Exemplo n.º 1
    bool FileExporterPDF::generatePDF( QIODevice* iodevice, QStringList *errorLog )
        QStringList cmdLines = QStringList::split( '|', "pdflatex -halt-on-error bibtex-to-pdf.tex|bibtex bibtex-to-pdf|pdflatex -halt-on-error bibtex-to-pdf.tex|pdflatex -halt-on-error bibtex-to-pdf.tex" );

        if ( writeLatexFile( laTeXFilename ) && runProcesses( cmdLines, errorLog ) && writeFileToIODevice( outputFilename, iodevice ) )
            return TRUE;
            return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ProcessManager::restartAll()
	if(runBuild()) {
Exemplo n.º 3
void test_process_schedular(){
	pQueue* pqueue = create();
	pQueue* result;
	result = runProcesses(pqueue);
	ASSERT(result->head->attempts == 1);
	ASSERT(result->head->next->attempts == 2);
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(char **argv, char argc)
  int *allocationArray, *workArray, *maxArray, *requestedResources, *needArray, *waitingQueue, *maxAvailableResources, *releaseResources;
  int numProc;
  int numRes;
  int onProc;
  int i;
  int startTime;
  int simTime;
  int totalBytesToAllocate;
  int numSecs;
  char resourceTypes[256];
  char numInstances[256];
  char numProcesses[256];
  char detailsOfPx[256];

  /* Set up the signal handler to handle CTRL C requests */
  (void) signal(SIGINT, signalHandler);

  /* Clear out the arrays before using them */
  memset((char*)&resourceTypes, 0, sizeof(resourceTypes));
  memset((char*)&numInstances, 0, sizeof(numInstances));
  memset((char*)&numProcesses, 0, sizeof(numProcesses));
  memset((char*)&detailsOfPx, 0, sizeof(detailsOfPx));

  /* Gather input from user -- assuming correct input only */
  printf("Number of different resource types: ");
  scanf(" %[^\n]", resourceTypes);
  numRes = atoi(resourceTypes);
  numProc = atoi(resourceTypes);
  printf("Number of instances of each resource type :");
  scanf(" %[^\n]", numInstances);

  printf("Number of processes: ");
  scanf(" %[^\n]", numProcesses);

  numProc = atoi(numProcesses);

  totalBytesToAllocate = numProc*numRes*sizeof(int);

  /* Allocate memory for a number of different arrays that are used in this program */
  allocationArray = malloc(totalBytesToAllocate);

  workArray = malloc(numRes * sizeof(int));
  maxArray = malloc(totalBytesToAllocate);
  needArray = malloc(totalBytesToAllocate);
  waitingQueue = malloc(numProc * sizeof(int));
  requestedResources = malloc(totalBytesToAllocate);
  maxAvailableResources = malloc(numRes * sizeof(int));
  releaseResources = malloc(numRes * sizeof(int));

  /* Clear out all of the useful arrays before using them */
  memset((int*)allocationArray, 0,totalBytesToAllocate);
  memset((int*)workArray, 0, numRes * sizeof(int));
  memset((int*)releaseResources, 0, numRes * sizeof(int));
  memset((int*)maxAvailableResources, 0, numRes * sizeof(int));
  memset((int*)maxArray, 0, totalBytesToAllocate);
  memset((int*)waitingQueue, 0, numProc * sizeof(int));
  memset((int*)requestedResources, 0, totalBytesToAllocate);
  /* Store the data from the max array */
  storeTheData(numInstances, workArray, 0);
  for (i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
    onProc = i * numRes;
    printf("Details of P%d: ",i+1);
    scanf(" %[^\n]", detailsOfPx);

    storeTheData(detailsOfPx, maxArray,  onProc);
  computeMaxAvailableResources(maxAvailableResources, allocationArray, workArray, numProc, numRes);

  /* The need array is simply a copy of the max array in the beginning since
     we started with zero resources allocated */
  memcpy(needArray,maxArray, numProc*numRes * sizeof(int) );
  startTime = getTimeInSeconds();
  simTime = startTime;
  numSecs = 4;
  printf("Hello. Please read the README if you can. Thank you. :) \n");
  while (1)
    /* Every five seconds, we make an action for each process -- but it is 4 the first time */
    if (getTimeInSeconds() - simTime >= numSecs)
      simTime = getTimeInSeconds();
      /* Run all of the processes in a loop whereby each chooses one possible
         action */
      runProcesses(allocationArray, workArray, maxArray,\
                   requestedResources, needArray, waitingQueue, maxAvailableResources, releaseResources, numProc, numRes);
    numSecs = 5;


  return 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
bool FileExporterPDF::generatePDF(QIODevice *iodevice, QStringList *errorLog)
    QStringList cmdLines = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("pdflatex -halt-on-error ") + m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionTeX << QStringLiteral("bibtex ") + m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionAux << QStringLiteral("pdflatex -halt-on-error ") + m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionTeX << QStringLiteral("pdflatex -halt-on-error ") + m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionTeX;

    return writeLatexFile(m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionTeX) && runProcesses(cmdLines, errorLog) && writeFileToIODevice(m_fileStem + KBibTeX::extensionPDF, iodevice, errorLog);