Exemplo n.º 1
/* The API provided to the rest of the Redis core is a simple function:
 * notifyKeyspaceEvent(char *event, robj *key, int dbid);
 * 'event' is a C string representing the event name.
 * event 参数是一个字符串表示的事件名
 * 'key' is a Redis object representing the key name.
 * key 参数是一个 Redis 对象表示的键名
 * 'dbid' is the database ID where the key lives.  
 * dbid 参数为键所在的数据库
void notifyKeyspaceEvent(int type, char *event, robj *key, int dbid) {
    sds chan;
    robj *chanobj, *eventobj;
    int len = -1;
    char buf[24];

    /* If notifications for this class of events are off, return ASAP. */
    // 如果服务器配置为不发送 type 类型的通知,那么直接返回
    if (!(server.notify_keyspace_events & type)) return;

    // 事件的名字
    eventobj = createStringObject(event,strlen(event));

    /* __keyspace@<db>__:<key> <event> notifications. */
    // 发送键空间通知
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & REDIS_NOTIFY_KEYSPACE) {

        // 构建频道对象
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyspace@",11);
        len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, key->ptr);

        chanobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING, chan);

        // 通过 publish 命令发送通知
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, eventobj);

        // 释放频道对象

    /* __keyevente@<db>__:<event> <key> notifications. */
    // 发送键事件通知
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & REDIS_NOTIFY_KEYEVENT) {

        // 构建频道对象
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyevent@",11);
        // 如果在前面发送键空间通知的时候计算了 len ,那么它就不会是 -1
        // 这可以避免计算两次 buf 的长度
        if (len == -1) len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, eventobj->ptr);

        chanobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING, chan);

        // 通过 publish 命令发送通知
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, key);

        // 释放频道对象

    // 释放事件对象
Exemplo n.º 2
static S mk_trie_dirs(const TF * const fort, void * hash, size_t hashlen, sds * path) {
  *path = sdsnew(fort->path);
  *path = sdscat(*path, "/");

  char dir_node[(fort->cfg.width * 2) + 2];

  uint8_t * hashb = hash;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < fort->cfg.depth; i++) {
    for (size_t j = 0; j < fort->cfg.width; j++) {
      char * strpos = &dir_node[j * 2];
      size_t hashix = (i * fort->cfg.width) + j;

      snprintf(strpos, sizeof(dir_node), "%02x/", hashb[hashix]);
    *path = sdscat(*path, dir_node);

    if (dir_exists(*path)) {
    } else {
      PANIC_IF(0 != mkdir(*path, DIRMODE));

  sds hash_str = mk_hash_str(hash, hashlen);
  *path = sdscatsds(*path, hash_str);

  if (!dir_exists(*path)) {
    PANIC_IF(0 != mkdir(*path, DIRMODE));

  return triefort_ok;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Like sdsjoin, but joins an array of SDS strings. */
sds sdsjoinsds(sds *argv, int argc, const char *sep, size_t seplen) {
    sds join = sdsempty();
    int j;

    for (j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
        join = sdscatsds(join, argv[j]);
        if (j != argc-1) join = sdscatlen(join,sep,seplen);
    return join;
Exemplo n.º 4
void debugCommand(client *c) {
    if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"segfault")) {
        *((char*)-1) = 'x';
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"oom")) {
        void *ptr = zmalloc(ULONG_MAX); /* Should trigger an out of memory. */
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"assert")) {
        if (c->argc >= 3) c->argv[2] = tryObjectEncoding(c->argv[2]);
        serverAssertWithInfo(c,c->argv[0],1 == 2);
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"flushall")) {
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"loadaof")) {
        if (loadAppendOnlyFile(server.aof_filename) != C_OK) {
        serverLog(LL_WARNING,"Append Only File loaded by DEBUG LOADAOF");
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"sleep") && c->argc == 3) {
        double dtime = strtod(c->argv[2]->ptr,NULL);
        long long utime = dtime*1000000;
        struct timespec tv;

        tv.tv_sec = utime / 1000000;
        tv.tv_nsec = (utime % 1000000) * 1000;
        nanosleep(&tv, NULL);
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"error") && c->argc == 3) {
        sds errstr = sdsnewlen("-",1);

        errstr = sdscatsds(errstr,c->argv[2]->ptr);
        errstr = sdsmapchars(errstr,"\n\r","  ",2); /* no newlines in errors. */
        errstr = sdscatlen(errstr,"\r\n",2);
    } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[1]->ptr,"structsize") && c->argc == 2) {
        sds sizes = sdsempty();
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"bits:%d ",(sizeof(void*) == 8)?64:32);
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"job:%d ", (int)sizeof(job));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"queue:%d ", (int)sizeof(queue));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"robj:%d ",(int)sizeof(robj));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"dictentry:%d ",(int)sizeof(dictEntry));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"sdshdr5:%d ",(int)sizeof(struct sdshdr5));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"sdshdr8:%d ",(int)sizeof(struct sdshdr8));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"sdshdr16:%d ",(int)sizeof(struct sdshdr16));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"sdshdr32:%d ",(int)sizeof(struct sdshdr32));
        sizes = sdscatprintf(sizes,"sdshdr64:%d ",(int)sizeof(struct sdshdr64));
    } else {
        addReplyErrorFormat(c, "Unknown DEBUG subcommand or wrong number of arguments for '%s'",
Exemplo n.º 5
/* The API provided to the rest of the Redis core is a simple function:
 * notifyKeyspaceEvent(char *event, robj *key, int dbid);
 * 'event' is a C string representing the event name.
 * 'key' is a Redis object representing the key name.
 * 'dbid' is the database ID where the key lives.  */
void notifyKeyspaceEvent(int type, char *event, robj *key, int dbid) {
    sds chan;
    robj *chanobj, *eventobj;
    int len = -1;
    char buf[24];

    /* If any modules are interested in events, notify the module system now. 
     * This bypasses the notifications configuration, but the module engine
     * will only call event subscribers if the event type matches the types
     * they are interested in. */
     moduleNotifyKeyspaceEvent(type, event, key, dbid);
    /* If notifications for this class of events are off, return ASAP. */
    if (!(server.notify_keyspace_events & type)) return;

    eventobj = createStringObject(event,strlen(event));

    /* __keyspace@<db>__:<key> <event> notifications. */
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & NOTIFY_KEYSPACE) {
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyspace@",11);
        len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, key->ptr);
        chanobj = createObject(OBJ_STRING, chan);
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, eventobj);

    /* __keyevent@<db>__:<event> <key> notifications. */
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & NOTIFY_KEYEVENT) {
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyevent@",11);
        if (len == -1) len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, eventobj->ptr);
        chanobj = createObject(OBJ_STRING, chan);
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, key);
Exemplo n.º 6
void notifyKeyspaceEvent(int type, char *event, robj *key, int dbid) {
    sds chan;
    robj *chanobj, *eventobj;
    int len = -1;
    char buf[24];

    /* If notifications for this class of events are off, return ASAP. */
    if (!(server.notify_keyspace_events & type)) return;

    eventobj = createStringObject(event,strlen(event));

    /* __keyspace@<db>__:<key> <event> notifications. */
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & REDIS_NOTIFY_KEYSPACE) {
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyspace@",11);
        len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, key->ptr);
        chanobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING, chan);
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, eventobj);

    /* __keyevente@<db>__:<event> <key> notifications. */
    if (server.notify_keyspace_events & REDIS_NOTIFY_KEYEVENT) {
        chan = sdsnewlen("__keyevent@",11);
        if (len == -1) len = ll2string(buf,sizeof(buf),dbid);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, buf, len);
        chan = sdscatlen(chan, "__:", 3);
        chan = sdscatsds(chan, eventobj->ptr);
        chanobj = createObject(REDIS_STRING, chan);
        pubsubPublishMessage(chanobj, key);
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Given the filename, return the absolute path as an SDS string, or NULL
 * if it fails for some reason. Note that "filename" may be an absolute path
 * already, this will be detected and handled correctly.
 * The function does not try to normalize everything, but only the obvious
 * case of one or more "../" appearning at the start of "filename"
 * relative path. */
sds getAbsolutePath ( char *filename )
    char cwd[1024];
    sds abspath;
    sds relpath = sdsnew (filename);

    relpath = sdstrim (relpath, " \r\n\t");
    if ( relpath[0] == '/' ) return relpath; /* Path is already absolute. */

    /* If path is relative, join cwd and relative path. */
    if ( getcwd (cwd, sizeof (cwd )) == NULL )
        sdsfree (relpath);
        return NULL;
    abspath = sdsnew (cwd);
    if ( sdslen (abspath) && abspath[sdslen (abspath) - 1] != '/' )
        abspath = sdscat (abspath, "/");

    /* At this point we have the current path always ending with "/", and
     * the trimmed relative path. Try to normalize the obvious case of
     * trailing ../ elements at the start of the path.
     * For every "../" we find in the filename, we remove it and also remove
     * the last element of the cwd, unless the current cwd is "/". */
    while ( sdslen (relpath) >= 3 &&
            relpath[0] == '.' && relpath[1] == '.' && relpath[2] == '/' )
        sdsrange (relpath, 3, - 1);
        if ( sdslen (abspath) > 1 )
            char *p = abspath + sdslen (abspath) - 2;
            int trimlen = 1;

            while ( *p != '/' )
                p --;
                trimlen ++;
            sdsrange (abspath, 0, - ( trimlen + 1 ));

    /* Finally glue the two parts together. */
    abspath = sdscatsds (abspath, relpath);
    sdsfree (relpath);
    return abspath;