static void Task4(long t) { int wakedup; rt_printk("\nTask4 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; wakedup = rt_tbx_broadcast(&bx, msg2, sizeof(msg2)); rt_printk("\nTask4=%lu, sending broadcast, wakedup=%d\n", count, wakedup); rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY + SHIFT)); } rt_printk("\nTask4 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task1(long t) { int unsent; rt_printk("\nTask1 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; unsent = rt_tbx_send(&bx, msg1, sizeof(msg1)); rt_printk("\nTask1=%lu, simple sending, unsent=%d %d\n", count, unsent, sizeof(msg1)); rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY)); } rt_printk("\nTask1 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task7(long t) { int unsent; rt_printk("\nTask7 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; unsent = rt_tbx_urgent(&bx, msg3, sizeof(msg3)); rt_printk("\nTask7=%lu, urgent sending, unsent=%d\n", count, unsent); rt_sleep(nano2count(3*DELAY + 2*SHIFT)); } rt_printk("\nTask7 suspends itself\n"); cleanup = 1; rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
int rt_tbx_receive_until(TBX *tbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME time) { unsigned char type = TYPE_NONE, lock = 0; char* temp; RT_TASK *rt_current; CHK_TBX_MAGIC; if ((msg_size + sizeof(type)) > tbx->size) { return -EMSGSIZE; } if (tbx_smx_wait_until(tbx, &(tbx->rcvsmx), time, rt_current = rt_whoami())) { return msg_size; } temp = msg; if (tbx_wait_msg_until(tbx, &tbx->avbs, msg_size + sizeof(type), time, &type, rt_current)) { tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->rcvsmx)); return msg_size; } tbx_receive_core(tbx, msg, &msg_size, type, &lock); tbx_signal(tbx); tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->rcvsmx)); if(lock == 1) { rt_sem_wait(&(tbx->bcbsmx)); } return msg_size; }
static void driver(int t) { RT_TASK *thread[NTASKS]; int i, l; unsigned int msg = 0; RTIME now; for (i = 1; i < NTASKS; i++) { thread[0] = rt_receive(0, &msg); thread[msg] = thread[0]; } for (i = 1; i < NTASKS; i++) { rt_return(thread[i], i); } now = rt_get_time(); rt_task_make_periodic(rt_whoami(), now + NTASKS*tick_period, tick_period); msg = 0; l = LOOPS; while(l--) { for (i = 1; i < NTASKS; i++) { cpu_used[hard_cpu_id()]++; if (i%2) { rt_rpc(thread[i], msg, &msg); } else { rt_send(thread[i], msg); msg = 1 - msg; } rt_task_wait_period(); } } for (i = 1; i < NTASKS; i++) { rt_send(thread[i], END); } }
int rt_tbx_broadcast_until(TBX *tbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME time) { unsigned char type = TYPE_BROADCAST; int wakedup; RT_TASK *rt_current; CHK_TBX_MAGIC; if ((msg_size + sizeof(type)) > tbx->size) { return -EMSGSIZE; } wakedup = tbx->waiting_nr; if (wakedup == 0) { return wakedup; } if (tbx_smx_wait_until(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx), time, rt_current = rt_whoami())) { return 0; } if (tbx_wait_room_until(tbx, &tbx->frbs, (msg_size + sizeof(type)), time, rt_current)) { tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return 0; } msg_size = tbxput(tbx, (char **)(&msg), msg_size, type); tbx_signal(tbx); tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return wakedup; }
static void Task1(long t) { int unsent; MSG msg; rt_printk("\nTask1 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; = count; msg.sending_task = 1; unsent = rt_tbx_send_if(&bx, (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg)); rt_printk("\nTask1=%lu, simple sending, unsent=%d\n", count, unsent); rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY)); } rt_printk("\nTask1 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task4(long t) { int wakedup; MSG msg; rt_printk("\nTask4 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; = count; msg.sending_task = 4; wakedup = rt_tbx_broadcast(&bx, (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg)); rt_printk("\nTask4=%lu, sent broadcast, wakedup=%d\n", count, wakedup); rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY + SHIFT)); } rt_printk("\nTask4 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void sighdl(void) { static unsigned long cnt = 0, rpt = 1000000000/PERIOD; if (++cnt > rpt) { rt_printk("FUN SIGHDL > # sw: %lu, tsk: %p.\n", rpt, rt_whoami()); rpt += 1000000000/PERIOD; } }
static void Task3(long t) { int status; MSG buf; rt_printk("\nTask3 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { memset((char*)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); status = rt_tbx_receive_if(&bx, (char*)&buf, sizeof(buf)); if (status == 0) { rt_printk("\nTask3 received msgnr %u from task %u, status=%d\n",, buf.sending_task, status); } rt_sleep(nano2count(TIMEBASE)); } rt_printk("\nTask3 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void child_func(int arg) { int i; size_t n = 0; char inBuf[50]; uint priority = 0; int nMsgs = 0; struct mq_attr my_attrs ={0,0,0,0}; mode_t my_mode = 0; int my_oflags = (O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); mqd_t rx_q = INVALID_PQUEUE; rt_printk("Starting child task %d\n", arg); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rt_printk("child task %d, loop count %d\n", arg, i); } //Open the queue for reading rx_q = mq_open("my_queue", my_oflags, my_mode, &my_attrs); if (rx_q <= 0) { rt_printk("ERROR: child cannot open my_queue\n"); } else { //Get the message(s) off the pQueue n = mq_getattr(rx_q, &my_attrs); nMsgs = my_attrs.mq_curmsgs; rt_printk("There are %d messages on the queue\n", nMsgs); while(nMsgs-- > 0) { n = mq_receive(rx_q, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), &priority); inBuf[n] = '\0'; //Report what happened rt_printk("Child got >%s<, %d bytes at priority %d\n", inBuf,n, priority); } } mq_close(rx_q); mq_unlink("my_queue"); free_z_apps(rt_whoami()); rt_task_delete(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task7(long t) { int unsent; MSG msg; rt_printk("\nTask7 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; = count; msg.sending_task = 7; unsent = rt_tbx_urgent(&bx, (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg)); rt_printk("\nTask7=%lu, urgent sending, unsent=%d\n", count, unsent); rt_sleep(nano2count(3*DELAY + 2*SHIFT)); } rt_printk("\nTask7 suspends itself\n"); cleanup = 1; rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task2(long t) { int status; MSG buf; rt_printk("\nTask2 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { memset((char*)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); status = rt_tbx_receive_timed(&bx, (char*)&buf, sizeof(buf),nano2count(TIMEOUT)); if (status == sizeof(buf)) { rt_printk("\nTask2 receive timed out\n"); } else { rt_printk("\nTask2 received msgnr %u from task %u, status=%d\n",, buf.sending_task, status); } rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY)); } rt_printk("\nTask2 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
RTAI_SYSCALL_MODE int rt_comedi_register_callback(void *dev, unsigned int subdev, unsigned int mask, int (*callback)(unsigned int, void *), void *task) { if (task == NULL) { task = rt_whoami(); } ((RT_TASK *)task)->resumsg = 0; RTAI_COMEDI_LOCK(dev, subdev); rt_printk("COMEDI REGISTER CALLBACK: dev = %p, subdev = %u, mask = %u, callback = %p, task = %p.\n", dev, subdev, mask, callback, task); RTAI_COMEDI_UNLOCK(dev, subdev); return 0; }
void child_func(int arg) { int *explode = 0; rt_printk("Starting child task %d\n", arg); for(counters[arg] = 0; counters[arg] < 10; counters[arg]++) { // rt_printk("Child task %d, loop count %d\n", arg, counters[arg]); rt_task_wait_period(); } *explode = 0; rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
void parent_func(int arg) { int i; rt_printk("Starting parent task %d\n", arg); for (i = 0; i < NUM_CHILDREN; i++) { rt_task_init(&child_task[i], child_func, i, STACK_SIZE, PRIORITY, 0, 0); rt_set_task_trap_handler(&child_task[i], 14, my_trap_handler); rt_task_make_periodic(&child_task[i], rt_get_time() + period, period*i); } rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
static void Task2(long t) { int status; MSG buf; rt_printk("\nTask2 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (1) { memset((char*)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); status = rt_tbx_receive(&bx, (char*)&buf, sizeof(buf)); rt_printk("\nTask2 received msgnr %u from task %u, status=%d\n",, buf.sending_task, status); } }
static void Task3(long t) { int status; char buf[100]; rt_printk("\nTask3 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (1) { status = rt_tbx_receive(&bx, buf, sizeof(msg1)); rt_printk("\nTask3 received %s, status=%d\n", buf, status); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); } }
static void SomeOtherThingsTodo( void *var1, int var2 ) { // This function acts like a synchronous thread. // Function rt_qReceive(...) does whatever is necessary to receive proxies, // messages and schedule the execution of both static and dynamic QBLK's. rt_printk( "QBLK Says: Hello World\n" ); count++; // Reschedule for execution in one second. if(count < 12) rt_qBlkWait( &Main, nano2count( 1000000000 )); else rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
void *thread_func(void *arg) { int i; int r_c; int my_policy; pthread_t self; struct sched_param my_param; RT_TASK *rtai_task_ptr; self = pthread_self(); rt_printk("Starting pthread: %s, id: %ld\n", (char *)arg, self); if(( r_c = pthread_getschedparam(self, &my_policy, &my_param)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread: %s, pthread_getschedparam error: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } rt_printk("pthread: %s, Created with following scheduling parameters.\n", (char *)arg); rt_printk("pthread: %s, running at %s/%d\n", (char *)arg, (my_policy == SCHED_FIFO ? "FIFO" : (my_policy == SCHED_RR ? "RR" : (my_policy == SCHED_OTHER ? "OTHER" : "unknown"))), my_param.sched_priority); rtai_task_ptr = rt_whoami(); rt_printk("pthread: %s, RTAI priority: %d\n", (char *)arg, rtai_task_ptr->priority); if(( r_c = pthread_mutex_lock(&test_op.lock)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread %s, Cannot gain mutex: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rt_printk("pthread: %s, loop count %d\n", (char *)arg, i); test_op.t_buffer_data[test_op.t_buffer_pos] = self + i; test_op.t_buffer_tid[test_op.t_buffer_pos] = self; test_op.t_buffer_pos++; } if(( r_c = pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_op.lock)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread %s - Error unlocking mutex: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } pthread_exit("b"); return(NULL); }
/**** * Proxy txqueue wakeup manager. * * Waits blocking for a wakeup message in its mailbox and calls the rtdevice * specific wakeup function (if one is registered) after a message arrived. */ void proxy_wakeup_manager_task (int mgr_id) { struct rtnet_msg msg; struct rtnet_mgr *mgr = (struct rtnet_mgr *)mgr_id; rt_printk("RTnet: Proxy txqueue wakeup manager started. (%p)\n", rt_whoami()); while(1) { rt_mbx_receive(&(mgr->mbx), &msg, sizeof(struct rtnet_msg)); if ((msg.msg_type==WAKEUP) && (msg.rtdev)) { if (msg.rtdev->rt_wakeup_xmit) { msg.rtdev->proxy_wakeup_xmit(msg.rtdev); } } } }
static void Task4(long t) { int wakedup; MSG msg; rt_printk("\nTask4 (%p) starting\n", rt_whoami()); while (count < MAXCOUNT) { count++; = count; msg.sending_task = 4; /* * Please note that tasks using rt_receive_if() will not receive * this message because they aren't sleeping */ wakedup = rt_tbx_broadcast_if(&bx, (char*)&msg, sizeof(msg)); if (wakedup > 0) { rt_printk("\nTask4=%lu, sent broadcast, wakedup=%d\n", count, wakedup); } rt_sleep(nano2count(DELAY + SHIFT)); } rt_printk("\nTask4 suspends itself\n"); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }
/**** * Realtime txqueue wakeup manager. * * Waits blocking for a wakeup message in its mailbox and calls the rtdevice * specific wakeup function (if one is registered) after a message arrived. * After processing the realtime txqueue, a wakeup message is sent to the * proxy wakeup manager. */ void rt_wakeup_manager_task (int mgr_id) { struct rtnet_msg msg; struct rtnet_mgr *mgr = (struct rtnet_mgr *)mgr_id; rt_printk("RTnet: Realtime txqueue wakeup manager started. (%p)\n", rt_whoami()); while(1) { rt_mbx_receive(&(mgr->mbx), &msg, sizeof(struct rtnet_msg)); if ((msg.msg_type==WAKEUP) && (msg.rtdev)) { if (msg.rtdev->rt_wakeup_xmit) { msg.rtdev->rt_wakeup_xmit(msg.rtdev); } } // The next call should depend on the not yet specified returncode of rt_wakeup_xmit(). rt_mbx_send_if(&(proxy_wakeup_manager.mbx), &msg, sizeof (struct rtnet_msg)); } }
void fun(int t) { char buf[64]; pid_t from; int msglen; rt_printk("Task %p starts.\n", rt_lxrt_whoami()); // init a qBlk rt_InitTickQueue(); rt_qBlkInit( &Main, SomeOtherThingsTodo, 0, 0); rt_qBlkWait( &Main, nano2count(1000000000)); from = rt_qReceive( 0, buf, sizeof(buf), &msglen); rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); rt_printk("Task %p Oops.\n", rt_lxrt_whoami()); }
int rt_tbx_send(TBX *tbx, void *msg, int msg_size) { unsigned char type = TYPE_NORMAL; RT_TASK *rt_current; CHK_TBX_MAGIC; if ((msg_size + sizeof(type)) > tbx->size) { return -EMSGSIZE; } if (tbx_smx_wait(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx), rt_current = rt_whoami())) { return msg_size; } if (tbx_wait_room(tbx, &tbx->frbs, msg_size + sizeof(type), rt_current)) { tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return msg_size; } msg_size = tbxput(tbx, (char **)(&msg), msg_size, type); tbx_signal(tbx); tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return msg_size; }
int _rtapi_task_self_hook(void) { RT_TASK *ptr; int n; /* ask OS for pointer to its data for the current task */ ptr = rt_whoami(); if (ptr == NULL) { /* called from outside a task? */ return -EINVAL; } /* find matching entry in task array */ n = 1; while (n <= RTAPI_MAX_TASKS) { if (ostask_array[n] == ptr) { /* found a match */ return n; } n++; } return -EINVAL; }
int rt_tbx_urgent_until(TBX *tbx, void *msg, int msg_size, RTIME time) { unsigned char type = TYPE_URGENT; RT_TASK *rt_current; CHK_TBX_MAGIC; if ((msg_size + sizeof(type)) > tbx->size) { return -EMSGSIZE; } if (tbx_smx_wait_until(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx), time, rt_current = rt_whoami())) { return msg_size; } if (tbx_wait_room_until(tbx, &tbx->frbs, (msg_size + sizeof(type)), time, rt_current)) { tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return msg_size; } msg_size = tbxbackput(tbx, (char **)(&msg), msg_size, type); tbx_signal(tbx); tbx_smx_signal(tbx, &(tbx->sndsmx)); return msg_size; }
void *control_func(void *arg) { int i; int r_c; int my_policy; pthread_t self; pthread_t thread_id = 0; pthread_attr_t new_attr; struct sched_param my_param; RT_TASK *rtai_task_ptr; self = pthread_self(); rt_printk("Starting control pthread: %s, id: %ld\n", (char *)arg, self); if(( r_c = pthread_getschedparam(self, &my_policy, &my_param)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread: %s, pthread_getschedparam error: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } rt_printk("pthread: %s, Created with following scheduling parameters.\n", (char *)arg); rt_printk("pthread: %s, running at %s/%d\n", (char *)arg, (my_policy == SCHED_FIFO ? "FIFO" : (my_policy == SCHED_RR ? "RR" : (my_policy == SCHED_OTHER ? "OTHER" : "unknown"))), my_param.sched_priority); rtai_task_ptr = rt_whoami(); rt_printk("pthread: %s, RTAI priority: %d\n", (char *)arg, rtai_task_ptr->priority); // Initialise & lock the mutex: test_op pthread_mutex_init(&test_op.lock, NULL); test_op.t_buffer_pos = 0; for(i = 0; i < T_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { test_op.t_buffer_data[i] = 0; test_op.t_buffer_tid[i] = 0; } if(( r_c = pthread_mutex_lock(&test_op.lock)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread %s, Cannot gain mutex: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } // Create an application thread. if(( r_c = pthread_attr_init(&new_attr) ) != 0 ) { rt_printk("pthread %s, Error initialising thread attributes: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } if(( r_c = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&new_attr, SCHED_FIFO) ) != 0 ) { rt_printk("pthread %s, Error setting thread attribute scheduling parameters: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } // Create NUM_THREADS application pthreads, each thread with increasing priority. for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) { my_param.sched_priority = 12 + i; if(( r_c = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&new_attr, &my_param) ) != 0 ) { rt_printk("pthread %s, Error setting thread attribute scheduling parameters: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } if(( r_c = pthread_create(&thread_id, &new_attr, thread_func, "application pthread mutex tester")) != 0 ) { rt_printk("mutex priority inheritance test - Application thread creation failed: %d\n", r_c); } } // Display control thread priority. if(( r_c = pthread_getschedparam(self, &my_policy, &my_param)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread: %s, pthread_getschedparam error: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } rt_printk("pthread: %s, Priority should now be raised due to inheritance.\n", (char *)arg); rt_printk("pthread: %s, running at %s/%d\n", (char *)arg, (my_policy == SCHED_FIFO ? "FIFO" : (my_policy == SCHED_RR ? "RR" : (my_policy == SCHED_OTHER ? "OTHER" : "unknown"))), my_param.sched_priority); rt_printk("pthread: %s, RTAI priority: %d\n", (char *)arg, rtai_task_ptr->priority); rt_printk("pthread: %s, id: %ld, about to unlock mutex.\n", (char *)arg, self); if(( r_c = pthread_mutex_unlock(&test_op.lock)) != 0) { rt_printk("pthread %s - Error unlocking mutex: %d\n", (char *)arg, r_c); } rt_printk("pthread: %s, Priority should now be back to original.\n", (char *)arg); rt_printk("pthread: %s, running at %s/%d\n", (char *)arg, (my_policy == SCHED_FIFO ? "FIFO" : (my_policy == SCHED_RR ? "RR" : (my_policy == SCHED_OTHER ? "OTHER" : "unknown"))), my_param.sched_priority); rt_printk("pthread: %s, RTAI priority: %d\n", (char *)arg, rtai_task_ptr->priority); pthread_exit("a"); return(NULL); }
void parent_func(int arg) { int i; int my_oflags, n = 0; mode_t my_mode; struct mq_attr my_attrs; char inBuf[50]; uint priority = 0; static const char str1[23] = "Test string number one\0"; static const char str2[28] = "This is test string num 2!!\0"; static const char str3[22] = "Test string number 3!\0"; static const char str4[34] = "This is test string number four!!\0"; struct Msg { const char *str; int str_size; uint prio; }; uint nMsgs = 4; static const struct Msg myMsgs[4] = { {str1, 23, 5}, {str2, 28, 1}, {str3, 22, 6}, {str4, 34, 7}, }; #ifdef STEP_TRACE //Wait for the debugger to say GO! while(!zdbg) { rt_task_wait_period(); } #endif rt_printk("Starting parent task %d\n", arg); for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rt_printk("parent task %d, loop count %d\n", arg, i); } //Create and open a queue my_oflags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_NONBLOCK; my_mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP; my_attrs.mq_maxmsg = 10; my_attrs.mq_msgsize = 50; my_q = mq_open("my_queue", my_oflags, my_mode, &my_attrs); if (my_q > 0) { rt_printk("Putting %d messages on queue\n", nMsgs); for (i = 0; i < nMsgs; i++) { //Put messages on the queue rt_printk("Sending: %s\n", myMsgs[i].str); n = mq_send(my_q, myMsgs[i].str, myMsgs[i].str_size, myMsgs[i].prio); rt_printk("Parent put message 1 of %d bytes on queue at priority %d\n", n, myMsgs[i].prio); } } else { rt_printk("ERROR: could not create my_queue\n"); } //Now receive stuff back from the queue for(i = 0; i < nMsgs; i++) { n = mq_receive(my_q, inBuf, sizeof(inBuf), &priority); if (n > 0) { inBuf[n] = '\0'; rt_printk("Parent got >%s< from queue\n", inBuf); } } mq_close(my_q); mq_unlink("my_queue"); free_z_apps(rt_whoami()); rt_task_delete(rt_whoami()); }
void __default_terminate(void) { while(1) rt_task_suspend(rt_whoami()); }