Exemplo n.º 1
 Name:		save_area
 Purpose:	Save an area, note that this format is new.
 Called by:	do_asave(olc_save.c).
void save_area( AREA_DATA *pArea )
    FILE *fp;

    fclose( fpReserve );
    if ( !( fp = fopen( pArea->filename, "w" ) ) )
        bug( "Open_area: fopen", 0 );
        perror( pArea->filename );

    fprintf( fp, "#AREADATA\n" );
    fprintf( fp, "Name        %s~\n",        pArea->name );
    fprintf( fp, "Builders    %s~\n",        fix_string( pArea->builders ) );
    fprintf( fp, "VNUMs       %d %d\n",      pArea->lvnum, pArea->uvnum );
    fprintf( fp, "Security    %d\n",         pArea->security );
    fprintf( fp, "Recall      %d\n",         pArea->recall );
    fprintf( fp, "Flags	      %d\n",         pArea->area_flags );
    fprintf( fp, "End\n\n\n\n" );

    save_helps( fp, pArea );                                /* OLC 1.1b */
    save_mobiles( fp, pArea );
    save_objects( fp, pArea );
    save_rooms( fp, pArea );

    if ( IS_SET(pArea->area_flags, AREA_VERBOSE) )          /* OLC 1.1b */
        vsave_specials( fp, pArea );
        vsave_resets( fp, pArea );
        vsave_shops( fp, pArea );
        save_specials( fp, pArea );
        save_resets( fp, pArea );
        save_shops( fp, pArea );

    fprintf( fp, "#$\n" );

    fclose( fp );
    fpReserve = fopen( NULL_FILE, "r" );
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: save.c Projeto: mbi/NitroHack
void savelev(struct memfile *mf, xchar levnum)
	int x, y;
	unsigned int lflags;
	struct level *lev = levels[levnum];
	if (iflags.purge_monsters) {
		/* purge any dead monsters (necessary if we're starting
		 * a panic save rather than a normal one, or sometimes
		 * when changing levels without taking time -- e.g.
		 * create statue trap then immediately level teleport) */
	mfmagic_set(mf, LEVEL_MAGIC);

	mwrite8(mf, lev->z.dnum);
	mwrite8(mf, lev->z.dlevel);
	mwrite(mf, lev->levname, sizeof(lev->levname));
	for (x = 0; x < COLNO; x++)
	    for (y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++)
		save_location(mf, &lev->locations[x][y]);
	mwrite32(mf, lev->lastmoves);
	mwrite(mf, &lev->upstair, sizeof(stairway));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->dnstair, sizeof(stairway));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->upladder, sizeof(stairway));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->dnladder, sizeof(stairway));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->sstairs, sizeof(stairway));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->updest, sizeof(dest_area));
	mwrite(mf, &lev->dndest, sizeof(dest_area));
	mwrite8(mf, lev->flags.nfountains);
	mwrite8(mf, lev->flags.nsinks);
	lflags = (lev->flags.has_shop << 31) | (lev->flags.has_vault << 30) |
	         (lev->flags.has_zoo << 29) | (lev->flags.has_court << 28) |
	         (lev->flags.has_morgue << 27) | (lev->flags.has_beehive << 26) |
	         (lev->flags.has_barracks << 25) | (lev->flags.has_temple << 24) |
	         (lev->flags.has_swamp << 23) | (lev->flags.noteleport << 22) |
	         (lev->flags.hardfloor << 21) | (lev->flags.nommap << 20) |
	         (lev->flags.hero_memory << 19) | (lev->flags.shortsighted << 18) |
	         (lev->flags.graveyard << 17) | (lev->flags.is_maze_lev << 16) |
	         (lev->flags.is_cavernous_lev << 15) | (lev->flags.arboreal << 14) |
	         (lev->flags.forgotten << 13);
	mwrite32(mf, lflags);
	mwrite(mf, lev->doors, sizeof(lev->doors));
	save_rooms(mf, lev);	/* no dynamic memory to reclaim */

	/* must be saved before mons, objs, and buried objs */
	save_timers(mf, lev, RANGE_LEVEL);
	save_light_sources(mf, lev, RANGE_LEVEL);

	savemonchn(mf, lev->monlist);
	save_worm(mf, lev);	/* save worm information */
	savetrapchn(mf, lev->lev_traps);
	saveobjchn(mf, lev->objlist);
	saveobjchn(mf, lev->buriedobjlist);
	saveobjchn(mf, lev->billobjs);
	save_engravings(mf, lev);
	savedamage(mf, lev);
	save_regions(mf, lev);