Exemplo n.º 1
void AccessibilityARIAGridRow::disclosedRows(AccessibilityChildrenVector& disclosedRows)
    // The contiguous disclosed rows will be the rows in the table that 
    // have an aria-level of plus 1 from this row.
    AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObjectUnignored();
    if (!is<AccessibilityTable>(*parent) || !downcast<AccessibilityTable>(*parent).isExposableThroughAccessibility())
    // Search for rows that match the correct level. 
    // Only take the subsequent rows from this one that are +1 from this row's level.
    int index = rowIndex();
    if (index < 0)
    unsigned level = hierarchicalLevel();
    auto& allRows = downcast<AccessibilityTable>(*parent).rows();
    int rowCount = allRows.size();
    for (int k = index + 1; k < rowCount; ++k) {
        AccessibilityObject* row = allRows[k].get();
        // Stop at the first row that doesn't match the correct level.
        if (row->hierarchicalLevel() != level + 1)

Exemplo n.º 2
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityARIAGridRow::disclosedByRow() const
    // The row that discloses this one is the row in the table
    // that is aria-level subtract 1 from this row.
    AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObjectUnignored();
    if (!is<AccessibilityTable>(*parent) || !downcast<AccessibilityTable>(*parent).isExposableThroughAccessibility())
        return nullptr;
    // If the level is 1 or less, than nothing discloses this row.
    unsigned level = hierarchicalLevel();
    if (level <= 1)
        return nullptr;
    // Search for the previous row that matches the correct level.
    int index = rowIndex();
    auto& allRows = downcast<AccessibilityTable>(parent)->rows();
    int rowCount = allRows.size();
    if (index >= rowCount)
        return nullptr;
    for (int k = index - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
        AccessibilityObject* row = allRows[k].get();
        if (row->hierarchicalLevel() == level - 1)
            return row;
    return nullptr;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityARIAGridRow::disclosedByRow() const
    // The row that discloses this one is the row in the table
    // that is aria-level subtract 1 from this row.
    AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObjectUnignored();
    if (!parent || !parent->isDataTable())
        return 0;
    // If the level is 1 or less, than nothing discloses this row.
    unsigned level = hierarchicalLevel();
    if (level <= 1)
        return 0;
    // Search for the previous row that matches the correct level.
    int index = rowIndex();
    AccessibilityChildrenVector& allRows = static_cast<AccessibilityTable*>(parent)->rows();
    int rowCount = allRows.size();
    if (index >= rowCount)
        return 0;
    for (int k = index - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
        AccessibilityObject* row = allRows[k].get();
        if (row->hierarchicalLevel() == level - 1)
            return row;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
AccpmGenMatrix::getRow(int i) const
  LaIndex rowIndex(i,i);
  LaIndex colIndex = index(1);
  AccpmVector row = RealMatrix::operator()(rowIndex, colIndex);
  return row;
  // This returns a matrix that is the lower-triangular part (only column
  // index <= row index) of the square of matrixToSquare.
  Eigen::MatrixXcd SymmetricComplexMassMatrix::LowerTriangleOfSquareMatrix(
                                 Eigen::MatrixXcd const& matrixToSquare ) const
    Eigen::MatrixXcd valuesSquaredMatrix( numberOfRows,
                                          numberOfRows );
    for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
         rowIndex < numberOfRows;
         ++rowIndex )
      for( size_t columnIndex( 0 );
           columnIndex <= rowIndex;
           ++columnIndex )
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).real(0.0);
        valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                      columnIndex ).imag(0.0);
        for( size_t sumIndex( 0 );
             sumIndex < numberOfRows;
             ++sumIndex )
          double temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).real()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).real() )
               + ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).imag() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex, columnIndex ).real(temp);
          temp = valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag()
          + ( ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                     rowIndex ).real()
                 * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       columnIndex ).imag() )
               - ( matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                       rowIndex ).imag()
                   * matrixToSquare.coeff( sumIndex,
                                         columnIndex ).real() ) );
		valuesSquaredMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                                        columnIndex ).imag(temp);
          // The Eigen routines don't bother looking at elements of
          // valuesSquaredMatrix where columnIndex > rowIndex, so we don't even
          // bother filling them with the conjugates of the transpose.
    return valuesSquaredMatrix;
Exemplo n.º 6
autoConfusion Confusion_condense (Confusion me, const char32 *search, const char32 *replace,
	long maximumNumberOfReplaces, int use_regexp) {
	try {
		long nmatches, nstringmatches;

		if (my rowLabels == 0 || my columnLabels == 0) {
			Melder_throw (U"No row or column labels.");
		autostring32vector rowLabels (strs_replace (my rowLabels, 1, my numberOfRows, search, replace,
			maximumNumberOfReplaces, &nmatches, &nstringmatches, use_regexp), 1, my numberOfRows);

		autostring32vector columnLabels (strs_replace (my columnLabels, 1, my numberOfColumns,  search, replace,
			 maximumNumberOfReplaces, &nmatches, &nstringmatches, use_regexp), 1, my numberOfColumns);

		autoStrings srow = Thing_new (Strings);
		srow -> numberOfStrings = my numberOfRows;
		srow -> strings = rowLabels.transfer();

		autoStrings scol = Thing_new (Strings);
		scol -> numberOfStrings = my numberOfColumns;
		scol -> strings = columnLabels.transfer();

		/* Find dimension of new Confusion */
		autoDistributions dcol = Strings_to_Distributions (scol.get());
		long nresp = dcol -> numberOfRows;

		autoDistributions drow = Strings_to_Distributions (srow.get());
		long nstim = drow -> numberOfRows;

		autoConfusion thee = Confusion_create (nstim, nresp);

		NUMstrings_copyElements (drow -> rowLabels, thy rowLabels, 1, nstim);
		NUMstrings_copyElements (dcol -> rowLabels, thy columnLabels, 1, nresp);

		autoNUMvector<long> rowIndex (1, my numberOfRows);
		create_index (srow -> strings, 1, my numberOfRows, drow -> rowLabels, 1, nstim, rowIndex.peek());
		autoNUMvector<long> columnIndex (1, my numberOfColumns);
		create_index (scol -> strings, 1, my numberOfColumns, dcol -> rowLabels, 1, nresp, columnIndex.peek());

		for (long i = 1; i <= my numberOfRows; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my numberOfColumns; j++) {
				thy data [rowIndex [i]][columnIndex[j]] += my data[i][j];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not condensed.");
 // This returns the eigenvalues of the matrix, using the values for the
 // Lagrangian parameters from the last call of UpdateForFixedScale and the
 // values for the fields found in fieldConfiguration.
 template< typename ElementType > inline std::vector< double >
 MassesSquaredFromMatrix< ElementType >::MassesSquared(
                       std::vector< double > const& fieldConfiguration ) const
   Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< EigenMatrix >
   eigenvalueFinder( CurrentValues( fieldConfiguration ),
                     Eigen::EigenvaluesOnly );
   std::vector< double > massesSquared( numberOfRows );
   for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
        rowIndex < numberOfRows;
        ++rowIndex )
     massesSquared[ rowIndex ] = eigenvalueFinder.eigenvalues()( rowIndex );
   return massesSquared;
 // This returns a matrix of the values of the elements for a field
 // configuration given by fieldConfiguration, using the values for the
 // Lagrangian parameters found in parameterValues.
 Eigen::MatrixXcd SymmetricComplexMassMatrix::MatrixToSquare(
                                 std::vector< double > const& parameterValues,
                       std::vector< double > const& fieldConfiguration ) const
   size_t rowsTimesLength( 0 );
   Eigen::MatrixXcd valuesMatrix( numberOfRows,
                                  numberOfRows );
   for( size_t rowIndex( 0 );
        rowIndex < numberOfRows;
        ++rowIndex )
     for( size_t columnIndex( 0 );
          columnIndex < rowIndex;
          ++columnIndex )
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                              columnIndex ).real(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + columnIndex ].first(
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                              columnIndex ).imag(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + columnIndex ].second(
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
       // We use the fact that the matrix is symmetric.
       valuesMatrix.coeffRef( columnIndex,
                              rowIndex )
       = valuesMatrix.coeff( rowIndex,
                             columnIndex );
     valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                            rowIndex ).real(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + rowIndex ].first( parameterValues,
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
     valuesMatrix.coeffRef( rowIndex,
                            rowIndex ).imag(matrixElements[ rowsTimesLength + rowIndex ].second( parameterValues,
                                                         fieldConfiguration ));
     rowsTimesLength += numberOfRows;
   return valuesMatrix;