csa_wt<t_wt, t_dens, t_inv_dens, t_sa_sample_strat, t_isa, t_alphabet_strat>::csa_wt(cache_config& config) { if (!cache_file_exists(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_BWT, config)) { return; } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("construct csa-alpbabet"); int_vector_buffer<alphabet_type::int_width> bwt_buf(cache_file_name(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_BWT,config)); size_type n = bwt_buf.size(); alphabet_type tmp_alphabet(bwt_buf, n); m_alphabet.swap(tmp_alphabet); } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("construct wavelet tree"); int_vector_buffer<alphabet_type::int_width> bwt_buf(cache_file_name(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_BWT,config)); size_type n = bwt_buf.size(); wavelet_tree_type tmp_wt(bwt_buf, n); m_wavelet_tree.swap(tmp_wt); } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("sample SA"); sa_sample_type tmp_sa_sample(config); m_sa_sample.swap(tmp_sa_sample); } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("sample ISA"); int_vector_buffer<> sa_buf(cache_file_name(conf::KEY_SA, config)); set_isa_samples<csa_wt>(sa_buf, m_isa_sample); } }
void construct_lcp_PHI(cache_config& config) { static_assert(t_width == 0 or t_width == 8 , "construct_lcp_PHI: width must be `0` for integer alphabet and `8` for byte alphabet"); typedef int_vector<>::size_type size_type; typedef int_vector<t_width> text_type; const char* KEY_TEXT = key_text_trait<t_width>::KEY_TEXT; int_vector_buffer<> sa_buf(config.file_map[conf::KEY_SA]); size_type n = sa_buf.size(); assert(n > 0); if (1 == n) { // Handle special case: Input only the sentinel character. int_vector<> lcp(1, 0); store_to_cache(lcp, conf::KEY_LCP, config); return; } // (1) Calculate PHI (stored in array plcp) int_vector<> plcp(n, 0, sa_buf.width()); for (size_type i=0, sai_1 = 0; i < n; ++i) { size_type sai = sa_buf[i]; plcp[ sai ] = sai_1; sai_1 = sai; } // (2) Load text from disk text_type text; load_from_cache(text, KEY_TEXT, config); // (3) Calculate permuted LCP array (text order), called PLCP size_type max_l = 0; for (size_type i=0, l=0; i < n-1; ++i) { size_type phii = plcp[i]; while (text[i+l] == text[phii+l]) { ++l; } plcp[i] = l; if (l) { max_l = std::max(max_l, l); --l; } } util::clear(text); uint8_t lcp_width = bits::hi(max_l)+1; // (4) Transform PLCP into LCP std::string lcp_file = cache_file_name(conf::KEY_LCP, config); size_type buffer_size = 1000000; // buffer_size is a multiple of 8! int_vector_buffer<> lcp_buf(lcp_file, std::ios::out, buffer_size, lcp_width); // open buffer for lcp lcp_buf[0] = 0; sa_buf.buffersize(buffer_size); for (size_type i=1; i < n; ++i) { size_type sai = sa_buf[i]; lcp_buf[i] = plcp[sai]; } lcp_buf.close(); register_cache_file(conf::KEY_LCP, config); }
csa_sada<t_enc_vec, t_dens, t_inv_dens, t_sa_sample_strat, t_isa, t_alphabet_strat>::csa_sada(cache_config& config) { create_buffer(); if (!cache_file_exists(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_BWT, config)) { return; } int_vector_buffer<alphabet_type::int_width> bwt_buf(cache_file_name(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_BWT,config)); size_type n = bwt_buf.size(); { auto event = memory_monitor::event("construct csa-alpbabet"); alphabet_type tmp_alphabet(bwt_buf, n); m_alphabet.swap(tmp_alphabet); } int_vector<> cnt_chr(sigma, 0, bits::hi(n)+1); for (typename alphabet_type::sigma_type i=0; i < sigma; ++i) { cnt_chr[i] = C[i]; } // calculate psi { auto event = memory_monitor::event("construct PSI"); // TODO: move PSI construct into construct_PSI.hpp int_vector<> psi(n, 0, bits::hi(n)+1); for (size_type i=0; i < n; ++i) { psi[ cnt_chr[ char2comp[bwt_buf[i]] ]++ ] = i; } std::string psi_file = cache_file_name(conf::KEY_PSI, config); if (!store_to_cache(psi, conf::KEY_PSI, config)) { return; } } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("encode PSI"); int_vector_buffer<> psi_buf(cache_file_name(conf::KEY_PSI, config)); t_enc_vec tmp_psi(psi_buf); m_psi.swap(tmp_psi); } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("sample SA"); sa_sample_type tmp_sa_sample(config); m_sa_sample.swap(tmp_sa_sample); } { auto event = memory_monitor::event("sample ISA"); int_vector_buffer<> sa_buf(cache_file_name(conf::KEY_SA, config)); set_isa_samples<csa_sada>(sa_buf, m_isa_sample); } }
void construct_int_bwt(int_vector<> &bwt, const cache_config& config){ int_vector<> text; tMSS::const_iterator text_entry = config.file_map.find(constants::KEY_TEXT_INT); if ( config.file_map.end() == text_entry ){ return; } util::load_from_file(text, text_entry->second.c_str()); tMSS::const_iterator sa_entry = config.file_map.find(constants::KEY_SA); if ( config.file_map.end() == sa_entry ){ return; } int_vector_file_buffer<> sa_buf(sa_entry->second.c_str()); util::assign(bwt, int_vector<>(text.size(), 0, text.get_int_width())); int_vector_size_type to_add[2] = {-1,text.size()-1}; for (int_vector_size_type i=0, r_sum=0, r = 0; r_sum < text.size();) { for (; i<r_sum+r; ++i) { bwt[i] = text[ sa_buf[i-r_sum]+to_add[sa_buf[i-r_sum]==0] ]; } r_sum += r; r = sa_buf.load_next_block(); } }
//bool construct_bwt(tMSS& file_map, const std::string& dir, const std::string& id) { void construct_bwt(int_vector<8>& bwt, const cache_config& config){ typedef int_vector<>::size_type size_type; tMSS::const_iterator key; key = config.file_map.find(constants::KEY_BWT); if ( config.file_map.end() == key) { // if bwt is not already registered in file_map std::string bwt_tmp_file_name = config.dir+"/tmp_bwt_"+util::to_string(util::get_pid())+"_"+util::to_string(util::get_id()); write_R_output("csa", "construct BWT", "begin", 1, 0); const size_type buffer_size = 1000000; int_vector<8> text; util::load_from_file(text, config.file_map.find(constants::KEY_TEXT)->second.c_str() ); size_type n = text.size(); int_vector_file_buffer<> sa_buf(config.file_map.find(constants::KEY_SA)->second.c_str(), buffer_size); std::ofstream bwt_out_buf(bwt_tmp_file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::out); // open out file stream int_vector<8> bwt_buf(buffer_size); size_type bit_size = n*8; bwt_out_buf.write((char*) &(bit_size), sizeof(int_vector_size_type)); // write size size_type wb = 0; // written bytes size_type to_add[2] = {-1,n-1}; for (size_type i=0, r_sum=0, r = 0; r_sum < n;) { for (; i<r_sum+r; ++i) { bwt_buf[i-r_sum] = text[ sa_buf[i-r_sum]+to_add[sa_buf[i-r_sum]==0] ]; } if (r > 0) { bwt_out_buf.write((const char*)bwt_buf.data(), r); wb += r; } r_sum += r; r = sa_buf.load_next_block(); } if (wb%8) { bwt_out_buf.write("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8-wb%8); } bwt_out_buf.close(); util::clear(text); util::load_from_file(bwt, bwt_tmp_file_name.c_str()); // load bwt in memory std::remove(bwt_tmp_file_name.c_str()); // remove temporary file write_R_output("csa", "construct BWT", "end", 1, 0); }else{ util::load_from_file(bwt, key->second.c_str()); // load bwt in memory } }
//! Constructor csa_bitcompressed(cache_config& config) { std::string text_file = cache_file_name(key_trait<alphabet_type::int_width>::KEY_TEXT,config); int_vector_buffer<alphabet_type::int_width> text_buf(text_file); int_vector_buffer<> sa_buf(cache_file_name(conf::KEY_SA,config)); size_type n = text_buf.size(); { alphabet_type tmp_alphabet(text_buf, n); m_alphabet.swap(tmp_alphabet); } { sa_sample_type tmp_sample(config); m_sa.swap(tmp_sample); } set_isa_samples<csa_bitcompressed>(sa_buf, m_isa); if (!store_to_file(m_isa, cache_file_name(conf::KEY_ISA,config), true)) { throw std::ios_base::failure("#csa_bitcompressed: Cannot store ISA to file system!"); } else { register_cache_file(conf::KEY_ISA, config); } }
doc_list_index_greedy(std::string file_name, sdsl::cache_config& cconfig, uint8_t num_bytes) { construct(m_csa_full, file_name, cconfig, num_bytes); const char* KEY_TEXT = key_text_trait<WIDTH>::KEY_TEXT; std::string text_file = cache_file_name(KEY_TEXT, cconfig); bit_vector doc_border; construct_doc_border(text_file,doc_border); bit_vector::rank_1_type doc_border_rank(&doc_border); m_doc_cnt = doc_border_rank(doc_border.size()); int_vector_buffer<0> sa_buf(cache_file_name(conf::KEY_SA, cconfig)); { int_vector<> D; construct_D_array(sa_buf, doc_border_rank, m_doc_cnt, D); std::string d_file = cache_file_name("DARRAY", cconfig); store_to_file(D, d_file); util::clear(D); construct(m_wtd, d_file); sdsl::remove(d_file); } }
void construct_lcp_PHI(cache_config& config) { typedef int_vector<>::size_type size_type; typedef int_vector<t_width> text_type; const char* KEY_TEXT = key_text_trait<t_width>::KEY_TEXT; int_vector_file_buffer<> sa_buf(config.file_map[constants::KEY_SA]); size_type n = sa_buf.int_vector_size; assert(n > 0); if (1 == n) { // Handle special case: Input only the sentinel character. int_vector<> lcp(1, 0); store_to_cache(lcp, constants::KEY_LCP, config); return; } // (1) Calculate PHI (stored in array plcp) int_vector<> plcp(n, 0, sa_buf.width); for (size_type i=0, r_sum=0, r=sa_buf.load_next_block(), sai_1 = 0; r_sum < n;) { for (; i < r_sum+r; ++i) { size_type sai = sa_buf[i-r_sum]; plcp[ sai ] = sai_1; sai_1 = sai; } r_sum += r; r = sa_buf.load_next_block(); } // (2) Load text from disk text_type text; load_from_cache(text, KEY_TEXT, config); // (3) Calculate permuted LCP array (text order), called PLCP size_type max_l = 0; for (size_type i=0, l=0; i < n-1; ++i) { size_type phii = plcp[i]; while (text[i+l] == text[phii+l]) { ++l; } plcp[i] = l; if (l) { max_l = std::max(max_l, l); --l; } } util::clear(text); uint8_t lcp_width = bits::hi(max_l)+1; // (4) Transform PLCP into LCP std::string lcp_file = cache_file_name(constants::KEY_LCP, config); osfstream lcp_out_buf(lcp_file, std::ios::binary | std::ios::app | std::ios::out); // open buffer for lcp size_type bit_size = n*lcp_width; lcp_out_buf.write((char*) &(bit_size), sizeof(bit_size)); // write size of vector lcp_out_buf.write((char*) &(lcp_width),sizeof(lcp_width)); // write int_width of vector size_type wb = 0; // bytes written into lcp int_vector size_type buffer_size = 1000000; // buffer_size is a multiple of 8! int_vector<> lcp_buf(buffer_size, 0, lcp_width); lcp_buf[0] = 0; sa_buf.reset(buffer_size); size_type r = 0;// sa_buf.load_next_block(); for (size_type i=1, r_sum=0; r_sum < n;) { for (; i < r_sum+r; ++i) { size_type sai = sa_buf[i-r_sum]; lcp_buf[ i-r_sum ] = plcp[sai]; } if (r > 0) { size_type cur_wb = (r*lcp_buf.width()+7)/8; lcp_out_buf.write((const char*)lcp_buf.data(), cur_wb); wb += cur_wb; } r_sum += r; r = sa_buf.load_next_block(); } if (wb%8) { lcp_out_buf.write("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 8-wb%8); } lcp_out_buf.close(); register_cache_file(constants::KEY_LCP, config); }