Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static idxint infeasible(Data * d, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	strcpy(info->status, info->statusVal != 0 ? "Infeasible" : "Infeasible/Inaccurate");
	/*scaleArray(sol->y,-1/ip_y,d->m); */
	scaleArray(sol->x, NAN, d->n);
	scaleArray(sol->s, NAN, d->m);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static idxint solved(Data * d, Sol * sol, Info * info, pfloat tau) {
	strcpy(info->status, info->statusVal != 0 ? "Solved" : "Solved/Inaccurate");
	scaleArray(sol->x, 1.0 / tau, d->n);
	scaleArray(sol->y, 1.0 / tau, d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->s, 1.0 / tau, d->m);
	return SOLVED;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static idxint indeterminate(Data * d, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	strcpy(info->status, "Indeterminate");
	scaleArray(sol->x, NAN, d->n);
	scaleArray(sol->y, NAN, d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->s, NAN, d->m);
Exemplo n.º 4
static scs_int pcg(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * pr, const scs_float * s, scs_float * b, scs_int max_its,
		scs_float tol) {
	scs_int i, n = A->n;
	scs_float ipzr, ipzrOld, alpha;
	scs_float *p = pr->p; /* cg direction */
	scs_float *Gp = pr->Gp; /* updated CG direction */
	scs_float *r = pr->r; /* cg residual */
	scs_float *z = pr->z; /* for preconditioning */
	scs_float *M = pr->M; /* inverse diagonal preconditioner */

	if (s == NULL) {
		memcpy(r, b, n * sizeof(scs_float));
		memset(b, 0, n * sizeof(scs_float));
	} else {
		matVec(A, stgs, pr, s, r);
		addScaledArray(r, b, n, -1);
		scaleArray(r, -1, n);
		memcpy(b, s, n * sizeof(scs_float));

    /* check to see if we need to run CG at all */
    if (calcNorm(r, n) < MIN(tol, 1e-18)) {
        return 0;

    applyPreConditioner(M, z, r, n, &ipzr);
    memcpy(p, z, n * sizeof(scs_float));

    for (i = 0; i < max_its; ++i) {
        matVec(A, stgs, pr, p, Gp);
        alpha = ipzr / innerProd(p, Gp, n);
        addScaledArray(b, p, n, alpha);
        addScaledArray(r, Gp, n, -alpha);

		if (calcNorm(r, n) < tol) {
			scs_printf("tol: %.4e, resid: %.4e, iters: %li\n", tol, calcNorm(r, n), (long) i+1);
			return i + 1;
		ipzrOld = ipzr;
		applyPreConditioner(M, z, r, n, &ipzr);

		scaleArray(p, ipzr / ipzrOld, n);
		addScaledArray(p, z, n, 1);
	return i;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static void updateWork(Data * d, Work * w, Sol * sol) {
	/* before normalization */
	idxint n = d->n;
	idxint m = d->m;
	w->nm_b = calcNorm(d->b, m);
	w->nm_c = calcNorm(d->c, n);
	printArray(d->b, d->m, "b");
	scs_printf("pre-normalized norm b = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->b, d->m));
	printArray(d->c, d->n, "c");
	scs_printf("pre-normalized norm c = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->c, d->n));
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		normalizeBC(d, w);
		printArray(d->b, d->m, "bn");
		scs_printf("sc_b = %4f\n", w->sc_b);
		scs_printf("post-normalized norm b = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->b, d->m));
		printArray(d->c, d->n, "cn");
		scs_printf("sc_c = %4f\n", w->sc_c);
		scs_printf("post-normalized norm c = %4f\n", calcNorm(d->c, d->n));
	if (d->WARM_START) {
		warmStartVars(d, w, sol);
	} else {
		coldStartVars(d, w);
	memcpy(w->h, d->c, n * sizeof(pfloat));
	memcpy(&(w->h[d->n]), d->b, m * sizeof(pfloat));
	memcpy(w->g, w->h, (n + m) * sizeof(pfloat));
	solveLinSys(d, w->p, w->g, NULL, -1);
	scaleArray(&(w->g[d->n]), -1, m);
	w->gTh = innerProd(w->h, w->g, n + m);
Exemplo n.º 6
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_au_notzed_jjmpeg_SwsContextNative_scaleByteArray
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jc, jobject jptr, jobject jsrc, jint srcSliceY, jint srcSliceH, jintArray jdst, jint fmt, jint width, jint height) {
	struct SwsContext *sws = ADDR(jptr);
	struct AVFrame *src = ADDR(jsrc);

	return scaleArray(env, sws, src, srcSliceY, srcSliceH, jdst, 1, fmt, width, height);
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
/* status < 0 indicates failure */
static idxint projectLinSys(Data * d, Work * w, idxint iter) {
	/* ut = u + v */
	idxint n = d->n, m = d->m, l = n + m + 1, status;
	memcpy(w->u_t, w->u, l * sizeof(pfloat));
	addScaledArray(w->u_t, w->v, l, 1.0);

	scaleArray(w->u_t, d->RHO_X, n);

	addScaledArray(w->u_t, w->h, l - 1, -w->u_t[l - 1]);
	addScaledArray(w->u_t, w->h, l - 1, -innerProd(w->u_t, w->g, l - 1) / (w->gTh + 1));
	scaleArray(&(w->u_t[n]), -1, m);

	status = solveLinSys(d, w->p, w->u_t, w->u, iter);

	w->u_t[l - 1] += innerProd(w->u_t, w->h, l - 1);

	return status;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static idxint failureDefaultReturn(Data * d, Work * w, Sol * sol, Info * info, char * msg) {
	info->relGap = NAN;
	info->resPri = NAN;
	info->resDual = NAN;
	info->pobj = NAN;
	info->dobj = NAN;
	info->iter = -1;
	info->statusVal = FAILURE;
	info->solveTime = NAN;
	strcpy(info->status, "Failure");
	if (!sol->x)
		sol->x = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->n);
	scaleArray(sol->x, NAN, d->n);
	if (!sol->y)
		sol->y = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->y, NAN, d->m);
	if (!sol->s)
		sol->s = scs_malloc(sizeof(pfloat) * d->m);
	scaleArray(sol->s, NAN, d->m);
	scs_printf("FAILURE:%s\n", msg);
	return FAILURE;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static void getInfo(Data * d, Work * w, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	pfloat cTx, bTy, nmAxs, nmATy, nmpr, nmdr;
	pfloat * x = sol->x, *y = sol->y, *s = sol->s;

	/* unNomalized */
	nmpr = calcPrimalResid(d, w, x, s, 1, &nmAxs); /* pr = Ax + s - b */
	nmdr = calcDualResid(d, w, y, 1, &nmATy); /* dr = A'y + c */

	cTx = innerProd(x, d->c, d->n);
	bTy = innerProd(y, d->b, d->m);
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		cTx /= (d->SCALE * w->sc_c * w->sc_b);
		bTy /= (d->SCALE * w->sc_c * w->sc_b);
	info->pobj = cTx;
	info->dobj = -bTy;
	if (info->statusVal == SOLVED) {
		info->relGap = ABS(cTx + bTy) / (1 + ABS(cTx) + ABS(bTy));
		info->resPri = nmpr / (1 + w->nm_b);
		info->resDual = nmdr / (1 + w->nm_c);
	} else {
		if (info->statusVal == UNBOUNDED) {
			info->dobj = NAN;
			info->relGap = NAN;
			info->resPri = w->nm_c * nmAxs / -cTx;
			info->resDual = NAN;
			scaleArray(x, -1 / cTx, d->n);
			scaleArray(s, -1 / cTx, d->m);
			info->pobj = -1;
		} else {
			info->pobj = NAN;
			info->relGap = NAN;
			info->resPri = NAN;
			info->resDual = w->nm_b * nmATy / -bTy;
			scaleArray(y, -1 / bTy, d->m);
			info->dobj = -1;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void cgCustom(Data *d, Work *w, const double * s, int max_its, double tol) {
    /* solves (I+A'A)x = b */
    /* warm start cg with s */
    int i = 0, n = d->n;
    double *x = w->p->x;
    double *p = w->p->p; // cg direction
    double *Ap = w->p->Ap; // updated CG direction
    double *r = w->p->r; // cg residual

    double *G = w->p->G; // Gram matrix

    double alpha, beta, rsnew=0;
    if (s==NULL) {
    else {
        cblas_dsymv(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper,n, -1, G, n, x,1, 1, r, 1);
        //b_dsymv('U', n, -1, G, n, x,1, 1, r, 1);
    memcpy(p, r, n*sizeof(double));
    //double rsold=cblas_dnrm2(n,r,1);
    double rsold=calcNorm(r,n);
    for (i=0; i< max_its; i++) {
        cblas_dsymv(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper,n, 1, G, n, p, 1, 0, Ap, 1);
        //b_dsymv('U', n, 1, G, n, p, 1, 0, Ap, 1);

        //beta = cblas_ddot(n, p, 1, Ap, 1);
        beta = innerProd(p,Ap,n);


        if (rsnew<tol) {
    //printf("terminating cg residual = %4f, took %i itns\n",rsnew,i);
Exemplo n.º 11
shared_ptr<Image> IndexedImage::scaled( int width, int height )
	int srcWidth = getWidth();
	int srcHeight = getHeight();

	// no need to scale
	if(srcWidth == width && srcHeight == height){
		return this->shared_from_this();
	Dimension d(width, height);
	shared_ptr<Image> i = getCachedImage(d);
	// currently we only support byte data...
	i = new IndexedImage(width, height, palette, scaleArray(imageDataByte, width, height));
	cacheImage(d, i);
	return i;

Exemplo n.º 12
void prepChar ( int * cImageRaw, int w, int h, int * cImageSS, int *error   )

    int * temp;
    temp = (int *) malloc ( sizeof(int) *STANDARD_WIDTH *STANDARD_HEIGHT);
    if ( temp == 0 )
        *error = 1;

    scaleArray(cImageRaw, w, h, temp , STANDARD_WIDTH, STANDARD_HEIGHT, error);

    normalizeToWideSpectrum2(temp,STANDARD_WIDTH, STANDARD_HEIGHT,cImageSS); // stretch the values from 0-255 to -500 to + 500 for the correlations to work

    free (temp);
Exemplo n.º 13
scs_int solveLinSys(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs, Priv * p, scs_float * b, const scs_float * s, scs_int iter) {
	scs_int cgIts;
	scs_float cgTol = calcNorm(b, A->n)
			* (iter < 0 ? CG_BEST_TOL : CG_MIN_TOL / POWF((scs_float) iter + 1, stgs->cg_rate));

	/* solves Mx = b, for x but stores result in b */
	/* s contains warm-start (if available) */
	accumByAtrans(A, p, &(b[A->n]), b);
	/* solves (I+A'A)x = b, s warm start, solution stored in b */
	cgIts = pcg(A, stgs, p, s, b, A->n, MAX(cgTol, CG_BEST_TOL));
	scaleArray(&(b[A->n]), -1, A->m);
	accumByA(A, p, b, &(b[A->n]));

	if (iter >= 0) {
		totCgIts += cgIts;

	totalSolveTime += tocq(&linsysTimer);
	scs_printf("linsys solve time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&linsysTimer) / 1e3);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_au_notzed_jjmpeg_SwsContextNative_scaleIntArray
(JNIEnv *env, jclass jc, jobject jptr, jobject jsrc, jint srcSliceY, jint srcSliceH, jintArray jdst, jint fmt, jint width, jint height) {
	struct SwsContext *sws = ADDR(jptr);
	struct AVFrame *src = ADDR(jsrc);

	return scaleArray(env, sws, src, srcSliceY, srcSliceH, jdst, 4, fmt, width, height);
	cdst = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jdst, NULL);

	if (!cdst)
		// FIXME: exception
		return res;

	CALLDL(avpicture_fill)(&dst, cdst, fmt, width, height);

	res = CALLDL(sws_scale)(sws, (const uint8_t * const *)src->data, src->linesize,
				srcSliceY, srcSliceH,
				dst.data, dst.linesize);

	(*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jdst, cdst, 0);

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static idxint unbounded(Data * d, Sol * sol, Info * info) {
	strcpy(info->status, info->statusVal != 0 ? "Unbounded" : "Unbounded/Inaccurate");
	/*scaleArray(sol->x,-1/ip_x,d->n); */
	scaleArray(sol->y, NAN, d->m);
	return UNBOUNDED;