Exemplo n.º 1
gs_image_size_sub (string buf, int& w_pt, int& h_pt) {
  int pos= search_forwards ("\n%%BoundingBox: ", buf);
  if (pos < 0) pos = search_forwards ("%%BoundingBox: ", buf);
  if (pos < 0) return false;
  if (buf[pos] == '\n') pos++;
  bool ok= read (buf, pos, "%%BoundingBox: ");
  double X1, Y1, X2, Y2;
  int x1, y1, x2, y2;
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, X1) && ok;
  x1= (int) floor (X1);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, Y1) && ok;
  y1= (int) floor (Y1);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, X2) && ok;
  x2= (int) ceil (X2);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, Y2) && ok;
  y2= (int) ceil (Y2);
  if (!ok) return false;
  w_pt= x2-x1;
  h_pt= y2-y1;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
edit_interface_rep::try_shortcut (string comb) {
  int     status;
  command cmd;
  string  shorth;
  string  help;

  sv->get_keycomb (comb, status, cmd, shorth, help);
  //cout << "Try " << comb << " -> " << shorth << ", " << help
  //<< "; " << sh_mark << ", " << status << "\n";
  if (status != 0) {
    if (status >= 3) {
      interrupt_shortcut ();
      status -= 3;
      if (status == 0) return false;
    else {
      if (sh_mark != 0 && !mark_cancel (sh_mark)) {
        sh_mark= 0;
        return false;
    sh_s= comb;
    sh_mark= new_marker ();
    mark_start (sh_mark);
    archive_state ();
    string rew_s= sv->kbd_post_rewrite (sh_s);
    tree rew= sv->kbd_system_rewrite (rew_s);
    if (N(help)>0) set_message (help, rew);
    tree rhs= (shorth == rew_s? tree (""): sv->kbd_system_rewrite (shorth));
    //cout << "Shortcut: " << sh_s << " -> " << rew << "\n";
    if ((search_forwards (" ", comb) >= 0 && comb != " ") ||
	(search_forwards ("-", comb) >= 0 && comb != "-")) {
      tree t= rhs;
      if (is_compound (t, "render-key", 1)) t= t[0];
      if (is_func (t, WITH)) t= t[N(t)-1];
      string r= as_string (t);
      if (starts (r, "<") && !starts (r, "<#"))
        if (cork_to_utf8 (r) != r)
          rhs= tree (CONCAT, rhs, " (" * r(1, N(r)-1) * ")");
      call ("set-temporary-message",
	    tree (CONCAT, "keyboard shortcut: ", rew), rhs,
	    shorth == ""? 1: 3000);
    if ((status & 1) == 1) cmd ();
    else if (N(shorth) > 0) call ("kbd-insert", shorth);
    //cout << "Mark= " << sh_mark << "\n";
    return true;    

  return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
static string
merge_declarations (string olds, string news) {
  hashmap<string,path> oldd= latex_get_declarations (olds);
  hashmap<string,path> newd= latex_get_declarations (news);
  //cout << "oldd= " << oldd << "\n";
  //cout << "newd= " << newd << "\n";

  // Substitute redefinitions into old preamble
  hashmap<int,string> oldw, oldb;
  iterator<string> it= iterate (oldd);
  while (it->busy ()) {
    string cmd= it->next ();
    if (newd->contains (cmd)) {
      path oldp= oldd[cmd];
      path newp= newd[cmd];
      oldw (oldp[0])= olds (oldp[0], oldp[1]);
      oldb (oldp[0])= news (newp[0], newp[1]);
  olds= replace (olds, oldw, oldb);

  // Extract new definitions from new preamble
  hashmap<int,string> back;
  it= iterate (newd);
  while (it->busy ()) {
    string cmd= it->next ();
    if (!oldd->contains (cmd)) {
      path p= newd [cmd];
      back (p[0])= news (p[0], p[1]);
  string accum;
  for (int i=0; i<N(news); i++)
    if (test (news, i, "\\begin{document}")) break;
    else if (back->contains (i)) accum << back[i] << "\n";

  // Insert new definitions into old preamble
  int oldi= search_forwards ("\\begin{document}", olds);
  int newi= search_forwards ("\\begin{document}", news);
  if (oldi < 0) {
    if (ends (olds, "\n") || olds == "" || accum == "") return olds * accum;
    else return olds * "\n" * accum;
  int i= oldi, cnt= 0;
  while (i>0 && (olds[i-1] == ' ' || olds[i-1] == '\t' || olds[i-1] == '\n')) {
    i--; if (olds[i] == '\n') cnt++; }
  if (cnt < 2 && N(accum) != 0) accum= "\n" * accum;
  if (N(accum) != 0) accum << "\n";
  return olds (0, oldi) * accum * news (newi, N(news));
Exemplo n.º 4
gs_fix_bbox (url eps, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// used to restore appropriate bounding box of an eps file in case epswrite 
// spuriously changes it (see gs_to_eps)
  string outbuf, buf;
  int inx1, iny1, inx2, iny2;
  bool err = load_string (eps, buf, false);
  if (!err) {
    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert<< "fix_bbox input bbox : ";
    if ( !ps_read_bbox (buf, inx1, iny1, inx2, iny2 ) ) 
      return; //bbox not found... should not occur
    if (inx1!=x1 || iny1!=y1 || inx2!=x2 || iny2!=y2) {
      int pos= search_forwards ("%%BoundingBox:", buf);
      pos += 14;
      outbuf << buf(0, pos)
        << " " << as_string(x1) << " " << as_string(y1) 
        << " " << as_string(x2) << " " << as_string(y2) << "\n";
      skip_line (buf, pos);
      if (read (buf, pos, "%%HiResBoundingBox:")) skip_line (buf, pos);
      outbuf << buf(pos, N(buf));
      save_string (eps, outbuf, true);
      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) 
        debug_convert<< "restored bbox : " << ps_read_bbox (outbuf, x1, y1, x2, y2 )<<LF;
    set_imgbox_cache(eps->t, x2-x1, y2-y1, x1, y1);
Exemplo n.º 5
static string
merge_packages (string olds, string news) {
  // Extract usepackage commands from news
  hashmap<string,path> oldp= latex_get_packages (olds);
  hashmap<string,path> newp= latex_get_packages (news);
  hashmap<int,string> packs;
  iterator<string> it= iterate (newp);
  while (it->busy ()) {
    string name= it->next ();
    if (!oldp->contains (name)) {
      path p= newp [name];
      packs (p[0])= news (p[0], p[1]);
  string accum;
  for (int i=0; i<N(news); i++)
    if (test (news, i, "\\begin{document}")) break;
    else if (packs->contains (i)) accum << packs[i] << "\n";

  // Insert result into olds, just after last \usepackage{...}
  int docpos= search_forwards ("\\begin{document}", olds);
  if (docpos < 0) return olds;
  int start= search_backwards ("\\usepackage", docpos, olds);
  if (start < 0) start= search_backwards ("\\documentclass", docpos, olds);
  if (start < 0) start= search_backwards ("\\documentstyle", docpos, olds);
  if (start < 0) return olds;
  skip_line (olds, start);
  if (start > docpos) return olds;
  return olds (0, start) * accum * olds (start, N(olds));
Exemplo n.º 6
translate_replace (tree t, string from, string to, int n=1)
  if (N(t) < 2) return t[0];
  string s= t[0]->label;
  string arg= "%" * as_string (n);
  if (is_atomic (t[1])) {
    s= replace (s, arg, translate (t[1]->label, from, to));
    return translate_replace (concat (s) * t(2, N(t)), from, to, n+1);
  else {
    int l= search_forwards (arg, s);
    if (l < 0) return t;
    int r= l + N(arg);
    tree r1= tree_translate (t[1], from, to);
    tree r2= translate_replace (tuple (s (r, N(s))) * t(2, N(t)), from, to, n+1);
    s= s(0, l);
    if (is_atomic (r1)) {
      if (is_atomic (r2)) return s * r1->label * r2->label;
      else                return concat (s * r1->label, r2);
    return concat (s, r1, r2);
Exemplo n.º 7
text_box_rep::get_leaf_offset (string search) {
  int pos= search_forwards (search, 0, str);
  if (pos == -1) return w();
  metric ex;
  fn->get_extents (str (0, pos), ex);
  return ex->x2- ex->x1;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
init_deprecated () {
#ifndef OS_WIN32
  // Check for Macaulay 2
  if (get_env ("M2HOME") == "")
    if (exists_in_path ("M2")) {
      string where= concretize (resolve_in_path ("M2"));
      string s    = var_eval_system ("grep 'M2HOME=' " * where);
      string dir  = s (search_forwards ("=", s) + 1, N(s));
      if (dir != "") set_env ("M2HOME", dir);
Exemplo n.º 9
edit_interface_rep::session_complete_command (tree tt) {
  path p= reverse (obtain_ip (tt));
  tree st= subtree (et, p);
  if ((N(tp) <= N(p)) || (tp[N(p)] != 1)) return "";
  tree t= put_cursor (st[1], tail (tp, N(p)+1));
  // cout << t << LF;

  (void) eval ("(use-modules (utils plugins plugin-cmd))");
  string lan= get_env_string (PROG_LANGUAGE);
  string ses= get_env_string (PROG_SESSION);
  string s  = as_string (call ("verbatim-serialize", lan, tree_to_stree (t)));
  s= s (0, N(s)-1);

  int pos= search_forwards (cursor_symbol, s);
  if (pos == -1) return "";
  s= s (0, pos) * s (pos + N(cursor_symbol), N(s));
  // cout << s << ", " << pos << LF;
  return "(complete " * scm_quote (s) * " " * as_string (pos) * ")";
Exemplo n.º 10
gs_PDFimage_size (url image, int& w_pt, int& h_pt) {
  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "gs PDF image size :"<<LF;
  string buf;
  string cmd= gs_prefix ();
  cmd << "-dNODISPLAY -q -sFile=";
  cmd << sys_concretize (image);
  cmd <<" "<<sys_concretize ("$TEXMACS_PATH/misc/convert/pdf_info.ps");
  buf= eval_system (cmd);
  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "gs cmd :"<<cmd<<LF
    <<"answer :"<< buf ;
  //if CropBox is defined, then use it, else Mediabox
  string type="CropBox";
  int pos= search_forwards ("CropBox: [", buf);
  if (pos < 0) {
    pos= search_forwards ("MediaBox: [", buf);
      if (pos < 0) {
      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "CropBox|MediaBox not found"<<LF;
        return false;
  bool ok= read (buf, pos, type*": [");
  double X1, Y1, X2, Y2;
  int x1, y1, x2, y2;
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, X1) && ok;
  x1= (int) floor (X1);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, Y1) && ok;
  y1= (int) floor (Y1);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, X2) && ok;
  x2= (int) ceil (X2);
  skip_spaces (buf, pos);
  ok= read_double (buf, pos, Y2) && ok;
  y2= (int) ceil (Y2);
  if (!ok) {
    if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "box dims not found"<<LF;
    return false;
  w_pt= x2-x1;
  h_pt= y2-y1;
  pos= search_forwards ("Rotate =", buf);
  ok= read (buf, pos, "Rotate =");
  int rot;
  if (ok) {
    skip_spaces (buf, pos);
    ok = read_int  (buf, pos, rot) ;
    if (ok) {
      rot = rot%360;
      if (rot < 0) rot +=360;
      if ((rot % 180) == 90 ) {//the image is rotated : swap axes lengths
        if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "Rotate ="<<rot<<LF;
        h_pt= x2-x1;
        w_pt= y2-y1;
    else {
      if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << "Rotate not found"<<LF;
      return false;
  if (DEBUG_CONVERT) debug_convert << type<< " size ="<<w_pt<<" x "<< h_pt <<LF;
  return true;