Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
	int i;
	key_t key;   // 内存队列
  key_t shmid;
  pid_t pid;  
	key = 666;
	if (argc !=2)
		return 1;
	g_szIfName = argv[1];

	//create memory queue
	if (qid<0)
		perror( "msgget" );
	printf ("qid=%d",qid);
	fd = ethdump_initSocket();
		return -1;

	if( (shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, SHM_SIZE, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) == -1 )    //(1)申请一个共享内存  
        fprintf(stderr, "Create Share Memory Error:%s/n/a", strerror(errno));  
  pid = fork();
  if (pid>0){ //主进程
  else if(pid ==0){//子进程
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct sockaddr_in si_me, si_other;
    int sk;
    socklen_t slen = sizeof(si_other);
    int len, ret;

    fd_set readsock;

    struct packet p;
    char buf[PAYLOAD_SIZE];

    char log_file[LINE_LENGTH];
    char serial_file[LINE_LENGTH];

    unsigned int crc32_value;
    struct hostent *hostentry;
    unsigned int i;
    int mask;

    memset(log_file, 0, LINE_LENGTH);
    memset(serial_file, 0, LINE_LENGTH);
    memset(buf, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE);

    if (argv[1] != NULL)
        if(!strcmp(argv[1], "debug"))
            mask = (LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR) | LOG_MASK(LOG_DEBUG));
            mask = LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR);
        mask = LOG_MASK(LOG_ERR);

    /* Our process ID and Session ID */
    pid_t pid, sid;

    /* Fork off the parent process */
    pid = fork();
    if (pid < 0)

    /* If we got a good PID, then
       we can exit the parent process. */
    if (pid > 0)
        save_pid(PID_FILE, pid);

    /* Change the file mode mask */

    /* Open any logs here */

    /* Create a new SID for the child process */
    sid = setsid();
    if (sid < 0)
        /* Log the failure */

    /* Change the current working directory */
    if ((chdir("/")) < 0)
        /* Log the failure */

    /* Close out the standard file descriptors */

    /* Daemon-specific initialization goes here */
    openlog("USBlogger server", LOG_PID | LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_NOWAIT, LOG_LOCAL0);

    ret = parse_config(CONFIG_FILE, log_file, serial_file, CONFIG_NUM_PARAMS);
    if (ret)
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "Something wrong happened while reading configuration. Please check config file - %s", CONFIG_FILE);

    /* Initialize the socket to recv messages */
    sk = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
    if (sk == -1)
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "socket creation failed");

    memset(&si_me, 0, sizeof(si_me));
    si_me.sin_family = AF_INET;
    si_me.sin_port = htons(PORT);
    si_me.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);

    ret = bind(sk, (struct sockaddr *)&si_me, sizeof(si_me));
    if (ret == -1)
        syslog(LOG_ERR, "bind failed");

    /* The Big Loop */
    while (1)
        FD_SET(sk, &readsock);
        ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readsock, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (ret == -1)
            syslog(LOG_ERR, "error in select() at main loop");
        else if (ret > 0)
            if (FD_ISSET(sk, &readsock))
                len = recvfrom(sk, buf, PAYLOAD_SIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&si_other, &slen);
                if (len == -1)
                    syslog(LOG_ERR, "recvfrom returned an error");

                syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "len = %d, Received the message from client ... ", len);
//				for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
//					putchar(buf[i]);
//				putchar('\n');

                ret = parse_packet(&p, buf, len);
                    syslog(LOG_ERR, "parser found an error during parsing a packet");
                    memset(buf, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE);

                ret = is_serial_allowed(serial_file, p.fields[2].value_val);
                if (ret != 0)
                    //serial is not in the list, so saving log
                    save_packet(log_file, &p);
                // serial in the list, nothing to do

                crc32_value = crc32(buf, len);
                syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "CRC32 value of the message is = %x", crc32_value);

                hostentry = gethostbyname(p.fields[1].value_val);
                if(hostentry == NULL)
                    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Resolving hostname failed");
                    memset(buf, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE);
                syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Client IP: %s", inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)hostentry->h_addr_list[0])) );

                memset(buf, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE);

                ret = send_buffer_to_client(sk, (struct in_addr *)hostentry->h_addr_list[0], (char *)&crc32_value, sizeof(crc32_value));

                				// Any device plugged into server
                				if (bus_msg->msgtype == '1')
                					tableret = add_to_table(bus_msg);
                					if (tableret != 0)
                						printf("No hub any more.\n");
                						return -1;
                					printf("Received a bus (%s) from %s\n", bus_msg->busname, inet_ntoa(si_other.sin_addr));
                					sprintf(cmd, "usbip_attach ");
                					strcat(cmd, inet_ntoa(si_other.sin_addr));
                					strcat(cmd, " ");
                					strcat(cmd, bus_msg->busname);

                				// Any device unplugged from server
                				if (bus_msg->msgtype == '0')
                					char str[2];
                					tableret = del_from_table(bus_msg);
                					if (tableret == -1)
                						printf("Device not found.\n");
                						return -1;
                					printf("Received a bus (%s) from %s\n", bus_msg->busname, inet_ntoa(si_other.sin_addr));
                					sprintf(cmd, "usbip_detach ");
                					sprintf(str, "%d", tableret);
                					strcat(cmd, str);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Handler for received BOOTP/DHCP packets
static void
bootp_handler(udp_socket_t *skt, char *buf, int len, ip_route_t *src_route,
              word src_port)
    bootp_header_t *b;
    int             txSize;
    int             type;
    bootp_header_t  txpkt;
    unsigned        expected = 0;

    b = (bootp_header_t *) buf;

    // only accept BOOTP REPLY responses
    if (b->bp_op != BOOTREPLY)

    // must be sent to me
    if (memcmp(b->bp_chaddr, __local_enet_addr, b->bp_hlen))

    // verify XID
    if (b->bp_xid != xid)

    // simple BOOTP - this is all there is!
    debug_printf("BOOTP recv: REPLY\n");
    if (dhcpState != DHCP_DONE) {
        save_packet(b, len);
        parseConfig(b, len);
    // DHCP support is enabled...

    // Check to see that it's a DHCP packet with a DHCP type field

    type = -1;
    if (!memcmp(b->bp_vend, dhcpCookie, sizeof dhcpCookie)) {
        unsigned char *p = b->bp_vend + 4;
        while (p < (unsigned char *)b + len) {
            if (*p == TAG_DHCP_MESS_TYPE) {
                type = p[2];
            p += p[1] + 2;

    if (type == -1) {
        // apparently we have a BOOTP (but not not DHCP) server
        debug_printf("DHCP  recv: BOOTP-REPLY -- falling back to BOOTP mode\n");
        if (dhcpState != DHCP_DONE) {
            save_packet(b, len);
            parseConfig(b, len);
    // it's a real DHCP packet
    debug_printf("DHCP  recv: %s [%d]\n", dhcpTypeString[type], type);

    switch (dhcpState) {
        if (type == (expected = DHCP_MESS_TYPE_OFFER)) {
            txSize = prep_dhcp_request(&txpkt, b);
            debug_printf("DHCP  send: REQUEST\n");
            __udp_send((char *)&txpkt, txSize, (ip_route_t *)&broadcast, IPPORT_BOOTPS, IPPORT_BOOTPC);

        if (type == (expected = DHCP_MESS_TYPE_ACK)) {
            save_packet(b, len);
            parseConfig(b, len);

        debug_printf("DHCP packet ignored\n");

    if (type == DHCP_MESS_TYPE_NAK && dhcpState != DHCP_DONE) {

    debug_printf("DHCP packet ignored -- expected %d[%s]\n", expected, dhcpTypeString[expected]);
Exemplo n.º 4
int fetcher_callback(struct nfq_q_handle *hq, struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg,
		struct nfq_data *nfa, void *data) {
	u_int32_t id = 0;
	struct iphdr *iph = NULL;
	struct tcphdr *tcph = NULL;
	struct session *thissession = NULL;
	struct packet *thispacket = NULL;
	struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *ph;
	struct timeval tv;
	__u32 largerIP, smallerIP, remoteID;
	__u16 largerIPPort, smallerIPPort, mms;
	int ret;
	int incomingQueueNum;
	unsigned char *originalpacket = NULL;
	char strIP[20];

    // for debugging purposes
    char saddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
    char daddr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];

	ph = nfq_get_msg_packet_hdr(nfa);

	if (ph) {
		id = ntohl(ph->packet_id);

	ret = nfq_get_payload(nfa, &originalpacket);

	if (servicestate >= RUNNING) {

		iph = (struct iphdr *) originalpacket;

		thefetcher.metrics.bytesin += ntohs(iph->tot_len);

		/* We need to double check that only TCP packets get accelerated. */
		/* This is because we are working from the Netfilter QUEUE. */
		/* User could QUEUE UDP traffic, and we cannot accelerate UDP. */
		if ((iph->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) && (id != 0)) {

			tcph = (struct tcphdr *) (((u_int32_t *) originalpacket) + iph->ihl);

            // for debugging purpose
			inet_ntop(AF_INET, &iph->saddr, saddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
			inet_ntop(AF_INET, &iph->daddr, daddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);

			/* Check what IP address is larger. */
			sort_sockets(&largerIP, &largerIPPort, &smallerIP, &smallerIPPort,
					iph->saddr, tcph->source, iph->daddr, tcph->dest);

			// remoteID = (__u32) __get_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,32);
			if (__get_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,32) ) {
				unsigned char *tcpdata =  (unsigned char *) tcph + tcph->doff * 4; // Find starting location of the TCP data.
				unsigned int incLen   = (__u16)(ntohs(iph->tot_len) - iph->ihl * 4) - tcph->doff * 4;
				if (incLen < sizeof(OpennopHeader)) {
					LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "detected opennop option but incoming TCP data length less than opennop header length!!!!");
					return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_DROP,0,NULL);

				pOpennopHeader oh = (pOpennopHeader) tcpdata;
				remoteID = oh->opennopID;
				incomingQueueNum = oh->queuenum;
				if (oh->pattern != OPENNOP_PATTERN) {
					LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "option 32 found but bad pattern!!!");
					return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_DROP,0,NULL);
			} else remoteID = 0;

			inet_ntop(AF_INET, &remoteID, strIP, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
			//LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "The accellerator ID is:%s", strIP);

			if (remoteID == 0) { 
			    LOGTRACE(lc_fetcher, "Packet from CLIENT: SYN=%d/FIN=%d/ACK=%d/RST=%d, %s:%d->%s:%d, IP_Id=%d, NFQ_Id=%d, TCP_seq=%u, ACK_seq=%u, Total_len=%d, TCP_hlen=%d, IP_hlen=%d, Data_len=%d", 
                  tcph->syn, tcph->fin, tcph->ack, tcph->rst, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest), ntohs(iph->id), id, ntohl(tcph->seq), ntohl(tcph->ack_seq),
                  ntohs(iph->tot_len), tcph->doff * 4, iph->ihl * 4, ntohs(iph->tot_len) - tcph->doff * 4 - iph->ihl * 4);
            } else {
			    LOGTRACE(lc_fetcher, "Packet from %s: SYN=%d/FIN=%d/ACK=%d/RST=%d, %s:%d->%s:%d, IP_Id=%d, NFQ_Id=%d, TCP_seq=%u, ACK_seq=%u, Total_len=%d, TCP_hlen=%d, IP_hlen=%d, Data_len=%d", 
                  strIP, tcph->syn, tcph->fin, tcph->ack, tcph->rst, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest), ntohs(iph->id), id, ntohl(tcph->seq), ntohl(tcph->ack_seq),
                  ntohs(iph->tot_len), tcph->doff * 4, iph->ihl * 4, ntohs(iph->tot_len) - tcph->doff * 4 - iph->ihl * 4);

			thissession = getsession(largerIP, largerIPPort, smallerIP, smallerIPPort); // Check for an outstanding syn.

				// if (thissession != NULL) {
                //     LOGDEBUG(lc_sesman_check, "****** [SESSION MANAGER] LargerIPseq: %u SmallerIPseq %u, TCP_seq=%u", thissession->largerIPseq, thissession->smallerIPseq, ntohl(tcph->seq));
                // }

			/* Check if this a SYN packet to identify a new session. */
			/* This packet will not be placed in a work queue, but  */
			/* will be accepted here because it does not have any data. */
			//if ((tcph->syn == 1) && (tcph->ack == 0)) {
			if (tcph->syn == 1) {
                // SYN segment
                if (tcph->ack == 0) {
					if (remoteID == 0) { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "SYN from CLIENT: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ); }
        	        else               { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "SYN from %s: %s:%d->%s:%d", strIP, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ); }
				} else {
					if (remoteID == 0) { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "SYN+ACK from CLIENT: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ); } 
					else               { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "SYN+ACK from %s: %s:%d->%s:%d", strIP, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ); }

				if (thissession == NULL) {
					if (remoteID != 0) thissession = insertsession(largerIP, largerIPPort, smallerIP, smallerIPPort, incomingQueueNum); // Insert into sessions list.
					else thissession = insertsession(largerIP, largerIPPort, smallerIP, smallerIPPort, -1); // Insert into sessions list.
					if (remoteID == 0) { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "New session from CLIENT created: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ) }
                    else               { LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "New session from %s created: %s:%d->%s:%d", strIP, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) ) };

				/* We need to check for NULL to make sure */
				/* that a record for the session was created */
				if (thissession != NULL) {

					gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); // Get the time from hardware.
					thissession->lastactive = tv.tv_sec; // Update the session timestamp.

					sourceisclient(largerIP, iph, thissession, tcph->ack == 0);
					updateseq(largerIP, iph, tcph, thissession);
					updateseqnumber(largerIP, iph, tcph, thissession);

					if (remoteID == 0) { // Accelerator ID was not found.

						mms = __get_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,2);

						if (mms > 68) {

							if (__set_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,2,4,mms - 68) == -1) {// Reduce the MSS.
								LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Cannot reduce MSS in 68, fetcher.c, packet is a SYN, IP datagram ID %x, current value of TCP doff %d",ntohs(iph->id), tcph->doff);
							if (__set_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,32,3,1) == -1) { // Add the Accelerator ID to this packet.
								LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Cannot set opennop option to 1, fetcher.c, packet is a SYN, IP datagram ID %x, current value of TCP doff %d",ntohs(iph->id), tcph->doff);
							} else {
								unsigned char *tcpdata =  (unsigned char *) tcph + tcph->doff * 4; // Find starting location of the TCP data.
								pOpennopHeader oh = (pOpennopHeader) tcpdata;
								oh->opennopID = localID;
								oh->seqNo = 0;
								oh->compression = 0;
								oh->deduplication = 0;
								oh->reasonForNoOptimization = NOT_RELEVANT;
								oh->pattern = OPENNOP_PATTERN;
								oh->queuenum = thissession->queue;
								iph->tot_len = htons(ntohs(iph->tot_len)+sizeof(OpennopHeader));
								LOGTRACE(lc_fetcher, "Adding opennop header to SYN packet: IP total length=%d",ntohs(iph->tot_len));

							saveacceleratorid(largerIP, localID, iph, thissession);

							 * Changing anything requires the IP and TCP
							 * checksum to need recalculated.
					} else { // Accelerator ID was found.

					    //LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "New session from %s created: %s:%d->%s:%d", strIP, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) );

						if (__set_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,32,3,0) == -1) { 
							LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Cannot set opennop option to 0, fetcher.c, packet is a SYN, IP datagram ID %x, current value of TCP doff %d",ntohs(iph->id), tcph->doff);
						} else iph->tot_len = htons(ntohs(iph->tot_len)-sizeof(OpennopHeader));
						saveacceleratorid(largerIP, remoteID, iph, thissession);


                    if (tcph->ack == 0) {
					    thissession->state = TCP_SYN_SENT;
                        LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Session state set to TCP_SYN_SENT");
                    } else {
						thissession->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
                        LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Session state set to TCP_ESTABLISHED");

				/* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */

				/* This is the last step for a SYN packet. */
				/* accept all SYN packets. */
				return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, ntohs(iph->tot_len), (unsigned char *)originalpacket);

			// } else if (tcph->rst == 1) { 
                // RESET segment
                // LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Session RESET %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest));
                // clearsession(thissession);
		// fruiz // 
		// thissession = NULL;

                /* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */
				// thefetcher.metrics.packets++;
			    // return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL);

//			} else if (tcph->fin == 1) {  
//                //
//                // FIN segment
//                //
//                LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "FIN packet: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest));
//				if (thissession != NULL) {
//                    switch (thissession->state) {
//                        case TCP_ESTABLISHED:
//                                thissession->state = TCP_CLOSING;
//                                LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Session half closed: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest));
//                                break;
//                        case TCP_CLOSING:
//                                clearsession(thissession);
//                                LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Session full closed: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest));
//                                break;
//                    }
//                }
//                /* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */
//				thefetcher.metrics.packets++;
//	LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "hq=%d, id=%d", hq, id);
//                int res = nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, ntohs(iph->tot_len), (unsigned char *)originalpacket);
//                LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Returning FIN packet %d", res);
//			    //return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL);
//				//return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, ntohs(iph->tot_len), (unsigned char *)originalpacket);
//				return res;

			} else { 

                // DATA or FIN segment
				if (thissession != NULL) { // DATA segment in an active session

                    //LOGDEBUG(lc_sesman_check, "[SESSION MANAGER] LargerIPseq: %u SmallerIPseq %u", thissession->largerIPseq, thissession->smallerIPseq);

					gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); // Get the time from hardware.
					thissession->lastactive = tv.tv_sec; // Update the active timer.
					thissession->deadcounter = 0; // Reset the dead counter.

					if (__get_tcp_option((__u8 *)originalpacket,32) == 2) { // Keepalive, can drop
						LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Received keepalive: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) );
						return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_DROP,0,NULL);

					thispacket = get_freepacket_buffer();

					if (thispacket != NULL){
						save_packet(thispacket,hq, id, ret, (__u8 *)originalpacket, thissession);

						if (remoteID == 0){
						    LOGTRACE(lc_fetcher, "Packet sent to optimize");
							optimize_packet(thissession->queue, thispacket);
						} else {
						    LOGTRACE(lc_fetcher, "Packet sent to deoptimize");
							deoptimize_packet(thissession->queue, thispacket);

					} else {
						LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Failed getting packet buffer for processing");
					/* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */
					return 0;

				} else { // DATA segment and no active session exists

                    int data_len = ntohs(iph->tot_len) - tcph->doff * 4 - iph->ihl * 4;
                    if (data_len > 0) {
                        LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "No session found for: SYN=%d/FIN=%d/ACK=%d/RST=%d, %s:%d->%s:%d, Opt_ID=%s, IP_Id=%d, NFQ_Id=%d, Total_len=%d, TCP_hlen=%d, IP_hlen=%d, Data_len=%d", 
                                tcph->syn, tcph->fin, tcph->ack, tcph->rst, saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest), strIP, ntohs(iph->id), id, 
                                ntohs(iph->tot_len), tcph->doff * 4, iph->ihl * 4, ntohs(iph->tot_len) - tcph->doff * 4 - iph->ihl * 4);

    				/* We only want to create new sessions for active sessions. */
    				/* This means we exclude anything accept ACK packets. */

    				if (tcph->ack == 1) {

    					if (remoteID != 0) { // Detected remote Accelerator so it is safe to add this session.
    						thissession = insertsession(largerIP, largerIPPort, smallerIP, smallerIPPort, incomingQueueNum); // Insert into sessions list.

   							if (thissession != NULL) { // Test to make sure the session was added.
                                LOGDEBUG(lc_fetcher, "Created NEW session for: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) );

							    thissession->state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;

							    saveacceleratorid(largerIP, remoteID, iph, thissession);

							    thispacket = get_freepacket_buffer();

							    if (thispacket != NULL){
								    save_packet(thispacket,hq, id, ret, (__u8 *)originalpacket, thissession);
								    updateseqnumber(largerIP, iph, tcph, thissession); //Update the stored TCP sequence number
								    deoptimize_packet(thissession->queue, thispacket);
							    } else {
								    LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Failed getting packet buffer for deoptimization.");
							    /* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */
							    return 0;
                            } else {
                                LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Failed to create session for: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) );
					/* Before we return let increment the packets counter. */
                    //LOGERROR(lc_fetcher, "Unknown packet: %s:%d->%s:%d", saddr, ntohs(tcph->source), daddr, ntohs(tcph->dest) );
					return nfq_set_verdict(hq, id, NF_ACCEPT, ntohs(iph->tot_len), (unsigned char *)originalpacket);
		} else { /* Packet was not a TCP Packet or ID was 0. */