void transferThread::send(const QString &filename)
    QFile file(filename);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        qCritical("Could not open the file.");
    emit sendLock(true);
    this->m_stop = false;
    quint32 step_size = 116;
    const quint32 from = 0;
    const quint32 to = file.size();

    quint32 progress, oldprogress;
    qint32 read;
    char *buf2 = new char[step_size];

    qDebug() << "File size" << file.size();

    if (!this->m_btl->eraseFlash(file.size())) {

        emit sendStatus("Erase failed");
        emit sendLog("Erase failed");
        qDebug() << "Erase failed";
        emit sendLock(false);
    else {
        emit sendStatus("Erase OK");
        emit sendLog("Erase OK");
        qDebug() << "Erase OK";

    qInformal() << "Writing from" << "0x"+QString::number(from, 16) << "to" << "0x"+QString::number(to, 16);

    emit sendStatus("Transfering");
    emit sendLog("Transfering");

    progress = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<=file.size(); i+=step_size) {

        if (this->m_stop)

        if (file.atEnd()) {
            qDebug() << "End Of File";

        memset(buf2, 0, step_size);
        if ((read = file.read(buf2, step_size)) <= 0)
        qDebug() << "Read" << read << "Bytes from disk";
        QByteArray buf(buf2, read);

        if (this->m_btl->writeFlash(i, &buf, step_size) < read){
            emit sendStatus("Transfer failed");
            emit sendLog("Transfer failed");

        oldprogress = progress;
        progress = (i*100)/file.size();
        if (progress > oldprogress) { // Push only if number has increased
            emit sendProgress(progress);
            qInformal() << "Progress:"<< QString::number(progress)+"%";

    emit sendLoaderStatus("Idle");
    delete buf2;

    emit sendProgress(100);
    emit sendStatus("Transfer done");
    emit sendLog("Transfer done");
    qInformal() << "Transfer done";

    emit sendLock(false);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * The thread method that handles calling send for the individual sockets.
 * Control packets will always be tried to be sent first. If there is any bandwidth leftover
 * after that, send() for the upload slot sockets will be called in priority order until we have run
 * out of available bandwidth for this loop. Upload slots will not be allowed to go without having sent
 * called for more than a defined amount of time (i.e. two seconds).
 * @return always returns 0.
void* UploadBandwidthThrottler::Entry()
	const uint32 TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS = 1;
	uint32 lastLoopTick = GetTickCountFullRes();
	// Bytes to spend in current cycle. If we spend more this becomes negative and causes a wait next time.
	sint32 bytesToSpend = 0;
	uint32 allowedDataRate = 0;
	uint32 rememberedSlotCounter = 0;
	uint32 extraSleepTime = TIME_BETWEEN_UPLOAD_LOOPS;
	while (m_doRun && !TestDestroy()) {
		uint32 timeSinceLastLoop = GetTickCountFullRes() - lastLoopTick;

		// Calculate data rate
		if (thePrefs::GetMaxUpload() == UNLIMITED) {
			// Try to increase the upload rate from UploadSpeedSense
			allowedDataRate = (uint32)theStats::GetUploadRate() + 5 * 1024;
		} else {
			allowedDataRate = thePrefs::GetMaxUpload() * 1024;

		uint32 minFragSize = 1300;
		uint32 doubleSendSize = minFragSize*2; // send two packages at a time so they can share an ACK
		if (allowedDataRate < 6*1024) {
			minFragSize = 536;
			doubleSendSize = minFragSize; // don't send two packages at a time at very low speeds to give them a smoother load

		uint32 sleepTime;
		if (bytesToSpend < 1) {
			// We have sent more than allowed in last cycle so we have to wait now
			// until we can send at least 1 byte.
			sleepTime = std::max((-bytesToSpend + 1) * 1000 / allowedDataRate + 2, // add 2 ms to allow for rounding inaccuracies
		} else {
			// We could send at once, but sleep a while to not suck up all cpu
			sleepTime = extraSleepTime;

		if (timeSinceLastLoop < sleepTime) {

		// Check after sleep in case the thread has been signaled to end
		if (!m_doRun || TestDestroy()) {

		const uint32 thisLoopTick = GetTickCountFullRes();
		timeSinceLastLoop = thisLoopTick - lastLoopTick;
		lastLoopTick = thisLoopTick;

		if (timeSinceLastLoop > sleepTime + 2000) {
			AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, CFormat(wxT("UploadBandwidthThrottler: Time since last loop too long. time: %ims wanted: %ims Max: %ims")) 
				% timeSinceLastLoop % sleepTime % (sleepTime + 2000));

			timeSinceLastLoop = sleepTime + 2000;

		// Calculate how many bytes we can spend

		bytesToSpend += (sint32) (allowedDataRate / 1000.0 * timeSinceLastLoop);

		if (bytesToSpend >= 1) {
			sint32 spentBytes = 0;
			sint32 spentOverhead = 0;

			wxMutexLocker sendLock(m_sendLocker);

				wxMutexLocker queueLock(m_tempQueueLocker);

				// are there any sockets in m_TempControlQueue_list? Move them to normal m_ControlQueue_list;
				m_ControlQueueFirst_list.insert(	m_ControlQueueFirst_list.end(),
													m_TempControlQueueFirst_list.end() );

				m_ControlQueue_list.insert( m_ControlQueue_list.end(), 
											m_TempControlQueue_list.end() );

			// Send any queued up control packets first
			while (spentBytes < bytesToSpend && (!m_ControlQueueFirst_list.empty() || !m_ControlQueue_list.empty())) {
				ThrottledControlSocket* socket = NULL;
				if (!m_ControlQueueFirst_list.empty()) {
					socket = m_ControlQueueFirst_list.front();
				} else if (!m_ControlQueue_list.empty()) {
					socket = m_ControlQueue_list.front();
				if (socket != NULL) {
					SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes = socket->SendControlData(bytesToSpend-spentBytes, minFragSize);
					spentBytes += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets + socketSentBytes.sentBytesStandardPackets;
					spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets;
			// Check if any sockets haven't gotten data for a long time. Then trickle them a package.
			uint32 slots = m_StandardOrder_list.size();
			for (uint32 slotCounter = 0; slotCounter < slots; slotCounter++) {
				ThrottledFileSocket* socket = m_StandardOrder_list[ slotCounter ];
				if (socket != NULL) {
					if (thisLoopTick-socket->GetLastCalledSend() > SEC2MS(1)) {
						// trickle
						uint32 neededBytes = socket->GetNeededBytes();
						if (neededBytes > 0) {
							SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes = socket->SendFileAndControlData(neededBytes, minFragSize);
							spentBytes += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets + socketSentBytes.sentBytesStandardPackets;
							spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets;
				} else {
					AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, CFormat( wxT("There was a NULL socket in the UploadBandwidthThrottler Standard list (trickle)! Prevented usage. Index: %i Size: %i"))
						% slotCounter % m_StandardOrder_list.size());
			// Give available bandwidth to slots, starting with the one we ended with last time.
			// There are two passes. First pass gives packets of doubleSendSize, second pass
			// gives as much as possible.
			// Second pass starts with the last slot of the first pass actually.
			for (uint32 slotCounter = 0; (slotCounter < slots * 2) && spentBytes < bytesToSpend; slotCounter++) {
				if (rememberedSlotCounter >= slots) {	// wrap around pointer
					rememberedSlotCounter = 0;

				uint32 data = (slotCounter < slots - 1)	? doubleSendSize				// pass 1
															: (bytesToSpend - spentBytes);	// pass 2

				ThrottledFileSocket* socket = m_StandardOrder_list[ rememberedSlotCounter ];

				if (socket != NULL) {
					SocketSentBytes socketSentBytes = socket->SendFileAndControlData(data, doubleSendSize);
					spentBytes += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets + socketSentBytes.sentBytesStandardPackets;
					spentOverhead += socketSentBytes.sentBytesControlPackets;
				} else {
					AddDebugLogLineN(logGeneral, CFormat(wxT("There was a NULL socket in the UploadBandwidthThrottler Standard list (equal-for-all)! Prevented usage. Index: %i Size: %i"))
						% rememberedSlotCounter % m_StandardOrder_list.size());


			// Do some limiting of what we keep for the next loop.
			bytesToSpend -= spentBytes;
			sint32 minBytesToSpend = (slots + 1) * minFragSize;

			if (bytesToSpend < - minBytesToSpend) {
				bytesToSpend = - minBytesToSpend;
			} else {
				sint32 bandwidthSavedTolerance = slots * 512 + 1;
				if (bytesToSpend > bandwidthSavedTolerance) {
					bytesToSpend = bandwidthSavedTolerance;
			m_SentBytesSinceLastCall += spentBytes;
			m_SentBytesSinceLastCallOverhead += spentOverhead;

			if (spentBytes == 0) {	// spentBytes includes the overhead
				extraSleepTime = std::min<uint32>(extraSleepTime * 5, 1000); // 1s at most
			} else {

		wxMutexLocker queueLock(m_tempQueueLocker);

	wxMutexLocker sendLock(m_sendLocker);

	return 0;
void transferThread::verify(const QString &filename)
    QFile file(filename);
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        qCritical("Could not open the file.");
    emit sendLock(true);
    this->m_stop = false;
    const quint32 buf_size = 512;
    const quint32 from = 0;
    const quint32 to = file.size();
    qInformal() << "Reading from" << QString::number(from, 16) << "to" << QString::number(to, 16);
    quint32 addr, progress, oldprogress;
    QByteArray data_local, data_remote;

    progress = 0;
    for (quint32 i=0; i<file.size(); i+=buf_size)
        if (this->m_stop)


        data_local = file.read(buf_size);
        qDebug() << "Read" << data_local.size() << "Bytes from disk";
        addr = i;

        if (!data_local.size()) break;
        int read_size = this->m_btl->readMem(addr, &data_remote, data_local.size());
        if (read_size < data_local.size()) {// Read same amount of data as from file.

            emit sendProgress(0);
            emit sendStatus("Verification Failed");
            qInformal() << "Verification Failed";
            qInformal() << "read" << read_size << "valid" << data_local.size();
            emit sendLock(false);

        if (data_remote != data_local) {

            emit sendProgress(100);
            emit sendStatus("Verification failed at 0x"+QString::number(addr, 16));

            QString stmp, sbuf;
            for (int b=0;b<data_local.size();b++) {
                stmp.append(QString().sprintf("%02X ", (uchar)data_local.at(b)));
                sbuf.append(QString().sprintf("%02X ", (uchar)data_remote.at(b)));
            qCritical() << "Verification failed at 0x"+QString::number(addr, 16) <<
                           "\r\n Expecting:" << stmp << "\r\n       Got:" << sbuf;
            emit sendLock(false);
        oldprogress = progress;
        progress = (i*100)/file.size();
        if (progress > oldprogress) { // Push only if number has increased
            emit sendProgress(progress);
            qInformal() << "Progress:"<< QString::number(progress)+"%";
        emit sendStatus("Verified "+QString::number(i/1024)+" kilobytes out of "+QString::number(file.size()/1024));

    emit sendProgress(100);
    emit sendStatus("Verification OK");
    qInformal() << "Verification OK";
    emit sendLock(false);