Exemplo n.º 1
void sendEntitiesList(Player *player)
    levelLoadMutex.lock(); // Protect player->inGame
    if (player->inGame == 0) // Not yet in game, send player's ponies list (Characters scene)
        win.logMessage("UDP: Sending ponies list");
    else if (player->inGame > 1) // Not supposed to happen, let's do it anyway
        win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Entities list already sent to ")+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId)
                       +", resending anyway");
    else // Loading finished, sending entities list
    win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Sending entities list to ")+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId));
    Scene* scene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName); // Spawn all the players on the client
    for (int i=0; i<scene->players.size(); i++)
        sendNetviewInstantiate(&scene->players[i]->pony, player);

    // Send npcs
    for (int i=0; i<win.npcs.size(); i++)
        if (win.npcs[i]->sceneName.toLower() == player->pony.sceneName.toLower())
            win.logMessage("UDP: Sending NPC "+win.npcs[i]->name);
            sendNetviewInstantiate(win.npcs[i], player);

    // Spawn some mobs in Zecoras
    if (scene->name.toLower() == "zecoras")
        sendNetviewInstantiate(player,"mobs/dragon", win.getNewId(), win.getNewNetviewId(), {-33.0408, 0.000425577, 101.766}, {0,-1,0,1});

    player->inGame = 2;

    // Send stats of the client's pony
    sendSetMaxStatRPC(player, 0, 100);
    sendSetStatRPC(player, 0, 100);
    sendSetMaxStatRPC(player, 1, 100);
    sendSetStatRPC(player, 1, 100);
Exemplo n.º 2
void sendEntitiesList(Player *player)
    levelLoadMutex.lock(); // Protect player->inGame
    if (player->inGame == 0) // Not yet in game, send player's ponies list (Characters scene)
    else if (player->inGame > 1) // Not supposed to happen, let's do it anyway
        win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Entities list already sent to ")+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId)
                       +", resending anyway");
    else // Loading finished, sending entities list
    win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Sending entities list to ")+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId));
    Scene* scene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName); // Spawn all the players on the client
    for (int i=0; i<scene->players.size(); i++)
        sendNetviewInstantiate(scene->players[i], player);

    /// SEND DONUT STEEL (in front of the mirror)
    if (scene->name == "RaritysBoutique")
        win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Sending Donut Steel to ")+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId));
        sendNetviewInstantiate(player,"PlayerBase",0,0,UVector(24.7333,-1.16802,-51.7106), UQuaternion(0,-0.25,0,1));

    player->inGame = 2;

    // Send stats of the client's pony
    sendSetMaxStatRPC(player, 0, 100);
    sendSetStatRPC(player, 0, 100);
    sendSetMaxStatRPC(player, 1, 100);
    sendSetStatRPC(player, 1, 100);
Exemplo n.º 3
void sendLoadSceneRPC(Player* player, QString sceneName) // Loads a scene and send to the default spawn
    win.logMessage(QString("UDP: Loading scene \"") + sceneName + "\" on "+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId));
    Vortex vortex = findVortex(sceneName, 0);
    if (vortex.destName.isEmpty())
        win.logMessage("UDP: Scene not in vortex DB. Aborting scene load.");

    Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName);
    Scene* oldScene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName);
    if (scene->name.isEmpty() || oldScene->name.isEmpty())
        win.logMessage("UDP: Can't find the scene, aborting");

    // Update scene players
    //win.logMessage("sendLoadSceneRPC: locking");
    player->pony.pos = vortex.destPos;
    player->pony.sceneName = sceneName;
    player->lastValidReceivedAnimation.clear(); // Changing scenes resets animations
    Player::removePlayer(oldScene->players, player->IP, player->port);
    if (oldScene->name != sceneName)
        // Send remove RPC to the other players of the old scene
        for (int i=0; i<oldScene->players.size(); i++)
            sendNetviewRemove(oldScene->players[i], player->pony.netviewId);

        // Send instantiate to the players of the new scene
        for (int i=0; i<scene->players.size(); i++)
            if (scene->players[i]->inGame>=2)
                sendNetviewInstantiate(player, scene->players[i]);
    scene->players << player;

    QByteArray data(1,5);
    data += stringToData(sceneName);
    sendMessage(player,MsgUserReliableOrdered6,data); // Sends a 48
    //win.logMessage("sendLoadSceneRPC: unlocking");
Exemplo n.º 4
void sendLoadSceneRPC(Player* player, QString sceneName, UVector pos) // Loads a scene and send to the given pos
    win.logMessage(QString(QString("UDP: Loading scene \"")+sceneName
                           +"\" to "+QString().setNum(player->pony.netviewId)
                           +" at "+QString().setNum(pos.x)+" "
                           +QString().setNum(pos.y)+" "

    Scene* scene = findScene(sceneName);
    Scene* oldScene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName);
    if (scene->name.isEmpty() || oldScene->name.isEmpty())
        win.logMessage("UDP: Can't find the scene, aborting");

    // Update scene players
    //win.logMessage("sendLoadSceneRPC pos: locking");
    player->pony.pos = pos;
    player->pony.sceneName = sceneName.toLower();
    player->lastValidReceivedAnimation.clear(); // Changing scenes resets animations
    Player::removePlayer(oldScene->players, player->IP, player->port);
    if (oldScene->name.toLower() != sceneName.toLower())
        // Send remove RPC to the other players of the old scene
        for (int i=0; i<oldScene->players.size(); i++)
            sendNetviewRemove(oldScene->players[i], player->pony.netviewId);

        // Send instantiate to the players of the new scene
        for (int i=0; i<scene->players.size(); i++)
            if (scene->players[i]->inGame>=2)
                sendNetviewInstantiate(&player->pony, scene->players[i]);
    scene->players << player;

    QByteArray data(1,5);
    data += stringToData(sceneName.toLower());
    sendMessage(player,MsgUserReliableOrdered6,data); // Sends a 48
    //win.logMessage("sendLoadSceneRPC pos: unlocking");
void receiveChatMessage(QByteArray msg, Player* player)
    QString txt = dataToString(msg.mid(7));
    QString author = player->pony.name;
    //logMessage("Chat "+author+":"+txt);

    if (txt.startsWith("/stuck") || txt.startsWith("unstuck me"))
        sendLoadSceneRPC(player, player->pony.sceneName);
    else if (txt == ":anhero")
        QTimer *anheroTimer = new QTimer();

        QString deadPlayerName = player->name;

        QObject::connect(anheroTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [=]() {
            // Find player again instead of reusing pointer, in case they disconnect
            Player* deadPlayer = Player::findPlayer(Player::udpPlayers, deadPlayerName);
            if (deadPlayer->connected && deadPlayer->pony.dead) {
                sendSetStatRPC(deadPlayer, 1, deadPlayer->pony.health);
                Scene* scene = findScene(deadPlayer->pony.sceneName);
                for (Player* other : scene->players)
                    sendNetviewInstantiate(&deadPlayer->pony, other);
                deadPlayer->pony.dead = false;
            delete anheroTimer;
            // Don't delete deadPlayer here. That kills the player's session
          } );
        if (!player->pony.dead)
            player->pony.dead = true;
            sendSetStatRPC(player, 1, 0);
            Scene* scene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName);
            for (Player* other : scene->players)
                sendNetviewRemove(other, player->pony.netviewId, NetviewRemoveReasonKill);
    else if (txt == ":commands")
        sendChatMessage(player, "<span color=\"yellow\">List of Commands:</span><br /><em>:roll</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Rolls a random number between 00 and 99</span><br /><em>:msg player message</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Sends a private message to a player</span><br /><em>:names</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Lists all players on the server</span><br /><em>:me action</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">States your current action</span><br /><em>:tp location</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Teleports your pony to the specified region</span>", "[Server]", ChatLocal);
    else if (txt.startsWith(":msg"))
        if(txt.count(" ") < 2)
            sendChatMessage(player, ":msg<br /><span color=\"yellow\">Usage:</span><br /><em>:msg player message</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Player names are case-insensitive, ignore spaces and you do not need to type out their full name.</span>", author, ChatLocal);
            for (int i=0; i<Player::udpPlayers.size(); i++)
                if (Player::udpPlayers[i]->inGame>=2 && Player::udpPlayers[i]->pony.name.toLower().remove(" ")
                        .startsWith(txt.toLower().section(" ", 1, 1)))
                    txt = txt.remove(0, txt.indexOf(" ", 5) + 1);
                    sendChatMessage(Player::udpPlayers[i], "<span color=\"yellow\">[PM] </span>" + txt, author, ChatLocal);
                    sendChatMessage(player, "<span color=\"yellow\">[PM to "
                                    + Player::udpPlayers[i]->pony.name + "] </span>" + txt, author, ChatLocal);
    else if (txt.startsWith(":names"))
        QString namesmsg = "<span color=\"yellow\">Players currently in game:</span>";

        for (int i=0; i<Player::udpPlayers.size(); i++)
            if (Player::udpPlayers[i]->inGame>=2)
                namesmsg += "<br />#b" + Player::udpPlayers[i]->pony.name
                        + "#b<br /><span color=\"yellow\"> - in "
                        + Player::udpPlayers[i]->pony.sceneName + "</span>";

        sendChatMessage(player, namesmsg, "[Server]", ChatLocal);
    else if (txt.startsWith(":tp"))
        if (txt.count(" ") < 1)
          QString msgtosend = ":tp<br /><span color=\"yellow\">Usage:</span><br /><em>:tp location</em><br /><span color=\"yellow\">Available locations:</span><em>";

            for (int i=0; i<Scene::scenes.size(); i++)
                msgtosend += "<br />" + Scene::scenes[i].name;

            sendChatMessage(player, msgtosend + "</em>", author, ChatLocal);

            sendLoadSceneRPC(player, txt.remove(0, 4));
    else if (txt == ":me")
        sendChatMessage(player, ":me<br /><span color=\"yellow\">Usage:</span><br /><em>:me action</em>", author, ChatLocal);
    else // Broadcast the message
        int rollnum = -1;
        QString rollstr;
        bool actmsg = false;

        if (txt == ":roll")
            if (player->chatRollCooldownEnd < QDateTime::currentDateTime())
                rollnum = qrand() % 100;
                rollstr.sprintf("<span color=\"yellow\">#b%s#b rolls %02d</span>", author.toLocal8Bit().data(), rollnum);
                player->chatRollCooldownEnd = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(10);
        if (txt.startsWith(":me "))
            actmsg = true;
            txt.remove(0, 3);
            txt = "<em>#b* " + author + "#b" + txt + "</em>";
        if ((quint8)msg[6] == 8) // Local chat only
            Scene* scene = findScene(player->pony.sceneName);
            if (scene->name.isEmpty())
                logMessage(QObject::tr("UDP: Can't find the scene for chat message, aborting"));
                for (int i=0; i<scene->players.size(); i++)
                    if (scene->players[i]->inGame>=2)
                        if (rollnum > -1)
                            sendChatMessage(scene->players[i], rollstr, "[Server]", ChatLocal);
                        else if (actmsg)
                            sendChatMessage(scene->players[i], txt, "", ChatLocal);
                        else if (txt.startsWith(">"))
                            sendChatMessage(scene->players[i], "<span color=\"green\">" + txt + "</span>", author, ChatLocal);
                            sendChatMessage(scene->players[i], txt, author, ChatLocal);
        else // Send globally
            for (int i=0; i<Player::udpPlayers.size(); i++)
                if (Player::udpPlayers[i]->inGame>=2)
                    if (rollnum > -1)
                        sendChatMessage(Player::udpPlayers[i], rollstr, "[Server]", ChatGeneral);
                    else if (actmsg)
                        sendChatMessage(Player::udpPlayers[i], txt, "", ChatGeneral);
                    else if (txt.startsWith(">"))
                        sendChatMessage(Player::udpPlayers[i], "<span color=\"green\">" + txt + "</span>", author, ChatGeneral);
                        sendChatMessage(Player::udpPlayers[i], txt, author, ChatGeneral);
