Exemplo n.º 1
                  int length, int use_gain, int frame) {
  FIXP_DBL fac_gain;
  int fac_gain_e = 0;

  if (use_gain) {
    CLpd_DecodeGain(&fac_gain, &fac_gain_e, FDKreadBits(hBs, 7));

  if (CLpc_DecodeAVQ(hBs, pFac, 1, 1, length) != 0) {
    return -1;

    int scale;

    scale = getScalefactor(pFac, length);
    scaleValues(pFac, length, scale);
    pFacScale[frame] = DFRACT_BITS - 1 - scale;

  if (use_gain) {
    int i;

    pFacScale[frame] += fac_gain_e;

    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      pFac[i] = fMult(pFac[i], fac_gain);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Process the relation extraction algorithm
 * @param type Type of SVM relation
 * @param val Feature vector of relation
 * @param prob Probability for correct predicton
bool SVMPredictorSingle::getResult(int type,
                             std::vector<double> &val,
                             std::vector<double> &prob)
  return process(type, val, prob);
Exemplo n.º 3
  \brief     resets sbr decoder structure
  \return    errorCode, 0 if successful
resetSbrDec (HANDLE_SBR_DEC hSbrDec,
             HANDLE_SBR_HEADER_DATA hHeaderData,
             HANDLE_SBR_PREV_FRAME_DATA hPrevFrameData,
             const int useLP,
             const int downsampleFac
    SBR_ERROR sbrError = SBRDEC_OK;

    int old_lsb = hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.lsb;
    int new_lsb = hHeaderData->freqBandData.lowSubband;
    int l, startBand, stopBand, startSlot, size;

    int source_scale, target_scale, delta_scale, target_lsb, target_usb, reserve;
    FIXP_DBL maxVal;

    /* overlapBuffer point to first (6) slots */
    FIXP_DBL  **OverlapBufferReal = hSbrDec->QmfBufferReal;
    FIXP_DBL  **OverlapBufferImag = hSbrDec->QmfBufferImag;

    /* assign qmf time slots */
    assignTimeSlots( hSbrDec, hHeaderData->numberTimeSlots * hHeaderData->timeStep, useLP);

    resetSbrEnvelopeCalc (&hSbrDec->SbrCalculateEnvelope);

    hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.lsb = hHeaderData->freqBandData.lowSubband;
    hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.usb = fixMin((INT)hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.no_channels, (INT)hHeaderData->freqBandData.highSubband);

    hSbrDec->AnalysiscQMF.lsb = hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.lsb;
    hSbrDec->AnalysiscQMF.usb = hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.usb;

      The following initialization of spectral data in the overlap buffer
      is required for dynamic x-over or a change of the start-freq for 2 reasons:

      1. If the lowband gets _wider_, unadjusted data would remain

      2. If the lowband becomes _smaller_, the highest bands of the old lowband
         must be cleared because the whitening would be affected
    startBand = old_lsb;
    stopBand  = new_lsb;
    startSlot = hHeaderData->timeStep * (hPrevFrameData->stopPos - hHeaderData->numberTimeSlots);
    size      = fixMax(0,stopBand-startBand);

    /* keep already adjusted data in the x-over-area */
    if (!useLP) {
        for (l=startSlot; l<hSbrDec->LppTrans.pSettings->overlap; l++) {
            FDKmemclear(&OverlapBufferReal[l][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
            FDKmemclear(&OverlapBufferImag[l][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
    } else
        for (l=startSlot; l<hSbrDec->LppTrans.pSettings->overlap ; l++) {
            FDKmemclear(&OverlapBufferReal[l][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));

      reset LPC filter states
    startBand = fixMin(old_lsb,new_lsb);
    stopBand  = fixMax(old_lsb,new_lsb);
    size      = fixMax(0,stopBand-startBand);

    FDKmemclear(&hSbrDec->LppTrans.lpcFilterStatesReal[0][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
    FDKmemclear(&hSbrDec->LppTrans.lpcFilterStatesReal[1][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
    if (!useLP) {
        FDKmemclear(&hSbrDec->LppTrans.lpcFilterStatesImag[0][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
        FDKmemclear(&hSbrDec->LppTrans.lpcFilterStatesImag[1][startBand], size*sizeof(FIXP_DBL));

      Rescale already processed spectral data between old and new x-over frequency.
      This must be done because of the separate scalefactors for lowband and highband.
    startBand = fixMin(old_lsb,new_lsb);
    stopBand =  fixMax(old_lsb,new_lsb);

    if (new_lsb > old_lsb) {
        /* The x-over-area was part of the highband before and will now belong to the lowband */
        source_scale = hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_hb_scale;
        target_scale = hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_lb_scale;
        target_lsb   = 0;
        target_usb   = old_lsb;
    else {
        /* The x-over-area was part of the lowband before and will now belong to the highband */
        source_scale = hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_lb_scale;
        target_scale = hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_hb_scale;
        /* jdr: The values old_lsb and old_usb might be wrong because the previous frame might have been "upsamling". */
        target_lsb   = hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.lsb;
        target_usb   = hSbrDec->SynthesisQMF.usb;

    /* Shift left all samples of the x-over-area as much as possible
       An unnecessary coarse scale could cause ov_lb_scale or ov_hb_scale to be
       adapted and the accuracy in the next frame would seriously suffer! */

    maxVal = maxSubbandSample( OverlapBufferReal,
                               (useLP) ? NULL : OverlapBufferImag,

    reserve = CntLeadingZeros(maxVal)-1;
    reserve = fixMin(reserve,DFRACT_BITS-1-source_scale);

    rescaleSubbandSamples( OverlapBufferReal,
                           (useLP) ? NULL : OverlapBufferImag,
    source_scale += reserve;

    delta_scale = target_scale - source_scale;

    if (delta_scale > 0) { /* x-over-area is dominant */
        delta_scale = -delta_scale;
        startBand = target_lsb;
        stopBand = target_usb;

        if (new_lsb > old_lsb) {
            /* The lowband has to be rescaled */
            hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_lb_scale = source_scale;
        else {
            /* The highband has be be rescaled */
            hSbrDec->sbrScaleFactor.ov_hb_scale = source_scale;

    FDK_ASSERT(startBand <= stopBand);

    if (!useLP) {
        for (l=0; l<startSlot; l++) {
            scaleValues( OverlapBufferReal[l] + startBand, stopBand-startBand, delta_scale );
            scaleValues( OverlapBufferImag[l] + startBand, stopBand-startBand, delta_scale );
    } else
        for (l=0; l<startSlot; l++) {
            scaleValues( OverlapBufferReal[l] + startBand, stopBand-startBand, delta_scale );

      Initialize transposer and limiter
    sbrError = resetLppTransposer (&hSbrDec->LppTrans,
    if (sbrError != SBRDEC_OK)
        return sbrError;

    sbrError = ResetLimiterBands ( hHeaderData->freqBandData.limiterBandTable,

    return sbrError;
Exemplo n.º 4
INT CLpd_FAC_Acelp2Mdct(H_MDCT hMdct, FIXP_DBL *output, FIXP_DBL *_pSpec,
                        const SHORT spec_scale[], const int nSpec,
                        FIXP_DBL *pFac, const int fac_scale,
                        const INT fac_length, INT noOutSamples, const INT tl,
                        const FIXP_WTP *wrs, const INT fr, FIXP_LPC A[16],
                        INT A_exp, CAcelpStaticMem *acelp_mem,
                        const FIXP_DBL gain, const int last_frame_lost,
                        const int isFdFac, const UCHAR last_lpd_mode,
                        const int k, int currAliasingSymmetry) {
  FIXP_DBL *pCurr, *pOvl, *pSpec;
  const FIXP_WTP *pWindow;
  const FIXP_WTB *FacWindowZir_conceal;
  UCHAR doFacZirConceal = 0;
  int doDeemph = 1;
  const FIXP_WTB *FacWindowZir, *FacWindowSynth;
  FIXP_DBL *pOut0 = output, *pOut1;
  int w, i, fl, nl, nr, f_len, nrSamples = 0, s = 0, scale, total_gain_e;
  FIXP_DBL total_gain = gain;

  FDK_ASSERT(fac_length <= 1024 / (4 * 2));
  switch (fac_length) {
    /* coreCoderFrameLength = 1024 */
    case 128:
      pWindow = SineWindow256;
      FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir128;
      FacWindowSynth = FacWindowSynth128;
    case 64:
      pWindow = SineWindow128;
      FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir64;
      FacWindowSynth = FacWindowSynth64;
    case 32:
      pWindow = SineWindow64;
      FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir32;
      FacWindowSynth = FacWindowSynth32;
    /* coreCoderFrameLength = 768 */
    case 96:
      pWindow = SineWindow192;
      FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir96;
      FacWindowSynth = FacWindowSynth96;
    case 48:
      pWindow = SineWindow96;
      FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir48;
      FacWindowSynth = FacWindowSynth48;
      return 0;

  FacWindowZir_conceal = FacWindowSynth;
  /* Derive NR and NL */
  fl = fac_length * 2;
  nl = (tl - fl) >> 1;
  nr = (tl - fr) >> 1;

  if (noOutSamples > nrSamples) {
    /* Purge buffered output. */
    FDKmemcpy(pOut0, hMdct->overlap.time, hMdct->ov_offset * sizeof(pOut0[0]));
    nrSamples = hMdct->ov_offset;
    hMdct->ov_offset = 0;

  if (nrSamples >= noOutSamples) {
    pOut1 = hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_offset;
    if (hMdct->ov_offset < fac_length) {
      pOut0 = output + nrSamples;
    } else {
      pOut0 = pOut1;
    hMdct->ov_offset += fac_length + nl;
  } else {
    pOut1 = output + nrSamples;
    pOut0 = output + nrSamples;

    pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR = CLpd_ACELP_GetFreeExcMem(acelp_mem, 2 * fac_length);
      const FIXP_DBL *pTmp1, *pTmp2;

      doFacZirConceal |= ((last_frame_lost != 0) && (k == 0));
      doDeemph &= (last_lpd_mode != 4);
      if (doFacZirConceal) {
        /* ACELP contribution in concealment case:
           Use ZIR with a modified ZIR window to preserve some more energy.
           Dont use FAC, which contains wrong information for concealed frame
           Dont use last ACELP samples, but double ZIR, instead (afterwards) */
        FDKmemclear(pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR, 2 * fac_length * sizeof(FIXP_DBL));
        FacWindowSynth = (FIXP_WTB *)pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR;
        FacWindowZir = FacWindowZir_conceal;
      } else {
        CFac_CalcFacSignal(pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR, pFac, fac_scale + s, fac_length, A,
                           A_exp, 1, isFdFac);
      /* 6) Get windowed past ACELP samples and ACELP ZIR signal */

       * Get ACELP ZIR (pFac[]) and ACELP past samples (pOut0[]) and add them
       * to the FAC synth signal contribution on pOut1[].
          CLpd_Acelp_Zir(A, A_exp, acelp_mem, fac_length, pFac, doDeemph);

          pTmp1 = pOut0;
          pTmp2 = pFac;

        for (i = 0, w = 0; i < fac_length; i++) {
          FIXP_DBL x;
          /* Div2 is compensated by table scaling */
          x = fMultDiv2(pTmp2[i], FacWindowZir[w]);
          x += fMultDiv2(pTmp1[-i - 1], FacWindowSynth[w]);
          x += pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR[i];
          pOut1[i] = x;


      if (doFacZirConceal) {
        /* ZIR is the only ACELP contribution, so double it */
        scaleValues(pOut1, fac_length, 1);

  if (nrSamples < noOutSamples) {
    nrSamples += fac_length + nl;

  /* Obtain transform gain */
  total_gain = gain;
  total_gain_e = 0;
  imdct_gain(&total_gain, &total_gain_e, tl);

  /* IMDCT overlap add */
  scale = total_gain_e;
  pSpec = _pSpec;

  /* Note:when comming from an LPD frame (TCX/ACELP) the previous alisaing
   * symmetry must always be 0 */
  if (currAliasingSymmetry == 0) {
    dct_IV(pSpec, tl, &scale);
  } else {
    FIXP_DBL _tmp[1024 + ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT / sizeof(FIXP_DBL)];
    FIXP_DBL *tmp = (FIXP_DBL *)ALIGN_PTR(_tmp);
    C_ALLOC_ALIGNED_REGISTER(tmp, sizeof(_tmp));
    dst_III(pSpec, tmp, tl, &scale);

  /* Optional scaling of time domain - no yet windowed - of current spectrum */
  if (total_gain != (FIXP_DBL)0) {
    for (i = 0; i < tl; i++) {
      pSpec[i] = fMult(pSpec[i], total_gain);
  int loc_scale = fixmin_I(spec_scale[0] + scale, (INT)DFRACT_BITS - 1);
  scaleValuesSaturate(pSpec, tl, loc_scale);

  pOut1 += fl / 2 - 1;
  pCurr = pSpec + tl - fl / 2;

  for (i = 0; i < fl / 2; i++) {
    FIXP_DBL x1;

    /* FAC signal is already on pOut1, because of that the += operator. */
    x1 = fMult(*pCurr++, pWindow[i].v.re);
    FDK_ASSERT((pOut1 >= hMdct->overlap.time &&
                pOut1 < hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_size) ||
               (pOut1 >= output && pOut1 < output + 1024));
    *pOut1 += IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(-x1);

  /* NL output samples TL/2+FL/2..TL. - current[FL/2..0] */
  pOut1 += (fl / 2) + 1;

  pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR += fac_length; /* set pointer to beginning of FAC ZIR */

  if (nl == 0) {
    /* save pointer to write FAC ZIR data later */
    hMdct->pFacZir = pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR;
  } else {
    FDK_ASSERT(nl >= fac_length);
    /* FAC ZIR will be added now ... */
    hMdct->pFacZir = NULL;

  pF = pFAC_and_FAC_ZIR;
  f_len = fac_length;

  pCurr = pSpec + tl - fl / 2 - 1;
  for (i = 0; i < nl; i++) {
    FIXP_DBL x = -(*pCurr--);
    /* 5) (item 4) Synthesis filter Zir component, FAC ZIR (another one). */
    if (i < f_len) {
      x += *pF++;

    FDK_ASSERT((pOut1 >= hMdct->overlap.time &&
                pOut1 < hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_size) ||
               (pOut1 >= output && pOut1 < output + 1024));
    *pOut1 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x);

  hMdct->prev_nr = nr;
  hMdct->prev_fr = fr;
  hMdct->prev_wrs = wrs;
  hMdct->prev_tl = tl;
  hMdct->prevPrevAliasSymmetry = hMdct->prevAliasSymmetry;
  hMdct->prevAliasSymmetry = currAliasingSymmetry;
  fl = fr;
  nl = nr;

  pOvl = pSpec + tl / 2 - 1;
  pOut0 = pOut1;

  for (w = 1; w < nSpec; w++) /* for ACELP -> FD short */
    const FIXP_WTP *pWindow_prev;

    /* Setup window pointers */
    pWindow_prev = hMdct->prev_wrs;

    /* Current spectrum */
    pSpec = _pSpec + w * tl;

    scale = total_gain_e;

    /* For the second, third, etc. short frames the alisaing symmetry is equal,
     * either (0,0) or (1,1) */
    if (currAliasingSymmetry == 0) {
      /* DCT IV of current spectrum */
      dct_IV(pSpec, tl, &scale);
    } else {
      dst_IV(pSpec, tl, &scale);

    /* Optional scaling of time domain - no yet windowed - of current spectrum
    /* and de-scale current spectrum signal (time domain, no yet windowed) */
    if (total_gain != (FIXP_DBL)0) {
      for (i = 0; i < tl; i++) {
        pSpec[i] = fMult(pSpec[i], total_gain);
    loc_scale = fixmin_I(spec_scale[w] + scale, (INT)DFRACT_BITS - 1);
    scaleValuesSaturate(pSpec, tl, loc_scale);

    if (noOutSamples <= nrSamples) {
      /* Divert output first half to overlap buffer if we already got enough
       * output samples. */
      pOut0 = hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_offset;
      hMdct->ov_offset += hMdct->prev_nr + fl / 2;
    } else {
      /* Account output samples */
      nrSamples += hMdct->prev_nr + fl / 2;

    /* NR output samples 0 .. NR. -overlap[TL/2..TL/2-NR] */
    for (i = 0; i < hMdct->prev_nr; i++) {
      FIXP_DBL x = -(*pOvl--);
      *pOut0 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x);

    if (noOutSamples <= nrSamples) {
      /* Divert output second half to overlap buffer if we already got enough
       * output samples. */
      pOut1 = hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_offset + fl / 2 - 1;
      hMdct->ov_offset += fl / 2 + nl;
    } else {
      pOut1 = pOut0 + (fl - 1);
      nrSamples += fl / 2 + nl;

    /* output samples before window crossing point NR .. TL/2.
     * -overlap[TL/2-NR..TL/2-NR-FL/2] + current[NR..TL/2] */
    /* output samples after window crossing point TL/2 .. TL/2+FL/2.
     * -overlap[0..FL/2] - current[TL/2..FL/2] */
    pCurr = pSpec + tl - fl / 2;
    if (currAliasingSymmetry == 0) {
      for (i = 0; i < fl / 2; i++) {
        FIXP_DBL x0, x1;

        cplxMult(&x1, &x0, *pCurr++, -*pOvl--, pWindow_prev[i]);
        *pOut0 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x0);
        *pOut1 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(-x1);
    } else {
      if (hMdct->prevPrevAliasSymmetry == 0) {
        /* Jump DST II -> DST IV for the second window */
        for (i = 0; i < fl / 2; i++) {
          FIXP_DBL x0, x1;

          cplxMult(&x1, &x0, *pCurr++, -*pOvl--, pWindow_prev[i]);
          *pOut0 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x0);
          *pOut1 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x1);
      } else {
        /* Jump DST IV -> DST IV from the second window on */
        for (i = 0; i < fl / 2; i++) {
          FIXP_DBL x0, x1;

          cplxMult(&x1, &x0, *pCurr++, *pOvl--, pWindow_prev[i]);
          *pOut0 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x0);
          *pOut1 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x1);

    if (hMdct->pFacZir != 0) {
      /* add FAC ZIR of previous ACELP -> mdct transition */
      FIXP_DBL *pOut = pOut0 - fl / 2;
      FDK_ASSERT(fl / 2 <= 128);
      for (i = 0; i < fl / 2; i++) {
        pOut[i] += IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(hMdct->pFacZir[i]);
      hMdct->pFacZir = NULL;
    pOut0 += (fl / 2);

    /* NL output samples TL/2+FL/2..TL. - current[FL/2..0] */
    pOut1 += (fl / 2) + 1;
    pCurr = pSpec + tl - fl / 2 - 1;
    for (i = 0; i < nl; i++) {
      FIXP_DBL x = -(*pCurr--);
      *pOut1 = IMDCT_SCALE_DBL(x);

    /* Set overlap source pointer for next window pOvl = pSpec + tl/2 - 1; */
    pOvl = pSpec + tl / 2 - 1;

    /* Previous window values. */
    hMdct->prev_nr = nr;
    hMdct->prev_fr = fr;
    hMdct->prev_tl = tl;
    hMdct->prev_wrs = pWindow_prev;
    hMdct->prevPrevAliasSymmetry = hMdct->prevAliasSymmetry;
    hMdct->prevAliasSymmetry = currAliasingSymmetry;

  /* Save overlap */

  pOvl = hMdct->overlap.freq + hMdct->ov_size - tl / 2;
  FDK_ASSERT(pOvl >= hMdct->overlap.time + hMdct->ov_offset);
  FDK_ASSERT(tl / 2 <= hMdct->ov_size);
  for (i = 0; i < tl / 2; i++) {
    pOvl[i] = _pSpec[i + (w - 1) * tl];

  return nrSamples;