Exemplo n.º 1
void mspSerialEncode(mspPort_t *msp, mspPacket_t *packet)
    int len = sbufBytesRemaining(&packet->buf);
    uint8_t hdr[] = {'$', 'M', packet->result < 0 ? '!' : (msp->mode == MSP_MODE_SERVER ? '>' : '<'), len, packet->cmd};
    uint8_t csum = 0;                                       // initial checksum value
    serialWriteBuf(msp->port, hdr, sizeof(hdr));
    csum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(csum, hdr + 3, 2);          // checksum starts from len field
    if(len > 0) {
        serialWriteBuf(msp->port, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), len);
        csum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(csum, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), len);
    serialWrite(msp->port, csum);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void srxlFinalize(sbuf_t *dst)
    crc16_ccitt_sbuf_append(dst, &srxlFrame[3]); // start at byte 3, since CRC does not include device address and packet length
    sbufSwitchToReader(dst, srxlFrame);
    // write the telemetry frame to the receiver.
    srxlRxWriteTelemetryData(sbufPtr(dst), sbufBytesRemaining(dst));
Exemplo n.º 3
void crc16_ccitt_sbuf_append(sbuf_t *dst, uint8_t *start)
    uint16_t crc = 0;
    const uint8_t * const end = sbufPtr(dst);
    for (const uint8_t *ptr = start; ptr < end; ++ptr) {
        crc = crc16_ccitt(crc, *ptr);
    sbufWriteU16(dst, crc);
Exemplo n.º 4
static int mspSerialEncode(mspPort_t *msp, mspPacket_t *packet, mspVersion_e mspVersion)
    static const uint8_t mspMagic[MSP_VERSION_COUNT] = MSP_VERSION_MAGIC_INITIALIZER;
    const int dataLen = sbufBytesRemaining(&packet->buf);
    uint8_t hdrBuf[16] = { '$', mspMagic[mspVersion], packet->result == MSP_RESULT_ERROR ? '!' : '>'};
    uint8_t crcBuf[2];
    uint8_t checksum;
    int hdrLen = 3;
    int crcLen = 0;

    #define V1_CHECKSUM_STARTPOS 3
    if (mspVersion == MSP_V1) {
        mspHeaderV1_t * hdrV1 = (mspHeaderV1_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];
        hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderV1_t);
        hdrV1->cmd = packet->cmd;

        // Add JUMBO-frame header if necessary
        if (dataLen >= JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE_LIMIT) {
            mspHeaderJUMBO_t * hdrJUMBO = (mspHeaderJUMBO_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];
            hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderJUMBO_t);

            hdrV1->size = JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE_LIMIT;
            hdrJUMBO->size = dataLen;
        else {
            hdrV1->size = dataLen;

        // Pre-calculate CRC
        checksum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(0, hdrBuf + V1_CHECKSUM_STARTPOS, hdrLen - V1_CHECKSUM_STARTPOS);
        checksum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(checksum, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), dataLen);
        crcBuf[crcLen++] = checksum;
    else if (mspVersion == MSP_V2_OVER_V1) {
        mspHeaderV1_t * hdrV1 = (mspHeaderV1_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];

        hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderV1_t);

        mspHeaderV2_t * hdrV2 = (mspHeaderV2_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];
        hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderV2_t);

        const int v1PayloadSize = sizeof(mspHeaderV2_t) + dataLen + 1;  // MSPv2 header + data payload + MSPv2 checksum
        hdrV1->cmd = MSP_V2_FRAME_ID;

        // Add JUMBO-frame header if necessary
        if (v1PayloadSize >= JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE_LIMIT) {
            mspHeaderJUMBO_t * hdrJUMBO = (mspHeaderJUMBO_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];
            hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderJUMBO_t);

            hdrV1->size = JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE_LIMIT;
            hdrJUMBO->size = v1PayloadSize;
        else {
            hdrV1->size = v1PayloadSize;

        // Fill V2 header
        hdrV2->flags = packet->flags;
        hdrV2->cmd = packet->cmd;
        hdrV2->size = dataLen;

        // V2 CRC: only V2 header + data payload
        checksum = crc8_dvb_s2_update(0, (uint8_t *)hdrV2, sizeof(mspHeaderV2_t));
        checksum = crc8_dvb_s2_update(checksum, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), dataLen);
        crcBuf[crcLen++] = checksum;

        // V1 CRC: All headers + data payload + V2 CRC byte
        checksum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(0, hdrBuf + V1_CHECKSUM_STARTPOS, hdrLen - V1_CHECKSUM_STARTPOS);
        checksum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(checksum, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), dataLen);
        checksum = mspSerialChecksumBuf(checksum, crcBuf, crcLen);
        crcBuf[crcLen++] = checksum;
    else if (mspVersion == MSP_V2_NATIVE) {
        mspHeaderV2_t * hdrV2 = (mspHeaderV2_t *)&hdrBuf[hdrLen];
        hdrLen += sizeof(mspHeaderV2_t);

        hdrV2->flags = packet->flags;
        hdrV2->cmd = packet->cmd;
        hdrV2->size = dataLen;

        checksum = crc8_dvb_s2_update(0, (uint8_t *)hdrV2, sizeof(mspHeaderV2_t));
        checksum = crc8_dvb_s2_update(checksum, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), dataLen);
        crcBuf[crcLen++] = checksum;
    else {
        // Shouldn't get here
        return 0;

    // Send the frame
    return mspSerialSendFrame(msp, hdrBuf, hdrLen, sbufPtr(&packet->buf), dataLen, crcBuf, crcLen);
Exemplo n.º 5
static void ltm_finalise(sbuf_t *dst)
    sbufWriteU8(dst, ltm_crc);
    sbufSwitchToReader(dst, ltmPayload);
    serialWriteBuf(ltmPort, sbufPtr(dst), sbufBytesRemaining(dst));