Exemplo n.º 1
/* Check a given dependency against installed packages */
static void checkInstDeps(rpmts ts, depCache dcache, rpmte te,
			  rpmTag depTag, const char *dep)
    Header h;
    rpmdbMatchIterator mi = rpmtsPrunedIterator(ts, depTag, dep, 1);
    rpmstrPool pool = rpmtsPool(ts);
    /* require-problems are unsatisfied, others appear "satisfied" */
    int is_problem = (depTag == RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME);

    while ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) {
	char * pkgNEVRA;
	rpmds ds;

	/* Ignore self-obsoletes and self-conflicts */
	    unsigned int instance = headerGetInstance(h);
	    if (instance && instance == rpmteDBInstance(te))

	pkgNEVRA = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVRA);
	ds = rpmdsNewPool(pool, h, depTag, 0);
	rpmdsSetIx(ds, rpmdbGetIteratorFileNum(mi));

	if (unsatisfiedDepend(ts, dcache, ds) == is_problem)
	    rpmteAddDepProblem(te, pkgNEVRA, ds, NULL);

Exemplo n.º 2
/* Check files in the transactions against the rpmdb
 * Lookup all files with the same basename in the rpmdb
 * and then check for matching finger prints
 * @param ts		transaction set
 * @param fpc		global finger print cache
void checkInstalledFiles(rpmts ts, uint64_t fileCount, fingerPrintCache fpc)
    tsMembers tsmem = rpmtsMembers(ts);
    rpmte p;
    rpmfiles fi;
    rpmfs fs;
    int j;
    unsigned int fileNum;

    rpmdbMatchIterator mi;
    Header h, newheader;

    rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "computing file dispositions\n");

    mi = rpmFindBaseNamesInDB(ts, fileCount);

    /* For all installed headers with matching basename's ... */
    if (mi == NULL)

    if (rpmdbGetIteratorCount(mi) == 0) {
	mi = rpmdbFreeIterator(mi);

    /* Loop over all packages from the rpmdb */
    h = newheader = rpmdbNextIterator(mi);
    while (h != NULL) {
	headerGetFlags hgflags = HEADERGET_MINMEM;
	struct rpmtd_s bnames, dnames, dindexes, ostates;
	fingerPrint *fpp = NULL;
	unsigned int installedPkg;
	int beingRemoved = 0;
	rpmfiles otherFi = NULL;
	rpmte *removedPkg = NULL;

	/* Is this package being removed? */
	installedPkg = rpmdbGetIteratorOffset(mi);
	if (packageHashGetEntry(tsmem->removedPackages, installedPkg,
				&removedPkg, NULL, NULL)) {
	    beingRemoved = 1;
	    otherFi = rpmteFiles(removedPkg[0]);

	h = headerLink(h);
	/* For packages being removed we can use its rpmfi to avoid all this */
	if (!beingRemoved) {
	    headerGet(h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, &bnames, hgflags);
	    headerGet(h, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES, &dnames, hgflags);
	    headerGet(h, RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, &dindexes, hgflags);
	    headerGet(h, RPMTAG_FILESTATES, &ostates, hgflags);

	/* loop over all interesting files in that package */
	do {
	    int fpIx;
	    struct rpmffi_s * recs;
	    int numRecs;
	    const char * dirName;
	    const char * baseName;

	    /* lookup finger print for this file */
	    fileNum = rpmdbGetIteratorFileNum(mi);
	    if (!beingRemoved) {
		rpmtdSetIndex(&bnames, fileNum);
		rpmtdSetIndex(&dindexes, fileNum);
		rpmtdSetIndex(&dnames, *rpmtdGetUint32(&dindexes));
		rpmtdSetIndex(&ostates, fileNum);

		dirName = rpmtdGetString(&dnames);
		baseName = rpmtdGetString(&bnames);

		fpLookup(fpc, dirName, baseName, &fpp);
		fpIx = 0;
	    } else {
		fpp = rpmfilesFps(otherFi);
		fpIx = fileNum;

	    /* search for files in the transaction with same finger print */
	    fpCacheGetByFp(fpc, fpp, fpIx, &recs, &numRecs);

	    for (j = 0; j < numRecs; j++) {
	        p = recs[j].p;
		fi = rpmteFiles(p);
		fs = rpmteGetFileStates(p);

		/* Determine the fate of each file. */
		switch (rpmteType(p)) {
		case TR_ADDED:
		    if (!otherFi) {
			/* XXX What to do if this fails? */
		        otherFi = rpmfilesNew(NULL, h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, RPMFI_KEEPHEADER);
		    handleInstInstalledFile(ts, p, fi, recs[j].fileno,
					    h, otherFi, fileNum, beingRemoved);
		case TR_REMOVED:
		    if (!beingRemoved) {
			if (*rpmtdGetChar(&ostates) == RPMFILE_STATE_NORMAL)
			    rpmfsSetAction(fs, recs[j].fileno, FA_SKIP);

	    newheader = rpmdbNextIterator(mi);

	} while (newheader==h);

	otherFi = rpmfilesFree(otherFi);
	if (!beingRemoved) {
	h = newheader;

Exemplo n.º 3
/* Check files in the transactions against the rpmdb
 * Lookup all files with the same basename in the rpmdb
 * and then check for matching finger prints
 * @param ts		transaction set
 * @param fpc		global finger print cache
void checkInstalledFiles(rpmts ts, fingerPrintCache fpc)
    rpmps ps;
    rpmte p;
    rpmfi fi;
    rpmfs fs;
    rpmfi otherFi=NULL;
    int j;
    int xx;
    unsigned int fileNum;
    const char * oldDir;

    rpmdbMatchIterator mi;
    Header h, newheader;

    int beingRemoved;

    rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "computing file dispositions\n");

    mi = rpmFindBaseNamesInDB(ts);

    /* For all installed headers with matching basename's ... */
    if (mi == NULL)

    if (rpmdbGetIteratorCount(mi) == 0) {
	mi = rpmdbFreeIterator(mi);

    ps = rpmtsProblems(ts);

    /* Loop over all packages from the rpmdb */
    h = newheader = rpmdbNextIterator(mi);
    while (h != NULL) {
	headerGetFlags hgflags = HEADERGET_MINMEM;
	struct rpmtd_s bnames, dnames, dindexes, ostates;
	fingerPrint fp;
	unsigned int installedPkg;

	/* Is this package being removed? */
	installedPkg = rpmdbGetIteratorOffset(mi);
	beingRemoved = 0;
	if (ts->removedPackages != NULL)
	for (j = 0; j < ts->numRemovedPackages; j++) {
	    if (ts->removedPackages[j] != installedPkg)
	    beingRemoved = 1;

	h = headerLink(h);
	headerGet(h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, &bnames, hgflags);
	headerGet(h, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES, &dnames, hgflags);
	headerGet(h, RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, &dindexes, hgflags);
	headerGet(h, RPMTAG_FILESTATES, &ostates, hgflags);

	oldDir = NULL;
	/* loop over all interesting files in that package */
	do {
	    int gotRecs;
	    struct rpmffi_s * recs;
	    int numRecs;
	    const char * dirName;
	    const char * baseName;

	    fileNum = rpmdbGetIteratorFileNum(mi);
	    rpmtdSetIndex(&bnames, fileNum);
	    rpmtdSetIndex(&dindexes, fileNum);
	    rpmtdSetIndex(&dnames, *rpmtdGetUint32(&dindexes));
	    rpmtdSetIndex(&ostates, fileNum);

	    dirName = rpmtdGetString(&dnames);
	    baseName = rpmtdGetString(&bnames);

	    /* lookup finger print for this file */
	    if ( dirName == oldDir) {
	        /* directory is the same as last round */
	        fp.baseName = baseName;
	    } else {
	        fp = fpLookup(fpc, dirName, baseName, 1);
		oldDir = dirName;
	    /* search for files in the transaction with same finger print */
	    gotRecs = rpmFpHashGetEntry(ts->ht, &fp, &recs, &numRecs, NULL);

	    for (j=0; (j<numRecs)&&gotRecs; j++) {
	        p = recs[j].p;
		fi = rpmteFI(p);
		fs = rpmteGetFileStates(p);

		/* Determine the fate of each file. */
		switch (rpmteType(p)) {
		case TR_ADDED:
		    if (!otherFi) {
		        otherFi = rpmfiNew(ts, h, RPMTAG_BASENAMES, RPMFI_KEEPHEADER);
		    rpmfiSetFX(fi, recs[j].fileno);
		    rpmfiSetFX(otherFi, fileNum);
		    xx = handleInstInstalledFile(ts, p, fi, h, otherFi, beingRemoved);
		case TR_REMOVED:
		    if (!beingRemoved) {
		        rpmfiSetFX(fi, recs[j].fileno);
			if (*rpmtdGetChar(&ostates) == RPMFILE_STATE_NORMAL)
			    rpmfsSetAction(fs, recs[j].fileno, FA_SKIP);

	    newheader = rpmdbNextIterator(mi);

	} while (newheader==h);

	otherFi = rpmfiFree(otherFi);
	h = newheader;

    mi = rpmdbFreeIterator(mi);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Cached rpmdb provide lookup, returns 0 if satisfied, 1 otherwise */
static int rpmdbProvides(rpmts ts, depCache dcache, rpmds dep)
    const char * Name = rpmdsN(dep);
    const char * DNEVR = rpmdsDNEVR(dep);
    rpmTagVal deptag = rpmdsTagN(dep);
    int *cachedrc = NULL;
    rpmdbMatchIterator mi = NULL;
    Header h = NULL;
    int rc = 0;
    /* pretrans deps are provided by current packages, don't prune erasures */
    int prune = (rpmdsFlags(dep) & RPMSENSE_PRETRANS) ? 0 : 1;
    unsigned int keyhash = 0;

    /* See if we already looked this up */
    if (prune) {
	keyhash = depCacheKeyHash(dcache, DNEVR);
	if (depCacheGetHEntry(dcache, DNEVR, keyhash, &cachedrc, NULL, NULL)) {
	    rc = *cachedrc;
	    rpmdsNotify(dep, "(cached)", rc);
	    return rc;

     * See if a filename dependency is a real file in some package,
     * taking file state into account: replaced, wrong colored and
     * not installed files can not satisfy a dependency.
    if (deptag != RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME && Name[0] == '/') {
	mi = rpmtsPrunedIterator(ts, RPMDBI_INSTFILENAMES, Name, prune);
	while ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) {
	    /* Ignore self-conflicts */
	    if (deptag == RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME) {
		unsigned int instance = headerGetInstance(h);
		if (instance && instance == rpmdsInstance(dep))
	    rpmdsNotify(dep, "(db files)", rc);

    /* Otherwise look in provides no matter what the dependency looks like */
    if (h == NULL) {
	rpmstrPool tspool = rpmtsPool(ts);
	/* Obsoletes use just name alone, everything else uses provides */
	rpmTagVal dbtag = RPMDBI_PROVIDENAME;
	int selfevr = 0;
	if (deptag == RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME) {
	    dbtag = RPMDBI_NAME;
	    selfevr = 1;

	mi = rpmtsPrunedIterator(ts, dbtag, Name, prune);
	while ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) {
	    /* Provide-indexes can't be used with nevr-only matching */
	    int prix = (selfevr) ? -1 : rpmdbGetIteratorFileNum(mi);
	    int match = rpmdsMatches(tspool, h, prix, dep, selfevr,
	    /* Ignore self-obsoletes and self-conflicts */
	    if (match && (deptag == RPMTAG_OBSOLETENAME || deptag == RPMTAG_CONFLICTNAME)) {
		unsigned int instance = headerGetInstance(h);
		if (instance && instance == rpmdsInstance(dep))
		    match = 0;
	    if (match) {
		rpmdsNotify(dep, "(db provides)", rc);
    rc = (h != NULL) ? 0 : 1;

    /* Cache the relatively expensive rpmdb lookup results */
    /* Caching the oddball non-pruned case would mess up other results */
    if (prune)
	depCacheAddHEntry(dcache, xstrdup(DNEVR), keyhash, rc);
    return rc;