Exemplo n.º 1
void pipeline_base::order_before(pipeline_base & other) {
	if (get_node_map()->find_authority()
		== other.get_node_map()->find_authority()) {

			<< "Ignoring pipeline ordering hint since node maps are already shared"
			<< std::endl;
	runtime rt1(get_node_map()->find_authority());
	runtime rt2(other.get_node_map()->find_authority());

	std::vector<node *> mySinks;
	std::vector<node *> otherSources;


	if (mySinks.size() == 0) {
		throw tpie::exception("pipeline::order_before: mySinks is empty");
	if (otherSources.size() == 0) {
		throw tpie::exception("pipeline::order_before: otherSources is empty");

	for (size_t i = 0; i < otherSources.size(); ++i) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < mySinks.size(); ++j) {
Exemplo n.º 2
CRect CPlotDlg::DrawAxis(CDC *pDC, CAxis *pax)
	int width, height, axHeight, axWidth;
	CPen pen;
	POINT org;
	CRect rt;
	GetClientRect(hDlg, &rt);
	pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, pax->colorAx);
	width = (rt.right-rt.left);
	height= rt.bottom-rt.top;
	org.x = (int)((double)rt.left + (double)width*pax->pos.x0+.5);
	org.y = (int)((double)rt.bottom - (double)height*pax->pos.y0+.5);
	axWidth = (int)((double)width*pax->pos.width+.5);
	axHeight = (int)((double)height*pax->pos.height+.5);
	CRect rt2(org.x, org.y-axHeight, org.x+axWidth, org.y);
	orgCol = pDC->GetBkColor();
	CRect rctAx(org, CPoint(org.x+axWidth, org.y-axHeight));
	pDC->SolidFill(gca->colorBack, rctAx);
	pDC->LineTo(org.x, org.y-axHeight);
	pDC->LineTo(org.x+axWidth, org.y-axHeight);
	pDC->LineTo(org.x+axWidth, org.y);
	pax->axRect = rt2;
	return rt2;
Exemplo n.º 3
void odt_set_font(const ustring & directory, const ustring & fontname)
// Writes the font to the right files in the directory given.
  // Save the font in the content file.
  ReadText rt2(odt_content_xml_filename(directory), true, false);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rt2.lines.size(); i++) {
    replace_text(rt2.lines[i], "Bitstream", fontname);
  write_lines(odt_content_xml_filename(directory), rt2.lines);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
test_homo_copy_assign ()
    rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
             "copy assignment operator (homogenous tuples)");

    const std::tuple<> et1 = std::tuple<> ();
    std::tuple<> et2;
    et2 = et1;
    _RWSTD_UNUSED (et2);

    int i = std::rand ();
    const std::tuple<int> it1 (i);
    std::tuple<int> it2;
    it2 = it1;
    test (__LINE__, it2, i);

    // copy assignment ill-formed for constant element types

    const std::tuple<int&> rt1 (i);
    int j = -1; // outside range of rand()
    std::tuple<int&> rt2 (j); // note, different reference
    rt2 = rt1;
    test (__LINE__, rt2, i);

    std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it1);
    std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2;
    nt2 = nt1;
    test (__LINE__, nt2, it1);

    const std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (long (i), "string");
    std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2;
    pt2 = pt1;
    test (__LINE__, pt2, long (i), (const char*) "string");

    const UserDefined ud (i);
    const std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
    std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2;
    UserDefined::reset ();
    ut2 = ut1;  ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
    test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);

    const std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
        bt1 (true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
    std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt2;
    bt2 = bt1;  ++UserDefined::expect.copy_asgn;
    test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', i, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void
test_homo_copy_ctor ()
    rw_info (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
             "copy constructor (homogenous tuples)");

    std::tuple<> et1, et2 (et1);
    _RWSTD_UNUSED (et2);

    const int ci = std::rand ();
    const std::tuple<int> it1 (ci);
    std::tuple<int> it2 (it1);
    test (__LINE__, it2, ci);

    const std::tuple<const int>& ct1 = it1; // same as copy ctor
    std::tuple<const int> ct2 (ct1);
    test (__LINE__, ct2, ci);

    int i = ci;
    const std::tuple<int&> rt1 (i);
    std::tuple<int&> rt2 (rt1);
    test (__LINE__, rt2, ci);

    const std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt1 (it1);
    std::tuple<std::tuple<int> > nt2 (nt1);
    test (__LINE__, nt2, it1);

    const std::tuple<long, const char*> pt1 (1234567890L, "string");
    std::tuple<long, const char*> pt2 (pt1);
    test (__LINE__, pt2, 1234567890L, (const char*) "string");

    UserDefined ud (ci);
    const std::tuple<UserDefined> ut1 (ud);
    UserDefined::reset ();
    std::tuple<UserDefined> ut2 (ut1);
    test (__LINE__, ut2, ud);

    const std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
        bt1 (true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
    ++UserDefined::expect.move_ctor; // moved ud to bt1
    std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined> bt2 (bt1);
    ++UserDefined::expect.copy_ctor; // copied to bt2
    test (__LINE__, bt2, true, 'a', ci, 3.14159, (void* const) &i, ud);
Exemplo n.º 6
    virtual void on_draw()
        struct font_type
            const agg::int8u* font;
            const char* name;
        fonts[] = 
            { agg::gse4x6,                  "gse4x6"               },
            { agg::gse4x8,                  "gse4x8"               },
            { agg::gse5x7,                  "gse5x7"               },
            { agg::gse5x9,                  "gse5x9"               },
            { agg::gse6x9,                  "gse6x9"               },
            { agg::gse6x12,                 "gse6x12"              },
            { agg::gse7x11,                 "gse7x11"              },
            { agg::gse7x11_bold,            "gse7x11_bold"         },
            { agg::gse7x15,                 "gse7x15"              },
            { agg::gse7x15_bold,            "gse7x15_bold"         },
            { agg::gse8x16,                 "gse8x16"              },
            { agg::gse8x16_bold,            "gse8x16_bold"         },
            { agg::mcs11_prop,              "mcs11_prop"           },
            { agg::mcs11_prop_condensed,    "mcs11_prop_condensed" },
            { agg::mcs12_prop,              "mcs12_prop"           },
            { agg::mcs13_prop,              "mcs13_prop"           },
            { agg::mcs5x10_mono,            "mcs5x10_mono"         },
            { agg::mcs5x11_mono,            "mcs5x11_mono"         },
            { agg::mcs6x10_mono,            "mcs6x10_mono"         },
            { agg::mcs6x11_mono,            "mcs6x11_mono"         },
            { agg::mcs7x12_mono_high,       "mcs7x12_mono_high"    },
            { agg::mcs7x12_mono_low,        "mcs7x12_mono_low"     },
            { agg::verdana12,               "verdana12"            },
            { agg::verdana12_bold,          "verdana12_bold"       },
            { agg::verdana13,               "verdana13"            },
            { agg::verdana13_bold,          "verdana13_bold"       },
            { agg::verdana14,               "verdana14"            },
            { agg::verdana14_bold,          "verdana14_bold"       },
            { agg::verdana16,               "verdana16"            },
            { agg::verdana16_bold,          "verdana16_bold"       },
            { agg::verdana17,               "verdana17"            },
            { agg::verdana17_bold,          "verdana17_bold"       },
            { agg::verdana18,               "verdana18"            },
            { agg::verdana18_bold,          "verdana18_bold"       },
            0, 0

        glyph_gen glyph(0);
        pixfmt pixf(rbuf_window());
        ren_base rb(pixf);

        agg::renderer_raster_htext_solid<ren_base, glyph_gen> rt(rb, glyph);

        int i;
        double y = 5;
        for(i = 0; fonts[i].font; i++)
            char buf[100];
            strcpy(buf, "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 0123456789: ");
            strcat(buf, fonts[i].name);

            // Testing "wide-char"
            unsigned wbuf[100];
            unsigned* wp = wbuf;
            const char* p = buf;
            while(*p) *wp++ = *(unsigned char*)p++;
            *wp++ = 0;

            rt.render_text(5, y, wbuf, !flip_y());
            y += glyph.height() + 1;

        // Rendering raster text with a custom span generator, gradient

        typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<> interpolator_type;
        typedef agg::span_allocator<agg::rgba8> span_alloc_type;
        typedef agg::span_gradient<agg::rgba8, 
                                   agg::gradient_linear_color<agg::rgba8> > span_gen_type;
        typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<ren_base, 
                                          span_gen_type> ren_type;

        agg::trans_affine mtx;
        gradient_sine_repeat_adaptor<agg::gradient_circle> grad_func;
        agg::gradient_linear_color<agg::rgba8> color_func;
        color_func.colors(agg::rgba(1.0,0,0), agg::rgba(0,0.5,0));
        interpolator_type inter(mtx);
        span_alloc_type sa;
        span_gen_type sg(inter, grad_func, color_func, 0, 150.0);
        ren_type ren(rb, sa, sg);

        agg::renderer_raster_htext<ren_type, glyph_gen> rt2(ren, glyph);
        rt2.render_text(5, 465, (unsigned char*)"RADIAL REPEATING GRADIENT: A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", !flip_y());