceKlass object created // from the bytes of the redefine (k_h_new). Specifically, k_h points to the new // constantpool and methods objects, which we take from k_h_new. k_h_new, in turn, // assumes the role of the previous class version, with the old constantpool and // methods (taken from k_h) attached to it. k_h links to k_h_new to create a // linked list of class versions. void VM_RedefineClasses::redefine_single_class(jclass j_clazz, instanceKlassHandle k_h_new, TRAPS) { oop mirror = JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(j_clazz); klassOop k_oop = java_lang_Class::as_klassOop(mirror); instanceKlassHandle k_h = instanceKlassHandle(THREAD, k_oop); // Remove all breakpoints in methods of this class JvmtiBreakpoints& jvmti_breakpoints = JvmtiCurrentBreakpoints::get_jvmti_breakpoints(); jvmti_breakpoints.clearall_in_class_at_safepoint(k_oop); // Deoptimize all compiled code that depends on this class NOT_CORE(Universe::flush_evol_dependents_on(k_h)); _old_methods = k_h->methods(); _new_methods = k_h_new->methods(); _evolving_koop = k_oop; _old_constants = k_h->constants(); // flush the cached jmethodID fields for _old_methods flush_method_jmethod_id_cache(); // Patch the indexes into the constantpool from the array of fields of the evolving // class. This is required, because the layout of the new constantpool can be different, // so old indexes corresponding to field names and signatures can become invalid. patch_indexes_for_fields(k_h, k_h_new); // Make new constantpool object (and methodOops via it) point to the original class object k_h_new->constants()->set_pool_holder(k_h()); // Replace methods and constantpool k_h->set_methods(_new_methods); k_h_new->set_methods(_old_methods); // To prevent potential GCing of the old methods, // and to be able to undo operation easily. constantPoolOop old_constants = k_h->constants(); k_h->set_constants(k_h_new->constants()); k_h_new->set_constants(old_constants); // See the previous comment. check_methods_and_mark_as_old(); transfer_old_native_function_registrations(); // Replace inner_classes typeArrayOop old_inner_classes = k_h->inner_classes(); k_h->set_inner_classes(k_h_new->inner_classes()); k_h_new->set_inner_classes(old_inner_classes); // Initialize the vtable and interface table after // methods have been rewritten { ResourceMark rm(THREAD); k_h->vtable()->initialize_vtable(THREAD); // No exception can happen here k_h->itable()->initialize_itable(); } // Copy the "source file name" attribute from new class version k_h->set_source_file_name(k_h_new->source_file_name()); // Copy the "source debug extension" attribute from new class version k_h->set_source_debug_extension(k_h_new->source_debug_extension()); // Use of javac -g could be different in the old and the new if (k_h_new->access_flags().has_localvariable_table() != k_h->access_flags().has_localvariable_table()) { AccessFlags flags = k_h->access_flags(); if (k_h_new->access_flags().has_localvariable_table()) { flags.set_has_localvariable_table(); } else { flags.clear_has_localvariable_table(); } k_h->set_access_flags(flags); } // Replace class annotation fields values typeArrayOop old_class_annotations = k_h->class_annotations(); k_h->set_class_annotations(k_h_new->class_annotations()); k_h_new->set_class_annotations(old_class_annotations); // Replace fields annotation fields values objArrayOop old_fields_annotations = k_h->fields_annotations(); k_h->set_fields_annotations(k_h_new->fields_annotations()); k_h_new->set_fields_annotations(old_fields_annotations); // Replace methods annotation fields values objArrayOop old_methods_annotations = k_h->methods_annotations(); k_h->set_methods_annotations(k_h_new->methods_annotations()); k_h_new->set_methods_annotations(old_methods_annotations); // Replace methods parameter annotation fields values objArrayOop old_methods_parameter_annotations = k_h->methods_parameter_annotations(); k_h->set_methods_parameter_annotations(k_h_new->methods_parameter_annotations()); k_h_new->set_methods_parameter_annotations(old_methods_parameter_annotations); // Replace methods default annotation fields values objArrayOop old_methods_default_annotations = k_h->methods_default_annotations(); k_h->set_methods_default_annotations(k_h_new->methods_default_annotations()); k_h_new->set_methods_default_annotations(old_methods_default_annotations); // Replace major version number of class file u2 old_major_version = k_h->major_version(); k_h->set_major_version(k_h_new->major_version()); k_h_new->set_major_version(old_major_version); // Replace CP indexes for class and name+type of enclosing method u2 old_class_idx = k_h->enclosing_method_class_index(); u2 old_method_idx = k_h->enclosing_method_method_index(); k_h->set_enclosing_method_indices(k_h_new->enclosing_method_class_index(), k_h_new->enclosing_method_method_index()); k_h_new->set_enclosing_method_indices(old_class_idx, old_method_idx); // Maintain a linked list of versions of this class. // List is in ascending age order. Current version (k_h) is the head. if (k_h->has_previous_version()) { k_h_new->set_previous_version(k_h->previous_version()); } k_h->set_previous_version(k_h_new); // Adjust constantpool caches and vtables for all classes // that reference methods of the evolved class. SystemDictionary::classes_do(adjust_cpool_cache_and_vtable); k_h->set_rewritten_by_redefine(true); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, nf; progname = argv[0]; UpdatePaths( progname ); ac = argc + 50; av = alloc(ac*sizeof(char *)); if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, interrupt); if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, interrupt); #ifdef SIGHUP if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, interrupt); #endif if (getenv("TMP")) tempdir = getenv("TMP"); else if (getenv("TEMP")) tempdir = getenv("TEMP"); else if (getenv("TMPDIR")) tempdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); assert(tempdir); i = strlen(tempdir); for (; (i > 0 && tempdir[i-1] == '/') || tempdir[i-1] == '\\'; i--) tempdir[i-1] = '\0'; if (argc <= 1) { help(); exit(0); } plist = append("-D__LCC__", 0); initinputs(); if (getenv("LCCDIR")) option(stringf("-lccdir=%s", getenv("LCCDIR"))); for (nf = 0, i = j = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) { if (++i < argc) { if (suffix(argv[i], suffixes, 2) >= 0) { error("-o would overwrite %s", argv[i]); exit(8); } outfile = argv[i]; continue; } else { error("unrecognized option `%s'", argv[i-1]); exit(8); } } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-target") == 0) { if (argv[i+1] && *argv[i+1] != '-') i++; continue; } else if (*argv[i] == '-' && argv[i][1] != 'l') { opt(argv[i]); continue; } else if (*argv[i] != '-' && suffix(argv[i], suffixes, 3) >= 0) nf++; argv[j++] = argv[i]; } if ((cflag || Sflag) && outfile && nf != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: -o %s ignored\n", progname, outfile); outfile = 0; } argv[j] = 0; for (i = 0; include[i]; i++) plist = append(include[i], plist); if (ilist) { List b = ilist; do { b = b->link; plist = append(b->str, plist); } while (b != ilist); } ilist = 0; for (i = 1; argv[i]; i++) if (*argv[i] == '-') opt(argv[i]); else { char *name = exists(argv[i]); if (name) { if (strcmp(name, argv[i]) != 0 || (nf > 1 && suffix(name, suffixes, 3) >= 0)) fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", name); filename(name, 0); } else error("can't find `%s'", argv[i]); } if (errcnt == 0 && !Eflag && !Sflag && !cflag && llist[1]) { compose(ld, llist[0], llist[1], append(outfile ? outfile : concat("a", first(suffixes[4])), 0)); if (callsys(av)) errcnt++; } rm(rmlist); return errcnt ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }