Exemplo n.º 1
manager::start_file(const string& file, client *cl, bool temp)
   pthread_setspecific(client_key, cl);

   scheduler_type sched_type(SCHED_SERIAL_UI);
   try {
      router rout(1, 0, NULL, is_mpi_sched(sched_type));
      machine mac(file, rout, 1, sched_type);

      cl->all = mac.get_all();


      if(temp) {


   } catch(std::exception& e) {
      cerr << e.what() << endl;

   cl->all = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
BSONObj MozJSImplScope::callThreadArgs(const BSONObj& args) {
    MozJSEntry entry(this);

    JS::RootedValue function(_context);
    ValueReader(_context, &function).fromBSONElement(args.firstElement(), args, true);

    int argc = args.nFields() - 1;

    JS::AutoValueVector argv(_context);
    BSONObjIterator it(args);
    JS::RootedValue value(_context);

    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        ValueReader(_context, &value).fromBSONElement(*it, args, true);

    JS::RootedValue out(_context);
    JS::RootedObject thisv(_context);

    _checkErrorState(JS::Call(_context, thisv, function, argv, &out), false, true);

    JS::RootedObject rout(_context, JS_NewPlainObject(_context));
    ObjectWrapper wout(_context, rout);
    wout.setValue("ret", out);

    return wout.toBSON();
Exemplo n.º 3
// compute distances from rows of inmat1 to rows of inmat2
RcppExport SEXP rthpdist(SEXP inmat1,SEXP inmat2, SEXP nthreads)
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix im1(inmat1);
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix im2(inmat2);
   int nr1 = im1.nrow();
   int nc = im1.ncol();
   int nr2 = im2.nrow();
   #if RTH_OMP
   #elif RTH_TBB
   // tbb::task_scheduler_init init(INT(nthreads));
   // for unknown reasons, this code does not work under TBB
   return Rcpp::wrap(-1);
   thrust::device_vector<double> dmat1(im1.begin(),im1.end());
   thrust::device_vector<double> dmat2(im2.begin(),im2.end());
   // make space for the output
   thrust::device_vector<double> ddst(nr1*nr2);
   // iterators for row number of inmat1
   thrust::counting_iterator<int> iseqb(0);
   thrust::counting_iterator<int> iseqe = iseqb + nr1;
   // for each i in [iseqb,iseqe) find the distances from row i in inmat1 
   // to all rows of inmat2
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix rout(nr1,nr2);
   return rout;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main()
  cout << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream out("RandomData.out");
  out << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream rout("Random.out");
  rout << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);


  double x, a;
  double x1, x2, h, n, xu, xi1, xi2;

  cin >> x >> a;
  cin >> x1 >> x2 >> n;
  h = (x2 -x1)/n;
  cout << "+++ PARAMETER RANDOM +++" << endl;
  cout << "x = " << x << endl;
  cout << "a = " << a << endl;
  cout << '\v' ;
  cout << "x1 = " << x1 << endl;
  cout << "x2 = " << x2 << endl;
  cout << "h  = " << h  << endl;
  cout << "n  = " << n  << endl;

  for(int i = 0;i <= n; i++)
    xu = x1 + i * h;
    xi1 = Xi1(xu); // mit N default

    double fr1 = f1(xu) + 0.01 * xi1;
    double s1_rel = fabs(fr1 - f1(xu))/fabs(f1(xu));
    s1_rel *= 100.0;

    xi2 = Xi2(xu);
    double fr2 = f1(xu) + 0.01 * xi2;
    double s2_rel = fabs(fr2 - f1(xu))/fabs(f1(xu));
    s2_rel *= 100.0;

    double xi3 = Xi3(xu);
    double fr3 = f1(xu) + 0.01 * xi3;
    double s3_rel = fabs(fr3 - f1(xu))/fabs(f1(xu));
    s3_rel *= 100.0;

    out << xu << '\t' << f1(xu) << '\t' << fr1 <<'\t' << fr2 << '\t' << fr3 << '\t' << s1_rel <<'\t' << s2_rel <<'\t' << s3_rel << endl;

    rout << xu << '\t' << xi1 <<'\t' << xi2 <<'\t' << xi3 << endl;


  return 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
void rvdsp(rvector b , int  n){
  int i,n1;
  n1=n ;
  printf("\n") ;
  for( i=0 ; i<n1 ; i++ ){
    rout(b[i]) ; 
    printf("\n") ;
Exemplo n.º 6
void rmdsp(rmatrix a , int  n){
  int i,j,n1;
  n1=n ;
  printf("\n") ;
  for( i=0 ; i<n1 ; i++ ){
    for ( j=0 ; j<n1 ; j++){
      rout(a[i][j]) ; 
    printf("\n") ;
Exemplo n.º 7
void bob::ap::Ceps::addDerivative(const blitz::Array<double,2>& input, blitz::Array<double,2>& output) const
  // Initialize output to zero
  output = 0.;

  const int n_frames = input.extent(0);
  blitz::Range rall = blitz::Range::all();

  // Fill in the inner part as follows:
  // \f$output[i] += \sum_{l=1}^{DW} l * (input[i+l] - input[i-l])\f$
  for (int l=1; l<=(int)m_delta_win; ++l) {
    blitz::Range rout(l,n_frames-l-1);
    blitz::Range rp(2*l,n_frames-1);
    blitz::Range rn(0,n_frames-2*l-1);
    output(rout,rall) += l*(input(rp,rall) - input(rn,rall));

  const double factor = m_delta_win*(m_delta_win+1)/2;
  // Continue to fill the left boundary part as follows:
  // \f$output[i] += (\sum_{l=1+i}^{DW} l*input[i+l]) - (\sum_{l=i+1}^{DW}l)*input[0])\f$
  for (int i=0; i<(int)m_delta_win; ++i) {
    output(i,rall) -= (factor - i*(i+1)/2) * input(0,rall);
    for (int l=1+i; l<=(int)m_delta_win; ++l) {
      output(i,rall) += l*(input(i+l,rall));
  // Continue to fill the right boundary part as follows:
  // \f$output[i] += (\sum_{l=Nframes-1-i}^{DW}l)*input[Nframes-1]) - (\sum_{l=Nframes-1-i}^{DW} l*input[i-l])\f$
  for (int i=n_frames-(int)m_delta_win; i<n_frames; ++i) {
    int ii = (n_frames-1)-i;
    output(i,rall) += (factor - ii*(ii+1)/2) * input(n_frames-1,rall);
    for (int l=1+ii; l<=(int)m_delta_win; ++l) {
      output(i,rall) -= l*input(i-l,rall);
  // Sum of the integer squared from 1 to delta_win
  // pavel - remove division for the sake of compitability with Matlab code of RFFC features comparison paper
  //const double sum = m_delta_win*(m_delta_win+1)*(2*m_delta_win+1)/3;
  //output /= sum;
Exemplo n.º 8
int main()
  cout  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream out1("Daten_Gauss.out");
  out1 << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream out("LIP.out");
  out << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);

  ofstream outs("Y2D.out");
  outs  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream rout("REGLIP_Gauss.out");
  rout  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  cout << "*** Imaginaerteilgleichung ***" << endl;
  cout << "*** Filter: Gauss ***" << endl;

  cout << "*** Precision = " << mpipl << " ***" << endl;

  int M, N, MD;
  double xa, xb, x1, x2, xr1, xr2, h, step, step2, b1, dfactor, dpi;
  mp_real b, mpx1, mpx2, mpstep, mpx;

  dpi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);

  mp_real pi = mppic; // pi aus der Bibliothek !!!
  mp_real pi2 = pi * pi;
  static mp_real factor;

  cin >> b1;
  cin >> xa >> xb >> MD;
  cin >> x1 >> x2 >> M;  
  cin >> xr1 >> xr2 >> N ;
  cout << '\v';


  mp_real* const mpregKern = new mp_real [M+1];
  b = mp_real(b1);
  mpx1 = mp_real(x1);
  mpx2 = mp_real(x2);

  mpstep = (mpx2 - mpx1)/mp_real(M);  
  /* Vorfaktor */
  factor = mp_real(2.0)*b/power(pi,mp_real(1.5));
  factor *= exp(mp_real(0.25) * pi2 * b * b);
  dfactor = 2.0 * (b1/pow(dpi,1.5)) * exp(b1*b1*dpi*dpi*.25);

  cout << "*** Begin: Init. Kernel *** " << endl;
  cout << "b1  = " << b1  << endl;
  cout << "b  = " <<  b ;
  cout << "x1  = " << x1 << endl;  /* Anfangs-/Endpunkt der Regularisierung */
  cout << "x2  = " << x2 << endl;
  cout << "M   = " << M  << endl; 
  cout << "h   = " << mpstep;
  cout << "factor = " << factor ;
  cout << "dfactor = " << dfactor << endl;

  for(int i = 0; i <= M; i++) 
      mpx = mpx1 + i * mpstep;
      mpregKern[i] = mpregkerne2(mpx, b);

  cout << "*** End: Init. Kernel *** " << endl;


  double x0, datlinpol, Error_splint, DataError, e2core;

  /* Index der Vektoren beginnt mit 1 und *nicht* mit 0 */
  double* y2d = dvector(1,MD);  /* 2.Ableitung der SPL-Funktion */
  double* data = dvector(1,MD); /* Datenvektor */
  double* x = dvector(1,MD);    /* x-Vektor */
  /* Datenarrays fuellen */

  h = (xb - xa)/(MD - 1);
  double rho = MD/(xb -xa);

  cout << '\v';
  cout << "*** Begin: Init. Data-Array ***" << endl;
  cout << "xa  = " << xa << endl;   /* Anfangs-/Endpunkte der Daten */
  cout << "xb  = " << xb << endl;
  cout << "MD  = " << MD  << endl;  /* Zahl der Datenpunkte */
  cout << "h   = " << h  << endl;
  cout << "rho = " << rho  << endl;
  x[1] = xa;
  data[1] = e2data(xa);

  for(int i = 2; i <= MD ; i++)
      x[i] = xa + (i-1) * h;
      data[i] = e2data(x[i]);

  x[MD] = xb;
  data[MD] = e2data(xb);
  cout << "*** End: Init. Data-Array ***" << endl;
  cout << '\v' ;

  /* Kontrollausgabe, Datenausgabe */
  for(int i = 1; i <= MD; i++)
      DataError = fabs(data[i] - e2(x[i]))/fabs(e2(x[i]));
      DataError *= 100.0;
      out1 << i << '\t' << x[i] << '\t' << data[i] << '\t' << e2(x[i]) << '\t' << DataError << endl;

  cout << "*** Begin: Interpol. *** " << endl;


  for(int i = 1; i <= MD; i++) outs << i << '\t'  << y2d[i] << endl;

  cout << "*** End:   Interpol. *** " << endl; 
  cout << '\v';

  for(int j = 0; j <= M; j++)
      step = dble(mpstep);
      x0 = x1 + j * step;
      datlinpol = linint(x,data,y2d,MD,x0);
      e2core  = e2(x0);
      Error_splint = fabs(datlinpol - e2core)/fabs(e2core);
      Error_splint *= 100.0;
      out << x0 << '\t' <<  datlinpol << '\t' << e2core << '\t' << Error_splint << endl;

  double xi;

  mp_real mp_regsum, mpdata, mpError, mpreg;
  double regsum, Error, Reg;

  step2 = (xr2 - xr1)/N;

  cout <<"*** Begin: Regularisation ***" << endl;
  cout << "b1  = " << b1  << endl;
  cout << "b  = " <<  b ;
  cout << "x1 = " << xr1 << endl;
  cout << "x2 = " << xr2 << endl;
  cout << "N  = " << N  << endl;
  cout << "h  = " << step2 << endl;
  cout << '\v' ;

  for(int jj = 0; jj <= N; jj++)
    mp_regsum = mp_real(0.0);
    x0 = xr1 + jj * step2;
    for(int j = 0; j <= M; j++)
	xi = x1 + j * step;
	xi = x0 - xi;
	datlinpol = linint(x,data,y2d,MD,xi);
	mpdata = mp_real(datlinpol);
	mp_regsum += mpregKern[j] * mpdata;
    mp_regsum *= mpstep;
    mp_regsum *= factor;

    mpreg = mpRegexakt(mp_real(x0),b);
    mpError = abs(mp_regsum - mpreg)/abs(mpreg);
    mpError *= mp_real(100.0);

    regsum = dble(mp_regsum);
    Error  = dble(mpError);
    Reg    = dble(mpreg);

    cout << x0 << endl;
    cout << mpreg << mp_regsum << mpError << endl;
    rout << x0 << '\t' << Reg << '\t' << regsum << '\t' << Error << '\t' << b1 << endl;
  cout <<"*** End: Regularisation ***" << endl;
  delete [] mpregKern;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main()
  cout  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  ofstream out("LIPGauss.out");
  out  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);

  ofstream out1("DATENGaussLip.out");
  out1 << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);

  ofstream outs("Y2D.out");
  outs  << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);

  ofstream rout("RegGaussLIP.out");
  rout << setiosflags(ios::uppercase);
  cout << "*** Filter: Gauss *** " << endl;
  cout << "*** Imaginaerteil *** " << endl;
  cout << "*** Precision = " << mpipl << " ***" << endl;
  // pi aus der Bibliothek !!!
  mp_real pi = mppic; 
  mp_real pi2 = pi * pi;
  static mp_real factor;

  static double  dpi = 4.0 * atan(1.0);
  static double dfactor;

  int M, MD, N;
  double b1, xa, xb, h, x1, x2, hreg;
  mp_real b;

  /* Parameter einlesen */

  cin >> b1;
  cin >> xa >> xb >> MD;
  cin >> hreg >> N;
  cin >> x1 >> x2 >> M;

  b = mp_real(b1);
  /* Vorfaktor */
  factor = mp_real(2.0)*b/power(pi,mp_real(1.5));
  factor *= exp(mp_real(0.25) * pi2 * b * b);
  dfactor = 2.0 * (b1/pow(dpi,1.5)) * exp(b1*b1*dpi*dpi*.25);

  /* 1. Ableitung der Funktion an den Eckpunkten */
  double yp1, ypn; 

  double x0, dataspl, Error_splint, DataError, e2core;

  /* Index der Vektoren beginnt mit 1 und *nicht* mit 0 */
  double* y2d = dvector(1,MD);  /* 2.Ableitung der SPL-Funktion */
  double* data = dvector(1,MD); /* Datenvektor */
  double* x = dvector(1,MD);    /* x-Vektor */

  /* Nebenbedingung natuerliche Splinefunktion setzen */
  yp1 = ypn = 1E30;
  //  yp1 = ypn = 0.0 ;
  /* Datenarrays fuellen */

  h = (xb - xa)/(MD - 1);
  double rho = MD/(xb - xa);
  cout << '\v';
  cout << "*** Begin: Init. Data-Array ***" << endl;
  cout << "xa  = " << xa << endl;   /* Anfangs-/Endpunkte der Daten */
  cout << "xb  = " << xb << endl;
  cout << "MD  = " << MD  << endl;  /* Zahl der Datenpunkte */
  cout << "h   = " << h  << endl;
  cout << "rho = " << rho  << endl;

  x[1] = xa;
  data[1] = e2data(xa);

  for(int i = 2; i <= MD ; i++)
      x[i] = xa + (i-1) * h;
      data[i] = e2data(x[i]);
//cout << i << '\t' << x[i] << '\t' << data[i] << '\t' << e2data(x[i]) << endl; 

  x[MD] = xb;
  data[MD] = e2data(xb);
  cout << "*** End: Init. Data-Array ***" << endl;
  cout << '\v' ;
  /* Kontrollausgabe, Datenausgabe */
  for(int i = 1; i <= MD; i++)
      DataError = fabs(data[i] - e2(x[i]))/fabs(e2(x[i]));
      DataError *= 100.0;
      out1 << i << '\t' << x[i] << '\t' << data[i] << '\t' << e2(x[i]) << '\t' << DataError << endl;

  cout << "*** Begin: LinInt. *** " << endl;


  for(int i = 1; i <= MD; i++) outs << i << '\t'  << y2d[i] << endl;

  cout << "*** End:   LinInt *** " << endl; 
  cout << '\v';

  //  static double step = (xb - xa)/MD;
  double xmax = N * hreg ;

  for(int j = 0; j <= (2 * N); j++)
      x0 = j * hreg - xmax ;
      dataspl = linint(x,data,y2d,MD,x0);
      e2core  = e2(x0);
      Error_splint = fabs(dataspl - e2core)/fabs(e2core);
      Error_splint *= 100.0;
      // cout << x0 << '\t' << dataspl << '\t' << e2core << '\t' << Error_splint << endl;
      out << x0 << '\t' <<  dataspl << '\t' << e2core << '\t' << Error_splint << endl;


  mp_real mp_regsum, mpdataup, mpdatadown , fu, fd, mpx0, zu, zd;
  mp_real mpx1, mpx2;
  mp_real mp_theoreg, mp_Error;
  double theoreg, Errorel;

  static mp_real mph = mp_real(hreg);
  static mp_real mprstep;

  double dregsum, x0d, dzu, dzd;
  mpx1 = mp_real(x1);
  mpx2 = mp_real(x2);
  mprstep = (mpx2 - mpx1)/mp_real(M);
  cout <<"*** Begin: Regularisation ***" << endl;
  cout << "b    = " <<  b1 << endl;
  cout << "N    = " << N << endl;
  cout << "h    = " << hreg << endl;
  cout << "xmax = " << N * hreg << endl;
  cout << "hreg = " << mph << endl;

  cout << "x1 = " << x1 << endl;
  cout << "x2 = " << x2 << endl;
  cout << "h  = " << mprstep << endl;

  cout << "dFaktor = " << dfactor << endl;
  cout << "Faktor  = " << factor << endl;

  for(int jj = 0; jj <= M; jj++)
      mpx0 = mpx1 + jj * mprstep;
      x0d = dble(mpx0);

      mpdataup = mp_real(linint(x,data,y2d,MD,x0d));
      mp_regsum = mpregkerne2(mpx0, mpx0 , b) * mpdataup;
      for(int j = 1; j <= N; j++)
	  zu  = mpx0 + j * mph;
	  dzu = dble(zu);
	  zd  = mpx0 - j * mph;
	  dzd = dble(zd);

	  mpdataup = mp_real(linint(x,data,y2d,MD,dzu));
	  fu = mpregkerne2(zu,mpx0,b) * mpdataup;
	  mpdatadown = mp_real(linint(x,data,y2d,MD,dzd));
	  fd = mpregkerne2(zd,mpx0,b) * mpdatadown;
	  mp_regsum += (fu + fd) ;
      mp_regsum *= mph;
      mp_regsum *= factor;
      mp_theoreg = mpRegexakt(mpx0, b);
      mp_Error = abs(mp_regsum - mp_theoreg)/abs(mp_theoreg);
      mp_Error *= mp_real(100.0);
      dregsum  = dble(mp_regsum);
      theoreg  = dble(mp_theoreg);
      Errorel  = dble(mp_Error);
      cout << mpx0 << mp_theoreg << mp_regsum << mp_Error << endl;
      rout << x0d << '\t' << theoreg << '\t' << dregsum << '\t' << Errorel << '\t' << b1 << endl;
  cout <<"*** End: Regularisation ***" << endl; 

  return 0;
