Exemplo n.º 1
void CodaMotorController::handleCanFrame(CAN_FRAME *frame) 
	int RotorTemp, invTemp, StatorTemp;
	int temp;
	online = 1; //if a frame got to here then it passed the filter and must come from UQM
        Logger::debug("UQM inverter msg: %X   %X   %X   %X   %X   %X   %X   %X  %X", frame->id, frame->data.bytes[0],
	switch (frame->id) 
        case 0x209:  //Accurate Feedback Message 
              torqueActual =  ((((frame->data.bytes[1] * 256) + frame->data.bytes[0])-32128)) ;
              dcVoltage = (((frame->data.bytes[3] * 256) + frame->data.bytes[2])-32128);
                if(dcVoltage<1000){dcVoltage=1000;}//Lowest value we can display on dashboard
	      dcCurrent = (((frame->data.bytes[5] * 256) + frame->data.bytes[4])-32128);
              speedActual = abs((((frame->data.bytes[7] * 256) + frame->data.bytes[6])-32128)/2);   
              Logger::debug("UQM Actual Torque: %d DC Voltage: %d Amps: %d RPM: %d", torqueActual/10,dcVoltage/10,dcCurrent/10,speedActual);

        case 0x20A:    //System Status Message
            Logger::debug("UQM inverter 20A System Status Message Received");

        case 0x20B:    //Emergency Fuel Cutback Message
            Logger::debug("UQM inverter 20B Emergency Fuel Cutback Message Received");
        case 0x20C:    //Reserved Message     
            Logger::debug("UQM inverter 20C Reserved Message Received");
        case 0x20D:    //Limited Torque Percentage Message    
            Logger::debug("UQM inverter 20D Limited Torque Percentage Message Received");
        case 0x20E:     //Temperature Feedback Message
                invTemp = frame->data.bytes[2];
                RotorTemp = frame->data.bytes[3];
	        StatorTemp = frame->data.bytes[4];
	        temperatureInverter = (invTemp-40)*10;
                if (RotorTemp > StatorTemp) {temperatureMotor = (RotorTemp-40)*10;}
	          else {temperatureMotor = (StatorTemp-40)*10;}		
                Logger::debug("UQM 20E Inverter temp: %d Motor temp: %d", temperatureInverter,temperatureMotor);
        case 0x20F:    //CAN Watchdog Status Message           
                Logger::debug("UQM 20F CAN Watchdog status error");
                sendCmd2(); //If we get a Watchdog status, we need to respond with Watchdog reset
Exemplo n.º 2
identifyCard( void )
	// NOTE: see OMAP35x.pdf page 3164, starterware and sd_spec 2.0

	uint8_t hcsFlag = 0;

	memset( &cardInfo, 0, sizeof( CARD_INFO ) );

	// send GO_IDLE_STATE
	if ( sendCmd0() )
		// an error occured sending CMD0
		return 1;

	// cmd5 is reserved for I/O cards: SDIO. will return 0 if it is SDIO
	if ( 0 == sendCmd5() )
		return 1;

	// send GO_IDLE_STATE again
	if ( sendCmd0() )
		// an error occured sending CMD0
		return 1;

	// send SEND_IF_COND
	if ( 0 == sendCmd8() )
		// NOTE: it is an SD card compliant with standard 2.0 or later

		uint32_t rsp0 = MMCHS_RSP10 & 0x0000FFFF;
		uint32_t supportedVoltage = rsp0 & 0xFFF;
		if ( supportedVoltage != 0x1AA )
			// NOT supported:
			return 1;

		hcsFlag = TRUE;

	while ( 1 )
		// send SD_SEND_OP_COND
		// NOTE: sd_spec 2.0 page 26: While repeating ACMD41, the host shall not issue another command except CMD0. => other sources say repeat CMD55 too
		if ( 0 == sendACmd41( hcsFlag ) )
			// if card is busy, repeat again, otherwise card is identified
			if ( ! isCardBusy() )
				// NOTE: it is a SD card compliant with standard 1.x

				// store ocr in card-info
				cardInfo.ocr = MMCHS_RSP10;
				// check if card is high-capacity or not (HCR-bit in OCR at position 30)
				cardInfo.highCap = ( cardInfo.ocr & ( 1 << 30 ) ) ? 1 : 0;

				goto cardIdentified;
		// no response => its no SD meory card

	// NOTE: at this point we are a MMC card - we don't support them
	return 1;

	// send ALL_SEND_CID
	if ( sendCmd2() )
		return 1;

	// store card-info just returned by CMD2 in RSP10-76
	cardInfo.raw_cid[ 0 ] = MMCHS_RSP10;
	cardInfo.raw_cid[ 1 ] = MMCHS_RSP32;
	cardInfo.raw_cid[ 2 ] = MMCHS_RSP54;
	cardInfo.raw_cid[ 3 ] = MMCHS_RSP76;

	// send SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR to ask card to publish new realtive address
	if ( sendCmd3() )
		return 1;

	// store RCA just returned by CMD3
	cardInfo.rca = ( MMCHS_RSP10 & 0xFFFF0000 ) >> 16;

	// send SEND_CSD: request card-specific data
	if ( sendCmd9() )
		return 1;

	// store card-specific data just returned by CMD9 in RSP10-76
	cardInfo.raw_csd[ 0 ] = MMCHS_RSP10;
	cardInfo.raw_csd[ 1 ] = MMCHS_RSP32;
	cardInfo.raw_csd[ 2 ] = MMCHS_RSP54;
	cardInfo.raw_csd[ 3 ] = MMCHS_RSP76;

	if ( SD_CARD_CSD_VERSION( cardInfo ) )
		cardInfo.tranSpeed = SD_CARD1_TRANSPEED(cardInfo);
		cardInfo.blkLen = 1 << (SD_CARD1_RDBLKLEN(cardInfo));
		cardInfo.size = SD_CARD1_SIZE(cardInfo);
		cardInfo.nBlks = cardInfo.size / cardInfo.blkLen;
		cardInfo.tranSpeed = SD_CARD0_TRANSPEED(cardInfo);
		cardInfo.blkLen = 1 << (SD_CARD0_RDBLKLEN(cardInfo));
		cardInfo.nBlks = SD_CARD0_NUMBLK(cardInfo);
		cardInfo.size = SD_CARD0_SIZE(cardInfo);

	// send SELECT/DESELECT_CARD to select card - now in transfer mode
	if ( sendCmd7() )
		return 1;

	// NOTE: at this point the card is initialized, identified and ready to be used

	// send block length only in case of standard capacity-card, send it ONCE after selection
	if ( ! cardInfo.highCap )
		// send block length
		if ( sendCmd16() )
			// an error occured during sending the command, return immediately
			return 1;

	// request SCR - will be transmitted throug a data-read!
	if ( sendACmd51() )
		return 1;

	uint8_t scrBuffer[ 8 ];
	memset( scrBuffer, 0, 8 );

	// SCR is transmitted in 8 bytes through a data-read
	if ( readTransferBuffer( 8, scrBuffer ) )
		return 1;

	cardInfo.raw_scr[ 0 ] = ( scrBuffer[ 3 ] << 24 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 2 ] << 16 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 1 ] << 8 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 0 ] );
	cardInfo.raw_scr[ 1 ] = ( scrBuffer[ 7 ] << 24 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 6 ] << 16 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 5 ] << 8 ) | ( scrBuffer[ 4 ] );

	cardInfo.sd_ver = SD_CARD_VERSION( cardInfo );
	cardInfo.busWidth = SD_CARD_BUSWIDTH( cardInfo );

	return 0;