Exemplo n.º 1
void GtkTorrentTreeView::setSelectedPaused(bool isPaused)
	vector<shared_ptr<Torrent> > t = Application::getSingleton()->getCore()->getTorrents();
	for (auto i : selectedIndices())
		t[i]->setPaused(isPaused);// the pause button switches the status

Exemplo n.º 2
    void ExceptionListWidget::down( void )

        InternalSettingsList selection( model().get( m_ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->selectedRows() ) );
        if( selection.empty() )
        { return; }

        // retrieve selected indexes in list and store in model
        QModelIndexList selectedIndices( m_ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes() );
        InternalSettingsList selectedExceptions( model().get( selectedIndices ) );

        InternalSettingsList currentExceptions( model().get() );
        InternalSettingsList newExceptions;

        InternalSettingsListIterator iter( currentExceptions );
        while( iter.hasPrevious() )

            InternalSettingsPtr current( iter.previous() );

            // check if new list is not empty, current index is selected and last index is not.
            // if yes, move.
                !( newExceptions.empty() ||
                selectedIndices.indexOf( model().index( current ) ) == -1 ||
                selectedIndices.indexOf( model().index( newExceptions.front() ) ) != -1
                ) )

                InternalSettingsPtr first( newExceptions.front() );
                newExceptions.prepend( current );
                newExceptions.prepend( first );

            } else newExceptions.prepend( current );

        model().set( newExceptions );

        // restore selection
        m_ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->select( model().index( selectedExceptions.front() ),  QItemSelectionModel::Clear|QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows );
        for( InternalSettingsList::const_iterator iter = selectedExceptions.constBegin(); iter != selectedExceptions.constEnd(); ++iter )
        { m_ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->select( model().index( *iter ), QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows ); }

        setChanged( true );


    void ExceptionListWidget::up( void )

        ConfigurationList selection( model().get( ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->selectedRows() ) );
        if( selection.empty() ) { return; }

        // retrieve selected indexes in list and store in model
        QModelIndexList selectedIndices( ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->selectedRows() );
        ConfigurationList selectedExceptions( model().get( selectedIndices ) );

        ConfigurationList currentException( model().get() );
        ConfigurationList newExceptions;

        for( ConfigurationList::const_iterator iter = currentException.constBegin(); iter != currentException.constEnd(); ++iter )

            // check if new list is not empty, current index is selected and last index is not.
            // if yes, move.
                !( newExceptions.empty() ||
                selectedIndices.indexOf( model().index( *iter ) ) == -1 ||
                selectedIndices.indexOf( model().index( newExceptions.back() ) ) != -1
                ) )
                ConfigurationPtr last( newExceptions.back() );
                newExceptions.append( *iter );
                newExceptions.append( last );
            } else newExceptions.append( *iter );


        model().set( newExceptions );

        // restore selection
        ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->select( model().index( selectedExceptions.front() ),  QItemSelectionModel::Clear|QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows );
        for( ConfigurationList::const_iterator iter = selectedExceptions.constBegin(); iter != selectedExceptions.constEnd(); ++iter )
        { ui.exceptionListView->selectionModel()->select( model().index( *iter ), QItemSelectionModel::Select|QItemSelectionModel::Rows ); }

        setChanged( true );

