Exemplo n.º 1
 * Assuming a string of standard abiword properties eg. "fred:nerk; table-width:1.0in; table-height:10.in"
 * Return the value of the property sProp or NULL if it is not present.
 * This UT_UTF8String * should be deleted by the calling programming after it is finished with it.
UT_UTF8String UT_UTF8String_getPropVal(const UT_UTF8String & sPropertyString, const UT_UTF8String & sProp)
	UT_UTF8String sWork(sProp);
	sWork += ":";

	const char * szWork = sWork.utf8_str();
	const char * szProps = sPropertyString.utf8_str();
	const char * szLoc = strstr(szProps,szWork);
	if(szLoc == NULL)
		return UT_UTF8String();
// Look if this is the last property in the string.
	const char * szDelim = strchr(szLoc,';');
	if(szDelim == NULL)
// Remove trailing spaces
		UT_sint32 iSLen = strlen(szProps);
		while(iSLen > 0 && szProps[iSLen-1] == ' ')
// Calculate the location of the substring
		UT_sint32 offset = static_cast<UT_sint32>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szLoc) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szProps));
		offset += strlen(szWork);
		return UT_UTF8String(sPropertyString.substr(offset,(iSLen - offset)));
		szDelim = strchr(szLoc,';');
		if(szDelim == NULL)
// bad property string
			return UT_UTF8String();
// Remove trailing spaces.
		while(*szDelim == ';' || *szDelim == ' ')
// Calculate the location of the substring
		UT_sint32 offset = static_cast<UT_sint32>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szLoc) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szProps));
		offset += strlen(szWork);
		UT_sint32 iLen = static_cast<UT_sint32>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szDelim) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szProps)) + 1;
		return UT_UTF8String(sPropertyString.substr(offset,(iLen - offset)));
 * Assuming a string of standard abiword properties eg. "fred:nerk; table-width:1.0in; table-height:10.in"
 * Remove the property sProp and it's value from the string of properties. 
void UT_std_string_removeProperty(std::string & sPropertyString, const std::string & sProp)
	std::string sWork ( sProp );
	sWork += ":";
	const char * szWork = sWork.c_str();
	const char * szProps = sPropertyString.c_str();
	const char * szLoc = strstr(szProps,szWork);
	if(szLoc == NULL)
	    //Not here, do nothing
	    return ;
	// Check if this is a real match
	if (szLoc != szProps)
		// This is not the first property. It could be a false match
		// for example, 'frame-col-xpos' and 'xpos'
		std::string sWorkCheck("; ");
		sWorkCheck += sWork;
		const char * szLocCheck = strstr(szProps,sWorkCheck.c_str());
		if (!szLocCheck)
			// False match
		szLoc = szLocCheck;

	UT_sint32 locLeft = static_cast<UT_sint32>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szLoc) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szProps));
	std::string sLeft;
	if(locLeft == 0)
		sLeft = sPropertyString.substr(0,locLeft);
	locLeft = static_cast<UT_sint32>(sLeft.size());

	std::string sNew;
	if(locLeft > 0)
		sNew = sLeft.substr(0,locLeft+1);

	// Look for ";" to get right part

	const char * szDelim = strchr(szLoc,';');
	if(szDelim == NULL)
		// No properties after this, just assign and return
		sPropertyString = sNew;
		// Just slice off the properties and tack them onto the pre-existing sNew
		while(*szDelim == ';' || *szDelim == ' ')
		UT_sint32 offset = static_cast<UT_sint32>(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szDelim) - reinterpret_cast<size_t>(szProps));
		UT_sint32 iLen = sPropertyString.size() - offset;
		if(sNew.size() > 0)
			sNew += "; ";
		sNew += sPropertyString.substr(offset,iLen);
		sPropertyString = sNew;