Exemplo n.º 1
// Look up the master public generator for a regular seed so we may index source accounts ids.
// --> naRegularSeed
// <-- naMasterGenerator
Json::Value getMasterGenerator (
    Ledger::ref lrLedger, const RippleAddress& naRegularSeed,
    RippleAddress& naMasterGenerator, NetworkOPs& netOps)
    RippleAddress       na0Public;      // To find the generator's index.
    RippleAddress       na0Private;     // To decrypt the master generator's cipher.
    RippleAddress       naGenerator = RippleAddress::createGeneratorPublic (naRegularSeed);

    na0Public.setAccountPublic (naGenerator, 0);
    na0Private.setAccountPrivate (naGenerator, naRegularSeed, 0);

    SLE::pointer        sleGen          = netOps.getGenerator (lrLedger, na0Public.getAccountID ());

    if (!sleGen)
        // No account has been claimed or has had it password set for seed.
        return rpcError (rpcNO_ACCOUNT);

    Blob    vucCipher           = sleGen->getFieldVL (sfGenerator);
    Blob    vucMasterGenerator  = na0Private.accountPrivateDecrypt (na0Public, vucCipher);

    if (vucMasterGenerator.empty ())
        return rpcError (rpcFAIL_GEN_DECRYPT);

    naMasterGenerator.setGenerator (vucMasterGenerator);

    return Json::Value (Json::objectValue);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Provide the JSON-RPC "result" value.
// JSON-RPC provides a method and an array of params. JSON-RPC is used as a transport for a command and a request object. The
// command is the method. The request object is supplied as the first element of the params.
Json::Value RPCHandler::doRpcCommand (const std::string& strMethod, Json::Value const& jvParams, int iRole, Resource::Charge& loadType)
    WriteLog (lsTRACE, RPCHandler) << "doRpcCommand:" << strMethod << ":" << jvParams;

    if (!jvParams.isArray () || jvParams.size () > 1)
        return logRPCError (rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS));

    Json::Value params   = jvParams.size () ? jvParams[0u] : Json::Value (Json::objectValue);

    if (!params.isObject ())
        return logRPCError (rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS));

    // Provide the JSON-RPC method as the field "command" in the request.
    params[jss::command]    = strMethod;

    Json::Value jvResult = doCommand (params, iRole, loadType);

    // Always report "status".  On an error report the request as received.
    if (jvResult.isMember ("error"))
        jvResult[jss::status]  = jss::error;
        jvResult[jss::request] = params;

        jvResult[jss::status]  = jss::success;

    return logRPCError (jvResult);
Exemplo n.º 3
Json::Value doFeature (RPC::Context& context)
    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::feature))
        Json::Value jvReply = Json::objectValue;
        jvReply[jss::features] = getApp().getAmendmentTable ().getJson(0);
        return jvReply;

    uint256 uFeature
            = getApp().getAmendmentTable ().get(

    if (uFeature.isZero ())
        uFeature.SetHex (context.params[jss::feature].asString ());

        if (uFeature.isZero ())
            return rpcError (rpcBAD_FEATURE);

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::vote))
        return getApp().getAmendmentTable ().getJson(uFeature);

    // WRITEME
    return rpcError (rpcNOT_SUPPORTED);
Exemplo n.º 4
// {
//   node: <node_public>,
//   comment: <comment>             // optional
// }
Json::Value doUnlAdd (RPC::Context& context)
    auto lock = make_lock(context.app.getMasterMutex());

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::node))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    auto const id = parseBase58<PublicKey>(
        context.params[jss::node].asString ());

    if (!id)
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    auto const added = context.app.validators().insertPermanentKey (
        context.params.isMember (jss::comment)
            ? context.params[jss::comment].asString ()
            : "");

    Json::Value ret (Json::objectValue);
    ret[jss::pubkey_validator] = context.params[jss::node];
    ret[jss::status] = added ? "added" : "already present";
    return ret;
// --> strIdent: public key, account ID, or regular seed.
// --> bStrict: Only allow account id or public key.
// <-- bIndex: true if iIndex > 0 and used the index.
Json::Value accountFromString (Ledger::ref lrLedger, RippleAddress& naAccount,
                               bool& bIndex, const std::string& strIdent,
                               const int iIndex, const bool bStrict, NetworkOPs& netOps)
    RippleAddress   naSeed;

    if (naAccount.setAccountPublic (strIdent) || naAccount.setAccountID (strIdent))
        // Got the account.
        bIndex  = false;
    else if (bStrict)
        return naAccount.setAccountID (strIdent, Base58::getBitcoinAlphabet ())
               ? rpcError (rpcACT_BITCOIN)
               : rpcError (rpcACT_MALFORMED);
    // Must be a seed.
    else if (!naSeed.setSeedGeneric (strIdent))
        return rpcError (rpcBAD_SEED);


    return Json::Value (Json::objectValue);
Exemplo n.º 6
Json::Value doTx (RPC::Context& context)
    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::transaction))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    bool binary = context.params.isMember (jss::binary)
            && context.params[jss::binary].asBool ();

    auto const txid  = context.params[jss::transaction].asString ();

    if (!isHexTxID (txid))
        return rpcError (rpcNOT_IMPL);

    auto txn = getApp().getMasterTransaction ().fetch (uint256 (txid), true);

    if (!txn)
        return rpcError (rpcTXN_NOT_FOUND);

    Json::Value ret = txn->getJson (1, binary);

    if (txn->getLedger () == 0)
        return ret;

    if (auto lgr = context.netOps.getLedgerBySeq (txn->getLedger ()))
        bool okay = false;

        if (binary)
            std::string meta;

            if (lgr->getMetaHex (txn->getID (), meta))
                ret[jss::meta] = meta;
                okay = true;
            TransactionMetaSet::pointer txMeta;

            if (lgr->getTransactionMeta (txn->getID (), txMeta))
                okay = true;
                auto meta = txMeta->getJson (0);
                addPaymentDeliveredAmount (meta, context, txn, txMeta);
                ret[jss::meta] = meta;

        if (okay)
            ret[jss::validated] = context.netOps.isValidated (lgr);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
// {
//   start: <index>
// }
Json::Value doTxHistory (RPC::Context& context)
    context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::start))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    unsigned int startIndex = context.params[jss::start].asUInt ();

    if ((startIndex > 10000) &&  (! isUnlimited (context.role)))
        return rpcError (rpcNO_PERMISSION);

    Json::Value obj;
    Json::Value txs;

    obj[jss::index] = startIndex;

    std::string sql =
        boost::str (boost::format (
            "SELECT LedgerSeq, Status, RawTxn "
            "FROM Transactions ORDER BY LedgerSeq desc LIMIT %u,20;")
                    % startIndex);

        auto db = context.app.getTxnDB ().checkoutDb ();

        boost::optional<std::uint64_t> ledgerSeq;
        boost::optional<std::string> status;
        soci::blob sociRawTxnBlob (*db);
        soci::indicator rti;
        Blob rawTxn;

        soci::statement st = (db->prepare << sql,
                              soci::into (ledgerSeq),
                              soci::into (status),
                              soci::into (sociRawTxnBlob, rti));

        st.execute ();
        while (st.fetch ())
            if (soci::i_ok == rti)
                convert(sociRawTxnBlob, rawTxn);
                rawTxn.clear ();

            if (auto trans = Transaction::transactionFromSQL (
                    ledgerSeq, status, rawTxn, context.app))
                txs.append (trans->getJson (0));

    obj[jss::txs] = txs;

    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 8
Json::Value doLogLevel (RPC::Context& context)
    // log_level
    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::severity))
        // get log severities
        Json::Value ret (Json::objectValue);
        Json::Value lev (Json::objectValue);

        lev[jss::base] =
        std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > logTable (
        typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>::value_type stringPair;
        for (auto const& it : logTable)
            lev[it.first] = it.second;

        ret[jss::levels] = lev;
        return ret;

    LogSeverity const sv (
        Logs::fromString (context.params[jss::severity].asString ()));

    if (sv == lsINVALID)
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    auto severity = Logs::toSeverity(sv);
    // log_level severity
    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::partition))
        // set base log severity
        return Json::objectValue;

    // log_level partition severity base?
    if (context.params.isMember (jss::partition))
        // set partition severity
        std::string partition (context.params[jss::partition].asString ());

        if (boost::iequals (partition, "base"))
            deprecatedLogs().severity (severity);

        return Json::objectValue;

    return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 9
    // TODO: Get index from an alternate syntax: rXYZ:<index>
    Json::Value parseAccountRaw (const Json::Value& jvParams, bool bPeer)
        std::string     strIdent    = jvParams[0u].asString ();
        unsigned int    iCursor     = jvParams.size ();
        bool            bStrict     = false;
        std::string     strPeer;

        if (!bPeer && iCursor >= 2 && jvParams[iCursor - 1] == "strict")
            bStrict = true;

        if (bPeer && iCursor >= 2)
            strPeer = jvParams[iCursor].asString ();

        int             iIndex      = 0;
        //  int             iIndex      = jvParams.size() >= 2 ? lexicalCast <int>(jvParams[1u].asString()) : 0;

        RippleAddress   raAddress;

        if (!raAddress.setAccountPublic (strIdent) && !raAddress.setAccountID (strIdent) && !raAddress.setSeedGeneric (strIdent))
            return rpcError (rpcACT_MALFORMED);

        // Get info on account.
        Json::Value jvRequest (Json::objectValue);

        jvRequest["account"]    = strIdent;

        if (bStrict)
            jvRequest["strict"]     = 1;

        if (iIndex)
            jvRequest["account_index"]  = iIndex;

        if (!strPeer.empty ())
            RippleAddress   raPeer;

            if (!raPeer.setAccountPublic (strPeer) && !raPeer.setAccountID (strPeer) && !raPeer.setSeedGeneric (strPeer))
                return rpcError (rpcACT_MALFORMED);

            jvRequest["peer"]   = strPeer;

        if (iCursor == (2 + bPeer) && !jvParseLedger (jvRequest, jvParams[1u + bPeer].asString ()))
            return rpcError (rpcLGR_IDX_MALFORMED);

        return jvRequest;
Exemplo n.º 10
    // sign/submit any transaction to the network
    // sign <private_key> <json> offline
    // submit <private_key> <json>
    // submit <tx_blob>
    Json::Value parseSignSubmit (const Json::Value& jvParams)
        Json::Value     txJSON;
        Json::Reader    reader;
        bool            bOffline    = 3 == jvParams.size () && jvParams[2u].asString () == "offline";

        if (1 == jvParams.size ())
            // Submitting tx_blob

            Json::Value jvRequest;

            jvRequest["tx_blob"]    = jvParams[0u].asString ();

            return jvRequest;
        else if ((2 == jvParams.size () || bOffline)
                 && reader.parse (jvParams[1u].asString (), txJSON))
            // Signing or submitting tx_json.
            Json::Value jvRequest;

            jvRequest["secret"]     = jvParams[0u].asString ();
            jvRequest["tx_json"]    = txJSON;

            if (bOffline)
                jvRequest["offline"]    = true;

            return jvRequest;

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 11
// {
//  passphrase: <string>
// }
Json::Value doWalletPropose (RPC::Context& context)
    context.lock_.unlock ();

    RippleAddress   naSeed;
    RippleAddress   naAccount;

    if (!context.params_.isMember ("passphrase"))
        naSeed.setSeedRandom ();

    else if (!naSeed.setSeedGeneric (context.params_["passphrase"].asString ()))
        return rpcError(rpcBAD_SEED);

    RippleAddress naGenerator = RippleAddress::createGeneratorPublic (naSeed);
    naAccount.setAccountPublic (naGenerator, 0);

    Json::Value obj (Json::objectValue);

    obj["master_seed"]      = naSeed.humanSeed ();
    obj["master_seed_hex"]  = to_string (naSeed.getSeed ());
    obj["master_key"]     = naSeed.humanSeed1751();
    obj["account_id"]       = naAccount.humanAccountID ();
    obj["public_key"] = naAccount.humanAccountPublic();

    auto acct = naAccount.getAccountPublic();
    obj["public_key_hex"] = strHex(acct.begin(), acct.size());

    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 12
    // Build a object { "currency" : "XYZ", "issuer" : "rXYX" }
    static Json::Value jvParseCurrencyIssuer (const std::string& strCurrencyIssuer)
        static boost::regex reCurIss ("\\`([[:alpha:]]{3})(?:/(.+))?\\'");

        boost::smatch   smMatch;

        if (boost::regex_match (strCurrencyIssuer, smMatch, reCurIss))
            Json::Value jvResult (Json::objectValue);
            std::string strCurrency = smMatch[1];
            std::string strIssuer   = smMatch[2];

            jvResult["currency"]    = strCurrency;

            if (strIssuer.length ())
                // Could confirm issuer is a valid Ripple address.
                jvResult["issuer"]      = strIssuer;

            return jvResult;
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 13
// {
//   ip: <string>,
//   port: <number>
// }
// XXX Might allow domain for manual connections.
Json::Value doConnect (RPC::Context& context)
    auto lock = beast::make_lock(getApp().getMasterMutex());
    if (getConfig ().RUN_STANDALONE)
        return "cannot connect in standalone mode";

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::ip))
        return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::ip);

    if (context.params.isMember (jss::port) &&
        !context.params[jss::port].isConvertibleTo (Json::intValue))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    int iPort;

    if(context.params.isMember (jss::port))
        iPort = context.params[jss::port].asInt ();
        iPort = 6561;

    auto ip = beast::IP::Endpoint::from_string(
        context.params[jss::ip].asString ());

    if (! is_unspecified (ip))
        getApp().overlay ().connect (ip.at_port(iPort));

    return RPC::makeObjectValue ("connecting");
Exemplo n.º 14
Json::Value RPCHandler::doInternal (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    // Used for debug or special-purpose RPC commands
    if (!params.isMember ("internal_command"))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    return RPCInternalHandler::runHandler (params["internal_command"].asString (), params["params"]);
Exemplo n.º 15
Json::Value doPathFind (RPC::Context& context)
    auto lpLedger = context.ledgerMaster.getClosedLedger();

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::subcommand) ||
        !context.params[jss::subcommand].isString ())
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (!context.infoSub)
        return rpcError (rpcNO_EVENTS);

    auto sSubCommand = context.params[jss::subcommand].asString ();

    if (sSubCommand == "create")
        context.loadType = Resource::feeHighBurdenRPC;
        context.infoSub->clearPathRequest ();
        return context.app.getPathRequests().makePathRequest (
            context.infoSub, lpLedger, context.params);

    if (sSubCommand == "close")
        PathRequest::pointer request = context.infoSub->getPathRequest ();

        if (!request)
            return rpcError (rpcNO_PF_REQUEST);

        context.infoSub->clearPathRequest ();
        return request->doClose (context.params);

    if (sSubCommand == "status")
        PathRequest::pointer request = context.infoSub->getPathRequest ();

        if (!request)
            return rpcError (rpcNO_PF_REQUEST);

        return request->doStatus (context.params);

    return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 16
// Populate the UNL from a local validators.txt file.
Json::Value RPCHandler::doUnlLoad (Json::Value, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    if (getConfig ().VALIDATORS_FILE.empty () || !getApp().getUNL ().nodeLoad (getConfig ().VALIDATORS_FILE))
        return rpcError (rpcLOAD_FAILED);

    return "loading";
Exemplo n.º 17
Json::Value doSMS (RPC::Context& context)
    if (!context.params_.isMember ("text"))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    HTTPClient::sendSMS (
        getApp().getIOService (), context.params_["text"].asString ());

    return "sms dispatched";
Exemplo n.º 18
// {
//   secret_key: <signing_secret_key>
//   channel_id: 256-bit channel id
//   drops: 64-bit uint (as string)
// }
Json::Value doChannelAuthorize (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    for (auto const& p : {jss::secret, jss::channel_id, jss::amount})
        if (!params.isMember (p))
            return RPC::missing_field_error (p);

    Json::Value result;
    auto const keypair = RPC::keypairForSignature (params, result);
    if (RPC::contains_error (result))
        return result;

    uint256 channelId;
    if (!channelId.SetHexExact (params[jss::channel_id].asString ()))
        return rpcError (rpcCHANNEL_MALFORMED);

    std::uint64_t drops = 0;
        drops = std::stoul (params[jss::amount].asString ());
    catch (std::exception const&)
        return rpcError (rpcCHANNEL_AMT_MALFORMED);

    Serializer msg;
    serializePayChanAuthorization (msg, channelId, XRPAmount (drops));

        auto const buf = sign (keypair.first, keypair.second, msg.slice ());
        result[jss::signature] = strHex (buf);
    catch (std::exception&)
        result =
            RPC::make_error (rpcINTERNAL, "Exception occurred during signing.");
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
// Populate the UNL from a local validators.txt file.
Json::Value doUnlLoad (RPC::Context& context)
    auto lock = getApp().masterLock();

    if (getConfig ().VALIDATORS_FILE.empty ()
        || !getApp().getUNL ().nodeLoad (getConfig ().VALIDATORS_FILE))
        return rpcError (rpcLOAD_FAILED);

    return "loading";
Exemplo n.º 20
// {
//   public_key: <public_key>
//   channel_id: 256-bit channel id
//   drops: 64-bit uint (as string)
//   signature: signature to verify
// }
Json::Value doChannelVerify (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    for (auto const& p :
        {jss::public_key, jss::channel_id, jss::amount, jss::signature})
        if (!params.isMember (p))
            return RPC::missing_field_error (p);

    std::string const strPk = params[jss::public_key].asString ();
    auto const pk =
        parseBase58<PublicKey> (TokenType::TOKEN_ACCOUNT_PUBLIC, strPk);
    if (!pk)
        return rpcError (rpcPUBLIC_MALFORMED);

    uint256 channelId;
    if (!channelId.SetHexExact (params[jss::channel_id].asString ()))
        return rpcError (rpcCHANNEL_MALFORMED);

    std::uint64_t drops = 0;
        drops = std::stoul (params[jss::amount].asString ());
    catch (std::exception const&)
        return rpcError (rpcCHANNEL_AMT_MALFORMED);

    std::pair<Blob, bool> sig(strUnHex (params[jss::signature].asString ()));
    if (!sig.second || !sig.first.size ())
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    Serializer msg;
    serializePayChanAuthorization (msg, channelId, XRPAmount (drops));

    Json::Value result;
    result[jss::signature_verified] =
        verify (*pk, msg.slice (), makeSlice (sig.first), /*canonical*/ true);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 21
// {
//   feature : <feature>
//   vetoed : true/false
// }
Json::Value doFeature (RPC::Context& context)

    // Get majority amendment status
    majorityAmendments_t majorities;

    if (auto const valLedger = context.ledgerMaster.getValidatedLedger())
        majorities = getMajorityAmendments (*valLedger);

    auto& table = context.app.getAmendmentTable ();

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::feature))
        auto features = table.getJson(0);

        for (auto const& m : majorities)
            features[to_string(m.first)][jss::majority] =

        Json::Value jvReply = Json::objectValue;
        jvReply[jss::features] = features;
        return jvReply;

    auto feature = table.find (

    if (!feature &&
        !feature.SetHexExact (context.params[jss::feature].asString ()))
        return rpcError (rpcBAD_FEATURE);

    if (context.params.isMember (jss::vetoed))
        if (context.params[jss::vetoed].asBool ())
            context.app.getAmendmentTable().veto (feature);

    Json::Value jvReply = table.getJson(feature);

    auto m = majorities.find (feature);
    if (m != majorities.end())
        jvReply [jss::majority] =

    return jvReply;
Exemplo n.º 22
    // json <command> <json>
    Json::Value parseJson (const Json::Value& jvParams)
        Json::Reader    reader;
        Json::Value     jvRequest;

        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RPCParser) << "RPC method: " << jvParams[0u];
        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RPCParser) << "RPC json: " << jvParams[1u];

        if (reader.parse (jvParams[1u].asString (), jvRequest))
            jvRequest["method"] = jvParams[0u];

            return jvRequest;

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 23
// Result:
// {
//   random: <uint256>
// }
Json::Value doRandom (RPC::Context& context)
    uint256 rand;

        RandomNumbers::getInstance ().fillBytes (rand.begin (), rand.size ());

        Json::Value jvResult;
        jvResult["random"]  = to_string (rand);
        return jvResult;
    catch (...)
        return rpcError (rpcINTERNAL);
Exemplo n.º 24
// Result:
// {
//   random: <uint256>
// }
Json::Value doRandom (RPC::Context& context)
    // TODO(tom): the try/catch is almost certainly redundant, we catch at the
    // top level too.
        uint256 rand;
        RandomNumbers::getInstance ().fillBytes (rand.begin (), rand.size ());

        Json::Value jvResult;
        jvResult["random"]  = to_string (rand);
        return jvResult;
    catch (...)
        return rpcError (rpcINTERNAL);
Exemplo n.º 25
// {
//   account: <indent>,
//   account_index : <index> // optional
//   strict: <bool>                 // true, only allow public keys and addresses. false, default.
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
// }
Json::Value doAccountInfo (RPC::Context& context)
    auto& params = context.params_;

    Ledger::pointer ledger;
    Json::Value result = RPC::lookupLedger (params, ledger, context.netOps_);

    if (!ledger)
        return result;

    if (!params.isMember ("account") && !params.isMember ("ident"))
        return RPC::missing_field_error ("account");

    std::string strIdent = params.isMember ("account")
            ? params["account"].asString () : params["ident"].asString ();
    bool bIndex;
    int iIndex = params.isMember ("account_index")
            ? params["account_index"].asUInt () : 0;
    bool bStrict = params.isMember ("strict") && params["strict"].asBool ();
    RippleAddress naAccount;

    // Get info on account.

    Json::Value jvAccepted = RPC::accountFromString (
        ledger, naAccount, bIndex, strIdent, iIndex, bStrict, context.netOps_);

    if (!jvAccepted.empty ())
        return jvAccepted;

    auto asAccepted = context.netOps_.getAccountState (ledger, naAccount);

    if (asAccepted)
        asAccepted->addJson (jvAccepted);
        result["account_data"]    = jvAccepted;
        result["account"] = naAccount.humanAccountID ();
        result            = rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND, result);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 26
Json::Value RPCInternalHandler::runHandler (const std::string& name, const Json::Value& params)
    RPCInternalHandler* h = sHeadHandler;

    while (h != nullptr)
        if (name == h->mName)
            WriteLog (lsWARNING, RPCHandler) << "Internal command " << name << ": " << params;
            Json::Value ret = h->mHandler (params);
            WriteLog (lsWARNING, RPCHandler) << "Internal command returns: " << ret;
            return ret;

        h = h->mNextHandler;

    return rpcError (rpcBAD_SYNTAX);
Exemplo n.º 27
    // ripple_path_find <json> [<ledger>]
    Json::Value parseRipplePathFind (const Json::Value& jvParams)
        Json::Reader    reader;
        Json::Value     jvRequest;
        bool            bLedger     = 2 == jvParams.size ();

        WriteLog (lsTRACE, RPCParser) << "RPC json: " << jvParams[0u];

        if (reader.parse (jvParams[0u].asString (), jvRequest))
            if (bLedger)
                jvParseLedger (jvRequest, jvParams[1u].asString ());

            return jvRequest;

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 28
// {
//   node: <domain>|<public_key>
// }
Json::Value doUnlDelete (RPC::Context& context)
    auto lock = beast::make_lock(context.app.getMasterMutex());

    if (!context.params.isMember (jss::node))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    auto strNode = context.params[jss::node].asString ();
    RippleAddress raNodePublic;

    if (raNodePublic.setNodePublic (strNode))
        context.app.getUNL ().nodeRemovePublic (raNodePublic);
        return RPC::makeObjectValue ("removing node by public key");
        context.app.getUNL ().nodeRemoveDomain (strNode);
        return RPC::makeObjectValue ("removing node by domain");
Exemplo n.º 29
    // unl_add <domain>|<node_public> [<comment>]
    Json::Value parseUnlAdd (const Json::Value& jvParams)
        std::string strNode     = jvParams[0u].asString ();
        std::string strComment  = (jvParams.size () == 2) ? jvParams[1u].asString () : "";

        RippleAddress   naNodePublic;

        if (strNode.length ())
            Json::Value jvRequest;

            jvRequest["node"]       = strNode;

            if (strComment.length ())
                jvRequest["comment"]    = strComment;

            return jvRequest;

        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);
Exemplo n.º 30
// {
//   node: <domain>|<public_key>
// }
Json::Value RPCHandler::doUnlDelete (Json::Value params, Resource::Charge& loadType, Application::ScopedLockType& masterLockHolder)
    if (!params.isMember ("node"))
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    std::string strNode     = params["node"].asString ();

    RippleAddress   raNodePublic;

    if (raNodePublic.setNodePublic (strNode))
        getApp().getUNL ().nodeRemovePublic (raNodePublic);

        return "removing node by public key";
        getApp().getUNL ().nodeRemoveDomain (strNode);

        return "removing node by domain";