Exemplo n.º 1
static int
_rw_vsystem (const char *cmd, va_list va)
    RW_ASSERT (0 != cmd);

    char *buf = 0;

    rw_vasnprintf (&buf, 0, cmd, va);

    rw_note (0, "file:" __FILE__, __LINE__, "executing \"%s\"", buf);

    // avoid using const in order to prevent gcc warning on Linux
    // issued for WIFSIGNALED() et al: cast from `const int*' to
    // `int*' discards qualifiers from pointer target type:
    // see http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1392
    /* const */ int ret = system (buf);

    if (ret) {

#ifndef _WIN32

        if (-1 == ret) {
            // system() failed, e.g., because fork() failed
            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "system (\"%s\") failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
        else if (WIFSIGNALED (ret)) {
            // command exited with a signal
            const int signo = WTERMSIG (ret);

            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "the command \"%s\" exited with signal %d (%{K})",
                      buf, signo, signo);
        else {
            // command exited with a non-zero status
            const int status = WEXITSTATUS (ret);

            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "the command \"%s\" exited with status %d",
                      buf, status);
#else   // if defined (_WIN32)

        // FIXME: make this more descriptive
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "the command \"%s\" failed with code %d",
                  buf, ret);

#endif   // _WIN32


    free (buf);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
	std::size_t winsock2_streambuf::write_some(const char_type * data, std::size_t count)
		//if (!is_valid()) return 0;
		auto until = time_point::clock::now() + m_timeout;
		do {

			if (ssl_started())
				int res = ::SSL_write(m_sslhandle, data, count);
				if (res > 0) return res;

				if (ssl_rw_error(res, m_lasterror)) return 0;

			int res = ::send(m_sockhandle, data, count, 0);
			if (res > 0) return res;

			if (rw_error(res, ::WSAGetLastError(), m_lasterror)) return 0;

		} while (wait_readable(until));
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
	std::size_t bsdsock_streambuf::read_some(char_type * data, std::size_t count)
		//if (!is_valid()) return 0;

		auto until = time_point::clock::now() + m_timeout;
		do {

			if (ssl_started())
				int res = ::SSL_read(m_sslhandle, data, count);
				if (res > 0) return res;

				if (ssl_rw_error(res, m_lasterror)) return 0;

			int res = ::recv(m_sockhandle, data, count, 0);
			if (res > 0) return res;

			if (rw_error(res, errno, m_lasterror)) return 0;

		} while (wait_readable(until));
		return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
    // exercise with the default setting of TOPDIR
    rw_error (0 == test_localedef (), 0, __LINE__, "");

    // exercise with TOPDIR set but empty
    rw_putenv ("TOPDIR=");
    rw_error (0 == test_localedef (), 0, __LINE__, "");

    // exercise with TOPDIR unset
    rw_putenv ("TOPDIR");
    rw_error (0 == test_localedef (), 0, __LINE__, "");

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
// exercises a table-based multibyte encoding
static void
test_wcodecvt_byname_table_based ()
    const char* const locname = create_locale ();

    if (!rw_error (0 != locname, 0, __LINE__,
                   "failed to create a locale database")) {

    std::locale loc;

    _TRY {
        loc = std::locale (locname);
    _CATCH (...) {
        rw_error (0, 0, __LINE__,
                  "locale(\"%s\") unexpectedly threw an exception", locname);
Exemplo n.º 6
void test_assign (charT*, Traits*, Allocator*,
                  const StringTestCaseData<charT> &tdata)
    typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;

    if (tdata.func_.which_ == Assign (range)) {

        switch (tdata.func_.iter_id_) {

        // exercise possible overloads of the member function template
        // on common RandomAccessIterator types
#undef TEST
#define TEST(Iterator) do {                                                 \
        typedef typename String::Iterator Iter;                             \
        static const                                                        \
        AssignRangeOverload<String, Iter> rng;                              \
        test_assign ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata);     \
    } while (0)

        case StringIds::Pointer: TEST (pointer); break;
        case StringIds::ConstPointer: TEST (const_pointer); break;
        case StringIds::Iterator: TEST (iterator); break;
        case StringIds::ConstIterator: TEST (const_iterator); break;

        case StringIds::ReverseIterator: TEST (reverse_iterator); break;
        case StringIds::ConstReverseIterator: TEST (const_reverse_iterator);

        // exercise specializations of the member function template
        // on the required iterator categories

#undef TEST
#define TEST(Iterator) do {                                                 \
        typedef Iterator<charT> Iter;                                       \
        static const                                                        \
        AssignRange<String, Iter> rng;                                      \
        test_assign ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata);     \
    } while (0)

        case StringIds::Input: TEST (InputIter); break;
        case StringIds::Forward: TEST (ConstFwdIter); break;
        case StringIds::Bidir: TEST (ConstBidirIter); break;
        case StringIds::Random: TEST (ConstRandomAccessIter); break;

            rw_error (0, 0, __LINE__, "bad iterator id");
    else {
        // exercise ordinary overloads of the member function
        static const RangeBase<String> rng;
        test_assign ((charT*)0, (Traits*)0, (Allocator*)0, rng, tdata);
Exemplo n.º 7
	bool winsock2_streambuf::wait_state(time_point until, int fstate)
		int wsaerr;
		int solen;

		struct timeval timeout;
		make_timeval(timeout, until - time_point::clock::now());

		fd_set read_set, write_set, err_set;
		fd_set * pread_set = nullptr;
		fd_set * pwrite_set = nullptr;

		if (fstate & freadable)
			pread_set = &read_set;
			FD_SET(m_sockhandle, pread_set);

		if (fstate & fwritable)
			pwrite_set = &write_set;
			FD_SET(m_sockhandle, pwrite_set);
		FD_SET(m_sockhandle, &err_set);

		int res = ::select(m_sockhandle + 1, pread_set, pwrite_set, &err_set, &timeout);
		if (res == 0) // timeout
			m_lasterror = make_error_code(sock_errc::timeout);
			return false;

		if (res == -1) goto sockerror;
		assert(res >= 1);

		solen = sizeof(wsaerr);
		res = ::getsockopt(m_sockhandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&wsaerr), &solen);
		if (res != 0)    goto sockerror;
		if (wsaerr != 0) goto wsaerror;

		return true;

		wsaerr = ::WSAGetLastError();
		if (rw_error(-1, wsaerr, m_lasterror)) return false;
		goto again;
Exemplo n.º 8
_TEST_EXPORT rw_pid_t
rw_process_create (const char* path, char* const argv[])
#if defined (_WIN32)

    return rw_process_create ("\"%s\" %{ As}", path, argv + 1);

#else   // #if !defined (_WIN32)

    if (0 == access (path, X_OK)) {

        const rw_pid_t child_pid = fork ();

        if (0 == child_pid) {
            // the child process
            execvp (path, argv);

            // the execvp returns only if an error occurs
            rw_fprintf (rw_stderr, "%s:%d execvp (%#s, %{As}) failed: "
                        "errno = %{#m} (%{m})\n",
                        __FILE__, __LINE__, path, argv);

            exit (1);
        else if (-1 == child_pid)
            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "fork () failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})");

        return child_pid;
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "access (%#s, X_OK) failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})",

    return -1;

#endif  // #if defined (_WIN32)
Exemplo n.º 9
static rw_pid_t
_rw_vprocess_create (const char* cmd, va_list va)
    RW_ASSERT (0 != cmd);

    char *buf = 0;

    rw_vasnprintf (&buf, 0, cmd, va);

    rw_pid_t ret = -1;

#ifdef _WIN32

    STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof (si) };

    if (CreateProcess (0, buf, 0, 0, FALSE,
                       CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, 0, 0, &si, &pi)) {

        CloseHandle (pi.hThread);
        ret = rw_pid_t (pi.hProcess);
    else {
        const DWORD err = GetLastError ();

        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "CreateProcess () failed: GetLastError() = %zu",
                  size_t (err));

        errno = _rw_map_errno (err);

#else   // #if !defined (_WIN32)

    const size_t MAX_PARAMS = 63;
    char* argv [MAX_PARAMS + 1] = { 0 };

    size_t argc = _rw_split_cmd (buf, argv, MAX_PARAMS);

    if (0 < argc && MAX_PARAMS >= argc)
        ret = rw_process_create (argv [0], argv);
        errno = E2BIG;

#endif  // _WIN32

    free (buf);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
	bool bsdsock_streambuf::wait_state(time_point until, int fstate)
		int err;
		sockoptlen_t solen;

		struct timeval timeout;
		make_timeval(timeout, until - time_point::clock::now());

		fd_set read_set, write_set;
		fd_set * pread_set = nullptr;
		fd_set * pwrite_set = nullptr;

		if (fstate & freadable)
			pread_set = &read_set;
			FD_SET(m_sockhandle, pread_set);

		if (fstate & fwritable)
			pwrite_set = &write_set;
			FD_SET(m_sockhandle, pwrite_set);
		int res = ::select(m_sockhandle + 1, pread_set, pwrite_set, nullptr, &timeout);
		if (res == 0) // timeout
			m_lasterror = make_error_code(sock_errc::timeout);
			return false;

		if (res == -1) goto sockerror;
		solen = sizeof(err);
		res = ::getsockopt(m_sockhandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &solen);
		if (res != 0) goto sockerror;
		if (err != 0) goto error;

		return true;

		err = errno;
		if (rw_error(-1, err, m_lasterror)) return false;
		goto again;		
Exemplo n.º 11
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = sizeof locales / sizeof *locales;

    for (const char *name = locale_list; *name; name += std::strlen (name) +1) {

        locales [nlocales++] = name;

        if (nlocales == maxinx)

    int result;

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::locale ctors with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    result = rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                                 test_ctors, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, test_ctors);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 12
rw_process_kill (rw_pid_t pid, int signo)
    // timeout for rw_wait_pid
    const int timeout = 1;

#if defined (_WIN32)

    // send signal
    if (!TerminateProcess (HANDLE (pid), DWORD (signo))) {

        const DWORD err = GetLastError ();
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "TerminateProcess (%{P}, %i) failed: GetLastError() = %zu",
                  pid, signo, size_t (err));

        if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE == err)
            errno = ESRCH;
        else if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == err)
            errno = EPERM;
            errno = _rw_map_errno (err);

        return -1;

    // wait for process termination
    rw_pid_t res = rw_waitpid (pid, 0, timeout);
    if (pid == res)
        return 0;

    if (-1 == res)
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "rw_waitpid (%{P}, 0, %i) failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
                  pid, timeout);

    return 1;

#else   // #if !defined (_WIN32)

    static const int signals_ [] = {

    const int* const signals = (-1 == signo) ? signals_ : &signo;

    const unsigned sigcount =
        (-1 == signo) ? sizeof (signals_) / sizeof (*signals_) : 1;

    int ret = -1;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < sigcount; ++i) {

        // send signal
        ret = kill (pid, signals [i]);

        if (-1 == ret) {
            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "kill (%{P}, %{K}) failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
                      pid, signals [i]);


        // wait for process termination
        rw_pid_t res = rw_waitpid (pid, 0, timeout);
        if (pid == res)
            return 0;

        if (-1 == res)
            rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "rw_waitpid (%{P}, 0, %i) failed: errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
                      pid, timeout);

        ret = 1;

    return ret;

#endif  // #if defined (_WIN32)
Exemplo n.º 13
_TEST_EXPORT rw_pid_t
rw_waitpid (rw_pid_t pid, int* presult, int timeout/* = -1*/)

    struct sigaction prev_alarm_action;
    signal_handler_t prev_alarm_handler = 0;
    int              prev_alarm_timeout = 0;

    alarm_timeout = 0;
    if (0 < timeout) {

        struct sigaction alarm_action;
        memset (&alarm_action, 0, sizeof alarm_action);

        const signal_handler_t handler_fun = handle_alarm_signal;
        memcpy (&alarm_action.sa_handler, &handler_fun,
                sizeof alarm_action.sa_handler);

        sigaction (SIGALRM, &alarm_action, &prev_alarm_action);
        prev_alarm_handler = signal (SIGALRM, handle_alarm_signal);
        prev_alarm_timeout = alarm (timeout);


    int result = 0;
    if (!presult)
        presult = &result;

    const time_t start = time(0);

    int status   = 0;
    rw_pid_t ret = 0;
    do {

        ret = waitpid (pid, &status, 0);

        if (-1 == ret) {

            if (EINTR == errno && alarm_timeout) {

                // we are expected to return 0 on timeout
                ret = 0;
            else if (EINTR == errno) {

                rw_warn (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                         "waitpid (%{P}, %#p, 0) interrupted: "
                         "errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
                         pid, &status);

                continue; // try again
            else {

                rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                          "waitpid (%{P}, %#p, 0) failed: "
                          "errno = %{#m} (%{m})",
                          pid, &status);

        else if (ret == pid) {

            if (WIFSIGNALED (status)) {
                // process exited with a signal
                const int signo = WTERMSIG (status);

                rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                          "the process (pid=%{P}) exited with signal %d (%{K})",
                          pid, signo, signo);

                *presult = signo;
            else if (WIFEXITED (status)) {
                // process exited with a status
                const int retcode = WEXITSTATUS (status);

                if (retcode)
                    rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                              "the process (pid=%{P}) exited with return code %d",
                              pid, retcode);

                *presult = retcode;
            else {
                *presult = -1;
        else {
            *presult = -1;

    } while(false);

    if (0 < timeout) {

        if (prev_alarm_timeout) {
            const int delta = time(0) - start;

            if (delta < prev_alarm_timeout)
                prev_alarm_timeout -= delta;
                prev_alarm_timeout = 1;

        alarm (prev_alarm_timeout);

        sigaction (SIGALRM, &prev_alarm_action, 0);
        signal (SIGALRM, prev_alarm_handler);

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 14
_TEST_EXPORT rw_pid_t
rw_waitpid (rw_pid_t pid, int* result, int timeout/* = -1*/)
    /* Explicitly check for process_id being -1 or -2. In Windows NT,
    * -1 is a handle on the current process, -2 is a handle on the
    * current thread, and it is perfectly legal to to wait (forever)
    * on either */
    if (-1 == pid || -2 == pid) {
        errno = ECHILD;
        return -1;

    const HANDLE handle = HANDLE (pid);

    const DWORD milliseconds =
        0 > timeout ? INFINITE : DWORD (timeout * 1000);

    const DWORD res = WaitForSingleObject (handle, milliseconds);


    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == res) {

        DWORD dwExitCode;
        if (GetExitCodeProcess (handle, &dwExitCode)) {

            CloseHandle (handle);

            if (dwExitCode)
                rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                          "the process (pid=%{P}) exited with return code %d",
                          pid, int (dwExitCode));

            if (result)
                *result = int (dwExitCode);

            return pid;

        err = GetLastError ();
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "GetExitCodeProcess (%{P}, %#p) failed: GetLastError() = %zu",
                  pid, &dwExitCode, size_t (err));
    else if (WAIT_FAILED == res) {
        err = GetLastError ();
        rw_error (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                  "WaitForSingleObject (%{P}, %{?}INFINITE%{:}%zu%{;}) failed: "
                  "GetLastError() = %zu",
                  pid, INFINITE == milliseconds,
                  size_t (milliseconds), size_t (err));
    else {
        // time-out elapsed
        RW_ASSERT (WAIT_TIMEOUT == res);
        return 0;

    if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE == err)
        errno = ECHILD;
        errno = _rw_map_errno (err);

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 15
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = sizeof punct_data / sizeof *punct_data;

    // iterate over locales, initializing a global punct_data array
    for (const char *name = locale_list;
         name += std::strlen (name) +1) {

        const std::size_t inx = nlocales;
        locales [inx] = name;

        NumPunctData& data = punct_data [inx];

        try {
            std::locale loc(name);
            data.locale_name_ = name;

            const std::numpunct<char> &np =
                std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char> >(loc);

            data.grouping_ = np.grouping ();

            data.decimal_point_ = np.decimal_point ();
            data.thousands_sep_ = np.thousands_sep ();

            data.truename_  = np.truename ();
            data.falsename_ = np.falsename ();


            const std::numpunct<wchar_t> &wp =
                std::use_facet<std::numpunct<wchar_t> >(loc);

            data.wdecimal_point_ = wp.decimal_point ();
            data.wthousands_sep_ = wp.thousands_sep ();

            data.wtruename_  = wp.truename ();
            data.wfalsename_ = wp.falsename ();


            if (opt_shared_locale)
                data.locale_ = loc;

            nlocales += 1;
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (!rw_opt_locales, 0, __LINE__,
                     "failed to create locale(%#s)", name);

        if (nlocales == maxinx || nlocales == std::size_t (opt_nlocales))

    // avoid divide by zero in thread if there are no locales to test
    rw_fatal (nlocales != 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "failed to create one or more usable locales!");

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::numpunct<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::numpunct<char>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = false;

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    int result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);


    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::numpunct<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = false;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise the thread safety
    // of the wchar_t specialization
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

    // exercise both the char and the wchar_t specializations
    // at the same time

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "exercising both std::numpunct<char> and std::numpunct<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != opt_nfacets; ++i) {
        if (0 < opt_facets [i]) {
            for (std::size_t j = 0; j != opt_nfacets; ++j) {
                if (opt_facets [j] == 0)
                    opt_facets [j] = -1;

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_codecvt], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::codecvt tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_collate], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::collate tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_ctype], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::ctype tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_messages], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::messages tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_moneypunct], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::moneypunct<charT, false> tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_moneypunct_intl], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::moneypunct<charT, true> tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_money_get], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::money_get tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_money_put], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::money_put tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_numpunct], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::numpunct tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_num_get], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::num_get tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_num_put], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::num_put tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_time_get], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::time_get tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 <= opt_facets [opt_inx_time_put], 0, __LINE__,
             "std::time_put tests disabled");

    rw_note (0 == opt_no_exceptions, 0, __LINE__,
             "tests involving exceptions disabled");

    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = sizeof locales / sizeof *locales;

    // set to true if the classic "C" locale is on the lost
    bool has_classic = false;

    for (const char *name = locale_list; *name; name += std::strlen (name) +1) {

        locales [nlocales++] = name;

        if (!has_classic && 0 == std::strcmp ("C", name))
            has_classic = true;

        if (nlocales == maxinx)

    // when the classic "C" locale isn't on the list put it there
    // unless the list was explicitly specified on the command line
    if (1 < nlocales && !has_classic && 0 == rw_opt_locales)
        locales [0] = "C";

    int result;

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::locale globals with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    if (opt_has_facet >= 0) {
        rw_info (0, 0, 0,
                 "template <class T> bool std::has_facet (const locale&)");

        // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
        result = rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                                 test_has_facet, 0);

        rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
                  "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
                  opt_nthreads, test_has_facet);
    else {
        rw_note (0, 0, 0, "std::has_facet test disabled");

    if (opt_use_facet >= 0) {
        rw_info (0, 0, 0,
                 "template <class T> const T& std::use_facet (const locale&)");


        // if dynamic_cast isn't supported, then [has,use]_facet()
        // can't reliably detect if a facet is installed or not.
        rw_warn (0 != opt_no_exceptions, 0, __LINE__,
                 "dynamic_cast not supported "
                 "(macro _RWSTD_NO_DYNAMIC_CAST is #defined), "
                 "disabling exceptions tests");

        opt_no_exceptions = 1;



        // avoid exercising exceptions (triggered by use_facet) if
        // their implementation in the runtime isn't thread-safe
        rw_warn (0, 0, 0,
                 "exceptions not thread safe (macro "
                 "_RWSTD_NO_THREAD_SAFE_EXCEPTIONS is #defined), "
                 "disabling exceptions tests");

        opt_no_exceptions = 1;


        // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
        result = rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                                 test_use_facet, 0);

        rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
                  "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
                  opt_nthreads, test_use_facet);
    else {
        rw_note (0, 0, 0, "std::use_facet test disabled");

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 17
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    MyIos<char, std::char_traits<char> >       nio;
    MyStreambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > nsb;
    nio.rdbuf (&nsb);

    MyIos<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >       wio;
    MyStreambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > wsb;
    wio.rdbuf (&wsb);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = RW_COUNT_OF (locales);

    for (const char *name = locale_list;
         name += std::strlen (name) + 1) {

        const std::size_t inx = nlocales;
        locales [inx] = name;

        // fill in the value and results for this locale
        MyNumData& data = my_num_data [nlocales];
        data.locale_name_ = name;

        try {
            const std::locale loc (data.locale_name_);

            data.value_ = nlocales & 1 ? -1 * nlocales : nlocales;
            data.type_ = MyNumData::PutId (nlocales % MyNumData::put_max);

            // format data into buffers
            const std::num_put<char> &np =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<char> >(loc);

            nio.imbue (loc);
            nsb.pubsetp (data.ncs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.ncs_));

            put_data (data, np, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(&nsb),
                      nio, ' ', '\0');

            rw_fatal (!nio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "num_put<char>::put(...) failed for locale(%#s)",


            const std::num_put<wchar_t> &wp =
                std::use_facet<std::num_put<wchar_t> >(loc);

            wio.imbue (loc);
            wsb.pubsetp (data.wcs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.wcs_));

            put_data (data, wp, std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(&wsb),
                      wio, L' ', L'\0');

            rw_fatal (!wio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                      "num_put<wchar_t>::put(...) failed for locale(%#s)",

#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

            if (opt_shared_locale)
                data.locale_ = loc;

            nlocales += 1;
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (!rw_opt_locales, 0, __LINE__,
                     "failed to create locale(%#s)", name);

        if (nlocales == maxinx || nlocales == std::size_t (opt_nlocales))

    // avoid divide by zero in thread if there are no locales to test
    rw_fatal (nlocales != 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "failed to create one or more usable locales!");

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::num_put<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::num_put<char>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = false;

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    int result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);


    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::num_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = false;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

    // exercise both the char and the wchar_t specializations
    // at the same time

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "exercising both std::num_put<char> and std::num_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0, thread_func, 0);

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 18
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    // find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    // array of locale names to use for testing
    const char* locales [sizeof punct_data / sizeof *punct_data];

    const std::size_t maxinx = sizeof locales / sizeof *locales;

    // iterate over locales, initializing a global punct_data array
    for (const char *name = locale_list; *name; name += std::strlen (name) +1) {

        std::locale loc;

        MoneypunctData* const pdata = punct_data + nlocales;

        pdata->locale_name_ = name;
        locales [nlocales]  = name;

        try {
            loc = std::locale (name);

            typedef std::moneypunct<char, false> Punct;

            const Punct &mp = std::use_facet<Punct>(loc);

            const char           dp  = mp.decimal_point ();
            const char           ts  = mp.thousands_sep ();
            const std::string    grp = mp.grouping ();
            const std::string    cur = mp.curr_symbol ();
            const std::string    pos = mp.positive_sign ();
            const std::string    neg = mp.negative_sign ();
            const int            fd  = mp.frac_digits ();
            const Punct::pattern pfm = mp.pos_format ();
            const Punct::pattern nfm = mp.neg_format ();

            pdata->decimal_point_ = dp;
            pdata->thousands_sep_ = ts;
            pdata->frac_digits_   = fd;

            std::strcpy (pdata->grouping_, grp.c_str ());
            std::strcpy (pdata->curr_symbol_, cur.c_str ());
            std::strcpy (pdata->positive_sign_, pos.c_str ());
            std::strcpy (pdata->negative_sign_, neg.c_str ());
            std::memcpy (pdata->pos_format_, &pfm, sizeof pfm);
            std::memcpy (pdata->neg_format_, &nfm, sizeof nfm);
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
                     "std::locale(%#s) threw an exception, skipping", name);

        try {
            typedef std::moneypunct<char, true> Punct;

            const Punct &mp = std::use_facet<Punct>(loc);

            const std::string    cur = mp.curr_symbol ();
            const int            fd  = mp.frac_digits ();
            const Punct::pattern pfm = mp.pos_format ();
            const Punct::pattern nfm = mp.neg_format ();

            pdata->int_frac_digits_ = fd;

            std::strcpy (pdata->int_curr_symbol_, cur.c_str ());
            std::memcpy (pdata->int_pos_format_, &pfm, sizeof pfm);
            std::memcpy (pdata->int_neg_format_, &nfm, sizeof nfm);
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
                     "std::locale(%#s) threw an exception, skipping", name);


        try {
            typedef std::moneypunct<wchar_t, false> Punct;

            const Punct &mp = std::use_facet<Punct>(loc);

            const wchar_t      dp  = mp.decimal_point ();
            const wchar_t      ts  = mp.thousands_sep ();
            const std::wstring cur = mp.curr_symbol ();
            const std::wstring pos = mp.positive_sign ();
            const std::wstring neg = mp.negative_sign ();

            pdata->wdecimal_point_ = dp;
            pdata->wthousands_sep_ = ts;

            typedef std::wstring::traits_type Traits;

            Traits::copy (pdata->wcurr_symbol_,   cur.data (), cur.size ());
            Traits::copy (pdata->wpositive_sign_, pos.data (), pos.size ());
            Traits::copy (pdata->wnegative_sign_, neg.data (), neg.size ());
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
                     "std::locale(%#s) threw an exception, skipping", name);

        try {
            typedef std::moneypunct<wchar_t, true> Punct;

            const Punct &mp = std::use_facet<Punct>(loc);

            const std::wstring cur = mp.curr_symbol ();
            const std::wstring pos = mp.positive_sign ();
            const std::wstring neg = mp.negative_sign ();

            typedef std::wstring::traits_type Traits;

            Traits::copy (pdata->wint_curr_symbol_, cur.data (), cur.size ());
        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
                     "std::locale(%#s) threw an exception, skipping", name);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T


        if (nlocales == maxinx)

    // unless the number of iterations was explicitly specified
    // on the command line, decrease the number to equal the number
    // of excericsed locales when only one thread is being tested
    if (1 == opt_nthreads && opt_nloops < 0)
        opt_nloops = int (nlocales);

    // when the number of iterations wasn't explicitly specified
    // on the command line set it to the default value
    if (opt_nloops < 0)
        opt_nloops = DFLT_LOOPS;

    rw_fatal (0 < nlocales, 0, __LINE__,
              "must have at least one valid locale to test");

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::moneypunct<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::moneypunct<char>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = false;

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    int result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);


    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::moneypunct<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = false;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise the thread safety
    // of the wchar_t specialization
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

    // exercise both the char and the wchar_t specializations
    // at the same time

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "exercising both std::moneypunct<char> "
             "and std::moneypunct<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 19
static int
run_test (int, char**)
    MyIos<char, std::char_traits<char> >       nio;
    MyStreambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > nsb;
    nio.rdbuf (&nsb);

    MyIos<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >       wio;
    MyStreambuf<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> > wsb;
    wio.rdbuf (&wsb);
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    // find all installed locales for which setlocale (LC_ALL) succeeds
    const char* const locale_list =
        rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);

    const std::size_t maxinx = RW_COUNT_OF (locales);

    for (const char* name = locale_list;
         name += std::strlen (name) + 1) {

        const std::size_t inx = nlocales;
        locales [inx] = name;

        // fill in the money and results for this locale
        MyMoneyData& data = my_money_data [inx];
        data.locale_name_ = name;

        try {
            const std::locale loc (data.locale_name_);

            // initialize with random but valid values

            data.money_value_ = inx;
            data.type_ = MyMoneyData::PutId (nlocales % MyMoneyData::put_max);
            data.money_index_ = inx % RW_COUNT_OF (n_money_vals);

            // exercise domestic formats every other iteration
            // and international formats the rest
            data.intl_ = 0 == (inx & 1);

            // exercise postive and negative values
            if (inx & 1)
                data.money_value_ *= -1.;

            // add some random fractional digits
            if (inx & 2)
                data.money_value_ += data.money_value_ / 3.14;

            const std::money_put<char> &np =
                std::use_facet<std::money_put<char> >(loc);

            nio.imbue (loc);
            nsb.pubsetp (data.ncs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.ncs_));
            switch (data.type_) {
            case MyMoneyData::put_ldbl:
                *np.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(&nsb),
                         data.intl_, nio, ' ', data.money_value_) = '\0';
            case MyMoneyData::put_string:
                *np.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(&nsb),
                         data.intl_, nio, ' ',
                         n_money_vals [data.money_index_]) = '\0';
            case MyMoneyData::put_max:
                // avoid enumeration value `put_max' not handled in switch
                // this case should never happen

            rw_assert (!nio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                       "money_put<char>::put(...) "
                       "failed for locale(%#s)",


            const std::money_put<wchar_t> &wp =
                std::use_facet<std::money_put<wchar_t> >(loc);

            wio.imbue (loc);
            wsb.pubsetp (data.wcs_, RW_COUNT_OF (data.wcs_));

            switch (data.type_) {
            case MyMoneyData::put_ldbl:
                *wp.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(&wsb),
                         data.intl_, wio, L' ', data.money_value_) = '\0';
            case MyMoneyData::put_string:
                *wp.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(&wsb),
                         data.intl_, wio, L' ',
                         w_money_vals [data.money_index_]) = L'\0';
            case MyMoneyData::put_max:
                // avoid enumeration value `put_max' not handled in switch
                // this case should never happen

            rw_assert (!nio.fail (), __FILE__, __LINE__,
                       "money_put<wchar_t>::put(...) "
                       "failed for locale(%#s)",

#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

            if (opt_shared_locale)
                data.locale_ = loc;

            nlocales += 1;

        catch (...) {
            rw_warn (!rw_opt_locales, 0, __LINE__,
                     "failed to create locale(%#s)", name);

        if (nlocales == maxinx || nlocales == std::size_t (opt_nlocales))

    // avoid divide by zero in thread if there are no locales to test
    rw_fatal (nlocales != 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "failed to create one or more usable locales!");

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "testing std::money_put<charT> with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
             "%d iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
             opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
             opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
             nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::money_put<char>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = false;

    // create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
    int result = 
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);


    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "exercising std::money_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = false;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

    // exercise both the char and the wchar_t specializations
    // at the same time

    rw_info (0, 0, 0,
             "exercising both std::money_put<char> "
             "and std::money_put<wchar_t>");

    test_char  = true;
    test_wchar = true;

    // start a pool of threads to exercise wstring thread safety
    result =
        rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
                        thread_func, 0, std::size_t (opt_timeout));

    rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
              "rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
              opt_nthreads, thread_func);

#endif   // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 20
void run_test (intT, thr_args_base::tag_t tag)
    static const char* const tname = rw_any_t (intT ()).type_name ();

    if (!rw_enabled (tname)) {
        rw_note (0, 0, 0, "%s test disabled", tname);


    static const char* const fun = "__rw_atomic_exchange";

    rw_info (0, 0, 0, "__rw::%s (%s&, %2$s): %d iterations in %d threads",
             fun, tname, rw_opt_nloops, rw_opt_nthreads);

    rw_thread_t tid [MAX_THREADS];

    typedef thr_args<intT> Args;

    Args::nthreads_   = unsigned (rw_opt_nthreads);
    Args::type_tag_   = tag;
    Args::nincr_      = unsigned (rw_opt_nloops);
    Args::shared_ [0] = intT (1);
    Args::shared_ [1] = intT (1);

    _RWSTD_ASSERT (Args::nthreads_ < sizeof tid / sizeof *tid);

    Args args [sizeof tid / sizeof *tid];

    for (unsigned long i = 0; i != Args::nthreads_; ++i) {

        args [i].threadno_ = i;
        args [i].niter_    = 0;
        args [i].nxchg_    = 0;

        rw_fatal (0 == rw_thread_create (tid + i, 0, thread_routine, args + i),
                  0, __LINE__, "thread_create() failed");
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i != Args::nthreads_; ++i) {

        rw_error (0 == rw_thread_join (tid [i], 0), 0, __LINE__,
                  "thread_join() failed");

        if (args [i].niter_) {
            // compute the percantage of thread iterations that resulted
            // in increments of one of the shared variables
            const unsigned long incrpcnt =
                (100U * Args::nincr_) / args [i].niter_;

            printf ("thread %lu performed %lu exchanges in %lu iterations "
                    "(%lu%% increments)\n",
                    args [i].threadno_, args [i].nxchg_,
                    args [i].niter_, incrpcnt);

    // compute the expected result, "skipping" zeros by incrementing
    // expect twice when it overflows and wraps around to 0 (zero is
    // used as the lock variable in thread_routine() above)
    intT expect = intT (1);

    const unsigned long nincr = (Args::nthreads_ * Args::nincr_) / 2U;
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i != nincr; ++i) {
        if (intT () == ++expect)

    // verify that the final value of the variables shared among all
    // threads equals the number of increments performed by the threads
    rw_assert (Args::shared_ [0] == expect, 0, __LINE__,
               "1. %s (%s&, %2$s); %s == %s failed",
               fun, tname, TOSTR (Args::shared_ [0]), TOSTR (expect));

    rw_assert (Args::shared_ [1] == expect, 0, __LINE__,
               "2. %s (%s&, %2$s); %s == %s failed",
               fun, tname, TOSTR (Args::shared_ [1]), TOSTR (expect));

#else   // if !defined (_RWSTD_REENTRANT)

    _RWSTD_UNUSED (tag);

#endif   // _RWSTD_REENTRANT