Exemplo n.º 1
    Name        : aihKamikazeHealthLowHandler
    Description : Finds the ship who's health is low and kamikaze's it into the enemy
    Inputs      : team - the team with the suicide bombers
    Outputs     : Forces pilots to kill themselves in the name of greater good
    Return      : void
void aihKamikazeHealthLowHandler(AITeam *team)
    MaxSelection shipsToDie;
    udword i;
    ShipPtr ship;


    shipsToDie.numShips = 0;

    for (i=0;i<team->shipList.selection->numShips;i++)
        ship = team->shipList.selection->ShipPtr[i];

        if ((isShipOfClass(ship, CLASS_Fighter) || isShipOfClass(ship, CLASS_Corvette)) &&
            ((100 * ship->health) <
             (team->curMove->events.healthLow.watchPercentage * ship->staticinfo->maxhealth)))
            selSelectionAddSingleShip(&shipsToDie, ship);


    aiuWrapSetKamikaze((SelectCommand *)&shipsToDie);
Exemplo n.º 2
    Name        : airAddedProximitySensor
    Description : Does that proximity sensor adding stuff that we all read about
                  in Newsweek.  Proximity Sensor positioning and stuff is taken care
                  of by the defense manager
    Inputs      : ship - the new ship
    Outputs     :
    Return      : void
void airAddedProximitySensor(ShipPtr ship)
    if (!aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidProximitySensors)
        aiuNewSelection(aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidProximitySensors, 10, "dproxsens");
    selSelectionAddSingleShip((MaxSelection *)aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidProximitySensors, ship);
Exemplo n.º 3
    Name        : aioCreateP2MothershipAttack
    Description : Creates the moves to make the P2 Mothership pulverize the enemy
    Inputs      : team - the multibeamFrigate team
    Outputs     : Creates a bunch'a moves
    Return      : void
void aioCreateP2MothershipAttack(AITeam *team)
    SelectCommand *enemy;

    aiuNewPyroSelection(enemy, 1, "p2am");
    selSelectionAddSingleShip((MaxSelection *)enemy, aiuFindEnemyMothership(aiCurrentAIPlayer->player));

    aimCreateAttack(team, enemy, NO_FORMATION, TRUE, TRUE);

    aimCreateMoveDone(team, FALSE, FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 4
    Name        : aioCreateMultiBeamAttack
    Description : Creates the moves to make the P2 Multi Beam Frigates pulverize the enemy
    Inputs      : team - the multibeamFrigate team
    Outputs     : Creates a bunch'a moves
    Return      : void
void aioCreateMultiBeamAttack(AITeam *team)
    SelectCommand *enemy;

    aiuNewPyroSelection(enemy, 1, "mbam");
    selSelectionAddSingleShip((MaxSelection *)enemy, aiuFindEnemyMothership(aiCurrentAIPlayer->player));

    aimCreateFlankAttack(team, enemy, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);

    aimCreateMoveDone(team, FALSE, FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 5
    Name        : airCheckForDistressSignals
    Description : Checks all resource ships to make sure they aren't being attacked.
                  If they are, a distress signal is sent to the defense manager
    Inputs      : None
    Outputs     : Creates a selection of distressed ships, if there are any
    Return      : void
void airCheckForDistressSignals(void)
    udword i, numShips = aiCurrentAIPlayer->airResourceReserves.selection->numShips;
    ShipPtr ship;
    MaxSelection distressed_ships;

    distressed_ships.numShips = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < numShips; i++)
        ship = aiCurrentAIPlayer->airResourceReserves.selection->ShipPtr[i];

        if (ship->gettingrocked)
            selSelectionAddSingleShip(&distressed_ships, ship);

    if (distressed_ships.numShips)
        aidSendDistressSignal((SelectCommand *)&distressed_ships);
Exemplo n.º 6
    Name        : aihSlowDefenseDistressHandler
    Description : Handles distress calls for slow defense teams
    Inputs      : team - the team handling the distress call,
                  intvar - the variable that is being watched,
                  in this case the aiplayer->aidDefenseTargets
    Outputs     : Creates new moves to deal with the poopyhead attacking the defensless ship
    Return      : void
void aihSlowDefenseDistressHandler(struct AITeam *team, udword *intvar)
    AITeamMove *newMove, *thisMove = team->curMove;
    SelectCommand *HandlerShips = (SelectCommand *)(*intvar);
    SelectCommand *enemyShips;
    MaxSelection distressShips, invadingShips;
    udword i;
    real32 distsq_to_ships;
    TypeOfFormation formation;

    if (!team->shipList.selection->numShips)
        // just in case

    if (aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidDistressShips)
        selSelectionCopy((MaxAnySelection *)&distressShips, (MaxAnySelection *)aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidDistressShips);

        if (aiuRescueShipType((SelectCommand *)&distressShips, team, AdvanceSupportFrigate))
        if (aiuRescueShipType((SelectCommand *)&distressShips, team, ResourceController))

    if (aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidInvadingShips)
        selSelectionCopy((MaxAnySelection *)&invadingShips, (MaxAnySelection *)aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidInvadingShips);

        //later choose between ships on the distress ships list
        //closest/most important/etc.
        for (i = 0; i < invadingShips.numShips; i++)
            enemyShips = aiuFindNearbyDangerousEnemyShips(invadingShips.ShipPtr[i], AIH_SLOWDEF_INVADER_ENEMYDIST);
            selSelectionAddSingleShip((MaxSelection *)enemyShips, invadingShips.ShipPtr[i]);
            distsq_to_ships = aiuFindDistanceSquared(team->shipList.selection->ShipPtr[0]->posinfo.position,

            //if other teams need help and if the enemy is less than 10 km away...
            if ((aitCheckIfOtherDefTeamAnsweringSignalNeedsHelp(team, enemyShips)) &&
                (distsq_to_ships < AIH_SLOWDEF_RESPONSE_MAXDISTSQ))
                if (enemyShips->numShips > AIH_SLOWDEF_INVADER_LOTSFEW_LIMIT)
                    formation = AIH_SLOWDEF_INVADER_LOTS_FORMATION;
                    formation = AIH_SLOWDEF_INVADER_FEW_FORMATION;

                newMove         = aimCreateAdvancedAttackNoAdd(team, selectMemDupSelection(enemyShips, "sddh", 0), formation,Aggressive,TRUE, TRUE);
                newMove->events = thisMove->events;
                if (aiuAttackFeatureEnabled(AIA_KAMIKAZE))
                    if (aitTeamShipClassIs(CLASS_Corvette, team))
                        aieHandlerSetHealthLow(newMove, AIO_CORVETTE_KAMIKAZE_HEALTH, TRUE, FALSE, aihKamikazeHealthLowHandler);
                newMove->events.interrupt.handler  = NULL;
                newMove->events.numbersLow.handler = NULL;
                team->curMove->processing = FALSE;
                aitAddmoveBeforeAndMakeCurrent(team, newMove, thisMove);
Exemplo n.º 7
    Name        : aihFastDefenseDistressHandler
    Description : Handles distress calls for fast defense teams
    Inputs      : team - the team handling the distress call,
                  intvar - the variable that is being watched,
                  in this case the aiplayer->aidDefenseTargets
    Outputs     : Creates new moves to deal with the poopyhead attacking the defensless ship
    Return      : void
void aihFastDefenseDistressHandler(struct AITeam *team, udword *intvar)
    AITeamMove *newMove, *thisMove = team->curMove;
    SelectCommand *HandlerShips = (SelectCommand *)(*intvar);
    SelectCommand *enemyShips;
    MaxSelection invadingShips, distressShips;
    udword i;
    TypeOfFormation formation;

    if (aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidDistressShips)
        selSelectionCopy((MaxAnySelection *)&distressShips, (MaxAnySelection *)aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidDistressShips);

        if (aiuRescueShipType((SelectCommand *)&distressShips, team, AdvanceSupportFrigate))
        if (aiuRescueShipType((SelectCommand *)&distressShips, team, ResourceController))

    if (aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidInvadingShips)
        selSelectionCopy((MaxAnySelection *)&invadingShips, (MaxAnySelection *)aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidInvadingShips);

//    if (aihTakeoutSmallCombatInvaders(invaderShips, team))
//        return;
//    if (aihTakeoutBigCombatInvaders(invaderShips, team))
//        return;

        //later choose between ships on the distress ships list
        //closest/most important/etc.
        for (i = 0; i < invadingShips.numShips; i++)
            enemyShips = aiuFindNearbyDangerousEnemyShips(invadingShips.ShipPtr[i], AIH_FASTDEF_INVADER_ENEMYDIST);
            selSelectionAddSingleShip((MaxSelection *)enemyShips, invadingShips.ShipPtr[i]);

            if (aitCheckIfOtherDefTeamAnsweringSignalNeedsHelp(team, enemyShips))
                if (enemyShips->numShips > AIH_FASTDEF_INVADER_LOTSFEW_LIMIT)
                    formation = AIH_FASTDEF_INVADER_LOTS_FORMATION;
                    formation = AIH_FASTDEF_INVADER_FEW_FORMATION;

                newMove         = aimCreateAdvancedAttackNoAdd(team, selectMemDupSelection(enemyShips, "fddh", 0), formation,Aggressive,TRUE, TRUE);
                newMove->events = thisMove->events;
                if (aiuAttackFeatureEnabled(AIA_KAMIKAZE))
                    aieHandlerSetHealthLow(newMove, AIO_FIGHTER_KAMIKAZE_HEALTH, TRUE, FALSE, aihKamikazeHealthLowHandler);
                newMove->events.interrupt.handler  = NULL;
                newMove->events.numbersLow.handler = NULL;
                team->curMove->processing = FALSE;
                aitAddmoveBeforeAndMakeCurrent(team, newMove, thisMove);

    if ((aiCurrentAIPlayer->aidDistressShips) && (distressShips.numShips))
        if (aiuRescueShipType((SelectCommand *)&distressShips, team, ResourceCollector))