Exemplo n.º 1
//Update frame
void myApp::update()
  // Call predecessor update

  // Process keyboard
  float dx = 0.0f;
  float dy = 0.0f;
  float dr = 0.0f;
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_LEFT])
    dx -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_RIGHT])
    dx += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_UP])
    dy -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_DOWN])
    dy += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_SUBTRACT])
    dr -= s_rKbd2Zoom * m_timer.getDelta();
  if (m_keysPressed[VK_ADD])
    dr += s_rKbd2Zoom * m_timer.getDelta();

  rotateObject(dx, dy);

  float rI = 0.0f;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10000000;i++)
  rI += sin(i);*/
Exemplo n.º 2
//Update frame
void myApp::update()
  // Call predecessor update

  // Process keyboard
  float dx = 0.0f;
  float dy = 0.0f;
  float dr = 0.0f;

  if (m_keysPressed[VK_OEM_PLUS] && m_keysPressed[VK_SHIFT])
//    *plane.TexBias() += 0.2f;

  if (m_keysPressed[VK_OEM_MINUS] && m_keysPressed[VK_SHIFT])
//    *plane.TexBias() -= 0.2f;

  if (freeCamera)
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_LEFT])
      dx -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_RIGHT])
      dx += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_UP])
      dy -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_DOWN])
      dy += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_SUBTRACT])
      dr -= s_rKbd2Zoom * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed[VK_ADD])
      dr += s_rKbd2Zoom * m_timer.getDelta();

    rotateObject(dx, dy);
    if (m_keysPressed['A'])
      dx -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed['D'])
      dx += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed['W'])
      dy -= s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();
    if (m_keysPressed['S'])
      dy += s_rKbd2Rotate * m_timer.getDelta();

  float rI = 0.0f;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10000000;i++)
  rI += sin(i);*/
Exemplo n.º 3
void drawObject(Object draw)
  if (rotate != 0)
    switch (rotate)
      case 1 : draw = rotateObject(draw);
      case 2 : draw = rotateObject(draw);
	       draw = rotateObject(draw);
      case 3 : draw = rotateObject(draw);
	       draw = rotateObject(draw);
	       draw = rotateObject(draw);
  if (rotate == 4) rotate = 0;
  switch (draw.type)
    case 0 : 
    case 1 : drawSquare(draw.centerPos[0], draw.centerPos[1]);
	     drawSquare(draw.otherPos[0][0], draw.otherPos[1][0]);
	     drawSquare(draw.otherPos[0][1], draw.otherPos[1][1]);
    case 2 : 
    case 3 : 
    case 4 : drawSquare(draw.centerPos[0], draw.centerPos[1]);
	     drawSquare(draw.otherPos[0][0], draw.otherPos[1][0]);
	     drawSquare(draw.otherPos[0][1], draw.otherPos[1][1]);
	     drawSquare(draw.otherPos[0][2], draw.otherPos[1][2]);
Exemplo n.º 4
short newCorner( short alpha, short beta, short gamma, 
                 short c1, short c2, short c3)
{ // generates a cube corner (3 x face) 
  // alpha beta gamma indicate the rotation
  // c1, c2, c3 are the colors for the three faces in order
  // return index to face table  (containing 3 new faces)
  short fo, po;
  short x, y, z;
  short a, b ,c, d, e, f, g;
  // determin vertex coordinates  
  x = (U + U/2 +3);
  y = (U + U/2 +3);
  z = (U + U/2 +3);
  // rotation
  initMatrix( mo, alpha, beta, gamma, 0, 0, 0);

  // verify there is room in the tables
    if ((facec>=3) && (pyc>=3) && (pc>=7))
      // generate all points necessary for the cube corner
      // in base position
        a = newPoint( x,   y,   z);        // A        
        b = newPoint( x,   y-U, z);        // B
        c = newPoint( x-U, y-U, z);        // C
        d = newPoint( x-U, y,   z);        // D
        e = newPoint( x,   y-U, z-U);      // E
        f = newPoint( x,   y,   z-U);      // F
        g = newPoint( x-U, y,   z-U);      // G
      // generate all the polygons and faces 
      // with proper orientation (normal outbound)
        newFace ( newPoly( a, b, c, d), c1);
        newFace ( newPoly( d, g, f, a), c2);
        fo = newFace( newPoly( a, f, e, b), c3); 
      // add an object with 3 faces
        po = newObj( fo, 3);
      // rotate as required
        rotateObject( mo, po);

      // returns the object index
        return po;
    } // if 
        while( 1);
} // new cube corner
Exemplo n.º 5
void rotateRow( int x, int y, int z, int v, int s)
    // rotate all objects matching x, y, z mask  with value v
    // s verse of rotation
    int j, i, ix, iy, iz;
    // animation loop 0-90 deg
    for(j = 0; j <= 90; j+= STEP)
        // clear painting scren
        gClearScreen();                 // clear the hidden screen

        // search all objects for matching pattern
        for( iz=0; iz<3; iz++)
            for( iy=0; iy<3; iy++)
                for(ix=0; ix<3; ix++)
                    if ( ix*iy*iz == 1) continue; // ignore c[1][1][1]
                    i = c[ix][iy][iz];

                    // check if requires rotation
                    if (( (ix+1)*x == v+1) || ((iy+1)*y == v+1) || ((iz+1)*z == v+1))
                    {  // rotate the corresponding axis
                        // transform and draw the object                        
                        initMatrix( mo, x*s*j, y*s*j, z*s*j, 0, 0, 0);
                        drawObject( mo, i);

                        // if final rotation
                        if ( j == 90)
                            rotateObject( mo, i);
                        // transform and draw the object                        
                        initMatrix( mo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                        drawObject( mo, i);
        // update visible screen
    } // for j steps

    // update pointer matrix c[][][]
    rotateC( x, y, z, v, s);    
} // animate rotation of one row/face   
Exemplo n.º 6
short newSide( short alpha, short beta, short gamma, short c1)
{ // generates a cube center side (1 x face) 
  // alpha beta gamma indicate the rotation
  // c1 is the colors 
  // return index to face table  (containing 1 new face)
  short f, po;
  short x, y, z;
  short a, b ,c, d;
  // determin vertex coordinates  
  x = (+ U/2 );
  y = (+ U/2 );
  z = (U + U/2 +3);
  // rotation
  initMatrix( mo, alpha, beta, gamma, 0, 0, 0);

  // verify there is room in the tables
  if ((facec>=1) && (pyc>=1) && (pc>=4))
      // generate all points necessary for the cube corner
      // in base position
      a = newPoint( x,   y,   z);        // A        
      b = newPoint( x,   y-U, z);        // B
      c = newPoint( x-U, y-U, z);        // C
      d = newPoint( x-U, y,   z);        // D
      // generate all the polygons and faces 
      // with proper orientation (normal outbound)
      f = newFace ( newPoly( a, b, c, d), c1);
      // add an object with 1 face
      po = newObj( f, 1);

      // rotate as required
      rotateObject( mo, po);
      // returns the object index
      return po;
  } // if 
        while( 1);
} // new cube side
Exemplo n.º 7
void rotateCube( int alpha, int beta, int gamma)
    int j, i, ar, br, gr;
    for(j = 0; j <= 90; j+= STEP)
        // clear painting screen
        gClearScreen();                 // clear the hidden screen
       // rotate the corresponding axis
        ar = alpha * j;
        br = beta * j;
        gr = gamma * j ;

        for( i=objc; i<MAXOBJ; i++)
           // transform and draw the object                        
            initMatrix( mo, ar, br, gr, 0, 0, 0);
            drawObject( mo, i);

            // if final rotation
            if ( j == 90)
                rotateObject( mo, i);
        // update visible screen

    } // for j steps

    // update pointer matrix c[][][]
    for ( i=0; i<3; i++)
        if (( alpha<0)||( beta<0)||( gamma<0))
            rotateC( ( alpha!=0), ( beta!=0), ( gamma!=0), i, -1);    
            rotateC( ( alpha!=0), ( beta!=0), ( gamma!=0), i, +1);    
} // animate rotation of entire cube
Exemplo n.º 8
void caGraphics::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )

    if(thisHide) return;

    int m_margin = 3;
    QPointF p1,p2;
    QPainter painter( this );
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

    int margin = thisLineSize/2;
    int w = width() - 2 * margin;
    int h = height() - 2 * margin;

// do not increase linesize beyond the canvas size
    if(w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
    margin = thisLineSize/2;
    w = width() - 2 * margin;
    h = height() - 2 * margin;
    int x = margin;
    int y = margin;

    if(thisLineStyle == Dash) {
        painter.setPen( QPen( getLineColor(), getLineSize(), Qt::DotLine, Qt::SquareCap) );
    } else if (thisLineStyle == BigDash) {
        painter.setPen( QPen( getLineColor(), getLineSize(), Qt::DashLine, Qt::SquareCap) );
    } else {
        painter.setPen( QPen( getLineColor(), getLineSize(), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::SquareCap) );

    if(thisFillStyle == Filled) {

    if(getForm() == Rectangle) {
        QPolygonF rectangle;
        // rotate
        QPolygonF rotated = rotateObject(thisTiltAngle, w, h, thisLineSize, rectangle);

    } else if(getForm() == Circle) {
        // rotate my calculated ellipse
        QPolygonF rotated = rotateObject(thisTiltAngle, w, h, thisLineSize, drawCircle(x, x+w, y, y+h));

    } else if(getForm() == Triangle) {
        QPolygonF triangle;

        // rotate
        QPolygonF rotated = rotateObject(thisTiltAngle, w, h, thisLineSize, triangle);

    } else if(getForm() == Arc) {
        if(thisFillStyle == Filled) {
            painter.drawPie (x, y, w, h, thisStartAngle * 16, thisSpanAngle * 16);
        } else {
            painter.drawArc (x, y, w, h, thisStartAngle * 16, thisSpanAngle * 16);

    } else if(getForm() == Line) {
        QPolygonF line;

        // rotate
        QPolygonF rotated = rotateObject(thisTiltAngle, w, h, thisLineSize, line);

    } else if(getForm() == Arrow) {
        QPolygonF lines;
        QPolygonF head1;
        QPolygonF head2;

        p1 = QPointF( m_margin, height()/2 );
        p2 = QPointF( width()-m_margin, height()/2 );

        head1 = getHead(p1,p2);
        if (getArrowMode() == Double) {
            head2 = getHead(p2,p1);

        for(int i=0; i<head1.count(); i++) lines.append(head1.at(i));
        for(int i=0; i<head2.count(); i++) lines.append(head2.at(i));

        // rotate
        QPolygonF rotated = rotateObject(thisTiltAngle, w, h, thisLineSize, lines);
