Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: demo.c Projeto: zhangrj7/scs
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	FILE * fp;
	Cone * k;
	Data * d;
	Work * w;
	Sol * sol;
	Info info = { 0 };
	scs_int i;

	if (openFile(argc, argv, 1, DEMO_PATH, &fp) < 0)
		return -1;

	k = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Cone));
	d = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Data));
	sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));
	if (readInData(fp, d, k) == -1) {
		printf("Error reading in data, aborting.\n");
		return -1;
	scs_printf("solve once using scs\n");
	scs(d, k, sol, &info);

		scs_printf("solve %i times with warm-start and (if applicable) factorization caching.\n", NUM_TRIALS);
		/* warm starts stored in Sol */
		w = scs_init(d, k, &info);
		if (w) {
			for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIALS; i++) {
				/* perturb b and c */
				perturbVector(d->b, d->m);
				perturbVector(d->c, d->n);
				d->stgs->warm_start = 1;
				d->stgs->cg_rate = 4;
				scs_solve(w, d, k, sol, &info);
				d->stgs->warm_start = 0;
				d->stgs->cg_rate = 2;
				scs_solve(w, d, k, sol, &info);

	freeData(d, k);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: cs.c Projeto: cran/scs
/* C = compressed-column form of a triplet matrix T */
cs *SCS(cs_compress)(const cs *T) {
  scs_int m, n, nz, p, k, *Cp, *Ci, *w, *Ti, *Tj;
  scs_float *Cx, *Tx;
  cs *C;
  m = T->m;
  n = T->n;
  Ti = T->i;
  Tj = T->p;
  Tx = T->x;
  nz = T->nz;
  C = SCS(cs_spalloc)(m, n, nz, Tx != SCS_NULL, 0); /* allocate result */
  w = (scs_int *)scs_calloc(n, sizeof(scs_int));    /* get workspace */
  if (!C || !w) {
    return (cs_done(C, w, SCS_NULL, 0));
  } /* out of memory */
  Cp = C->p;
  Ci = C->i;
  Cx = C->x;
  for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) w[Tj[k]]++; /* column counts */
  SCS(cs_cumsum)(Cp, w, n);            /* column pointers */
  for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) {
    Ci[p = w[Tj[k]]++] = Ti[k]; /* A(i,j) is the pth entry in C */
    if (Cx) {
      Cx[p] = Tx[k];
  return (cs_done(C, w, SCS_NULL, 1)); /* success; free w and return C */
Exemplo n.º 3
static int getConeFloatArr(char *key, scs_float **varr, scs_int *vsize,
                           PyObject *cone) {
    /* get cone['key'] */
    scs_int i, n = 0;
    scs_float *q = SCS_NULL;
    PyObject *obj = PyDict_GetItemString(cone, key);
    if (obj) {
        if (PyList_Check(obj)) {
            n = (scs_int)PyList_Size(obj);
            q = scs_calloc(n, sizeof(scs_float));
            for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                PyObject *qi = PyList_GetItem(obj, i);
                q[i] = (scs_float)PyFloat_AsDouble(qi);
        } else if (PyInt_Check(obj) || PyLong_Check(obj) ||
                   PyFloat_Check(obj)) {
            n = 1;
            q = scs_malloc(sizeof(scs_float));
            q[0] = (scs_float)PyFloat_AsDouble(obj);
        } else {
            return printErr(key);
        if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
            /* potentially could have been triggered before */
            return printErr(key);
    *vsize = n;
    *varr = q;
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Priv * initPriv(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs) {
	Priv * p = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Priv));
	p->p = scs_malloc((A->n) * sizeof(scs_float));
	p->r = scs_malloc((A->n) * sizeof(scs_float));
	p->Gp = scs_malloc((A->n) * sizeof(scs_float));
	p->tmp = scs_malloc((A->m) * sizeof(scs_float));

	/* memory for A transpose */
	p->At = scs_malloc(sizeof(AMatrix));
	p->At->m = A->n;
	p->At->n = A->m;
	p->At->i = scs_malloc((A->p[A->n]) * sizeof(scs_int));
	p->At->p = scs_malloc((A->m + 1) * sizeof(scs_int));
	p->At->x = scs_malloc((A->p[A->n]) * sizeof(scs_float));
	transpose(A, p);

	/* preconditioner memory */
	p->z = scs_malloc((A->n) * sizeof(scs_float));
	p->M = scs_malloc((A->n) * sizeof(scs_float));
	getPreconditioner(A, stgs, p);

	totalSolveTime = 0;
	totCgIts = 0;
	if (!p->p || !p->r || !p->Gp || !p->tmp || !p->At || !p->At->i || !p->At->p || !p->At->x) {
		return NULL;
	return p;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: scs.c Projeto: tkelman/scs
static Work * initWork(Data *d, Cone * k) {
	Work * w = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Work));
	idxint l = d->n + d->m + 1;
	if (d->VERBOSE) {
		printInitHeader(d, w, k);
	if (!w) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: allocating work failure\n");
		return NULL;
	/* allocate workspace: */
	w->u = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->v = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->u_t = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->u_prev = scs_malloc(l * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->h = scs_malloc((l - 1) * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->g = scs_malloc((l - 1) * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->pr = scs_malloc(d->m * sizeof(pfloat));
	w->dr = scs_malloc(d->n * sizeof(pfloat));
	if (!w->u || !w->v || !w->u_t || !w->u_prev || !w->h || !w->g || !w->pr || !w->dr) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: work memory allocation failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	if (d->NORMALIZE) {
		normalizeA(d, w, k);
	printArray(w->D, d->m, "D");
	scs_printf("norm D = %4f\n", calcNorm(w->D, d->m));
	printArray(w->E, d->n, "E");
	scs_printf("norm E = %4f\n", calcNorm(w->E, d->n));
	} else {
		w->D = NULL;
		w->E = NULL;
	if (initCone(k) < 0) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: initCone failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	w->p = initPriv(d);
	if (!w->p) {
		scs_printf("ERROR: initPriv failure\n");
		scs_finish(d, w);
		return NULL;
	return w;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: cs.c Projeto: cran/scs
cs *SCS(cs_spalloc)(scs_int m, scs_int n, scs_int nzmax, scs_int values,
                    scs_int triplet) {
  cs *A = (cs *)scs_calloc(1, sizeof(cs)); /* allocate the cs struct */
  if (!A) {
    return (SCS_NULL);
  }         /* out of memory */
  A->m = m; /* define dimensions and nzmax */
  A->n = n;
  A->nzmax = nzmax = MAX(nzmax, 1);
  A->nz = triplet ? 0 : -1; /* allocate triplet or comp.col */
  A->p = (scs_int *)scs_malloc((triplet ? nzmax : n + 1) * sizeof(scs_int));
  A->i = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(nzmax * sizeof(scs_int));
  A->x = values ? (scs_float *)scs_malloc(nzmax * sizeof(scs_float)) : SCS_NULL;
  return ((!A->p || !A->i || (values && !A->x)) ? SCS(cs_spfree)(A) : A);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* gets warm starts from warm dict, doesn't destroy input warm start data */
static scs_int getWarmStart(char * key, scs_float ** x, scs_int l, PyObject * warm) {
    PyArrayObject *x0 = (PyArrayObject *) PyDict_GetItemString(warm, key);
	*x = scs_calloc(l, sizeof(scs_float));
    if (x0) {
		if (!PyArray_ISFLOAT(x0) || PyArray_NDIM(x0) != 1 || PyArray_DIM(x0, 0) != l) {
			PySys_WriteStderr("Error parsing warm-start input\n");
			return 0;
		} else {
			PyArrayObject * px0 = getContiguous(x0, getFloatType());
			memcpy(*x, (scs_float *) PyArray_DATA(px0), l * sizeof(scs_float));
			return 1;
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: cs.c Projeto: cran/scs
cs *SCS(cs_symperm)(const cs *A, const scs_int *pinv, scs_int values) {
  scs_int i, j, p, q, i2, j2, n, *Ap, *Ai, *Cp, *Ci, *w;
  scs_float *Cx, *Ax;
  cs *C;
  n = A->n;
  Ap = A->p;
  Ai = A->i;
  Ax = A->x;
  C = SCS(cs_spalloc)(n, n, Ap[n], values && (Ax != SCS_NULL),
                      0);                        /* alloc result*/
  w = (scs_int *)scs_calloc(n, sizeof(scs_int)); /* get workspace */
  if (!C || !w) {
    return (cs_done(C, w, SCS_NULL, 0));
  } /* out of memory */
  Cp = C->p;
  Ci = C->i;
  Cx = C->x;
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /* count entries in each column of C */
    j2 = pinv ? pinv[j] : j; /* column j of A is column j2 of C */
    for (p = Ap[j]; p < Ap[j + 1]; p++) {
      i = Ai[p];
      if (i > j) {
      }                        /* skip lower triangular part of A */
      i2 = pinv ? pinv[i] : i; /* row i of A is row i2 of C */
      w[MAX(i2, j2)]++;        /* column count of C */
  SCS(cs_cumsum)(Cp, w, n); /* compute column pointers of C */
  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    j2 = pinv ? pinv[j] : j; /* column j of A is column j2 of C */
    for (p = Ap[j]; p < Ap[j + 1]; p++) {
      i = Ai[p];
      if (i > j) {
      }                        /* skip lower triangular part of A*/
      i2 = pinv ? pinv[i] : i; /* row i of A is row i2 of C */
      Ci[q = w[MAX(i2, j2)]++] = MIN(i2, j2);
      if (Cx) {
        Cx[q] = Ax[p];
  return (cs_done(C, w, SCS_NULL, 1)); /* success; free workspace, return C */
Exemplo n.º 9
Priv * initPriv(const AMatrix * A, const Settings * stgs) {
	Priv * p = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Priv));
	scs_int n_plus_m = A->n + A->m;
	p->P = scs_malloc(sizeof(scs_int) * n_plus_m);
	p->L = scs_malloc(sizeof(cs));
	p->bp = scs_malloc(n_plus_m * sizeof(scs_float));
	p->L->m = n_plus_m;
	p->L->n = n_plus_m;
	p->L->nz = -1;

	if (factorize(A, stgs, p) < 0) {
		return NULL;
	totalSolveTime = 0.0;
	return p;
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: private.c Projeto: cran/scs
ScsLinSysWork *SCS(init_lin_sys_work)(const ScsMatrix *A,
                                      const ScsSettings *stgs) {
  ScsLinSysWork *p = (ScsLinSysWork *)scs_calloc(1, sizeof(ScsLinSysWork));
  scs_int n_plus_m = A->n + A->m;
  p->P = (scs_int *)scs_malloc(sizeof(scs_int) * n_plus_m);
  p->L = (cs *)scs_malloc(sizeof(cs));
  p->bp = (scs_float *)scs_malloc(n_plus_m * sizeof(scs_float));
  p->L->m = n_plus_m;
  p->L->n = n_plus_m;
  p->L->nz = -1;

  if (factorize(A, stgs, p) < 0) {
    return SCS_NULL;
  p->total_solve_time = 0.0;
  return p;
Exemplo n.º 11
static void transpose(const AMatrix * A, Priv * p) {
	scs_int * Ci = p->At->i;
	scs_int * Cp = p->At->p;
	scs_float * Cx = p->At->x;
	scs_int m = A->m;
	scs_int n = A->n;

	scs_int * Ap = A->p;
	scs_int * Ai = A->i;
	scs_float * Ax = A->x;

	scs_int i, j, q, *z, c1, c2;
	timer transposeTimer;
	scs_printf("transposing A\n");

	z = scs_calloc(m, sizeof(scs_int));
	for (i = 0; i < Ap[n]; i++)
		z[Ai[i]]++; /* row counts */
	cs_cumsum(Cp, z, m); /* row pointers */

	for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
		c1 = Ap[j];
		c2 = Ap[j + 1];
		for (i = c1; i < c2; i++) {
			q = z[Ai[i]];
			Ci[q] = j; /* place A(i,j) as entry C(j,i) */
			Cx[q] = Ax[i];

	scs_printf("finished transposing A, time: %1.2es\n", tocq(&transposeTimer) / 1e3);

Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: scsr.c Projeto: akshayka/scs
SEXP scsr(SEXP data, SEXP cone, SEXP params) {
    scs_int len, num_protected = 0;
    SEXP ret, retnames, infor, xr, yr, sr;

    /* allocate memory */
    Data *d = scs_malloc(sizeof(Data));
    Cone *k = scs_malloc(sizeof(Cone));
    Settings *stgs = scs_malloc(sizeof(Settings));
    AMatrix *A = scs_malloc(sizeof(AMatrix));
    Info *info = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Info));
    Sol *sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));

    d->b = getFloatVectorFromList(data, "b", &len);
    d->c = getFloatVectorFromList(data, "c", &len);
    d->n = getIntFromListWithDefault(data, "n", 0);
    d->m = getIntFromListWithDefault(data, "m", 0);

    A->m = d->m;
    A->n = d->n;
    A->x = getFloatVectorFromList(data, "Ax", &len);
    A->i = getIntVectorFromList(data, "Ai", &len);
    A->p = getIntVectorFromList(data, "Ap", &len);
    d->A = A;

    stgs->max_iters = getIntFromListWithDefault(params, "max_iters", MAX_ITERS);
    stgs->normalize = getIntFromListWithDefault(params, "normalize", NORMALIZE);
    stgs->verbose = getIntFromListWithDefault(params, "verbose", VERBOSE);
    stgs->cg_rate = getFloatFromListWithDefault(params, "cg_rate", CG_RATE);
    stgs->scale = getFloatFromListWithDefault(params, "scale", SCALE);
    stgs->rho_x = getFloatFromListWithDefault(params, "rho_x", RHO_X);
    stgs->alpha = getFloatFromListWithDefault(params, "alpha", ALPHA);
    stgs->eps = getFloatFromListWithDefault(params, "eps", EPS);
    /* TODO add warm starting */
    stgs->warm_start =
        getIntFromListWithDefault(params, "warm_start", WARM_START);
    d->stgs = stgs;

    k->f = getIntFromListWithDefault(cone, "f", 0);
    k->l = getIntFromListWithDefault(cone, "l", 0);
    k->ep = getIntFromListWithDefault(cone, "ep", 0);
    k->ed = getIntFromListWithDefault(cone, "ed", 0);
    k->q = getIntVectorFromList(cone, "q", &(k->qsize));
    k->s = getIntVectorFromList(cone, "s", &(k->ssize));
    k->p = getFloatVectorFromList(cone, "p", &(k->psize));

    /* solve! */
    scs(d, k, sol, info);

    infor = populateInfoR(info, &num_protected);

    PROTECT(ret = NEW_LIST(4));
    PROTECT(retnames = NEW_CHARACTER(4));
    SET_NAMES(ret, retnames);

    xr = floatVec2R(d->n, sol->x);
    yr = floatVec2R(d->m, sol->y);
    sr = floatVec2R(d->m, sol->s);

    SET_STRING_ELT(retnames, 0, mkChar("x"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, 0, xr);
    SET_STRING_ELT(retnames, 1, mkChar("y"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, 1, yr);
    SET_STRING_ELT(retnames, 2, mkChar("s"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, 2, sr);
    SET_STRING_ELT(retnames, 3, mkChar("info"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, 3, infor);

    /* free memory */
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: cs.c Projeto: cran/DESP
/* wrapper for calloc */
static void *cs_calloc(scs_int n, scs_int size) {
	return (scs_calloc(n, size));
Exemplo n.º 14
static PyObject *csolve(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs) {
    /* data structures for arguments */
    PyArrayObject *Ax, *Ai, *Ap, *c, *b;
    PyObject *cone, *warm = SCS_NULL;
    PyObject *verbose = SCS_NULL;
    PyObject *normalize = SCS_NULL;
    /* get the typenum for the primitive scs_int and scs_float types */
    int scs_intType = getIntType();
    int scs_floatType = getFloatType();
    struct ScsPyData ps = {
    /* scs data structures */
    Data *d = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Data));
    Cone *k = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Cone));

    AMatrix *A;
    Sol sol = {0};
    Info info;
    char *kwlist[] = {"shape",     "Ax",    "Ai",   "Ap",      "b",
                      "c",         "cone",  "warm", "verbose", "normalize",
                      "max_iters", "scale", "eps",  "cg_rate", "alpha",
                      "rho_x",     SCS_NULL};

/* parse the arguments and ensure they are the correct type */
#ifdef DLONG
#ifdef FLOAT
    char *argparse_string = "(ll)O!O!O!O!O!O!|O!O!O!lfffff";
    char *outarg_string = "{s:l,s:l,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:s}";
    char *argparse_string = "(ll)O!O!O!O!O!O!|O!O!O!lddddd";
    char *outarg_string = "{s:l,s:l,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:s}";
#ifdef FLOAT
    char *argparse_string = "(ii)O!O!O!O!O!O!|O!O!O!ifffff";
    char *outarg_string = "{s:i,s:i,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:f,s:s}";
    char *argparse_string = "(ii)O!O!O!O!O!O!|O!O!O!iddddd";
    char *outarg_string = "{s:i,s:i,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:d,s:s}";
    npy_intp veclen[1];
    PyObject *x, *y, *s, *returnDict, *infoDict;

    d->stgs = scs_malloc(sizeof(Settings));

    /* set defaults */

    if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(
            args, kwargs, argparse_string, kwlist, &(d->m), &(d->n),
            &PyArray_Type, &Ax, &PyArray_Type, &Ai, &PyArray_Type, &Ap,
            &PyArray_Type, &b, &PyArray_Type, &c, &PyDict_Type, &cone,
            &PyDict_Type, &warm, &PyBool_Type, &verbose, &PyBool_Type,
            &normalize, &(d->stgs->max_iters), &(d->stgs->scale),
            &(d->stgs->eps), &(d->stgs->cg_rate), &(d->stgs->alpha),
            &(d->stgs->rho_x))) {
        PySys_WriteStderr("error parsing inputs\n");
        return SCS_NULL;

    if (d->m < 0) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "m must be a positive integer");
        return SCS_NULL;

    if (d->n < 0) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "n must be a positive integer");
        return SCS_NULL;

    /* set A */
    if (!PyArray_ISFLOAT(Ax) || PyArray_NDIM(Ax) != 1) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "Ax must be a numpy array of floats");
    if (!PyArray_ISINTEGER(Ai) || PyArray_NDIM(Ai) != 1) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "Ai must be a numpy array of ints");
    if (!PyArray_ISINTEGER(Ap) || PyArray_NDIM(Ap) != 1) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "Ap must be a numpy array of ints");
    ps.Ax = getContiguous(Ax, scs_floatType);
    ps.Ai = getContiguous(Ai, scs_intType);
    ps.Ap = getContiguous(Ap, scs_intType);

    A = scs_malloc(sizeof(AMatrix));
    A->n = d->n;
    A->m = d->m;
    A->x = (scs_float *)PyArray_DATA(ps.Ax);
    A->i = (scs_int *)PyArray_DATA(ps.Ai);
    A->p = (scs_int *)PyArray_DATA(ps.Ap);
    d->A = A;
    /*d->Anz = d->Ap[d->n]; */
    /*d->Anz = PyArray_DIM(Ai,0); */
    /* set c */
    if (!PyArray_ISFLOAT(c) || PyArray_NDIM(c) != 1) {
        return finishWithErr(
            d, k, &ps, "c must be a dense numpy array with one dimension");
    if (PyArray_DIM(c, 0) != d->n) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "c has incompatible dimension with A");
    ps.c = getContiguous(c, scs_floatType);
    d->c = (scs_float *)PyArray_DATA(ps.c);
    /* set b */
    if (!PyArray_ISFLOAT(b) || PyArray_NDIM(b) != 1) {
        return finishWithErr(
            d, k, &ps, "b must be a dense numpy array with one dimension");
    if (PyArray_DIM(b, 0) != d->m) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "b has incompatible dimension with A");
    ps.b = getContiguous(b, scs_floatType);
    d->b = (scs_float *)PyArray_DATA(ps.b);

    if (getPosIntParam("f", &(k->f), 0, cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field f");
    if (getPosIntParam("l", &(k->l), 0, cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field l");
    if (getConeArrDim("q", &(k->q), &(k->qsize), cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field q");
    if (getConeArrDim("s", &(k->s), &(k->ssize), cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field s");
    if (getConeFloatArr("p", &(k->p), &(k->psize), cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field p");
    if (getPosIntParam("ep", &(k->ep), 0, cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field ep");
    if (getPosIntParam("ed", &(k->ed), 0, cone) < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "failed to parse cone field ed");

    d->stgs->verbose = verbose ? (scs_int)PyObject_IsTrue(verbose) : VERBOSE;
    d->stgs->normalize =
        normalize ? (scs_int)PyObject_IsTrue(normalize) : NORMALIZE;
    if (d->stgs->max_iters < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "max_iters must be positive");
    if (d->stgs->scale < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "scale must be positive");
    if (d->stgs->eps < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "eps must be positive");
    if (d->stgs->cg_rate < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "cg_rate must be positive");
    if (d->stgs->alpha < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "alpha must be positive");
    if (d->stgs->rho_x < 0) {
        return finishWithErr(d, k, &ps, "rho_x must be positive");
    /* parse warm start if set */
    d->stgs->warm_start = WARM_START;
    if (warm) {
        d->stgs->warm_start = getWarmStart("x", &(sol.x), d->n, warm);
        d->stgs->warm_start |= getWarmStart("y", &(sol.y), d->m, warm);
        d->stgs->warm_start |= getWarmStart("s", &(sol.s), d->m, warm);

        /* Solve! */
        scs(d, k, &sol, &info);

        /* create output (all data is *deep copied*) */
        /* x */
        /* matrix *x; */
        /* if(!(x = Matrix_New(n,1,DOUBLE))) */
        /*   return PyErr_NoMemory(); */
        /* memcpy(MAT_BUFD(x), mywork->x, n*sizeof(scs_float)); */
        veclen[0] = d->n;
    x = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, veclen, scs_floatType, sol.x);
    PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject *)x, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);

    /* y */
    /* matrix *y; */
    /* if(!(y = Matrix_New(p,1,DOUBLE))) */
    /*   return PyErr_NoMemory(); */
    /* memcpy(MAT_BUFD(y), mywork->y, p*sizeof(scs_float)); */
    veclen[0] = d->m;
    y = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, veclen, scs_floatType, sol.y);
    PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject *)y, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);

    /* s */
    /* matrix *s; */
    /* if(!(s = Matrix_New(m,1,DOUBLE))) */
    /*   return PyErr_NoMemory(); */
    /* memcpy(MAT_BUFD(s), mywork->s, m*sizeof(scs_float)); */
    veclen[0] = d->m;
    s = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, veclen, scs_floatType, sol.s);
    PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject *)s, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);

    infoDict = Py_BuildValue(
        outarg_string, "statusVal", (scs_int)info.statusVal, "iter",
        (scs_int)info.iter, "pobj", (scs_float)info.pobj, "dobj",
        (scs_float)info.dobj, "resPri", (scs_float)info.resPri, "resDual",
        (scs_float)info.resDual, "relGap", (scs_float)info.relGap, "resInfeas",
        (scs_float)info.resInfeas, "resUnbdd", (scs_float)info.resUnbdd,
        "solveTime", (scs_float)(info.solveTime), "setupTime",
        (scs_float)(info.setupTime), "status", info.status);

    returnDict = Py_BuildValue("{s:O,s:O,s:O,s:O}", "x", x, "y", y, "s", s,
                               "info", infoDict);
    /* give up ownership to the return dictionary */

    /* no longer need pointers to arrays that held primitives */
    freePyData(d, k, &ps);
    return returnDict;
Exemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	scs_int n, m, col_nnz, nnz, i, q_total, q_num_rows, max_q;
	Cone * k;
	Data * d;
	Sol * sol, * opt_sol;
	Info info = { 0 };
	scs_float p_f, p_l;
	int seed = 0;

	/* default parameters */
	p_f = 0.1;
	p_l = 0.3;
	seed = time(SCS_NULL);

	switch (argc) {
	case 5:
		seed = atoi(argv[4]);
		/* no break */
	case 4:
		p_f = atof(argv[2]);
		p_l = atof(argv[3]);
		/* no break */
	case 2:
		n = atoi(argv[1]);
		scs_printf("usage:\t%s n p_f p_l s\n"
				"\tcreates an SOCP with n variables where p_f fraction of rows correspond\n"
				"\tto equality constraints, p_l fraction of rows correspond to LP constraints,\n"
				"\tand the remaining percentage of rows are involved in second-order\n"
				"\tcone constraints. the random number generator is seeded with s.\n"
				"\tnote that p_f + p_l should be less than or equal to 1, and that\n"
				"\tp_f should be less than .33, since that corresponds to as many equality\n"
				"\tconstraints as variables.\n", argv[0]);
		scs_printf("\nusage:\t%s n p_f p_l\n"
				"\tdefaults the seed to the system time\n", argv[0]);
		scs_printf("\nusage:\t%s n\n"
				"\tdefaults to using p_f = 0.1 and p_l = 0.3\n", argv[0]);
		return 0;
	scs_printf("seed : %i\n", seed);

    k = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Cone));
    d = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Data));
    d->stgs = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Settings));
    sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));
    opt_sol = scs_calloc(1, sizeof(Sol));

	m = 3 * n;
	col_nnz = (int) ceil(sqrt(n));
	nnz = n * col_nnz;

	max_q = (scs_int) ceil(3 * n / log(3 * n));

	if (p_f + p_l > 1.0) {
		printf("error: p_f + p_l > 1.0!\n");
		return 1;

	k->f = (scs_int) floor(3 * n * p_f);
	k->l = (scs_int) floor(3 * n * p_l);

	k->qsize = 0;
	q_num_rows = 3 * n - k->f - k->l;
	k->q = scs_malloc(q_num_rows * sizeof(scs_int));

	while (q_num_rows > max_q) {
		int size;
		size = (rand() % max_q) + 1;
		k->q[k->qsize] = size;
		q_num_rows -= size;
	if (q_num_rows > 0) {
		k->q[k->qsize] = q_num_rows;

	q_total = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < k->qsize; i++) {
		q_total += k->q[i];

	k->s = SCS_NULL;
	k->ssize = 0;
	k->ep = 0;
	k->ed = 0;

	scs_printf("\nA is %ld by %ld, with %ld nonzeros per column.\n", (long) m, (long) n, (long) col_nnz);
	scs_printf("A has %ld nonzeros (%f%% dense).\n", (long) nnz, 100 * (scs_float) col_nnz / m);
	scs_printf("Nonzeros of A take %f GB of storage.\n", ((scs_float) nnz * sizeof(scs_float)) / POWF(2, 30));
	scs_printf("Row idxs of A take %f GB of storage.\n", ((scs_float) nnz * sizeof(scs_int)) / POWF(2, 30));
	scs_printf("Col ptrs of A take %f GB of storage.\n\n", ((scs_float) n * sizeof(scs_int)) / POWF(2, 30));

	printf("Cone information:\n");
	printf("Zero cone rows: %ld\n", (long) k->f);
	printf("LP cone rows: %ld\n", (long) k->l);
	printf("Number of second-order cones: %ld, covering %ld rows, with sizes\n[", (long) k->qsize, (long) q_total);
	for (i = 0; i < k->qsize; i++) {
		printf("%ld, ", (long) k->q[i]);
	printf("Number of rows covered is %ld out of %ld.\n\n", (long) (q_total + k->f + k->l), (long) m);

	/* set up SCS structures */
	d->m = m;
	d->n = n;
	genRandomProbData(nnz, col_nnz, d, k, opt_sol);

	scs_printf("true pri opt = %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, opt_sol->x, d->n));
	scs_printf("true dua opt = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, opt_sol->y, d->m));
    /* solve! */
	scs(d, k, sol, &info);
	scs_printf("true pri opt = %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, opt_sol->x, d->n));
	scs_printf("true dua opt = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, opt_sol->y, d->m));

    if (sol->x) { scs_printf("scs pri obj= %4f\n", innerProd(d->c, sol->x, d->n)); }
    if (sol->y) { scs_printf("scs dua obj = %4f\n", -innerProd(d->b, sol->y, d->m)); }

    freeData(d, k);

    return 0;