Exemplo n.º 1
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const llvm::Type* type) {
	std::string str;
	llvm::raw_string_ostream rso(str);
	os << rso.str();
	return os;
Exemplo n.º 2
IComparison* Comparisons::NewEx(LPCTSTR originalDocId, LPCTSTR modifiedDocId, VARIANT &renderingSet, LONG comparisonMode, VARIANT_BOOL showSelectorDialog, BSTR originalDescription, BSTR modifiedDescription)
	AutomationInteractionSuppressor ais;

	CDeltaViewCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
	cmdInfo.m_sOriginal = EnsureDocId(originalDocId);
	cmdInfo.m_sModified = EnsureDocId(modifiedDocId);
	cmdInfo.m_sOriginalDisplayName = originalDescription;
	cmdInfo.m_sModifiedDisplayName = modifiedDescription;
	cmdInfo.m_bShowSelector = showSelectorDialog != VARIANT_FALSE;
	CStdString selectedRenderingSet = RenderingSet::GetCurrentRenderingSet();
	_variant_t vrenderSet = renderingSet;
	if (vrenderSet.vt == VT_BSTR)
		selectedRenderingSet = _bstr_t(vrenderSet);
	RenderingSetOverride rso(selectedRenderingSet);

	cmdInfo.m_comparisonOption = comparisonMode;
	cmdInfo.m_bSilentMode = showSelectorDialog == VARIANT_FALSE;

	COptionsDlgSelector optSelector;
	if(optSelector.SetDlgInformation(cmdInfo) == S_FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	if( cmdInfo.ShouldShowDocumentSelectorDlg() )
		if( !optSelector.ShowDialog() )
			// Dialog might have returned false because it was cancelled during a right-click op.
			// If so, don't display a 'unable to compare' error.  ST2085
			if( !optSelector.Cancelled() )
				AfxThrowOleDispatchException(1105, L"Comparison failed.");
			AfxThrowOleDispatchException(1106, L"Cancelled.");
		if (!optSelector.StartComparisons())
			AfxThrowOleDispatchException(1105, L"Comparison failed.");

// TODO - can we get the frame in a better way
	CMDIFrameWnd* pMainFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIFrameWnd, AfxGetMainWnd());
	CChildFrame *pFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST( CChildFrame, pMainFrame->MDIGetActive() );
	CDeltaVwDoc* pDoc = pFrame->GetDocument();
	return FindComObject(pDoc);

bool fuseKernels(bcc::BCCContext& Context,
                 const std::vector<Source *>& sources,
                 const std::vector<int>& slots,
                 const std::string& fusedName,
                 Module* mergedModule) {
  bccAssert(sources.size() == slots.size() && "sources and slots differ in size");

  uint32_t fusedFunctionSignature;

  llvm::FunctionType* fusedType =
          getFusedFuncType(Context, sources, slots, mergedModule, &fusedFunctionSignature);

  if (fusedType == nullptr) {
    return false;

  Function* fusedKernel =
          (Function*)(mergedModule->getOrInsertFunction(fusedName, fusedType));

  llvm::LLVMContext& ctxt = Context.getLLVMContext();

  llvm::BasicBlock* block = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(ctxt, "entry", fusedKernel);
  llvm::IRBuilder<> builder(block);

  Function::arg_iterator argIter = fusedKernel->arg_begin();

  llvm::Value* dataElement = nullptr;
  if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureIn(fusedFunctionSignature)) {
    dataElement = &*(argIter++);

  llvm::Value* X = nullptr;
  if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureX(fusedFunctionSignature)) {
    X = &*(argIter++);

  llvm::Value* Y = nullptr;
  if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureY(fusedFunctionSignature)) {
    Y = &*(argIter++);

  llvm::Value* Z = nullptr;
  if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureZ(fusedFunctionSignature)) {
    Z = &*(argIter++);

  auto slotIter = slots.begin();
  for (const Source* source : sources) {
    int slot = *slotIter;

    uint32_t inputFunctionSignature;
    const Function* inputFunction =
            getFunction(mergedModule, source, slot, &inputFunctionSignature);
    if (inputFunction == nullptr) {
      // Either failed to find the kernel function, or the function has multiple inputs.
      return false;

    // Don't try to fuse a non-kernel
    if (!bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureKernel(inputFunctionSignature)) {
      ALOGE("Kernel fusion (module %s function %s): not a kernel",
            source->getName().c_str(), inputFunction->getName().str().c_str());
      return false;

    std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;

    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureIn(inputFunctionSignature)) {
      if (dataElement == nullptr) {
        ALOGE("Kernel fusion (module %s function %s): expected input, but got null",
              source->getName().c_str(), inputFunction->getName().str().c_str());
        return false;

      const llvm::FunctionType* funcTy = inputFunction->getFunctionType();
      llvm::Type* firstArgType = funcTy->getParamType(0);

      if (dataElement->getType() != firstArgType) {
        std::string msg;
        llvm::raw_string_ostream rso(msg);
        rso << "Mismatching argument type, expected ";
        rso << ", received ";
        ALOGE("Kernel fusion (module %s function %s): %s", source->getName().c_str(),
              inputFunction->getName().str().c_str(), rso.str().c_str());
        return false;

    } else {
      // Only the first kernel in a batch is allowed to have no input
      if (slotIter != slots.begin()) {
        ALOGE("Kernel fusion (module %s function %s): function not first in batch takes no input",
              source->getName().c_str(), inputFunction->getName().str().c_str());
        return false;

    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureX(inputFunctionSignature)) {

    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureY(inputFunctionSignature)) {

    if (bcinfo::MetadataExtractor::hasForEachSignatureZ(inputFunctionSignature)) {

    dataElement = builder.CreateCall((llvm::Value*)inputFunction, args);


  if (fusedKernel->getReturnType()->isVoidTy()) {
  } else {

  llvm::NamedMDNode* ExportForEachNameMD =

  llvm::MDString* nameMDStr = llvm::MDString::get(ctxt, fusedName);
  llvm::MDNode* nameMDNode = llvm::MDNode::get(ctxt, nameMDStr);

  llvm::NamedMDNode* ExportForEachMD =
  llvm::MDString* sigMDStr = llvm::MDString::get(ctxt,
  llvm::MDNode* sigMDNode = llvm::MDNode::get(ctxt, sigMDStr);

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void AAAnalyzer::printCallGraph(const string& mIdentifier) {
    string dotfilename("");

    FILE * fout = fopen(dotfilename.data(), "w+");
    fprintf(fout, "digraph maycg {\n");

    for (ilist_iterator<Function> iterF = module->getFunctionList().begin(); iterF != module->getFunctionList().end(); iterF++) {
        Function* f = iterF;
        if (f->isIntrinsic()) {

        if (wrapped_functions_map.count(f)) {
            FunctionWrapper * fw = wrapped_functions_map[f];
            fprintf(fout, "\tf%d[label=\"%s\"]\n", fw->getIndex(), f->getName().data());
        } else {
            errs() << "ERROR in printCG when declare functions.\n";

    set<FunctionWrapper*>::iterator fwIt = wrapped_functions.begin();
    while (fwIt != wrapped_functions.end()) {
        FunctionWrapper* fw = *fwIt;
        set<CommonCall*>* commonCalls = fw->getCommonCallsForCG();
        set<CommonCall*>::iterator comIt = commonCalls->begin();
        while (comIt != commonCalls->end()) {
            CommonCall* cc = *comIt;
            Function * callee = (Function*) cc->calledValue;

            if (wrapped_functions_map.count(callee)) {
                Value * ci = cc->ret;
                std::string s;
                raw_string_ostream rso(s);
                if (ci != NULL) {
                    rso << *(ci);
                } else {
                    rso << "Hidden";
                string& edgelabel = rso.str();
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edgelabel.length(); i++) {
                    if (edgelabel[i] == '\"') {
                        edgelabel[i] = '`';

                    if (edgelabel[i] == '\n') {
                        edgelabel[i] = ' ';
                fprintf(fout, "\tf%d->f%d[label=\"%s\"]\n", fw->getIndex(), wrapped_functions_map[callee]->getIndex(), edgelabel.data());
            } else {
                errs() << "ERROR in printCG when print common function calls.\n";

        set<PointerCall*>* fpCallsMap = fw->getPointerCallsForCG();
        set<PointerCall*>::iterator fpIt = fpCallsMap->begin();
        while (fpIt != fpCallsMap->end()) {
            PointerCall* pcall = *fpIt;
            //Value * callInst = fpIt->first;
            set<Function*>* mayCalled = &((*fpIt)->handledCallees);
            Value* calledValue = pcall->calledValue;

            std::string s;
            raw_string_ostream rso(s);
            if (pcall->ret != NULL) {
                rso << *(pcall->ret);
            } else {
                rso << "Hidden";
            string& edgelabel = rso.str(); // edge label is the call inst
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < edgelabel.length(); i++) {
                if (edgelabel[i] == '\"') {
                    edgelabel[i] = '`';

                if (edgelabel[i] == '\n') {
                    edgelabel[i] = ' ';

            set<Function*>::iterator mcIt = mayCalled->begin();
            while (mcIt != mayCalled->end()) {
                Function * mcf = *mcIt;
                if (wrapped_functions_map.count(mcf)) {

                    int clevel = this->isCompatible((FunctionType*) (mcf->getType()->getPointerElementType()), (FunctionType*) (calledValue->getType()->getPointerElementType()));
                    fprintf(fout, "\tf%d->f%d[label=\"%s\"] // confidence-level = %d\n", fw->getIndex(), wrapped_functions_map[mcf]->getIndex(), edgelabel.data(), clevel);
                } else {
                    errs() << "ERROR in printCG when print fp calls.\n";




    fprintf(fout, "}\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int ac, char **av)
    SourceMgr SrcMgr;


    // arg0:
    // llvm::Target encapsulating the "x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0" information 

    // see /lib/Support/Triple.cpp for the details
    //spec = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
    //std::string machSpec = "x86_64-apple-windows"; // will produce a COFF
    //std::string machSpec = "x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0"; // will produce a Mach-O
    std::string machSpec = "arm-none-none-eabi"; //
    //std::string machSpec = "x86_64-apple-darwin";
    //std::string machSpec = "x86_64-thumb-linux-gnu";
    //std::string machSpec = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu";
    printf("machine spec: %s\n", machSpec.c_str());
    machSpec = Triple::normalize(machSpec);
    printf("machine spec (normalized): %s\n", machSpec.c_str());
    Triple TheTriple(machSpec);

    // Get the target specific parser.
    std::string Error;
    const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(/*arch*/"", TheTriple, Error);
    if (!TheTarget) {
        errs() << Error;
        return -1;

    machSpec = TheTriple.getTriple();
    printf("machine spec (returned): %s\n", machSpec.c_str());
    printf("Target.getName(): %s\n", TheTarget->getName());
    printf("Target.getShortDescription(): %s\n", TheTarget->getShortDescription());

    /* from the target we get almost everything */
    std::unique_ptr<MCRegisterInfo> MRI(TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(machSpec));
    std::unique_ptr<MCAsmInfo> MAI(TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*MRI, machSpec));
    std::unique_ptr<MCInstrInfo> MCII(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo()); /* describes target instruction set */
    MCSubtargetInfo *STI = TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(machSpec, "", ""); /* subtarget instr set */
    MCAsmBackend *MAB = TheTarget->createMCAsmBackend(*MRI, machSpec, /* specific CPU */ "");

    // arg0:
    // llvm::SourceMgr (Support/SourceMgr.h) that holds assembler source
    // has vector of llvm::SrcBuffer encaps (Support/MemoryBuffer.h) and vector of include dirs
    //std::string asmSrc = ".org 0x100, 0xAA\nfoo:\nxor %eax, %ebx\npush %rbp\njmp foo\nrdtsc\n";
	//std::string asmSrc = ".text\n" "ldr pc, data_foo\n" "\n" "data_foo:\n" "    .int 0x8\n" "\n" "loop:\n" "b loop\n";
	//std::string asmSrc = ".text\n" "mov r2, r1\n";
	std::string asmSrc = ".text\n" "ldr pc, data_foo\n" "data_foo:\n" ".int 0x8\n" "loop:\n" "b loop\n";

    std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> memBuf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(asmSrc);
    SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(memBuf), SMLoc());

    // arg1: the machine code context
    MCObjectFileInfo MOFI;
    MCContext Ctx(MAI.get(), MRI.get(), &MOFI, &SrcMgr);
    MOFI.InitMCObjectFileInfo(TheTriple, Reloc::Default, CodeModel::Default, Ctx);

    // this is the assembler interface
    // -methods per .s statements (emit bytes, handle directive, etc.)
    // -remembers current section
    // -implementations that write a .s, or .o in various formats
    //   1. the output stream ... a formatted_raw_ostream wraps a raw_ostream to provide
    //   tracking of line and column position for padding and shit
    //   but raw_ostream is abstract and is implemented by raw_fd_ostream, raw_string_ostream, etc.

	/* output stream:
		raw_svector_ostream is a raw_pwrite_stream is a raw_ostream
		since a SmallString is SmallVector (svector) we can use this and 
		retrieve bytes later with its .data() method */
	SmallString<1024> smallString;
    raw_svector_ostream rso(smallString);

    /* code emitter needs 1) instruction set info 2) register info */
    MCCodeEmitter *CE = TheTarget->createMCCodeEmitter(*MCII, *MRI, Ctx);

    MCStreamer *as = TheTarget->createMCObjectStreamer(
		TheTriple, /* Triple */	
        Ctx, /* the MCContext */
        *MAB,  /* the AsmBackend, (fixups, relaxation, objs and elfs) */
        rso, /* output stream raw_pwrite_stream */
        CE, /* code emitter */
		*STI, /* subtarget info */
		true, /* relax all fixups */
		true, /* incremental linker compatible */ 
        false /* DWARFMustBeAtTheEnd */

    std::string abi = "none";
    MCTargetOptions toptions;
    toptions.MCUseDwarfDirectory = false;
    toptions.ABIName = abi;

    printf("trying to assemble, let's go..\n");
    AssembleInput(TheTarget, SrcMgr, Ctx, *as, *MAI, *STI,
        *MCII, toptions);
	printf("done with AssembleInput()\n");

	/* dump to file for debugging */
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen("out.bin", "wb");
	fwrite(smallString.data(), 1, smallString.size(), fp);

	//int n = smallString.size();
	int codeOffset=0, codeSize = 0;
	char *data = smallString.data();
	if(*(uint32_t *)data == 0xFEEDFACF) {
		unsigned int idx = 0;
		idx += 0x20; /* skip mach_header_64 to first command */
		idx += 0x48; /* advance into segment_command_64 to first section */
		idx += 0x28; /* advance into section_64 to size */
		uint64_t scn_size = *(uint64_t *)(data + idx);
		idx += 0x8; /* advance into section_64 to offset */
		uint64_t scn_offset = *(uint64_t *)(data + idx);
		codeOffset = scn_offset;
		codeSize = scn_size;
	else if(0==memcmp(data, "\x7F" "ELF\x01\x01\x01\x00", 8)) {
		/* assume four sections: NULL, .strtab, .text, .symtab */
		uint32_t e_shoff = *(uint32_t *)(data + 0x20);
		uint32_t sh_offset = *(uint32_t *)(data + e_shoff + 2*0x28 + 0x10); /* second shdr */
		uint32_t sh_size = *(uint32_t *)(data + e_shoff + 2*0x28 + 0x14); /* second shdr */
		codeOffset = sh_offset;
		codeSize = sh_size;
	else {
		printf("ERROR: couldn't identify type of output file\n");
	dump_bytes((unsigned char *)data + codeOffset, codeSize, 0);

    return 0;