int DISTORT::run() { const int insamps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, insamps); for (int i = 0; i < insamps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } float sig = in[i + inchan]; if (!bypass) { sig *= (gain / 32768.0f); // apply gain, convert range sig = distort->next(sig, param); sig *= 32768.0f; if (usefilt) sig = filt->tick(sig); } sig *= amp; float out[2]; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[0] = sig * pctleft; out[1] = sig * (1.0f - pctleft); } else out[0] = sig; rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int SHAPE :: run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = skip; } // NB: WavShape deals with samples in range [-1, 1]. float insig = in[i + inchan] * (1.0 / 32768.0); float outsig = shaper->tick(insig * index); if (outsig) { if (ampnorm) outsig = dcblocker->tick(outsig) * ampnorm->tick(norm_index); else outsig = dcblocker->tick(outsig); } float out[2]; out[0] = outsig * amp * 32768.0; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int JFIR :: run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } float insig; if (currentFrame() < insamps) // still taking input insig = in[i + inchan] * amp; else // in ring-down phase insig = 0.0; float out[2]; if (bypass) out[0] = insig; else out[0] = filt->tick(insig); if (outputchans == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int GVERB::run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); int i; float out[2]; rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } if (currentFrame() > inputframes) in[i+inputchan] = 0.0; gverb_do(p, in[i+inputchan], out, out+1); out[0] = (out[0] * amp) + (in[i+inputchan] * p->drylevel); out[1] = (out[1] * amp) + (in[i+inputchan] * p->drylevel); rtaddout(out); increment(); } return i; }
int AM::run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[7]; update(p, 7, kAmp | kFreq | kPan); amp = p[3]; if (amptable) amp *= tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, amptabs); if (freqtable) modfreq = tablei(currentFrame(), freqtable, freqtabs); else modfreq = p[4]; modosc->setfreq(modfreq); spread = p[6]; branch = skip; } float out[2]; out[0] = in[i + inchan] * modosc->next() * amp; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - spread); out[0] *= spread; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int STEREO::run() { const int inchans = inputChannels(); const int samps = framesToRun() * inchans; rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inchans) { if (--branch <= 0) { if (fastUpdate) { if (amptable) amp = ampmult * tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, amptabs); } else doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } float out[2]; out[0] = out[1] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < inchans; j++) { if (outPan[j] >= 0.0) { out[0] += in[i+j] * outPan[j] * amp; out[1] += in[i+j] * (1.0 - outPan[j]) * amp; } } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int REVMIX::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtinrepos(this, -framesToRun(), SEEK_CUR); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = samps - inputChannels(); i >= 0; i -= inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[nargs]; update(p, nargs); amp = p[3]; if (amparray) amp *= tablei(currentFrame(), amparray, amptabs); pctleft = nargs > 5 ? p[5] : 0.5; // default is .5 branch = skip; } float out[2]; out[0] = in[i + inchan] * amp; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } rtinrepos(this, -framesToRun(), SEEK_CUR); return framesToRun(); }
int TRANS3::run() { const int outframes = framesToRun(); const int inchans = inputChannels(); float *outp = outbuf; // point to inst private out buffer double frac; for (int i = 0; i < outframes; i++) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } while (getframe) { if (inframe >= RTBUFSAMPS) { rtgetin(in, this, RTBUFSAMPS * inchans); inframe = 0; } oldersig = oldsig; oldsig = newsig; newsig = newestsig; newestsig = in[(inframe * inchans) + inchan]; inframe++; incount++; if (counter - (double) incount < 0.0) getframe = false; } // const double frac = (counter - (double) incount) + 2.0; const double frac = (counter - (double) incount) + 1.0; outp[0] = interp3rdOrder(oldersig, oldsig, newsig, newestsig, frac) * amp; #ifdef DEBUG_FULL printf("i: %d counter: %g incount: %d frac: %g inframe: %d cursamp: %d\n", i, counter, incount, frac, inframe, currentFrame()); printf("interping %g, %g, %g, %g => %g\n", oldersig, oldsig, newsig, newestsig, outp[0]); #endif if (outputChannels() == 2) { outp[1] = outp[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); outp[0] *= pctleft; } outp += outputChannels(); increment(); counter += _increment; // keeps track of interp pointer if (counter - (double) incount >= 0.0) getframe = true; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("OUT %d frames\n\n", i); #endif return framesToRun(); }
int MYINST::run() { // framesToRun() gives the number of sample frames -- 1 sample for each // channel -- that we have to write during this scheduler time slice. const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); // Read <samps> samples from the input file (or audio input device). rtgetin(_in, this, samps); // Each loop iteration processes 1 sample frame. */ for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { // This block updates certain parameters at the control rate -- the // rate set by the user with the control_rate() or reset() script // functions. The Instrument base class holds this value as a number // of sample frames to skip between updates. Get this value using // getSkip() to reset the <_branch> counter. if (--_branch <= 0) { doupdate(); _branch = getSkip(); } // Grab the current input sample, scaled by the amplitude multiplier. float insig = _in[i + _inchan] * _amp; float out[2]; // Space for only 2 output chans! // Just copy it to the output array with no processing. out[0] = insig; // If we have stereo output, use the pan pfield. if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0f - _pan); out[0] *= _pan; } // Write this sample frame to the output buffer. rtaddout(out); // Increment the count of sample frames this instrument has written. increment(); } // Return the number of frames we processed. return framesToRun(); }
int REVERBIT::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } float insig[2], out[2]; if (currentFrame() < insamps) { // still taking input from file insig[0] = in[i] * amp; insig[1] = (inputChannels() == 2) ? in[i + 1] * amp : insig[0]; } else // in ring-down phase insig[0] = insig[1] = 0.0; float rvbsig = -reverbpct * reverb(insig[0] + insig[1], rvbarray); if (usefilt) rvbsig = tone(rvbsig, tonedata); delput(rvbsig, delarray, deltabs); float delsig = delget(delarray, rtchan_delaytime, deltabs); out[0] = insig[0] + rvbsig; out[1] = insig[1] + delsig; if (dcblock) { float tmp_in[2]; tmp_in[0] = out[0]; tmp_in[1] = out[1]; out[0] = tmp_in[0] - prev_in[0] + (0.99 * prev_out[0]); prev_in[0] = tmp_in[0]; prev_out[0] = out[0]; out[1] = tmp_in[1] - prev_in[1] + (0.99 * prev_out[1]); prev_in[1] = tmp_in[1]; prev_out[1] = out[1]; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int HOLO::run() { int i, j; float output[2]; int rsamps = framesToRun()*inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, rsamps); for (i = 0; i < rsamps; i += 2) { if (--count <= 0) { double p[5]; update(p, 5); amp = p[3]; xtalkAmp = (p[4] != 0.0) ? p[4] : 1.0; count = skip; } for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) { int c; output[n] = 0.0; pastsamps[n][intap] = in[i+n]; // sum all past samples * coefficients // two loops to avoid bounds checking for (j = intap, c = 0; j < ncoefs; j++, c++) output[n] += (pastsamps[n][j] * sameSideCoeffs[c]); const int remaining = ncoefs - c; for (j = 0; j < remaining; j++, c++) output[n] += (pastsamps[n][j] * sameSideCoeffs[c]); // feed signal to opposite side pastsamps2[n][intap] = in[i + 1 - n]; // add this into output for each side for (j = intap, c = 0; j < ncoefs; j++, c++) output[n] += xtalkAmp * (pastsamps2[n][j] * oppositeSideCoeffs[c]); const int remaining2 = ncoefs - c; for (j = 0; j < remaining2; j++, c++) output[n] += xtalkAmp * (pastsamps2[n][j] * oppositeSideCoeffs[c]); output[n] *= amp; } rtaddout(output); increment(); if (--intap < 0) intap = ncoefs - 1; } return(i); }
int ROOM::run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { if (amparray) aamp = tablei(currentFrame(), amparray, amptabs) * amp; branch = skip; } float insig; if (currentFrame() < insamps) { /* still taking input */ if (inchan == AVERAGE_CHANS) { insig = 0.0; for (int n = 0; n < inputChannels(); n++) insig += in[i + n]; insig /= (float) inputChannels(); } else insig = in[i + inchan]; } else /* in ring-down phase */ insig = 0.0; echo[jpoint++] = insig; if (jpoint >= nmax) jpoint -= nmax; float out[2]; out[0] = out[1] = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < NTAPS; j++) { float e = echo[ipoint[j]]; out[0] += e * lamp[j]; out[1] += e * ramp[j]; ipoint[j]++; if (ipoint[j] >= nmax) ipoint[j] -= nmax; } if (aamp != 1.0) { out[0] *= aamp; out[1] *= aamp; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int MBASE::getInput(int currentFrame, int frames) { // number of samples to process this time through const int inChans = inputChannels(); int rsamps = frames * inChans; rtgetin(in, this, rsamps); int n = 0; int lCurSamp; // local copy for inner loops float insig; #ifdef LOOP_DEBUG int nsig = 0, nzeros = 0; #endif float scale = 1.0/inChans; // apply curve to input signal and mix down to mono if necessary for (int s = 0, curFrm = currentFrame; s < rsamps; s += inChans, curFrm++) { if (curFrm < insamps) { /* processing input signal */ #ifdef LOOP_DEBUG nsig++; #endif if (--m_branch < 0) { inamp = update(3, insamps, curFrm); if (amparray) inamp *= tablei(curFrm, amparray, amptabs); m_branch = getSkip(); } if (m_inchan == AVERAGE_CHANS) { insig = 0.0; for (int c = 0; c < inChans; c++) insig += in[s + c]; insig *= scale; } else insig = in[s + m_inchan]; insig *= inamp; } else { /* flushing delays & reverb */ #ifdef LOOP_DEBUG nzeros++; #endif insig = 0.0; } in[n++] = insig; // write back into input array to save space } #ifdef LOOP_DEBUG DBG1(printf("getInput(): %d signal, %d zero padded\n", nsig, nzeros)); #endif return 0; }
int COMBIT::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[8]; update(p, 8); amp = p[3]; if (amptable) { #ifdef EMBEDDED amp *= rtcmix_table(currentFrame(), amptable, tabs); #else amp *= table(currentFrame(), amptable, tabs); #endif } if (p[4] != frequency) { frequency = p[4]; delsamps = (int) ((1.0 / frequency) * SR + 0.5); } if (p[5] != rvbtime) { rvbtime = p[5]; comb->setReverbTime(rvbtime); } pctleft = p[7]; branch = skip; } float insig, out[2]; if (currentFrame() < insamps) insig = in[i + inchan]; else insig = 0.0; out[0] = comb->next(insig, delsamps) * amp; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ run --- */ int RVB::run() { double rvbsig[2][8192]; // number of samples to process this time through const int frames = framesToRun(); const int rsamps = frames * 2; rtgetin(in, this, rsamps); register float *outptr = &this->outbuf[0]; /* run summed 1st and 2nd generation paths through reverberator */ for (int n = 0; n < frames; n++) { if (--_branch <= 0) { double p[4]; update(p, 4); m_amp = p[3]; _branch = _skip; } if (m_amp != 0.0) { double rmPair[2]; double rvbPair[2]; rmPair[0] = globalReverbInput[0][n]; rmPair[1] = globalReverbInput[1][n]; doRun(rmPair, rvbPair, currentFrame() + n); rvbsig[0][n] = rvbPair[0] * m_amp; rvbsig[1][n] = rvbPair[1] * m_amp; } else rvbsig[0][n] = rvbsig[1][n] = 0.0; /* sum the direct signal, early response & reverbed sigs */ *outptr++ = in[n*2] + globalEarlyResponse[0][n] + rvbsig[0][n]; *outptr++ = in[n*2+1] + globalEarlyResponse[1][n] + rvbsig[1][n]; } increment(frames); // Zero out global buffers for next cycle. for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { memset(globalReverbInput[c], 0, sizeof(double) * RTBUFSAMPS); memset(globalEarlyResponse[c], 0, sizeof(double) * RTBUFSAMPS); } DBG(printf("FINAL MIX:\n")); DBG(PrintInput(&this->outbuf[i], bufsamps)); return frames; }
int FREEVERB :: run() { float *inL, *inR, *outL, *outR; inL = in; inR = inputChannels() > 1 ? in + 1 : in; outL = outbuf; outR = outputChannels() > 1 ? outbuf + 1 : outbuf; int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); // Scale input signal by amplitude multiplier and setline curve. for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[11]; update(p, 11, kRoomSize | kPreDelay | kDamp | kDry | kWet | kWidth); if (currentFrame() < insamps) { // amp is pre-effect amp = update(3, insamps); if (amparray) amp *= tablei(currentFrame(), amparray, amptabs); } updateRvb(p); branch = getSkip(); } if (currentFrame() < insamps) { // still taking input from file in[i] *= amp; if (inputChannels() == 2) in[i + 1] *= amp; } else { // in ringdown phase in[i] = 0.0; if (inputChannels() == 2) in[i + 1] = 0.0; } increment(); } // Hand off to Freeverb to do the actual work. rvb->processreplace(inL, inR, outL, outR, framesToRun(), inputChannels(), outputChannels()); return framesToRun(); }
int PANECHO::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[7]; update(p, 7, kDelTime0 | kDelTime1 | kDelRegen); amp = update(3, insamps); if (amptable) amp *= tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, amptabs); float thisdeltime = p[4]; if (thisdeltime != prevdeltime0) { delsamps0 = getdelsamps(thisdeltime); prevdeltime0 = thisdeltime; } thisdeltime = p[5]; if (thisdeltime != prevdeltime1) { delsamps1 = getdelsamps(thisdeltime); prevdeltime1 = thisdeltime; } regen = p[6]; branch = getSkip(); } float sig, out[2]; if (currentFrame() < insamps) sig = in[i + inchan] * amp; else sig = 0.0; out[0] = sig + (delay1->getsamp(delsamps1) * regen); out[1] = delay0->getsamp(delsamps0); delay0->putsamp(out[0]); delay1->putsamp(out[1]); rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int CONVOLVE1::run() { const int inchans = inputChannels(); const int outchans = outputChannels(); const int nframes = framesToRun(); if (currentFrame() < _inframes) { const int insamps = nframes * inchans; rtgetin(_inbuf, this, insamps); for (int i = _inchan; i < insamps; i += inchans) _bucket->drop(_inbuf[i]); } else { for (int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) _bucket->drop(0.0f); } // If in last run invocation, make sure everything in bucket is processed. if (currentFrame() + nframes >= nSamps()) _bucket->flush(); float drypct = 1.0 - _wetpct; for (int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) { if (--_branch <= 0) { doupdate(); drypct = 1.0 - _wetpct; _branch = getSkip(); } float out[2]; out[0] = (_wet[_outReadIndex] * _wetpct) + (_dry[_outReadIndex] * drypct); incrementOutReadIndex(); out[0] *= _amp; if (outchans == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - _pan); out[0] *= _pan; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- run -- int SPECTACLE2_BASE::run() { const int nframes = framesToRun(); const int inchans = inputChannels(); const int outchans = outputChannels(); // If still taking input, store framesToRun() frames into <_inbuf>. const bool input_avail = (currentFrame() < _input_frames); const int insamps = nframes * inchans; if (input_avail) rtgetin(_inbuf, this, insamps); for (int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) { if (--_branch <= 0) { doupdate(); subupdate(); _branch = getSkip(); } float insig; if (input_avail) insig = _inbuf[(i * inchans) + _inchan] * _iamp; else insig = 0.0f; _bucket->drop(insig); // may process <_decimation> input frames float outsig = _outbuf[_out_read_index] * _wet; increment_out_read_index(); float drysig = _dry_delay->next(insig); outsig += drysig * _dry; float out[outchans]; out[0] = outsig * _oamp; if (outchans == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0f - _pan); out[0] *= _pan; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return nframes; }
int MULTEQ :: run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = skip; } float insig[MAXCHAN]; if (currentFrame() < insamps) { for (int c = 0; c < inputChannels(); c++) insig[c] = in[i + c]; } else { for (int c = 0; c < inputChannels(); c++) insig[c] = 0.0; } float out[MAXCHAN]; if (bypass) { for (int c = 0; c < inputChannels(); c++) out[c] = insig[c] * amp; } else { for (int c = 0; c < inputChannels(); c++) { for (int b = 0; b < numbands; b++) { int index = (b * MAXCHAN) + c; insig[c] = eq[index]->next(insig[c]); } out[c] = insig[c] * amp; } } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int VOCODE3::run() { const int inchans = inputChannels(); const int samps = framesToRun() * inchans; rtgetin(_in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inchans) { if (--_branch <= 0) { doupdate(); _branch = getSkip(); } const float carsig = _in[i]; const float modsig = _in[i + 1]; float out[2]; out[0] = 0.0f; for (int j = 0; j < _numfilts; j++) { float mod; if (_hold) mod = _lastmod[j]; else mod = _modulator_filt[j]->next(modsig); float car = _carrier_filt[_maptable[j]]->next(carsig); float balsig = _balancer[j]->next(car, mod); if (_scaletable != NULL) balsig *= _scaletable[j]; out[0] += balsig; } out[0] *= _amp; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0f - _pan); out[0] *= _pan; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int DELAY::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[9]; update(p, 9, kDelTime | kDelRegen | kPan); amp = update(3, insamps); if (amptable) amp *= tablei(cursamp, amptable, amptabs); float deltime = p[4]; delsamps = deltime * SR; regen = p[5]; pctleft = p[8]; branch = getSkip(); } float sig, out[2]; if (currentFrame() < insamps) sig = in[i + inchan] * amp; else sig = 0.0; out[0] = sig + (delay->getsamp(delsamps) * regen); delay->putsamp(out[0]); if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ run --- */ int RVB::run() { double rvbsig[2][8192]; const int frames = framesToRun(); const int inChans = inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, frames * inChans); register float *outptr = &this->outbuf[0]; /* run summed 1st and 2nd generation paths through reverberator */ for (int n = 0; n < frames; n++) { if (--_branch <= 0) { double p[4]; update(p, 4); m_amp = p[3]; _branch = getSkip(); } if (m_amp != 0.0) { double rmPair[2]; double rvbPair[2]; rmPair[0] = in[n*inChans+2]; rmPair[1] = in[n*inChans+3]; doRun(rmPair, rvbPair, currentFrame() + n); rvbsig[0][n] = rvbPair[0] * m_amp; rvbsig[1][n] = rvbPair[1] * m_amp; } else rvbsig[0][n] = rvbsig[1][n] = 0.0; /* sum the input signal (which includes early response) & reverbed sigs */ *outptr++ = in[n*inChans] + rvbsig[0][n]; *outptr++ = in[n*inChans+1] + rvbsig[1][n]; } increment(frames); DBG(printf("FINAL MIX:\n")); DBG(PrintInput(&this->outbuf[0], RTBUFSAMPS)); DBG(PrintInput(&this->outbuf[1], RTBUFSAMPS)); return frames; }
int FILTSWEEP :: run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = getSkip(); } float insig; if (currentFrame() < insamps) insig = in[i + inchan]; else insig = 0.0; float out[2]; out[0] = insig; if (!bypass) { for (int j = 0; j < nfilts; j++) out[0] = filt[j]->tick(out[0]); if (do_balance) out[0] = balancer->tick(out[0], insig); } out[0] *= amp; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[1] = out[0] * (1.0 - pctleft); out[0] *= pctleft; } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int DCBLOCK::run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * _chans; rtgetin(_in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += _chans) { if (--_branch <= 0) { doupdate(); _branch = getSkip(); } float out[_chans]; for (int n = 0; n < _chans; n++) out[n] = _blocker[n]->next(_in[i + n]) * _amp; rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int REV :: run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { amp = update(3, insamps); if (amparray) amp *= tablei(cursamp, amparray, amptabs); const double wetdrymix = update(6); reverb->setEffectMix(wetdrymix); branch = getSkip(); } float insig; if (cursamp < insamps) // still taking input from file insig = in[i + inchan] * amp; else // in ring-down phase insig = 0.0; reverb->tick(insig); float out[2]; if (outputChannels() == 2) { out[0] = reverb->lastOutputL(); out[1] = reverb->lastOutputR(); } else out[0] = reverb->lastOutput(); rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int MIX::run() { const int inchans = inputChannels(); const int samps = framesToRun() * inchans; rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inchans) { if (--branch <= 0) { if (fastUpdate) { if (amptable) amp = ampmult * tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, amptabs); } else { double p[4]; update(p, 4, 1 << 3); amp = p[3]; if (amptable) // legacy makegen amp *= tablei(currentFrame(), amptable, amptabs); } branch = getSkip(); } float out[MAXBUS]; const int ochans = outputChannels(); for (int j = 0; j < ochans; j++) { out[j] = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < inchans; k++) { if (outchan[k] == j) out[j] += in[i+k] * amp; } } rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int PAN :: run() { const int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { doupdate(); branch = skip; } float insig = in[i + inchan] * amp; float out[2]; out[0] = insig * pan[0]; out[1] = insig * pan[1]; rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
int DEL1::run() { int samps = framesToRun() * inputChannels(); if (currentFrame() < insamps) rtgetin(in, this, samps); for (int i = 0; i < samps; i += inputChannels()) { if (--branch <= 0) { double p[6]; update(p, 6); amp = p[3]; if (amptable) amp *= tablei(cursamp, amptable, amptabs); float deltime = p[4]; delsamps = deltime * SR; delamp = p[5]; branch = skip; } float sig; if (currentFrame() < insamps) sig = in[i + inchan]; else sig = 0.0; float out[2]; out[0] = sig * amp; out[1] = delay->getsamp(delsamps) * delamp; delay->putsamp(sig); rtaddout(out); increment(); } return framesToRun(); }
/** * For Lua instruments, the run method also performs the Lua * portion of the init method. That is because the init * method is called from the main RTcmix thread whereas the * run method is called from the traverse thread, but Lua * is not thread-safe and our Lua state management code * creates a separate Lua state for each thread. */ virtual int run() { //advise("LUAINST::run", "Began (thread %p)...", pthread_self()); int result = 0; if (state.parameters[2] != 0.0) { state.inputSampleCount = RTBUFSAMPS * inputChannels(); rtgetin(state.input, this, state.inputSampleCount); } lua_State *L = manageLuaState(); LuaInstrumentClass_t &luaInstrumentClass = manageLuaInstrumentClass(L,; if (!luaInstrumentClass.initialized) { const char *luacode = luaCodeForInstrumentNames[].c_str(); advise("LUAINST", "Defining Lua instrument code:\n\n%0.120s\n...\n", luacode); result = luaL_dostring(L, luacode); if (result == 0) { char init_function[0x100]; std::snprintf(init_function, 0x100, "%s_init",; lua_getglobal(L, init_function); if (!lua_isnil(L, 1)) { luaInstrumentClass.init_key = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua_pop(L, 1); } else { exit(die("LUAINST", "Failed to register: %s.", init_function)); } char run_function[0x100]; std::snprintf(run_function, 0x100, "%s_run",; lua_getglobal(L, run_function); if (!lua_isnil(L, 1)) { luaInstrumentClass.run_key = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua_pop(L, 1); } else { exit(die("LUAINST", "Failed to register: %s.", run_function)); } } else { warn("LUAINST", "Failed with: %d\n", result); } luaInstrumentClass.initialized = true; } if (!state.initialized) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, luaInstrumentClass.init_key); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &state); if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0) != 0) { rterror("LUAINST", "Lua error in \"%s_init\": %s.\n",, lua_tostring(L, -1)); } result = lua_tonumber(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); state.initialized = true; } state.startFrame = state.endFrame; long frameCount = framesToRun(); state.endFrame += frameCount; doupdate(); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, luaInstrumentClass.run_key); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, &state); if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0) != 0) { die("LUAINST", "Lua error in \"%s_run\": %s with key %p frame %i.\n",, lua_tostring(L, -1), luaInstrumentClass.run_key, state.currentFrame); exit(-1); } result = lua_tonumber(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); rtbaddout(state.output, frameCount); increment(frameCount); return framesToRun(); }